Catholic male and female names. Choose a name for boys or girls according to the Catholic church calendar - the names of the saints of the Catholic Church according to the calendar Catholic saints and name days

Most of us firmly believe that the name given to us at birth (baptism) is almost a decisive fateful decision. This fact also applies to Catholic personal names.

Catholic names in different periods

Initially, during the period of the existence of a single Christian church, the list of Catholic personal names was very short. As in Christianity, at baptism in the church, a person was named after the ascetics of the faith, canonized as saints.

Until the 11th century, there were few of them, and, given the commonality of the church at that time, the Catholic holy names were similar to the Orthodox ones: Alexander, Anatoly, Nicholas and others, including variations taking into account language features various nationalities. At a certain historical moment, the number of Catholics joined a large number of Germans. Some of the Germanic names were also canonized. This is how Adolf, Siegfried, Bernard and others appeared.

During the period of the Crusades, Catholics were not so zealous in attending church and rarely followed all the canons. However, in the Middle Ages the situation changed: the cult of the veneration of saints was revived. People attached more and more importance to their name and believed in the help and patronage of the saint in whose honor they were named.

Name days of Catholic names (not to be confused with the date of birth!) Fall on a specific day that has religious origins. Orthodox and Catholics who observe church rituals celebrate name days on the day of memory of the saint in whose honor the person was named. True adherents of Catholicism firmly believe that this saint protects a person from adversity and becomes his heavenly patron.

Church Catholic names

How can you figure out which of the existing names belongs to the category of Catholic? The answer is simple: they are indicated in special calendars - Catholic calendars.

It is worth noting that the Catholic and Orthodox saints coincide only if the saints were canonized before the global schism of Christianity. After the division of the Church, canonization in Orthodoxy and Catholicism took place independently of each other.

The foundations of the Roman Catholic Church practically do not change over time: Catholics treat the names given to them with trepidation, not allowing them to be distorted or used in an abbreviated form. Several centuries ago, the Puritans tried to supplement the existing name book with revolutionary, at that time, thematic names: Humility, Peace, and others. However, the tradition did not take root, and the main register of church Catholic names remained in its original form.

What are Catholic children called?

Surprisingly, in a number of countries, to this day, during the rite of baptism, children are called two or three names at once! Particularly zealous Catholics carefully approach the upcoming sacrament: they study Catholic names and their meanings. Thus, in their opinion, the child will be under the reliable protection of several guardian angels at once, who will help him throughout his life.

According to another theory, Catholic aristocrats who lived in past centuries wanted to pass on the names of famous ancestors with each new heir (it’s not for nothing that the same names are endlessly mentioned in the history of Europe with a generation difference):

  • One of the names is written in accordance with Christmas time;
  • The second is assigned to them by their parents.

Thus a consensus was reached between the church and the laity.

Modern calendars are good because they contain names suitable for Catholic children of various races and nationalities. The entire transformation of Catholicism over many centuries has been reflected in the modern calendar of saints.

In the list of Catholic names, every Catholic will be able to choose a worthy name (and therefore a guardian angel) for a boy or girl.

Catholic names- these are the names of the saints of the Roman Catholic Church, including saints revered in certain localities.

Some names in the Catholic calendar coincide with names in the Orthodox calendar. These are the saints who were canonized before the schism of the churches that took place in the 11th century. Adherents of the Roman Church began to be called Catholics, and adherents of the Eastern Byzantine Church - Orthodox. Since then, the canonization of saints has been going on independently of each other.

Catholic male names starting with a letter:


Catholic female names by letter:


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Catholic names. Catholic male and female names


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Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and slander decent people even easier. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

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Boniface, Ilya, Timothy, Gregory, Aglaya.

Venerable Ilya of Murom, wonderworker of the Caves, monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery (XII century).

The Holy Martyr Boniface served as a slave to a wealthy Roman woman, and at first he was a sinner, then he repented, confessed the Christian faith, and died as a martyr in the year 290.

Righteous Aglaida spent her life in fasting, caring for the poor and praying, with which she performed miracles (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Mieczysław.

Daniel, Ivan, Ignatius.

Holy Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer,

was a boy

taken in the arms of Jesus Christ and set as an example of purity and integrity; appointed by the Apostles Bishop of the Church of Antioch; chained by the Romans and taken by ship to Rome, where he was torn to pieces by beasts in the arena (107).

According to the Catholic calendar: Basil, Gregory (Gregor).

Peter, Ulyana, Procopius, Themistokol.

According to the Catholic calendar: Genovefa, Danuta.

Anastasia, Narkis.

The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia, a wealthy Roman woman, consoled Christians in prison, healed their wounds and freed them from prison for a ransom (for which she received the name of the pattern solver), then she herself suffered great torment for the faith of Christ and died during the torment (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Anelia, Elizabeth (Alzhbeta), Eugene.

Feoktist, Fetis.

Saint Theoktist, Bishop of Novgorod.

According to the Catholic calendar: Marcellina, Edward, Simon.

Evgenia, Claudia, Nikolai.

The Holy Martyr Claudia suffered for the faith of Christ together with her daughter, the Holy Martyr Eugenia (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Melchior, Balthazar.

Theodosius, Felitsana.

According to the Catholic calendar: Raymond, Lucian, Julian.

Efim, Konstantin, David.

Holy righteous David, psalmist and king, defeated Goliath (VI century BC).

According to the Catholic calendar: Severin, Theophilus, Mstislav.

Stepan (Stefan), Fedor.

The Holy Apostle the First Martyr Stepan, one of the seven deacons of Christ, was the first among the seven deacons chosen by the holy apostles in the Church of Christ, which is why he began to be called an archdeacon. He performed many miracles in the name of Christ; for preaching the word of God was stoned to death in 34 BC. He was the first Christian martyr, which is why he is called the first martyr.

According to the Catholic calendar: Julian, Adrian, Marcellinus.

Agafya, Ignat, Dorotheus, Domna, Nikandor (Nikandr).

The Holy Martyr Agafia the Virgin Died for the Faith of Christ (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan (Jan), Wilhelm, Gregory (Gregor).

Mark, Fadey, Ivan, Markel.

The Monk Mark the Caveman, a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, was engaged in digging caves and graves, exhausting his body by wearing heavy chains. His holy relics rest in Kyiv caves (XI century).

The Monk Fadey the Confessor suffered for icon veneration.

According to the Catholic calendar: Honorata, Theodore, Matilda.

Anisia, Samson, Filaret, Savely, Makar, Joseph, David.

The Holy Martyr Savely and his comrades suffered for the faith of Christ during the time of Emperor Julian the Apostate (4th century).

The Holy Martyr Philaret suffered for the faith of Christ under the emperor Dialection (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Arcadius, Anthony, Benedict.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bohumil, Veronica.

Vasily, Emilia.

Saint Basil, Archbishop of Caesarea, defender of the Orthodox faith against heretics (XII century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Felix, Peter, Domoslav.

Seraphim, Ulyana, Sylvester.

Seraphim of Sarov became a monk at the age of 17, until the end of his life he lived in solitude, fasting and prayer in the Sarov desert of the Nizhny Novgorod region; died while praying, kneeling (1833).

Saint Sylvester, Pope of Rome, was at the erection of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem (326), pleased God with love for his neighbors and especially for strangers.

According to the Catholic calendar: Pavel, Arnold, Dobrava.

Gordey, Malachi, Jovilla.

Holy Martyr Gordey.

According to the Catholic calendar: Marseille, Vladimir.

Athanasius, Feoktist, Karp, Anton, Artem, Clement, Mark, Onesimus, Rodion, Trofim, Filimon, Zosim, Fortunat.

Holy Martyr Zosima the Hermit.

Holy Apostle Fortunat.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anthony, Jan, Rostislav.

Appolinaria (Polina), Minai, Micah, Gregory.

The Monk Appolinaria the Virgin lived in the Egyptian desert, then in a male monastic clothes, taking the name Dorotheus, lived in the monastery of St. Macarius. Prayers performed miracles (5th century).

Venerable Mina the Egyptian, Monk Sinai.

According to the Catholic calendar: Malgorzata, Beatrice, Peter.

Baptism of the Lord, Epiphany.

According to the Catholic calendar: Heinrich, Joseph (Joseph), Mariusz.

According to the Catholic calendar: Fabian, Sebastian.

Anton, George (Egor, Yuri), Grigory, Emelyan, Theophilus, Julian, Vasilisa.

The Holy Martyr Deacon Theophilus was in Libya a spreader of the faith of Christ, reproached idols, denounced idolaters, and for this he was tortured. After being tortured, he was stoned to death (4th century).

Saint Emelyan was at first a great heretic, then he repented and accepted the faith.

The Holy Martyr Vasilisa, together with her husband, the Martyr Julian, and the twenty soldiers and seven youths converted by them to the Christian faith, received the crown of martyrdom in the year 313.

According to the Catholic calendar: Agnes (Agneshka), Yaroslav.

Peter, Philip.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vincent, Anastasius.

Grigory, Pavel, Makar.

Saint Gregory.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vincent, Raymond.

Michael, Theodosius.

Rev. Michael Klopsky.

Reverend Theodosius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Raphael, Felicia.

Peter, Savva, Tatyana, Galaktion, Evpraksia.

The Monk Galaktion the Blessed was a holy fool and a seer.

Venerable Eupraxia the virgin.

Holy Martyr Tatyana. The years of the life of Saint Tatiana fall on the first half of the 3rd century after the Nativity of Christ. Saint Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family: her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised his daughter in piety and the fear of God. Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry, but gave all her strength to the church. She was a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God in fasting and prayer, caring for the sick and helping those in need.

The seven-year reign of Emperor Alexander Severus began in 222. The emperor himself, raised by a Christian mother, did not persecute Christians, but his deputies, especially Ultan, were ardent persecutors of the young church. That's when blood was shed in all parts of the Roman Empire. No one was spared. Tatyana was also captured. She was dragged to the temple of Apollo to be forced to sacrifice to him. All the way to the church, Tatyana prayed passionately and (oh, a miracle!) suddenly an earthquake occurred. The statue of Apollo in the temple was blown to pieces. The Lord heeded Tatyana's prayers. Eight executioners believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Tatyana, asking to be forgiven for their sins. They were also tortured and then executed, and the saint was tortured again. But instead of blood, milk flowed from her wounds, and a fragrance filled the air. The amazed tormentors persuaded her to sacrifice to the goddess Diana. When Tatyana was brought to the temple, she began to pray again. And suddenly there was a thunderclap, and lightning incinerated the statue of a pagan deity. And again Tatyana's wounds healed, and the next day she was even more beautiful than before. On this day, she was brought to the circus to be torn to pieces by a lion. But the formidable animal did not dare to rush at the martyr, it caressed and licked her feet. Tatyana was thrown into the fire, but the flames could not harm her either. When all attempts were exhausted, the executioner cut off the holy head.

