Lesson on modeling insects in the middle group. Synopsis of GCD. Modeling. School prep group. Theme: "Insects". Let's get sick, friends!

Subject. Journey to fairy land

Educational areas:

priority:"Artistic creativity" (sculpting)

in integration:"Health", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading Fiction", "Safety", "Cognitive Research".


1. Educational tasks for the priority educational area.

Artistic creativity (sculpting)

To promote the assimilation of skills and abilities of modeling; to form the ability to sculpt objects of various shapes from polymer clay (ball, ovoid, sausage), to convey the features of non-complex objects of objects.

2. Educational tasks solved in the integration of educational areas.


To consolidate elementary knowledge about insects, their appearance, their lifestyle (their habitats, food).


Contribute to the formation of correct posture during educational activities; to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (cleanliness of the body, hands, clothes, materials, workplace).


Enrich the vocabulary of children on the topic of the lesson through the words: "beehive", "hurricane", " bee family”,“ Rescuers ”,“ caterpillar transformation ”- improve verbal communication skills (the ability to listen without interrupting; argue; prove your point of view; follow the development of the plot; give clear, concise answers to specific questions posed).

Reading fiction

Exercise in the acquisition of skills and abilities to perceive literary work actively participate in its subsequent discussion.


Exercise in consolidating the skills and abilities of safe behavior in the workplace; in the rules for the safe use of art materials.


Contribute to the consolidation of skills to actively and benevolently interact with the teacher and peers; take an active part in the didactic game "Who lives where".

Cognitive research activity

Continue to master the ability to obtain softness, plasticity when kneading polymer clay, to find the distinctive properties of polymer clay in comparison with plasticine and natural clay

2. Formation of integrative qualities (developing and educational tasks):

To cultivate respect for the work of the potter; - to develop a steady cognitive interest, curiosity among pupils in the way of life of insects, in fiction; develop creative skills and abilities, fantasy, attention, memory, imagination, perception, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination.

3. Prerequisites for UUD:


The ability to maintain a constructive dialogue: to keep the attention and interest of the interlocutor; compose detailed, logically complete sentences on the topic.


The ability to subordinate personal interests to the requirements and tasks of the lesson; regulate personal emotions and behavior throughout creative activity.


The ability to use the previously acquired knowledge in independent, search and research creative activities.


Ability to maintain interest in visual activity.

Forms of work with children: collective, individual.

Methods and techniques:

verbal:display, explanation, conversation, reminder, explanation, explanation, indication, story, artistic word;

visual:looking at illustrations, toys, insect models.

Types of children's activities: communicative, gaming, artistic activity, productive, reading fiction, motor, cognitive research.


for kids:polymer clay, stacks, rotary machine, napkins, modeling boards;

for the teacher:easel for displaying diagrams, illustrations, toys - insects, finished molding of the image of a bee, modeling sequence diagrams, computer, polymer clay, stacks, rotary machine, napkins, modeling boards.

Planned result:

the child shows a steady interest in beauty in art, in nature; exploratory behavior skills, initiative; reveals his individuality in the process of mastering creativity; shows independence in the choice of techniques and ways of creating images; shows persistent cognitive interest in creativity; emotionally reacts to works of fine art; owns the means of language expressiveness; is able to offer his own idea and embody it in modeling; is able to work in a team; actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers.



Guys, today the cat Murzik came to us for help. Cat Murzik completely confused the names of all seasons. Tell the cat Murzik, what season do we have now? (children's answers)

Teacher. That's right, guys, now we have a season - Winter. What happens to insects in winter? (children's answers)


That's right guys, insects are sleeping, hiding in slits. And guys, the cat Murzik brought me a letter from insects from the Land of Insects. But this country is unusual, but fabulous. Because it's always summer and insects live there all year round. And also because the insects there are all made of plastic clay. Let's see what is in this interesting large envelope that the cat Murzik brought us. Oh what is it? Horror, the photograph that was enclosed in the envelope depicts a terrible hurricane. And this cruel hurricane destroyed the houses of poor creatures, and maybe even damaged them. Murzik, I think we need to rush to their aid! Can we help restore order in the land of insects? Then we immediately set off on a perilous journey. And help us with this guiding star, which is also in the envelope. (A stick with a foil star attached to the end)

1 task

With the help of magic words and a wand, children "find themselves" in magical land. They approach the table, where there is a leaf from a tree and a broken caterpillar made of plastic clay.


