How to make a milling cutter from a drill. Do-it-yourself milling cutter from a drill: a manufacturing workflow. How to make a router from a drill with your own hands

The need to manufacture a home-made router is explained by the high price of this equipment; for one-time work or with minor requirements for accuracy, it is more advisable to use hand-held devices from drills or self-assembled stationary machines. For these purposes, an electric tool, fixed in a vertical position, is best suited, there is no need to change the kinematic diagram or complex drawings.

The main purpose of the milling cutter is the curly processing of edges, the creation of grooves and the drilling of holes, with a conventional electric drill it is united by the principle of operation, namely, the rotation of a securely fixed working tool in the chuck. The differences are manifested in the load vector (the milling cutter is designed for continuous operation with significant transverse forces), the presence of a bed (thrust plate) in the simplest design and the ability to control the depth of cut in a more complex one. For obvious reasons, the drill does not have any movement limiters, they need to be made and attached by yourself.

Another difference between milling machines is a wider range of speeds of the working shaft of the spindle. For a standard electric drill, it rarely exceeds 0-3000 rpm; not all models have the ability to adjust. With a router, it reaches 30,000 rpm, the difference between these values ​​\u200b\u200band its consequences are obvious even to a non-specialist. It is for this reason that a household drill is considered unsuitable for creating a milling machine: even with the purchase of special tools for a drill, it will be inferior in processing accuracy and, most importantly, will have lower performance compared to professional models. However, homemade products are successfully used when performing simple operations: edging, preparing holes for locks and hinges, laying grooves or boring.

Materials and tools

To assemble the simplest homemade router you will need:

  • Pieces of laminated board, thick plywood or sheet metal for the base of the router. Their dimensions are selected based on the dimensions of the electric drill itself; a pre-drawn drawing is used to cut the supports, vertical and horizontal parts. When choosing wooden materials for the assembly of the base, the recommended thickness of the slab or sheet is 20 mm, otherwise the support will not be rigid enough.
  • Clamp for fixing a hand drill and bolts for screwing it.
  • Self-tapping screws and similar fasteners.
  • Electric jigsaw or crown with ᴓ40 mm to get a smooth hole for the cutter, other plumbing tools.
  • Directly an electric drill with a power of at least 0.5 kW, with the highest possible speed, ideally with the ability to adjust them. Preference is given to models with a solid body, the risks of deformation under lateral loads of such homemade products are quite high.

In the collet chuck of the drill, any cutter is securely fixed, provided that the cross section and the cylindrical shape of the shank match. If desired, nozzles for such a hand tool can also be made on your own: from plywood and pieces of sandpaper, a turned dowel, a wheel from a lighter and other improvised materials. A number of cutters are installed on an electric drill only if there is an appropriate adapter, these points should be clarified in advance. When it is necessary to work with hard materials, including metal, nozzles such as cutters (boring holes at different angles) and countersinks (allowing for rough surface treatment or forming recesses) are used.

A more complex design of a homemade router implies the possibility of free movement of the drill in the vertical direction in order to change the depth of cut. To assemble the microlift, you will need 2 metal pipes or racks that act as guides, a threaded axle and a nut, and fasteners. In most cases, it is possible to freely extract the electric drill in order to use it for its intended purpose, it is for this reason that the fastening clamps are made collapsible. The resulting wooden or metal structures are recommended to be placed on a stable base.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step technology for assembling a router from a drill

Work begins with measuring the dimensions of the tool and drawing up the simplest base scheme, taking into account the need for a 40 mm hole on the horizontal part, with the center point coinciding with its working axis, leaving free space for the trigger button and marking the location of the clamp (or several when planning the displacement of the drill) . Then they are conducted in the following sequence:

  1. All wooden parts are sawn with a jigsaw or saw, the place for screwing in the screws is marked, a round hole is prepared on the sole of the hand mill. 40 mm in diameter is enough to ensure free access of the cutter to the processing area.
  2. The main parts are screwed with self-tapping screws.
  3. On the vertical side of the base, 1 or more clamps for an electric drill are fixed.
  4. The design is checked for stability, if necessary, it is reinforced with a wooden stop in the upper part.

Tips and Alternatives

When working with a mini-milling machine from a conventional drill, it should be remembered that the bearings of its shaft are designed for other loads, the tool is protected from overheating. When processing wood (not to mention harder materials), excessive cutter pressure, continuous switching modes, body deformation or armature distortions in the equipment motor stator are avoided. Technological breaks help to reduce the risks, they are advised to be done after 1-3 passes of the rotating nozzle or other signs of overheating of the electric drill are detected.

When assembling the router on your own, to increase its reliability and performance, it is recommended:

  • Take the switch out of the holding base of the electric drill.
  • Use specialized nozzles, adapters and cutters with a cylindrical shank.
  • Provide good directional lighting for a homemade milling machine.
  • Track the center of gravity of the tool, if necessary, compensate for it by stuffing bars on the base. Highly vibrating models need to be secured to a stationary table, workbench, or similar stable base.
  • Organize the collection or removal of sawdust and shavings.

You can also make a homemade milling machine using an engine from an old washing machine or by reworking a grinder. In the first case, the design is most often stationary, the adapter for the collet clamping the cutter is made using turning equipment. It is easier to make a small tool from a grinder, fixed on the sole, with a collet or a chuck screwed onto the spindle. If you doubt your abilities or with increased requirements for sampling accuracy, you should buy a milling nozzle for a drill, in particular, it is successfully used in preparing blind holes for furniture hinges or in similar carpentry work. Some types of these devices have outlets for connecting to a vacuum cleaner, the only drawback of such devices is the high price.

Often there are situations when you need to make a groove, carefully trim the edge of the board or make a part of a complex shape. Usually such work is performed using a milling cutter. The well-equipped workshop has all the necessary tools and machines at hand.

But what if, for example, instead of a workshop, a garage, and only a drill is available. You can solve the problem in the nearest power tool store. But, as usual, everything depends either on finances, or on the fact that the milling tool is only needed for a while, and then it will simply gather dust on the shelf. As you know, there is a way out of any situation, and specifically from this one - a do-it-yourself milling cutter from a drill.

The drill acts as a drive. A cutting tool (cutter or drill) is clamped into the chuck and processed. In this case, the body of the electric drill is mounted on some kind of base or mechanism that provides the necessary location of the cutting part relative to the workpiece or part.

The principle of operation is similar to the factory options for milling cutters. The design of the mechanical part is also similar or completely repeats the elements of a non-handicraft device. The exceptions are the details of fastening the drill. In addition, the design of the mechanism depends on the material of manufacture.

