Redevelopment in a 9-storey panel building. The law prohibiting redevelopment in panel houses. Remodeling of the bathroom and toilet in a panel house

Demolish a couple of walls, make a doorway where it never existed, move the kitchen into the corridor, and put water and sewer pipes on the ceiling - the fantasy of new settlers who have just received the keys to the long-awaited "squares" can sometimes not be stopped. Even our legislation is not always able to stop the grandiose plans of the townspeople - a well-grounded “I can’t” against an ardent “I want” often turns out to be powerless. Even less attention in such cases is paid to the comfort of neighbors, who, due to the whims of the residents from above, may find themselves in a sound trap: in a bedroom designed by architects, listening to someone directly above their heads, or realizing with horror that a neighbor accustomed to luxury has installed a Jacuzzi in the middle living room. Why Belarusians are remodeling their apartments and what needs to be done in order not to receive an order to return everything to its original state, read in our report.

Is free planning so free?

- In recent years, the word “re-planning” has been on everyone's lips, but this does not mean that they have begun to re-make apartments only recently. Housing has always been changed for themselves, just before no one even thought about the fact that each step must be calculated and coordinated. It was considered as follows: my apartment - I do what I want,- Sergey Blinkov, a specialist in coordinating redevelopment at, argues. - Remember the Soviet years: almost every owner of an apartment in a panel house considered it his duty to knock out a ventilation shaft and put a refrigerator in its place. In Khrushchev houses, where passage rooms were often found, people tried to cut off a piece from a large room and, due to this, make a corridor, thereby obtaining isolated rooms.

The realization that redevelopment should be carried out according to the rules, and not purely from personal preferences, has not yet come to everyone today. Many people think that the wording “apartment with a free layout” removes responsibility and allows you to implement any ideas, regardless of the law. But it's not. The layout is only partly free, the owner is still obliged to adhere to the general provisions. And there are no reservations here. Therefore, moving the bathroom to another part of the apartment or “teleporting” the kitchen into a seemingly more suitable room without permission will not work. What can we say about a panel house, where all the walls are load-bearing. Just recently, an article caught my eye in which the owner, without a shadow of doubt, told how he combined the kitchen with the loggia and, moreover, made an opening in the wall into the living room (symbolically strengthening it). The most interesting thing is that the man was completely sure that he was right: he did it beautifully in his apartment - which means that it is possible.

- It is clear that it is impossible to design an ideal housing, something will not suit someone. In general, it often turns out according to the classics: there is no opening - you need to make it, there is - urgently lay it. Such is the essence of man: you always want changes. Yes, and in principle it is difficult to refrain from "innovations" when everyone around just says that something has been redone. It turns out like this: everyone is “bombing” redevelopment, which means I need it too. There was a case when a girl, having received the keys to the apartment and not finding anything to complain about, decided to change the shape of the bathroom from square to round. We barely managed to dissuade her, explaining that it would be inconvenient to place plumbing and furniture,- adds the developer of project documentation Sergey Biryuk.

Never do it

Redevelopment is not only a noisy, dusty and costly business, but also requiring compliance with many nuances. Most of the wishes of a newcomer can be broken by the severity of the legislative system even at the stage of thinking through the configuration of the premises. Despite regular changes in this area, there are unshakable rules that are more expensive to break: firstly, no one agrees on such a flight of fancy, secondly, large-scale changes can affect the structural strength of the whole house, and thirdly, if you still if you do something forbidden secretly, and the public utilities will find out about it, then you will not only be fined, but also forced to return the apartment to the design state (and all at your own expense and under the constant supervision of specialists).

1. Do not touch the supporting columns under any pretext

- Some people perceive monolithic load-bearing columns as something unimportant, annoying and only interfering with their plans. Like, sticking out something massive in the middle of the room - neither here nor there. But you need to pay attention to such things even before concluding an agreement on shared construction or buying real estate, Sergey warns. - Nothing can be done with the columns: neither ditch, nor cut off the excess, much less cut at the root.

