Lunar sowing calendar for August. What is the lunar calendar of the gardener-gardener for?

The main task of the gardener in August is to stop the growth of the current year's shoots in length. The formation of the apical bud and the ripening of the shoots will better prepare the plant for winter. To stop the growth processes in the shoots, the following measures are taken: remove the mulch from trunk circle, simple potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied to the zone of the active root system, pinch the tops of young growing shoots and reduce watering.

Do not apply nitrogen fertilizers, as this can cause a second wave of shoot growth.

When caring for flowers in August, rejuvenating division and transplantation of perennials come first. Getting ready to plant bulbous flowers. For them, beds and rabatki are made in advance. On the clay soils make sand and compost for digging. If necessary, the soil is lime.

Upon completion of the collection of raspberries, fruiting and damaged branches are cut out. Young shoots that have grown over the summer should be shortened, cut off the growth tops - this will make it possible for their wood to mature and prepare for the upcoming cold weather.

Vegetables in August also need our care - loosening and top dressing. Potato tops should be mowed 2 weeks before you plan to start "digging potatoes" - the tubers will ripen better.

August is the time for abundant fruiting of tomatoes and peppers. The tops of the tomatoes at this time must be removed, leaving a couple of sheets above the top brush. This will speed up the ripening of the set fruits.