The milling device can be simple and contain a minimum of parts and assemblies, but if necessary, nothing prevents you from “expanding” the capabilities of the electric drill by constructing a rather complex structure. It all depends on your own capabilities and requirements for the functionality of a homemade tool.

You can make a router with your own hands from a drill using any materials at hand. The main requirement: the design must be durable, the presence of backlashes and distortions is not allowed, the electric drill must be securely fixed.

For the manufacture of parts, you can use:

  • Chipboard or multi-layer plywood with a thickness of 12 mm or more;
  • cutting boards of suitable thickness;
  • wooden bars.

It is also possible to use other materials. For example, you can use metal. A good idea is a base made of thick plexiglass or acrylic. Through such material the processed surface will be visible.

Parts are connected with self-tapping screws. For reliability, all fixed joints can be glued with any suitable glue (carpentry, PVA, etc.).

Bolts or studs may be required to secure moving parts. diameter 6 – 8 mm. They will need nuts, both regular and wing nuts. Some connections may require washers. It is possible to use furniture fittings: guide mechanisms, various fasteners, and so on.

In everyday life, a vertical hand mill is often used. It has the easiest design to repeat. It is enough to make a stand with a mount for an electric drill, and the device for performing simple operations is ready. An example of such a homemade unit is in the photo below.

The manufacturing process of such a base is quite simple:

  • The first detail to start with is the base (sole). It is necessary to cut the workpiece of a round or oval shape.
  • Next, make a hole for the cutter. It must have an offset relative to the center of the part, taking into account the thickness of the side post.
  • Depending on the dimensions of the electric drill, a rack of the required size is made and fastened to the base with self-tapping screws or furniture confirmations.
  • The rigidity of the fastening is provided by a spacer (kerchief). The inner sides of this part must have an angle of strictly 90 °.
  • The next element is the drill mount. You can use a pipe clamp, as in the photo, or make a clamp out of wood or plywood and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  • As an additional fixation, an emphasis is placed above the drill.

This option is suitable for doing rough work or will serve as a temporary alternative to a full-fledged tool. To perform more accurate operations, you will have to develop a more complex design.

Nothing prevents you from equipping your “home-made” with adjustable cutter overhang or the ability to change the angle of inclination. It is possible to use a drill in a desktop milling machine. To do this, the electric drill is installed vertically under the work surface.

Making a router with your own hands from a drill is not the most difficult task. Difficulties are manifested in the use of such a device. It should be borne in mind that the power tool is not designed for this method of use and working with it will have some features and even disadvantages.

The first thing to consider is rotation speed. The milling machine motor can run up to 20,000 rpm. For an electric drill, this indicator is around 3000. It follows that you will have to limit yourself to using cutters designed to work at low speeds, and the rotation speed regulator should be in the maximum position.

The situation is similar with power. The engine of a simple electric drill consumes about 500 - 600 watts. The power of the cutter is 1 - 2 kW. This means that a homemade milling machine will cope with the processing of not too hard materials (wood, plywood, plastic).

The milling accuracy is also not perfect. There are no gears or gearboxes in the design of the factory milling cutter. In electric drills, gears are used to transmit rotation from the engine to the chuck. Because of this, backlashes are possible, and therefore, beating and vibration may occur, which will negatively affect the quality of work.

Video: Bosch drill cutter

A simple design, most likely, will not provide for adjusting the depth of cut. You can set the cutter or drill by holding the shank in the chuck at the required height.

Also, do not forget about safety. The cartridge is not the most ideal option for mounting the cutter. At high speeds, vibration can cause a poorly tightened chuck to spin.

The power button for a homemade router will be located in an inconvenient place. Hold the device securely with your hands during operation.

Of course, there are enough shortcomings in a home-made milling cutter from a drill, but there are also positive aspects. Try drilling a wall with a regular router. Theoretically, this is possible, but it is more convenient to do this with an electric drill. To do this, just remove it from the mount and apply it for its intended purpose.

Do-it-yourself drill cutter: accessories and assembly options

The relevance of the question of how to make a router from a drill with your own hands is explained by the fact that not all home craftsmen can afford to purchase expensive serial models. Meanwhile, the usefulness of such a device and the need for its use in many situations (construction and repair work, the manufacture of all kinds of wood structures, the decorative design of products from various materials) are undeniable.

Simple milling of wooden parts can be done on a homemade drilling stand

Using a milling cutter equipped with the appropriate working tool, you can successfully mill wood products, form edges of various configurations on them, prepare seats for door locks and hinges, create grooves on wooden parts, and solve many other technological problems.

Components and assembly algorithm

It is possible to make a milling machine from a drill that almost every home craftsman has, but it should be borne in mind that such a device cannot fully replace the serial model. This is explained by the fact that the cartridge of a conventional hand drill is capable of rotating at a speed of 3000 rpm, while a serial milling cutter is able to ensure the rotation of the tool used at a speed of up to 30,000 rpm. In addition, the gearbox of a household electric drill is not designed for intense loads, which will quickly bring it to a faulty state.

Drill router

Scheme of the simplest vertical stand for a drill

Meanwhile, the simplest milling cutter, made from improvised materials with minimal financial costs, is able to successfully cope with many technological tasks. To make your milling machine from an electric drill, you must find the following materials and tools:

  1. several pieces of chipboard or thick plywood;
  2. a clamp with which the drill will be fixed on the base of the device;
  3. bolts, screws and other fasteners;
  4. feather drill or drill bit with a diameter of 40 mm;
  5. standard tool kit.

Scraps of slats, pieces of plywood, metal corners - all this can be used to make a simple milling stand

The process of assembling a homemade router itself takes place according to the following algorithm.

  • The base of the future router is assembled from sheets of chipboard or plywood, which includes a horizontal base and a vertical part on which an electric drill will be fixed. The dimensions of the chipboard or plywood sheets from which such a structure will be made are calculated depending on the dimensions of the electric drill used as the basis of a home-made machine.
  • A hole with a diameter of 40 mm is drilled in the horizontal base of the device, which is necessary in order to ensure the access of the tool to the processing area.
  • A clamp is attached to the vertical stand of the device with a bolt, in which an electric drill is fixed. In this case, the drill should be positioned so that the lower end of its cartridge is a few millimeters from the horizontal base of the router.
  • To make the position of the drill on the vertical stand more stable, you can fix a small wooden block in its upper part, which will act as a stop.

Drill attachment options (click on photo to enlarge)

Adjusting the depth of cut when using such a router is carried out by changing the position of the electric drill in the clamp fixing it.

