How to measure plastic windows for sale. Measurement of plastic windows. How to remove window dimensions in a brick house

In the last decade, they have become very popular and popular due to their useful qualities. They keep heat in the house, provide reliable thermal insulation, protect from noise and sounds from the outside, do not let dust and other contaminants through. However, during installation, a high-quality and correct measurement of the window opening is required, since even the slightest errors can lead to problems with keeping heat inside the apartment. Incorrect measurements are guaranteed to lead to manufacturing and installation errors.

The main rule for measuring openings for plastic windows is to determine the depth, and then the remaining dimensions in width and height. Manufacturers of plastic window structures they are made according to the sizes given to them. Due to the mismatch in size, the finished window will not fit the opening. It will not work to accuse the manufacturer of dishonesty, as well as return the money spent.


It is best to use the help of professionals who have experience in conducting such measurements and who know the nuances of the procedure. You can perform such an operation yourself as a last resort, for example, when the company's staff cannot provide personnel.

Measurements must be taken on both sides of the window opening.- external and internal. This allows you to determine the depth, learn even about small distortions. Such an approach will prevent errors, and the manufacturer will focus on the features of the real object. After measurements, when misalignment is detected, the manufacturer has to select the optimal magnification for the plastic structure. These features in buildings are most often found in high-rise buildings from panel boards. At their ebb, inaccuracies are allowed that lead to such a skew. After performing first an external and then an internal measurement, a mandatory comparison of the results obtained is required. Well-built buildings must have an absolute match in two types of parameters so that the structure being manufactured is of suitable dimensions. In case of small irregularities, they can be corrected before installation and installation. from plastic. Many craftsmen offer alternative ways to solve such problems, since additional elements for window structures must protect against moisture entering the structure and premises, which contributes to the development of mold and fungus.

How to take measurements with your own hands: measurement scheme

For self-measurement plastic window you need to determine the type of construction, for example, with or without a quarter. Then evaluate the type of building used for walls and load-bearing parts of the material: wood, brick, concrete slabs, blocks of gas or foam concrete, etc. These parameters change the measurement method: for different types structures are different. You will need several tools:
  • measuring instruments - a construction metal ruler at least 1 m long, a tape measure with a lock (from 3 m), a laser rangefinder, which accurately and quickly determines the distance inside the window opening, but is not always found in a personal set of home tools;
  • a pencil for marking, which will greatly simplify measurements;
  • laser level or with an alcohol capsule - will be required to determine whether the vertical and horizontal planes of the opening correspond to the level of the horizon and verticality.

The use of building level in measurements will determine the future installation of the window, since any deviations from a clear verticality during installation will lead to rapid wear and a shorter window life.

We talked about the reasons for replacing fittings. If a stand profile is used for measurements, the thickness of the tool must be taken into account, which reduces the actual dimensions by about 3–8 cm. Such a gap should be filled with mounting foam in the future. If the walls have other types of irregularities that affect the geometry, measurements should be taken on the smallest side (width or height), since it is much easier to install a smaller window with gaps sealed with mounting foam or sealant than to expand to fit a larger window frame.

With a quarter

Outer side window slope little more than internal. For measurements along the outer contour, a tape measure is needed, the web of which is held close to the frame with tension from slope to slope. An addition of approximately 3-6 cm will be required. For example, if the size was 150 cm, then more should be taken into account, i.e. 156 cm. Then you will need to correctly make internal measurements of the opening from the side of the room. The value should exceed the previously obtained by about 5 cm, which for the case under consideration will be 161 cm. If the value of such a dimension is less than 158 cm, then it must be further reduced to 153 cm. Since brick buildings are equipped with plastered slopes, the measurement mechanism is relevant specifically for panel buildings. Since the plaster of brick walls can be removed from the slopes during installation, the addition to the removed dimensions is not required.

If a significantly larger distance of the inner part of the window opening is noticed, then you should not measure the structure according to this parameter, since the frame of the plastic window will protrude for a quarter, which will leave the glass part of the package from the side of the street. Such errors threaten freezing in the cold.

The height is measured along the outer length of the opening between the upper slope from the outside and which determines the height of the PVC window frame. Since during installation a support profile will be installed in the lower part, no addition is required to the measured values. To such a profile with a height of 3 cm, an external drainage system should be attached. Then, at a height of 160 cm, a window frame with a stand profile with dimensions of 163 cm will be required. To check, an opening is measured from the inside of the room, the size of which should not be less than 165 cm.

Quarter to

If a straight opening is measured, then when measuring the width, it is subtracted from the result(on average - 4-6 cm). Such a situation, when the walls are straight, is characteristic of private houses made of brick or wood. So in case of obtaining a width of 160 cm, it will be necessary to install a window structure with dimensions of the corresponding parameter of 154–155 cm. In height, a larger gap of up to 8–10 cm will need to be subtracted. If dimensions of 160 cm are obtained, 152 cm must be taken into account for the window. will be 155 cm. For wooden houses would need complete cleansing window opening to see its natural appearance. To do this, the platbands are removed. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of expanding with an ax or other tool.

By width

If the walls are curved, then an addition of 2–3 cm or 3–5 cm for even walls will be required to the outer dimensions in width. Accurate measurements are performed according to the following rules:
  • at the points of contact with the slopes of the window frames, a wider or similar window is required;
  • in relation to the inner opening, the value of the width from the inside of the structure should be slightly smaller.
If discrepancies appear, it is better to contact a professional measurer who will accurately determine the causes of this phenomenon.


After removing such dimensions, it will be necessary to subtract 2 cm from the total height. This is done for the outer slope from its upper part to the base. This gap will be required for sealing during installation with sealant (mounting foam). Any the developer understands the scheme for measuring PVC windows in height. Approximately 1.5-2.5 cm is required to be added to the dimensions taken so that the structure can enter the upper quarter. It is necessary to subtract an additional 3 cm from the results obtained when using a stand profile for installing a window sill and an external one. Look at the measurement scheme:

How to determine the dimensions of the opening?

