Big sports ball title. How to choose the right fitball - important points. "For" in favor of fitball

A gymnastic ball is also called a fitball, it is made of elastic rubber and it helps for various physical and recreational exercises, for example, for developing the desired muscle group, correcting the spine, as well as for aerobics and fitness. It is suitable for everyone - it can be used by both slender people and those who are overweight. The ball unloads the body very well during exercise, so it can be used even with sore joints, pregnant women, but at the same time all muscle groups are trained, this is the uniqueness of this sports equipment. But how to choose a gymnastic ball with a wide variety of shapes, sizes and manufacturers?

Types of fitballs

According to the diameter, correctly select the size of the projectile as follows:

The pattern of choosing a size

How to choose the right fitball size based on height:

  1. With growth up to 155 centimeters, it is better to choose a fitball diameter in the range from 45 to 55 centimeters.
  2. For a person from 155 to 170 centimeters, the diameter of the gymnastics ball should be 55 centimeters.
  3. Growth from 171 to 185 centimeters implies the use of a fitball with a diameter of 65 centimeters.
  4. With higher growth, the diameter should also be larger - from 75 to a maximum of 95 centimeters.

When choosing by height, you can approach the issue of the size of the ball in this way - subtract one meter from a person’s height - this will be the approximate size of the ball. But in principle, you can adapt to the existing ball, you can also choose the size for a specific exercise, which is especially important in therapeutic exercises when you need a certain angle of inclination or a certain effort. You also need to take into account weight - for people who are overweight, the fitball should be chosen correctly from stronger rubber that can withstand up to 300 kilograms.

How to choose the right size based on the length of the arm from the shoulder joint to the tips of the extended fingers

  • up to 55 centimeters - size from 45 to 55 centimeters
  • from 56 to 65 centimeters - respectively, the diameter of the fitball is 55 centimeters
  • from 66 to 75 centimeters long - the diameter of the ball is 65 centimeters.

Newborns take different balls 45 - 75 centimeters, but, not surprisingly, it is right to choose a larger ball, it is safer for the baby, because it has a “smooth” surface and is more stable, it is easier to keep the child on it.

Other properties

There are many manufacturers, but the most professional among them are the following:

  • Gymnic (Italy)
  • Ledragomma (Italy)
  • Torneo (Italy)
  • Togu (Germany)
  • Spokey (Poland)
  • Alex (Taiwan)
  • Azuni (Taiwan)

These manufacturers make excellent balls. Of course, Italian and German ones are the most expensive, Polish ones are of the middle price category, the cheapest ones are from Taiwan, but they are also not bad, they are made by professionals.

Fitballs sometimes have an anti-burst ABS system, which helps to avoid an explosion when the shell breaks, the ball will slowly deflate. Of course, such shells are a little more expensive, but it is much better, because if you need the safety of exercises for pregnant women who are overweight or those who have limited movements, this property is a must.

This simple rubber ball is better than other shells - it uses all the muscles, makes a person more flexible, improves posture, helps to relax and even relieve stress. It also helps in the recovery of various human organs - hips, back, legs. Fitness, aerobics, strength sports cannot be practiced by everyone, and fitball classes are available to almost everyone.

- a convenient, simple item for gymnastics. Classes with it allow you to strengthen the muscles of the back, improve coordination, and relieve stress from the spine. Specialists have developed a number of exercises that allow not only to strengthen physical health, but also to quickly lose weight.

Ball exercises are quite simple and suitable for everyone, regardless of age and body condition. In addition, the fitball is an inexpensive simulator, which allows anyone who is interested in simple physical exercises to purchase it. But in order for classes with such a projectile to deliver the expected results, the training process should be correctly drawn up.

Very often, novice athletes, wanting to purchase such a simulator, do not know the name of the fitness ball. Therefore, if you decide to buy this product in a store, you should ask "fitball".

How did the fitness ball come about?

This gymnastic subject was invented by physician Joseph Pilates. A large rubber ball was used as a simulator for those who were undergoing rehabilitation after serious injuries. The European doctor suggested that patients do simple exercises with a fitness ball to restore the correct functionality of the body.

The patient lay down on an object and simply jumped on it. According to Pilates, such actions allow you to create the necessary physical activity and, at the same time, injuries are not affected in any way. In addition, fitball exercises provide a positive mood, which is very important in the post-traumatic period.

Contemporary supporters of Joseph Pilates believe that ball training can:

  1. improve the condition of the knee joints (very important for the elderly);
  2. strengthen muscles (useful for children);
  3. create an ideal figure (essentially for young people).
Based on this, we can say that large fitness balls are the best option for those who care about their health and their loved ones.

Types of fitness balls

There are several types of large rubber balls. All of them differ not only in external characteristics, but also in the method of influencing the body. Therefore, before choosing a ball for fitness, it is necessary to accurately determine the goal and desire for yourself, to form an idea of ​​the expected result.

If you decide to do this kind of fitness, you should buy the “right” ball. There are several varieties of these rubber trainers.

  1. Big round ball. This product is perfect for both adults and children. Choose this item based on the size of the body.
  2. oval ball. This item performs the same functions as the round projectile. But he is much more stable. This allows beginners and people with poor coordination to successfully do gymnastics.
  3. Ball with tubercles. Such a device is perfect for those who want to improve blood circulation. It shows good qualities of massage, has proven itself well in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.
  4. Ball with handle. Such a projectile is best purchased for children and pregnant women. The presence of a comfortable handle, increases safety during exercise.