Yes, this is a caterpillar, but from a strong wind its body fell apart into pieces. Let's restore the caterpillar. Take a piece of plastic clay and roll the ball in a circular motion with your palms. (I draw your attention to the fact that the balls should be even, without cracks). Now, using the "pasting" method, firmly attach the parts of the caterpillar to each other. Using the pulling method, shade the horns on the head of the caterpillars. Draw the eyes, nose and mouth with a stack. Here, such a wonderful caterpillar turned out. She smiles and thanks you.

I'll read you a poem about her:

Who is crawling along the branch?

Whose greedy baby?

It's butterflies baby

Devours greedily leaf.

And a little time will pass

The caterpillar suddenly becomes

The cutest and most beautiful

Among butterflies girlfriends!

2 task

We approach the carpet, where there is a destroyed beehive, pieces of yellow plastic clay and wings.


What happened here?

(children's answers)


Here lies the ruined hive. Who lives in the hive? (bees) And here are the owners themselves: the poor, suffered from the wind, the wings fell off. Can we help the bees? Sit on the carpet. See how we make bees. First, we roll a ball out of plastic mass, then we turn it into an oval, adjusting the movements of the palms. And now you need to make the shape of an egg or, to put it correctly, an ovoid. With the edge of my hand, I will slightly roll the end of the oval, and it will turn out a little thinner. This is the result of a figure called an ovoid. Let's all repeat the name of the form together. Now we insert the wings, attach thin flattened flagella in stripes to the body of the bee, draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth with a sharp stick. So our bee is ready!


Take, guys, plastic clay and repair the bees!

We will place the finished bees in the repaired hive! Now they will be happy to fly through the flowers and collect honey!

I'll read you a poem about bees:

The nimble bee flies

The bee does not know how to get tired.

All trees and flowers

The bees are coming soon!

Give nectar for honey

Give sweet pollen

Knows an adult and a child -

Laziness hard worker, not to face!

3 task


Guys, look at the picture with the image of the sun and rays. What do you think happened to the sun?

(children's answers)


Guys, what do you think, is it easy for insects to live without the sun? And indeed all living beings? Then I propose to blind the sun, it will shine in the sky and warm the inhabitants of this fabulous country. Sit down at the tables. You will need to roll up sausages from a lump of yellow plastic clay with longitudinal movements of the palms - these will be the rays of our sun. And with the help of the "lubrication" technique, we will firmly attach them to the head of the sun. And who will help me to blind my head?

(One child makes a head, the rest sculpt rays)

As soon as our sun is almost ready, using the familiar modeling methods, we will make eyes in the form of flattened discs for the sun, a nose for the ball, and a smiling mouth rolled into a thin flagellum.

What a wonderful sun we have. Now it will again shine in a fairyland, and delight insects. Cat Murzik tells me that their life will get better again. It's all thanks to you guys! You have been a real lifesaver. Guys, who will read a poem to me about the sun? And in gratitude for your kindness, the sun, on behalf of all the inhabitants of the country of insects, gives you a treat. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten, there are other things waiting for us there.

We say goodbye and return.


1. Shvaiko, G.S. Classes in visual arts in kindergarten. [Text] / G.S. Shvaiko. - Moscow - Vlados, 2000.-174p.

2. Steine, N.F. Classes in visual activity with children 6 - 7 years old. Abstracts of classes. [Text] / ed. - compiled by N.F. Stein. - Volgograd: ITD Corypheus, 2012. - 128s.

3. Yakovleva, T. N. Art for children. Toolkit. [Text] /author - compiled by T.N. Yakovlev. Moscow: TC Sphere, 2011. - 128c.

Tatyana Morozova

Program content: To reveal in children the ability to plan their work, to correctly create an image insect, transfer their structure, size, independently choose a method modeling, transfer texture, relief using stacks and additional materials. To consolidate the ability to sculpt objects using tables - diagrams depicting the order of manufacture insect.

