Drawing up a project for the production of works in construction. Project for the production of works in construction

Project for the production of works (PPR) - this is a set of documents that determine the procedure for performing work and their resource support. PPR can be developed for: the erection of individual structural elements, parts of a building and structure; for the construction of buildings and structures in general; for the performance of certain technically complex construction, installation and special construction works and for the work of the preparatory period.

Responsible for the development of PPR are: for PPR for the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures - the general contracting construction organization; for PPR for certain types of general construction, installation and special construction works - specialized construction organizations performing these works.

Organizations responsible for the development of WEP can perform this work either on their own or involve design, design organizations and design and technology trusts (Orgtekhstroy, Orgstroy, etc.).

The initial data for the development of WEP are:

    a task for the development of a WEP with a justification for the need to develop it for a building or structure as a whole, its part or type of work and indicating the terms of development;

    construction organization project;

    necessary working documentation and conditions for the supply of building materials, structures and equipment, the use of the system. telny machines and vehicles, providing workers for builders in the main professions, production and technological equipment and transportation of building materials.

The composition of the WEP for the construction of all or part of a building or structure includes:

    A calendar plan for the production of work on the object, in which the sequence and timing of the work should be established with the maximum possible combination of them.

    Object construction general plan (stroygenplan), which should show: the boundaries of the construction site and the types of its fences; operating and temporary underground, ground and air networks and communications; permanent and temporary roads, as well as traffic patterns of means of transport and mechanisms; installation sites, travel routes and areas of operation of construction and lifting machines; placement of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures; locations of signs of the geodetic center base; dangerous zones; ways and means of lifting workers to working tiers (floors): passages to buildings and structures; placement of sources and means of energy supply and lighting of the construction site, as well as ground loops; locations of sites and premises for storing building materials and structures, as well as devices for removing construction debris; sites for pre-assembly of structures; location of premises for sanitary and household services for builders, drinking facilities and recreation areas; high-risk work areas.

    Schedules for the receipt of building materials, structures and equipment at the facility with data on their receipt for each contract team with the application of picking lists.

    Schedules of the movement of workers and the main construction machines around the facility.

    Technological maps (schemes) for the performance of certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes (SOCC), a description of the methods of production of work, an indication of labor costs and the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

    Solutions for the production of geodetic works, including layouts of signs for performing geodetic constructions and measurements and indications of the required accuracy and technical means of geodetic control of the construction and installation works.

    Safety solutions developed on the basis of SNiP 12-03-2001.

    Solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat, power supply and lighting (including emergency) of a construction site and workplaces with the development, if necessary, of working drawings for supplying networks from power sources.

    Lists of technological equipment and mounting equipment, as well as schemes for slinging loads.

    Explanatory note.

The required sections include:

justification of decisions on the production of work, including those performed in winter;

the need for energy resources and solutions to meet it;

measures aimed at ensuring the safety and exclusion of theft of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site, in buildings and structures;

measures to protect existing buildings and structures from damage;

environmental protection measures.

a list of inventory buildings and structures and devices with a calculation of the need and justification for the condition of linking them to the sections of the construction site;

technical and economic indicators, including the volume, duration and cost of construction and installation works, the level of mechanization and labor costs both in general and per 1 m3 of volume, 1 m2 of building area per unit of physical volume of work, etc.

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85*, the mandatory sections of the PPR for the construction of all or part of a building or structure are: the schedule for the production of work on the facility; object building plan; technological maps; decisions on the production of geodetic works, on safety measures, on the laying of temporary engineering networks and an explanatory note.

The composition of the WEP for the performance of certain types of work includes:

The calendar plan for the production of this type of work.

Construction master plan (stroygenplan).

Technological map of the production of this type of work with the inclusion of an operational quality control scheme (SOCC), a description of the methods of production of work, data on the need for basic materials, structures and products, as well as the machines, equipment and fixtures used.

A brief explanatory note, including the necessary justifications and technical and economic indicators.

In addition, the project for the production of geodetic works should include: instructions on the accuracy and methods of performing work when creating an alignment network for a building, structure and detailed breakdowns; location diagrams of points of the scoring network, installation marks, beacons and ways of fixing them; designs of geodetic signs; list of executive geodetic documentation.