According to the Catholic calendar: Henryk, Milos, Teresa.

Maxim, Jacob, Elizar, Xenophon, Maria, Peter.

Saint Maxim, monk of Athos, holy fool. He received the name kavsokalivita, that is, the burner of the kaliva (XIII century) because, having taken on the feat of foolishness, he moved from place to place and, where he stopped, arranged himself a kaliva - a kind of hut. Leaving this place, he burned it.

According to the Catholic calendar: Timothy, Titus, Paula.

Adam, Isak, Benjamin, Nika, Nina.

Reverend Isaac.

Reverend Benjamin.

The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina came to Georgia and converted the Georgian people to Orthodoxy.

Reverend Father Adam, beaten by the Saracens among others in Sinai and Raifa for the Christian faith.

According to the Catholic calendar: Aneliya, Pribyslav.

Pavel, Ivan, Prokhor, Gabriel.

The Monk Paul of Thebes, the first Christian desert-dweller, died at 113 years old.

According to the Catholic calendar: Tomas, Julian, Peter.

Maxim, Peter, Leonilla, Efimiya.

According to the Catholic calendar: Boleslav, Francis.

According to the Catholic calendar: Hyacinth, Martina, Matthew.

Athanasius, Kirill, Kupriyan, Xenia, Oksana, Tryphena.

Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria.

Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, zealously defended the Orthodox faith against heretics, enduring many persecutions from them in the 4th century.

Holy Martyr Xenia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jan, Marcela, Ludvika.

Makar, Savva, Peter, Arseny, Fedor.

Saint Macarius of Vilna foretold the future, performed miracles with prayers. He composed a prayer to the guardian angel and many others.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ignatius, Brigid.

Inna, Rimma, Efim, Lavrenty, Yevsey.

The Holy Martyr Yevsey, a noble nobleman under Tsar Diocletian, believed in Christ and was baptized, for which he was martyred in Nicomedia around the year 303, along with his five slaves.

The Monk Efimy the Great, founder of a monastery in the Palestine desert, converted heretics and Saracens to the true faith by preaching and miracles (5th century).

The Holy Martyr Inna, a Slav by birth, was a disciple of the holy Apostle Andrew; died as a martyr in the first century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Catherine.

Agnia, Valerian (Valery), Eugene, Maxim, Victor, Timofey.

The Holy Martyr Valerian suffered for the Christian faith during the reign of Diocletian and Maximian in the year 284. After the torture, he, along with his comrades, was thrown into a red-hot oven, but when the martyrs emerged from it unharmed, they beheaded them.

The Holy Martyr Agnia refused to marry a pagan and, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was beheaded at the age of thirteen (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Bless, Oscar.

Anastasia, Timothy, Makar, George, Leonty, Peter.

Saint Timothy, disciple of the holy Apostle Paul.

According to the Catholic calendar: Andrew, John, Veronica.

Gennady, Clement, Feoktist.

The Monk Gennady of Kostroma founded a monastery near the Kostroma River, was humble, perspicacious, had the gift of healing (XVI century).

Saint Clement, Bishop of Apkyra, endured torment for twenty-eight years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a divine service in the year 312.

According to the Catholic calendar: Agatha, Adelaide, Peter.

Xenia, Callista, Macedonian, Gerasim, Ivan.

The Monk Xenia, daughter of the Roman emperor, ran away from home, founded convent, died during prayer (V century).

The Monk Macedonian Hermit of Syria lived as a hermit for forty-five years, cast out demons and healed the sick (5th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Pavel, Dorothea, Bogdan.

Aksenty, Vitaly, Grigory, David, Felix, Alexander, Peter, Moses, Cyril, Philip, Timothy.

Holy Martyr Axentius.

The Holy Martyr Vitalius, together with his mother and six brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome in the year 164.

Saint Gregory Bogoslav, Archbishop of Constantinople.

Saint David the Builder.

The Holy Martyr Felix, together with his mother and brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome (II century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Richard, Roman, Theodore.

Arkady, Ivan, David, Joseph, Maria, Semyon, Xenophon.

The saint Arkady during a storm at sea was thrown ashore along with his brother. Thanks to God for salvation, both became monks.

Saint David the Builder, king of Georgia (XII century), restored destroyed temples and holy cloisters, patronized enlightenment, and was distinguished by mercy and compassion.

According to the Catholic calendar: Josephine, Sebastian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Apollonia, Eric, Cyril.

Ephraim, Isaac, Theodosius, Palladius.

Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, preacher.

According to the Catholic calendar: Elvira.

Lawrence, Roman, Luke, Gerasim, Ignatius.

Rev. Lawrence, recluse of the Caves, Bishop of Turov.

Holy Martyr Luke the Deacon.

The Holy Martyr Romanos and his associates suffered in the year 297 in Syria for exposing pagan delusions; after severe torments, they hung them on a tree and nailed their heads.

According to the Catholic calendar: Maria, Olgerd, Lucian.

Zenon, Hippolyte, Vasily, Gregory, Ivan, Peter.

The Monk Zenon lived for forty years in solitude in a cave tomb, leading the most severe life, and died at the beginning of the 5th century.

Hieromartyr Hippolytus, Pope of Rome, in the III century denounced the persecutors of Christians, and then, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was drowned.

According to the Catholic calendar: Eulalia, Modest.

Victor, Vlas, Evdokia, Nikita, Nikifor, Ivan, Athanasius, Kira.

Holy Martyr Victor the Warrior.

Holy Martyr Blaise.

According to the Catholic calendar: Julian, Gregory (Gregor), Catherine.

Tryphon, Peter.

The Holy Martyr Tryphon (from the villagers) herded geese in his youth. He pleased God with true faith and good deeds.

According to the Catholic calendar: Valentine, Cyril, Methodius.

Valentine's Day. According to legend, Saint Valentine was a bishop, a great martyr, who, before being executed by the Romans, sent a note to the blind daughter of his jailer with beautiful words about the friendship that arose between them. According to another version, Saint Valentine healed the prison guard's daughter of blindness, but, despite this noble act, he was executed.

Simon, Jordan.

Saint Simeon the Divine, righteous old man who lived in Jerusalem. At the instigation of the Holy Spirit, the righteous Simeon met the God-child in the Jerusalem temple, took him in his arms (which is why he is called the God-Receiver) and said: “Now let your servant go, Master!” This meeting took place on February 15 (2), on the fortieth day after the birth of the Lord. AT folk rituals This day is called the Presentation of the Lord.

Holy Martyr Jordan of Trapezuit.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jovita, Faustin, Siegfried.

Adrian, Anna, Vlas, Nikolai, Vlas, Diodor, Roman, Semyon.

The Holy Martyr Diodorus, after torment, was beheaded for the faith in Christ (3rd century).

St. Blaise, a rich Cappadocian shepherd, generously helped the poor; died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Danuta, Juliana, Daniel.

Nikolai, Kirill, George.

According to the Catholic calendar: Alexei, Luke.

Agafia, Theodosius, Theodosia, Makar.

The Holy Martyr Agathia for the Faith of Christ, after martyrdom, died in prison in the year 251.

According to the Catholic calendar: Simon, Constance, Bernadette.

Dorothea, Callista, Martha, Maria, Christian, Julian, Vukol.

Holy Martyr Dorothea.

The Holy Martyr Kallista at first renounced Christ out of fear of torment, then she again converted to the true faith, for which she was burned in a tar barrel (5th century).

Holy Martyr Martha.

According to the Catholic calendar: Conrad, Arnold.

Parthenius, Parthen, Parfer, Luke.

Saint Parthenius, Archbishop.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon, Ludomir.

Zachary, Nikifor, Cyril, Savva, Fedor.

The holy prophet Zechariah, 500 years before the birth of Christ, described the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, how he would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver, that this money would be used to buy land “from the potter”, about the eclipse of the sun during the crucifixion, the piercing of the rib by the spear of the guard and the future dispersion of the disciples of the Messiah in different countries.

Holy Martyr Nicephorus.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Robert, Eleanor.

Gennady, Innokenty, Nikifor, Pankrat.

According to the Catholic calendar: March, Malgorzata, Honorata.

Akim, Joachim, Iakim, Ekim, Yakim, Valentina, Anna, Pavel, Pavlina, Prokhor.

Saint Joachim, the first bishop of Novgorod (XI century).

Holy Martyr Valentine.

Holy Martyr Paul the Virgin.

Venerable Prokhor of the Caves.

According to the Catholic calendar: Polycarp, Isabella, Stefan.

Vlas, Vsevolod, Theodora, Gabriel, Dmitry.

The Holy Martyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste (Syria), during the persecution of Christians exhorted his flock to endure humbly; then he lived in the desert among wild animals; once, at his word, the wolf returned alive to a widow a pig stolen from her; Saint Blaise died a martyr in the year 316.

Saint Vlas is considered the guardian of domestic animals, especially horses. Therefore, this day was also called horse festival. On February 24, the owners tried to better feed the animals, combed their tails and manes, and decorated them with ribbons. On this day, they did not work on horses, they gave them a rest, it was allowed to ride only on young people who needed to go around.

Holy Prince Vsevolod of Pskov pleased God by building churches and paternal care for his subjects.

Saint Theodora, Queen of Greece.

According to the Catholic calendar: Sergei, Matthew.

Alexey, Anton, Maria, Eugene, Melenty.

Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, founder of the Chudov Monastery in Moscow (XIV century), healed the wife of the Tatar Khan from an eye disease with a prayer.

Saint Melentius, Archbishop of Antioch, defended the Orthodox faith from heretics, for which he was imprisoned three times (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Victor, Caesar.

Zoya, Svetlana, Semyon, Stepan.

Saint Zoe was converted to the righteous life of harlots by the Monk Martinian and died in a monastery.

According to the Catholic calendar: Alexander, Miroslav.

Isaac, Konstantin, Cyril, Fedor, Benjamin, Mikhail.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gabriel, Anastasia.

Euphrosyne, Anisim.

Saint Anisimus was a slave, fled to Rome, converted to the Christian faith by the holy Apostle Paul.

According to the Catholic calendar: Roman, Oswald, Makar.

Cassian, Kasyan, Pavel, Ilya, Daniel, Porfiry.

Reverend Cassian.

Daniel, Ilya, Pavel, Samuel, Samoilo.

Holy Martyr Samuel.

According to the Catholic calendar: Felix, Antonina.

Marianna, Maryana, Fedor, Theodore.

Saint Marianne, sister of the Apostle Philip.

Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron (recruit).

According to the Catholic calendar: Elena, Paul, Luke.

Kuzma, Mavra, Leo, Arkhip, Ekaterina, Zinaida.

