Amanda Lepore: a lifelong struggle with nature. "The most expensive body in the world": transgender Amanda Lepore spent thousands of dollars on plastic surgery Video: Amanda Lepore performs in a nightclub in Milan

Amanda Lepore was not born a girl at all - in 1967 in the state of New Jersey (Cedar Grove, New Jersey) a boy named Armand Lepore was born. His family had Italian and German roots. Pretty early, Armand realized that he might have been born with the "wrong" body - as Amanda later admitted, she "knew from the very first day that she was a girl." So, while still in his tender adolescence, Armand began to dress in women's clothes. He also became interested in hormonal drugs, and soon a strange teenager, showing an unhealthy interest at that time in changing his own sex, was expelled from school. As a result, Armand, who by leaps and bounds approached the image of Amanda, had to find private teachers, and he studied at home.

He found himself a psychiatrist who officially diagnosed him mental disorder, which gave him the opportunity to access the necessary medications and balance hormonal drugs.

By the age of 17, Amanda (she already preferred to be only a woman) found a legal loophole and soon married a wealthy businessman. By that time, the glamorous transsexual already had experience in plastic surgery to improve the shape of her nose, as well as her figure.

The result was a kind of "infernal refined plastic doll" - and it was she who was to become one of the most infamous secular divas in New York.

Marriage turned out for Amanda not at all what she expected - her husband was constantly jealous of his extraordinary wife, did not give free rein to her fantasies, did not allow her to work. So, after spending some time as a housewife, Amanda almost howled - all she literally dreamed of at that time was working as a cosmetics saleswoman in an expensive department store in New York, communicating with wealthy clients. No less beautiful seemed to the girl and work in an expensive nail salon or hairdresser.

In 1989, Aamanda finally ended up in New York. By that time, she had already completely grown accustomed to her female appearance, and only constant hormones reminded her that the transformation process must be constantly maintained.

Over time, silicone became Amanda's best friend - her breasts, buttocks and thighs were filled with it. She continued to improve her face. The shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, the height of the forehead, the line of the lips and eyebrows - all this, according to Amanda, required constant corrections.

As she dreamed, she worked as a cosmetics salesman as well as in a nail salon, and soon she became a very active party girl. In New York nightclubs, Amanda lit up as best she could - and soon she was already known as one of the most outrageous and outrageous secular divas. An increasing number of celebrities of various sizes wanted to get acquainted with Amanda.

Best of the day

Very soon, not a single party of any worth was complete without Amanda Lepore - she was invited vying with each other, and this was exactly the life that Amanda had dreamed of since childhood.

On the wave of secular success, Amanda's modeling career also gained momentum - her body, sculpted with the help of skilled plastic surgeons, became simply chiseled. She has worked with companies such as "M.A.C. Cosmetics", "Mego Jeans", "The Blonds", "Swatch", "CAMP Cosmetics" and others.

However, many actively pour mud on her - after all, Amanda Lepore, with all her silicone, is a fairly easy target. By the way, the diva herself reacts calmly to all attacks - all this is the other side of popularity.

And Amanda also admits that she has always been a freak, an outsider, which means that she has always had to fight.

Not stopping at the modeling field, Amanda Lepore decided to become a singer - to date, she has already recorded several music EP-albums, and her first full-length album, "I ... Amanda Lepore", was released in 2011. Many fans of Amanda's talents also appreciate her numerous videos; By the way, in her videos she willingly poses with a minimum of clothes. It should be said that even the most fierce critics of Lepore cannot but admit that Amanda looks just fine for her age. Naturally, it is impossible not to be sarcastic about her frankly swollen lips from injections, which she actively paints with the brightest red lipstick.

However, no matter how this strange secular diva is reviled, Amanda herself demonstrates amazing personal harmony - she enjoys her appearance and her achievements and encourages others to love themselves and be proud of their body, improve it and not be ashamed of their sexuality.

Regarded as a transgender legend, Amanda Lepore is a must-have guest at the most notable events in the life of the gay community and other non-traditional sex groups.

Amanda Lepore is a very famous American transsexual, a scandalous model and the so-called freak diva. Lepore is considered a symbol of transsexuals around the world.