Stand with height adjustment via lever

How to make the milling machine of the above design more convenient and functional? To do this, it can be equipped with a simple microlift, which will be responsible for moving the electric drill in the vertical direction. For the manufacture of such an elevator, you will need the following consumables and components:

  1. two metal rods that will act as guide elements;
  2. a platform (carriage) for fixing an electric drill, made of chipboard or thick plywood;
  3. threaded axle and nut, which will be responsible for moving the electric drill in the vertical direction;
  4. elements that ensure the fixation of the electric drill in the required position.

Height-adjustable column with threaded rod

The principle by which such a homemade router works is quite simple and is as follows.

  • When the threaded axis rotates, the carriage with the drill fixed to it moves in the vertical direction.
  • After the electric drill and the tool fixed in its chuck are set in the required position, the carriage is fixed with the help of fasteners.

Naturally, the entire design of such a home-made router, the operation of which is well demonstrated by the video, must be fixed on a solid foundation. The surface of a desktop or workbench can act as the latter.

Machine from an old electric motor

A home-made milling machine, with which many technological operations are quite successfully performed, can be made without the use of an electric drill. In order to make such a device, you will need the following consumables and accessories:

  • a drive motor, which can be used as an electric motor from an old washing machine and other household appliances;
  • a cartridge in which the cutting tool used will be fixed;
  • an adapter with which the drive motor shaft will be connected to the cartridge;
  • sheets of chipboard or thick plywood for the manufacture of the base and vertical guide of a homemade router.

Homemade machine based on a Soviet three-phase motor

When choosing an electric motor for a homemade milling machine, keep in mind that the power of the latter should be in the range of 500–1100 watts. The higher the power of the drive motor, the greater the depth it will be possible to perform milling.

A very important requirement in the manufacture of a homemade milling machine is the absence of backlash in the contacting elements of the device. If you neglect this requirement, you may encounter the fact that the processing performed using such a milling cutter will not be of high accuracy and quality. In addition, the quality and accuracy of machining, even on a homemade milling machine, is seriously affected by the characteristics of the cutting tool used.

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We make a router from a drill with our own hands (drawings, photos, videos)

In a home workshop, there is often a need to sharpen, smooth an edge, or perform some other operation with metal or wood. Having a milling machine solves these problems. But what to do if there is no place to put such large-sized equipment or nothing to buy for? Exit - a milling cutter from a drill. A do-it-yourself device will greatly facilitate the processing of various materials at home.

The principle of operation of the milling cutter

The milling device works like this:

  • the motor provides rotation and transfers it to a spindle made of durable and hard metal;
  • on the spindle there is a nozzle for working on metal or wood - a milling cutter;
  • it processes the material that is fixed on the work plane.

Attention! In the manual version of the router, the nozzle is attached to the cartridge.

A milling cutter from a drill can also work on ceramics, glass, and plastic. For each material - a separate nozzle with its own characteristics:

  1. For wood - simple cutters, not high-strength and without a large number of turns.
  2. For metal - reinforced nozzle. Brass is especially difficult to process with a milling cutter.
  3. For glass and similar materials - cutters made of special alloys.

With the help of such a tool, you can wind the thread, carve grooves and cavities, smooth and give the desired shape to the edge, make holes. The drill will provide the manual machine with an electric motor of suitable power. When choosing it, consider the power and speed of rotation. The second parameter affects the quality of the cut: the more revolutions, the better.

The power depends on the material to be processed. For wood blanks, 0.5 kW is enough. But even in this case, the masters recommend looking for a more powerful device of 1-2 kW. Such a router will be versatile and convenient for working with various materials.

Assembling the base for a homemade drill-based router

To begin with, think over the device of the desktop and the layout of the router on it. You can not assemble the tabletop, but buy it in a specialized store, but it is quite expensive. For self-production, use the drawings. A good table will provide comfort and speed up the process of working with a router. The base is a sheet of durable plastic or chipboard with a thickness of at least 12 cm. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, but it is faster and easier to make a countertop from chipboard.

Attention! There are other options: MDF or phenolic plastic.

The tabletop is placed on guides. Provide for the possibility of their regulation in order to adjust the position of the table for your convenience. Also note that the space near the work surface should be protected. This is important in the process of working with a manual router. In addition, the parts need a clamping mechanism.

Adjustment lift installation:

Advice. Any holes in the countertop are cut out with an ordinary hand drill.

Making a mini-machine from a drill

This router does not require straps and pulleys: the cutter bits are put on directly on the motor shaft, as in the photo. But we need skids, carriages, a threaded axle. When the shaft rotates, the carriage moves up and down along it. Sliding skids - guides. After setting the height, the carriage is fixed. The entire apparatus is supported by a housing that is mounted below on the table top.

Attention! The motor and carriage must not wobble during operation. Otherwise, you will not be able to accurately process the material with a router.

The most difficult manipulation in the assembly is to fix the cartridge and the engine. You will have to buy a special adapter, and entrust its precise balanced installation to a locksmith with professional equipment. After assembly is completed, test the router:

  • install a light nozzle;
  • turn on the device in the network;
  • try to carry out the simplest operations;
  • with a positive result, perform more serious work;
  • if everything is in order again, proceed to full operation.

Advice. There are options for homemade milling cutters from a drill, where the rotary lever is moved sideways from above.

Sometimes masters additionally equip the device with gears for ease of control.

Features of the operation of a manual router

  1. In addition to grinding, it is desirable to treat the wooden surfaces of the workbench with a special impregnation. This will increase the resistance of the coating to negative factors.
  2. Think separately for yourself the location of the control systems of the apparatus.
  3. The milling cutter can be additionally equipped with a system for cleaning the working area from small chips. Come up with a pipe that will connect to the hose of a conventional vacuum cleaner.

Advice. The video will help to understand in more detail the manufacturing technology of a router from a drill.

There are many advantages of a home-made device over a purchased one:

  • availability of component parts for assembly;
  • low cost;
  • the possibility of dismantling the mini-machine and using the cutter in manual mode.

However, such a device does not reach the speed of professional devices and is only suitable for processing materials in small quantities. The drill cutter must be assembled in strict accordance with the technology. Only accuracy and precision in the performance of work will allow you to get a durable and reliable unit.

How to make a router from a drill with your own hands: video

How to make a router from a drill with your own hands

Fans of making something at home often ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to assemble a router from a drill with your own hands?”. This idea has a fairly solid foundation in the form of the high cost of a professional profile tool. The price of a modern milling machine can seriously hit the home budget, and you will not have to use it so often. It turns out that it is quite possible to make such a device on your own.