According to the Catholic calendar: Kunigunde, Titian.

Arkhip, Eugene, Vedeney, Philemon, Philo.

Saint Archipus, disciple of the Apostle Paul, Bishop of Colosse (Greece).

Venerable Eugene the Confessor.

The Holy Apostle Philemon was converted to the Christian faith by the Apostle Paul, was a bishop; died as a martyr in the first century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Casimir, Lucia, Eugene.

Agathon, Leo, Nifont, Cornelius.

Venerable Agathon, Pope of Rome.

Saint Leo, Bishop of Catania, healed the sick with the power of prayer. To shame the pagan sorcerer, he once stood with him on a burning fire: the sorcerer burned down, and Saint Leo remained unharmed (VIII century).

The Monk Kornily of Pskov, abbot of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery, converted to the Orthodox faith and baptized many Livonians. He was killed in 1570.

According to the Catholic calendar: Theophilus, Frederick, Adrian.

George (Egor, Yuri), Timofey.

According to the Catholic calendar: Rosa, Victor, Agnia.

Athanasius, Regina.

The Monk Athanasius the Confessor endured much suffering for the veneration of icons and died a martyr in the 9th century.

Holy Martyr Regina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Felicity, Paul.

Alexander, Demyan, Polycarp, Polycarp.

The Monk Alexander founded 9 monasteries, established the order of the “unsleeping”, that is, constant, day and night, divine services (5th century).

The Monk Damian in the Syrian desert led a strict lifestyle, exhausting the flesh with standing, fasting and other ascetic labors (5th century).

Holy Hieromartyr Polycarpius, Disciple of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian (1st century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Jan, Beata, Vincent.

Erasmus, Erasmus, Ivan, Severian.

The Monk Erasmus, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, used all his property to decorate the Pechersk Church; died a schemnik (XII century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Dominic.

Taras, Tarasy, Sevastyan.

The Holy Martyr Tarasios, Patriarch of Constantinople, for his pious life and zeal for the Orthodox faith, was appointed patriarch from among the royal dignitaries; helped the poor, built many monasteries and hospitals (IX century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Alexander, Kupriyan, Makar.

Porfiry, Sebastian, Sophronius, Efimy, Pontius, George, Epimachus, Asklipiad, Macedonian, Lin.

Reverend Porfiry.

Holy Martyr Sebastian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Constantine, Ludoslav, Dominik.

Theophanes, Gregory, Simeon, Prokop, Tit.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bernard, Ustinya.

Nicophorus, Christina, Alexander, African, Puplius, Terenty, Anin, Vasily, Nikolai, Kira, Marina, Nestor.

The Monk Basil the Confessor endured many torments for the veneration of holy icons, then he fasted and prayed until his old age.

The Hieromartyr Nestor, Bishop of Magidia, during the reign of Children, after severe torments, was crucified on the cross in Pergamon.

The Monk Kira lived for more than fifty years in a Syrian cave in fasting and prayers.

According to the Catholic calendar: Christina, Bozena, Patricia.

Antonina, Nina, Inna, Nida, Evdokia, Markel, Agapius.

The Holy Martyr Antonina, after severe torments for the faith of Christ, was drowned in a lake (4th century).

The Holy Martyr Markell was burned for the faith of Christ.

Venerable Agapius of Vagopedia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Matilda, Leon, Lazarus.

Agapius, Nikandr, Alexander, Manuel, Timolay, Arseny.

According to the Catholic calendar: Clement, Ludwik.

Aristobulus, Savin, Trofim, Fala, Pope, Julian, Alexander, Serapion, Christodoulus, Eutropia, Cleonica, Basilisk.

According to the Catholic calendar: Herbert, Isabella.

Alexy, Macarius, Marin, Pavel, Lazar, Vasily, Daniel, Gerasim, Vyacheslav.

According to the Catholic calendar: Patrick, Gertrude.

Adrian, Iraida, David, Konstantin, Fedor, Tekusa.

The Monk Adrian of Poshekhonsky, the founder of the monastery, an icon painter, was killed by robbers who attacked the monastery in 1550.

Saint Iraida, preacher of Christianity.

According to the Catholic calendar: Cyril, Edward.

Chrysanthus, Darius, Claudius, Hilaria, Jason, Moor, Pancharius, Demetrius, Innocent, Constantine, Arcadius.

The Holy Martyr Constantine, among the other forty-two martyrs-commanders, was a captive of the Mohammedans. After suffering for the faith of Christ, he was beheaded and thrown into the river (IX century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Joseph, Bogdan.

John, Sergius, Patricius, Fotina, Nikita, Alexandra, Claudia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Juliana (Julia), Euphemia, Theodosia, Euphraim, Anatolia, Vasily, Eugene.

According to the Catholic calendar: Claudia, Herbert.

Jacob, Cyril, Thomas, Athanasius, Lazarus.

The Monk Lazar of Murmansk, originally from Greece, was sent from Constantinople to Novgorod to describe the holy icons, and then went to Onega to preach the faith of Christ to the Lapps and Chuds (XIV century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Benedict, Ludomir, Nicholas.

Vasily, Valery, Dementy, Droshida, Isaac, Kallinika, Vasilisa, Gregory.

The Holy Martyr Valery of Sebastia, among the other forty martyrs for the Christian faith, after torment, was placed naked on a frosty night in the ice-covered Lake of Sebaste in Armenia.

The Holy Martyr Dementius, among the other forty martyrs of Sebaste for the faith of Christ, after torments, was placed naked on a frosty night in the ice-covered Lake of Sebaste in Armenia and died.

According to the Catholic calendar: Zakhar, Boguslav, Catherine.

Galina, Vasilisa, Leonid, Victor, Pavel, Nika, Nikon, Anastasia, Filit, Lydia, Macedonian, Theoprepius, Kondrat, Amphilochius, Luke, Pachomius, Dometius.

The Holy Martyr Kondrat of Nicomedia consoled the persecuted Christians, and for the faith of Christ he himself was beheaded after martyrdom in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Joseph, Pelageya, Felix.

Artemon, Zachary, Jacob, Parthenius, Stefan, Peter, Efim.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mark, Gabriel, Catherine.

Grigory, Semyon, Feofan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Mariola.

Vasily, Irenaeus, Anna, Alla, Larisa, Animaisa, Gaafa, Duklida, Nicephorus, Christina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Emmanuel, Theodore, Larisa.

Matrona, John, Manuel, Theodosius, Benedict, Rostislav, Mikhail.

Venerable Benedict of Nursia.

The noble prince of Kyiv Rostislav, the grandson of Monomakh, was distinguished by his gentleness, peacefulness, he built many churches in Smolensk.

According to the Catholic calendar: Lydia, Ernest.

Alexander, Denis, Hilarion, Stefan, Eustratius, Jonah, Varakhisy, Boyan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jan, John, Anelia.

Mark, Cyril, Jonah, John, Eustathius, Serapont.

According to the Catholic calendar: Victor, Cyril, Helmut.

Alexey, Makar.

The Monk Alexy, who, by the will of God, left his house on his wedding day and, in the clothes of a beggar, first lived on the church porch, and then for seventeen years - under the porch of his native house in Rome. He died with a letter in his hand, from which his parents and wife recognized him.

According to the Catholic calendar: Amadeus, Leonard, Amelia.

Cyril, Trofim, Hypatius, Jonah, Joseph, Apollonius, Avda, Benjamin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Benjamin, Guidon.

Claudia, Innokenty, Daria.

The Holy Martyr Darius, the bride of the Holy Martyr Chrysanthos, who was converted by him to the Christian faith and endured great torments (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Irina, Grazhina.

Alexandra, Alexandrina, Victor, Ivan, Sergey, Claudia, Praskovya, Svetlana.

Holy Martyr Alexandra the Virgin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Vladislav.

Cyril, Thomas, Jacob.

When Thomas was told about the appearance of the Savior, he said:

Until I see the wounds from the nails in His hands and touch the wounds from the spear in His side, I will not believe ...

Eight days later, when all the disciples were together again, and Thomas with them, and the doors were again locked, the Lord appeared and, standing in the midst of them, said to Thomas:

Give me your finger and touch My wounds, give me your hand to put it on the wound on My side, and do not be unfaithful, but faithful.

Thomas replied:

My Lord and my God!

Jesus Christ said to him:

You believed because you saw Me, blessed are those who have not seen and believed.

This event is remembered in the Church on the following Sunday after Easter, and therefore this Sunday is called Fomin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Richard, Pankrat.

Basil, Isaac.

According to the Catholic calendar: Sidor, Benedict, Vaclav.

Lydia, Nikon.

Hieromartyr Nikon in paganism was a warrior; after baptism, he became a monk, asceticized in the desert, then he was ordained a bishop, and converted soldiers, his former comrades, to the Christian faith. He died as a martyr in the year 250. Together with him, one hundred and ninety-nine of his disciples suffered for Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vincent, Juliana, Irina.

Zakhar, Artem, Peter, Stefan, Yakov.

St. Stephen, the Kazan martyr, the Mohammedan of Kazan, having converted to Christianity, suffered a lot from his former co-religionists and was killed by them in 1552.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Wilhelm, Celestine.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jan, Rufin, Donat.

Vasily, Anna, Gabriel, Strength, Larisa, Alla.

The Monk Basil the New (X century) suffered torments for the Christian faith, but remained unharmed. He was perspicacious and healed the sick with prayer.

Day of the Archangel Gabriel, sent to the Virgin Mary with the news that she will give birth to the Savior. In honor of this event, the day is called the Annunciation.

The Holy Martyr Silas and many other Christians were burned in the temple by pagans during a church service (1st century).

The Holy Martyr Larisa, among other Christians, suffered in Gothia in the 4th century: they were burned by pagans in the temple during a church service.

According to the Catholic calendar: Denis, Walter, Julia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Marcel, Dmitry.

Hilarion, Stefan, Boyan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Makar, Michael, Magdalena.

Kirill, Ivan, Mark.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon, Philip, Gemma.

According to the Catholic calendar: Zeno, Julius, Victor.

Innokenty, Hypatius.

Hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra, defended the Orthodox faith from heretics, cast out demons by the power of prayer and resolved barrenness and childlessness.

According to the Catholic calendar: Martin, Ida.

Maria, Efim.

According to the Catholic calendar: Lambert, Valerian, Ustin.

Titus, Polycarp.

The Monk Titus accepted monasticism at a young age, pleased God with meekness, love for one's neighbor and mercy, and performed miracles through prayers (9th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Demyan, Anastasia, Vaclav.

Nikita, Calissa.

According to the Catholic calendar: Benedict, Bernadette, Julia.

Anton, Nikita, George, Joseph, Zosima.