Amanda Lepore was not born a girl at all - in 1967 in the state of New Jersey (Cedar Grove, New Jersey) a boy named Armand Lepore was born. His family had Italian and German roots. Pretty early, Armand realized that he might have been born with the "wrong" body - as Amanda later admitted, she "knew from the very first day that she was a girl." So, while still in his tender adolescence, Armand began to dress in women's clothes. He also became interested in hormonal drugs, and soon a strange teenager, showing an unhealthy interest at that time in changing his own sex, was expelled from school. As a result, Armand, who by leaps and bounds approached the image of Amanda, had to find private teachers, and he studied at home.

He found himself a psychiatrist who officially diagnosed him with a mental disorder, which gave him the opportunity to access the necessary medications and balance hormones.

By the age of 17, Amanda (she already preferred to be only a woman) found a legal loophole and soon married a wealthy businessman. By that time, the glamorous shemale already had

la experience in plastic surgery to improve the shape of the nose, as well as the figure.

The result was a kind of "infernal refined plastic doll" - and it was she who was to become one of the most infamous secular divas in New York.

Marriage turned out for Amanda not at all what she expected - her husband was constantly jealous of his extraordinary wife, did not give free rein to her fantasies, did not allow her to work. So, after spending some time as a housewife, Amanda almost howled - all she literally dreamed of at that time was working as a cosmetics saleswoman in an expensive department store in New York, communicating with wealthy clients. No less beautiful seemed to the girl and work in an expensive nail salon or hairdresser.

In 1989, Aamanda finally ended up in New York. By that time, she had already completely grown accustomed to her female appearance, and only constant hormones reminded her that the transformation process must be constantly maintained.

Over time, silicone became Amanda's best friend - her breasts, buttocks and thighs were filled with it. She continued to improve her face. Eye section, nose shape, forehead height, lip and eyebrow line

- all this, according to Amanda, required constant corrections.

As she dreamed, she worked as a cosmetics salesman as well as in a nail salon, and soon she became a very active party girl. In New York nightclubs, Amanda lit up as best she could - and soon she was already known as one of the most outrageous and outrageous secular divas. An increasing number of celebrities of various sizes wanted to get acquainted with Amanda.

Very soon, not a single party of any worth was complete without Amanda Lepore - she was invited vying with each other, and this was exactly the life that Amanda had dreamed of since childhood.

On the wave of secular success, Amanda's modeling career also gained momentum - her body, sculpted with the help of skilled plastic surgeons, became simply chiseled. She has worked with companies such as "M.A.C. Cosmetics", "Mego Jeans", "The Blonds", "Swatch", "CAMP Cosmetics" and others.

However, many actively pour mud on her - after all, Amanda Lepore, with all her silicone, is a fairly easy target. By the way, the diva herself reacts calmly to all attacks - all this is the other side of popularity.

And Amanda admits she's always been a freak

m, an outsider, which means that she always had to fight.

Not stopping at the modeling field, Amanda Lepore decided to become a singer - to date, she has already recorded several music EP-albums, and her first full-length album, "I ... Amanda Lepore", was released in 2011. Many fans of Amanda's talents also appreciate her numerous videos; By the way, in her videos she willingly poses with a minimum of clothes. It should be said that even the most fierce critics of Lepore cannot but admit that Amanda looks just fine for her age. Naturally, it is impossible not to be sarcastic about her frankly swollen lips from injections, which she actively paints with the brightest red lipstick.

However, no matter how this strange secular diva is reviled, Amanda herself demonstrates amazing personal harmony - she enjoys her appearance and her achievements and encourages others to love themselves and be proud of their body, improve it and not be ashamed of their sexuality.

Regarded as a transgender legend, Amanda Lepore is a must-have guest at the most notable events in the life of the gay community and other non-traditional sex groups.

Amanda Lepore

Amanda Lepore
Amanda Lepore

Amanda Lepore in the August 2008 issue of Playboy magazine
Name at birth:

Armand Leport


freak diva

Date of Birth:


Amanda Lepore(Amanda Lepore, b. Armand Lepore, December 5) - famous american model, freak diva and transgender symbol. Gained fame for her modeling, fashion, outrageous behavior, musical activities and business skills. She has become the face of advertisements for Heatherette, M.A.C. (cosmetics), Mego Jeans, Swatch, CAMP Cosmetics and many more. Design company Heatherette uses the image of Lepore for the most part for clothing. During the week at Fashion Week, she was chosen several times. In the works of David LaChapelle's Lepore was noted as regular customer. She participated in his Artists and Prostitutes 1985-2005 which took place in New York where she lives. She represents Classic Entertainment Group. Lepore lives in New York and works as a night hostess for many of the city's popular clubs.