Using a milling machine

Most often, such a tool is very useful when cottage house renovation or building a private cottage. With such a unit, complex woodworking work can be carried out right at home. You will have access to:

  • milling of wooden parts;
  • edge formation;
  • creation of special connecting parts;
  • other woodworking;

A large number of advantages do not always outweigh the inflated price of the tool, which, at the end of the repair, will gather dust in the pantry. Therefore, a homemade manual router is gaining more and more popularity among homeowners.

Device manufacturing

Before proceeding directly to the assembly procedure, you need to take care of a special stand - milling table. This element can be assembled from thick plywood or chipboard panels.

Get the right parts:

  • sheets of plywood or chipboard with a thickness of at least twelve millimeters;
  • four support bars;
  • clamp for fixing the drill on the table;

Let's start the assembly process. Make holes for the bolts in the main vertical wall and fix the guide clamp.

After that, make a round hole in the middle of the thrust sheet. Professionals advise using for these purposes electric jigsaw, but a simple hacksaw will do. The final stage is the connection of all parts into a single structure using self-tapping screws or superglue. The table is ready, the most important thing left is to make the router itself.

Main elements of the device

At the heart of a good milling machine is electric drive. Its power should not be lower than 500 watts. Calculate this figure depending on the thickness of the wooden parts that you plan to process. The most suitable option is a drill, hammer drill or grinder with a power of 500 to 1100 watts. The best choice, in terms of price and reliability, is a drill.

When buying, you should pay special attention to the quality characteristics of the drill, because later it can be used for its intended purpose.

To assemble the entire system, you will need the following components:

  • good electric drill;

  • cutter - an element that is purchased separately in a specialized store;

  • special cartridge for fixing.

The last part is connected to the drill by means of adapter, which will have to be selected separately, depending on the type of cutter. Installing such an adapter is problematic, but it is quite possible at home.

Assembly sequence

When making a milling machine, you must follow some guidelines that will help you avoid mistakes. Particular attention should be paid to lift to adjust- it is fixed on the table cover to compensate for the force of revolutions. For the manufacture of this part, dense plywood is used.

It is very important to achieve solidity in the design, avoid the use of straps, cables, small nails and rails. The cutter itself is then mounted on the motor shaft. As a result, the elevator will include:

  • carriages;
  • body, which will bear the main load;
  • threaded axle;
  • fastening for fixing;
  • sliding type skids.

When the threaded axis rotates, the carriage moves along with the motor. It moves it up or down along the axis line. The skids are designed to limit and guide movement.

Height restrictions must be set in advance while the device is stationary. By fixing the fixing elements in the required position, you will protect yourself and your work.

It is extremely important to follow smooth movement of the carriage. Achieve the most stable position in order to exclude the occurrence of marriage and irregularities in the processing of wood. Experienced craftsmen make special gears and rotary levers, which are then included in the overall control system.

So, following simple tips, you can assemble a router from an ordinary drill. Carefully customize the details and use only high-quality materials. Do not try to save money on a drill, remember when the construction is over, you can disassemble the machine and use it for its intended purpose. Do not rush to throw away the table and the elevator after - they can be disassembled into separate elements and compactly packed in a box until the next repair. That is why professionals use only construction screws for connection.

Do-it-yourself drill cutter

Many craftsmen are faced with a situation where making a router from a drill with their own hands is an urgent need. Sometimes it is necessary to smooth the end of an unevenly cut part or make a groove for edging in a chipboard. This will require a special tool. It is not difficult to find it on sale, a phrase can be bought in specialized stores, but not everyone can afford such an acquisition because of its high cost. Another option is to look for a Chinese equivalent. But much faster you can make a manual milling cutter from a drill.

A drill cutter is made quickly, but is used to a limited extent.

The design of the milling machine

A router is a tool for edging, joining and milling wood elements, as well as other functions. This is a fairly versatile tool that allows you to use it to perform different types of work.

The mechanism has a fairly simple structure. There are only three main components:

  • cutter;
  • engine;
  • spindle.

The design of the milling machine.

The principle of operation is not particularly difficult. A working cutter is put on the spindle. The whole structure is driven by an engine.

For the manufacture of a milling cutter, three-phase motors are usually used; models operating from a single-phase network are less common. Some craftsmen can make a router from small DC motors. But when creating a mechanism, it is better to follow the standard method: this will eliminate the difficulties with power supply.

When choosing an engine, two indicators must be taken into account: the number of revolutions and power.

The quality of the cut depends on the number of revolutions. It will not be difficult to connect a conventional 220 V motor. A three-phase asynchronous motor is connected according to a completely different scheme: star-delta. This can provide the most power to the device.

The power of the engine of the device for working with wooden blanks can be up to 500 watts. But such a device will not live up to expectations, and it will also work unstably. Therefore, the savings will not pay off. The optimal power for a manual router from a drill is more than 1000 watts. A drive with a power of 1-2 kW will allow you to use any cutters and work in normal mode.

Working cutters can be used different: the choice depends on what material you have to work with and the type of operation. Simple milling cutters are suitable for processing wood, which does not require high speed and material strength. It is more difficult to process metal, brass is especially difficult. For processing materials such as glass, milling cutters from various alloys are suitable.

The spindle must be made of hard and durable metal. The requirements for these indicators are increased.

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Making the base for the router

Scheme of mounting the milling cutter to the countertop.

When making a cutter with your own hands, you need to perform work in several stages. To do this, you need a cutter, an engine and a chuck.

At the first stage, you need to decide which network the tool's engine will work from. For domestic work, you need to make a tool that can operate on a 220 V power supply. In this case, you can take the engine from almost any household appliance that can be found at home.

If the motor is powered from a three-phase voltage network, finding a suitable unit will be much more difficult. Most likely, you will have to contact a specialized store or workshop, ask at the factory.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the instrument itself, it is worth preparing the base on which it will be installed. Assembling the table will allow you to process larger parts with much less effort. For the base, some simple material, such as a chipboard sheet, or durable plastic, is suitable. The thickness of the sheet should be about 12 cm.

In the manufacture of a table or base for a router, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the selected material. It is more convenient and faster to make a table from chipboard. During operation, it will partly absorb vibrations, but at the same time the material is afraid of moisture. It is better to make a cover from a more durable material: phenolic plastic or MDF boards.

Part guides can also be made from chipboard or plywood so that it remains possible to adjust their position.

When working with a hand router, the unused space around the working cutter must be covered. To fix the pushed part, it is not superfluous to install a clamping mechanism.

The scheme of the elevator for the router.

A small panel is cut out of the material for the base. For support, you need to prepare 4 wooden bars.