How to choose the right fitness accessory

Any physical training should bring pleasure and benefit to a person. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, not so much physically as psychologically. And first of all, for a successful fitness training, a rubber ball must be chosen correctly. It is selected individually based on the physique of a novice athlete and the characteristics of the product itself. There are a number of criteria that help you choose the right gymnastic apparatus.
  1. The weight. The fitness ball can be of different diameters. On sale you can find such products in sizes from 45 to 85 cm. Depending on the size, the weight that it can withstand also varies. A small object can withstand three hundred kilograms, a large one - about a thousand.
  2. Growth. To successfully select a fitball according to this criterion, you should test the ball itself. To do this, sit on it and check the location of the hips. If the product fits, then the hips will be on the same level with the knees, or a little higher. Feet should touch the floor, knees bent at a right angle. Otherwise, other options should be considered. For people whose height does not exceed 150 cm, a ball with a diameter of 45 cm is suitable. For those who are about two meters tall, it is better to buy a simulator with a size of 85cm.
  3. Ball stiffness. This criterion is selected according to personal preferences. The harder the object, the more resistance it will provide during the exercise. Soft fitness balls are generally recommended for beginners, as they are less stressful and suitable for getting to know the sport. You can check the elasticity of an object by simply pressing the palm of your hand on the surface. If the hand rebounds easily, does not encounter excessive resistance, and does not sink very easily inward, excellent indicators of elasticity.
  4. Material. The main thing is to choose a very durable and elastic projectile. This moment is very important, because if suddenly the ball is accidentally pierced, with great elasticity, it will not explode, but the millet will be blown away. This quality makes the rubber product safer. To check if the material is very thin, you should "pinch" the ball. If many small folds have formed, the quality of this product is very low, which means that it will not last long.

    Also, on high-quality material, numerous “seams” that are formed during the manufacture of the ball should not be noticeable. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the nipple. It must be inside. Otherwise, this part will interfere during sports and may injure the skin. A good fitness ball material has antistatic properties, is made from environmentally friendly raw materials, and is hypoallergenic.

How the projectile affects the body

At first glance, it may seem that fitness with a ball can not lead to great results. But many studies in the field of therapeutic gymnastics have revealed interesting points.
  1. While sitting on the ball, the back of a person always remains flat. This feature is due to the fact that this object lacks any support, while it is mobile. Thus, the spine is aligned, the spinal muscles are strengthened.
  2. When this gymnastic apparatus rolls, all groups of the spinal muscles are alternately used to maintain balance. This allows you to fight pain in muscle tissue and the spine.
  3. Also, during classes, the muscles of the abdomen, hips, legs are perfectly strengthened, which allows you to adjust the features of the figure.
  4. Since during exercise you need to work with the whole body, it helps to quickly get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. If you use during training, you can know exactly how many calories are dropped in one session.

Easy exercises with fitball

helps not only to develop an excellent balance, but also to strengthen the buttocks, hips, shoulders, arms, abs. Each exercise should be done within one minute. There is a ten second break between them. You need to complete tasks one after another at least four times. At the end of the workout, you should stretch a little. Such a complex should be performed three times a week.
  1. Exercise One. You need to lie with your lower back on the ball and pick up dumbbells. Next, you need to stretch your left hand to the side, and raise your right hand up so that the dumbbell is directly above your shoulder. Then the stomach needs to be pulled in, the left leg is torn off the floor and pulled forward. This position must be maintained for thirty seconds of a fitness workout, after which the positions of the legs and arms should be changed, but the lower back remains in place.
  2. Exercise two. It is necessary to lie on the ball with your stomach, dumbbells in your hands, palms down. Next, you need to “raise” your shoulders, relax your neck, pull your shoulder blades as close as possible to each other. Then the body should be raised a little, take your hands up, take the starting position. You need to repeat these movements for one minute. In order not to injure the back, the stomach should be pulled.
  3. Exercise three. You should sit on the ball and pick up dumbbells. It is necessary to push off simultaneously with your feet from the floor and the buttocks from the ball. In this case, the arms should be laid aside, the shoulders should be taken away from the ears, and the press should be pulled in. Lightly jump and land within sixty seconds

How to care for a fitness ball

Not always complete with a gymnastic apparatus there is a pump for a fitness ball. If it is not possible to buy a special device, you can get by with any other, but you will need an adapter nozzle.

Very often, the fitball simply deflates. In this case, you need to establish the cause of such a nuisance. If there is no damage, and the air has descended from frequent use, it will be enough just to pump up the ball.

In the event that it was blown away from an accidental puncture, a patch will need to be made. This is best made of rubber, as this material stretches well during inflation and shows good elasticity during further use. You can install a rubber patch using any superglue. Some heavy object is placed on the restored place and left for a day.

Where to buy a fitness ball

You can buy a similar product in many retail outlets. But it is best to do this in a special sports store. In this case, there is more guarantee that the price will justify the quality. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the material and the presence of structural defects. And you also need to make sure that there is a needle and a pump so that there are no problems with pumping afterwards.

The fitness ball is a versatile piece of equipment. It is suitable for men and women, adults and children, the elderly and the very young. This gymnastic apparatus improves posture, strengthens large and small muscle groups, improves the functioning of ligaments and joints.

Fitball is a gymnastic ball that is designed to improve posture, figure and well-being. This original colored projectile came to us not so long ago from Switzerland, but has already managed to win thousands of fans, thanks to its amazing results and ease of use. Today, girls, women, and grandmothers know what fitball is, but you should know that half the success when practicing on the ball is the right choice of fitball.

What is fitball

Initially, the Swiss ball was created for people with cerebral palsy to do gymnastics. Its creator is doctor S. Kleinfogelbach, who proved that if you choose the right fitball diameter, then the results of patients are simply amazing. Over time, fitball exercises began to be used to treat people with injuries of the musculoskeletal system and spine.

The rubber simulator contributed to a quick recovery, improved metabolism, improved regeneration in the intervertebral discs and muscles. Now not a single gym can do without this product, which is used as a component of advanced fitness techniques and on its own. Buying a fitball in an online store is not difficult, because the prices for the ball are very affordable.

