What does the master plan include? Choosing a site plan

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, before carrying out capital construction, as well as laying engineering and utility systems on a land plot owned, the owner is obliged to submit the necessary documents to a special state body. The main such document is the general plan of the site.

What it is

The master plan of the land plot is a project document, which displays the layout of the territory corresponding to it. It takes into account all the unevenness of the terrain and the placement of objects in accordance with the requirements of fire safety.

A key part of a home's master plan is the drawing to scale., which is obtained by superimposing the plan of the object on the general plan of the territory. As an object, it is customary to consider both owned land with all the structures on it, and entire regions and settlements.

The master plan of the site performs several tasks. The main one is obtaining a permit for the owner to carry out various types of work in the form of capital construction or the implementation of utility and engineering systems.

Some citizens mistakenly believe that if the site belongs to them, then they are free in their actions on it. This is not entirely true: there are special state bodies that monitor compliance with all necessary standards. Thus, the risk of any accidents at the facility is reduced.

The second task that the master plan performs is the ability to own a finished project with a layout of all objects on the plan. With its help, you can make accurate calculations and plan the construction of future structures.

Documents for registration

For registration of almost any document, it is necessary to collect a whole list of documents. The Master Plan is no exception. You will need the following papers:

  • cadastral plan of the site, which indicates the exact boundaries;
  • a diagram showing connections to utility systems;
  • a diagram that reproduces the placement of buildings and roadways near the site;
  • an inventory of all buildings that are planned to be placed.

At first glance, the list looks pretty simple. However, some effort will have to be made in collecting these documents. Once this is done, the planning process can begin.

Nuances in development

It is necessary to take into account each control zone, which includes engineering structures. In these places it is strictly forbidden to erect any structures, as well as to plant tall plants.

If the ground has irregularities, then it is necessary to build a residential building on the highest platform. This will prevent flooding problems. However, construction is also allowed in the lowland, in which case certain actions are taken to reduce the risk of flooding the building.

In cases where the structure is erected on a slope, the steepness of which is more than ½, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the subgrade. For this, various retaining walls and other similar devices are used.

According to legal regulations, it is required to build structures at least 5 meters from the border and at least 3 meters from the neighboring plot.

Plan Structure

The master plan of the land plot is a 1:500 scale image that contains the whole a list of documents to display the necessary information. These include:

To facilitate the development of the plan as much as possible, you can resort to the services of special bodies and organizations.

Where to apply, terms and cost

When the entire package of documents is collected, you need to contact the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning. There, an application is filled out according to the model, and all documents are also handed over.

In each case, the period for drawing up the plan takes a different amount of time. When contacting a private organization, the work will be done much faster.

If the application was submitted to a government agency, then the entire process will be free for the owner. In a private organization, they will require payment for this, however, as mentioned earlier, they will make the master plan much faster and, possibly, of better quality.

Why might they refuse?

Unfortunately, there are a large number of reasons why they can not only refuse to draw up a master plan for a land plot, but also not accept documents at all. These reasons include:

There are many reasons why you might get rejected. However, if you take into account all the requirements and recommendations and deal with the issue of obtaining a master plan with responsibility, then no problems should arise, and after a while the owner can get the desired document in his hands.

Any design and construction begins with the allocation of land. Its purpose and form, and sometimes even the possibility of supplying engineering communications, give rise to an idea of ​​​​future buildings, whether it be a cottage village or an industrial area, and sometimes not even an idea, but an idea in which direction the investor should move. This is enough for the specialists of our design organization, and sometimes even we ourselves help determine what exactly will be embodied in concrete and glass in a particular area. Designing master plans is one of the main and favorite areas of activity of the design company Unicum. Residential buildings or industrial enterprises, large-scale projects or a small country house - we will help to develop not only a master plan project, a Site Planning Organization Scheme, landscaping or landscape design, but also an investment project for future development. We often work with investors and developers and do a detailed study of technical and economic indicators, construction efficiency, preparation for the GPZU, AGR booklets and just very beautiful visualizations of the “birds” for promising development.

Even for small plots and small buildings, everything must be thought out. The balance of the territory, location relative to the cardinal points and illumination, supply of communications and such possibly unaccounted for features such as the terrain (for example, a significant difference in elevation or water bodies), nearby buildings (a huge multi-storey complex and industrial buildings), the presence / absence of engineering communications, their capacity and much more. Any inaccuracy in construction - and the customer is threatened with at least additional costs during construction, and at the maximum - serious difficulties during commissioning, or even a complete rejection of the project, which turned out to be unfeasible.