Sometimes I see people discussing absolutely crazy things on the forums: some people want to cut down the protruding edge of the column, thus making the wall even. It doesn’t matter to them that the dimensions of the columns were calculated by competent people and were laid just like that for a reason. For example, in this apartment, a monolithic problem 60 centimeters wide with a protrusion of 5 centimeters was solved due to drywall - yes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room became a little smaller as a result, but this is not as scary as shredding a column in an apartment, which is also located on one of lower floors.

I also had to deal with this option: a plumber, hired by an ad thrown in a mailbox, chiseled a column to hide pipes in it. The owners did not suspect anything: he is a professional…

There was also a completely wild case: a man approached us to agree on an unauthorized redevelopment. Among other things, a zest was found in his apartment: neat rectangular niches were knocked out in one of the columns, in which he put an alarm clock, vases, and photographs. The man did not understand at all why no one agreed to take on his object: they say, what is so terrible in these niche shelves, because it is so convenient to put trinkets in them?

2. Forget about ventilation shafts: knocking them out and even changing the location of the ventilation hole is prohibited

Take ventilation shafts and ventilation ducts, as well as monolithic columns, for granted: you cannot touch them. Any movement is prohibited. It’s not worth moving the vent even a dozen centimeters: the air flows from your and neighboring apartments can mix, and the hood will no longer function as it should.

3. Give up the idea of ​​​​combining a loggia (balcony) and a heated room

- This is perhaps one of the most popular illegal redevelopment. By the way, many years ago this could have been done and agreed upon. But since then, the laws have changed several times, and now this approach is out of the rules. The most interesting thing is that options for apartments with a combination can often be seen for sale on various sites. It is obvious that the problems with returning the premises to the design state will fall on the shoulders of the new owner, if the services operating the house are suddenly interested in this moment.

The ban on connecting a cold room to a heated one was invented for a reason: the house is a closed circuit, and this circuit is considered along a thick outer wall. That is, when combining, the heat engineering calculation for the apartment and house is violated, and fire regulations are not observed (in the event of a fire in the apartment, it is necessary to wait for the help of rescuers if it is impossible to leave the premises on the balcony). The issue with batteries remains unresolved: some take them directly to the loggia, hanging them on a thin street partition, those who are especially thrifty to their taste increase the number of ribs - all this is illegal, wrong and entails many problems, including for innocent neighbors. Most often, people are faced with the fact that they simply freeze after such redevelopment. Even the insulation of the walls of the loggia does not always save.

If you really want to add light, you can make a French window: move the battery (without changing its power - this moment is very important) and cut through a new large opening, subsequently glazing it. But this can be done only by coordinating with all services,- Sergey Biryuk warns.

4. Living space without natural light is taboo

According to our legislation, a dwelling cannot be left without natural light, that is, there must always be a window (this also applies to the kitchen). The requirement is quite reasonable. People get around this moment by arranging dressing rooms, pantries and the like according to the registration certificate.

If you are the owner of a large room with wall-to-wall windows and want to divide it into two, nothing will work. Partitions should not fall into window openings. So the idea will have to be abandoned. In addition, the dwelling must have an area of ​​​​at least 9 square meters. m.

5. Swapping the bathroom and kitchen will not work, but you can expand

No matter how much someone would like to make castling of “wet” premises, no one will ever agree to approve such a controversial decision. Also, they will not be allowed to organize a bathroom above the living room. But you can expand the bathroom at the expense of the room, but with restrictions - no more than 25% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “wet” room (there are exceptions for apartments on the first floor). That is, if the bathroom occupies 3 square meters. m, then it can add less than a "square". The situation is much simpler with the corridor - you can safely occupy it, leaving a normalized place for passage. And do not forget about waterproofing: the floor and walls (to a height of 30 centimeters) of an enlarged room must be treated with a special composition, and not independently, but by specialists from a certified organization and with the involvement of technical supervision.

This number will not work

There are other prohibitions, but they are more related to the architectural appearance of buildings, which is quite difficult for an ordinary tenant to influence. But again, it is unlikely that anyone will allow to break through one French window in the old Khrushchev, when all the others remain standard. What can we say about houses of historical and cultural value.

6. You can’t buy a large apartment and “cut” it into two or three small ones.

The ingenious plan of enrichment will not work. And if the walls in the "framework" can still be placed at your discretion (almost), then it is strictly forbidden to add bathrooms, kitchen areas and openings for entrance doors out of the blue. With our laws, this is not feasible.