Benefits of training on a miracle simulator:

  • the load on the legs is reduced, which makes it possible to effectively deal with people with varicose veins, obesity and pregnant women;
  • any exercise helps to improve coordination;
  • a large number of calories are burned due to the constant tension of the muscles of the whole body;
  • improves metabolism and blood circulation, which contributes to weight loss.

Types of swiss balls

There are different forms of coverage of Swiss simulators:

  1. Fitball with horns. These are special handles for maintaining balance. Used for inexperienced users. Also, children's fitballs are equipped with horns-handles.
  2. Fitball with spikes. Has the qualities of a massager. The model perfectly fights cellulite.
  3. Smooth gym ball. It is universal, therefore it is used even by pregnant women. They are used for both stretching and active training.

All fitness balls can withstand up to 300 kilograms of weight, and in diameter vary from 45 cm to 85.

How to choose the right gym ball

There are several types of gymnastic balls, how to choose a fitball, let's figure it out. Products differ in terms of stiffness (type of coating) and diameter.

How to choose a gymnastic ball for height:

  • If the height is less than 152 cm, then it is desirable to choose the smallest fitball size - 45 cm.
  • With a height of 152-165 cm, choose a product 55 in diameter, and if you are the owner of a height of 165 - 185 cm, then it will be right to choose a 65 cm fitball.
  • For people 185 -202 cm, the diameter of the orthopedic ball should be 75 cm.
  • If a person's height is 202 cm and above, then we take the largest rubber simulator - 85 cm in diameter.

The second option for choosing the size is according to the length of the outstretched arm. To do this, measure your arm from the tips of your outstretched fingers to the shoulder joint. If arm length is:

You can finally make sure that the fitball suits you by sitting on the product. If the angle between the thigh and body, thigh and lower leg, thigh and foot is 90-100 degrees, then your fitball aerobics will go with high results. For beginners in fitness, experienced trainers are advised to choose a gym ball of the smallest diameter in order to quickly adapt to the simulator.

We learned how to choose a fitball by size, but gymnastic balls are also chosen according to the type of coverage. With an increase in the weight of a person, the load on the ball increases accordingly. If you are overweight, get a gymnastic apparatus equipped with an anti-burst anti-burst system. The cost of an ABS-marked fitball will be slightly higher, but you will avoid the risk of unwanted injuries. To test the strength of the selected projectile, sit on it right in the store, you can even ride the ball.

Characteristics of a quality product

High-quality Swiss exercise equipment is made of environmentally friendly hypoallergenic material and has antistatic properties. Modern technologies do not allow dust and small debris to stick to the product, and fitballs do not contain hazardous impurities for human health. A high-quality Swiss ball will feel warm to the touch, while a fake one has a cold, slippery surface.

Branded products in the complex always come with a fitball pump, and cheaper analogues are not equipped with anything, so pumping up the ball after purchase is problematic. They produce high-quality simulators of different colors: in dark, light, natural shades, as well as with pictures, metallic colors or transparent cavity. The norm is when the seams on the products are imperceptible and invisible. On cheap fakes, it is easy to notice burrs, fibrous structures, scars. The leaders in the production of quality products are Germany (Togu), Italy (Ledraplastik), USA (Reebok).

Common mistakes when choosing a fitball

Before heading to a sports store, find out what mistakes customers make when choosing gymnastic equipment. The range of prices is quite extensive: from 200 to 3000 rubles per unit. But even an expensive projectile can be of poor quality, so it’s better to purchase them from the above manufacturers. When mechanically ruptured, rubber trainers from leading manufacturers do not burst, but deflate safely and slowly.

Gymnastic balls are sold in a deflated state, so estimating elasticity in an online store from a photo can be a problem. If you're buying from the sporting goods department, ask the sales assistant to inflate the ball so you don't find any defects at home. If you want to keep the simulator in perfect condition for a long time, then after the purchase, take care to properly store the ball.

Determine a place for it away from heat sources, flammable substances, cutting, prickly objects. Use the product not only for training, because if you sit on it at the computer or regularly use it instead of a chair while watching TV, then you will forever forget about problems with the spine, forcing the muscles of the hips, abdomen, and back to constantly work.

Fitball is a large gymnastic ball made of elastic latex, used to train various muscle groups in various sports: in fitness, aerobics, Pilates, as well as for rehabilitation physical education and gymnastics for pregnant women and infants. Modern ball manufacturers offer the widest selection of models of various sizes, appearance and purpose, therefore, in order to choose a fitball, several factors must be correctly taken into account, which will ensure the greatest effectiveness of your training with such sports equipment.

Miracle invention with healing properties

Fitball is a unique development that allows, with a minimum load on the legs, to develop all the muscle groups of the human body as carefully as possible. Due to the elasticity and the absence of sharp corners, the possibility of injury is reduced to zero, and the round shape and instability, forcing you to maintain balance during the entire training process, perfectly keeps all the muscles of the body in good shape.

Training with such a sports "companion" is allowed even in the presence of diseases of the joints of the legs and varicose veins.

Classes with a miracle ball are shown to people of any age and complexion. Fitball aerobics will help:

Improve posture and strengthen back muscles;

Develop flexibility and endurance;

Improve the vestibular apparatus and develop coordination of movements;

Due to the constant balancing on the ball, it is good to massage the internal organs, stimulating their work;

To put in order the nerves, improve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Fitball exercises for weight loss

Aerobics with a miracle ball allows you to fight excess pounds without tiring workouts in the gym and riding an exercise bike. If you don’t want to put on sneakers and wind up kilometers on a treadmill or constantly diet, you should try to get rid of excess weight through special workouts with a miracle ball.

Fitball aerobics for weight loss is a set of simple and at the same time effective (due to intensity) exercises for weight loss that allow you to burn up to 300 calories per day without burdening your legs and spine. You can train in the gym, at home, in the country - half an hour a day is enough for you to see the result of your efforts after a month of gentle training.