date and time Moon garden affairs
From 01 August 2015 00:00
to 01 August 2015 20:40
Full moon It is not recommended to plant, transplant, cut, pinch or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (Do not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes on a full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the ground. Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal and spicy plants. Processing and cleaning of the vacated land. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, liming can be carried out.
07/31/2015 13:43 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (the middle of the lunar month, the signs of the Zodiac - until 07/31/2015 00:40 Moon in the sign of Capricorn, then in the sign of Aquarius)
August 1 (19.07 style) - Makrinin Day (Makrida) "Macrida is wet, then autumn is wet, Macrida is dry - and autumn too"
From 01 August 2015 20:40
to 02 August 2015 1:36
Waning Moon in Aquarius In this short period after the full moon, drying of herbs, vegetables and fruits is possible.
This weekend in the non-chernozem zone, it is desirable to collect all the large tomatoes from tomatoes grown in open field, and put them "for ripening" in the house - the night cooling can come suddenly, despite the calming weather forecasts.
August 2 (20.07 style) - Ilyin's day (Ilya the Prophet) "From Ilyin's day, the night is long and the water is cold"
From 02 August 2015 1:36
to 04 August 2015 2:24
Waning Moon in Pisces Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Weed control. Land processing. Transplanting perennial flowers. Collection of medicinal and spice plants. Continued collection of regular batches of berries and vegetables for quick processing. A good time for pickling (favorable days for pickling cucumbers according to the zodiac position of the moon), canning, drying and freezing. Preparation of containers and places for storage of crops.
From 04 August 2015 2:24
to 06 August 2015 04:29
Waning Moon in Aries Carrying out forming and rejuvenating pruning of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle. Pruning old leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes, weak and fruitless shoots on peppers, yellowed leaves up to the first brush on eggplants. The best time to apply compost or semi-rotted manure with stale sawdust under fruit trees. Checking the correct installation of supports under abundantly fruiting trees. Preparation of ridges, weeding, spraying from pests and diseases. Pruning stems of faded perennial flowers. Harvested at this time, the crop will be very well stored.
From 06 August 2015 04:29
to August 08, 2015 8:40
Waning Moon in Taurus Digging the soil and forming ridges. Control pests that live in the ground. The rooting of seedlings of trees and bushes is going well. Favorable period for sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Mulching raspberries with bark, sawdust, half-rotted manure. Digging, dividing and transplanting perennial flowers: lilies, irises, delphiniums and peonies, small bulbs. Preparation of root vegetables for long-term storage. Favorable time for harvesting potatoes, root crops.
August 7 (25.07 old style) - Anna Winter Indicator "Bright and warm weather portends a cold winter, and if it rains, the winter is snowy and warm"
From 08 August 2015 8:40
to August 10, 2015 15:08
Waning Moon in Gemini It is better not to plant and transplant. Preparation of ridges and planting pits, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers. Spreading under trees, shrubs and on ridges of compost, semi-rotted manure and old sawdust. Carrying out forming and rejuvenating pruning of currants and gooseberries, cutting of raspberry shoots that bear fruit. Removal of diseased and barren trees and shrubs. Bending down the branches of slate trees to the ground and pinning them with hooks. Removal and burning of hunting belts. Preparation of cuttings for winter and spring vaccinations. Harvesting for long-term storage, as well as seeds and root crops for seed plants. Cleaning for storage of potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes.
From 10 August 2015 15:08
to August 12, 2015 23:52
Waning Moon in Cancer Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, semi-rotted manure and old sawdust. Harvest of root crops. Cleaning and burning of garbage on the site. Collection of sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red ashberry for canning and apples for processing. Digging up anemones, dahlias and other non-wintering perennials. Planting bulbous flowers.
From 12 August 2015 23:52
to August 13, 2015 03:44
Waning Moon in Leo During this short period before the new moon, it is possible to process the harvested vegetables, berries and fruits.
From August 13, 2015 3:44 AM
to August 16, 2015 7:00
New moon It is not recommended to plant anything, transplant, carry out any work with plants. Unfavorable days for salting, pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Any economic work, work with the soil is possible.
August 14, 2015 17:53 Moscow time the beginning of the lunar month, signs of the zodiac: until August 15, 2015 10:45 Moon in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo.
August 14 (01.08 old style) - Honey Spas "First Spas - seeing off summer"
August 15 (02.08 old style) - Stepan Senoval
From August 16, 2015 7:00 am
to August 17, 2015 23:22
Waxing Moon in Virgo Division and transplantation of perennial flowers: peonies, irises, lilies of the valley, primroses, etc. Collection of vegetables and berries and their processing. Application organic fertilizers under shrubs and strawberries. Composting or burning tops. Preparation of landing pits for autumn planting fruit trees and berry bushes. In currants, it is necessary to cut off thin annual shoots, leaving 4-5 strong ones, to pinch the tops.
From 17 August 2015 23:22
to August 20, 2015 12:24
Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra Unfavorable time for watering and liquid top dressing. Favorable time for sowing watercress, arugula, spinach, chervil for late greens. Favorable period for planting, fertilizing, dividing and transplanting perennial flowers and medicinal plants. Establishment of new strawberry plantations. Processing strawberries from weevil. Hilling petiole celery and leek, mulching plantings. Hilling the root neck of dahlias to protect against the first frosts. Cutting of fruiting raspberry branches. Preparation of planting pits for autumn planting of trees and shrubs. Application of mineral fertilizers for flowers. (August 19 - 21 - according to Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days of the month for pickling cucumbers)
August 19 (06.08 old style) - Transfiguration. Apple Spas. "What is the day on the second Savior, such is the Intercession (October 1/14). A dry day on Apple Savior portends a dry autumn, wet - wet, clear - a harsh winter. What is the second Savior - such is January"
From 20 August 2015 12:24
to August 22, 2015 23:41
Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, semi-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, shrubs and on beds. Complete or partial removal of soil from greenhouses and greenhouses. Filling greenhouses and greenhouses with organic residues. It is possible to plant cloves or sets of winter garlic, bulbous plants. Possible time for planting and transplanting any plants. Planting tulip bulbs. Auspicious days for salting and canning. (About auspicious days: everything goes most successfully on auspicious days, but this does not mean that, for example, pickling or pickling cannot be done on other days - do as you like, the only thing is, do not plan work on unfavorable days of the lunar calendar - the probability errors are very high these days)
From 22 August 2015 23:41
to August 25, 2015 07:22
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Collection of flowers and leaves of medicinal plants; collection of seeds and root crops for seed plants. Collection of fruits for quick consumption, but not for long-term storage. Sowing winter crops, including as green manure. Collection of plant residues for greenhouses and greenhouses. Processing storage for vegetables. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil.
August 23 (10.08 style) - Lawrence. "If there is a strong heat or heavy rains, then it will be so long - all autumn"
From August 25, 2015 7:22 am
to August 27, 2015 11:03
Waxing Moon in Capricorn Favorable time according to the lunar calendar for sowing watercress, spinach, chervil, Beijing cabbage (early leafy) in greenhouses and open ground for autumn use. Possible division and transplantation of rhizomes of peonies, irises and other perennials. Planting and transplanting plants wintering in open ground. Collection of organic matter for refueling greenhouses and hotbeds. Planting trees and shrubs and perennial flowering plants by cuttings. Processing cucumbers in greenhouses from fungal, bacterial diseases and pests. Harvesting: it is better to use everything harvested fresh.
From 27 August 2015 11:03
to August 28, 2015 18:36
Waxing Moon in Aquarius Unfavorable days for watering and root dressing. Loosening the soil, preparing ridges, planting pits, thinning seedlings. Checking supports under fruit-bearing trees. Over the remontant strawberries, film shelters are installed to prolong fruiting. It is very good to harvest for long storage, seeds and root crops for seed plants. Collection of organic matter for subsequent refueling of greenhouses and hotbeds.
From 28 August 2015 18:36
to August 30, 2015 19:34
Full moon It is not recommended to plant, transplant, cut, pinch or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (Do not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes on a full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the ground. Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal and spicy plants. Above the remontant strawberries, you can begin to install film shelters. Processing and cleaning of the vacated land. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, liming can be carried out.
29 August 2015 21:35 Moscow time - astronomical full moon
August 29 (16.08 style) - Khlebny Spas. "They note the weather according to the timing of the departure of birds: If the crane flies off to the third Spas, then there will be frost on Pokrov"
From 30 August 2015 19:34
to August 31, 2015 11:33
Waning Moon in Pisces Weed control. Land processing. Transplanting perennial flowers. Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Collection of medicinal and spice plants. Collection of regular batches of berries, vegetables for quick processing. Preparation of containers and places for storage of crops. A good time for pickling (favorable days for pickling cucumbers according to the zodiac position of the moon), canning, drying and freezing.
From 31 August 2015 11:33
to August 31, 2015 23:59
Waning Moon in Aries The best time to apply compost or semi-rotted manure with stale sawdust under fruit trees. Carrying out forming and rejuvenating pruning of raspberries, currants, gooseberries. Preparation of ridges, weeding, spraying from pests and diseases. Hilling the root neck of dahlias to protect against frost. Digging up non-wintering perennial flowers. Pruning stems of faded perennial flowers. Harvested at this time, the crop will be very well stored. Collection of sea-buckthorn, chokeberry and red-fruited mountain ash and their conservation.

August sayings:

  • Spring is red and summer is miserable.
  • The August night is long, the water is cold.
  • August cooks, September serves at the table.
To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, currently up to date:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2015 - Tomatoes. Harvesting.

August 2015

The table of the lunar calendar on this page is a thematic selection from the universal one made for the convenience of planning work with vegetable crops, work with garden strawberries is given in this section, since we believe that it is more convenient to view them in the "garden" section of the calendar.

August will come - it will lead its own rules.

Vegetables in August also need our care - loosening, weeding and top dressing. Potato tops should be mowed 2 weeks before you plan to start "digging potatoes" - the tubers will ripen better.
August is the time for abundant fruiting of tomatoes and peppers. The tops of the tomatoes at this time must be removed, leaving a couple of sheets above the top brush. This will speed up the ripening of the set fruits.