Depending on the material of the structure, the method of its construction, when measuring for the dimensions of PVC windows, differences are possible. This must be taken into account and the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the increase or deduction from the dimensions should be used.

In a wooden house

Measurements of the window opening in wooden houses should be made in the same way as in brick structures. It should be borne in mind that such buildings have even window openings and slopes, which greatly facilitates measurements and does not require additional increases.


Since PVC windows retain heat better, window openings are often expanded in wooden structures, and windows are installed much larger than they were before. It is used for this electric or gasoline saw. The width of the window sill should be greater than the thickness of the load-bearing wall.

In a brick house

The most important thing when measuring in brick buildings is the determination of the beginning brickwork in the window opening. Since the thickness of the plaster can not be more than 2-3 cm, it is necessary to make an increase to the resulting dimensions for the window. This correction is taken into account and used to obtain the actual parameters of the PVC window. The inside of the opening in the room is measured in height from the window sill to the upper slope and between the side walls. The outer parts of the opening are measured in the same way. To determine the probable mismatch of the slope relative to the wall, both internal and external measurements of the opening are required. The width of the window sill should be 5 cm more than the thickness of the wall, where this value is assigned to the finishing of slopes. Since various errors can be made when measuring a window opening, it is necessary to follow these basic rules to verify the reliability of the parameters taken:
  • the dimensions of the window sash should not exceed the dimensions of the catalog of a particular manufacturer;
  • not less than 40 cm should have a tilt-and-turn sash in width, since the possibilities for perimeter fittings are limited;
  • if a semicircular arch is used, then its diameter should not exceed 52 cm;
  • measurements are best made during the reconstruction or construction of a building in order to select windows according to dimensions with best qualities, functionality.
It is not difficult to measure a plastic window, but it requires a high concentration of attention and responsibility. If inaccuracies or errors are made in such a process, then the manufactured windows will not fit the window openings. The installation will either be canceled or will be carried out with a larger application of mounting foam or with the destruction of the window opening along the geometry. In any case, unplanned and unnecessary financial costs will be incurred.

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Greetings, my brothers and sisters - rukoshops!

In the last page of my blog, we thoroughly examined the process. After reading it, you have probably become a level 80 window installer and you can install it with just the power of thought and that's good! But another important aspect when installing windows is their correct measurement, so that upon arrival at the place your windows clearly fit the size of your window opening.
Now someone will start poking me in the eye with a finger - what the hell is needed if a measurer arrives when buying windows and professionally measures everything. This is true, but many of us, whose hands grow from one place, and also inquisitive minds, are trying to make repairs with our own hands, and I am trying to convey to you, my assholes, that many types construction works you can do it yourself and not only get invaluable experience, but also save a lot of money!

Read the article to find out how to measure a plastic window!

Window openings are with a quarter and without. And each of them has its own nuances in measurements.

Measurement of a window without a quarter

So, we decided on the type of window opening - for starters, we will measure a plastic window without a quarter according to GOST. To begin with, we measure the width and at the same time subtract 6 cm from the result.

Why this is done - on each side there are 2-3 cm under the mounting foam.

Measuring the opening height

As well as with the width, we subtract a strand of 6 cm from the result obtained. 3 cm is given under the stand profile, directly on which the window will stand and 3 cm on the mounting foam.


Friends - I will give you hands-on little advice. Take measurements of the width and height at three points of the opening - left, right, middle. This is done in order to determine the minimum size, from which the distance required for the mounting foam will be subtracted.

Quarter window measurement

Friends, according to GOST, when installing and measuring windows with a quarter, the windows should go 30 - 60 mm per quarter, so when calculating the width of the window, you must calculate it so that the window is more than a quarter, but less than the walls.

We measure the height of the window with a quarter. It is done like this. First, measure the distance from the bottom of the window opening to the quarter and add 2 cm to it so that the window goes beyond the quarter. If you order windows with a window sill and a sill, then you should take into account the fact that they have a support profile with a width of 30 mm.

After all calculations, it is necessary to subtract from 30 to 60 mm for mounting foam and, in principle, the calculation can be considered completed.

In order to correctly measure the width of a window with a quarter, it is necessary to add 40 - 60 mm to the external size between the quarters so that the window goes beyond the quarter. When measuring, you also need to take into account that you will need a distance for the mounting foam.


Friends, you should not recess a quarter window too deep, as this can ruin the aesthetics of the window and also make it difficult to install the mosquito net later.

We examined with you the measurement of windows with a quarter and without it. It must be understood that all these works are carried out in warm weather and imply the already completed dismantling of old windows, but if it is not possible, then window measurement can be carried out even if there is an old window. Everything is simple here - for the initial size you take the outer dimensions of the window frame.

How to measure a plastic window correctly - video

window sill measurement

Everything is elementary here - measure the required length of the window sill and add 10 cm to it so that the window sill sinks into the wall on both sides. The width of the window sill is measured taking into account the width of your wall, sorry for the taftology. The window sill should protrude a little. I will not give any specific advice here, since this parameter can vary and is calculated individually. Let's say I personally have 3 cm in one room, and in the other bedroom there is practically no ledge, since it rests on a metal heating pipe.

A few practical tips

Friends - we examined the measurements of windows with a quarter, and without. In principle, there is nothing complicated here and you can do all the work yourself, but if your hands are shaking and your eyes are afraid, then qualified hard workers will come to your aid. By the way, you can only order window measurements, and do the installation work yourself - it's up to you and only you!

If you have read the entire article to the end, then you probably already understand the principle of measurement, but there are a few more nuances that I would like to pay attention to.