Exercises for weight loss of the hips and buttocks on the fitball

1. Slim hips. Starting position - sitting on the ball with hands behind the head. It is necessary to move the hips back and forth, the legs should stand firmly on the floor, and the torso should be motionless. Do 15-20 approaches. Then perform ten rotational movements of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.

2. No stomach, yes - good posture! Starting position - belly on the ball, resting your palms and toes on the floor surface. Rotate your torso in different directions, fixing one arm and raising the other. Then lean on your hands and lift both legs. Do 15-20 sets.

Exercises for arms and chest with a fitball

These and other special exercises on the gymnastic ball are enough for you to see the result of your efforts after a month of gentle training.

What are fitballs?

Gymnastic balls are available in various sizes - the diameter mainly ranges from 45 cm to 85 cm, and are designed for a certain load. The surface can be smooth or pimply - depending on the type of latex material of the product. Sometimes a fitball is “with horns” - special comfortable latex handles will help you to sit more comfortably on the simulator, adding comfort when performing a certain set of exercises.

The fitball, designed for increased loads, is made of materials with the “anti-tear” function, which guarantee protection against sudden damage to the product and is supplied with a special repair kit.

By what criteria to choose a fitball?

To choose the right gymnastic ball, you need to consider several main factors:

1. Human growth. The fitball is mainly produced in several standard diameters: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 cm. To select the optimal size, it is better to “try on” the simulator - just sit on it. If the angle between the thigh and lower leg tends to 90 degrees (feet should be firmly on the floor) - this is your ball. If this condition is not observed, it is impossible to achieve the correct posture when sitting on the fitball, which can lead to an unacceptable increase in the load on the joints.

Usually, with a height of 155-170 cm, the optimal diameter is 55 cm, for people with a height of 171 to 185 cm it is better to purchase a ball with a diameter of 65 cm. Taller people need a fitball of large diameters, and for children products with a parameter of 45 cm are suitable.

2. Reliability and individual characteristics of the fitball. It is necessary to know the level of load for which the ball is tested - a high-quality product is made of rubber or silicone and is always supplied with a passport, which indicates the main characteristics of the gymnastic ball. Fitballs are produced in the load range from 300 to 1000 kg - the choice must be made depending on the purpose of the simulator and the weight of the future owner.

3. The quality and appearance of the ball. The fitball should be elastic to the touch. With a slight pressure on the surface of a quality product, the palm springs, bouncing off the ball. The shape of the product, the type of surface (smooth, with relief or pimply, with or without "horns") must be selected depending on the planned use of the simulator.

The pimply fitball is intended for massage and rehabilitation gymnastics. Fitball - a jumper with a brace or "horns" is popular with children, helping to increase the child's interest in training or medical procedures, turning a sports activity or rehabilitation process into an exciting game.

The round model with a smooth surface has a versatile range of applications - it can be used as a trainer for fitness, aerobics, Pilates in the gym or at home, for outdoor sports exercises, for physiotherapy exercises in groups of patients with various diseases and for post-traumatic physiotherapy.

The choice of the color of the gymnastic ball completely depends on the taste of the buyer - you can choose either a strict gray or blue fitball, or a soft pink or acid green product. If desired, you can pick up a whole set of balls of different diameters in a single color scheme.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women?

Exercises with a miracle ball are allowed for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy only after consulting a doctor. The choice of fitball for pregnant women must be approached with the utmost responsibility. In addition to the obligatory fulfillment of the “90 degree angle” criterion, it is important to carefully study the material from which the ball is made - the latex should be smooth and pleasant to the touch.

"Horns" or a brace on an inflatable ball can give confidence to the expectant mother and diversify exercises on the simulator (especially in the last months of the term). Oval balls are a great choice for a variety of exercises; they are more stable and distribute weight better. It is desirable that the fitball has an anti-fracture surface treatment - to ensure that in case of unforeseen damage it will not burst, but will gradually deflate.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

How to choose a fitball for babies?

In addition to all its wonderful properties, the gymnastic ball is a lifesaver for young parents - it will help to massage an infant and easily perform gymnastics with a crumb. For these purposes, a round or oval ball is perfect, made of high quality, non-toxic, odorless latex, soft and silky to the touch. Exercises on a gymnastic ball for babies

On the surface of the fitball, notches, seams or irregularities that can damage the delicate skin of the baby are not allowed. The diameter of the ball for babies should be in the range of 6o-75 cm, balls with "ears" are applicable only for children older than 4 months. It is better to choose a bright color - it will attract the attention of the child and cheer him up.

It is necessary to buy a fitball for an infant in a specialized store where you can be guaranteed to purchase quality products from a bona fide manufacturer, reliable and safe for the health of the crumbs.

How to inflate a fitball?

Fitball is an inflatable sports equipment. To inflate the ball, a pump of any design with a nipple of the appropriate size is used: manual, foot or electric. In the absence of a pump, the fitball can be inflated through the hole like an ordinary inflatable toy: with the help of the mouth. How to pump up a fitball

Most high-quality fitballs are equipped with a pump and instructions, where recommendations are given for the correct injection of air into the product. To achieve the highest level of elasticity of the ball, it is better to inflate it 5 cm more than normal, and then slowly deflate some of the air, reducing the simulator to the required diameter. The editors of hope that our article will help you choose the right fitball and be always in shape.

Fitness classes with special rubber balls are effective and safe for muscles and joints. In addition, such training is more fun and interesting. This sports device is a real find for training both in the gym and at home.

But fitness is not the only purpose of such balls, they are widely used for other purposes:

for classes with children, they help develop coordination and balance;
to prepare pregnant women for childbirth;
in physical therapy.

Most often, people have three questions related to this miracle simulator:

what is the fitness ball called? Fitball. The name comes from the combination of 2 English words: "fit" (figure) and "ball" (ball);

where to buy fitball? Now this is a very popular device, so you can buy it both in specialized stores and in ordinary megastores in the sporting goods department;

how much does a fitness ball cost? The price of such a sports equipment is affordable, ranging from 500 to 1000 rubles.