The panel is not yet a verdict

Despite the fact that in a panel house all the walls are load-bearing, you can still play with the layout. Not as global as in the "framework", but in any case it's better than nothing. According to the observations of experts, residents of panel high-rise buildings most often make two requests: to combine a bathroom (since the toilet and bathroom are very small) and to make an opening from the kitchen to the living room. There are also not quite typical requests: for example, people have purchased two adjacent apartments and want to make a passage from one to the other.

- It is possible to affect load-bearing walls, but only in compliance with many rules,- the employee continues the conversation. - For example, there are restrictions on the width of the openings. If the wall interferes, then no matter how much you want to, you won’t be able to cut it out completely: you need to leave an indent from each edge, since there are embedded parts in the corners that cannot be cut off. Moreover, the opening must be strengthened, it is framed by a powerful metal structure. It will not work to do everything on your own and at your own discretion: you need a project, expertise with the involvement of certified organizations, specialized specialists and technical supervision. Preparation of documents and approval may take several months. The folder with documents will be quite weighty.

Read more about redevelopment in a panel house.

Impossible or possible? There are options

The popularity of living rooms with kitchen equipment is gaining momentum. It is no wonder that some Belarusians, especially owners of one-room apartments, want to change the purpose of the premises: to make a bedroom in the originally designed kitchen, and a living room with a “kitchen function” in the large room. This question is ambiguous, and the point here is not even how to lay communications ...

- Technically, this can be done, of course, with the caveat that the stove in the apartment is electric: if you have gas, then all encroachments are in vain. It seems that there is no direct ban, but there is a small clause in the law: the decision is made at the discretion of the district administration. So it turns out that in some districts of Minsk, the transfer of the kitchen to the living room (not even the corridor) is agreed without problems, while in others it is deployed on the move. How things are specifically in your area, you will not know until you apply with a plan.

Recently, another problem has been discovered - and even where they were not expected at all. A carefully thought-out and coordinated on all points large-scale redevelopment was wrapped up in one of the ZhREO due to the fact that the installation plan did not indicate the lining of the installation with drywall. Nowhere and never did such questions arise, all employees (including BRTI) perceived this as sanitary equipment. But then a precedent was born: because of such a trifle, refusing to make changes on the go, the ZhREO sends a person to "AWOL" - with the payment of a fine and everything that is due. We are still arguing on this issue, now a letter with a request for clarification is in the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities and the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. There is no answer yet, so our advice to everyone who is undergoing repairs: be sure to indicate this moment when you submit documents to One Window or ZhREO, and make sure that the installation is separately written in the decision of the executive committee,- the specialist in redevelopment warns.

- There is an opinion that it is easier to first carry out redevelopment work, and only then legalize it. The revealed illegal redevelopment threatens with a considerable fine (up to 50 basic units if the supporting structures were affected), and sometimes with an order to return the apartment to the design state,- Sergey Biryuk warns. - And if you have already purchased such an apartment, then it is better to consult with specialists and, first of all, deal with the execution of relevant documents. Who knows what the regulatory and legal framework is preparing for us in the future. And few people want to be caught in an offense, and then also spend a huge amount of time, which is always not enough, on trips to housing departments, executive committees, courts, after all ...

Agree on the redevelopment

If time permits and there is a desire to save money, redevelopment can be coordinated by yourself. specialists have prepared a cheat sheet to help you understand the sequence of actions. Let us consider the case when the alteration is large-scale and the owner will have to involve almost all involved state structures.