We think it is quite clear why a general plan is necessary for serious construction. And now about what the master plan is and how it is developed in the Unicum design bureau.

The general plan consists of a text part and drawings made on a geo-based basis (topographic survey) - it is done by surveyors (for example, MosGorGeoTrest) - giving a complete picture of the location of the designed or reconstructed building, the surrounding area, landscaping, engineering networks and transport communications. The development of a master plan is a rather complicated process, it requires the collection of information, its analysis, calculations, execution of project documents in accordance with the urban planning code, RNGP norms, one must remember about insolation, SPZ and other important construction conditions. Without a carefully, and most importantly correctly, developed master plan, it is impossible to obtain approval and carry out construction.

Fortunately, there are specially trained people for such work, namely the employees of the Unicum design organization. We can do it efficiently and quickly, because we have developed master plans for various types of buildings and territories dozens of times.

For example, when designing a cottage village, we take into account all the wishes of the customer and create a project that is not only attractive, but also cost-effective. The complex project includes, in addition to residential buildings, shops, kindergartens and schools, a sports complex, entertainment facilities and playgrounds - not just an image, but a world we have created, inhabited and beautiful. When calculating the cost of designing a village, we take into account reduction factors for repetition and volume, so such a project is not excessively expensive. After the development of the concept, the preparation and approval of the SPOZU begins, houses and transport schemes are designed, an engineering communications plan is drawn up, and design and survey work is underway. Depending on the wishes of the customer, the design of the village may include landscape design, lighting and landscaping projects.

We carry out the design of the master plan for buildings, landscaping, planning the territories of settlements, complexes, districts. We also carry out projects of external and on-site engineering, a section of SPOZU and Stroygenplan, if necessary, a POS (construction organization project). We also develop landscape design projects, including, if desired, also unique small forms, lighting and landscaping. We carry out dendroplans and landing plans.

Some of the projects you can find on our website. We will also be happy to tell you even more in detail by phone or at a meeting with you.

Here is our Integrated Engineering Presentation in PDF

We have completed projects of many complex developments:

  • Reconstruction and renovation of four territories of former factories in Moscow 4-20 hectares
  • Industrial and warehouse complex near Tula 16 hectares
  • Cottage village Rukhlevo 6ga
  • Cottage settlement in New Riga 5 ha
  • Elite small village in Barvikha 3 ha
  • Working design and architectural supervision of the elite cottage village Parkville 30 Ga
  • Integrated development of the Molokovo microdistrict 60,000 sq.m. 15ha
  • Integrated development of a microdistrict in Nalchik 70,000 sq.m. 5ha
  • Renovation of the territory and complex of the ski base PIP Bitsevsky Park. 6ha
  • The territory of the bath complex with a hotel and a restaurant in St. Petersburg. 2ha
  • Several multifunctional complexes. 1-10ha
  • Several mini-villages of townhouses and low-rise apartment buildings. 1-2 ha
  • Territorial planning of several bases, boarding houses, country complexes. 2-6ha
  • Village of townhouses Kaluga highway. 2 ha
  • A small cottage village in Ivanteevka. 2 ha

Our Vkontakte group: https://vk.com/genplans. Join now!

General plan: stage "Concept"

Draft proposal (general plan scheme, or pre-design studies)

performed in 2 stages:

  • Creation of three different variants of planning concepts (general plan) of the village. Customer approval of one of these options.
  • Detailed study of the approved version of the development project: general plan broken down into sections, public land, including roads, inter-section driveways, checkpoints, technical zones - VZU, treatment facilities, TP, hydraulic fracturing, etc.
  • Additional sheets: balance of territories, landscaping and landscaping scheme, transport scheme, zoning, situational and basic plans, technical and economic indicators, explanatory note.

Sketching cost:

"Express Concept"- economical option = from 45 000 rub. for objects up to 20 ha, (excluding VAT). With 1 sketch option, utilitarian, practical, no creativity. You can see examples of express concepts

Option "Standard" = from 55,000 to 100,000 rubles.(depending on the area of ​​the site and the requirements of the TOR)

Option "Exclusive" =from 75,000 to 250,000 rubles. (depending on the area of ​​the site and the requirements of the TOR), it is recommended for premium and deluxe class settlements, for territories with difficult terrain, for objects with "fine cut" and townhouses. The work is carried out by an architect of the highest category, with a detailed analysis of the relief and taking into account the smallest nuances.

The total cost depends on the area of ​​​​the site and the terms of reference.