Enrich and activate the child's vocabulary, enhance life experience on the topic insects.

Develop fine motor skills, imagination, compositional skills.

Cultivate respect for insects.

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, the use of an artistic word, showing, examining, questions for children, practical activities of children, summary.

Material and equipment: envelope, photos and illustrations insects(butterfly, bee, grasshopper, ant, ladybug, plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling, tables - schemes depicting the order of manufacture insect, Tray With Grass. Sound accompaniment of the voice insects.

preliminary work: viewing illustrations and photos insects reading fiction about insects, solving riddles about insects, watching cartoons, watching walking insects, in the flowerbed, acquaintance with models of existing features insects.

Lesson progress:

The teacher brings to the group an envelope with a letter from Queen Rose, who asks the children to populate the flower kingdom with residents. But first you need to solve riddles in order to find out which inhabitants Queen Rose is talking about.

On a fragrant flower, a flying flower sat down,

All four petals moved at the flower.

I wanted to rip it off - it fluttered and flew away! (Butterfly) Show insect.

What does a butterfly eat? (plant juice, nectar)

Butterflies drink nectar with a long spout called a proboscis. Can you catch butterflies? Why? (No, we can hurt the butterfly)

Butterfly wings are covered with small colored scales. If we grab the butterfly by the wings, then the scales will fly around, and the butterfly will not be able to fly. What will happen to her? (will perish)


Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower -

How many wings does a bee have? (4) Where do bees live? (in hives)

What benefits do bees bring to people? (they give honey)

The main benefit of bees is not even honey, but pollination of flowers. By smearing the legs in pollen, the bees carry it from plant to plant and pollinate it. Without bees, many flowers simply would not be able to reproduce, and there would be no flowers left on Earth.

What happens to the bee after it stings? (Stinging, the bee dies)

Small in stature, but hardworking,

And a real hunter.

Collects a house from needles,

The forest saves from caterpillars (ant) Show insect.

Ants live in large families. What is the name of their house? What are they building from? (Anthill. Build from twigs, leaves, straws, blades of grass).

They are very hardworking insects, can carry objects up to 10 times their mass. What benefit do they bring us? (eat harmful insects) . They are called the orderlies of the forest.

Who has the whole back in dots?

Who grazes on the leaves?

Who do we ask to take to the skies

And bring us bread from there? (ladybug). Show insect.

What benefits do "cows"? (eat harmful insects)

That's right, they're called aphids.

The last riddle.

Jumping spring -

green back,

From grass to blade of grass

From branch to path (Grasshopper) Show insect.

And how can we find out if there is a grasshopper in the clearing or not (We will hear him sing)

That's right, he rubs one wing against another and it turns out such a song of a grasshopper. We say that he does not sing, but chirps. Grasshopper eats pests, such as caterpillars.

Guessed all the riddles of Queen Rose. How do we call them in one word the inhabitants who are needed in the flower kingdom? (insects)

What else insects you know?

What are flowers for? insects? (pollinate flowers).

Physical education minute

overstayed insects in the meadow spread their wings and flew: Bee flying buzzing: w-w-w. mosquito flies, ringing: z-z-z-z. The grasshoppers jumped. A butterfly flew in, swirled, fluttered its wings. Suddenly the wind picked up and roared. Run to me, hide. Everyone ran away. Well done.

Do you remember what Queen Rose asked for? ( populate flower kingdom by inhabitants - insects).

I suggest you blind them, and schemes will help us.

The teacher asks the children to choose their favorite insect. Children are seated at tables on which lies a diagram of this insect.

What parts does it consist of insect? (head, chest and abdomen, 6 legs, two antennae, some have a proboscis and wings).

How do we make wings?

How do we make paws?

To get down to responsible work, I suggest you prepare your fingers!

Finger gymnastics

Came to us yesterday

Striped bee. They wave their hands.

And behind her a bumblebee - a bumblebee For every name insect bend finger.

And a cheerful moth

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like flashlight eyes. They make circles from the fingers and bring them to the eyes.

Buzzed, flew

They fell down from fatigue. They drop their palms on the table.