  • You should start with the development of a plan diagram - in other words, “it was - it became” (you can draw on a copy of the registration certificate). The idea must be coordinated with the department of architecture and construction of the administration of your district and with the partnership of owners or housing and communal services (depending on the operating organization). Consent must be obtained, including from registered adults. A copy of the personal account must be added to the package of documents (taken from the housing cooperative, housing and communal services, RSC). If the apartment was built for credit funds, then you will also have to obtain the consent of the bank for redevelopment (the key phrase should be in the document: the bank does not object to redevelopment, provided that it is agreed in the prescribed manner). And only after collecting all these papers, you can apply to the district administration.
  • Having received permission for redevelopment, it's time to proceed to the most important stage. First, you should conclude an agreement for the development of project documentation (of course, if your redevelopment is complex and requires it). It is important to obtain attestation from the persons developing the project. The next step is to get the specifications. A specialist should go to the site, who will directly develop a redevelopment project. It will need to be coordinated in the necessary instances: "Heat Networks", "Energonadzor", "Energosbyt" (the number of instances depends on the type of changes during redevelopment). The approvals did not end there: it is still necessary to obtain the approval of the department of architecture and construction of the district administration, as well as the partnership of owners or housing and communal services. If the load-bearing structures are affected, you will have to undergo a state examination and once again obtain permission for redevelopment.
  • The epic is still far from over: the signing of obligations by the customer is ahead (according to the list specified in the decision issued by the district administration), the conclusion of an agreement for technical supervision (it is important that the organization has attestation), the signing of contracts for the performance of each type of work, the signing of acts of inspection of hidden works representatives of the contractor, technical supervision, design organization. You will also need to collect the necessary technical documentation (for example, certification of specialists).
  • When most of the work is done, the most pleasant moments remain: submitting an application to the Minsk City Agency for State Registration and Land Cadastre and receiving a list of characteristics there. It is also necessary to write another application to the district administration - on the acceptance of redevelopment and the appointment of a commission. A lot of signatures will have to be collected, the act of commissioning the premises after redevelopment will require approval by representatives of the contractor, technical supervision, design organization, the district department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the center for hygiene and epidemiology, the department of architecture of the district, the partnership of owners (ZHES), the district administration (chairman of the commission). Having collected all the "autographs", you will receive a decision from the district administration on the approval of the act of commissioning the premises after redevelopment. After that - submitting an application to the Minsk City Agency for State Registration and Land Cadastre for registration and production of a technical passport. After a while, it will be possible to pick up this important document - and you can enjoy life.

We repeat that all these "circles of hell" will have to go through only if your redevelopment is large-scale and affects important nodes. If you just put up walls in an open-plan apartment, everything will go much easier.

Craftsmen who will carry out repairs in your re-planned apartment, look for with the help of the service

The authorities of the USSR were faced with the task of providing housing for as many people as possible, and when erecting buildings, convenience was often the last thing they thought about, to recall at least the same famous "Khrushchev". Such apartments sometimes have a small area, but at the same time a large number of partitions inside, as a result of which the rooms are small and cramped.

Old small apartments, in order to live more pleasantly, simply need redevelopment, and therefore for our people their holding is already a common thing.

This is the name of such a modification of the configuration of housing, as a result of which it is necessary to change his passport. It may include various alterations:

  • transfer or dismantling of partitions and doorways;
  • change in living space - either expansion by including non-residential premises, or, conversely, the allocation of part of it for auxiliary ones;
  • enlargement or downscaling of rooms;
  • an increase in the number of bathrooms or kitchens;
  • alteration of the entrances to the rooms to exclude adjacency;
  • changing the layout of vestibules or allocating new ones;
  • other similar changes.

The flight of fancy can be very different, and there are still quite a lot of redevelopment options - from the demolition of several walls to turn the apartment into a newfangled studio, to the sewer and water pipes on the ceiling.

However, not everything is allowed, it is required to coordinate future redevelopment with local authorities in advance. If it can lead to problems in the operation of engineering systems, equipment failures, or even more so if it is fraught with a decrease in the strength of structures, then it will not be allowed.

Normative base

The main legislative act that forms the regulatory framework for redevelopment is the Housing Code. There are others, detailing some of the nuances of the conduct. These are Government Decree No. 508 “On the organization of redevelopment”, Federal Law No. 384 “Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures”, which stipulates what can and cannot be done during redevelopment, Government Decree No. 1047-r, approving standards and rules for security.

There are some others - we will not list all of them, since the regulatory framework for redevelopment is quite extensive. Therefore, it is important to know the basic nuances, or turn to professionals for drafting, otherwise a violation of any of the provisions relating to it is inevitable.