On the surface of the base, you need to cut a semicircular hole with an electric hacksaw or jigsaw. Then make holes for the thrust sheet and fasteners.

The finished panel is attached to the engine using a bolted connection or special fasteners.

The milling table is an indispensable part. If it is not possible to assemble the base with your own hands, you can buy a table.

You can buy it in large specialized stores. The price will depend on the functionality, but even the simplest table with good coverage will cost a lot.

Often there are situations when you need to make a groove, carefully trim the edge of the board or make a part of a complex shape. Usually such work is performed using a milling cutter. The well-equipped workshop has all the necessary tools and machines at hand.

But what if, for example, instead of a workshop, a garage, and only a drill is available. You can solve the problem in the nearest power tool store. But, as usual, everything depends either on finances, or on the fact that the milling tool is only needed for a while, and then it will simply gather dust on the shelf. As you know, there is a way out of any situation, and specifically from this one - a do-it-yourself milling cutter from a drill.

What is a drill cutter

The drill acts as a drive. A cutting tool (cutter or drill) is clamped into the chuck and processed. In this case, the body of the electric drill is mounted on some kind of base or mechanism that provides the necessary location of the cutting part relative to the workpiece or part.

The principle of operation is similar to the factory options for milling cutters. The design of the mechanical part is also similar or completely repeats the elements of a non-handicraft device. The exceptions are the details of fastening the drill. In addition, the design of the mechanism depends on the material of manufacture.

The milling device can be simple and contain a minimum of parts and assemblies, but if necessary, nothing prevents you from “expanding” the capabilities of the electric drill by constructing a rather complex structure. It all depends on your own capabilities and requirements for the functionality of a homemade tool.

What you need to make

You can make a router with your own hands from a drill using any materials at hand. The main requirement: the design must be durable, the presence of backlashes and distortions is not allowed, the electric drill must be securely fixed.

For the manufacture of parts, you can use:

  • Chipboard or multi-layer plywood with a thickness of 12 mm or more;
  • cutting boards of suitable thickness;
  • wooden bars.

It is also possible to use other materials. For example, you can use metal. A good idea is a base made of thick plexiglass or acrylic. Through such material the processed surface will be visible.

Parts are connected with self-tapping screws. For reliability, all fixed joints can be glued with any suitable glue (carpentry, PVA, etc.).

Bolts or studs may be required to secure moving parts. diameter 6 – 8 mm. They will need nuts, both regular and wing nuts. Some connections may require washers. It is possible to use furniture fittings: guide mechanisms, various fasteners, and so on.

Manufacturing process

In everyday life, a vertical hand mill is often used. It has the easiest design to repeat. It is enough to make a stand with a mount for an electric drill, and the device for performing simple operations is ready. An example of such a homemade unit is in the photo below.

The manufacturing process of such a base is quite simple:

  • The first detail to start with is the base (sole). It is necessary to cut the workpiece of a round or oval shape.
  • Next, make a hole for the cutter. It must have an offset relative to the center of the part, taking into account the thickness of the side post.
  • Depending on the dimensions of the electric drill, a rack of the required size is made and fastened to the base with self-tapping screws or furniture confirmations.
  • The rigidity of the fastening is provided by a spacer (kerchief). The inner sides of this part must have an angle of strictly 90 °.
  • The next element is the drill mount. You can use a pipe clamp, as in the photo, or make a clamp out of wood or plywood and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  • As an additional fixation, an emphasis is placed above the drill.

This option is suitable for doing rough work or will serve as a temporary alternative to a full-fledged tool. To perform more accurate operations, you will have to develop a more complex design.

Nothing prevents you from equipping your “home-made” with adjustable cutter overhang or the ability to change the angle of inclination. It is possible to use a drill in a desktop milling machine. To do this, the electric drill is installed vertically under the work surface.

Features of work with a homemade milling device

Making a router with your own hands from a drill is not the most difficult task. Difficulties are manifested in the use of such a device. It should be borne in mind that the power tool is not designed for this method of use and working with it will have some features and even disadvantages.

The first thing to consider is rotation speed. The milling machine motor can have up to 20,000 rpm. For an electric drill, this indicator is around 3000 . It follows that you will have to limit yourself to using cutters designed to work at low speeds, and the rotation speed regulator should be in the maximum position.

The situation is similar with power. The engine of a simple electric drill consumes about 500 - 600 watts. The power of the milling cutter is 1 - 2 kW. This means that a homemade milling machine will cope with the processing of not too hard materials (wood, plywood, plastic).

The milling accuracy is also not perfect. There are no gears or gearboxes in the design of the factory milling cutter. In electric drills, gears are used to transmit rotation from the engine to the chuck. Because of this, backlashes are possible, and therefore, beating and vibration may occur, which will negatively affect the quality of work.

Video: Bosch drill cutter

A simple design, most likely, will not provide for adjusting the depth of cut. You can set the cutter or drill by holding the shank in the chuck at the required height.

Also, do not forget about safety. The cartridge is not the most ideal option for mounting the cutter. At high speeds, vibration can cause a poorly tightened chuck to spin.

The power button for a homemade router will be located in an inconvenient place. Hold the device securely with your hands during operation.

Of course, there are enough shortcomings in a home-made milling cutter from a drill, but there are also positive aspects. Try drilling a wall with a regular router. Theoretically, this is possible, but it is more convenient to do this with an electric drill. To do this, just remove it from the mount and apply it for its intended purpose.

Evgenia Drobysheva

Experienced pensioner. Advocate for good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

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Fans of making something at home often ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to assemble a router from a drill with your own hands?”. This idea has a fairly solid foundation in the form of the high cost of a professional profile tool. The price of a modern milling machine can seriously hit the home budget, and you will not have to use it so often. It turns out that it is quite possible to make such a device on your own.

Most often, such a tool is very useful when cottage house renovation or building a private cottage. With such a unit, complex woodworking work can be carried out right at home. You will have access to:

  • milling of wooden parts;
  • edge formation;
  • creation of special connecting parts;
  • other woodworking;

A large number of advantages do not always outweigh the inflated price of the tool, which, at the end of the repair, will gather dust in the pantry. Therefore, a homemade manual router is gaining more and more popularity among homeowners.

Device manufacturing

Before proceeding directly to the assembly procedure, you need to take care of a special stand - milling table. This element can be assembled from thick plywood or chipboard panels.

Get the right parts:

  • sheets of plywood or chipboard with a thickness of at least twelve millimeters;
  • four support bars;
  • clamp for fixing the drill on the table;

Canning tomatoes for the winter?