The composition of the WEP for the preparatory period of construction includes:

Calendar plan for the production of work on the object (type of work).

Construction master plan (stroygenplan), which indicates: the location of temporary, including inventory buildings, structures and devices, off-site and on-site networks with their connection to connection and consumption points and permanent facilities erected in the preparatory period for construction needs.

Technological maps.

Graphs of the movement of workers and basic construction machines.

The schedule for the arrival at the construction site of the necessary building materials, structures and equipment during the preparatory period.

Schemes of placement of signs for performing geodetic constructions, measurements, as well as instructions on the required accuracy and technical means of geodetic control.

Explanatory note, the content of which is similar to the content of the explanatory note, which is part of the PPR, developed for the construction of the entire building (structure) or part of it.

Project for the production of works (PPR) - a document developed in a construction organization;

The WEP must be transferred to the construction site no later than 2 months before the start of work.

WEP is developed, at least, for an object or its stage.

Raw material:

    assignment for development with deadlines;

    working documentation, including POS;

    condition of supply of material resources, equipment;

    use of construction machines, vehicles and provision of workers;

    materials of technical inspection of buildings and structures, objects under reconstruction, or existing near standing ones;

    requirements for construction and installation work in the conditions of existing production (during reconstruction).

The composition of the PPR:

1) Schedule for the facility by type of work.

2) Stroygenplan

3) Schedules of the movement of work teams, the main construction machines and mechanisms around the facility.

4) Graphs for setting mat. Resources, equipment per site and distribution to teams.

5) Technological maps for certain types of work with operational quality control systems.

6) Geodetic works.

7) Technological equipment, mounting equipment, labor protection and equipment


8) Explanatory note - the rationale for all decisions taken, as well as measures to protect existing buildings and structures and environmental measures.

9) CHP: volume of construction, duration of construction, specific

labor costs, level of mechanization, cost of work, profit. PAR is developed for the preparatory period and PAR for certain types of work.

POS and PPR in construction - floor O the most basic documents, without which activities at a particular facility cannot be started.

The construction organization project and the project for the production of works are one of the most important documents that are necessary to start construction work at the facility.

What is POS

This document is developed immediately for all construction and provides for all stages in production and their clearly defined deadlines.

This document describes the calendar plan of action, all the automated resources that are necessary for installation work, financial costs, technical support and distribution of labor, depending on the number of specialists, the scope of the project and construction time.

To develop a construction organization project, information about the object will be required, on the basis of which the documentation is compiled. Development of POS in construction engaged in companies that provide construction services, including ours.

As a rule, the construction organization plan includes the following sections:

  • calendar plan of construction and installation works;
  • construction conditions;
  • explanatory note;
  • general plan;
  • communication support documentation.

Depending on the nature of the object, there may be other items in the document that provide for the organization of installation and construction activities on the site.

What is PPR

The project for the production of works is also one of the necessary documents for installation, repair or construction work. The PPR fully prescribes the action plan and all the necessary requirements for the organization of construction. It necessarily prescribes safety rules, labor protection, and other aspects of employee safety.

PPR is developed specifically to optimize the production process. That is, it prescribes the most efficient technology for the construction of an object, thanks to which the work is carried out as soon as possible with maximum efficiency.

The PPR fulfills the following goals:

  • regulates the orderliness of working equipment and the improvement of the working space, taking into account safety rules;
  • dictates the organization of the workflow and the choice of methods and technologies of work, in order to speed up construction without loss of quality;
  • requirement for environmental safety and labor protection;
  • prescribes the possible risks associated with working moments, and provides for the extension of the construction period, in connection with them.

A project for the production of works can be ordered from an organization that specializes in the preparation of such construction documentation. Also, a PPR can be developed by a company that performs repair, construction and installation work. These projects should be prepared by a qualified engineer, since the entire construction, financial costs, efficiency and safety of employees depend on the PPR.

The project for the production of works, before coming into force, is approved by the engineer of the general contractor. If everything is normal in the documentation and the document is approved, then it is transferred to the construction site for review by all managers.