1. First of all, decide for what purposes you need a fitball. If you want to purchase this simulator for training with a child, then accordingly choose a children's fitness ball - 55 cm in diameter. What size to choose a fitball for adults depends on the height of the person. For people over 170 cm tall, a large fitness ball is suitable - 75-85 cm. If you are not that tall, choose an average ball diameter of 65 cm.

These recommendations should not be neglected, since in order to obtain the best effect and maintain health, the angle between the torso and thigh, as well as in the knee and ankle joints, while sitting on the ball, should be 90 degrees. Compliance with these parameters is possible only if the height and size of the sports equipment match.

2. Pay attention to the surface of the fitball. The fitness ball can be completely smooth, which is very convenient for training with the smallest children (the possibility of discomfort from contact of delicate skin with bumps is eliminated).

A fitness ball with spikes or horns also has its purpose. Bulges in the form of long horns or handles are necessary for children so that they feel more confident during classes. The ball for pregnant women, according to women's reviews, must also have holding devices. Large inflatable fitness balls covered with spikes are excellent massagers.

3. When choosing in a store, give preference only to those fitballs to which the operating instructions are attached. It should contain information on how to inflate and how to seal the fitness ball in case it gets damaged. Remember that unauthorized experiments can damage the product. And in order not to buy a fake, pay attention to how much a fitness ball costs. A branded fitball cannot be very cheap.

Follow the tips above, exercise and stay healthy!

The fitness ball is the best of the best exercise equipment for home use. It is safe, convenient, suitable for both children and adults, and most importantly, it is a pleasure to work with it. To fully experience the effect of a fitness ball, you need to choose it correctly. How to choose a fitness ball, what criteria should be considered and what fitness balls are - we will consider further.

Types of fitness balls

For those who do not know how to choose a gymnastic ball for sports, it is important, first of all, to consider their varieties. There are 3 types:
  1. medicine ball. Outwardly, such shells look quite light, but in reality their weight can reach 27 kg! This weight is necessary for the ball in order to give a more serious load.

    This attribute is used for therapeutic exercises or as a projectile to complicate classical exercises and pump up muscles.

    The medicine ball is a great way to develop strength and endurance.

  2. Fitball or gymnastics ball. The best option for home use, which is also quite common in fitness centers. The fitball is not only a simulator for training different muscle groups, but also an interior item: the balls come in different shades and colors and can be used as chairs. Often, small pumps come with such balls, with which you can easily inflate the fitball yourself. Even a child can cope with such a task. One of the first difficulties in using such an attribute is its fragility: some outdated models may burst.
  3. Bosu. This type of simulator is significantly different from those described above. The Bosu ball is a hemisphere fixed on a hard surface. This ball is also called a balancing platform. Due to the complex design, it significantly exceeds the previous options at a price.

Selection Options

These parameters are the most important information for those who want to know how to choose a fitness ball. Some of the following criteria are suitable for fitness balls or medicine balls. So, it is best to select the ball according to the following criteria:
  1. Ball diameter. The correct ball diameter can be selected in two ways. Growth is the easiest way. For people with a height of up to 155 cm - diameter 45 cm, from 156 to 169 cm - 55 cm, from 170 to 185 cm - 65 cm, from 186 - 75 cm.

    You can choose a fitness ball using hand measurements. We measure the arm from the shoulder to the fingertips and focus on the resulting value. If the length is up to 55 cm - the diameter of the ball is from 45 to 55 cm, from 56 to 65 cm - the diameter is 55-65 cm, from 66 to 75 cm - the diameter is 65-75 cm. Accordingly, if the length is more than 75 cm - the diameter is also more 75 cm

  2. Ball in action. Sit with your back straight and look at the angle your knees are at. If the size of the ball suits you, then this angle will be approximately 90 degrees. If the angle is smaller, the load will not be enough, if it is more, then the load will be increased.
  3. Ball design. It can be classic - perfectly smooth, with horns - for jumping, with spikes - for a massage effect. For standard home fitness, it is best to buy the first or third option.
  4. The presence of an anti-explosive system. If such a function is present, then you will see the ABS or BRQ marking on the packaging.

    But even if there is no such function, you can not be afraid: cases of ball explosions are extremely rare, even when it comes to very cheap models.

  5. How much weight can the ball support. This is very important, especially when you purchase a weight loss machine. In any case, the higher the weight limit, the better and safer the use will be.
  6. Workmanship. Welds and other connections on the ball must be insensitive, but very strong and safe. Also, the ball must be well inflated. An underinflated ball reduces the effectiveness and safety of exercises. Finally, an antistatic agent is added to the composition of high-quality ball material - a substance that will not allow dirt and dust to accumulate on the surface.

A properly selected ball will provide a normal level of stress on the body.

Best fitness balls

Continuing to answer the question of how to choose the right ball for playing sports, it would be appropriate to consider the most popular and high-quality models of various balls:
  • Torneo. The classic fitballs of this manufacturer are good for everyone - high resistance to weight, high-quality material for manufacturing, equipment with an anti-explosion system. In addition, the kit comes with a convenient pump, instructions for use, and sometimes examples of exercises on a fitball.
  • TOP ASIA TA 6504. A series of medicine balls with handles. Here you can find medicine balls weighing up to 9 kg. Such simulators are very convenient due to the presence of handles. In addition, with the help of them you can easily and pleasantly work on the respiratory system, develop endurance and muscle strength. Lighter models can also be used by children.

Fitball is a large elastic ball that is used in sports and health training. It will be especially useful when performing exercises on the press, back and buttocks. Its plus is that it allows you to diversify home exercises, removing unnecessary stress from the spine. Once you get an idea of ​​how to choose a fitball, you will greatly increase the effectiveness of your classes. After all, it will be tailored to your individual wishes, taking into account factors such as weight and height.