The holy youth Antoninus with seven other youths was closed in a cave by the persecutors of Christians in the 5th century, where he stayed for 170 years. When the cave was opened, he woke up from a wonderful dream, told about himself and his torment, and died a few days later.

Priest Nikita Albansky, a Slav, labored in the Russian-Athos monastery; for preaching Christ and denouncing Mohammedanism, he was subjected to terrible tortures and strangled.

According to the Catholic calendar: Rudolf, Robert, Stefan.

Job, Fedora, Severian, Plato.

The Monk Platon of Studius, having distributed his fortune, devoted himself to a strict monastic life, copied the sacred books and compiled collections from his father's writings. More than once he was persecuted by the pagans (VIII century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Apollonius, Alicia, Boguslav.

Eutyches, Methodius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon, Adolf, Timon.

Akulina, Serapion, Daniil, George, Rodion.

Holy Martyr Akulina.

Venerable Serapion.

The Monk Daniel of Pereslovsky at a young age secretly left his parental home and entered a monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors; famous for the gift of miracles (XVI century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Theodore (Fyodor), Cheslav, Agnia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anselm, Conrad, Felix.

The Monk Martyr Vadim, Archimandrite, suffered for the Christian faith in the year 376.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon, Luke.

Alexander, Maxim, Terenty, Fedor.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vojtech, Jerzy.

Antip, Khariton, Ivan, Longin, Yakov.

Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon, a disciple of John the Theologian, was thrown into a red-hot copper bull for preaching the faith, where he died in 92.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gregory (Gregor), Jerzy.

Basil, Isaac, Athanasius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mark, Yaroslav, Peter.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Marceline, Marena.

Ivan, Anton, Martin.

Saint Martin the Confessor, the Pope of Rome, defended the Orthodox faith from heretics, for which he suffered a lot, and died in the Crimea (7th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Zita, Felicia, Theophilus.

Anastasia, Vasilisa, Aristarkh, Trofim.

The Holy Apostle Aristarchus, a companion of the Apostle Paul, and later a bishop, died as a martyr in Rome in the year 64.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Ludwik, Valeria.

Irina, Galina, Nika, Leonid, Vasilisa.

The Holy Martyr Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chlonia, pious Christians, died martyrs in the 4th century for the faith of Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Catherine, Paul, Rita.

Alexander, Semyon.

According to the Catholic calendar: Donat, Marian.

Victor, Ivan, Kuzma.

According to the Catholic calendar: Joseph, Philip, Anelia.

Anton, Christopher, George, Nicephorus, Ivan, Tryphon.

The Holy Martyr Anthony the Warrior, at the sight of the execution of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, came to believe in Christ and, after terrible tortures, was burnt in the year 303.

Holy Martyr Christopher the Warrior.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anastasius, Sigmund, Anatoly.

Alexander, Gabriel, Fedor.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Peter, Fedor.

Fedor, Socrates.

The Holy Martyr Socrates the Warrior, who believed in Christ at the sight of the sufferings of the Holy Martyr Theodore the Warrior and died with him.

According to the Catholic calendar: Florian, Monica, Vladislav.

Vitaly, Vsevolod, Kliment, Fedor.

Rev. Vitaly May 5 to church calendar was born in the second half of the 6th century. He entered the monastery of St. Serid near the city of Gaza in the holy land. Here he led a monastic life for many years. At the age of 60, Vitaly left his monastery and moved to Alexandria. There he began to be hired for the most difficult work, receiving for his work no more than a piece of silver a day. The smallest part of this money he spent on food, consisting of beans, and with the rest he went in the evenings to one of the houses of fallen women. Having given everything he earned to the harlot, he began to beg her to leave the vicious life and earn her livelihood by honest work. After that, Vitaly knelt down and prayed to God until the morning, while the woman was sleeping. In the morning, before leaving for work, he took an oath from the woman that she would keep the details of his visit secret. Vitaly had a little book where he entered the names of all the fallen women known to him. He constantly remembered them in his prayers. Such an unusual way of life Vitaly lasted for several years. The inhabitants of the city were indignant at the unworthy, as it seemed to them, behavior of the monk and scolded him. The saint humbly endured all reproaches, ridicule and even blows, asking those who offended him not to condemn him. Meanwhile, Vitaly's kind words, prayers, and righteous life had a beneficial effect on many fallen women. Some went to the monastery, others got married, others began to work honestly. When the Monk Vitaly died, he was found kneeling before the icon. In his hands he held a charter (sheet of paper), where it was written: “Inhabitants of Alexandria! Do not judge your neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to you. Do not condemn anyone before the judgment of God." All the women he saved came to the funeral. During and after the funeral, many sick people were healed by touching the relics of St. Vitalius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Irina, Valdemar, Stanislav.

Alexandra, Anatoly, George.

Holy Martyr Empress Alexandra.

The Holy Martyr Anatoly the Warrior, seeing the sufferings of the Holy Great Martyr George, believed in Christ and was killed together with him in the year 303.

The Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious was considered the patron of animal husbandry and crop production. A moleben was served to George and the flock was sprinkled with blessed water before the first pasture in the field in the spring, they turned to the holy great martyr, starting the sowing of a new crop. Saint George is revered by many nations.

According to the Catholic calendar: Philip, Jacob, Judith.

Savva, Valentin, Yevsey, Neon, Leonty, Elizabeth, Alexei.

The Holy Martyr Eusebius, among others, believed in Christ at the sight of the martyrdom of the Holy Great Martyr George, for which he was beheaded in the year 303.

The Holy Martyr Leonty, together with his companions, believed in Christ at the sight of the sufferings of the Holy Great Martyr George, and was beheaded for this in 303.

The Holy Martyr Neon, among others, believed in Christ at the sight of the martyrdom of Saint George and was beheaded for this in 303.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ludmila, Benedict, Gisella.

Mark, Sylvester.

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, a disciple of the Apostle Peter, together with him preached Christ's teaching in Rome, where he wrote the Holy Gospel; He was the first bishop in Alexandria, where he died as a martyr in the year 67 from the Nativity of Christ.

Rev. Sylvester of Obnorsk, disciple of Sergius of Radonezh; founded the Obnorsk monastery, became famous for miracles (XIV century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Stanislav, Victor, Lisa.

Vasily, Glafira, Stefan, Nikolai.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gregory, Catherine, Bozhidar.

Semyon, Stefan, Nikodim, Tamara.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Sidor, Antonina.

Maxim, Vitaly, Cyril, Zenon.

The Holy Martyr Zenon was burned for the faith of Christ in the 1st century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vladislav, Francis, Ignat.

Ivan, Vasily, Filimon, Bogdan.

The Holy Martyr Philemon, among the other nine martyrs, denounced the pagans for wickedness and preached the faith of Christ, for which, after martyrdom, he was beheaded in Kizitse (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Pankrat, Dominik.

Jacob, Ignatius, Nikita.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Robert, Gloria.

Ignatius, Gerasim, Makar, Tamara.

The Monk Gerasim of Boldin, an ascetic of the 16th century, founded a monastery on Mount Boldin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Matthew, Boniface, Michael.

Athanasius, Boris, Gleb, Roman, David, Zoya.

The Holy Martyr Zoya was a slave of a pagan, for the faith of Christ she was burnt after torment.

According to the Catholic calendar: Sophia, Sidor, Berta.

Peter, Timothy.

According to the Catholic calendar: Andrew, Simon, Ivan.

Nicephorus, Pelageya, Clement, Cyril, Isaac, Nikita.

According to the Catholic calendar: Veronica, Slavomir.

Irina, Jacob.

Holy Great Martyr Irina was of noble birth; baptized by the holy apostle Timothy; by preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to the Christian faith; suffered great torments for this, but remained unharmed after them; died in a cave in the 2nd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Eric, Felix.

Job, Micah.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Crispin, Yvona.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bernard, Alexander, Basil.

Arseny, Arsenty, Arsen, Ivan.

The Monk Arsenios the Great was at first the educator of the royal children, then he retired to the Egyptian desert, accepted monasticism and lived there for 50 years, performing miracles with prayers.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Victor.

According to the Catholic calendar: Veslava, Elena, Julia.

Taisia, Isidora.

Saint Isidora the holy fool labored in the Egyptian monastery, meekly enduring all insults; died in the 4th century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Yvona, Emilia.

Methodius, Cyril, Joseph.

According to the Catholic calendar: Susanna, John, Milena.

German, Denis.

The Monk Dionysius (the ecclesiastical version of the name), archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the 17th century, pleased God with the deeds of monastic life, caring for the poor and sick.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gregory, Magdalena, Urban.

Alexander, Glykeria, Makar, Irina, Efim, George.

According to the Catholic calendar: Paulina, Philip, Evelina.

Nikita, Maxim, Leonty.

The Holy Martyr Maximus (one of the merchants) converted many to the Christian faith with his sermon. He was stoned for denunciation of the pagans (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Augustine, Frederick, Ivan.

Dmitry, Pahom.

According to the Catholic calendar: Wilhelm, Jaromir, Ustinya.

Ephraim, Fedor, Muse, Lawrence.

The Monk Ephraim of Perekomsky founded the Perekomsky Monastery in the Novgorod province, pleased God with monastic exploits (XV century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Ursula, Boguslav, Magdalena.

Efrosinya, Stefan, Evdokia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, John.

Alexandra, Peter, Fedot, Claudia, Faina, Julia, Denis, Andrey, Pavel, Christina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Camilia, Anelia, Petronelia.

Dmitry, Ivan, Sergey, Ignatius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ustin, Jacob, Konrad.

Alexey, Alexander, Timofey.

According to the Catholic calendar: Marceline, Peter, Zadok.

Konstantin, Elena, Mikhail, Fedor.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Elena, mother of Tsar Constantine. According to popular belief, flax should be sown on this day. This must be done in clean underwear. Boiled eggs were placed in a basket with seeds, and when they arrived in the field, they were thrown up.

The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine was at first a pagan. In 313, he saw a cross in the sky with the inscription: “By this, conquer!” and believed in Christ. He was the first of the earthly kings who began to spread the faith of Christ in his state, built holy churches, defended the holy faith from pagans and heretics.

According to the Catholic calendar: Clotilde, King.

Vasily, Ivan, Severian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Quirin, Lutomila.

Efrosinya, Mikhail, Leonty.

Saint Leonty, Bishop of Rostov, from the monks of the Kiev Caves Monastery, preached the faith of Christ among the pagans Rostov region, suffered a lot from them and died a martyr in 1073.

Venerable Euphrosyne, Princess of Polotsk.

According to the Catholic calendar: Boniface, Bogumil, Valeria.

Artem, Artamon, Nikita, Christian, Semyon, Antonina.

Holy Righteous Artemy.

The Monk Nikita the Stylite, the miracle worker of Pereyaslavl, in the world was a tax collector and a great sinner, then he repented, took the monastic vows and labored on the pillar; He cast out demons and healed the sick with prayer. Killed by robbers in 1186.