Differences from reorganization

If equipment is installed and changes are made to engineering networks to ensure their functioning, this process is called reorganization. As a result, you will need to make changes to the sanitary-technical passport. For example, if an electric stove is installed instead of a gas stove, this will be considered a refurbishment, as well as the installation of new equipment, due to which it is necessary to change the conductive networks, since the consumption of resources will increase.

The key difference is that during redevelopment, the very configuration of the room changes, its walls, doorways, partitions, and during reorganization, the equipment in the apartment changes, and the boundaries of the rooms will not be modified. Accordingly, the reorganization should be coordinated with the specialized services responsible for the communication that will be reorganized (sometimes with several).

Features of panel houses

Since panel houses are built from panels or slabs or other similar materials, redevelopment in them must be carried out more carefully than, for example, in brick ones.

If the integrity of one block is violated incorrectly, an entire section of the building may collapse. Any interior wall in such a house is considered conditionally load-bearing, and heaters are very often built directly into the walls, which only complicates the redevelopment.

As a result, the violation of the integrity of the wall in a panel house must be carefully prepared so as not to lead to damage or even complete collapse of the ceilings or problems with heat supply.

Determining non-load-bearing walls that allow intervention is fairly easy: such a wall is usually less than 14 centimeters thick because it does not carry a load, and is often made of drywall. As a result, redevelopment associated with a change in the configuration of such walls does not cause any particular problems, or if it is intended, on the contrary, to add partitions.

But in order to carry out redevelopment in a panel house, which qualifies as complex, for example, if you need to combine rooms or make a serious change in configuration, you will need to draw up project documentation and carry out engineering calculations, which specialists should do.

To make a conclusion about the very possibility of a complex redevelopment, factors such as the age of the building, the material from which it is built, and its design are important. When considering the issue in the housing inspection, an important factor will also be whether redevelopment has already been carried out on the lower floors - if they have already been carried out, a refusal may follow. This is due to the relative "fragility" of the panel house. Note: the housing inspectorate is more sympathetic to redevelopment with a change in load-bearing walls, carried out on the upper floors.

Permitted types of work

In the heat of rework, a lot of things can be rescheduled - and not every homeowner is at least a little worried about the comfort of their neighbors, who, after everything, may not be particularly pleased to listen in the bedroom at night, as somehow on the floor above they fry cutlets or sing in bathroom. Of course, all such considerations must be taken into account, and besides, there is also a safety factor - careless redevelopment can lead to sad consequences, up to the collapse of a weakened wall.

There are clear rules and restrictions - redevelopment will need to be agreed, and for this it should include only permitted types of work. This is especially true for a panel house, the walls of which are especially vulnerable.

List of permitted works:

  • Demolition or relocation of partitions, except for load-bearing ones.
  • Installation of new doorways (prohibited in load-bearing walls).
  • Expansion of living space by including in it the territory originally reserved for a corridor, pantry, loggia.
  • Increasing the area of ​​​​a bathroom or toilet by including the territory of non-residential premises in them.
  • Combining two rooms allocated for a bathroom.
  • Combining living room and kitchen (but may require refurbishment).
  • Equipment for an additional bathroom or kitchen - but it is required that they are not located above or below the living room.
  • Transfer of engineering structures.
  • And even the union of several apartments.

All of these actions are united by the fact that they should not affect the supporting structures. This, however, does not mean that their law will prohibit touching at all - in order to carry out redevelopment, which includes changing them, a technical opinion will be needed, from which it will follow that this does not pose any security threat.

Coordination of work

To carry out redevelopment, you must first coordinate it with the local authorities - sometimes it is carried out without coordination, but then there is a risk that it will not be subsequently approved. This means that you have to redo everything back, of course, at your own expense. Therefore, it is better to take care of the approval in advance, even if the redevelopment fully fits into the list of permitted works given earlier.

In order to pass the approval, you will need to submit a redevelopment project drawn up by a licensed organization, and it is he who will be agreed further. When drawing up a project, one should take into account all the provisions of legislative acts that regulate this area.

If the dwelling is part of a house with historical, cultural or similar value, then the redevelopment will first need to be coordinated with the bodies involved in the protection of monuments - and this will most likely be very difficult even for far from the most radical redevelopment options.