ATTENTION! Our moon calendar gardener is underway by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time * )

Garden work, tomato care activities, harvesting, late sowing

from 01 August 2015 00:00 (Sat)
to 01 August 2015 20:40 (Sat)

It is not recommended to plant, transplant, cut, pinch or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (Do not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes on a full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the ground. Processing and cleaning of the vacated land. The introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, it is possible to carry out liming of the soil.
(We still have a blog: Dacha and garden, entry only from the lunar calendar)
07/31/2015 13:43 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (the middle of the lunar month, - until 07/31/2015 00:40 The moon is in the sign of Capricorn, then in the sign of Aquarius)

August 1 (19.07 st. style) - Macrinin's day (Macrida)
"Macrida is wet, then autumn is wet, Macrida is dry - and autumn too"

from 01 August 2015 20:40 (Sat)
to 02 August 2015 1:36 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

In this short period after the full moon, drying of herbs, vegetables and fruits is possible.

August 2 (20.07 style) - Ilyin's day (Ilya the Prophet)
"Since Ilyin's day, the night is long and the water is cold"

This weekend in the non-chernozem zone, it is desirable to collect all large tomatoes from tomatoes grown in open ground, and put them "for ripening" in the house - a night cold snap can come suddenly, despite the calming weather forecasts.

from 02 August 2015 1:36 (Sun)
to 04 August 2015 2:24 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Weed control. Land processing. Continued collection of regular batches of berries and vegetables for quick processing. Good time for pickling auspicious days for according to the zodiac position of the moon), canning, drying and freezing. Preparation of containers and places for storage of crops.
from 04 August 2015 2:24 (Tue)
to 06 August 2015 4:29 (Thursday)

Waning Moon in Aries

Pruning old leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes, weak and fruitless shoots on peppers, yellowed leaves up to the first brush on eggplants. Preparation of ridges, weeding, spraying from pests and diseases. Harvested at this time, the crop will be very well stored.
from 06 August 2015 4:29 (Thursday)
to August 08, 2015 8:40 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Digging the soil and forming ridges. Control pests that live in the ground. Preparation of root vegetables for long-term storage. Favorable time for harvesting potatoes, root crops.

August 7 (25.07 style) - Anna Winter-pointer
"Bright and warm weather portends a cold winter, and if it rains, the winter is snowy and warm"

from 08 August 2015 8:40 (Sat)
to August 10, 2015 15:08 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Gemini

It is better not to plant and transplant.
Preparation of ridges and planting pits, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Harvesting for long-term storage, as well as seeds and root crops for seed plants. Cleaning for storage of potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes.
from 10 August 2015 15:08 (Mon)
to August 12, 2015 23:52 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Cancer

Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, semi-rotted manure and old sawdust. Harvest of root crops. Cleaning and burning of garbage on the site.
from 12 August 2015 23:52 (Wed)
to 13 August 2015 3:44 (Thursday)

Waning Moon in Leo

During this short period before the new moon, the processing of harvested vegetables is possible.
from 13 August 2015 3:44 (Thursday)
to August 16, 2015 7:00 (Sun)


It is not recommended to plant anything, transplant, carry out any work with plants. Unfavorable days for salting, pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Any economic work, work with the soil is possible.
August 14, 2015 17:53 Moscow time the beginning of the lunar month, : until August 15, 2015 10:45 Moon in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo.
from 16 August 2015 7:00 (Sun)
to August 17, 2015 23:22 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Collection of vegetables and berries and their processing. Application of organic fertilizers for strawberries. Composting or burning tops.
from August 17, 2015 23:22 (Mon)
to 20 August 2015 12:24 (Thursday)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid top dressing. Favorable time for sowing watercress, arugula, spinach, chervil for late greens.
Establishment of new strawberry plantations. Processing strawberries from weevil. Hilling petiole celery and leek, mulching plantings.
(August 20 - 22 - according to Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most auspicious days months for)
from August 20, 2015 12:24 (Thursday)
to August 22, 2015 23:41 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, semi-rotted manure and stale sawdust on the beds. Complete or partial removal of soil from greenhouses and greenhouses. Filling greenhouses and greenhouses with organic residues. It is possible to plant cloves or sets of winter garlic, bulbous plants. Possible time for planting and transplanting any plants.
Auspicious days for salting and canning
(About auspicious days: on favorable days, everything goes most successfully, but this does not mean that, for example, salting or fermentation cannot be carried out on other days - do as you like, the only thing is, do not plan work on unfavorable days of the lunar calendar - the probability of errors on these days is very high)
from August 22, 2015 23:41 (Sat)
to 25 August 2015 7:22 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Collection of seeds and root crops for seed plants. Collection of fruits for quick consumption, but not for long-term storage. Sowing winter crops, including as green manure. Collection of plant residues for greenhouses and greenhouses. Processing storage for vegetables. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil.
from August 25, 2015 7:22 am (Tue)
to August 27, 2015 11:03 (Thursday)

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing watercress, spinach, chervil, Beijing cabbage (early leafy) in greenhouses and open ground for autumn use.
Planting and transplanting plants wintering in open ground. Collection of organic matter for refueling greenhouses and hotbeds. Processing cucumbers in greenhouses from fungal, bacterial diseases and pests. Harvesting: it is better to use everything harvested fresh.
from August 27, 2015 11:03 (Thursday)
to August 28, 2015 18:36 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for watering and root dressing. Loosening the soil, preparing ridges, planting pits, thinning seedlings. Over the remontant strawberries, film shelters are installed to prolong fruiting. It is very good to harvest for long storage, seeds and root crops for seed plants. Collection of organic matter for subsequent refueling of greenhouses and hotbeds.
from August 28, 2015 18:36 (Fri)
to August 30, 2015 19:34 (Sun)


It is not recommended to plant, transplant, cut, pinch or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (Do not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes on a full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the ground. Above the remontant strawberries, you can begin to install film shelters. Processing and cleaning of the vacated land. The introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, it is possible to carry out liming of the soil.
August 29, 2015 21:35 Moscow time - astronomical full moon
from 30 August 2015 19:34 (Sun)
to August 31, 2015 11:33 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Weed control. Land processing. Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Collection of regular batches of vegetables for quick processing. Preparation of containers and places for storage of crops. Good time for pickling favorable days for pickling cucumbers according to the zodiac position of the moon), canning, drying and freezing.
from August 31, 2015 11:33 (Mon)
to August 31, 2015 23:59 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Aries

The best time to introduce compost or semi-rotted manure with old sawdust into the soil. Preparation of ridges, weeding, spraying from pests and diseases. Harvested at this time, the crop will be very well stored.