Holy Christian Martyr.

The Holy Martyr Antonina the Virgin, after being tortured for her faith in Christ, was thrown into a pit of fire and covered with earth in the year 313.

According to the Catholic calendar: Norbert, Paulina, Maria.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anthony, Robert, Veslav.

George, Makar, Karp.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jadwiga, Maxim, Severin.

Nil, Ivan, Ferapont.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ephraim, Felecian, Pelageya.

Nikita, Ignat, Mitrodor.

Saint Ignatius, Bishop of Rostov. His holy relics, glorified by miracles even before burial, were not buried, but remained incorruptible.

The Holy Martyr Mitrodor suffered from the Turks for the faith in Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bogumil, Malgorzata, Diana.

Ivan, Theodosia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Barnaba, Felix, Radomil.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon, Onufry, Yanina.

Erma, Ermia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anthony, Lucian, Gregory.

Agapius, Ustin, Khariton, Denis, Valerian.

The Monk Agapius of the Caves, Kyiv healer and worker of miracles, healed Prince Vladimir Monomakh (XI century).

The Holy Martyr Ustin the Philosopher, having studied all directions of Greek philosophy, came to the conclusion that none of them leads to the knowledge of God.

Holy Martyr Khariton.

According to the Catholic calendar: Methodius, Michael, Elvira.

Ivan, Nikifor, Ulyana.

Saint Nikifor the Confessor, Patriarch of Tsaregrad, defended the veneration of holy icons, for which he suffered many persecutions from his enemies; died in captivity in 828.

According to the Catholic calendar: Iolanthe, Vit, Viola.

Dmitry, Ipatiy, Claudius.

The holy lad Ipat died as a martyr for the Christian faith in the 3rd century along with other Christian holy martyrs and youths.

The holy lad Claudius and his comrades died as a martyr for Christ in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Alina, Annette, Benon.


Saint Mitrofan, the first Patriarch of Constantinople, defended the Orthodox faith from heretics.

According to the Catholic calendar: Albert, Laura, Ignat.

Apollonius, Dorotheus, Igor, Fedor, Leonid, Konstantin.

Holy Martyr Apollonius.

Holy priest Dorotheus, Bishop of Tire (Phoenicia), executed by the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate (4th century).

Blessed Igor Olegovich, Grand Duke of Chernigov, having left the reign, accepted monasticism, was killed by rebels in Kyiv in front of the icon Mother of God(1147).

According to the Catholic calendar: Elizabeth, Mark, Gregory.

Vissarion, Hilarion.

The Monk Bessarion of Egypt (5th century) in his youth was a hermit, accomplished the feats of fasting, prayer, great humility, constant contrition for sins; performed miracles through prayer.

According to the Catholic calendar: Romuald, Protas.

Valeria, Kaleria, Maria, Markel, Bogdan, Largiy.

The Holy Martyr Largy suffered for Christ under Diocletian.

The Hieromartyr Markel, Pope of Rome, denounced the pagan king, the persecutor of Christians, for impiety and cruelty, for which, after torture, he was sentenced to work in the barnyard, where he died of exhaustion and deprivation in 305.

The Holy Martyr Tarasius suffered for the faith of Christ at the hands of the pagans.

The Holy Martyr Kaleria died for the Christian faith (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Vincent, Florentina, Bogna.

Fedor, Vasily, Konstantin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Alois, Alicia.

Cyril, Kira, Alexander, Martha, Maria, Svyatoslav.

According to the Catholic calendar: Paulin, Tomasz, Ivan.

Antonina, Alexander, Vasily, Ivan, Timofey.

Holy Martyr Antonina the Virgin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Joseph, Wanda, Zeno.

Ephraim, Orentius, Vassa.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Danuta.

Auxentius, Anufry, Anna, Arseny, Peter.

The Monk Auxentius of Vologda founded Pepper Hermitage in the 15th century, not far from Vologda.

Reverend Arseny Konevsky.

The Monk Peter of Athos in the world was a military leader, he was taken prisoner; freed, he became a monk; for fifty-four years he lived on Athos in a cramped cave: his body was overgrown with thick hair, his beard reached the ground (VIII century).

Venerable Onufry the Great, hermit.

According to the Catholic calendar: Wilhelm, Dorothea, Lucia.

Akulina, Antonina, Anna, Ivan, Savva.

Holy Martyr Akulina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Paul, Sigmund.

Elisha, Mstislav, Sever.

According to the Catholic calendar: Maria, Cyril, Vladislav.

Augustine, Lazarus, Ion, Gregory, Jerome.

The Monk Jerome of Stridon translated books into Latin Holy Scripture and wrote commentaries on the New Testament.

Saint Lazar of Serbia cared a lot about the Christian enlightenment of his people; truncated by Sultan Bayazet at the Battle of Kosovo in 1389.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon.

The Monk Tikhon of Medynsky in his youth took monastic vows in Moscow, then, until his death, he lived in the forest in the hollow of a tree near the town of Medyn, Kaluga province, and ate grass; founded a monastery here and was its hegumen.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Paul.

Manuel, Ishmael.

The Holy Martyr Ishmael, together with his brothers, was sent from Persia to Constantinople in 362 to conclude peace; and here for the confession of the faith of Christ before the pagan king, he died a martyr.

The Holy Martyr Manuel (the popular and ecclesiastical form of the name), originally from Persia, died as a martyr for confessing the faith of Christ in Constantinople before a pagan king in 362.

According to the Catholic calendar: Januarius, Emilia, Lucina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Otto, Martin, Galina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Bernard, Urban.

Inna, Rinna, Gleb, Gury.

According to the Catholic calendar: Tomas, Anatoly, Jacob.

Julian, Julius, Terenty.

According to the Catholic calendar: Elizabeth, Fedor, Malvina.

Ulyana, Galaktion.

The Holy Martyr Galaktion was drowned in the sea for the faith in Christ after martyrdom.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anthony, Mary, Carolina.

Agrippina, Artem, Herman, Rix.

The holy righteous Artemy Verkolsky, the son of a peasant from the Arkhangelsk province, was distinguished by meekness and obedience, he died at the age of 13. However, after 28 years it turned out that his relics were incorruptible, they were placed in the Verkolskaya church of St. Nicholas.

The Holy Martyr Agrippina the Virgin, a Roman, suffered martyrdom for her confession of Christ and died during torture (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Teresa, Dominica.

Ivan, Yakov, Anton.

The Nativity of John the Baptist or the Baptist, who was honored to baptize Jesus and anticipated Christianity with his commandments.

July 7 Orthodox Church celebrates the birthday of John the Baptist, so named because he began to preach before Christ. In addition, John bears the name of the Baptist, because he was the first to baptize people into the Christian faith and call the people to repentance. Jesus Christ Himself was baptized by John.

King Herod John was imprisoned and, at the vile instigation of Herodias, was beheaded.

Saint John the Baptist is a healer of headaches. One glance at the suffering, truncated head of the Baptist disposes us to seek his help against this pain.

In churches on Ivanov's day after matins, herbs and flowers are illuminated. Collected on the eve of the holiday and illuminated, they are considered especially healing.

The people call this day Kupala, Kupala. Many superstitions are associated with it, as well as the tradition of reckless celebration, coming from pagan times. Orthodox Christians should not adhere to it, especially since the Nativity of John the Baptist falls on Petrovsky fast, which ends on July 12 on the Day of the chief apostles Peter and Paul.

According to the Catholic calendar: Benedict, Lucian, Claudius.

Peter, Euphrosyne.

Holy Prince Peter of Murom and his wife Fevronia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Kilian, Virginia.

David, Denis, Tikhon.

The Monk David of Thessalonica lived for more than seventy years in a hut in strict fasting and prayer; taught piety to all who came to him (I century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Veronica, Zeno, Sylvia.

George, Martin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anthony, Philip, Olaf.

Sergey, German, Kira, Ivan.

St. Herman, together with St. Sergius, founded the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga and spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia in the 14th century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Benedict, Olga, Peter, Kalina.

Peter, Pavel.

Holy Primate Apostles Brothers Peter and Paul, Disciples of Jesus Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Boniface, Janina.

Sofron, Peter, Sarah, Andrey.

The holy noble prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who cared for the poor and sick, founded the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, was killed by his entourage in 1174.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ernest, Andrei, Malgorzata.

Angelina (Angela, Angelica), Demyan, Kuzma, Nicodemus.

Saint Angelina suffered for the Orthodox faith from the Muslims in Serbia (XV century).

The holy unmercenaries Domian and Cosmas, doctors, treated the sick free of charge and converted them to Christianity; helped the poor; were stoned in 284 by their pagan teacher.

According to the Catholic calendar: Henryk, Camillus, Isabella.

Photius, Juvenaly.

Saint Juvenaly, Patriarch of Jerusalem, defended the Orthodox faith from heretics and suffered a lot from them (5th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Bonaventure, Vladimir.

Philip, Vasily, Anatoly, Ivan, Konstantin.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Marika, Eustathius.

Andrey, Martha, Efim.

According to the Catholic calendar: Yadviga, Alexei, Bogdan.

Athanasius, Sergei, Anna.

According to the Catholic calendar: Simon, Emelyan, Camille.

Tikhon, Vasily, Valentin, Nikon, Ulyana, Avvakum, Vissarion, Sussana, Makrina, Thekla.

The Holy Martyr Avvakum died in the 6th century from the Nativity of Christ.

The Monk Bessarion of Egypt, a saint of God, performed miracles with prayers (5th century).

The Holy Martyr Thekladeva consoled the persecuted and unfortunate with prayers, healed the sick, and converted many pagans to the faith of Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Martin, Vincent, Julian.

Thomas, Evdokia, Efrosinya.

According to the Catholic calendar: Cheslav, Malgorzata, Geronim.


According to the Catholic calendar: Daniel, Benedict.

Pankrat, Kirill, Fedor.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary Magdalene, Benon.

Anton, Daniel.

The Holy Martyr Daniel in Nicopolis, after being tortured for the faith of Christ, was burned, and his bones were thrown into the river (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Brigid, Appolinarius, Bogna.

Olga, Elena.

According to the Catholic calendar: Kinga, Christina, Olga.

Veronica, Proclus, Ivan, Fedor, Mikhail, Arseny, Gabriel.

Saint Veronica, bleeding wife healed by Jesus Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jacob, Christoph, Valentine.

Gabriel, Stefan.

Cathedral of the Holy Archangel Gabriel, that is, a meeting of believers for prayer in remembrance of all the miraculous appearances of the Archangel Gabriel.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anna, Efim, Martha, Grazhina.

Anisim, Onesimus, Anis, Stefan, Panteleimon.