Sometimes additional approvals of the work plan may be required, depending on the type of facility and the location of construction or installation:

  • if installation or construction work takes place outside the construction site, then coordination with the owner of this territory is necessary;
  • if the production touches the roadway, approval from the traffic police is required;
  • in case of touching communications during construction or installation work, prior approval of the relevant authorities is required.

That is, if, in addition to the allocated object, objects of other properties fall under the construction process, the WEP must be agreed with their superiors or owners.

PPR includes the following aspects:

In addition, special items may be included in the PPR, providing for certain factors, depending on the nature of the construction work.

What is the difference

A construction organization project and a work production project are completely different documents. Both must be present at the start of construction.

The project for the production of works is developed on the basis of the construction organization project. That is, first you need to register a POS, and then a PPR. Therefore, first of all, all the factors influencing the organization of construction are developed, and then all the nuances of production work are already prescribed.

In connection with the above, the PPR cannot contradict the rules that are prescribed in the PIC. that is, the PIC documents are primary and more important than the PWP. This is due to the fact that the construction organization project is necessary for the entire construction facility as a whole, and the WEP provides for organizational issues at a particular facility, which are located at the construction site to which the POS is prescribed.

To create a PPR, you need to provide a POS, and in addition to it, additional data. To begin with, you need a clearly formulated terms of reference, which is based on the wishes of the customer. Then you need to collect all the documents for demolition and dismantling, if this type of work is provided for at the facility.

In conclusion, I would like to note that POS and PPR in construction are an integral part of the necessary documentation, without which it is impossible to start activities at the facility. These two documents carry a completely different load, although they are closely related. The construction organization project is the most important and characterizes all types of activities in general at the facility, and the work execution project describes the requirements for a certain small area that apply to this facility. A developer company or a specialized organization can develop the necessary documentation.

Construction is a very serious area of ​​modern urban development. This direction has a wide range of work performed, control by the administration, supervisory authorities and requires precise, impeccable organization. In addition, construction should ensure the safety of the work process, contribute to labor productivity, and be technically feasible. Therefore, the entire preparatory part and the construction itself is regulated by regulatory legal acts. These are requirements, rules, regulations that establish the order, framework for the implementation of construction activities.

What is project documentation

Before proceeding with the implementation of production work, it is necessary to draw up. It will allow you to determine a plan for the future design, calculate all the necessary loads, which will guarantee the safety of the structure, determine the amount of material required, costs, involvement of labor, equipment. Also, at the preliminary stage, projects are drawn up that are responsible for organizing the movement of the entire construction process. Particular attention is paid to the project for the production of works (PPR), which is aimed at achieving the goals of ensuring the safety of persons conducting work and located on the construction site. PPR in construction, what it is, is determined by the codes of norms and rules governing a certain type of work being carried out. Often, a WEP is not fully developed for the entire facility due to the large volume, so it is formed from several parts, broken down by type of work. These can be separately developed technological issues of scaffolding, roofing, installation of any structural elements, etc.

Why do you need a production project

Requirements for PPR in the construction of houses are established by SNiP 3.01.01-85, which sets out requirements and provides explanations for the development of a project necessary to start building a house. The purpose of its creation, as the document prescribes, is to develop methods of construction activities for their effective implementation, reducing the cost of materials, labor costs, and the use of construction equipment.

Who can develop PPR

The development of a PPR in construction requires the persons who work on it to have the appropriate education, the ability to use software, etc. Because a properly designed project will significantly improve the quality of work and reduce the duration of the construction of the facility. This is important in the modern construction industry, which is developing rapidly, introducing new technologies, methods, new machinery and equipment.

What is needed to create a PPR

To start work, you will need a PPR in construction. What it is and how to compose it is defined by regulatory documents. To develop a project, specialists will need a number of documents, on the basis of which a safe construction project will be created. First of all, you need a task that was created taking into account the needs, wishes, requirements of the norms, building conditions of the customer. It also requires an executive of the planned facility, a construction project.

