Goltis exercises. The unique technique of Goltis or how to find a new life with the “Healing Impulse. Unique practice exercises

Goltis is an extraordinary person. Like everything unusual and unusual, his Healing Impulse system has both followers and opponents. We will not delve into philosophy, we will only say that the Goltis exercises are not only a training of the body, but also of the spirit.

The effect of Goltis exercises: what does the Healing Impulse system give?

The fact that the Goltis system is engaged not only in the physical body, but also in the training of the spirit, is said in all educational brochures and books. Healing Impulse is a technique too deep to be considered only as a gymnastics or a set of exercises for healing. In fact, this is a rethinking of all life values ​​and a complete change of priorities.

The Goltis technique includes the following areas of human life:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Physical work on yourself (exercises according to the scheme);
  • Spiritual development (prayers, self-study).

What does this system promise? Performing Goltis exercises allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Cheerfulness and positive attitude, as well as complacency and well-being in life;
  • Return of health and its multiple strengthening;
  • Restoration of all body functions after a serious illness;
  • Great health, a surge of energy and strength;
  • With prolonged use, Goltis exercises can increase the energy potential so much that a person will need only 4-5 hours to sleep, and he will be alert and active;
  • Harmony of a healthy hardy body with the human soul is achieved;
  • Satisfaction with yourself and your life, by understanding simple truths.

Proper Nutrition and Goltis Exercise: 12 Steps to Healing

According to Goltis, without proper nutrition, healing and strengthening of the body is impossible. He developed 12 principles of nutrition, which, together with training, guarantee health and longevity. So, proper nutrition according to Goltis or 12 steps to healing:

Step 1. Food is needed only to satisfy hunger - eating "out of habit" or timing is unnatural. You only need to eat when you are really hungry.

Step 2. You need to eat in good mood and with positive thoughts.

Step 3. You need to cook food with love, avoiding negative thoughts. According to Goltis, the exercises according to his system will not give any effect if a person eats food cooked in bad mood.

Step 4. The place for eating should be cozy and beautiful, so that the process itself brings not only taste, but also visual pleasure.

Step 5. Be sure to pray before eating.

Step 6. Thorough chewing is the key correct operation Gastrointestinal tract and the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Step 7. You need to eat thoughtfully, focusing on each component of the meal.

Step 8. You should finish your meal with a slight feeling of hunger, it is unacceptable to eat "to the eyeballs".

Step 9. Do not mix proteins with carbohydrates.

Step 10. Until 12:00 you need to eat "gifts of nature": fruits, berries, drink herbal teas and fresh juices. Sometimes you can treat yourself to nuts, dried fruits, oatmeal, dairy products.

Step 11. Protein food can be washed down with water 3-4 hours after ingestion, carbohydrate food - after 2-3 hours.

Step 12. Obligatory prayer after meals.

Training regimen for the basic mini-course of Goltis exercises

The basic mini-course consists of 5 basic exercises that are performed according to the following scheme:

1. Exercise for the calf muscles (lifting on the toe) is performed first and consists of 10-12 repetitions for each leg;

2. Exercise for the legs - squats. Performed 12 times with each leg alternately (left-right, etc.);

3. Goltis exercise for the back (Delta) - 12 times for each arm;

4. Strengthening the pectoral muscles (push-ups) - the maximum number of 9 times;

5. Press - in one workout you can do no more than 16 times.

Goltis exercises must be performed strictly according to this scheme - you can not change their order and number of repetitions. 15 minutes are allotted to complete a set of 5 exercises. Training is not performed daily, but every other day or 1 time in 3 days (according to well-being). When the body adapts, you can switch to mandatory training every other day, and after 2 months of regular exercise, classes continue at a more intensive rate.

Goltis: back exercises

Important! All Goltis exercises should be carefully performed by people with chronic diseases, such patients need an individual training scheme and its coordination with the attending physician.

A set of Goltis exercises for the back:

Block number 1. Awakening:

  • Shaking: rise on your toes, lifting your heels 3-5 cm off the floor, then drop sharply to a full foot. Perform 1.5-2 minutes (100 times);
  • Gastrocnemius muscle: rise on toes and transfer all the weight to the toe of one leg, when lowering down, we make a springy “indentation”, and with a relaxed leg we try to provide maximum load other leg;
  • Tilts of the head: we tilt our head forward until unpleasant sensations appear and sharply throw it back, trying to resist with our hands. It is performed in three sets of 9-12 times;
  • "Scorpion tail": lie on the table with your back up, rest your legs on the side surface. Raise your legs as high as possible and fix at the top point for a few seconds, then lower your legs under the table and bend your knees. Perform 3 sets of 9-12 reps with a 1 minute break between sets.

Block of Goltis exercises for the back No. 2. Main load:

  • Pull-ups on the bar: the hands are closed with the knuckles in front of the chest. Hang on the bar, back relaxed. Pull up the legs at an acute angle and sharply “drop” - the legs should be 5 cm from the ground. Pull up so as to touch the delta of the crossbar;
  • Pulling up with a touch of the crossbar at the point of the solar plexus. Below you need to completely relax;
  • Pull-ups with a wide grip in front of the chest.