Saint Anisim suffered for his faith during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century, founded a monastery and died peacefully.

According to the Catholic calendar: Celestine, Rudolf, Natalia.

Vladimir, Vasily.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, who converted Russia to Christianity.

According to the Catholic calendar: Victor, Innocent.

Alevtina, Julia, Kupriyan, Afinogen, Valentina, Pavel.

The Holy Martyr Alevtina suffered for Christ in the year 308.

The Holy Martyr Cyrian suffered with Saint Valentine for the faith in Christ at the hands of the pagans in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Martha, Olaf, Ludmila.

Marina, Margarita.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Leopold, Juliet.

Ivan, Emelyan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ignat, Elena, Emelyan.

Seraphim, Roman, Militsa.

Blessed Milica, wife of the Prince of Serbia, led a pious life, founded a monastery, and died in 1405.

According to the Catholic calendar: Julian, Peter, Ustin.

Ilya, Athanasius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gustav, Karina.

Semyon, Ivan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Nicodemus, Lydia, August.

According to the Catholic calendar: Dominic, Protas, Ivan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Maria, Oswald, Stanislav.

Christina, Hermogenes, Boris, Theophilus, Gleb, Roman, Polycarp, David.

The holy martyrs, noble princes Boris and Gleb, the sons of Prince Vladimir, distinguished from childhood by piety and brotherly love for each other, spread the Christian faith in Rostov and Murom; in 1015 they were killed by their elder brother Svyatopolk the Accursed.

The Holy Martyr Hermogenes is beheaded with a sword for Christ.

The Holy Martyr Theophilus was burned by the Turks on the island of Chios for the Orthodox faith in 1603.

According to the Catholic calendar: Glory, Stefan, Jacob.

Anna, Olympics, Makar, Narkis.

The Monk Macarius Zheltovodsky founded two monasteries: Zheltovodsky in Nizhny Novgorod and Unzhensky in the Kostroma provinces; performed miracles with prayers (XV century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Cajetan, Dorothea, Edmund.

Ermolai, Praskovya.

The Holy Roman Martyr Paraskeva suffered for Christ in the 2nd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Dominic, Cyprian, Emelyan.

Anfisa, Gorazd, Naum, Nikolai, German, Clement.

Saint Gorazd, a bishop, a disciple of Saints Cyril and Methodius, spread the faith of Christ among the Slavs.

Saint Naum, disciple of Cyril and Methodius, enlightener of the Bulgarians, propagator of the Christian faith.

The Monk Anfisa the Abbess suffered for the veneration of holy icons and died in exile in the 8th century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Teresa, Benedict, Roman, Richard, Irina.

Prokhor, Nikanor.

Holy Apostle Nicanor - from among the first seven deacons Church of Christ preached the faith of Christ different countries and died as a martyr in the first century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Boris, Bogdan.

Konstantin, Michael, Seraphim.

According to the Catholic calendar: Clara, Suzanne, Lydia, Vladimir.

Herman, Valentin, Olympius, Ivan.

The Holy Martyr Olympius suffered for Christ in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Lech, Hilary, Makar.

Evdokim, Concordia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ronsian, Hippolyte, Diana.

According to the Catholic calendar: Maximilian, Alfred.

Stefan, Nicodemus, Vasily.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Stela, Napoleon.

Anton, Isaac.

According to the Catholic calendar: Stefan, Efim.

Eudoxia, Maximilian, Patroclus.

The holy youth Maximilian, among the other seven youths of Ephesus, was closed in a cave by the persecutors of the church.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jacob, Juliana, Eliza, Anita.

Holy righteous Nonna, mother of Saint Gregory the Theologian. She converted her husband to the Christian faith, raised her son in piety, took care of decorating the temples of God, the poor (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Elena, Ilona, ​​Bronislav.

Andrei, Timothy, Agapius, Thekla, Feofan, Evtikhian.

Transfiguration of the Lord (Saviour).

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Julius, Boleslav.

Mitrofan, Pimen, Sevier.

The Monk Pimen of the Caves is very sick.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bernard, Sebeslav.

Grigory, Emelyan, Leonid, Miron, Vassa.

According to the Catholic calendar: John, Francis.

Anton, Julian, Maria, Severian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Caesar, Siegfried, Timothy.

Lawrence, Roman.

The Holy Martyr Archdeacon Lavrenty healed the sick with prayers and restored sight to the blind; for the faith of Christ he died as a martyr in Rome in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Rose, Apolinarius, Philip.

Vasily, Fedor, Iya.

The Monk Martyr Iya for spreading the faith of Christ in Persia was beheaded after torment in the 4th century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bartholomew, Emilia, Malina.

Alexander, Kapiton, Photius.

Holy Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, by God's direction, was elected to the bishopric from coal sellers.

Holy Martyr Photius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Joseph, Ludwik, Patricia, Louise.

Maxim, Tikhon, Ippolit.

The Holy Martyr Hippolytus was the warden of a prison in Rome, believed in Christ at the sight of the martyrdom of the holy Archdeacon Lawrence, and died a martyr (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: John, Teresa, Zephyrina.

Arkady, Micah.

According to the Catholic calendar: Monica, Caesar, Joseph.

Longin, Hilarion, Fedor, Athanasius, Denis, Grigory, Joseph, Pavel, Nestor, Anatoly, Benjamin, Arseny, Ignatius, Timofey, Daniel, Anna.

According to the Catholic calendar: Augustine, Alexander, Patricia.

Holy Martyr Diomedes, physician; during the treatment he taught the sick the faith of Christ; died as a martyr in the 3rd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Sabina, Beatrice, Beata.

Miron, Pavel, Philip, Ulyana.

Holy Martyr Miron, priest; during the service on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, he was captured by pagans, after torture he was beheaded (III century).

The Holy Martyr Philip the Nicomediate with his associates, after being tortured, was thrown into the fire and died for the faith of Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Felix, Malgorzata.

Frol, Lavr, Emelyan, Illarion, Denis.

The Holy Martyr Flor and his brother Laurus are masons by profession. During the construction of the pagan temple, more than three hundred workers were converted to Christianity, and the temple itself was consecrated in the name of Christ, leaving a holy cross in it. They cut down the idols. For this, after the torment, Flor and Laurus were buried in a well (II century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Raymond, Bogdan, Svyatoslav.

Andrei, Timothy, Callista.

The Holy Martyr Andrew Stratilat (military leader) and with him 2593 soldiers were martyred for the Christian faith.

According to the Catholic calendar: Bronislava, Victor.

According to the Catholic calendar: Stefan, Julian, Severin.

Vassa, Fadey.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gregory, Simon.


According to the Catholic calendar: Rosalia, Rosa, Ida, Liliana.

Eutyches, Viviana.

According to the Catholic calendar: Dorothea, Fedor.

Arseny, Peter.

According to the Catholic calendar: Eugene, Beata, Faust.

Bartholomew, Titus.

According to the Catholic calendar: Melchior, Regina, Mark.

Adrian, Natalia.

Martyrs Adrian and Natalia entered into marriage young, just one year before the suffering. They lived in Nicomedia under the emperor Maximian (305–311). Starting the persecution, he promised rewards to those who would point to Christians and bring them to judgment. Denunciations began, and according to one of them, 23 Christians were taken, hiding in a cave near Nicomedia. They were tortured, forced to bow to idols, and then brought to the courtroom to have their names and answers written down. Saint Adrian told the scribes to write down that he was a Christian and would gladly die for God. Then they put him in prison. His wife, Saint Natalia, learning that her husband was suffering for Christ, went to prison to support him. Saint Adrian was severely tortured. Saint Natalia was always near. She asked to bring the first prayer to God for her, so that she would not be forced to marry a pagan after the death of her husband. Saint Natalia, fearing that her husband, seeing the suffering of others, would not hesitate, asked the tormentors to begin the execution with him and herself helped to put his hands and feet on the anvil. They wanted to burn the bodies of the martyrs, but a strong thunderstorm arose, and the furnace went out. Many executioners were killed by lightning. Saint Natalia took her husband's hand and kept it in the house.

Then she hid in Byzantium. Here Saint Adrian appeared to her in a dream and said that she would soon be reposed by the Lord. The bloodless martyr, exhausted by previous sufferings, indeed, soon introduced herself to God.

According to the Catholic calendar: Seraphim, Adrian, Radoslav.

Anfisa, Osip, Pimen, Severian.

The Holy Martyr Anfisa was thrown into a deep well for preaching the faith of Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Sergei, Anelia.

Anna, Moses, Job, Nymphodora.

According to the Catholic calendar: Nicholas, Luke, Aldona.

Ivan, Evstafiy.

The Holy Martyr Eustathius of Mukhetia was beheaded in Tiflis in the year 589; his relics rest in the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles in Mukhetia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Jacob, Dagna.

Alexander, Ivan, Pavel, Herman, Daniel, Christopher, Autonomous.

Saint Herman and Saint Zosima laid the foundation for the Solovetsky Monastery.

According to the Catholic calendar: Maria, Gvidon, Radimir.

Gennady, Kupriyan.

Saint Gennady, Patriarch of Constantinople, was the defender of the Orthodox faith and piety in the 1st century. He healed the withered hand of the painter, who dared to portray the face of the Savior, similar to the face of an idol.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Eugene, Philip.

Semyon, Marfa.

The Monk Simeon the Stylite in his youth shepherded the flocks, at the age of eighteen he became a monk, and the first of the Christian ascetics labored on the pillar for many years. He was perspicacious, performed miracles with prayers, died at a ripe old age - 103 years old (V century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Albert, Bernard, Roxana.

Fedor, Ivan, Anton, Rufina.

The Holy Martyr Rufina suffered for her faith in Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Catherine, Albina, Nicodemus.

Anfim, Vasilisa, Ivan.

Holy Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicodemus.

The Holy Martyr Vasilisa, nine years old, endured many torments for her faith in Christ, but remained unharmed after them.

According to the Catholic calendar: Edita, Camilla, Beata.

According to the Catholic calendar: Robert, Ustinya, Hildegard.

Avdey, Elizabeth, Louise, Zakhar, Raisa, Gleb, Athanasius.

Holy Martyr Avdey.

Holy righteous Elizabeth, mother of St. John, sister of St. Anne, mother of the Holy Virgin.

The holy righteous Zacharias, the pious father of John the Baptist, was a priest at the Temple in Jerusalem; killed in the middle of the temple by the soldiers of King Herod, who were looking for his son John during the massacre of the babies.

The Holy Martyr Raisa, after martyrdom for Christ, was beheaded.

According to the Catholic calendar: Stanislav, Joseph, Irina.

Mikhail, Kirill, Arkhip, Makar.

Reverend Archip.

Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn, was beheaded on the island of Crete for the faith of Christ under Maximian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Januarius, Fedor, Constance.

Mikhail, Fedor, Oleg, John.