I suggest making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And to distribute the information on these graphs.

Folk signs about the weather in August:
The August night is long, the water is cold..
August towards autumn runs skipping.
In August, winter begins to fight with summer.

Based on one rather interesting folk omen, is compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Dig, loosen and mulch the soil. Prepare for the winter cellars and storage. Remove weeds.

Water and feed the plants. They control pests and pathogens of plant diseases.

Seeds are collected, cleaned and dried. Dig, loosen and mulch the soil. Feed vegetables and fruit crops. Limit the growth of tomato in open ground. Conduct sanitary pruning of fruit trees and berry bushes. Cut dried flowers.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Bulbs blooming in autumn (colchicum, crocus) are planted. Transplanted and divided irises, perennial bows. Feed peonies, gladioli, dahlias. They control pests and pathogens of plant diseases. Lay compost heaps.

Continue the work of the previous day.

August 8 Saturday
Waning moon, 3rd quarter
Moon in Taurus, Moon in Gemini from 05.40

Loosen and mulch the soil. Apply fertilizers for flower crops. Remove weeds, strawberry whiskers and fading flowers.

Continue the work of the previous day.

August 10 Monday
Waning moon, 4th quarter
Moon in Gemini, Moon in Cancer from 12.08

Until lunch, they continue the work of the previous day, water the plants.

Water and feed the plants. They fight against terrestrial pests and pathogens of plants.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Apply fertilizer. Loosen and mulch the soil. Remove weeds.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Plant any plants grown in containers. Carry out the sowing of green manure.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Plant and divide flowering plants. Biennials and perennials sown in May-June are transplanted to a permanent place.

Continue the work of the previous day.

August 20 Thursday
Waxing moon, 1st quarter
Moon in Libra, Moon in Scorpio from 09.24

Water and feed the plants. They are fighting slugs. Re-sow greens, transplant and divide medicinal plants.

Continue the work of the previous day.

August 22 Saturday
Waxing moon, 1st quarter
Moon in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius from 20.41

Water and feed the plants. Repeated crops of greens are carried out, medicinal crops are transplanted and divided.

Sowing of fast-growing leafy vegetables and herbs, green manure is carried out. Planted plants grown in containers.

Continue the work of the previous day.

August 25 Tuesday
Waxing moon, 2nd quarter
Moon in Sagittarius, Moon in Capricorn from 04.22

Small-bulb crops and hazel grouse are planted, transplanted. Divided by rhizomatous perennials. .planted fruit plants grown in containers. Lay compost heaps.

Continue the work of the previous day.

August 27 Thursday
Waxing moon, 2nd quarter
Moon in Capricorn, Moon in Aquarius from 08.03

Dig, loosen and mulch the soil. Prepare for the winter cellars and storage.

Continue the work of the previous day. Seeds are collected and weeds are removed. Dig, loosen and mulch the soil. They control pests and pathogens of plant diseases.

August 29 Saturday
Growing moon, 2nd quarter, full moon - 22.34
Moon in Aquarius, Moon in Pisces from 08.51

Remove weeds. Dig, loosen and mulch the soil.

Plants are watered.

August 31 Monday
Waning moon, 3rd quarter
Moon in Pisces, Moon in Aries from 08.33

They carry out sanitary pruning of fruit trees and shrubs, collect, clean and dry seeds. Dig up roots and potatoes. Apply fertilizers for vegetable and fruit plants. Storage facilities are being disinfected.

In order to help the gardener get a harvest without extra hassle and fuss, deal with the timing and types of work in the country and are published lunisolar calendars. By following the natural rhythms of plants, it is possible to increase the yield of horticultural and garden crops, protect them from diseases, and improve the quality of seeds.

A young science that studies the rhythms of development of all life on earth, including plants, is called biodynamics . Based on it, the lunar calendars of the gardener and florist are published.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for 2020

When you click on the desired month, a table of this period will open.

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Don't forget the main rule:

Astrology will help you only if you follow high agricultural practices.

Lunar calendar of the grower

"What goes around comes around" - this simple truth, set forth in a Russian proverb, is known to us from the cradle. Of course, the harvest will grow, of course, there will be a crop if all agrotechnical requirements for the cultivation of garden, horticultural, greenhouse and domestic crops are observed. But everything in the world is relative. As well as the truth that in order to obtain an optimal crop under certain natural conditions, it is necessary to take into account not only the rules for growing plants, but also such factors as influence of the lunar cycle to all living and non-living things on Earth.

O lunar calendar and one can argue a lot about its benefits, but there is no use in it. You can't argue with science. As you know, all components of the Universe affect each other. Two celestial bodies have the greatest influence on the Earth - the Sun and the Moon. The sun forms the climate of our planet with a cycle of 10-12 years. But, according to studies by dendrologists who studied the width of annual tree rings, favorable and bad times repeated at intervals of 7 years.

How to make a long-range weather forecast

Such a seven-year cycle is used to make long-term biodynamic forecasts in agricultural technology. This is explained by the fact that the Moon, influencing the electromagnetic field of the Earth, makes its own adjustments to the climatic conditions of our planet.