Lepore was born to a chemical engineer father (Italian-American) and a schizophrenic (German-American) mother in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. At the age of 11, Lepore openly wanted to change sex after seeing a program about it on TV. Having no desire to dress like a boy, Lepore made the decision to go to school dressing like a girl. But even in such an outfit, he could not go to school, since this was forbidden to him at that very school. As a result, Lepore received a teacher at home. At the age of 15, he began designing costumes for dancers at a local club. During this time, he received hormonal drugs for underage transsexuals. After that, his body began to change, and his parents took Lepore to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him as a transsexual. The psychiatrist helped in legally obtaining hormones.

At the age of 15, Lepore began dating a plastic surgeon. Faithful boyfriend gave her her first operation (nose job). At 17, she had already changed her sex and began a long journey to her true self. Later, Amanda Lepore will pump silicone breasts, thighs and buttocks three times, change the shape of her eyes and forehead twice, increase her lips and reshape her body. The result is an infernal refined plastic doll, for which the fate of a fashionable New York diva was prepared. In an interview with The Insider in 2006, she admitted that she spent a lot of money on her makeover.

Amanda's parents were sweet and unstable. His mother suffered from schizophrenia and was constantly in a psychiatric hospital, and his father worked as a chemical engineer. They did not understand Amanda's oddities, even though her father allowed her to buy dolls. Wanting to eradicate perverse ailments from their "son", they took her to all kinds of psychiatrists, but they unanimously said that Amanda was a transsexual, and you should not worry about this. Since then, Amanda's father and mother legally obtained hormones for their daughter.

“Before the surgeries, even when I dressed like a boy, people thought I was a girl,” says Amanda. - I was the smallest in the class. Some teachers couldn't figure out who I was. At 13 I grew myself long hair, got eyelash extensions and started using makeup. We listened to rock and roll then, so I could cover my appearance. Still, school was tough. Other children often ridiculed me and my antics, but this helped me become who I am. It made me stronger. When you are an outsider, you are moving along your own track ... ".

Marriage to her plastic surgeon was a real prison for Amanda. He was either jealous or ignored her and, in fact, the miracle Lepore was his manual housewife. After suffering for seven months, Amanda raised enough money to run away from her husband to New York.

At the center of the American cultural revolutions, Amanda Lepore won lightning speed best clubs and parties of the city, becoming a kind of American Lee Bowery. New York's fashion crowd elevated her to the rank of a miracle diva - an extravagant porn mistress, the embodiment of all the perverted aspirations of the postmodern, Marilyn Monroe among transsexuals.


  • 2005 "Introducing… Amanda Lepore"
  • 2006 "Get Into It"
  • 2007 "Fierce Pussy" remix album
  • 2009 "I...Amanda Lepore"

Links (in English)

Links (in Russian)


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • December 5th
  • Born in 1967
  • Born in Essex, New Jersey
  • US fashion models
  • Shemales

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Amanda Merill
  • Amanda Donoghue

See what "Amanda Lepore" is in other dictionaries:

    Club Kids The Club Kids were a team of young clubbers led by Michael Alig and James St. James in the late 1980s and early 1990s. James St. James is the author of "Bloody Disco Banquet", which describes the history of the "Club Babes" ... Wikipedia

Amanda Lepore is the star diva of all transsexuals on the planet. Her path to scandalous fame was long and thorny. Her body is now called the most expensive in the world. How Amanda Lepore gained worldwide popularity, and what it cost her, you will find out right now.

Childhood years of the future star

Amanda Lepore as a child was the most ordinary boy named Armand. Later, she admits that she always considered herself a girl, and did not understand why men's clothes were diligently pulled over her. In a family where the mother was schizophrenic, there was no one to delve into the moral state of the son. After all, the father always worked, providing for the family. Trying to somehow apologize for the abnormal mother, he allowed his son to buy dolls for himself. The father believed that the child simply lacked maternal care. He thought so until the boy was 11, because it was at this age that Arman announced that he wanted to change sex.

It was like a bolt from the blue, like a shame covering an ordinary family. “The son will be a homosexual,” the father was firmly convinced, and, waving his hand, decided to send the child to study as a stylist. Armand had to finish school, and that was the worst thing. Still considered his tinted face a consequence of the passion for rock and roll. But he was beaten and ridiculed for his feminine appearance and mannerisms.