Let's start the assembly process. Make holes for the bolts in the main vertical wall and fix the guide clamp.

After that, make a round hole in the middle of the thrust sheet. Professionals advise using for these purposes electric jigsaw, but a simple hacksaw will do. The final stage is the connection of all parts into a single structure using self-tapping screws or superglue. The table is ready, the most important thing left is to make the router itself.

Main elements of the device

At the heart of a good milling machine is electric drive. Its power should not be lower than 500 watts. Calculate this figure depending on the thickness of the wooden parts that you plan to process. The most suitable option is a drill, hammer drill or grinder with a power of 500 to 1100 watts. The best choice, in terms of price and reliability, is a drill.

When buying, you should pay special attention to the quality characteristics of the drill, because later it can be used for its intended purpose.

To assemble the entire system, you will need the following components:

  • cutter - an element that is purchased separately in a specialized store;

  • special cartridge for fixing.

The last part is connected to the drill by means of adapter, which will have to be selected separately, depending on the type of cutter. Installing such an adapter is problematic, but it is quite possible at home.

Assembly sequence

When making a milling machine, you must follow some guidelines that will help you avoid mistakes. Particular attention should be paid to lift to adjust- it is fixed on the table cover to compensate for the force of revolutions. For the manufacture of this part, dense plywood is used.

It is very important to achieve solidity in the design, avoid the use of straps, cables, small nails and rails. The cutter itself is then mounted on the motor shaft. As a result, the elevator will include:

  • carriages;
  • body, which will bear the main load;
  • threaded axle;
  • fastening for fixing;
  • sliding type skids.

When the threaded axis rotates, the carriage moves along with the motor. It moves it up or down along the axis line. The skids are designed to limit and guide movement.

Height restrictions must be set in advance while the device is stationary. By fixing the fixing elements in the required position, you will protect yourself and your work.

It is extremely important to follow smooth movement of the carriage. Achieve the most stable position in order to exclude the occurrence of marriage and irregularities in the processing of wood. Experienced craftsmen make special gears and rotary levers, which are then included in the overall control system.

So, following simple tips, you can assemble a router from an ordinary drill. Carefully customize the details and use only high-quality materials. Do not try to save money on a drill, remember when the construction is over, you can disassemble the machine and use it for its intended purpose. Do not rush to throw away the table and the elevator after - they can be disassembled into separate elements and compactly packed in a box until the next repair. That is why professionals use only construction screws for connection.

Often there are situations when you need to make a groove, carefully trim the edge of the board or make a part of a complex shape. Usually such work is performed using a milling cutter. The well-equipped workshop has all the necessary tools and machines at hand.

But what if, for example, instead of a workshop, a garage, and only a drill is available. You can solve the problem in the nearest power tool store. But, as usual, everything depends either on finances, or on the fact that the milling tool is only needed for a while, and then it will simply gather dust on the shelf. As you know, there is a way out of any situation, and specifically from this one - a do-it-yourself milling cutter from a drill.

The drill acts as a drive. A cutting tool (cutter or drill) is clamped into the chuck and processed. In this case, the body of the electric drill is mounted on some kind of base or mechanism that provides the necessary location of the cutting part relative to the workpiece or part.

The principle of operation is similar to the factory options for milling cutters. The design of the mechanical part is also similar or completely repeats the elements of a non-handicraft device. The exceptions are the details of fastening the drill. In addition, the design of the mechanism depends on the material of manufacture.

The milling device can be simple and contain a minimum of parts and assemblies, but if necessary, nothing prevents you from “expanding” the capabilities of the electric drill by constructing a rather complex structure. It all depends on your own capabilities and requirements for the functionality of a homemade tool.

You can make a router with your own hands from a drill using any materials at hand. The main requirement: the design must be durable, the presence of backlashes and distortions is not allowed, the electric drill must be securely fixed.

For the manufacture of parts, you can use:

  • Chipboard or multi-layer plywood with a thickness of 12 mm or more;
  • cutting boards of suitable thickness;
  • wooden bars.

It is also possible to use other materials. For example, you can use metal. A good idea is a base made of thick plexiglass or acrylic. Through such material the processed surface will be visible.

Parts are connected with self-tapping screws. For reliability, all fixed joints can be glued with any suitable glue (carpentry, PVA, etc.).

Bolts or studs may be required to secure moving parts. diameter 6 – 8 mm. They will need nuts, both regular and wing nuts. Some connections may require washers. It is possible to use furniture fittings: guide mechanisms, various fasteners, and so on.

In everyday life, a vertical hand mill is often used. It has the easiest design to repeat. It is enough to make a stand with a mount for an electric drill, and the device for performing simple operations is ready. An example of such a homemade unit is in the photo below.

The manufacturing process of such a base is quite simple:

  • The first detail to start with is the base (sole). It is necessary to cut the workpiece of a round or oval shape.
  • Next, make a hole for the cutter. It must have an offset relative to the center of the part, taking into account the thickness of the side post.
  • Depending on the dimensions of the electric drill, a rack of the required size is made and fastened to the base with self-tapping screws or furniture confirmations.
  • The rigidity of the fastening is provided by a spacer (kerchief). The inner sides of this part must have an angle of strictly 90 °.
  • The next element is the drill mount. You can use a pipe clamp, as in the photo, or make a clamp out of wood or plywood and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  • As an additional fixation, an emphasis is placed above the drill.

This option is suitable for doing rough work or will serve as a temporary alternative to a full-fledged tool. To perform more accurate operations, you will have to develop a more complex design.

Nothing prevents you from equipping your “home-made” with adjustable cutter overhang or the ability to change the angle of inclination. It is possible to use a drill in a desktop milling machine. To do this, the electric drill is installed vertically under the work surface.

Making a router with your own hands from a drill is not the most difficult task. Difficulties are manifested in the use of such a device. It should be borne in mind that the power tool is not designed for this method of use and working with it will have some features and even disadvantages.

The first thing to consider is rotation speed. The milling machine motor can run up to 20,000 rpm. For an electric drill, this indicator is around 3000 . It follows that you will have to limit yourself to using cutters designed to work at low speeds, and the rotation speed regulator should be in the maximum position.

The situation is similar with power. The engine of a simple electric drill consumes about 500 - 600 watts. The power of the cutter is 1 - 2 kW. This means that a homemade milling machine will cope with the processing of not too hard materials (wood, plywood, plastic).

The milling accuracy is also not perfect. There are no gears or gearboxes in the design of the factory milling cutter. In electric drills, gears are used to transmit rotation from the engine to the chuck. Because of this, backlashes are possible, and therefore, beating and vibration may occur, which will negatively affect the quality of work.