Friends, even if you have to insert ten windows - measure each one separately, you should not take average values. This is especially true for private houses, where the difference between adjacent windows can reach up to 20 cm.

Pay attention to all the little things - if you have heating made of polypropylene and sewn into the walls, then this is good, but if, like mine, it is welded from pipes 100, then you need to look so that they do not interfere with the installation of window sills, you also need to look at the jumpers - will there be a possibility of remove or have to adapt to them so that the window opens normally.

I remind you that all dimensions or better to say tolerances and fits can differ significantly from yours, since each of you has your own situation, your own openings - concrete, brick, cinder block, adobe, etc.

Also, before starting measurements, you need to clearly define the type of windows that you will insert. Types window profiles- 3, 4, 5 chamber. Types of double-glazed windows - 1, 2, 3 chamber. All these characteristics affect the thickness of the window, which is important for the correct measurement of windows.


Well, that's all, my friends.

I hope I was able to answer your question - how to measure a plastic window in a house.

Good luck to all!


The question is how to measure plastic windows , can be quite sharp, especially if you plan to replace the structure yourself. To do this, you can hire a measurer, but in fact, it is not so difficult to carry out the measurement procedure. This will require a little time, patience and an elementary tool, such as a tape measure.

What affects measurement accuracy?

The more accurately it will be possible to determine the size of the opening for a plastic window , the easier it will be to install the structure, there will be fewer slots and gaps, which in any case will have to be sealed. The absence of gaps will provide warmth in the room, since cold air cannot enter from the street through them.

When measuring, you need to take into account that the new window can be much wider than the old wooden one. Its width depends on the number of double-glazed windows. The more there are, the better design insulates cold air.

Where should you start?

In order to understand how to correctly measure the dimensions for plastic windows, you can not only read the article, but also familiarize yourself with various video materials, which will clearly demonstrate all the stages of work. Measurements should begin by determining the depth of the window opening.

Depth plays an important role, because if the ordered window is wider than the opening, this problem will not be corrected, and a new window will have to be ordered. The installer and the manufacturer are not responsible for incorrect measurements taken by you. It is worth measuring everything accurately and several times, any inaccuracy can lead to serious financial losses.

If the company where you are going to order a window provides the services of a measurer, you should use them. Usually the service is provided free of charge; this will greatly facilitate your task, as an experienced specialist will be sent. In addition, if an employee of the company takes incorrect measurements, and the design does not fit, you will not be responsible for this, and the company will be obliged to replace the window at its own expense.

If you still want to know how to calculate the size of a plastic window along the opening, and do it yourself, you will have to take measurements both from the outside and from the inside of the window opening, only in this way you can determine its depth.

How to measure a window without a quarter?

A quarter is called a protrusion, which may be located in the window opening from the outside. Most often it is located on three sides: top and sides. This ledge serves to ensure that the window frame does not have the opportunity to fall out.

Determining the window width without a quarter. L - size for a box of window blocks; A - dimensions for the clearance of window openings; E - dimensions for mounting clearances; P - height for the stand profile;

Not all houses have quarters: where they are not, it is easy to measure, it is enough to measure the opening from wall to wall or from top to bottom, subtracting about five centimeters from the resulting figure (they will be required for the assembly seam). The gap must be left on each side of at least 2 cm, it is not recommended to make it more than 4 cm.

Please note that the height gap is somewhat smaller and usually leave about 3 cm per side. For example, if the house has a window opening without a quarter, then with a width of 120 cm and a height of 140 cm, you can come to the conclusion that the window does not need 112x134 cm, provided that you leave the maximum allowable mounting gap.

Determining the height of a window without a quarter L, H - the size for a box of window blocks; A1 - dimensions for the clearance of window openings; E1 - dimensions for mounting clearances; P - height for the stand profile; K - size for the lower mounting gap

Quarter window measurement

In this case, the measurements will take a little longer, since you will have to make an adjustment for the size of the quarters, you will have to make measurements both from the outside and from the inside of the window opening. It is most convenient to start from the side walls. In order not to get confused, give the measured sides a letter designation: for example, the distance A from the quarters of the side walls to each other. A standard window should go 1.5-2 cm beyond the outer slopes. When you get the desired distance, add 5 cm to it on each side. This way you will get the original width of the opening; Let's call it S.

Measuring window width

After you have measured the outside, you need to move on to measuring the inside of the window opening. You need to find out what the width between the internal slopes is, denote it by the letter B. You will need to find out the width of the window sill, if it is (C), with the correct calculation, the distance should be less than C, but more than B.

The height is measured in a special way, let's call it G. You will need to measure from the top quarter to the bottom of the window opening. About 2 cm must be subtracted from the result obtained (this is a gap for the mounting foam), then you need to add a measurement of a quarter, most often it is 1.5-2.5 cm, otherwise the profile will not fit into place. The base profile must also be taken into account, and this is another minus three centimeters.

You need to know what is the distance between the upper wall and the window sill, the thickness of the window sill itself. The D value is the control. The future window cannot be larger than this value. If the data does not match, the measurements will have to be taken again.

window height measurement

Some window openings may be skewed. This is a common problem in older houses; in this case, you will have to take into account the difference, it is possible to order a design with the same skew. It is quite difficult to make such measurements on your own. It is recommended to contact a specialized company whose specialist will be able to calculate without errors.

How to determine the width?

Knowing how to measure plastic windows correctly, you will be able to choose a frame that matches the size well, which will allow you to install it without problems; the width of the window opening plays an important role. It is undesirable to change it, as this is an additional cost of time, effort and money. Make sure that the future window structure rests on the slopes. The gap in this case should be minimal, usually measured from wall to wall. You need to check whether the upper part of the window opening corresponds to the lower and its middle. Distortions are quite possible in this plane, if any, it is recommended to level the window opening, for this, cement mortar or other building mixtures are used.