The beginning of the war with nature

Amanda Lepore in her youth, while continuing to physically remain a boy, went to college. She liked to apply makeup to herself, and not to someone else. Then, at the age of 16, the future star began to sew costumes for strippers to order. These millimeter-sized pieces of fabric, sheathed with beads and rhinestones, can hardly be called costumes. I took hormonal drugs as payment. I drank as many of them as possible. Breasts began to grow. “Miss” Lepore dressed up in baggy clothes so as not to show changes in her body. But when her mother saw her after her shower and asked what it was, she said, “I don't know. They just grew up." Amanda Lepore had a boyfriend of a plastic surgeon who did not leave her, even when he found out that she was a man. From that moment, the epic of Arman's war with his male body began.

How Amanda Lepore changed after operations

In her youth, Amanda wanted to get rid of the hated body of Armand. The process of transformation took place in several stages.

  • The first operation was, oddly enough, rhinoplasty. Made her boyfriend part-time also a plastic surgeon. Amanda Lepore, after operations on her nose, decided that she was knee-deep in the sea and needed to move on.
  • Sex change. Amanda Lepore - a man decided to change sex at the age of 17. Her parents were against it, and she was adopted by her boyfriend's father to get away from the need for their permission. So, after getting rid of all the male organs, the real Amanda Lepore was born.
  • Breast augmentation. Amanda Lepore drank hormones before and after sex reassignment surgery. They contributed to the appearance of breasts, but the newly-minted woman wanted to be like a movie star. Therefore, breast augmentation right size took place in three stages. Not every woman from birth can boast of such voluminous breasts.

  • Blepharoplasty. For uninitiated people, this is a correction of the shape of the eyes. Her transgender did twice, wanting to achieve the look.
  • Rib removal. Amanda Lepore had surgery to remove her lower ribs to achieve thin waist. “I think Raquel Welch and Cher also had this operation. It is illegal in the US, so I had the operation in Mexico,” says the diva.

  • Augmentation of the hips and buttocks. Amanda Lepore was a man before the sex change, so her buttocks and hips were flat. I had to furiously pump them up with silicone. Yes, not just like that, but so that in a stellar way. The desired roundness brought her even closer to the cherished image.

  • Lip augmentation. The huge mouth of the current trans diva did not appear immediately. There were three operations to pump it up. And this is just the official version. AT this moment Amanda is greatly pumped. They just can't close due to the amount of silicone inside.

  • Elevation of the hairline. To gain a high thoroughbred forehead, the woman had to artificially raise the hairline. The surgeons coped with the task, and now photos of Amanda Lepore show a beautiful profile.
  • Forehead alignment. Amanda Lepore achieved the desired effect after her forehead smoothing operations. The services of plastic surgeons were paid for by a loving boyfriend.

There was not the slightest unoperated place left on her body. How much this fabulous transformation cost her boyfriend remains a mystery, but Amanda Lepore herself, smiling mysteriously with her fish mouth, says that the amount is fabulous.

Life of Amanda Lepore after operations

A woman ran away from her jealous husband to New York. A. Lepore after operations had an appetizing skillfully sewn body. Working as a manicurist, she got an innocent part-time job in a BDSM club. With huge lips, breasts and buttocks, she perfectly fit into the image of the "mistress". She beat clients well, working off her salary. It seemed that her life would continue to consist of nail polishes and whips, but a fateful meeting took place.

Finest hour of trance Lepore

Amanda Lepore meets photographer David LaChapelle at a party. The woman became his muse, and the photo of Amanda Lepore brought star popularity to the woman. Now she is the most awaited guest at any party. After meeting a photographer, new fashion model Amanda appears as the face of advertising for M.A.C., Heatherette, Swatch, Mego Jeans, CAMP Cosmetics and many other companies.

In addition, Amanda Lepore continues her career in the fashion industry after operations. A bottle of her perfume, for example, costs up to $1,000.

46-year-old model, designer and party girl Amanda Lepore says she is very happy. And not from the fact that she is world famous and rich, but from the fact that she has such a body that she so dreamed about in childhood. It was for the sake of this dream that she spent half of her life under the scalpel of plastic surgeons.

Video: Amanda Lepore performs at a Milan nightclub