The cost of the master plan of engineering networks - from 15,000 rubles.

In the next stages are being developed:

Project completion time - from 10 to 20 work. days.

To develop sketches, the customer must provide the following initial data and materials:

· Design assignment with indication of expected technical conditions.

· topographic survey

For a detailed design of a cottage village, the customer must also have the following documents: the geographic basis of the site, technical conditions for connecting utilities (electricity, gas, sewerage), a list of restrictions imposed on this site.

Cottage village "Istragard", Istrinsky district of Moscow Region, 70 ha

Territory planning project (according to PP 87)

The composition of the territory planning project (PPT)

Volume 1 "Approved part"

· Transport infrastructure

· Engineering equipment. Networks and systems

・Environmental protection

Graphic materials

・Planning plan

Volume 2 "Substantiating Materials"

General part (Explanatory note)

Climatic and engineering-geological conditions

Characteristics of the construction site

List of objects proposed for construction

· Information about the order of construction

· Architectural and planning solutions

Sanitary protection and security zones

Functional and planning balance of the territory

· Transport infrastructure

Engineering preparation of the territory and vertical planning

· Engineering equipment. Networks and systems.

· Fire and explosion protection measures

Measures for the life support of people with limited mobility

・Environmental protection

Graphic materials

Layout of the element of the planning structure in the settlement system

Scheme of the use of the territory during the preparation of the planning project with the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of the territory

Scheme of the architectural and planning organization of the territory (development sketch)

Scheme of the organization of the road network and traffic

Scheme of vertical layout and engineering preparation

Consolidated plan of engineering networks

Scheme of landscaping and landscaping of the projected area

Cottage village "Snegirevsky yards", 15 hectares, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district

Volume 3 "GOiChS"

General part (Explanatory note)

Measures to protect the territory from natural and man-made emergencies, civil defense and fire safety

The results of the analysis of the possible consequences of the impact of modern weapons on the functioning of the territory

The results of the analysis of the possible consequences of the impact of natural and man-made emergencies on the functioning of the territory

Substantiation of proposals to improve the sustainability of the planned territory, protect personnel in a special period and emergencies of a natural and man-made nature

A block of low-rise buildings in Kazan

Graphic materials

Placement of the projected territory in relation to zones of possible dangers

Zones of infection with AOHV with damaging toxodoses in case of accidents on vehicles (and / or railway transport)

Area affected by fire in case of accidents on vehicles

Development cost of the territory planning project (PPT) depends on the area and topography of the site and averages from 250,000 to 500,000 rubles. This cost is indicated if the customer has all the original documents, incl. schemes of the general plan of the object in * dwg and calculation of design loads on engineering networks. The term for the production of project documentation is 1-1.5 months.

Initial data for design:

1. Design assignment and agreed scheme of the master plan;

2. GPU (if any);

3. Geo-baseline (topographic survey) in electronic form;

4. Specifications for engineering networks;

5. Calculation of loads for engineering networks (if any)

5. Cadastral plan;

6. Engineering and geological surveys (if any);

7. Felling and counting list, dendroplan (if necessary);

Cottage village "Krasnaya Pakhra", MO

The composition of the project for the organization and development of the territory (POZT) - for DNT, DNP, SNT

Explanatory note

· Introduction

Analysis of the existing situation

Determination of the parameters of the planned construction

Zones with special conditions for the use of the territory

· Measures to protect the environment

· Measures to ensure fire safety

Measures to protect the territory from natural and man-made emergencies, civil defense measures

Quarter of low-rise buildings in the city of Ivanovo

Graphic materials

· Situational plan

Topographic survey of the territory

General plan for the development of the territory (planning and development drawing) with the main technical and economic indicators of the project

Scheme of engineering networks

Drawing of transferring the object to the terrain

road profiles

The cost of developing a project for the organization and development of the territory (POZT) depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and averages from 75,000 to 150,000 rubles. This cost is indicated if the customer has all the original documents, incl. schemes of the general plan of the object in * dwg and calculation of design loads on engineering networks. The term for the production of project documentation is 2-4 weeks.

Cottage village "Volnushka", Tver region

Calculation of design loads on engineering networks for PZ (if necessary)

  • Water supply, sewerage, storm sewerage = 20,000 rubles.
  • Power supply = 20,000 rubles.
  • Gas supply = 20,000 rubles.

Cottage settlement "Bylovo", MO

Drawing up a master plan for a land plot is aimed at solving two problems:

  • Task #1. Formation of a document, which must necessarily undergo a thorough coordination with the relevant authorities. This is required so that the owner of the allotment can build capital construction on his territory and supply the necessary engineering communications.