Tear resistance and ball types

The first thing to consider when choosing a home exercise machine is its safety. A high-quality fitball should have a built-in anti-burst system. In case of damage, such a ball will not burst, but will gradually begin to deflate. This system has the designations - ABS, anti-explosion or BRQ (technologies for the manufacture of projectiles with increased safety).

Beginners should pay attention to the presence of holders - horns, handles and staples. They are also relevant for children and pregnant women, as they simplify the training process and reduce the risk of injury. There are also fitballs with a stand in the form of legs. They help maintain balance.

The fitball can have a smooth or massage surface.

  • The smooth ball is suitable for sports and fitness training, fitness for pregnant women and charging babies.
  • The massage ball, studded with special tubercles, is designed for relaxation and exercise therapy. If you choose and use it correctly, it will be an ideal way to relax after a working day and will serve as a prevention of various diseases of the spine. Keep in mind that it is not suitable for fitness, as it is difficult to move across the floor.

Suitable size

Now it's time to decide on the main parameter of the fitball and choose the size that is right for you. The diameter of a standard fitball is from 45 to 90 cm and is selected according to height. It is important that the angle between the legs and hips of the person sitting on the ball is 90 °. So the body weight is distributed correctly, and the joints are not overloaded.

  1. For a child 5-10 years old, a diameter of 55 cm is recommended.
  2. For adults with a height of 150-170 cm, the diameter should be 65 cm.
  3. With a height of 170–190 cm - 75 cm.
  4. For taller people, it is correct to purchase a larger size - 85 cm.

There is another technique that allows you to correctly select the diameter of the football. It is based on the size of the hand, starting from the shoulder joint to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

    1. If the arm length is less than 55 cm, a diameter of 45 cm is required.
    2. If the measurement falls in the range of 56-65 cm, buy a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm.
    3. At 66–75 cm, a 65 cm ball will do.
    4. When the length is more than 75 cm, a larger fitball is selected (from 75 to 90 cm).

Does a person's weight affect the choice of fitball?

The ball can withstand a load of 300 kg, so the maximum allowable weight of the trainee, taking into account his active movements, is 130 kg. If your weight exceeds this mark, self-training with the ball may not be safe. In this case, it is correct to use the services of a coach. A ball that can support more weight can be ordered online or found in a large store. Its diameter is also selected according to the rules described above.

If you have any doubts when choosing a projectile, contact a consultant and try out the fitball you like. Pay attention to whether you manage to sit on it with a straight back. Beginners should choose a smaller size, as it is easier to perform exercises on it.

We select the color

If you plan to keep the ball inflated, be sure to pay attention to its color. The simulator can both fit into the color scheme of your interior, and act as a bright accent.

If the fitball is purchased for relaxation and yoga, choose the color according to your emotional state:

  • red increases energy levels and strengthens the immune system;
  • orange eliminates internal discomfort and charges with positive;
  • blue gives a feeling of calm;
  • brown helps to find harmony.

Quality control

How to make sure that the selected fitball is of high quality?

  1. The seams of the ball are invisible when inflated and do not cause discomfort when in contact with the simulator.
  2. The ball is inflated evenly and in finished form corresponds to the declared size.
  3. The composition of the material includes antistatic and dust does not stick to its surface.
  4. Good material is warm to the touch.
  5. The nipple covering the inflation hole is completely pressed into the surface and is not felt.

How much does a fitball cost? The price is affected by its diameter, equipment and color. A ball for home training can be purchased for an average of 600-1200 rubles.

How to inflate and store

Before the first use, the fitball must be inflated. To do this, you can use a regular hand pump, which is included in the kit. Keep in mind that the inflation process will be quite lengthy.

If necessary, the fitball can be inflated by mouth like a balloon or an inflatable toy, but it is better to use a bicycle pump. With it, you will inflate the fitball in a few minutes. This method has another plus - it greatly simplifies the storage of the simulator. You can simply blow it off after class and put it away in the box.

Those who prefer to keep the ball inflated are advised to put it in a cupboard or on a rack away from batteries and direct sunlight. It is also not recommended to store the fitball on a darkened balcony. A sharp drop in temperature at night can affect the condition of the rubber.

If the ball is still damaged, use rubber glue. If possible, it is better to purchase a special glue produced by the manufacturer of your fitball. After repairing and swapping, you can use it again for sports activities.

Use the ball on a smooth surface. If you are not sure that the projectile will not damage the floor, use a yoga mat. Fitball is designed not only for training and massage. You can replace your chair with it and use it while watching TV or working at a computer.

In winter, carry the ball inside the car, not in the trunk. Otherwise, it may freeze and, subsequently, be damaged.

The right fitball will make your workouts effective and increase the number of exercises available. When buying, you need to take into account a number of factors, but, most importantly, choose the right ball for height.

- a convenient, simple item for gymnastics. Classes with it allow you to strengthen the muscles of the back, improve coordination, and relieve stress from the spine. Specialists have developed a number of exercises that allow not only to strengthen physical health, but also to quickly lose weight.

Ball exercises are quite simple and suitable for everyone, regardless of age and body condition. In addition, the fitball is an inexpensive simulator, which allows anyone who is interested in simple physical exercises to purchase it. But in order for classes with such a projectile to deliver the expected results, the training process should be correctly drawn up.

Very often, novice athletes, wanting to purchase such a simulator, do not know the name of the fitness ball. Therefore, if you decide to buy this product in a store, you should ask "fitball".

How did the fitness ball come about?

This gymnastic subject was invented by physician Joseph Pilates. A large rubber ball was used as a simulator for those who were undergoing rehabilitation after serious injuries. The European doctor suggested that patients do simple exercises with a fitness ball to restore the correct functionality of the body.

The patient lay down on an object and simply jumped on it. According to Pilates, such actions allow you to create the necessary physical activity and, at the same time, injuries are not affected in any way. In addition, fitball exercises provide a positive mood, which is very important in the post-traumatic period.