Information is provided on the use of special machinery, equipment, labor resources, materials on the site, indicating suppliers. Data are provided on the study of already commissioned, used real estate objects, and regional features are also taken into account for PPR in construction. What is it and what is it for? It is necessary that the project be developed taking into account all the subtleties, possible negative factors of a natural nature. Information is used on the state of ambient air temperatures, its changes for specific periods of construction, the level of groundwater, humidity and other indicators that are important and may affect the progress of construction.

What is a production project?

The composition of the PPR in construction is provided for by a set of norms and rules, which indicates the need to contain three documents in the project. This is a general construction plan (stroygenplan), and information that shows the features of the construction, calculations, explanations, justifications. SNiP discloses in detail the content of these documents, fully describes the development scheme, requirements, the availability of certain indicators and calculations. In short, it is possible to characterize the blocks of the project in general terms in order to present a vision of what the PPR in construction consists of. What it is, what it consists of, you need to know those who are developing it, because each of the three main elements of the project is completed from a number of other constituent documents.

Work Schedule

This is a kind of backbone, a model for the future WEP, because the reliability and quality of the future project, as well as the success of its implementation, will depend on its competent development. SNiP PPR in construction makes it clear that the calendar document is the key to the entire project, because it establishes the sequence of work performed, which makes construction more rational in the execution process. It also worked out, spelled out all the terms, stages, periods, sequence of work. The finished calendar plan makes it possible to move on to the development of the next document that is part of the facility project.

Building master plan

At this stage, it is initially necessary to consider and choose the most suitable option for organizing a building site, which will minimize construction costs. Also, the stroygenplan aims to create conditions for the implementation of construction work, which must meet safety requirements.

The plan should define the area of ​​the construction site, take into account nearby buildings and structures. They should also provide for the construction of temporary buildings within the building boundaries necessary for the implementation of construction activities. The presence of existing utility systems near the construction site and the creation of temporary communications to ensure construction are being worked out. It should be noted that when organizing work, it will be necessary to bring power lines, water supply and sanitation. The need will arise in access roads, maneuvering of large-sized equipment, a tower crane and in the delivery of materials to the facility. The building plan must provide for a place for storing building materials, safe installation of a crane, its movement along the site sections, and take into account the possibility of lifting to any part of the object under construction.

Explanatory note

No less important than the rest, a component in the PPR. The construction of a house can meet safe requirements only with a competent drafting of the project, and it incorporates the most important information. All the characteristics that provide for the complexity of construction are registered. Row indicated Mandatory must contain information on the maintenance and protection of the environment.

It contains a document justifying the required areas, buildings on the site, communications, lifting mechanisms, equipment, machinery, which were indicated in the general construction plan. You can clearly see in the note all the calculations proving the needs, as well as the economic indicators of construction.

PPR- this is a fundamental aspect of any construction, which requires special attention and professionalism. The PSK GORPROJECT LLC company offers its services for the creation of a PPR, focusing on relatively low prices.

Our company is actively engaged in the development of documentation regulating the construction process. Highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in the construction industry will help to understand any difficult situations in the creation of a PPR. We are active in close cooperation, offering into account our interactive resource that will save you from wasting money.

The key to the successful work of the company lies in an individual approach to any order, we completely exclude the development of standard projects. Taking into account the wishes of customers, we develop a cost-effective project that can compete in the construction industry.

Development of WEP- this is not all the services that our company provides, in addition to compiling documentation, we control the process of coordinating the project with the relevant authorities.

Certificates for the development of PPR

Thanks to the competent and professional preparation of the WEP, the construction process is much faster and better. This is explained by the fact that the WEP includes a plan for the construction of the facility, the preparation of a cost-effective estimate in combination with the budget, as well as the organization of construction and installation works.

In order for the result to be excellent and you to be happy with the constructed facility, it is best to entrust the development of WEP to specialized companies that guarantee you high-quality construction and significant savings in your financial capital.

Factors affecting the cost of developing WEP

Factors affecting the timing of the development of WEP

This range of services is provided by PSK GORPROEKT LLC, which operates on the principle of interaction between the customer and the general contractor, which contributes to the rapid completion of construction work. We actively cooperate with administrative and technical inspections, significantly reducing the time to obtain the necessary permits. Our specialists in the shortest possible time will open an order regulating the construction and installation work.