Maria, Kodrat, Dmitry, Joseph, Daniel, Hypatius, Andrei, Meletius, Nestor, Zenon.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was born in the city of Nazareth from parents Joachim and Anna, who lived in marriage for fifty years, but had no children. This made them very sad, and they fervently prayed to God to grant them a child, promising to consecrate their child to Him. Once Joachim, having come to the temple, was about to make a sacrifice to the Lord, but one of those present began to reproach him for not having children, saying that God was punishing him for some secret sins. Joachim, deeply saddened, left the temple and retired to the desert, where he prayed for a long time in tears, asking God to grant him a child. At this time, Anna, his wife, also wept inconsolably when she heard about what had happened to Joachim and thought: “It is true that I am more sinful than anyone in the world that God deprived me of the happiness of being a mother.” Suddenly she saw an angel who said to her: “Anna! Your prayer has been heard! .. You will have a daughter and all the tribes of the earth will be blessed by her ... You will call her Mary ”(which in Hebrew means“ mistress ”,“ hope ”). At the same time, an angel appeared to Joachim in the desert, saying to him: “Joachim! God has heard your prayer… Your wife Anna will give birth to your daughter, and the whole world will rejoice at her birth…”

The words of the angel were fulfilled: on September 21, a daughter was born to Joachim and Anna - the Blessed Virgin Mary, who later became Holy Mother of God Mother of the Savior - Jesus Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Matthew, Hippolyte, Mira.

Anna, Joseph, Severyan.

The Monk Joseph Volotsky, the founder of the monastery in Volokolamsk (Moscow Region), wrote the book The Illuminator (XVI century) against heretics.

Holy Martyr Severyan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Toman, Mauricius.

Peter, Pavel, Andrei, Mitrodora, Pulcheria.

The Holy Martyr Mitrodora and her sisters asceticised in the desert; during the torment for the faith of Christ they died (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Bernardina, Boguslav, Thekla.

Sergey, German, Demid, Dmitry.

The Holy Martyr Demid died under the blows of the scourge.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gerard, Herman, Tomir.

Semyon, Julian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vladislav, Cleopas, Aurelia.

Leontius, Valerian, Cornelius.

Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion.

According to the Catholic calendar: Kuzma, Demyan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vincent, Demyan, Amadeus.

Nikita, Stefan, Porfiry, Akaki.

The Holy Great Martyr Nikita, a warrior for the faith of Christ, after torment, was thrown into the fire; here his body remained unharmed and was later buried by Christians in 372.

According to the Catholic calendar: Wenceslas, Mark, Simon.

Viktor, Lyudmila, Kupriyan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael.

Faith, Hope, Love, Sofia.

In the 2nd century, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, there lived in Rome a Christian widow named Sophia. She had three daughters, whom she named after the three Christian virtues: Faith, Hope, Love. Their mother brought them up in the Christian faith, taught them to read the Gospel, inspired them with firmness of spirit. The rumor about the righteous life of Sophia and her daughters reached the pagan emperor, and he called them to him. Seeing young girls (Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda - 10, and Lyubov - 9), the emperor began to persuade them to bow to pagan idols, promising to accept them as daughters for this. But the sisters answered that they had one father, God, and that they were gladly ready to suffer and die for Christ. The virgins were subjected to the most severe tortures, but they remained steadfast in their faith. Sophia was subjected to the most severe torture - to look at the suffering of her daughters. Faith, Hope, Love were beheaded - it was not possible to break them. Sophia took the bodies of the children and buried them outside the city. Three days later she died at their grave.

According to the Catholic calendar: Geronim, Felicia, Sonya.

Ariadna, Sofia, Irina.

The Holy Martyr Ariadne was a slave; she suffered for the confession of Christ under the emperor Hadrian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Teresa, Roman, Igor, Danuta.

Fedor, David, Konstantin, Igor, Trofim.

According to the Catholic calendar: Theophilus, Denis.

Mikhail, Fedor, Evstafiy, Oleg.

Holy Great Martyr Eustathius, Roman general.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ewald, Gerard, Teresa.

Dmitry, Kondrat, Kalisfeniya.

St. Demetrius Tuptalo, Metropolitan of Rostov, wrote the Cheti-Minei (the lives of the saints for the whole year) and many other soul-saving books (late 17th-early 18th centuries).

The Holy Apostle Kondrat, among the other seventy holy apostles, suffered for preaching the faith of Christ and died in prison in the 2nd century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Rosalia.

Peter, Makar.

According to the Catholic calendar: Faustina, Raymond, Igor.

Innokenty, Iraida, Ivan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Arthur, Frederick.

Nikandr, Vladislav.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mark, Ustinya, Sergey.

Sergei, Herman, Efrosinya.

The Monk Euphrosyne, eighteen years old, in men's clothes, secretly from her parents went to a monastery in Egypt and under male name thirty-eight years labored there; died in 445.

According to the Catholic calendar: Brigid, Pelageya, Ludwik.

Ivan, Tikhon, Ephraim.

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, a disciple of the Savior and a witness to the most important deeds and events of his life, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote the Holy Gospel and three epistles, as well as the holy book of the Apocalypse.

According to the Catholic calendar: Vincent, Bogdan.

Ariadne, Ignatius, Aristarchus, Mark.

Holy Martyr Ariadne.

According to the Catholic calendar: Daniel, Leon, Francis.

Khariton, Vyacheslav, Neon.

Saint Vyacheslav, Prince of Bohemia.

Holy Martyr Neon, a shepherd, suffered for Christ in the 4th century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Alexander, Aldona, Emil.

According to the Catholic calendar: Edwin, Maximilian, Witold.

Gregory, Michael.

According to the Catholic calendar: Edward, Honorata, Theophilus.

Ananiy, Anan, Roman, Savva.

The Holy Prophet Apostle Ananias, Bishop of the city of Damascus, baptized Saul and named him Paul (Apostle Paul) (1st century); for preaching the Christian faith was stoned to death.

According to the Catholic calendar: Calixte, Radim, Bernard.

Andrei, Anna, Kupriyan, Ustina, Cassian.

According to the Catholic calendar: Teresa, Theodore.

The Holy Hieromartyr Dionysios the Areopagite is one of the judges of the Supreme Court (Areopagus) in Athens. Converted to Christianity by the holy Apostle Paul; was the first bishop in Athens; wrote the book "On the Heavenly Hierarchy", that is, on the ranks of the angels: archangels, cherubim and seraphim. After suffering for the faith of Christ, he was beheaded in the 1st century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gerard, Jadwiga, Havel.

Vladimir, Longin, Veronica, Virineya.

Saint Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ignat, Victor, Lucina.

Peter, Alexei, Philip, Matvey, Grigory.

The Monk Matthew, the perspicacious, healed the sick with prayers in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

According to the Catholic calendar: Luke, Julian, Bogumil.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Isaac, Paul.

Sergei, Julian, Pelageya.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Irina, Cleopatra.

Pelagia, Taisia, Tryphon.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jacob, Ursula, Selina.

Abraham, Jacob, Peter.

Holy righteous forefather of all Jews Abraham, father of Isaac, grandfather of Jacob (2000 years before Christ).

Saint Jacob Alfeev.

According to the Catholic calendar: Salome, Donat, Philip.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Severin, Marlena.

Philip, Zinaida.

According to the Catholic calendar: Anthony, Martin, Raphael.

Prov, Martin.

Saint Martin, the merciful, was at first a soldier, then he became a monk and was Bishop of Turov in France; especially pleased God with mercy to the poor; predicted the future and performed miracles with prayers (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Daria, Boniface.

Karp, Benjamin, Nikita.

According to the Catholic calendar: Dmitry, Everest, Lucian.

Nazar, Praskovya.

The Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva, named Pyatnitsa, spread the faith of Christ among the pagans of her city (Iconia) and helped the poor, needy and wanderers; suffered great torments for this and after them she was beheaded (III century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Sabina, Yvona, Vincent.

Efim, Ivan.

The Monk Euthymius the New (Thessalonica), eighteen years old, secretly from his family went to a monastery, accepted monasticism and pleased God with great deeds; founded two monasteries (IX century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Simon, Tadeusz.

Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Neon, Athanasius, Cyril, Mina, Menaeus, Melitina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Michael, Felician, Violetta.

Anton, Andrei, Kuzma, Osip, Demyan, Lazar.

According to the Catholic calendar: Senobia, Edmund.

Joseph, Luke, Narkis, Maura.

According to the Catholic calendar: Wolfang, Urban, August.

Ivan, Cleopatra.

According to the Catholic calendar: all saints.

According to the Catholic calendar: the day of remembrance of the dead.

Aza, Illarion, Yakov.

The Monk Hilarion the Great founded several monasteries in the Palestinian desert, was perspicacious, performed miracles through prayers (4th century).

Holy Martyr Aza.

According to the Catholic calendar: Martin, Hubert, Sylvia.

Averyan, Averky, Alexander, Anna, Elizabeth, Glykeria (Lukerya, Gleria), Heraclius, Kondrat.

Saint Averian, Bishop of Hieropomeria.

Holy Martyr Glyceria.

Holy Martyr Heraclius the Warrior.

According to the Catholic calendar: King, Olgerd, Felix.

Jacob, Ignatius.

According to the Catholic calendar: Slavomir, Elizabeth, Zakhar.


According to the Catholic calendar: Leonard, Felix, Christina.

Marcian, Longinus.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ernest, Anthony.

Dmitry, Raphael.

The Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (Myrrh-streaming) was the head of the city of Thessalonica, taught the faith of Christ to the inhabitants of the city, the pagans; endured great torment for Christ and was stabbed to death in prison in 306. Healing and fragrant myrrh flowed from his holy relics.

On Dimitriev Saturday in Russia, a wake is celebrated for the dead: the whole week is called parental, grandfather's, but Dimitriev Saturday is especially revered when the dead are commemorated at the graves.

According to the Catholic calendar: Severin, Bogdan, Victor.

Nestor, Kapitolina, Mark.

The Holy Martyr Nestor, with the blessing and through the prayers of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, defeated a pagan fighter who killed Christians in a duel, for which he was executed in 306.

The Holy Martyr Capitolina, after martyrdom for Christ, was beheaded in 304.

According to the Catholic calendar: Fedor, Alexander, Genovef.

Arseny, Dmitry, Praskovya, Terenty, Neonil, Stefan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leon, Andrei, Ludomir.

Anastasia, Anna, Maria.

The Holy Monk Martyr Anastasia, a Roman, was brought up as an orphan in a monastery near Rome; twenty years old, after suffering for the faith of Christ, she was beheaded (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Martin, Fedor, Victor.

Zinovy, Mark, Artem, Zinovia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Renata, Witold.

Spiridon, Nicodemus, Manefa.