Before starting an excursion on preparing windows for installation, on how to properly measure the openings and eventually install these very windows, I would like to say that there is a standard for plastic windows. This standard contains section D (recommended), which just describes the procedure for installing plastic windows. You can get acquainted with this section in more detail by studying GOST 30674-99 - in fact, a document regulating the manufacture and installation of plastic windows.
Unfortunately, this document does not step by step instructions from start to finish, how to install windows according to GOST, but there is only the end result. Our article was just created in order to talk step by step about how to mount a plastic window and about the possible features when installing it.

The period of the year is favorable for the installation of a plastic window

You already guessed what will be discussed in this paragraph. No, we do not want to say that in winter construction stops and everyone is waiting for warmer weather. But, it is during the warm period that you can comfortably mount a window, engage in the restoration of slopes using wet work (application cement mortars), polyurethane foam has the highest yield and stuff like that. Of course, it is better to mount windows in the warm season. And let's say more, according to technology, it is impossible to put plastic windows in cold weather! (below -10 degrees Celsius).
As a result, improper installation can affect the quality of work, and hence the quality performance characteristics windows. In this case, it makes sense to wait for a warm period in order to still put the windows as expected and not suffer later with distortions, crevices, adjustments.

Measurement of openings for installing a plastic window

You will need a tape measure to measure. Correct measurement is the first step to successful installation of PVC windows. If the measurement is made in panel house, then everything is simple here, the measurement is made from the intersection lines of the slope planes and walls.

Measuring the opening for plastickno for panel houses.

The peculiarities of the openings of panel houses is the L - shaped section that holds the window in the wall. When measuring in panel houses, it is necessary to pay special attention to the size of the opening from the side of the apartment. Inside, we measure the distance between the side slopes along the top and bottom, as well as the height from the window sill to the upper slope on the right and left.
The window sill must have a width = wall thickness - window profile width (60mm) - distance from outer wall up to L - shaped step in the wall + ledge (5-100mm).

Measuring the opening for a plastic window in brick house

In the case of measuring for the installation of windows in a brick house, it is important to determine the border of the load-bearing wall, that is, with the beginning brickwork. Here, the plaster on the slopes can be of considerable thickness, it is for this thickness that an amendment should be made, of the order of plus to the size of 1-2 cm. Inside, we measure the distance between the side slopes along the top and bottom, as well as the height from the window sill to the upper slope on the right and left. Outside, we measure the width of the opening from wall to wall from the top and bottom, as well as the height from the tide to the top of the opening on the left and right. Measurements outside and inside are necessary to determine the possible angle of non-prependicularity of the window slope relative to the wall.
The window sill should have a width = wall thickness - 50 mm. 50 mm is left for finishing the outer slopes.

Measuring the opening for a plastic window in wooden house

In a wooden house, the window opening has parallel slopes and is actually measured in the same way as for a brick house. It is also worth noting that in the case of replacing old wooden windows with new ones, openings are often widened in secondary wooden housing, since plastic windows are “warmer”. In this case, when installing the window, you will need a benzo or electric saw to change the geometry of the opening.
The window sill should have a width = wall thickness.

The dimensions of the window and its accessories after taking measurements

In most cases, after comparing the measurements from the top and bottom, from the right and from the left, there is a discrepancy between the results. This is due to the distortion of the existing opening, especially in panel houses. To calculate the size of the window, a regular rectangle is used with the same opposite sides equal to the smaller value of the measured opening from the outside, a smaller size will guarantee the passage of the window into the opening, without destroying the strength elements of the wall.
As a result, taking into account the existing factors, plaster, old frames, etc. should aim for the following:

The width of the window should be 30-40 mm less than the width of the opening relative to the "power" slopes;
- the height of the window should provide a gap between the lower slope and the window equal to the thickness of the window sill (a standard plastic window sill has a width of 20 mm) + a gap for installing a base bar (30-40 mm) + a guaranteed gap, as for the width (30 mm). Total about 80-90 mm.

After these measurements, you can order a window, window sill and fasteners. On average, it takes 8-10 days to manufacture and deliver a plastic window, in large cities - megacities 3-4 days.

Preparations for the installation (installation) of plastic windows

remove everything from the windowsill, remove the curtains, clear the way to the window, provide access to the power supply, prepare garbage bags, cover the floor and furniture with cloth or thick oilcloth.

Removing old windows

After you have waited for your window, you can proceed to dismantle the old one and install a new one. It is very difficult to dismantle the old structure without destroying the frame, as this is a laborious and, accordingly, lengthy process. Most often, after dismantling, only the sash remains intact. I take them off the hinges first. Saw in the middle of the old frame and knock it out of the opening.
We are preparing a place for a new window. We remove the sashes, dismantle the frame, the old ebb and the window sill. The opening is cleared of debris, old insulation, large protrusions of the wall slopes that stand out to the outside, affecting the parallelism of the walls. If, on the contrary, deep depressions and delaminations are found in a brick and panel house, it would be better to restore the wall first and only then continue installing the window. You can not wait for the complete hardening of the cement, but initially achieve at least filling the cavities with it.