By giving preference to the PPR of our company, you:

– you have the opportunity to choose the most optimal solution for construction and installation works;

– get a high quality construction object in the shortest possible time;

- spend the minimum amount of money;

– Ensure 100% safety for workers at the facility.

It's no secret that the preparation of the PPR is of tremendous importance. It is the design and technological documentation that contributes to the thorough study of each aspect during the construction of the facility. In addition, the development of PPR allows you to organize construction and installation work, determine their order and draw up a budget.

Considering all the above nuances, it is worth noting that it is necessary to order a work production project in specialized organizations that have been operating in this area for a long time. In this case, you transfer the solution of all related tasks to the hands of professionals, which provides all the necessary guarantees.

PSK GORPROEKT LLC is engaged in similar activities and provides a full range of services. In particular, when developing a WEP for the main period (preparatory period and other types of work), we coordinate each item with the customer and the general contractor. This helps to solve all issues related to the organization of construction. In addition, having prepared a PPR, the price of which is very low, we will transfer it (if necessary) to the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections. This will help open an order giving the right to carry out construction and installation work. To top it all, the development of WEP in construction involves the preparation of as-built documentation.

Achieving high quality is determined by the great experience of our employees, who prioritize the development of WEP, taking into account the individual preferences of the client.

Let's consider what aspects and regulatory documents are contained in the development of WEP performed by our company:

Explanatory note

  • (project plan, its description, technical standards, cost estimates for building materials);

The grafical part

  • stroygenplan - includes the layout of the placement of the object and the construction of the main constituent elements;

  • technological schemes for the performance of specific types of work - focused on the cost-effective use of time for the construction of the facility;

  • calendar schedule for the production of works - consists in the phased implementation of construction and installation works;
  • labor force schedule.

Each aspect of the PPR should be developed in strict accordance with organizational and technical solutions, while we should not forget about finding the most profitable solutions for supplying the facility with the necessary amount of building material that meets a high level of quality.

When developing a WEP in the field of organizing facade works, our employees take into account the effective rental of mechanized equipment, which operates strictly according to a schedule aimed at maximizing time and resource savings.

PPR includes ensuring the safety of workers at the facility, which consists in conducting operational quality control. You can order our services through an interactive portal that provides detailed information about the development of WEP. You will be pleasantly surprised by the relatively low cost of creating a PPR, despite the functional direction of the customer.

Our offer

Development of PPR in Moscow and regions of Russia.

If you are determined to start building some object, and do not know where to start, then feel free to contact our company, which develops competent and cost-effective PPR.

The range of services of PSK GORPROEKT LLC also includes consulting on any issues of interest to you related to the construction of facilities. A non-standard approach to order fulfillment, based on modern technologies and standards, allows us to provide individual and complex services.

If you want to end up with a beautiful, high-quality construction object, then you should definitely contact our engineers, who work according to the strategy of reverent order fulfillment, in strict accordance with the requirements and wishes of the client.

PPR work execution project- this is organizational and technological documentation, containing the technology and organization of preparatory and main types of construction and installation work at the construction site, quality control and acceptance requirements, work of the final period, labor protection and safety measures in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents, as well as the standards of the Customer's organization. Does not apply to working or project documentation object, which are only the basis for the development of WEP. Prepared before the start of all construction and installation work.

PPR (deciphering the abbreviation - project for the production of works) is one of the executive documents required for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of the facility. Its main purpose is to choose a technology for construction and installation and / or repair work that allows the most rational use of material, material, technical and labor resources while ensuring overall safety. Without this document, it is impossible to properly organize and start the workflow. With its help it is possible:

  • reduce the cost of materials and equipment;
  • ensure the safety of work;
  • reduce risks;
  • ensure compliance with the terms of construction or repair of the facility.