Block number 3. Activation:

  • Riveting: performed at a fast pace in three sets of 30 times. The break between sets is 1 minute. Lie on the floor, raise your head, shoulder blades touch the floor, arms along the body, but do not touch the floor. Pull your legs to your stomach, trying not to touch the floor with your head.

Goltis exercises for the press

1. Twisting in the thoracic region - "Snail":

Lying on the floor, raise the torso to an angle of 45 degrees and twist it in the thoracic region (hands behind the head). Try not to tear your lower back off the floor, and bring your elbows together as much as possible. This Goltis exercise for the press is performed in three sets, the maximum total number is 33 times;

2. Lifting the legs to the chest:

Sit on the floor, on the edge of the sofa (bed). Rest your hands on the floor (surface of the bed) and raise your legs to your chest, fixing them in the final phase for 1-2 seconds. Do 3 sets with a common the maximum number repetitions - 70 times (no more).

Goltis exercises: reviews

The attitude towards this system is ambiguous: the press repeatedly publishes both enthusiasm about the endurance and lifestyle of the “protagonist” and his followers, as well as rather critical reviews about Goltis’s exercises and the veracity of his autobiography. Despite caustic remarks and impartial reviews, Goltis' exercises and his Healing Impulse continue to give hope for a healthy, fulfilling life for many people.

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Physical exercise

Home / THEORY / Fundamentals of the methodology / Physical exercises

Physical exercise

"Healing Impulse™" is not just a set of physical exercises, it is a holistic system of a special worldview that covers all aspects of human life - from physical health to spiritual purification and development.

– Goltis

The complex of physical exercises of the "Healing Impulse™" method is fundamentally different from all existing practices in the world. First of all, with its 7 principles of doing exercises, which allow you to get the maximum effect from classes.


From this article you will learn:

  • Seven principles of exercise.
  • Construction of the training process.
  • Where to begin?

Additional materials:

  • Good to know: types of training.
  • Why is 15-40 minutes of Impulse training at home more effective than 1.5-2 hours at the gym?

A set of physical exercises is the basis of the Healing Impulse™ technique. Thanks to special training regimens, in just 15-40 minutes of classes 4 times a week, you will fully satisfy the needs of the body in movement. Moreover, in a matter of months you will achieve a bright healing effect, an increase in strength and endurance by 2-3 times.

“The body is the temple for the soul. Therefore, whatever we do, the main thing is not to harm the soul.


Features of "Physical Education Impulse"

All features of the Healing Impulse™ technique are determined by the tasks that its author set for himself. And for Goltis, a professional traveler and survival expert in extreme conditions, the system of exercises was important, which:

  • would allow training in any conditions (in an apartment, in the mountains, in a forest, in a gym, etc.);
  • would not require special simulators or special physical training to perform the exercises;
  • in terms of efficiency, it would be significantly superior to work in gyms.

The complex of physical exercises of the Healing Impulse™ technique includes about twenty exercises, among which are well-known squats, pull-ups and push-ups. It is not surprising that almost everyone who gets acquainted with the technique for the first time and has not yet had time to try to perform the exercises, following all the recommendations of the "impulse", the question arises: "What is special and valuable in pull-ups, familiar from childhood, or, even more so, squats?"

The answer is simple - internal content. Thanks to the seven principles of exercise, at every moment the muscles work in the mode of 100% use of their capabilities and hidden reserves. Anyone who has been in the gym or fitness knows that even with a perfectly matched weight, the first repetitions do not require the application of all forces. In the Healing Pulse technique, the muscles produce maximum power even in the first repetition.

For example, a typical task is push-ups while lying down with full concentration on the pectoralis major muscles. Here, the requirements for each push-up are so high that it is THAT way to push out 9 times more difficult than, for example, 30-40 times “as usual”. The benefits of applying the seven principles of exercise are undeniable. Firstly, the time required for a full “loading” of the muscles is noticeably reduced. Secondly, strength and endurance grow as quickly as possible from training to training.

The complex of exercises "Healing Impulse™" is a clear system of exercises aimed at:

  • purification of the intercellular space from toxins, heavy radicals, metabolic decay products and "heavy" water;
  • increasing the clarity of coordination in space and muscle tone of the whole body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes and hormonal balance;
  • development and strengthening of the cardiovascular and coronary systems;
  • "revitalization" and development of the innervation and capillary systems of the body;
  • burning excess body fat;
  • activation of the body's ability to quickly recover from physical and mental stress;
  • increasing the frequency characteristics of the cell and its inclusion in the "self-healing" mode;
  • reducing the amount of time for a full healthy sleep;
  • normalization of work internal organs and systems (gastrointestinal tract, etc.);
  • rehabilitation up to the complete restoration of the “problems” of the body, its systems, the musculoskeletal system after injuries and illnesses, regardless of their nature, character and history.