Now let's get down to the responsible cause: we blind the inhabitants for the flower kingdom. In your work, you use the techniques known to you modeling, and for the originality of your work, I have prepared the material that lies on your trays. You can use it to design your work.

Practical activities of children

At the end lessons starts recording sounds that produce insects.

We will place the finished works on our green meadow. Queen Rose will be very grateful to you!

What did we talk about today?

What we blinded the insects?

What tricks molds you used? (Rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, pulling, pressing).

Related publications:

Dear colleagues! I work as an educator in the middle group (3-5 years). We are currently running an environmental project on the topic.

The synopsis of the GCD in the middle group on the topic: “In the clearing” (on the topic of insects) was compiled by Yusupova Patimat Magomedovna on 05/05/18 Sertolovo Leningradskaya.

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educator MBDOU №110


Vetrova Svetlana Ravilovna

Abstract of a modeling lesson in the middle group: "Dragonfly"


Clarify children's knowledge about insects, their characteristics, adaptability to living conditions; to teach to express their movements with facial expressions, gestures and plasticity, to call them in one generalizing word: "insects"

The development of visual attention, logical thinking, memory, connected speech.

Continue to fix the modeling technique: sculpt with straight, circular movements of the palms, flatten, and connect the parts tightly, pressing them against each other, convey features appearance dragonflies

Cultivate respect for insects, love for nature.

Strengthen the ability to help game characters, empathize with them, bring what you started to the end and beat the work done.


Pictures of insects, riddles.

Toy puppet "Chicken - Timi"


Modeling boards

Preliminary work:

Didactic game: What do insects do?

"Where the insect sits"

"The Fourth Extra"

"Guess Whose House"

"What the artist forgot to draw"

Mobile game: "Grasshopper"

"Catch a mosquito."

Examination of illustrations and conversation: "What are the benefits of insects"


Lesson progress:

Educator: A small clearing with riddles. Guys, now we will go for a little walk. Do you agree.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Oh, guys, listen carefully (riddles):

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off.

He fluttered and flew away. (butterfly)

small helicopter

Flying back and forth.

Big eyes

Her name is .... (dragonfly)

She eats aphids from the branches

And helps us in the garden

Deftly sitting on the sheets

This is God's .... (cow)

Educator: Guys, how can you call a butterfly, a dragonfly, a ladybug in one word.

Children: these are insects.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what parts of the body insects have?

Children: Abdomen, head, eyes, antennae

Educator: Well done, you got it right.

Oh guys, listen. Someone is visiting us.

(Chicken Tim (puppet doll) appears: Oh, oh, oh. How hungry I am. I really want to eat, but I have nothing to eat. Help me friends. Feed me. Oh, oh, Oh, how hungry I am. This happened to I'm in trouble.)

Educator: Hello little chick. What is your name.

Chicken Tim: my name is Tim.

Educator: Why were you singing a sad song? What happened to you.

Chicken Tim: I didn't sing, I cried. Because I really want to eat. (crying)

Educator: Tim, calm down and tell me what you like to eat the most.

Chicken Tim: I love the big dragonfly.

Educator: Guys, let's help our guest.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Dear Tim, get some rest. Oh, we'll cook something for you guys.

For now, our chicken Tim will rest, we will blind a dragonfly. (Showing the dragonfly sculpting sequence)

Children sculpt a dragonfly with its characteristic features, using the appropriate modeling techniques.

Physical education "Dragonfly"

Here is a dragonfly flying (children imitate the flight of a dragonfly)

Like pea eyes, (depict the big eyes of a dragonfly)

And she herself is like a helicopter, (rotation)

Left, right, back, forward (tilts).

The children rested and continued their work. They try to complete everything.

Educator: Well done boys.

What did you blind?

For whom?

Who is a dragonfly?

The children took their dragonflies and flew. Playing out your work. At this time, the chicken Tim wakes up. Tim woke up and was surprised: how many dragonflies fly. They are different, beautiful and very tasty.

Chicken Tim: Oh, I'm full. Thank you guys very much. I'll go and tell everyone how kind and considerate you are. Thanksoooo. Goodbye.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 1, Kanevsky District, Krasnodar Territory

Summary of fine arts (sculpting)

"Today, Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl"


teacher Eliseeva Svetlana Ivanovna

Art. Kanevskaya


Topic: "Today the Fly - Tsokotukha birthday girl."