This influence is especially strong if we analyze what day of the week the nearest new moon falls in relation to the day of the vernal equinox. It is the nearest new moon that is chosen, regardless of whether it is before or after the equinox. The fact is that the biodynamic year does not begin on January 01, but on March 21 (March 20 in a leap year, or March 22 in the year preceding a leap year).

Considering more than 100 years of observations, scientists have deduced the following relationship. If the new moon closest to the spring equinox falls on:

  • Monday- a colder and rainier year is expected compared to the previous one;
  • Tuesday- the year will be moderately dry and warm compared to the previous one;
  • Wednesday - this year the winds will bring coolness, precipitation will decrease;
  • Thursday - expect favorable weather conditions that will bring good harvests;
  • Friday - this year there will be more favorable conditions comparing with the previous year;
  • Saturday - the year will be more dry and cool, unfavorable for plants;
  • Sunday - this year expect warmer weather and less rainfall than last year.

This is what concerns long-term forecasts. Let's talk about short-term, which are compiled depending on the position of the Moon relative to the Earth.

The influence of the moon on plants

We are all well aware of the ebbs and flows that periodically occur in the seas and oceans of our planet. In the same way, the Moon also affects plants, people and animals, which are more or less composed of water. Major phases of the moon are also well known:

  • full moon,
  • moon rising,
  • waning moon,
  • new moon.

The synodic (lunar) month is slightly shorter than the calendar month and is 29.53 days and it begins on the day of the new moon. The moon makes a full circle relative to the Earth in 24 hours 50 minutes, so the lunar day is slightly longer than the earth.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the influence of the phase of the moon on the metabolic processes occurring in living organisms. In our time, their observations have been scientifically substantiated. In short, the following rules can be deduced:

1. Moon for growth - the metabolism in the terrestrial part of plants accelerates, which contributes to a more intensive growth of stems, foliage, branches, flowers, fruits, etc. Therefore, during such periods, you can safely cultivate the soil, dig up, loosen, hill up. The risk of damage to the root system of the plant is reduced.

This time is good for the propagation of plants that are valuable for their above-ground part - lawn grass, ornamental plants, leafy vegetables, flowers, etc. But if you decide to prune or graft plants, you risk losing it.

2. Waning moon - accelerates metabolism in the underground part of plants, this leads to a more active development of the root system and root crops. This period is unfavorable for tillage and planting. But at this time, you can safely do weeding and thinning the beds. Pruning, grafting, cutting flowers will only benefit.

A good time for planting fruit and berry bushes and trees, because for these plants a strong and healthy root system plays a leading role. And, of course, it will be useful to start planting plants valuable for their root crops (onions, garlic, potatoes, radishes, radishes, etc.).

3. Full moon and new moon are bad days, at this time it is better to take a break from work in the garden. Well, perhaps, on the full moon and in the first days after it, you can pick fruits and berries. But on the new moon, you can get rid of damaged parts of plants, weed them and fight pests.

What is the lunar calendar of the gardener-gardener for?

The development of plants is influenced not only by the phase of the moon, but also in which constellation of the zodiac this planet is in this moment located . The moon has time to cross all the signs of the zodiac in one month. The constellations impose on the impact our satellite has on the Earth, the qualities inherent in astrological signs.

In astrology, there is a concept of well-born and unborn signs. But this applies more to the conception of man than to plants. With plants, the situation is different, they have their own preferences for the constellations of the Zodiac, and not every well-born, i.e. a fruitful sign, will have a beneficial effect on them.

In order to understand this, special gardener's lunar calendars, which help not only experienced plant growers, but also ordinary summer residents to determine best time for agricultural work. After all, with their help you can create sowing calendars, plan in detail all the work scheduled for the summer season, and at the same time do not forget anything.

The creation of such lunar calendars is helped by science - biodynamics, which studies rhythms and life cycles all living organisms on earth. In addition, they use the centuries-old experience of our ancestors, modern observations of weather forecasters and biologists, and the advice of astrologers.

Here, judge for yourself, If we take into account only the phase of the moon, then it is impossible to plant flowers on the waning moon. But it has long been noticed that if the Moon is in Taurus, then the plant has every chance to please your eye with juicy greenery and beautiful flowers.

But if you sow beets during the waning moon in Capricorn, then the harvested fruits will be perfectly stored until the new harvest. On the contrary, if you plant this plant also on the waning moon, but in the constellation of Pisces, the beets will quickly become worthless - they will rot and mold.

If you are going to stock up on seeds grown by yourself, then collect them on plants that you planted on the days when the Moon was in Scorpio.

There are a large number of such observations, and they are accumulated in lunar calendars of growers. Of course, in order to guarantee a high yield, it is not enough to adhere to the recommendations of the sowing calendar. It is mandatory to strictly comply with agrotechnical requirements for growing plants and real weather conditions.

Well, common sense, too, has not been canceled. For example, if you return from vacation on a new moon and find your favorite flower wilted and withered, feel free to water it, because it needs to be saved urgently!

And the Lunar calendar will always help you enhance or correct the effect of both traditional and modern farming methods.

Fertile and infertile signs in the gardener's lunar calendar

Traditionally, astrologers divide the constellations according to the elements:

  • Fire (in crop production, the day of Heat and Fruits) includes Leo, Aries and Sagittarius,
  • to the Earth (in crop production, the day of Cold and Roots) - Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn,
  • to Water - Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer,
  • to Air (in crop production, the day of Air, Light, and Flowers) - Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.

The determining criterion for work on the beds is not the phase of the moon, but the constellation in which the satellite is located. Therefore, if you need, say, to sow dill, and the phase of the moon is unfavorable, then sow dill on the last day when the moon is in a sign favorable for this work. Then the negative phase of the moon will have a minimal effect on the plant.