As a result we have: a beautiful and healthy body, a general increase in immunity and the efficiency of the body as a whole.

Features of "Physical Education Impulse"

Each of the seven principles of the methodology is incredibly important for the final result! If, for example, you ignore the first principle, which requires the technical clarity of the exercises (observance of the angles in the setting of the arms, legs, body) or if you do not pay due attention to the "maximum tension of the loaded muscle" - the effectiveness of training is noticeably reduced. Ultimately, it can turn into a regular physical training session. This, of course, is better than nothing, but it is an order of magnitude less than the Healing Impulse™ technique allows.


The seven principles for doing Healing Impulse™ exercises are:

1. Technical clarity of execution.

Strict execution order, well-defined position of the body in the initial, intermediate and final positions, observance of distances, trajectories, etc. As a result, the work is performed by strictly defined muscle groups, and the load on the joints, ligaments and tendons is distributed in an ideal way.

2. Maximum range of motion.

The extreme positions of the body parts are clearly fixed by the concentration of attention on the maximally contracted or maximally stretched loaded muscle. The fixation time for most exercises is 1-2 seconds.

3. Breath.

Inhale - through the nose, exhale - through tightly compressed lips or teeth.
The beginning of inhalation coincides with the beginning of the movement, and the end coincides with the final phase.
In the initial and final positions - holding the breath.

4. The maximum tension of the loaded muscle.

By a conscious effort, the muscles during the exercise are “tensed up” to the maximum at each moment of time, in all phases of the movement. This is one of the key principles. The muscle must be 100% tense! When working "half-heartedly", the efficiency of the technique is reduced to zero.

5. Maximum relaxation of passive muscles.

The inclusion of "extra" muscle groups in the work leads to the effect of dissipating the "Healing Impulse ™", therefore, a conscious relaxation of all muscles that are not involved in the exercise is required. Particular attention is paid to the relaxation of the muscles of the antagonists.

6. Visualization: focus on the loaded muscle.

Using the techniques of "visualization of the result", "pump", "squeeze", "filling with light", "cleansing". The concentration of sensations in the working muscles.

7. Use of supercompensation (super recovery principle).

Strict observance of the schedule for the complete restoration of the bioenergetic and biochemical potential of the cell (muscle) after the work has been completed. Repeated training of the "loaded" muscle group is carried out only after the full restoration of their performance.

The exact observance of all seven fundamental principles of the exercise technique helps to take control of the process of "depletion" of the energy potential of the muscle and its subsequent recovery.

What is supercompensation?

Supercompensation (super recovery) is the phase of increased muscle performance, which occurs some time after the load. In other words, supercompensation is a process of super-restoration of any body function (for example, muscle strength or energy reserves in a cell) to a level preceding the "limit" load and another 5-20% additionally. It is only through this process that we have the opportunity to improve our performance through training, that is, to adapt to increased loads.

Let's show an example. Let's say a person can sit down, if he tries very, very hard, 30 times. Maximum. After that, his legs will not hold him. In a few minutes, he will be able to sit down a few more times. After a longer rest, for example, the next day, he will be able to sit down ten times, while experiencing pain. But only after 4 or more days, he will again be able to sit down 30 times. The body will recover 100%. But the most interesting thing is that on the fifth or sixth day of rest after the first load, our hero could sit down several times more: 32-33 times. And under certain conditions and by 20% - 36 times.

Why does strength increase after rest? Our body is a reinsurer. Having received a huge load by its standards, it will "expect" a repetition and will try to better prepare for the next such test. That is, to accumulate a little more strength than it was, so as not to reach complete exhaustion and / or not feel pain. Full recovery, depending on the internal muscle damage received, may take from several days to two weeks. This condition is usually referred to as "strengthening."

Why do muscles ache after a heavy load? During training or work, which requires the exertion of all forces, the muscles are destroyed to a greater or lesser extent. Here is a simplified diagram. First. A muscle is a bundle of muscle cells (fibers) that stretch from one ligament to another. For example, the biceps has more than half a million fibers that stretch from the shoulder to the elbow. Second. Muscle fibers contract due to the energy stored in them or carried in the blood.

Third. The contraction occurs due to protein fibers - myofibrils, of which there are several thousand in each cell. To provide them with energy, a very complex infrastructure exists in the cell. The more developed it is, the larger reserves of energy it can accumulate and generate, the more myofibrils in the cell, the stronger the muscle. Fourth. When we force a muscle to work to the limit by an effort of will, the possibilities of the bioenergy infrastructure of the cell and the accumulated energy become insufficient for the work of all myofibrils. Some of these threads lack energy and begin to collapse.

In sports medicine, the effect of supercompensation began to be studied in the 50s of the last century and used with varying degrees of success to build the training process of athletes. The main problem is the difficulty in predicting the moment when super-recovery will come and the difficulty in adapting the training process to the cycles of a particular person. After all, the schedule of classes in groups is stable and does not take into account individual features, and affording a personal trainer who is ready to work with a “rolling” schedule is the lot of the few. And if an athlete overstrains during a workout or has a bad rest, supercompensation will be postponed for several days, that is, during a workout, he feels tired and does half his strength.