Program tasks:- to teach in the process of modeling to convey the characteristic features of insects, to achieve expressiveness of what was conceived, independently choosing the necessary modeling techniques.- develop general and fine motor skills, imagination, through the ability to give individual features to your created image.- cultivate a love for insects, an interest in modeling.Vocabulary: fly-sokotuha, butterfly-beauty, old spider, proboscis, abdomen, ears-antennas, nursery.Methods and techniques: conversations, questions, artistic word, encouragement, display. explanation, exercise for fine and general motor skills, analysis of children's work, individual work with children.Material: colored dough, mnemonic tables, stack, samovar, table, audio recording.Previous work: observing insect walks, reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha", staging of the work. Examining the painting by P.A. Zhilichkin "Insects". Talk about the benefits of insects. Drawing and application on the theme "Insects".Didactic games: "Find out by description", "Whose silhouette".Lesson progress:B: Fly, Fly-Tsokatuha,Gilded belly!The fly went across the field,The fly found the moneyThe fly went to the marketAnd bought a samovar:"Come cockroachesI'll treat you to tea!"(a knock on the door, a fly comes in, cries).Q: What happened?Fly: I invited guests, and the evil sorceress enchanted them.Children: A grandmother came to the fly - a bee, an old spider, a beautiful butterfly.Q: Butterfly wings are really beautiful and fragile, but they are much stronger than it might seem at first glance.They are covered with a special substance that protects from freezing. The body of a butterfly, like other insects, consists of three main sections: the head, chest and abdomen (show). Three pairs of legs are attached to the thoracic region (show). Butterfly vision is good. However, antenna antennae are much more important for her (show). They grow from the front of the head. The proboscis can penetrate deep into the base of the flower, where the nectar is contained.Many butterflies are becoming rare due to the destruction of the environment in which they live i.e. flowers, trees, plants. They are listed in the Red Book or kept in special nurseries.Mukha: And what are these special nurseries?Q: That's right, here they are bred, cared for and not destroyed.Fly: Thank you for telling me about butterflies. Now I will know about them too. But what should I do with enchanted guests? From them remained in these drawings (shows diagrams depicting a butterfly, a wasp, a mosquito, a grasshopper, a fly).When working with mnemotables together with children, we carry out comparative analysis insect structure.Q: Who do you think is pictured here?Q: Don't worry, fly, we'll help you!Q: But why are we sad? We will definitely help Mukha-Tsokotukha. Let's cheer each other up first.Development exercise fine motor skills handsThe musicians ran index and middle fingersThe drums are banging moving around the tableBoom! Boom! Boom! Tapping with index finger.A fly dances with a mosquito to connect fingers alternatelyAnd behind her is Klop, Klop, starting with the big one.Boots top, top! Index fingers.Goats with worms, middle fingers.Insects with moths ring fingers.And the beetles are horned, little fingers.Guys rich, thumbs crossedCaps waving form wingsDancing with butterflies.Q: Now I'm sure that you can help the Fly-Tsokotukha. Who can disenchant who? Take the diagram and tell how you will do your job. Well done, I see that you have become real wizards and can disenchant the guests of Mukha-Tsokotukha, but for this, take the dough of the right color.Independent work of children: in the process of work, I help to choose the right modeling techniques, observe proportions, sequences of execution.Analysis of children's work: Let's arrange a holiday for Mukha-Tsokotukha. And so that the guests have good mood We will give them compliments! For example, what a beautiful butterfly we have, it has large and wonderful wings, its eyes look like beads, etc.And now the music is playing. Children dance with their crafts.

Ladybug - a simple and bright model for modeling with children from plasticine. This insect enjoys a good reputation among all peoples. Our closest neighbors - Belarusians, Ukrainians, Slovaks affectionately call it "The Sun". Tajiks call her "Red-bearded grandfather". In English-speaking countries - England, USA, South Africa - the name of this bright beetle is "Lady Bird". In South America, it is called "St. Anthony's Cow", and in Germany and Switzerland, "Beetle of the Holy Virgin Mary." Such respectful or affectionate names were given to the ladybug for a reason. People have long noticed - where there are a lot of these beetles, there is a good harvest. The fact is that the ladybug is not only beautiful, but also a very useful insect. Both the adult beetle and its larvae destroy the crop pest - aphids. To combat this pest of the fields, it was even brought from Europe to America. Previously, Ladybug was not found there.
We offer you two options for modeling ladybugs from plasticine. The first - simple - option is suitable for working with preschool children in the senior or preparatory group kindergarten. The second option is for older kids.