It is necessary to highlight the works that are not allowed and will not be approved:

  • Carried out without the permission of other homeowners or tenants. And if common house property is affected, then the consent of other tenants who have the right to use it will be required.
  • Deteriorating living conditions.
  • Threatening load-bearing structures, and hence the integrity of the structure.
  • Held in dilapidated houses that are planned to be demolished within three years.
  • Combining a kitchen with a gas stove and a living room or bathroom will not be approved.

Other options may also be included here, including those that are not foreseen at all - and citizens may have the most exotic ideas on this matter. If redevelopment is refused, if it is clearly not reflected in the legislation that it is impossible, and you think that this option is quite suitable, and there were no satisfactory explanations regarding the reasons for the refusal, you can try to sue and get permission.

It should be noted that in all regions housing inspectorates have standard designs developed for the types of buildings most common in the region. This was done for the convenience of residents, because if you carry out redevelopment according to such a project, then the coordination will be much easier and faster - the housing inspectorate will not need to consider the project.

In addition, the use of a standard project allows citizens to save on the services of companies involved in the development of projects. For example, Muscovites can find such standard projects on the website of the Moscow Housing Inspection, after which all that remains is to collect documents and obtain permission.

The process of coordination and reconstruction by stages looks like this:

  • First you need to go to the BTI for a registration certificate.
  • After that, a technician is called to confirm that the apartment has not been reconstructed with redevelopment.
  • A project is ordered or a ready-made model is taken.
  • Documents are collected and submitted to the housing inspection.
  • If everything is in order, a permit is issued and a journal listing the work on the project.
  • Reconstruction is underway. It takes a year from the date of receipt of the permit, and after the expiration of this period, it will become invalid. If the work was started before the end of the year, but they did not have time to finish it, then it will be possible to increase it by a month, and then extend it every month if necessary.
  • After the completion of the work, the selection committee is called, a check is carried out according to the list in the journal, and an act of acceptance of the work performed is signed.
  • The BTI issues a new registration certificate reflecting the current state of the dwelling.

Unauthorized redevelopment

Carrying out redevelopment without coordination may entail liability in the form of a fine, and the homeowner may also end up in court and then find that he is ordered to eliminate all the consequences of the redevelopment.

It is not always that illegal redevelopment is quickly revealed, and if neighbors do not file complaints, then it can go unnoticed by the authorities for years, as a result of which the apartment owner will evade responsibility. However, there are still consequences - since sooner or later it is likely to come, it is more difficult to sell an apartment with an illegal redevelopment, this will cause difficulties in paperwork, most likely, you will need to make a discount when selling housing.


When carrying out unauthorized redevelopment, you risk getting a fine of 2,000 - 2,500 rubles and, more importantly, you may be required to carry out repairs and restore the condition of the dwelling before the redevelopment - as a result, money will be wasted on its implementation, and even on subsequent restoration.

If the owner of the property refuses to comply with this requirement, then it is possible to force the housing to be put up for auction. In the event of an emergency due to his fault, he will also be liable to the victims.

Legalization methods

If the redevelopment was nevertheless carried out arbitrarily, that is, without coordination, but no norms were violated, it is possible to legalize the changes after the fact and avoid liability. There are two ways: contact the local authorities or the court if it did not work out to solve the problem “in an amicable way”.

Through the administration

To legitimize an already completed redevelopment, you need to perform actions similar to the approval of only the planned one.

You will need to submit a housing registration certificate and a floor plan of the building with an explication and all necessary permits to the housing inspection.

If the technical passport and the plan, taking into account the changes made, have not yet been drawn up, you need to invite a specialist from the BTI to inspect and make a conclusion, and then contact a specialized company to draw up a redevelopment drawing. Legalization also provides for coordination with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the Department of Architecture.

When the documents are received, the housing inspectorate considers the issue of legalization and makes a decision.

Through the court

If it does not satisfy you, there will be only one remedy - going to court. The Housing Code states that, according to its decision, redevelopment can be recognized as legal.

Summing up, we note that although redevelopment in a panel house is associated with certain difficulties, it is most often quite possible to do it and comply with the law.