Video: Bosch drill cutter

A simple design, most likely, will not provide for adjusting the depth of cut. You can set the cutter or drill by holding the shank in the chuck at the required height.

Also, do not forget about safety. The cartridge is not the most ideal option for mounting the cutter. At high speeds, vibration can cause a poorly tightened chuck to spin.

The power button for a homemade router will be located in an inconvenient place. Hold the device securely with your hands during operation.

Of course, there are enough shortcomings in a home-made milling cutter from a drill, but there are also positive aspects. Try drilling a wall with a regular router. Theoretically, this is possible, but it is more convenient to do this with an electric drill. To do this, just remove it from the mount and apply it for its intended purpose.

In a home workshop, there is often a need to sharpen, smooth an edge, or perform some other operation with metal or wood. Having a milling machine solves these problems. But what to do if there is no place to put such large-sized equipment or nothing to buy for? Exit - a milling cutter from a drill. A do-it-yourself device will greatly facilitate the processing of various materials at home.

The principle of operation of the milling cutter

The milling device works like this:

  • the motor provides rotation and transfers it to a spindle made of durable and hard metal;
  • on the spindle there is a nozzle for working on metal or wood - a milling cutter;
  • it processes the material that is fixed on the work plane.

Attention! In the manual version of the router, the nozzle is attached to the cartridge.

A milling cutter from a drill can also work on ceramics, glass, and plastic. For each material - a separate nozzle with its own characteristics:

  1. For wood - simple cutters, not high-strength and without a large number of turns.
  2. For metal - reinforced nozzle. Brass is especially difficult to process with a milling cutter.
  3. For glass and similar materials - cutters made of special alloys.

With the help of such a tool, you can wind the thread, carve grooves and cavities, smooth and give the desired shape to the edge, make holes. The drill will provide the manual machine with an electric motor of suitable power. When choosing it, consider the power and speed of rotation. The second parameter affects the quality of the cut: the more revolutions, the better.

The power depends on the material to be processed. For wood blanks, 0.5 kW is enough. But even in this case, the masters recommend looking for a more powerful device of 1-2 kW. Such a router will be versatile and convenient for working with various materials.

Assembling the base for a homemade drill-based router

To begin with, think over the device of the desktop and the layout of the router on it. You can not assemble the tabletop, but buy it in a specialized store, but it is quite expensive. For self-production, use the drawings. A good table will provide comfort and speed up the process of working with a router. The base is a sheet of durable plastic or chipboard with a thickness of at least 12 cm. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, but it is faster and easier to make a countertop from chipboard.

The tabletop is placed on guides. Provide for the possibility of their regulation in order to adjust the position of the table for your convenience. Also note that the space near the work surface should be protected. This is important in the process of working with a manual router. In addition, the parts need a clamping mechanism.

Adjustment lift installation:

  1. Cut out a small panel from the chipboard and make 4 bars for it to support. The materials used must be durable and reliable.
  2. On the countertop, cut a semicircular hole with a jigsaw or electric saw.
  3. Make slots for retainers and thrust sheet.
  4. Attach the panel to the engine using bolts or special fasteners.

  • The milling cutter must be fixed on the table on bearing assemblies.
  • In the final stage of manufacturing the countertop, sand all its wooden planes with sandpaper. The work surface must be on a solid and durable base.
  • Advice. Any holes in the countertop are cut out with an ordinary hand drill.

    Making a mini-machine from a drill

    This router does not require straps and pulleys: the cutter bits are put on directly on the motor shaft, as in the photo. But we need skids, carriages, a threaded axle. When the shaft rotates, the carriage moves up and down along it. Sliding skids - guides. After setting the height, the carriage is fixed. The entire apparatus is supported by a housing that is mounted below on the table top.

    The most difficult manipulation in the assembly is to fix the cartridge and the engine. You will have to buy a special adapter, and entrust its precise balanced installation to a locksmith with professional equipment. After assembly is completed, test the router:

    • install a light nozzle;
    • turn on the device in the network;
    • try to carry out the simplest operations;
    • with a positive result, perform more serious work;
    • if everything is in order again, proceed to full operation.

    Advice. There are options for homemade milling cutters from a drill, where the rotary lever is moved sideways from above.

    Sometimes masters additionally equip the device with gears for ease of control.

    Features of the operation of a manual router

    1. In addition to grinding, it is desirable to treat the wooden surfaces of the workbench with a special impregnation. This will increase the resistance of the coating to negative factors.
    2. Think separately for yourself the location of the control systems of the apparatus.
    3. The milling cutter can be additionally equipped with a system for cleaning the working area from small chips. Come up with a pipe that will connect to the hose of a conventional vacuum cleaner.

    There are many advantages of a home-made device over a purchased one:

    • availability of component parts for assembly;
    • low cost;
    • the possibility of dismantling the mini-machine and using the cutter in manual mode.

    However, such a device does not reach the speed of professional devices and is only suitable for processing materials in small quantities. The drill cutter must be assembled in strict accordance with the technology. Only accuracy and precision in the performance of work will allow you to get a durable and reliable unit.

    How to make a router from a drill with your own hands: video

    The relevance of the question of how to make a router from a drill with your own hands is explained by the fact that not all home craftsmen can afford to purchase expensive serial models. Meanwhile, the usefulness of such a device and the need for its use in many situations (construction and repair work, the manufacture of all kinds of wood structures, the decorative design of products from various materials) are undeniable.

    Simple milling of wooden parts can be done on a homemade drilling stand

    Using a milling cutter equipped with the appropriate working tool, you can successfully mill wood products, form edges of various configurations on them, prepare seats for door locks and hinges, create grooves on wooden parts, and solve many other technological problems.

    Components and assembly algorithm

    It is possible to make a milling machine from a drill that almost every home craftsman has, but it should be borne in mind that such a device cannot fully replace the serial model. This is explained by the fact that the cartridge of a conventional hand drill is capable of rotating at a speed of 3000 rpm, while a serial milling cutter is able to ensure the rotation of the tool used at a speed of up to 30,000 rpm. In addition, the gearbox of a household electric drill is not designed for intense loads, which will quickly bring it to a faulty state.

    Drill router

    Scheme of the simplest vertical stand for a drill

    Meanwhile, the simplest milling cutter, made from improvised materials with minimal financial costs, is able to successfully cope with many technological tasks. To make your milling machine from an electric drill, you must find the following materials and tools:

    1. several pieces of chipboard or thick plywood;
    2. a clamp with which the drill will be fixed on the base of the device;
    3. bolts, screws and other fasteners;
    4. feather drill or drill bit with a diameter of 40 mm;
    5. standard tool kit.