Sowing lunar calendar

The quality of the harvest, especially of such plants as radishes, potatoes and legumes, is directly dependent on which sign of the zodiac the earth satellite will be in on the day the crop is planted. This day leaves its mark on the quantity, size and health of the future harvest.

The most favorable for all types of plant reproduction (sowing, transplanting, planting, cuttings, pinching, grafting, mustache rooting, etc.) are the days when the Moon is in female constellations. These include Scorpio, Libra, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus. Of course, in this case, one must also take into account the influence of the phase of the moon on plants. Scorpio gives plants stability and strength. Capricorn and Virgo are less fertile than the rest.

Male signs have a negative impact on the reproduction of garden crops. The most unfavorable of them are the constellations Gemini, Aquarius and Leo.

It is important to know! When soaking seeds, the day of sowing is considered the day when you placed the seeds in water, and it fell under the seed coat, thereby activating germination processes in it.

When transplanting a plant, you can correct the qualities of the plant itself, for example, to make the root system and stem of plants that you sow on the day when the Moon was in Cancer, dive in Capricorn or Virgo, stronger.

Watering and moistening plants according to the calendar

Plants absorb moisture most effectively, and you spend less water on days when the moon passes the constellations belonging to Water elements - Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. At the same time, you can ignore the phase of the moon.

It is important to know! On days when the Moon is in Pisces, plants absorb moisture quite strongly. Therefore, watering should be moderate, otherwise the plants will begin to rot. During the period when the Moon is in Libra, moderate watering is also desirable.

Fertilization according to the moon

When fertilizing plants, it is necessary to take into account not only the signs of the zodiac, but also the phase of the moon. The type of fertilizer depends on it, because mineral fertilizers are used during periods of the growth of the moon, but organic fertilizers are used during periods of waning. But this is not an axiom. If you urgently need to feed the plant with organic supplements for the growing moon, then simply reduce the dose of top dressing in the solution.

Plants are fed in the same signs of the zodiac as they are watered (Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces). But on days when the Moon is in Cancer, it is better to either refrain from such a procedure or reduce the concentration of the remedy, otherwise it is fraught with rotting of the plant. Still favorable for feeding are the days when the Moon is in Taurus or Capricorn.

On a note: For beautiful large flowers, fertilize your ornamental plants on days when the Moon is in the constellations of Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini. And in order to get an excellent harvest of root crops, fertilize the plants on the day of the Roots - when the Moon is in Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

Harvesting according to the lunar calendar

Haymaking is not recommended when the Moon is in water signs, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. At this time, there is a high probability that the raw material will rot. For this lesson, the most suitable would be dry signs - Gemini, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

If you do not plan to give cattle hay for food, then it will be optimal to mow it on the new moon. It dries quickly, but loses some of it. useful substances. However, in a rainy summer, you can ignore such nuances, it is better to seize the moment.

Collection of medicinal plants by the moon

Collecting plants is important consider what sign of the zodiac the moon is in. On the whole, it can be said that

  • on the growing moon and before the full moon, it is better to collect the upper parts of plants - grass, leaves, flowers,
  • descending - roots, rhizomes and root crops.

Pay special attention to the periods of transition of our satellite from phase to phase. That is, during the transition of the Moon from the first quarter to the second, from the second to the third, from the third to the fourth and from the fourth to the first again, as well as 10-12 hours before and after this moment, plants should not be collected.

There are dangerous days in the lunar calendar, in which you should not do any important things at all (and the collection of herbs and flowers for healing is undoubtedly an important matter). These are the 9th, 15th and 29th lunar days. On the 23rd lunar day, plants can “get upset” because you hurt them, so don’t disturb them on this day either.

You also need to pay attention to the element in which the moon is located. Collect the upper parts of plants - grass, flowers, branches, bark, if the Moon is in an air sign - Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. But for roots, rhizomes and root crops, go to the period when the Moon is in the signs of the elements of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

Swamp plants or those that require abundant watering are good to collect while the Moon is in water signs - Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. During the fiery period, sharp, bitter herbs and fruits, such as hot peppers, are recommended for collection.

The moon moves from sign to sign every 2.5-3 days, so you can easily choose for yourself the time the moon is in a certain element. Healers claim that, given these collection rules, you can achieve much more pronounced results in treatment than if you collect herbs when you have to.

The moon in the signs of the zodiac in the gardener's calendar

Moon in Capricorn

Not the most prolific sign for plants. If you make crops on this day, then the seedlings will be good, but they will not appear soon. With this slow growth, the root system will have time to develop well, thus making the above-ground part of the plant more hardy.

In plants planted under this sign, the fruits do not differ in large sizes, but their quantity and quality will completely satisfy you. Flowers will delight you with bright colors and excellent shape. Fruits and grains will retain their qualities for a long time and will be less susceptible to spoilage.


  • sowing and planting plants (potatoes, legumes, radishes, onions for seedlings, lettuce, meadow herbs, spicy plants, plums, gooseberries, winter spinach, turnips, rutabaga, pears, currants) in order to obtain planting material High Quality or ensuring reliable and long-term preservation of the crop,
  • if the moon is waning, bulbous and vegetable plants can be transplanted,
  • if the moon is in growth, it is good to transplant shrubs and trees,
  • can be planted for the purpose of subsequent grafting of rootstocks,
  • transplanting plants with damaged roots,
  • sowing (including winter sowing) of perennial plants that tolerate wintering well,
  • autumn transplantation of ornamental plants for wintering in greenhouses or at home,
  • processing crops to eliminate pests and prevent various kinds of diseases,
  • fertilizer of plants, if the Moon is in growth - with mineral preparations, if the Moon is waning - organic,
  • grafting, pinching, on the growing moon - cutting cuttings, on the new moon - circumcision,
  • collection of fruits and seeds,
  • excavation of underground parts of medicinal plants.