In the Healing Impulse™ method, thanks to the seven principles of exercise, we managed to take the duration of supercompensation under control! So, to guarantee the fastest possible increase in strength and endurance involved. In the mode of loads, which are prescribed in the "Healing Impulse™" method, supercompensation occurs on the 5-7th day. In other words, supercompensation is calculated and confirmed in practice for each exercise for all groups of trainees. Each "impulse" when building his training schedule can, and even must, take into account his well-being and the time required for supercompensation. This guarantees the fastest increase in efficiency and deep study of all muscle groups of our body.

Practical task. Let's assume that at the peak of recovery, the increase in strength and endurance of the muscles of the legs is 8%. If a person can do a maximum of 30 squats, how many times can he squat after a month and a half, training using the principle of supercompensation?

Solution. 45 days is a minimum of 7 cycles of Healing Pulse™ training. If after each time the indicators increase by 8%, then in a month and a half a person will be able to sit down 70% (!) More:

100*1.08*1.08*1.08*1.08*1.08*1.08*1.05 = 51 times.

Why is "Impulse" healing?

The current that comes from the cerebral cortex awakens life in all tissues of the body. The stronger the current, the more life is kindled. It is obvious that the strength of the current during "normal" life activity is insufficient for a full-fledged "awakening of life" - the tissues and organs of the body seem to be sleeping. After all, the body is lazy and constantly strives to minimize the effort expended.

For example, to supply an impulse to the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle, you can raise your arm slightly bent at the elbow over and over again in front of your chest. Almost everyone will be able to raise their hand like this over 100 times, and this means that the current strength is not enough to “wedge life” into the deep muscle fibers. In order to increase the strength of the life-giving current, we can take a dumbbell in our hand and pick up the burden up to a number of repetitions not exceeding 12 times. And only in the last repetition, reaching the critical point (an angle of 135 degrees from the vertical), will we get the maximum current strength, from which the muscles and ligaments literally vibrate - this is the healing impulse.

The miracle of the technique is that such a healing impulse is born during each, even the first, repetition due to the replacement of external weights with self-resistance along the entire trajectory of movement. That is, the maximum current (nerve impulse) will be supplied all the time: from the first to the twelfth repetition. The effect of 12 hand raises on the "impulse" will be an order of magnitude greater than with dumbbells.


Have you ever wondered what causes muscles to contract?

“I want to. He wanted to, his arm bent at the elbow. I wanted to - I jumped on my feet, ”- this is the answer most often heard by any coach. Do not rush to say that this is the answer of a schoolboy. This is enough to understand the essence of the technique.

In order for the muscle to contract, to do the work, you need to give a command. In other words, to give a signal to the body in a volitional way. On the physical level the command turns into a current impulse, which is transmitted from the brain to the desired muscle along the nerves, as if by wires. The stronger this current, the stronger the muscle contracts and the greater the force it is able to “develop”. Of course, provided that there is energy (fuel) in the muscle, or this energy is supplied in the right quantities through the blood.

The human brain generates enough electricity to light a 220W light bulb. This energy "flows" through the nerves, regulating all muscle contractions and relaxations.

The amount of electricity generated by the brain increases only during stressful situations. In all other "modes" - it is stable.

Therefore, the less muscles are simultaneously tense, the greater the impulse to the tense muscle group will be directed. And, therefore, the greater the peak force can be developed.

This is easy to verify experimentally. Within 10-15 seconds, strain your leg muscles as much as possible and abdominals, and then, maintaining tension, clench your fist right hand. After that, relax your body (as far as possible) and just clench your fist with all your might, concentrating all your attention on it. Very good training is needed so that in both cases the fist is clenched equally strongly. Just watch yourself. Try to tense all the muscles of the body at the same time and notice that almost all the muscles in this case are partially tense. Some by 50%, some by 30%.

Concentrating our attention, directing the maximum nerve impulse into the muscle, which is many times stronger than the usual one, we start many complex processes in the body on cellular level. The construction of muscle tissue and general cleaning of the intercellular space begins. So the impulse becomes healing.

Construction of the training process

Each student organizes his own training process, using the rule of supercompensation and taking into account his needs.


The achievements that a person sets for himself, starting to engage in physical exercises, largely depend on the correct construction of the training process. Convenience and flexibility in organizing their workouts is one of the main requirements that people make when they get acquainted with any system. We assure you that you will not find such flexibility in the construction of the training process as in the "Impulse" in any of the more effective methods.

Training cycle

The training cycle can take from 4 to 7 days and consists of four training days and several days of rest. Four training days are unchanged and mandatory. They consist of different, carefully selected exercises, which together work out all muscle groups (more details below). The number of days of rest is chosen by the student himself in accordance with his needs.