Contemporary supporters of Joseph Pilates believe that ball training can:

  1. improve the condition of the knee joints (very important for the elderly);
  2. strengthen muscles (useful for children);
  3. create an ideal figure (essentially for young people).
Based on this, we can say that large fitness balls are the best option for those who care about their health and their loved ones.

Types of fitness balls

There are several types of large rubber balls. All of them differ not only in external characteristics, but also in the method of influencing the body. Therefore, before choosing a ball for fitness, it is necessary to accurately determine the goal and desire for yourself, to form an idea of ​​the expected result.

If you decide to do this kind of fitness, you should buy the “right” ball. There are several varieties of these rubber trainers.

  1. Big round ball. This product is perfect for both adults and children. Choose this item based on the size of the body.
  2. oval ball. This item performs the same functions as the round projectile. But he is much more stable. This allows beginners and people with poor coordination to successfully do gymnastics.
  3. Ball with tubercles. Such a device is perfect for those who want to improve blood circulation. It shows good qualities of massage, has proven itself well in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.
  4. Ball with handle. Such a projectile is best purchased for children and pregnant women. The presence of a comfortable handle, increases safety during exercise.

How to choose the right fitness accessory

Any physical training should bring pleasure and benefit to a person. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, not so much physically as psychologically. And first of all, for a successful fitness training, a rubber ball must be chosen correctly. It is selected individually based on the physique of a novice athlete and the characteristics of the product itself. There are a number of criteria that help you choose the right gymnastic apparatus.
  1. The weight. The fitness ball can be of different diameters. On sale you can find such products in sizes from 45 to 85 cm. Depending on the size, the weight that it can withstand also varies. A small object can withstand three hundred kilograms, a large one - about a thousand.
  2. Growth. To successfully select a fitball according to this criterion, you should test the ball itself. To do this, sit on it and check the location of the hips. If the product fits, then the hips will be on the same level with the knees, or a little higher. Feet should touch the floor, knees bent at a right angle. Otherwise, other options should be considered. For people whose height does not exceed 150 cm, a ball with a diameter of 45 cm is suitable. For those who are about two meters tall, it is better to buy a simulator with a size of 85cm.
  3. Ball stiffness. This criterion is selected according to personal preferences. The harder the object, the more resistance it will provide during the exercise. Soft fitness balls are generally recommended for beginners, as they are less stressful and suitable for getting to know the sport. You can check the elasticity of an object by simply pressing the palm of your hand on the surface. If the hand rebounds easily, does not encounter excessive resistance, and does not sink very easily inward, excellent indicators of elasticity.
  4. Material. The main thing is to choose a very durable and elastic projectile. This moment is very important, because if suddenly the ball is accidentally pierced, with great elasticity, it will not explode, but the millet will be blown away. This quality makes the rubber product safer. To check if the material is very thin, you should "pinch" the ball. If many small folds have formed, the quality of this product is very low, which means that it will not last long.

    Also, on high-quality material, numerous “seams” that are formed during the manufacture of the ball should not be noticeable. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the nipple. It must be inside. Otherwise, this part will interfere during sports and may injure the skin. A good fitness ball material has antistatic properties, is made from environmentally friendly raw materials, and is hypoallergenic.

How the projectile affects the body

At first glance, it may seem that fitness with a ball can not lead to great results. But many studies in the field of therapeutic gymnastics have revealed interesting points.
  1. While sitting on the ball, the back of a person always remains flat. This feature is due to the fact that this object lacks any support, while it is mobile. Thus, the spine is aligned, the spinal muscles are strengthened.
  2. When this gymnastic apparatus rolls, all groups of the spinal muscles are alternately used to maintain balance. This allows you to fight pain in muscle tissue and the spine.
  3. Also, during classes, the muscles of the abdomen, hips, legs are perfectly strengthened, which allows you to adjust the features of the figure.
  4. Since during exercise you need to work with the whole body, it helps to quickly get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. If you use during training, you can know exactly how many calories are dropped in one session.

Easy exercises with fitball

helps not only to develop an excellent balance, but also to strengthen the buttocks, hips, shoulders, arms, abs. Each exercise should be done within one minute. There is a ten second break between them. You need to complete tasks one after another at least four times. At the end of the workout, you should stretch a little. Such a complex should be performed three times a week.
  1. Exercise One. You need to lie with your lower back on the ball and pick up dumbbells. Next, you need to stretch your left hand to the side, and raise your right hand up so that the dumbbell is directly above your shoulder. Then the stomach needs to be pulled in, the left leg is torn off the floor and pulled forward. This position must be maintained for thirty seconds of a fitness workout, after which the positions of the legs and arms should be changed, but the lower back remains in place.
  2. Exercise two. It is necessary to lie on the ball with your stomach, dumbbells in your hands, palms down. Next, you need to “raise” your shoulders, relax your neck, pull your shoulder blades as close as possible to each other. Then the body should be raised a little, take your hands up, take the starting position. You need to repeat these movements for one minute. In order not to injure the back, the stomach should be pulled.
  3. Exercise three. You should sit on the ball and pick up dumbbells. It is necessary to push off simultaneously with your feet from the floor and the buttocks from the ball. In this case, the arms should be laid aside, the shoulders should be taken away from the ears, and the press should be pulled in. Lightly jump and land within sixty seconds

How to care for a fitness ball

Not always complete with a gymnastic apparatus there is a pump for a fitness ball. If it is not possible to buy a special device, you can get by with any other, but you will need an adapter nozzle.

Very often, the fitball simply deflates. In this case, you need to establish the cause of such a nuisance. If there is no damage, and the air has descended from frequent use, it will be enough just to pump up the ball.

In the event that it was blown away from an accidental puncture, a patch will need to be made. This is best made of rubber, as this material stretches well during inflation and shows good elasticity during further use. You can install a rubber patch using any superglue. Some heavy object is placed on the restored place and left for a day.