Installation (installation) of a plastic window

Compliance with technology is a guarantee correct installation window. Based on the conditions for using professional mounting foam, the air temperature should be from - 10 to + 30 ° C, the ideal conditions for using the foam are + 20 ° C and humidity from 60 to 80%. Depending on the size of the window, we calculate the volume of foam. The weight of one cylinder should be 850-920g. with a foaming agent content of 750 ml. Manufacturers promise a foam yield in the range of 45 - 50 liters, but it is necessary to take into account the volumes to be filled. With the condition of inhomogeneity and a large number irregularities, you can count on filling 15-20 liters with one cylinder. At the same time, you will need a gun for mounting foam, PSUL tape (along the outer perimeter of the window), vapor barrier (along the inner perimeter of the mounting seam). Also: level, plumb line, perforator, drill and nails corresponding in size to the dowel (more often used, 8x60)
The sashes are removed from the plastic window and the double-glazed windows are removed. In more detail, about how to remove double-glazed windows in the article "Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows". Do not forget to mark all the glazing beads of the removed double-glazed window in order to put them exactly in the same place in the future. During the production process, the glazing beads are determined locally with a special ruler and a slight mismatch (1-2 mm) will be noticeable at the junction of the horizontal and vertical glazing beads.
The protective film is removed from the outer side of the window block box, the PSUL tape is glued. This is a vapor-permeable sealing tape that looks like foam impregnated with a special composition. That allows you to protect the mounting foam from exposure to the sun and moisture from the street. At the end of the plastic frame, a vapor barrier tape is glued to protect the mounting seam from the inside of the room from moisture.
Bearing pads are installed in the opening, it is they who will take the bulk of the weight PVC structures. They are aligned to the level and height of the corresponding box to be installed. Install the box on the pads in a tight fit to the outer opening. You set the frame on a plumb line with absolute axial symmetry and a thin end (often the quality of the level does not allow you to deduce the correct position). Then, using a perforator, drill a hole through the profile of the window block box into the wall to the depth of the existing nail dowel. Most often, 4 holes are made, two each on the right and left sides of the box. It is necessary that the dowel nail enters the wall through the box before pressing the head against the box. But without fanaticism, when the head is pressed against the box, it begins to deform noticeably under the applied efforts and turns from a rectangular into an oval.

There is another way to fix the box, using fixing plates. They are also, two by two, installed on the edges and then fixed in the wall. Depending on the type of window system available, appropriate iron plates are purchased.

After that, the box stands on its own blocks and corresponds to the set level.

Please note that the holes for the condensate outlet must go to the drain, and not to the window opening

The gaps between the wall and the box are foamed with foam. If the volume is large, it is better to lather in several approaches. This will depend on the density of the application of the foam, taking into account its drying. pay attention to outer part windows, if the PSUL tape somewhere does not adhere to the wall or simply lags behind, such a place must be covered with sealants. There should not be an empty opening or gap between the window frame and the wall from the outside. We are waiting for drying.

The window sill is cut out under the appropriate opening in width and length. The window sill protrudes into the room by 5-10 cm, and to the sides of the window opening by 5 cm on each side.

...and is attached to special grooves on the box,

with a slight slope from the window, but strictly horizontal in level. When choosing the width (depth) of the window sill, it should be taken into account that the window sill is "sinked" by 2 cm under the window frame, so the width of the installed window sill will be 2 cm less)

The ebb is screwed to the box with the help of self-tapping screws, previously cut out under the opening.

We begin to install shutters and double-glazed windows, taking into account that the first glazing bead is attached from the top, in order to prevent the double-glazed window from falling.

How to measure a window opening for installing a plastic window?

Hello reader! Some people like to save money.

One client calls me and asks if it is possible to order windows according to the dimensions he has already measured.

Well, I went to meet the client and said that it was possible. I won't do it again, because he took the wrong measurements.

And there is nothing to save there, because the service is free if you order a window.

But I still consider it necessary to tell you about how to measure a window for installing a plastic window. Helpful information Further.

How to measure a window yourself

Do you know what a quarter is? What is the reverse? Or a straight line? If you have no idea what it is, then do not even try to measure yourself. Despite the apparent similarity of urban development, the measurement of windows can be fundamentally different in two seemingly identical houses. Therefore, there can be no clear instructions here.

The measurer, as a rule, is a former installer who is well versed in one or another type of construction, but even experienced specialists with 5-7 years of experience are mistaken. And even they are sometimes forced to tap the slopes when measuring, or remove part of them. And his tool of labor is not only a tape measure, but also a hammer, and a chisel, and sometimes a crowbar. Therefore, first of all, determine the type of your opening.

Quarter. This is a special structure of concrete or brick wall. At the same time, the size of the window from the side of the street is smaller than the size of the opening from the room, by 5-25 cm. Approximately 80% of the buildings in the city of Moscow have similar dimensions. Most standard panel houses have a quarter, and in brick houses it is almost always present.

Reverse quarter. It happens rarely, mainly in the end parts of buildings. In this case, the size on the outside is larger than on the inside. Here, measurements of structures should be especially careful.

direct opening- the size of the window from the outside is the same as from the inside. Basically, it is a private building.


You know that there are openings where there is a quarter on the sides, but not on the top and bottom. But there is also the opposite situation, at the top and bottom there is, but not on the left and right. It can be simple at the top, and reverse at the bottom, and vice versa. All these indicators form many combinations.

If you think that if the apartment has one window and a quarter, then the rest are the same, you are deeply mistaken, they may be different. And there is also a certain type of houses, where they were inserted in the production of a concrete slab, and the slope was poured with a mixture based on concrete in the same place. When looking at it visually it seems that this is a straight opening.

But during dismantling, these slopes are destroyed, and the opening becomes larger. And there are not many such houses. To define and take into account all this is a whole art, based on many years of experience. In wooden buildings, everything is usually packed with boards so that nothing can be seen at all. A real specialist will remove everything that interferes with the inspection.

Before you measure, heed the advice: without a very strong need, do not order plastic structures that you personally measured. It is very likely that the structures will be smaller than required, then there will not be enough light in your room. And even worse if it is larger, in which case you will have to redo the windows or increase the opening, which is very problematic.

Helpful advice!

If you want to know the approximate dimensions, just measure the length and width of your window from the side of the room with a tape measure, this is quite enough to calculate by phone, the error will be no more than a thousand rubles, and may even be in your favor.