Cycles follow one after another, without interruption - like weeks. Weekends, as already mentioned, are included in the cycle. In total, after six months of classes, you will begin at least the 27th and maximum 46th cycle - everything will depend on how many days off you give yourself in each cycle. Even with a minimum 5% increase in physical indicators from cycle to cycle, after six months they are guaranteed to increase by 3-9 times!

Classes according to the Healing Impulse™ method, unfortunately, do not provide for vacations and business trips. You have to do it anytime, anywhere. Fortunately, the number of days off when we rest and do nothing is almost equal to the number of training days.

For four training days, there are up to three (no more!) Weekends.

Rest days can be interspersed with training days depending on the person's need for rest or on his functioning in society (weekends, holidays, business trips, etc.). That is, you can take a day off at any time. The main thing is that no more than 7 days pass between workouts for the same muscle group, for example, “legs”.

For convenience, many practitioners take three days of rest in each cycle. And the cycle itself is made seven days. For example, from Monday to Thursday they train, and on Friday-Sunday they rest. Or another system - training on Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, and rest on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Well, those who want to achieve results as quickly as possible, and whose body has time to recover quickly, can train almost without days off.

Over the past few years, Goltis exercises have gained particular popularity, aimed at healing and improving the whole body.

Author's technique of Goltis

Over the past few years, Goltis exercises have gained particular popularity, aimed at healing and improving the whole body.

Goltis, whose real name is Vladimir Ivanovich Vuksta, is an extraordinary, comprehensively developed personality. At the age of 25, he suffered a fracture of the cervical spine. To a full-fledged life of this person, classes were returned according to their own methodology. The basic principles of rehabilitation, which were tested on ourselves in the process of restoring the body after an injury, form the basis of the author's book "Healing Impulse", which, among other things, describes in detail the healing exercises of Goltis.

The effectiveness of Goltis exercises

With its unique exercises, Goltis enables each person to make their muscles strong and resilient, as well as increase defensive forces organism.

Of course, the exercise system aims not only to improve health, but also to create a beautiful, attractive body with toned forms.

According to reviews, Goltis exercises will give the expected result, if you exercise at least 40 minutes four times a week. Before developing his system of exercises, Goltis spent several years carefully studying anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and traditional Chinese medicine.

The methodology is based on the following principles:

  • Physical exercise;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Regular fasting for the purpose of cleansing;
  • Control over the psycho-emotional state.

After several days of fasting, the cells must be filled with high-frequency content. According to the author of the technique , the highest frequencies are found in pollen, the lowest - in meat, an intermediate place is occupied by wild herbs, berries, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

Proper nutrition is of particular importance, because it enables the body to turn on self-healing mechanisms. In addition, Goltis considers his exercises effective only ifthe following rules for eating:

  1. There is only when there is a feeling of hunger;
  2. Do not sit down at the table in a bad mood;
  3. Chew food thoroughly;
  4. Finish the meal with a slight feeling of hunger;
  5. Do not drink during and after meals for 2 hours;
  6. Fruits are eaten half an hour before meals or in between meals.

Goltis exercises for the back

Goltis exercises for the back are quite effective in the rehabilitation of patients with certain diseases of the spine, however, they should be carried out only after agreement with the doctor and under the supervision of an instructor.

It is useful for healthy people to perform the following Goltis exercises for the back:

  1. Shaking: stand on your toes, stretch up, tearing your heels off the floor by 3-5 cm, then drop sharply to a full foot. Repeat 100 times;
  2. Calf muscle: rise on toes, transfer the weight of the whole body to one leg, descending to the bottom, you need to do a springy “indentation”. With the free leg, it is necessary to ensure the maximum load on the other leg;
  3. Head Tilts: the head must be tilted forward until discomfort arises, then it is sharply thrown back, trying to resist with your hands. You should perform three sets of 9 times;
  4. "Scorpion Tail": lie on the table with your back up, rest your feet on its side surface. Try to raise your legs as high as possible and fix them in this position for a few seconds, lower your legs. Repeat the exercise 3 times for 9 sets;
  5. Riveting: lie on the floor, touching the floor with the shoulder blades, raise your head, keep your hands along the body, but do not touch the floor with them. At a fast pace, pull your legs to your stomach and lower them down, perform three sets of 30 times.

After performing physical exertion, well-being improves, pain in the lower back is eliminated.

Goltis exercises for the press

Goltis ab exercises are designed to provide a good skeletal frame to support the back, as well as to make the body fit and lean. These exercises are not difficult, but when performed regularly are highly effective:

  1. "Snail": lie on your back on the floor, raise your upper body to a 45-degree angle and twist it in the thoracic region, holding your hands behind your head. During this Goltis exercise for the press, it is important not to tear your back off the floor, while spreading your elbows to the sides as much as possible. Run 3 sets of 10 times;
  2. Raising the legs to the chest: sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, leaning your hands on the floor, raise your legs to your chest, fixing them in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 70 times.