A simple plasticine ladybug - modeling insects with children from 5 years old

For work, we need black and red plasticine. White plasticine will need a very small piece.
We roll up a ball from red plasticine and, pressing it against the table with force, give it the shape of a hemisphere (gingerbread).

We roll a ball from black plasticine and attach it to the body. Draw a line on the shell with a stack, dividing it in half and forming two wings.

We roll up a sausage from black plasticine, divide it into six segments and make paws of a ladybug out of them.

We roll six small balls from black plasticine and stick them on the wings, slightly flattening them. Blind mustache and eyes. Plasticine ladybug is ready!

Plasticine ladybug - modeling insects with children from 5 years old.

Plasticine ladybug - modeling insects with children from 7 years old

This model is slightly more complex than the previous one. Here the Ladybug "opened" its wings. For work, we need red, black and white (slightly) plasticine.
Roll up a ball from black plasticine and flatten it into a cake.

From a piece of black plasticine we roll up a long thin flagellum sausage and, dividing it into three parts, stick it to a black base pancake.

Let's turn the figure over, "put" it on the newly molded legs. Roll up a ball from black plasticine and stick it to the body. This is the head of a ladybug.

We roll up a ball from red plasticine and, pressing it from below with our fingers, form a hat, as when modeling mushrooms from plasticine. The diameter of the "hat" should approximately correspond to the base of the ladybug's body. Cut the resulting “hat” with a stack in the middle.
Glue the red wings to the base of the ladybug.

It remains only to revive, decorate our ladybug. We roll up the flagellum, “curl” it and make antennae. Roll up six small black balls, flatten and stick on the wings. From two pieces of white plasticine we will make two false eyes. Here is another plasticine ladybug!

Ladybug from plasticine - modeling insects from plasticine with children from 7 years old.

Ant from plasticine - modeling insects with children from 6 years old

You can mold an ant from plasticine with children from 6 years old and older. As you know, ants do not live alone - they are social animals, they form entire colonies - anthills. There is a strict order in the anthills. Each ant knows exactly his duties and fulfills them. No matter how small the ant is, it is one of the most powerful inhabitants of our planet. After all, he can lift ten times his own weight! If people had such strength, then two not very large men could easily carry a car from place to place. And a preschool child without any problems could carry home tired mom and dad from a walk. And ants are great builders. After all, compared to their size, an anthill is a real skyscraper.
When working on this craft, you can use natural material. And not only in order to make legs for ants from twigs, and not from plasticine. Create your own little anthill by sketching out sticks and straws. And then "populate" it with cheerful and hardworking ants.

Stages of modeling an ant from plasticine

Divide the block of plasticine in half. From the half, blind an elongated ellipsoid testicle. You can even make one end pointed. Divide the remaining piece in half and make a ball and a short carrot cone.

Connect all three parts to each other.

Roll up long black sausages from black plasticine. Make six legs out of them: four short ones and two longer ones. And two short and thin mustaches. And the legs and antennae can be made not only from plasticine, but also from wires or twigs.

Stick the legs to the ant's chest, and the antennae to the head.

Make eyes. Cut through the mouth with a stack.

Ant from plasticine - modeling insects with children from 6 years old.
Our plasticine ant is ready to hit the road or get to work for the benefit of his native anthill! If you mold a plasticine dragonfly, you can play the famous fable of grandfather Krylov's "Dragonfly and Ant".