If you need to measure yourself.
Therefore, we will tell you how to measure windows with a quarter and straight walls. We will leave the reverse and other cases to specialists.

Quarter freeze.

The size from the street side is smaller than the size from the room. In order to measure the width of the window, measure the outer distance, from one side slope to the other, keep the end of the tape measure as close to the frame as possible. Add 3-6 centimeters to this size. For example, if the width is 140 cm, the size should be 146 cm.

To protect yourself from mistakes as much as possible, measure the width from the side of the room. It should be at least 5 cm larger than the window, that is, at least 151 cm. If the distance is less, for example 148 cm, reduce to 143 cm. This applies 100% to panel houses, in brick houses a quarter can be plastered. The plaster will be removed, so less than 6 cm is not added to the brick.

If the internal distance turns out to be much larger than the product, for example, 160 cm or even more, resist the temptation to make the designs larger. In this case, the plastic frame will completely go beyond a quarter, and only glass will remain on the street, this threatens with freezing due to incorrect measurement.

To measure the height, also take the length of the outer opening, from the tide to the upper outer slope, this is usually the height of the product. Nothing is added to it, since a support profile, 3 cm high, is installed under the window, a window sill is attached to it. That is, if the height is 150 cm, then the product will be 150 cm plus the stand profile, in total - 153 cm. Also check yourself by measuring the height from the room. It must be at least 5 cm more than 150 cm, that is, not less than 155 cm.

Measurement of a direct opening

Smooth straight walls are often found in private wooden and brick houses. It is necessary to measure the width and subtract 4-6 cm. That is, if the width is 150 cm, then the design is 144-145 cm.

The size in height is minus 8-10 cm, that is, if the value is 150 cm, then the height of the window is 142 cm. Another 3 cm is the stand profile, that is, the total value is 145 cm.

If you are measuring in an old house, clean the surfaces, remove the architraves, you should see a natural look, without details. If the building is wooden, this is not so scary, when installing, you can expand it, for example, with an ax (and it happens).

And one more thing - if possible, call a measurer, or remove the old product before measuring, do not risk expensive products, plastic structures are not a cheap pleasure.


How to freeze a window?

Everyone who is faced with the installation of plastic windows for the first time asks the question “where to start?”. In order for the first installation of windows to be successful and you get a good result, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials on our website, which contain all the necessary information on the installation of plastic windows.

First and most important work assigned to the measurer. Quite often, the customer is absolutely unaware of what kind of walls his house has, and what is inside them. In this regard, a simple call with a description of your window to order the required window will not be enough.

Of course, the customer is able to report on the parameters of the window opening, however, only a professional worker with decent experience in this service sector can establish the entire scope of the upcoming work. A good specialist must have analytical skills, be aware of the future window design, and also have personal experience in installing windows.

Basic rules for measuring

Measurements for the future plastic window must be carried out both from the inside of the opening (indoors) and from the outside (from the street). The parameters of both of these measurements are extremely important in order to determine how deep a quarter that an existing window opening has. After all, many factors affect the final size of the window.

One of the factors that must be taken into account when measuring may be the skew of the existing opening, in the presence of which the size of the window must be increased by the amount of skew. In order to avoid the occurrence of through cracks between the window and the edge of the opening, the size of the PVC window should exceed the size of the outer window opening by 3-4 and 1.5-2 centimeters in width and height, respectively.

This result can be achieved either by increasing the overall size of the window structure, or by expanding the window. In the second case, additional profiles will be used that snap onto the box. After determining the parameters of the future window, they must be compared with the control (internal) parameters of the window opening.

When making such a comparison, any error that could have been made in previous calculations can be detected, an assessment is made of how thick a layer of plaster will be applied on the internal slopes to compare the edges of the window, as well as whether it will be necessary to demolish the slopes when installing a window designs. Obviously, the amount of such extra work should be kept to a minimum.

Measurement requires:

  1. Correct measurement of opening parameters.
  2. Accurate calculation of the dimensions of structures (overall and internal) to be manufactured.
  3. Accounting for the size of the window sill, mosquito net, low tide.
  4. Coordination with the customer of the following:
  • what will be the window binding;
  • choice of window style and configuration;
  • color scheme for seals, binding and fittings;
  • choose the type of double-glazed window;
  • determining the quantity, type, color and design that roller shutters and mosquito nets will have;
  • choice of material, color and dimensions for ebbs, slope and window sill.
  • Works of unification of the overall dimensions of future structures.
  • Conscientious execution of a sheet containing measurement data and recommendations regarding the installation process.
  • How to measure a window yourself

    The most convenient for measuring the opening is a tape measure or a telescopic ruler equipped with a digital display; a regular 5 m tape measure with an 18 mm tape can also be used. The opening may have quarters (protrusions of the outer part of the wall measuring ¼ of a brick inside the opening), or maybe without them. You can most often find openings with quarters in city houses, openings without quarters - in country cottages.


    The height of the opening is measured twice - on the left and right side, while the width is measured once, at the bottom. If there is any doubt about the location of the elements of the contour of the openings relative to the horizontal and vertical, it is necessary to use the level in order to determine the deviation and correct all calculations.

    The dimensions of the structure in the opening without quarters will be 2-4 centimeters smaller than the corresponding dimensions of the opening. Besides vertical dimension after all, it must be reduced by the thickness of the window sill, which in the future will be installed under the window frame.

    Calculating the parameters of the opening with quarters and the parameters of the future window structure is a more complicated process, especially in the case of measuring the opening of old windows and doors.

    First you need to determine the thickness and height of the window sills, take measurements of the height and width between the outer quarters and the inner slopes near the wall near the window. The width that the future window will have should, on average, exceed the width between the outer quarters by 6 centimeters (3-9 cm).