  • any work with the root system of plants (with the exception of medicinal crops),
  • transplantation of flowers (especially on the waning moon).

Moon in Aquarius

For plants it barren zodiac constellation . Planting and sowing crops will be unfavorable, since seedlings will be extremely low. However, those plants that can survive will have strong, healthy roots and stems, will bloom excellently, and rare fruits will turn out to be of perfect shape and quality.


  • any kind of earthworks, including laying out flower beds, digging wells, developing plots for lawns,
  • formation by pruning trees and shrubs during the waning moon, harvesting stepchildren, cutting shoots, strawberry and strawberry mustaches, cleaning plants from root shoots, from rotten and damaged parts, removing unnecessary flowers and buds,
  • prevention of diseases and pests,
  • a week before the full moon and a couple of days after - you can stock up on seed stock,
  • collection of ground parts (flowers, fruits and seeds) of medicinal plants (sage, horsetail, lemon balm, barberry, valerian, wormwood, fern, mint),
  • wood harvesting,
  • trimming flowers of ornamental plants,
  • preparation of underground parts of plants for long-term conservation (root crops, bulbs)
  • planting watermelons, wild rose, chokeberry, honeysuckle,
  • during the full moon period from mid-summer to early autumn, strawberries can be transplanted.


  • any kind of propagation of crops,
  • fertilizers and watering (fraught with decay and damage to the root system).

Moon in Pisces

For agriculture, this is a favorable good sign.. root system plants planted during this period are branched and well developed, the ground part is low, but at the same time the harvest is plentiful, fruits good quality. The only drawback is that such fruits and grains are not suitable for long-term storage.


  • reproduction by any method (including planting seedlings) of annual crops, especially nightshade and pumpkin (pumpkins, watercress, radishes, spinach, asparagus, raspberries, parsley, cucumbers, onions, etc.),
  • potatoes planted on the third day after the full moon in Pisces will give excellent shoots and a rich harvest,
  • watering, especially when the moon is in growth,
  • feeding with mineral fertilizers of the ground part of plants. Organics is possible, but in small doses and with the waning moon,
  • soil loosening,
  • production and rooting of cuttings and shoots, grafting, including peephole,
  • formation by pruning shrubs and trees, especially on the new moon, pinching,
  • preparation of leaves of medicinal crops,
  • laying compost pits,
  • preservation for the winter of fruits and berries, production of juices and wine,
  • hay making.


  • production of soil mixtures for growing seedlings and houseplants,
  • planting fruit and berry bushes and trees,
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

Moon in Aries

For plants, this sign is not fertile.. Despite the fact that seedlings of plants planted during this period appear rather quickly, they develop slowly and, as a rule, do not bring a rich harvest. In addition, their fruits do not last long.


  • cultivate the soil, including seedlings, lay compost,
  • mulching and weeding will benefit,
  • sanitary treatment of the root system and ground parts of plants, thinning, trimming of strawberry and strawberry whiskers,
  • collection of bouquets, harvesting, all parts of medicinal plants,
  • on the waning moon treatment with drugs from pests and diseases,
  • collection of seed (especially within 7 days before and 2 days after the full moon),
  • it is allowed to plant such fast-growing plants as spinach, parsley, onions on a feather, dill, green beans, beets for tops, orange and yellow tomatoes,
  • harvesting by drying fruits and firewood for the winter.


  • to plant and sow plants for the preparation of seed material and fruits for long-term storage,
  • diving, transplanting crops,
  • the formation of shrubs and trees, their pinching,
  • watering, because plants during this period are not able to absorb water,
  • fertilizer.

Moon in Taurus

For working in the garden, this is one of the best constellations.. It promotes slow but good seedlings, healthy, temperature-resistant growth, lush flowering and a good harvest that will be stored for a long time. The exception is seeds - they will not please you with their quality.


  • soaking for germination of seed material,
  • reproduction by any means, including perennial plants in late autumn by planting (plum, rosehip, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, pear), as well as crops whose fruits are supposed to be harvested for the winter (legumes, cabbage, onions, radishes, radishes, beets),
  • fertilizer, watering, loosening without affecting the root system,
  • digging up the underground part of medicinal crops, bulbous (tulips, gladioli), making flower bouquets,
  • laying compost, preparing tinctures for feeding,
  • grafting, cutting off excess shoots, especially during the full moon,
  • harvesting tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, squash,
  • mow hay,
  • pickle cabbage.


  • transplant plants,
  • loosen the soil near the root system,

Moon in Gemini

On this day, it is better to refrain from working with most crops.. The fact is that the plants planted on this day give frail shoots, bear fruit poorly, and the fruits, as a rule, if they reach ripeness, they have neither taste nor smell.


  • plant bindweeds - beans and sweet peas and shrubs such as viburnum and chokeberry. Beans planted on this day are ideal for conservation,
  • propagate strawberries in July-September on a full moon,
  • collect medicinal herbs (they will make excellent ointments and tinctures),
  • mow lawns,
  • pull out the weeds,
  • cut off excess shoots,
  • prepare a place for new beds, lawns and flower beds,
  • prepare firewood for the winter, dig wells,
  • dig up the underground parts of plants, harvest fruits and berries, prepare them for the winter,
  • collect flower bouquets,
  • fight diseases and pests.


  • cut grass for hay
  • transplant and plant herbaceous crops.

Moon in Cancer

Cancer is a favorable sign for crops. This is especially true for low-growing plants, because the rest can give weak, low stems. But undersized crops with a well-developed root system will give a bountiful harvest, capable of breaking weakened stems with their weight. However, do not plan to store fruits or seeds obtained from these plants for a long time.