Plasticine caterpillars - plasticine modeling with children from three years old

Plasticine tracks are simple craft with kids. Cheerful caterpillars can become one of the first sculptural masterpieces of your baby. We present two different models. Both are created using the most simple tricks moldings from plasticine. Even if the balls for the first or the “sausage” for the second caterpillar turn out to be uneven, the work will still succeed and be decorative. And for kids, this will serve as an excellent exercise in working with plasticine. Small details - eyes, antennae, you can blind yourself or use ready-made options. For example, plastic eyes for soft toys and wires - ordinary or chenille - for antennae. All caterpillar decorations can be molded from plasticine, but for young children it is difficult. Therefore, we recommend using ready-made beads and seed beads.

Plasticine caterpillar - modeling with children from three years old

Roll up six or more multi-colored balls.

Connect the balls together. For convenience, you can use a cardboard base.

We decorate the caterpillar with ready-made beads or beads. We make antennae from pieces of wire or toothpicks. The plasticine caterpillar is ready!

Plasticine caterpillar - modeling with children from three years old.

Plasticine worm caterpillar - craft with children from three years old

We blind a long cone-carrot. With kids, just sculpt a cylinder-sausage. If it turns out bumpy - it does not matter.

We decorate the caterpillar with ready-made beads. You can blind the eyes yourself or use industrial ones. Let's cut the mouth with a stack.

Let's turn the worm into a centipede caterpillar. Cut a cocktail stick into pieces and stick these segments into the abdomen. From the same cuts we will make antennae-horns. Plasticine worm caterpillar is ready! Now you can turn her into a plasticine butterfly!

A caterpillar made of plasticine and cocktail sticks is a craft with children from three years old.

Plasticine butterflies - modeling insects with children from three years old.

Plasticine butterfly - interesting craft with preschool children. The main difficulty in depicting a butterfly that may arise in children is the modeling of wings. But if you use to create wings additional material- cardboard - then this problem will be solved immediately. In this form, the craft immediately becomes so simple that it is suitable even for children of three years. It is this butterfly that we propose to mold in the first version.
And for children 5-6 years old (older and preparatory group kindergarten) and older butterflies can be made more difficult and interesting. All other options are suitable for this age.
We provide templates for cutting out wings from cardboard, but of course, you can easily draw wings yourself.

Butterfly made of plasticine with cardboard wings - a simple craft for children from three years old.

We blind the sausage-cylinder.

Cut out wings from cardboard. This needs to be done by an adult.

Wing template for a simple craft with children plasticine butterfly with cardboard wings.
We will decorate the wings with the simplest molding of plasticine. For example, we roll up multi-colored balls and press them, flattening them to the wings.

We stick the cardboard wings into the plasticine sausage body. In principle, the work on this can be completed.

If you want, you can make a butterfly antennae from straws, twigs, chenille wire. Plasticine butterfly is ready.

Butterfly made of plasticine with cardboard wings - a simple craft for children from three years old.

Butterfly made of plasticine with cardboard wings - a simple craft for children from five years old.

This model is very similar to the previous one, but we will sculpt the body in more detail. In addition, the guys will be able to show their imagination and artistic taste by decorating the wings.
We blind the sausage into a cylinder. We roll it in the middle with a finger to make the butterflies “waist”.

Roll up a round ball. With our fingers, we will pull out two small horns from the plasticine - antennae. This is the head of a butterfly.

Let's attach the details to each other.

Let's take the cardboard blanks of the wings (the template in the previous model) and decorate them with plasticine molding as fantasy tells.

We stick the finished wings into the plasticine body.

If you want, you can make beautiful antennae from thin plasticine flagella.

Butterfly made of plasticine molded - craft with children from 5 years old.

This option is primarily decorative. We do not sculpt, but as if we draw with plasticine. Such a butterfly is convenient in that it can be hung on a ribbon or glued to a group composition.
Cut out the silhouette from cardboard.

Butterfly template made of molded plasticine - crafts with children from 5 years old.
We start by creating the body. From the ball we make a head. Of the two sausages, the body, and their thin flagella - the antennae.

Let's decorate the butterfly with molding as fantasy suggests.

We attach a ribbon on the reverse side with adhesive tape - now the plasticine butterfly can be hung.

Butterfly made of plasticine molded - craft with children from 5 years old.

Butterfly from plasticine - modeling insects with children

You can mold a butterfly completely from plasticine. Below we give diagrams for sculpting two butterflies.

Schemes for modeling with children butterflies of their plasticine.