The attitude towards the system developed by Goltis is ambiguous on the part of official medicine, his method has both its supporters and opponents among doctors. But, despite the presence of some official negative reviews, Goltis exercises continue to give many people a boost of positive energy and allow them to restore health.published

Now everyone can do

  • Even if you've never been to a Goltis seminar and don't see an opportunity to get there anytime soon.
  • If you are going to attend our seminars, but you have doubts about the effectiveness of the program.
  • If you are serious about coming to our seminar and want to get the most out of it.

For you, we have developed the Easy Start program. This is a program designed specifically for beginners. Its specialty is that you get step by step instructions on performing exercises and building an independent training process. And then put everything into practice.

The materials are selected in such a way that anyone can start studying on their own.

  • Regardless of health status and fitness level.
  • Even if there is absolutely no time "for yourself."

This is quite a sufficient course to apply the Healing Pulse technique without distortion.

What do you get by purchasing the Easy Start course?

  • The ability to practice anywhere and anytime. You are not tied to gyms and are not scheduling. For classes, you need the bare minimum, which is always at hand.
  • Health and performance improvement. Healing Impulse is a powerful system of healing and increasing the body's resources, the effect of which exceeds all expectations.
  • Perfectly balanced load. Healing Impulse exercises are designed in such a way that in 4 sessions per week, ALL without exception, the main muscle groups. Not a single muscle is left undeveloped. No other gymnastics gives such an effect.
  • Confidence in your strength. You get all the skills, techniques and schemes that participants in "live" seminars get. There is always a result from classes! Just follow the system and get the maximum effect.

What is included in the Easy Start Kit?


  • Special application "Crib". This is a mini version of the training manual, which is convenient to keep in front of your eyes during training.
  • Guaranteed on-line support - once every 3 months we hold a webinar for those who are engaged in the Impulse "Easy Start" system, where you can get answers to all your questions.

But that's not all

You get as many opportunities from physical education as the participants of the "live" training on the Healing Impulse system!

Each participant of the "Easy Start" program can chat twice on Skype with Healing Impulse instructors during the first month of classes and get personal advice and answers to all their questions.

And you get all this for only 180 €!

Who is the author of the Healing Impulse technique?

Goltis (Vladimir Ivanovich Vuksta), famous traveler, athlete and expert
survival in extreme situations.

Multiple champion in martial arts and coach of absolute world champions in bodybuilding Valentina Chepiga and Sergey Otrokh.

A man who cycled through the Kalahari Desert 850 km long, carrying 7 liters of water and 2.5 kg of food.

The person who gave more than 200 lectures and seminars helped to restore their health and reach a new standard of living for a huge (over 30,000) number of people.

The history of Healing Impulse began in 1969. It was then that Goltis developed the first exercises. For 45 years, this technique has been polished and repeatedly proved its effectiveness.

A person with weakened health, practicing the "Healing Impulse", restores his health, a healthy person, thanks to classes, increases his capabilities several times, and for athletes, these classes are a real find. Because as a result of training, their capabilities increase many times over.

The Easy Start course was created to pass this knowledge on to as many people as possible.

Do you have doubts?

And is it safe? Due to what such an effect is achieved?

The system of exercises Healing Impulse is aimed at cleansing the intercellular space due to the force of muscle contraction in the full range of motion available. The body is renewed and rejuvenated. This can be seen not only in a significantly improved state of health, but also manifests itself in appearance.

Doubt: Will I be able to practice?

The program is designed for several levels of difficulty, from 1 to 7 - from the level of a pensioner with injured knees to an active astronaut and a professional athlete at the peak of his physical form. Therefore, anyone can choose the optimal load for themselves, regardless of age, physical fitness and health status.

Regular exercises restore lost health, regulate and restore the work of all organs and systems of the body, increase endurance and immunity, expand physical capabilities, and reduce the need for long sleep. After a month of classes, you will feel dramatic changes, you will be more successful, you will have more free time for yourself.

Expert opinion on the methodology

Watch the video below with Sergey Badyuk's review of the Goltis technique - listen to the opinion of a famous Russian actor, TV presenter, martial arts expert, healthy lifestyle expert, multiple champion in various types sports: powerlifting, martial arts, kettlebell lifting and others. Master of sports of international class. In the past - GRU special forces.

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You get a step-by-step scheme for performing exercises and entering the load.
Simple, understandable, accessible.

The program is universal. It is suitable for children over 9 years old and people of retirement age, as well as for men and women with excellent physical fitness. With the help of the course, you can complete many tasks: just improve your health and start living a full life or significantly improve the quality of your life, endurance, load level and body efficiency - everyone will find what he needs.

The program is designed for a minimum of time. A complete set of exercises takes only 12-17 minutes a day! And the exercises themselves can be performed in blocks throughout the day. Each block takes from 30 seconds to 7 minutes of your time. In total, you need to complete 4 workouts per week for 15 minutes (on average)!

You get feedback from leading Healing Pulse instructors - what to look for to get the maximum effect.

Many people today are increasingly thinking about how to prolong their youth, stay healthy and full of energy longer. Goltis is one of the renowned health professionals. He developed and tested on himself a unique technique with which you can delay the onset of old age. What is its strength and practical significance, will be discussed in this review.