Often, many land owners are confident that they are free to do whatever they want on their land, but this is far from the case. Self-government bodies, architectural supervision scrupulously monitor the proper implementation of the master plan for the settlement of land plots, the technically correct implementation of the summing up of all communication networks, since the latter should not pose a danger to people. For example, the preparation of a plan must fully comply with all established fire regulations. So, according to current standards, the roadway on an individual site should run from the walls of the designed building at a distance that should not be less than five meters, and the width of the roadway should be at least three and a half meters. Maximum compliance with these standards will ensure free passage of special equipment and special work on the site.

  • Task #2. The development of the general plan of the site will allow you to have at your disposal a formed project that will allow you to most reliably calculate the correct distribution of all buildings on the territory of the site: a residential building, utility blocks, a playground, a swimming pool, flower beds, a vegetable garden, and more. In the event that the owner of the site gives preference to a standard project, it is still desirable to take into account the features of his site.

Components of the general plan of the land plot

The general plan of the site, developed for the development of the land area, is a drawing in a scale of 1:500 and includes a whole set of documents. This:

  • A situational plan is a schematic representation of the location of a particular piece of land as part of a settlement zone.
  • The reference plan is a schematic representation of the buildings operating on the site, communications and existing trees.
  • General plan (main drawing) - a schematic representation of the site with the designation of the planned construction sites, green spaces, footpaths, access roads to the site.
  • A summary drawing of engineering networks - their laying on the territory of the site with the designation of the points of their entry into the construction site.
  • Scheme of preparatory engineering work on the site and its vertical layout - contains a plan for the volume of earthworks, elevation marks at various points in the territory.
  • Scheme of the use of the site during the construction period.
  • Explanatory note and technical and economic indicators related to the area of ​​the land plot and its objects (buildings, communications, paths, plantings).

Provision of samples of the plan of land plots is carried out by the appropriate official bodies. But as practice shows, there are companies that perform this work for a moderate fee - they will prepare the necessary site plan and endorse where it needs to be done.

During the development of the master plan, the specialist determines the location of the residential facility on the territory of the site as accurately as possible. At the same time, all permissible fire-fighting and sanitary instructions in relation to other construction objects located on their own site and adjacent land holdings must be strictly taken into account. In addition, the location of the elements of engineering networks (heat pump collector, septic tank, well, well) is necessarily determined, recommendations are made for engineering and technical measures (reinforcement of the terrain, drainage of the site). Recommendations are also being created for linking such stages as choosing a solution for creating a foundation, building design for the optimal load on the foundation of building materials, electrification of an object, heating, and a sewer network.

To complete the draft master plan, you must provide:

  • topographic survey or, which will give a complete picture of the boundaries of the projected site and its orientation in space;
  • a diagram reflecting the connection to external engineering networks (water supply, passage of sewer pipes, electric lines, gas pipelines);
  • a diagram that reproduces the location of existing buildings on neighboring sites, paved roads and all access roads of adjacent sites;
  • a description of all own buildings that are planned to be erected on the territory.

How to make a site master plan diagram video tutorial

What should be considered when developing a master plan?

  • The formation of the general plan of the land plot implies the obligatory accounting of the control zone. This includes the lines of passage of all planned engineering communications. In the area of ​​these lines, it is strictly forbidden to build up the territory, as well as to plant large trees.
  • Drawing up the general plan of the territory of the site provides for a strictly defined distance between the buildings of adjacent sites, which is not established at the personal request of the owner, but is regulated by the current fire regulations.
  • The site plan should include a scheme of the drainage system, which will avoid possible flooding in the future.
  • If the location of the site makes it possible to inspect the surroundings, then the general plan should reflect the viewpoints.
  • If the site has an uneven territory (highlands interspersed with lowlands), then it is still better to carry out capital construction of a house on a hill. In the event that the site is located directly in the lowland, then it is necessary to take appropriate measures to prevent the flooding of buildings.
  • Capital buildings (house, utility blocks) should be located at points with a small slope, keeping parallel to the horizontal lines. If the site is endowed with steep slopes, then in order for the subgrade to have a stable surface, it is necessary to use retaining structures during construction.
  • In accordance with the regulations, the house and all capital utility blocks should border on the street area at a distance of 5-6 meters, and on the adjacent territory of neighbors - 3 meters.
  • The master plan coordinated in the regional architecture will not allow the neighbors to put any building directly next to the border.