    If the difference between the dimensions is more than 6 cm, it would be advisable to use wooden (rough) extensions or PVC expanders. As for the height of the future window, it should be 3-6 centimeters higher than the vertical distance between the outer quarters. The value of the frame entry into the lower quarter should not exceed 2 cm.

    The frame can go into the upper quarter as much as the size of the mosquito net allows. If there is no vertical or upper quarter, the vertical quarter will be 1.5 + 4.5 centimeters, and 2 centimeters into the lower quarter. 1 + 2 centimeters from the wall is left for insulation.

    If necessary, measure the window with balcony door it is necessary to measure the parameters of the door and window, as well as the general parameters of the door with a window. To calculate the width of the door, consider its lower part. The lower end of the door frame and the stone base must have a 1.5 +2 cm gap between them for insulation.

    If there is any doubt about the method of closing the window structure (for example, in the case of a tight fit of the upper crossbar to the reinforced concrete crossbar), a hammer and a blunt chisel can be used to remove the casing and beat off a small piece of wall material. So you can avoid errors in the size of the future window.

    It is difficult for a non-professional to perform all these measurements, which is why we recommend that you call a measurer for FREE and order the installation of plastic window structures on our website.

    The dimensions of the sash must comply with the norms specified in the catalog of window systems, and not exceed the maximum possible. The tilt-and-turn sash must be at least 40 cm wide. The size of the glass accessible for washing on one side should be no more than 0.55 m, and the size of the glass accessible on both sides should be no more than 1.00 m. .

    During the design of partitions for offices and glazing of the loggia, one should not forget that the movement of structural elements through any doors in the apartment should take place without problems.

    When measuring during the construction or reconstruction of a structure, the weight and dimensions must be consistent with the project. Windows for a new house or cottage must be selected taking into account the style in which the building was built.


    How to properly measure a window

    In order to correctly measure the window, it is necessary to take into account that the size of the window depends on the features of the window opening and its size. Panel houses have standard openings, but in brick houses the openings may differ by several centimeters or even be non-standard (arbitrary). In the case of brick houses, the measurement of windows should be approached especially carefully.

    You can measure the window yourself, without resorting to the services of a measurer from a window installation company. Knowing the size of a wooden window, it will be easier to calculate the approximate cost of the finished product. Of course, it is easier to measure windows if the house has just been built and the window openings are empty, but with the openings in which there are old windows it will not be much more difficult, but also doable.

    We remove the size of windows in a wooden house (new)

    In a wooden house there are no quarters (protrusions on three sides of the opening, to which a window is brought). You can choose the place where the wooden window will be installed relative to the wall. Most often it is installed flush with the outer wall. Since with this option it will be easier to do the exterior decoration of windows, i.e. external slopes will not be needed - it will be possible to get by with only a platband.

    We proceed directly to taking measurements and first we measure the window opening in width. To do this, measure the opening at the top and bottom. If the dimensions are not the same, take the one that is smaller and subtract 50 mm from it ( mounting seam under foam 25 mm on each side). We know the width of the window, then we measure the height. We remove the size in the same way, take the smaller one and subtract 50 mm from it.

    There is one caveat - the presence and thickness of window sills. The standard milling made under the window sill in the lower beam is 30 mm. If the window sill is the same thickness or slightly less, this is normal. In the case when the window sill is thicker, the difference between the thickness of the window sill and the milling must be subtracted from the height of the window.

    If a draft box is installed in a wooden house, the window opening is measured inside the box. The width of the outer casing is determined taking into account the draft box. Standard size boxes is - 5 cm.

    In order to calculate the width of the platband, add the grip on the wall and the box by 2 cm (on both sides it turns out 4 cm), add 5 cm (box) plus 25 mm (seam for foam). We get the result - the width of the platbands should be 11.5 cm.

    How to measure a window in a panel house (residential)

    The panel house has old windows and this makes it a little more difficult to take measurements. Dismantling of old windows is not possible for the reason that it may take a month to make new wooden windows. Panel houses have window openings with a quarter - there is a ledge on three sides (two on the sides and one on top).


    We need to determine the width of the window opening from the outside (from one quarter to the other). To do this, through the open window (be extremely careful !!!) measure the distance between the quarters with a tape measure. Next, we measure the opening inside the room, from one slope to another.

    We subtract the outer one from the inner opening, as a result we get the depth of the quarters. Take for example the width outside 1380 mm, and the inside 1500 mm. The resulting difference of 120 mm is divided by two and we get the result of 60 mm - the width of the quarter. Now you can measure the width of the window.

    Adding 30 mm to the outer dimension on each side - 1380 + 30 + 30 = 1440 mm, this is the width of the window. The height of the window is measured in this way: the lower part should be at the level of the outer ebb, and 30 mm is added to the upper quarter. For example, the height from the upper quarter to the ebb is 1400 mm, then adding 30 mm we get a window height of 1430 mm. As a result, the size of the window to be ordered is 1440 x 1430 mm.

    How to measure a window in a brick house

    In brick houses, or as they are also called "Stalinist", the quarters can be quite deep - up to 10 cm. modern windows it is impossible to drive into a quarter more than 3 cm, otherwise the window frame will be hidden and the outer walls will fall directly on the glass. The thickness of the window frame and sashes (in the closed position) is 110 mm.

    Also, according to GOST, the mounting seam should be no more than 40 mm. The easiest way out of this situation is to order a wooden window with an increased width of the window frame. This is quite feasible; in production, an additional beam of any width is added to the window frame beam and painted along with the window. Thus, the mounting seam is compensated by the additional timber.

    Now you can measure the window, but remember that there can be many nuances in this matter, since each window is individual. Therefore, it is better to contact a window installation company, only then you can be sure that everything is done correctly.