In 2019, when compiling the PPR, it is necessary to take into account only the changes made to the NTD (Urban Planning Code, RD guidelines, codes of rules for joint ventures, building codes and rules for SNiP, state standards GOST, etc.). The requirements remain the same as in 2018, 2017 and previous years. Of course, it would be wrong to use ready-made standard documents that are common on the Internet, since in 2018-2019 many changes were made to the NTD and the old ones were replaced. Every year a bunch of documents are updated and it becomes difficult to take on the development of a project for the production of works on our own.

The explanatory note is the main part and consists of the most important sections. It includes the entire organizational sequence of work performed and provides links to flow charts by type of work performed. Engineering support of construction, taking into account the duration, composition of the working personnel, the number of machines and mechanisms, is given in the preparatory period.

In the appendix to the PPR, work schedules are inserted that determine the technical and economic indicators of construction. The calendar schedule is drawn up in accordance with the contract for the performance of work on the facility without deviations, regardless of the duration specified in the construction organization project. Delivery schedules and requirements are divided into weeks, months or quarters depending on the construction time.

Who develops the project for the production of PPR works

The development of projects for the production of PPR works is carried out by a general contractor, or by order of a specialized organization. The developer organization should have in its staff specialists with experience working at construction sites, who know the technology of construction production. When using lifting structures, it is necessary to have attestation protocols for industrial safety for specialists. For the development of technical solutions adopted in the PPR, the Customer often requires the developer to be a member of the SRO.

The General Contractor may prescribe in the contract with the Subcontractor the obligation to develop it. In this case, based on the volumes performed by the Subcontractor, a decision is made to develop a WEP and/or separate flow charts for an already existing project for the execution of works at the facility.

Who approves the project for the production of work

The WEP is approved by the technical manager of the contractor (chief engineer, technical director, deputy director for construction, etc.) performing these works. Thus, taking all prescribed measures for execution.
The project for the production of works is submitted for approval in a fully finished form with all attachments and signatures. After signing, the seal of the organization is affixed and the project is submitted for approval to the interested parties involved in the construction (Departments of the Customer, Construction Control of the Customer, owners of engineering networks, etc.).

Who agrees on the project for the production of PPR works

The approval of the WEP is carried out by the Contractor in the following sequence:

  • Services of the Customer: department of capital construction of OKS, HSE, fire department, power engineering department, department of the chief mechanic and other representatives depending on the structure of the company;
  • OATI (for Moscow), GATI (for St. Petersburg) and similar organizations, taking into account the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​work;
  • Owners of buildings and structures located near the projected object;
  • Organizations-owners of intersecting underground and above-ground communications (water supply, communication cables, gas pipeline, heating, etc.) at their intersection;
  • Owners of used machines and mechanisms;
  • In some cases, representatives of Rostekhnadzor.

To agree on the project for the production of work, it includes a separate sheet with columns: position, full name, signature and comments. Based on the signatures on the title page, the signature of the technical managers of the coordinating persons is put.

Who signs the project for the production of works

The signing of the PPR is carried out by specialists who have developed individual sections. On the table of contents in the frame, the signatures of the developer, the inspector and the technical manager are put. Technological maps are signed by the compilers: QCD for welding by the chief welder or welding engineer, TC for quality control and input control of materials - by a construction control engineer, etc.

How to compose

You can draw up a PPR on your own by shoveling a bunch of regulatory documentation. But it takes a lot of time and effort of specialists. Its design can be entrusted to developers - specialized companies.
In order to start compiling it, you must first study the MDS and then the composition of the future PPR will be clear. After you have studied it, you need to start studying the entire technical documentation for the work performed, for example, a joint venture for concrete work, a joint venture for the installation of building structures and take only the necessary information and include it in the document. It is possible to take standard projects as a basis, but now it is very difficult to find relevant ones containing new labor protection requirements and construction technology. Everything standard is outdated.


During the production of construction and installation works, in most cases, it becomes necessary to make changes to the already developed WEP. This can be facilitated by: underground utilities not specified in the construction plan were discovered; equipment that was supposed to be used is difficult to find and there is a similar one, but the technology needs to be changed (for example, a concrete pump cannot deliver to a certain height, it is necessary to supply concrete using a bucket to the floors); changes in the working draft, etc. Only the developer can make changes and in agreement with the persons who signed it. Those. after that, you need to go through the approval process again.

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