Where to buy a fitness ball

You can buy a similar product in many retail outlets. But it is best to do this in a special sports store. In this case, there is more guarantee that the price will justify the quality. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the material and the presence of structural defects. And you also need to make sure that there is a needle and a pump so that there are no problems with pumping afterwards.

The fitness ball is a versatile piece of equipment. It is suitable for men and women, adults and children, the elderly and the very young. This gymnastic apparatus improves posture, strengthens large and small muscle groups, improves the functioning of ligaments and joints.

Professional and home exercises with a gymnastic ball are effective and popular. Fitball is not just a fashion accessory, but a universal simulator for the fitness room and at home. How to choose a fitball according to physical parameters, training purposes, as well as some of the nuances of use are discussed in our article.

What is Fitball, its purpose

Swiss or gymnastic ball, fitball - the names of a special type of sports equipment. They are often used for home exercises, because it is an effective universal simulator for people of any age.

Benefits of training

  • Suitable for performing exercises during pregnancy, planned preparation of the body for childbirth.
  • Recommended for the physical development of babies from birth.
  • It is used for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and articular pathologies.
  • Exercises help correct posture, have no age restrictions.
  • Exercise helps to normalize excess weight due to increased calorie burning.


Initially, the gymnastic ball - fitball was developed by Swiss doctors to provide rehabilitation after serious injuries, as well as correct pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Now such a simulator is actively used for home workouts, primarily due to the ease of performing exercises and the availability of such classes.

How to choose the right fitball

To know how to choose a fitball, it is important to take into account its varieties and the characteristic differences between the models. The choice depends on various parameters and is carried out by height, weight and size of sports equipment.

How to choose the size of a fitball

The diameter of the models presented is usually from 45 to 95 centimeters. Choose the size of the sports equipment is preferable on to his height.

  1. Babies and older children need a diameter of 45 cm.
  2. Adults and teenagers, whose height is no more than 157 cm, will also ideally fit the size 45 cm.
  3. For people with a height of 158 to 167 cm, it is advisable to purchase a fitball with a girth of 55 cm.
  4. If the height is within 168-178 cm, it is worth choosing among products with a diameter of 65 cm.
  5. Athletes from 179 to 189 cm are designed models of 75 cm.
  6. Fitball from 85 cm is suitable for people with a height of 190 cm or more.

The presented "size grid" will help you make the best choice when ordering remotely on the Internet. If the purchase is planned in a sports store, you should definitely “try on” the chosen model. The main criterion: in the sitting position, the legs should be bent at the knees strictly at a right angle. Minor deviations from the norm are corrected by the fullness of the product.

How to choose a fitness ball for material and load

Good fitness balls are made from high-strength latex, equipped with a special anti-tear system. This parameter is indicated in the characteristics as ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality). Such a designation determines the safety of use. When damaged, the shell does not burst, but gradually releases air through the hole formed.

Good material is distinguished by antistatic properties. Dust will not stick to such a surface, and when exercising there is no threat of receiving an electric discharge. It is useful to check the hygiene certificates confirming the safe use, as well as the quality of the material.

An important criterion is the maximum allowable load. Two parameters can be specified here: maximum weight and maximum load. The higher the load threshold (the criterion reaches 800 kg), the better the simulator is adapted for active use. This is important not only for professional athletes, but also for overweight people. For classes with a child or home workouts in the usual way, it is not at all necessary to purchase the most expensive and strong fitball.

How to choose a fitball of the optimal shape

The gymnastic ball is not only round, although there are most of these models. There are also fitballs in the shape of an oval or peanut, on which it is easier and more interesting to perform exercises. Similar models are also called fizioroli. The main advantage is maintaining balance and a good study of the muscles of the press and hips. Among the shortcomings is a small selection of high-quality models, as well as bulky dimensions that are inconvenient for storage. Which fitball is better - everyone decides for himself, the main thing is to take into account additional selection parameters.

Some models also have special handles or “horns” that are comfortable to hold during the exercises. Grips will provide balance, but trained athletes will create additional inconvenience.

The smooth surface is better for pregnant women and children. Fitballs with spikes or pimples will provide a massage effect, they are excellent in the fight against cellulite, salt deposits. A reasonable compromise is products with small convex stripes. They do not slip, gently massage the body, so these models are the most popular and in demand.

Which fitness ball is better to choose

There are many rules and tips on how to choose a fitness ball. You should be guided by the size (diameter), shape and material used in production.

Pregnancy Fitness Ball

The purchase should be safe, so you should choose smooth products equipped with grips. There are models with special support legs, which are used as an alternative to a regular chair. It is also advisable for ladies in position to use a stand designed to securely fix the ball. Such a precautionary measure will be useful in the long term of pregnancy.

How to choose a fitball for training babies

Exercises with the baby begin from the age of one month. If there are no medical contraindications, they start with a simple warm-up for several minutes, gradually increasing the time and intensity of training. For babies, it is best to buy a small smooth ball, and do the first exercises with a trainer.

Features of choosing Fitball for a child

For older children, the fitball will provide the necessary physical activity, as well as an exciting game. It is advisable to choose products with a smooth surface, the diameter of which is from 45 to 75 cm (for adolescence). It is important to focus on the personal preferences of the child, choosing a favorite color. Models for a child can also have a colorful design, for example, an image of a cartoon character.

Training with a gymnastic ball is a universal exercise, because such exercises are useful at any age. Having sorted out the assortment of similar products, you can determine which fitball is best for you:

  • The diameter of the simulator should correspond to height, and the maximum load is determined by weight.
  • The selected model is equipped with a security system in case of damage.
  • It is desirable to choose a material with an antistatic effect, necessarily confirmed by quality certificates.
  • A smooth surface is preferable for pregnant women or for babies. Spikes and embossed stripes provide additional body massage during exercise.