    Scraps of slats, pieces of plywood, metal corners - all this can be used to make a simple milling stand

    The process of assembling a homemade router itself takes place according to the following algorithm.

    • The base of the future router is assembled from sheets of chipboard or plywood, which includes a horizontal base and a vertical part on which an electric drill will be fixed. The dimensions of the chipboard or plywood sheets from which such a structure will be made are calculated depending on the dimensions of the electric drill used as the basis of a home-made machine.
    • A hole with a diameter of 40 mm is drilled in the horizontal base of the device, which is necessary in order to ensure the access of the tool to the processing area.
    • A clamp is attached to the vertical stand of the device with a bolt, in which an electric drill is fixed. In this case, the drill should be positioned so that the lower end of its cartridge is a few millimeters from the horizontal base of the router.
    • To make the position of the drill on the vertical stand more stable, you can fix a small wooden block in its upper part, which will act as a stop.

    Drill attachment options (click on photo to enlarge)

    Stand with height adjustment via lever

    How to make the milling machine of the above design more convenient and functional? To do this, it can be equipped with a simple microlift, which will be responsible for moving the electric drill in the vertical direction. For the manufacture of such an elevator, you will need the following consumables and components:

    1. two metal rods that will act as guide elements;
    2. a platform (carriage) for fixing an electric drill, made of chipboard or thick plywood;
    3. threaded axle and nut, which will be responsible for moving the electric drill in the vertical direction;
    4. elements that ensure the fixation of the electric drill in the required position.

    Height-adjustable column with threaded rod

    The principle by which such a homemade router works is quite simple and is as follows.

    • When the threaded axis rotates, the carriage with the drill fixed to it moves in the vertical direction.
    • After the electric drill and the tool fixed in its chuck are set in the required position, the carriage is fixed with the help of fasteners.

    Naturally, the entire design of such a home-made router, the operation of which is well demonstrated by the video, must be fixed on a solid foundation. The surface of a desktop or workbench can act as the latter.

    Machine from an old electric motor

    A home-made milling machine, with which many technological operations are quite successfully performed, can be made without the use of an electric drill. In order to make such a device, you will need the following consumables and accessories:

    • a drive motor, which can be used as an electric motor from an old washing machine and other household appliances;
    • a cartridge in which the cutting tool used will be fixed;
    • an adapter with which the drive motor shaft will be connected to the cartridge;
    • sheets of chipboard or thick plywood for the manufacture of the base and vertical guide of a homemade router.

    Homemade machine based on a Soviet three-phase motor

    When choosing an electric motor for a homemade milling machine, keep in mind that the power of the latter should be in the range of 500–1100 watts. The higher the power of the drive motor, the greater the depth it will be possible to perform milling.

    A very important requirement in the manufacture of a homemade milling machine is the absence of backlash in the contacting elements of the device. If you neglect this requirement, you may encounter the fact that the processing performed using such a milling cutter will not be of high accuracy and quality. In addition, the quality and accuracy of machining, even on a homemade milling machine, is seriously affected by the characteristics of the cutting tool used.

    Fans of making something at home often ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to assemble a router from a drill with your own hands?”. This idea has a fairly solid foundation in the form of the high cost of a professional profile tool. The price of a modern milling machine can seriously hit the home budget, and you will not have to use it so often. It turns out that it is quite possible to make such a device on your own.

    Most often, such a tool is very useful when cottage house renovation or building a private cottage. With such a unit, complex woodworking work can be carried out right at home. You will have access to:

    • milling of wooden parts;
    • edge formation;
    • creation of special connecting parts;
    • other woodworking;

    A large number of advantages do not always outweigh the inflated price of the tool, which, at the end of the repair, will gather dust in the pantry. Therefore, a homemade manual router is gaining more and more popularity among homeowners.

    Device manufacturing

    Before proceeding directly to the assembly procedure, you need to take care of a special stand - milling table. This element can be assembled from thick plywood or chipboard panels.

    Get the right parts:

    • sheets of plywood or chipboard with a thickness of at least twelve millimeters;
    • four support bars;
    • clamp for fixing the drill on the table;

    Let's start the assembly process. Make holes for the bolts in the main vertical wall and fix the guide clamp.

    After that, make a round hole in the middle of the thrust sheet. Professionals advise using for these purposes electric jigsaw, but a simple hacksaw will do. The final stage is the connection of all parts into a single structure using self-tapping screws or superglue. The table is ready, the most important thing left is to make the router itself.

    Main elements of the device

    At the heart of a good milling machine is electric drive. Its power should not be lower than 500 watts. Calculate this figure depending on the thickness of the wooden parts that you plan to process. The most suitable option is a drill, hammer drill or grinder with a power of 500 to 1100 watts. The best choice, in terms of price and reliability, is a drill.

    When buying, you should pay special attention to the quality characteristics of the drill, because later it can be used for its intended purpose.

    To assemble the entire system, you will need the following components:

    • good electric drill;

    • cutter - an element that is purchased separately in a specialized store;

    • special cartridge for fixing.

    The last part is connected to the drill by means of adapter, which will have to be selected separately, depending on the type of cutter. Installing such an adapter is problematic, but it is quite possible at home.

    Assembly sequence

    When making a milling machine, you must follow some guidelines that will help you avoid mistakes. Particular attention should be paid to lift to adjust- it is fixed on the table top to compensate for the force of revolutions. For the manufacture of this part, dense plywood is used.

    It is very important to achieve solidity in the design, avoid the use of straps, cables, small nails and rails. The cutter itself is then mounted on the motor shaft. As a result, the elevator will include:

    • carriages;
    • body, which will bear the main load;
    • threaded axle;
    • fastening for fixing;
    • sliding type skids.

    When the threaded axis rotates, the carriage moves along with the motor. It moves it up or down along the axis line. The skids are designed to limit and guide movement.

    Height restrictions must be set in advance while the device is stationary. By fixing the fixing elements in the required position, you will protect yourself and your work.

    It is extremely important to follow smooth movement of the carriage. Achieve the most stable position in order to exclude the occurrence of marriage and irregularities in the processing of wood. Experienced craftsmen make special gears and rotary levers, which are then included in the overall control system.

    So, following simple tips, you can assemble a router from an ordinary drill. Carefully customize the details and use only high-quality materials. Do not try to save money on a drill, remember when the construction is over, you can disassemble the machine and use it for its intended purpose. Do not rush to throw away the table and the elevator after - they can be disassembled into separate elements and compactly packed in a box until the next repair. That is why professionals use only construction screws for connection.