According to the Catholic calendar: Benedict, Ivan, Matthew.

Kuzma, Demyan, Ulyana.

The holy miracle workers Cosmas and Damian healed the sick with prayers and died peacefully.

The Holy Martyr Uliana suffered for Christ in the 4th century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Emil, Agatha.

According to the Catholic calendar: Albert, Leopold, Idalia.

Andron, Andronicus, Androny, George.

Holy Martyr Andron.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gertrude, Malgorzata, Edmund.

According to the Catholic calendar: Elizabeth, Gregory.

Galaktion, Gregory, Ion.

According to the Catholic calendar: Carolina, Roman, Anelia.

Alexandra, Pavel, Herman, Claudia, Euphrosyne.

According to the Catholic calendar: Severin, Maxim, Elizabeth.

Kirill, Fedot, Valery, Fedot.

The Holy Martyr Valery Melitinsky, among other thirty-three martyrs, was beheaded for the Christian faith in 298 in Melitina.

The Holy Martyr Fedot, among the other thirty-three martyrs of Melitino, was beheaded for the faith of Christ (3rd century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Anatoly, Raphael, Felix.

According to the Catholic calendar: Conrad, Albert.

Porfiry, Matryona, Yaropolk.

According to the Catholic calendar: Cecilia, Mark, Stefan.

Rodion, Erast.

The Holy Apostle Rodion was beheaded in Rome in the year 67 for his faith in Christ.

The Holy Apostle Erast, Bishop, died for the faith of Christ in the 1st century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Clemens, Clementine, Felicita.

Victor, Vikenty, Fedor, Maxim, Stepanida.

The Holy Martyr Vincent the Deacon, after being tortured for the Christian faith, was burned on an iron grate in the 4th century.

The Holy Martyr Victor the Warrior, after long tortures for Christ, was beheaded in the 2nd century. At the sight of his suffering, the holy martyr Stephanida suffered for him and believed in Christ.

According to the Catholic calendar: Flora, Protas, Emma.

Ivan, Neil.

According to the Catholic calendar: Catherine, Francis, Erasmus.

Ivan, Herman, Nikifor.

According to the Catholic calendar: Conrad, Sylvester, Leonard.

Philip, Gregory, Nathanael.

The Holy Apostle Philip preached the word of God in Greece, Arabia, Ethiopia and other countries; after torment, he was crucified on the cross with his head down in the 1st century.

According to the Catholic calendar: Valerian, Francis.

Dmitry, Gury.

The Holy Martyr Guriy (1st century) with his brother Samon converted pagans to the Christian faith, for which, after torment, they were beheaded.

According to the Catholic calendar: Jacob, Leslav.

Matthew, Nectarios.

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew (Levi) is one of the twelve apostles. Before being called to the apostles, the Lord himself was a publican, that is, a tax collector; then he preached the word of God in different countries; under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he wrote the Holy Gospel. He died as a martyr around the age of 60.

According to the Catholic calendar: Saturn, Philomena, Blessed.

Grigory, Nikon, Lazar.

According to the Catholic calendar: Andrei, Frederic, Ustinya.

Plato, Roman.

The Holy Martyr Plato was beheaded by the pagans in 306 for preaching the faith of Christ.

The Holy Martyr Roman the Deacon suffered for the faith of Christ in the year 303.

According to the Catholic calendar: Natalia, Edmund.

Avdey, Varlaam, Diodorus, Adrian, Hilarion.

Holy Prophet Avdey.

The Monk Varlaam monastic for 70 years in the desert in India in the 4th century. In the clothes of a merchant with an expensive stone, he came to the palace of the Indian king Abner, secretly taught the Christian faith here and baptized Prince Iosaph, who later converted his father Abner, and after the death of the latter lived for 35 years in the desert, first with the Monk Barlaam, then alone .

The Monk Hilarion the Wonderworker worked miracles on Mount Olympus, in the desert of Jordan in the 9th century.

Rev. Diodor Yuryev, founder of the Trinity Monastery on Yuryev Hill (Onega County) (XVII century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Paulina, Raphael, Blanca, Aurelia.

Anatoly, Proclus, Gregory, Anna.

The Holy Martyr Anatoly with two brothers was beheaded at Nike in the year 312.

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Xavier.

The memory of the right-believing Prince Yaropolk, great-grandson of St. Vladimir (XI century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Barbara, Ivan, Christian.

Mikhail, Procopius, Yaropolk, Peter, Valerian, Maxim.

According to the Catholic calendar: Crispin, Sabina, Wilma.

Alexander, Alexei, Grigory, Mitrofan, Makar, Nikolai.

The Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod and Grand Duke of Vladimir defeated the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and the Germans (Battle on the Ice, 1241).

Saint Mitrofan, the first bishop of Voronezh.

According to the Catholic calendar: Nikolai, Emelyan, Yeremey.


The Holy Great Martyr Catherine was a virgin of a princely family and very learned; She received holy baptism after a miraculous vision in a dream of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus. Catherine boldly denounced the pagan king for his persecution of Christians; suffered great torment for Christ and was beheaded in the 4th century. At the sight of her execution, they believed in Christ, and the holy empress Augusta, the wife of the pagan king, Porfiry the general, and two hundred soldiers died as martyrs.

On Katherine's day, the girls wondered: a cake was baked in water and salt, they ate it and went to bed. In a dream, the betrothed appeared, who brought water. It was believed that from this day on, winter finally comes into its own.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ambrose, Joseph, Martin.

Clement, Peter.

Holy Hieromartyr Clement.

According to the Catholic calendar: Mary, Virginia.

Innokenty, Yakov, Egor.

The New Martyr Yegoriy of Chios suffered from the Turks in 1807.

According to the Catholic calendar: Leocadia, Veslava, Natasha.

Jacob, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Roman.

According to the Catholic calendar: Gregory, Julia, Bogdan.

Fedor, Socrates, Stefan.

The Holy Martyr Socrates, a monk, with other clergymen was beheaded with a sword for the faith of Christ under Julian the Apostate (4th century).

According to the Catholic calendar: Daniel, Waldemar.

According to the Catholic calendar: John, Alexander, Dagmar.

Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

On this day, they listen to the water in the reservoirs: if the water is quiet, calm, then it will be the same winter; if the water is noisy, frosts, blizzards and snowstorms are coming.

To Andrew the First-Called, the girls pray for the gift of good suitors.

Andrew, Peter's brother, was a fisherman and was a member of the community of disciples of John the Baptist, one of the first to be called among the apostles, for which he received his name. He was crucified on a cross shaped like the letter X (hence the name St. Andrew's Cross).

According to the Catholic calendar: Lucia, Otilia, Anthony.

Nahum, Filaret, Ananiy.

The holy prophet Nahum lived 700 years before the birth of Christ; predicted the destruction of the city of Nineveh (Babylon) for the wickedness of its inhabitants and prophesied about the spread of the faith of Christ by the apostles.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Alfred, Sidor.

Athanasius, Ivan, Andrei, Stefan.

According to the Catholic calendar: Valerian, Selina, Nina.

According to the Catholic calendar: Albina, Sebastian.

Barbara, Ivan, Ulyana.

According to the Catholic calendar: Lazarus, Florian, Olympia.

Anastasy, Savva, Gury.

The Holy Martyr Anastasius, after martyrdom in the name of Christ, was beheaded and thrown into the sea.

According to the Catholic calendar: Boguslav, Pavel.

Nikolay, Aglaya.

According to the Catholic calendar: Darius, Eleanor, Gabriella.

Ambrosius, Nile, Leo, Anton, Ivan, Pavel.

The Monk Nil Stolbensky became a monk in his youth, spent 22 years in seclusion on Stolbensky Island in the middle of Lake Sepinr ​​(XVI century).

The Holy Martyr Leo was killed for the faith of Christ.

St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, was elected to the bishopric in the 4th century by God's direction from among the governors of the region in Italy; wrote many soul-saving books and the church song “We praise God.”

According to the Catholic calendar: Dominic, Julius, Bogumil.

Cyril, Anfisa.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Anastassy, ​​Tomas.

Anna, Sofron.

The conception of St. Anna from the aged parents Joachim and Anna.

According to the Catholic calendar: Francis, Zeno, Honorata.

Angelina, Ivan, Hermogenes, Stefan.

The Holy Martyr Hermogenes suffered for Christ around the year 312. Hermogenes at first himself was a tormentor of Christians, but then he believed in the Son of God, for which he was beheaded.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Victoria, Malgorzata.

Daniel, Nikon, Luke.

The Monk Nikon of the Caves-Dry, a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, was taken prisoner from there by the Polovtsy, where he endured many tortures; from captivity he was returned to the monastery, where, after exploits, he died around 1001. From torment in captivity and the exploits of the monastery, he was very thin in body, which is why he is called Dry.

According to the Catholic calendar: Adam, Eve.

Spiridon, Alexander.

According to the Catholic calendar: Peter, Anastasia, Eugenia.

Arseny, Orestes, Arkady, Eugene, Nicodemus.

According to the Catholic calendar: Stepan, Denis.

According to the Catholic calendar: Ivan, Maxim, Jeanette.

Stefan, Tryphon.

According to the Catholic calendar: Caesar, Anthony, Theophilia.

According to the Catholic calendar: Tomas, Dominik, David.

Daniel, Anani.

The memory of the youth Ananias, who went unscathed into the fiery cave and was saved by God's angel.

The most holy prophet Daniel lived in captivity at the court of the king of Babylon; for fidelity to the true God, he was thrown into a den with lions, but they were afraid to touch him. The holy prophet Daniel, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of the coming of Christ into the world.

According to the Catholic calendar: Eugene, Irmina, Severin.

Zoya, Mikhail, Flor, Modest, Semyon.

The Monk Flor, Bishop of Amia, preached the faith of Christ much.

According to the Catholic calendar: Sylvester, Catherine, Melania.

Catholic calendar of names, like the Orthodox one, was created in the traditions of veneration of Christian saints. However, the various historical paths of Western and Eastern Churches identified discrepancies in naming conventions. Saints who are included in both the Catholic and orthodox calendar, were canonized before the split of the common Christian church in 1054. After the 11th century, this process in Catholicism and Orthodoxy proceeded independently of each other. Therefore, in Catholic calendar there are not many Greek names (Athenodorus, Dositheus, Galaktion), and in the Orthodox you will not find Wilhelm, Edgar and Amalia. In addition to the names mentioned in the Bible, canon include names of Latin and Germanic origin. Some Catholic names have Russian counterparts, for example, Lara - Lawrence, Angelica - Angelina, Zhanna - Joanna. Memorial Day of many saints in both calendars are celebrated on the same day. You just need to remember that in the Catholic Church the chronology is kept according to the Gregorian calendar (new style), and in the Orthodox Church - according to the Julian (old style).