You will be interested

A technical passport, BTI certificates are provided, including a floor plan and certificates, a redevelopment project, conclusions of a technical service, SES, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the author of the project, approval of the owners of neighboring houses, a certificate of ownership in a copy certified by a notary, approval of the balance holder of the house - HOA, ZhEK , housing department or management company, etc. The visit and inspection of the premises by representatives of the Housing Inspectorate takes place last. The application indicates the need for a commission inspection. In the absence of violations, an act on the completed redevelopment work is signed. Otherwise, a notice of non-coordination of construction and installation works is sent. The document lists violations with a description of the defect. If possible, a deadline is set for their elimination, after completion, an examination is scheduled again.

Problems in the redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house

Only in this case, you can count on further coordination of redevelopment and obtaining permission. The possibility of transformations in the apartment largely depends on the general condition of the building, engineering systems, redevelopment in neighboring apartments, floors.

For example! It is impossible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall when the neighbors above or below have already made the same opening. Also, on the upper floors of the building, where the load on the load-bearing walls is minimal, it is easier to make openings than on the lower floors.

  • submission to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate of the prepared project and the necessary list of documents for redevelopment;
  • obtaining an order from the Moscow Housing Inspection with a permit for repairs;
  • hiring for work of a construction organization with the approval of the SRO in construction;
  • delivery of the finished repair to the commission of the Moscow Housing Inspection.

Rules for redevelopment of an apartment in a panel house

But this rule is provided for by federal legal acts and supervisory authorities require compliance with it. 5 Any work leading to a violation of the strength, stability of the supporting structures of the building is prohibited. We are talking, for example, about various additional openings in the walls.
By itself, the opening in a single apartment may not affect the safety of the building. And if there are many of them, say, in the same wall on each floor? The house can collapse, folded like a toy house.
For security purposes, on behalf of the Moscow government, MNIITEP has developed 127 standard redevelopment projects, 72 of which allow safe intervention in the supporting structures of the house after receiving a technical opinion on their condition. Igor Glinsky advises: use these solutions.

Everything that is not prohibited is allowed: redevelopment of the apartment

It is forbidden to increase the load on the supporting structures in excess of those allowed by the project (calculation by bearing capacity, by deformations) when installing screeds in the floors, replacing partitions made of light materials with heavier ones. It would seem a simple matter: to replace the wooden floor with parquet.


But, having disassembled the structure of the house, it is necessary to put a leveling concrete screed no thicker than 5 cm under it, otherwise this will lead to an additional load on the supporting structures. For the same reason, new partitions of foam concrete blocks, even if they are not load-bearing, should not be thicker than 7 cm.


It is also popular with Muscovites to turn balconies or loggias into bay windows or winter gardens with the help of insulation. This is not possible in all cases. But if you still want to do this, then before taking on such work, you should watch the series at home and get a technical opinion from the author of the project.

Features of redevelopment in a panel house


The condition of the technical underground is important for the operation of the house. They often try to rent it and get it into ownership to place industrial premises there.


But this space is intended only for the placement of utilities that ensure the operation of the house and its maintenance. When, in violation of the rules, the technical underground is turned into a basement, which is occupied by tenants, blocking access to locking equipment, the city often has to go to court with claims for the removal of these premises from their jurisdiction.

Fraught with consequences for the building and attempts to turn attics into attics. After all, the attic is not a place for another living space, but, first of all, the air space between the roof and the ceiling of the last floor, which provides a special humidity and temperature regime. Violation of the regime leads to damage to the structures of the house.

What is prohibited when redevelopment of a dwelling

The fact is that as a result, the heated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises will increase and specialists should see if the heating of the loggia will lead to a shortage of heat among the neighbors. 10 It is also not allowed to install underfloor heating from common house hot water and central heating systems. This is due to the fact that hot water in the system is provided only for domestic needs.

Using it for heating can lead to a drop in temperature in the pipes, which again is unlikely to please your neighbors. In addition, spontaneously arranged heated floors are fraught with accidents and leaks.

Typical options for rebuilding an apartment The most popular redevelopment of apartments among Muscovites Advice from Igor Glinsky - Did a jackhammer rattle over your head? A sure sign that the neighbor started redevelopment. Ring his doorbell. Let them kick you in the neck, but stand your ground and see what exactly he does.