    How to measure the opening under the plastic window with your own hands

    The measurement of a plastic window directly depends on the size of the opening that you make in your house. If the dimensions of your opening are non-standard, and you are worried that you will not be able to properly insert a window into it, do not despair. Now plastic windows are made according to any individual size and shape.

    But if you already have windows made of another material that you want to replace with plastic by measuring the opening with your own hands, then this article is for you. First, we will tell you how to correctly measure openings for plastic windows in openings that have a “quarter” (a quarter is a protrusion from the outer sides of the window in half a brick, to which the window frame is adjacent), in width:

    Explaining the above: the actual size of the window will be slightly wider than the one you measure inside (it is in contact with the side internal slopes). The width of the window will be less than the width of the opening with the window sill.

    Now we measure the window height:

    • If measured from the outside, then 2 cm is subtracted from the height between the outer upper slope and the base of the opening for mounting foam.
    • Further, 1.5-2.5 cm is added to this size so that the window can go into the upper quarter.
    • If you have a window with a tide and a window sill, then subtract 3 cm from the resulting size, because we need to find out exactly the size of the window.

    When using a stand profile, the height and width of the window will be 3-8 cm less, which will go to the mounting foam. Sometimes it happens that a quarter is more than 5 cm. In this case, an additional profile is used so as not to leave much space for the mounting foam.

    Remember: the height of the plastic window should be less than the distance from the upper inner slope to the window sill. Together with the stand profile, the height of the window must be less than the distance from the upper inner slope to the underside of the window sill.

    If your opening does not have a quarter, then the correct measurement of the plastic window will be as follows:

    1. 3-8 cm is deducted from the width of the opening.
    2. 5-6 cm are subtracted from the height of the opening, 3 cm of which will go to the stand profile, the rest to the mounting foam.

    Measurements of the window opening in sections

    In conclusion, we draw your attention to the fact that walls often have curvatures that must be taken into account. Based on this, the windows must be measured on the smallest sides (the widening of the wall can always be covered with foam). If you do not plan to install plastic windows yourself, we recommend that you invite a specialist to accurately measure the window.


    window measurement

    The measurement of the opening for installing a window must be approached very responsibly. After all, an incorrectly made measurement can lead to the fact that you will have to carry out additional expensive work or redo the manufactured plastic window. Most window companies do not recommend measuring yourself.

    They are not responsible for the conformity of the dimensions of the manufactured window with the window opening, if the measurement is made by the customer, and not by the company's specialist.

    Helpful advice!

    But sometimes it becomes necessary to measure the window opening yourself. In this case, you need to strictly follow the guide for the correct measurement of windows.

    There are two types of window openings:

    • quarter
    • quarter to.

    A quarter is a ledge from the sides and top of the window opening, which prevents the window from falling out and protects against the penetration of precipitation and wind into the room. The width of a quarter in a panel house is 50 mm, in a brick house - 65 mm, or ¼ of a brick.

    Plastic window measurement

    Window measurement occurs in 4 steps:

    1. calculation of the size of the window opening
    2. low tide measurement
    3. window sill measurement
    4. slope sizing

    The measurement of the window opening starts from the street side, then goes to the inside. To do this, open the window and measure the width of the opening between the quarters from above and below. These details may vary. To the smallest of the results, add 3–5 cm if the house is panel, and 4–6 cm for a brick building. This value will be the width of the window.

    To check whether the measurement of the window width is correct, compare the result obtained with the width of the opening of the inner part of the window and with the distance between the points of contact of the slopes with window frame. It must be between these values. To calculate the height of a window, you need to measure the distance from the bottom of the window opening to the edge of the upper quarter.

    To this value, add 2–3 cm to cover the quarter and subtract 2 cm for the thickness of the mounting foam. If the window has an ebb and a window sill, a stand profile will be used when installing it. In this case, the height of the window is reduced by another 3 cm. If the measurement is done correctly, then the height value will be almost equal to the distance from the end of the upper quarter to the upper edge of the ebb.

    If the window opening does not have quarters, then when calculating the width of the window, 3–8 cm are subtracted from the width of the opening for the mounting gap. The height is calculated by subtracting 5–6 cm from the height of the opening, of which 3 cm is for the stand profile.

    The length and width of the ebb is calculated as follows: 5 cm is added to the distance between the right and left quarters. This is the length of the ebb. To calculate its width, add 2 cm to the distance from the end of the quarters to the window.


    The window sill is measured from the side of the room. It should be borne in mind that the new plastic window has a thickness of only 5–6 cm, while the windows that were installed earlier are wider. Therefore, to calculate the width of the window sill, subtract 5-6 cm from the distance from the outer sash of the old window to the edge of the window sill.

    The length of the window sill is the distance from the edge to the edge of the inside of the window opening. The width and length of the slopes are measured along the inside of the window opening. All values ​​must be written in millimeters.

    If you are building a wooden log house, do not forget to take into account that the log house will “sit down” for at least two years. If the windows will be installed once after the assembly of the frame, then when calculating the height of the window from the height of the opening, you need to subtract 10–15% for shrinkage and another 5–6 cm for installation. The window width is measured as described above.

    If you do not take into account the shrinkage of the log house, then the lowered upper crowns of the log house can break the window. Experts recommend installing windows in a log house only after it shrinks. The method of installing windows in a log house differs from the usual one, since there should not be a rigid fastening of the window to the logs, in order to avoid breakage of the window or “hanging” of the upper rims.

    A casing box is used, which is attached to a bar inserted into a vertical groove sawn into the ends of the window opening logs. In this case, the crowns can move down the bar without breaking windows and without freezing.

    If possible, you should entrust the measurement of windows to an employee of the organization that will produce and install windows. In this case, you can be sure of the correct measurement. In addition, the company will be responsible for the manufacture and installation of windows. If the measurement was made independently, then you will bear the responsibility.