What is the Goltis Method

The Goltis technique, or "Healing Impulse", involves an internal change in a person in order to improve health, change the worldview, prolong active life, to build a body that will be hardy, harmonious and strong. This technique can be used by people of all ages, professions and religions. The Healing Impulse (or AI) system is not just a set of exercises: it covers both the physical and spiritual aspect human life.

Thus, four main components of an integrated system can be distinguished:

  1. Physical activity - specially selected exercises that must be performed several times a week.
  2. The spiritual component is always a positive attitude, your open heart.
  3. Proper nutrition and appropriate lifestyle.
  4. Purification of the body and hardening in combination with therapeutic fasting.

The basis of the technique is a simple set of exercises, the implementation of which, as a rule, takes from 20 to 40 minutes. in a day. It is necessary to repeat such exercises several times a week (that is, they will not take much time).

The Goltis exercise system can help:

  • learn not just to go to the goal, but to achieve it;
  • increase the strength and endurance of the whole organism;
  • get sincere joy from communicating with people;
  • improve health;
  • make the body not only healthy, but also beautiful, lose weight;
  • overcome old fears, not acquire new ones;
  • Healthy food;
  • feel the harmony of the body with the spirit;
  • learn to enjoy life;
  • change yourself for the better and learn to perceive the world and the people in it as they are.

Highlights of the AI ​​system

It is a complex technique in which there is a place for physical exercises and spiritual training. However, it is not like any other technique. To understand if this is indeed the case, here are the main aspects of the system.

Physical training

The Goltis exercise must be performed 4 times a week. One lesson consists of 10 different exercises and takes about 15 minutes at the initial stages, and up to 40 minutes after six months. One lesson consists of three blocks: basic, awakening and activation. If during the day you can’t immediately find time to complete all the blocks, you can do them in turn, with breaks in between.

On each of the four training days, a specific muscle group is loaded:

  • 1st day - leg muscles;
  • 2nd day - delta;
  • 3rd day - back;
  • 4th day - chest.

Did you know?Regular morning exercises not only tone the muscles, cheer you up and energize you for the whole day, but also increase the level of intelligence, improve reaction and bring up discipline.

Since Goltis himself is not only a health specialist, but also an avid traveler, it was important for him to develop such a set of exercises that, firstly, could be performed in any conditions (at home, on a hike, on vacation); secondly, it would not require a person to have some kind of physical fitness; thirdly, it would be possible to perform without any improvised means; and, finally, would be more effective than any exercise in the gym.
A clear system of about 20 different exercises can help:

  • clear the space between cells in the human body from harmful substances;
  • tone all muscles;
  • increase the clarity of coordination in space;
  • normalize metabolic processes and balance hormones;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and coronary systems;
  • accelerate the burning of excess fat;
  • to teach the body to quickly recover both after physical and psychological stress;
  • reduce the amount of time needed for a good sleep;
  • normalize the work of all internal organs;
  • rehabilitate the body.

Important!There is no one set of classes where all the necessary exercises are indicated. For each person they are selected individually.-depending on the physiological characteristics of the body and the goals of training that it sets for itself.

"Open heart"

This is the central part of the Goltis methodology, a philosophical and ideological principle that involves the ability to find a divine spark in each individual person. Healing Impulse can help you learn to feel that your heart is open not only in moments of happiness, but every second of life.
For a person, the state of "open heart" is natural, but the conditions of life, as a rule, do not contribute to its manifestation. The Goltis technique helps to gradually reveal such a state in oneself. Seeing a spark in every person is only an indicator of your good internal state, which is very important for doing physical exercises. Therefore, it is this principle that is the main part of the “Healing Impulse”: everything must be done in the right state of mind, then the effect of your work will be positive.

Proper nutrition

Eating right is easy. And this is not necessarily starvation or a radical change in the previous diet. As is known, healthy eating should be an integral part of everyone's life.
The foods you eat affect not only the state of the body, but also your mood, the amount of energy that you are able to use throughout the day.

Did you know?Contrary to popular belief, you can eat after 18:00. It is even necessary for the body if you go to bed after 10 pm. It is only important to have dinner a few hours before bedtime.

The Healing Impulse Method offers 11 basic principles of proper nutrition, which are easy and useful to adhere to:

  1. Eat only after you feel really hungry. This principle excludes the possibility of using something just to try it (after all, it is interesting what this or that product tastes like). Or eat, because you need to do it now, because there will be no time for food later. You should only eat when you are truly hungry.
  2. You need to eat and cook when you are in a good mood, because food carries not only useful material and the energy that the body needs.
  3. It is necessary to eat in a place where it is cozy, and the atmosphere is conducive to relaxation and eating.
  4. Pray before eating. It doesn't matter what religion you follow; asking for blessings before a meal is a good custom in many faiths.
  5. Food must be chewed thoroughly: the longer the food is in the mouth, the easier it will be for the body to absorb it. However, this pattern is not related to proteins of animal origin.
  6. Eating should be enjoyed: smell and taste the food, don't eat too fast.
  7. Leave the place of the meal with a slight feeling of hunger: it is necessary to let the body feel full (and this usually happens after 15 minutes).
  8. Eat separately, try not to combine a meal rich in proteins with foods that are high in carbohydrates.
  9. Give the body the opportunity to cleanse itself: this happens between 00:00 and 12:00. Therefore, from morning to 12 noon, you should eat only fruits, berries, drink freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas. If you really need to eat during this period of time, you can afford oatmeal or sour-milk products.
  10. Don't drink your food. Drink half an hour before meals. Foods rich in carbohydrates can be washed down only after 2-3 hours, and protein foods - 3-4 hours after a meal.
  11. After eating, you also need to pray, as if in gratitude for the food.

The principle of fasting involves a conscious, not imposed on anyone, refusal of food, and sometimes water. - to purify the soul and body. You can fast from one to several days or weeks. Contrary to popular belief that one cannot live more than a few days without food and water, Goltis argues that from the point of view of human physiology, one can go without food for several weeks. The main thing is to believe that a temporary refusal will be beneficial for the body.

Important!You can starve only when there is the right conscious motive - to cleanse the body of harmful substances and put the soul in order. If you want to prove something to someone, to last longer without food than your friend or anyone else, do not refuse food: this way you can harm yourself.

It is important to observe the stages of fasting: entry, fasting itself and exit. At the entrance stage, you begin to gradually refuse heavy foods that are difficult for the body to digest (pasta, pastries, fried foods, meat), and eat fruits and fresh vegetables.
The next stage - fasting itself - involves the desire to live for some time completely without food and water. During this period (it can be one day, or maybe several), it must be remembered that pleasure and energy can be obtained not only from food, but also from enjoying nature, communicating with people.

The exit is the most important stage that needs to be stretched so that the body has time to return to its usual mode.

Hardening is another part of the Goltis program, which helps to strengthen the immune system, tone the immune system. Such resistance of the organism to environmental conditions implies exposure to cold (as a rule, it is short-term and necessarily dosed). It is also necessary to begin to harden gradually to give the body the opportunity to get used to the changes.
Having strongly decided to harden, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Special procedures should be regular.
  2. It is necessary to experience joy from tempering procedures.
  3. Tempering is necessary in combination with other parts of the Goltis methodology: physical exercises, proper nutrition, fasting combined with the principle of "Open Heart".
  4. It is important to gradually accustom the body to procedures of this type.
  5. If you don't need "super-immunity", you can not harden every day after you get to the stage of daily douches. Dive when you have the opportunity and desire to do so.

7 principles of exercise

The main principles that must be followed when performing exercises according to this technique are:

  1. Clear technique. It is important to know which movement follows which, to maintain the correct position. As a result, the load is clearly distributed to certain muscles.
  2. The range of motion should be maximum. The extreme position of any part of the body should be fixed by concentrating on the extremely contracted or stretched muscle. The vast majority of exercises are fixed for a few seconds.
  3. Proper breathing. Inhalation should be done together with the beginning of the movement (through the nose), and exhalation - when you finish performing a certain movement (exhale through tightly compressed lips or teeth).
  4. The maximum tension of the muscle, which is emphasized in the exercise.
  5. Concentrated attention on the main loaded muscle.
  6. The principle of super recovery. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule for the complete restoration of the biochemical and bioenergetic potential of the muscle after exercise. Repeated training of a certain muscle group can be carried out only after they have fully recovered from the previous session.
  7. Complete relaxation of unused muscles.

Video: Health secrets from Goltis

Practical exercises

Goltis exercises are one of the important components of the technique, which in no case should be neglected if you want to achieve good results. Perform exercises 4 times a week, making a load every day on different muscles. It's easy to remember them.


Leg training makes it possible to tone the whole body: this will help to cope with problems with the back and pelvis. Doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs is great against the "ears". You can work out this part of the body with the help of squats, lunges, “pumping” (for example, from the front of the foot to the heel).


When training the delta, we must remember that each limb must be trained separately. If you perform the exercises correctly, without jerking, you can achieve an increase in the shoulder girdle, improve blood circulation, prevent arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis and other similar diseases. An example of a delta exercise is pull-ups.


Working out the back, you use the muscles of the lower back and the trapezius. Back exercises can be performed both without aids and with the help of a horizontal bar.


The benefits of chest exercises are in the expansion of the thoracic region or the normalization of the contour of the chest (which is especially important for women). Such exercises can also restore the position of the ribs and pectoral muscles. Chest exercises, the implementation of which involves the Goltis technique, will help eliminate the risk of stroke or heart disease. One of the recommended exercises is push-ups.
The Goltis technique is a complex system that includes both physical exercise, and purification of the soul and body with the help of positive thoughts, a certain diet, fasting, hardening. It will help you find peace, health, learn to enjoy every minute of life (if you take all tasks responsibly), and you will also be ready to change not only externally, but also internally.