  • irrigation, fertilization and earthworks. Mineral top dressing should be carried out during the waning of the moon, organic - in dissolved form during the growth of the foot,
  • planting / transplanting eggplants, melons, undersized tomatoes, zucchini, watermelons, potatoes early varieties, carrots, beets,
  • collection of pilafs (berries, fruits, root crops) intended for quick consumption.


  • cutting cuttings (they will rot),
  • planting high varieties of tomatoes or legumes that need supports to grow,
  • collection of medicinal plants, haymaking, since the plants under Cancer are oversaturated with moisture and need to be thoroughly dried,
  • collect root crops for long-term storage.

Moon in Leo


  • planting bushy beans,
  • harvesting fruits, berries and root crops,
  • ground work, including marking flower beds, lawns, plowing, top dressing,
  • collect sunflower seeds,
  • collect medicinal crops and dry plants for further storage,
  • engage in the prevention and control of diseases and pests.


  • haymaking,
  • weeding and thinning.

Moon in Virgo

This sign is not conducive to breeding seeds. Plants planted on this day can only bloom wildly, but the flowers themselves grow small. Therefore, if you plant small-flowered, decorative crops, then it is on this day.


  • breeding wild rose, elderberry, viburnum, gladioli, asters, crocuses,
  • any earthworks, including fertilizer, especially fruit trees and shrubs,
  • cutting lawn grasses and ornamental bushes, after such a procedure they will retain their shape for a long time,
  • reproduction of perennial plants during the waning of the moon,
  • replanting those plants that were planted during the period when the planet was in Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer,
  • collection of any parts medicinal herbs during the waning moon,
  • sowing lawn grasses and bindweeds.


  • plant plants - they will have an underdeveloped aerial part and will be susceptible to various kinds of diseases,
  • soaking for seed germination.

Moon in Libra

For plants, this is a favorable zodiac sign.. The crops planted on this day will give fairly good shoots, develop well and bear fruit. The fruits will excellent quality, fragrant, juicy and small in size. Such plants can be safely transplanted, they will not suffer much in this case.


  • application of mineral fertilizers,
  • propagate ornamental plants and harvest their seed material (dig up tubers, collect seeds),
  • planting crops such as potatoes, beans and stone fruits fruit trees, while you will get an excellent harvest from them, and the seedlings will firmly take root and endure the winter,
  • watering,
  • haymaking and collection of bouquets.


  • fertilizing and spraying the ground parts of plants,
  • grafting.

Moon in Scorpio

This is a good, fertile constellation for the plant world.. Suitable for both obtaining a rich and high-quality fruit crop, and for seed production. Moreover, the fruits will be preserved for a long time and not lose their useful properties.


  • preparing seeds for sowing
  • haymaking,
  • compost pit installation,
  • harvest the leaves of medicinal herbs,
  • harvesting for future use the fruits of ground parts of plants,
  • plant almost all vegetable and fruit crops (grapes, radishes, melons, pumpkins, tomatoes, onions), with the exception of potatoes, which will absorb so much liquid that they will grow watery in taste and will rot when stored,
  • soil work, pest control, watering, fertilizing,
  • pruning and shaping shrubs.


  • harvest herbs, plant garden trees,
  • dig underground parts of plants,
  • transplantation.

Moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable sign for crop production. Shoots will be fast and violent, but they will not bring a good harvest. The exception is seeds. Plants planted on this day will make an excellent seed bank if you collect them during a period when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio.


  • plant garlic, parsley, thyme, radishes, dill, peppers, onions, asparagus, spinach, strawberries, wild roses, birches, plums, maples, honeysuckle, oaks, chicory,
  • harvesting fruits and seeds,
  • weeding by mechanical means and pulling out,
  • drying mushrooms, berries, vegetables,
  • planting ornamental plants,


  • use to fight harmful organisms chemicals,
  • moisturizing, watering,
  • formation of shrubs and trees.

We hope that our recommendations for using the lunar calendar gardener will help you grow a decent harvest, being in harmony with nature. After all, it is impossible to achieve material success without putting your soul into your work, without close interaction with the world that surrounds us. And if everything works out for you, be sure to tell us about it in your comments, we are waiting for it!

People have always given the heavenly bodies a special meaning. This is how astrology appeared, and after it, modern astronomy. Although astrology can hardly be called a science, the influence of the phases of the moon on a person's well-being, the ebb and flow, as well as the development and growth of plants, is a fact proven by science. Based on the theory of the influence of the phases of the moon, a gardener's lunar sowing calendar appeared, which many people use very successfully in their summer cottages.

Many astrologers argue that in order to compile the gardener's lunar sowing calendar, it is important to take into account not only the influence of the phases of the moon, but also the location of the luminary relative to the signs of the zodiac.

We continue the series of articles "Lunar Seed Calendar 2015", which will help gardeners and gardeners to determine the most favorable periods for carrying out certain works. Of course, all the tips below are advisory and conditional, but in the spring, when gardeners and gardeners are actively working on their plots, they can be very useful.

Lunar seed calendar 2015 - august

DayZodiacMoonTips for gardening and gardening
1 AquariusAging Moon
2 FishAging Moon
3 FishAging MoonHarvest jams and pickles, harvest seeds, cultivate and fertilize the soil
4 AriesAging Moon
5 AriesAging MoonPlanting and sowing is not recommended. You can fight pests, mulch and weed, pick berries, fruits, root crops, dry vegetables and fruits
6 TaurusAging Moon
7 TaurusLast quarterAn excellent time for planting root crops, bulbous and tuberous plants. You can cut trees and bushes, collect fruits and berries for harvesting for the winter
8 TwinsAging Moon
9 TwinsAging MoonPlant and transplant herbaceous plants undesirable. Remove shoots, mow grass, weed beds, cultivate and mulch, harvest fruits and berries
10 CancerAging Moon
11 CancerAging MoonA great day for canning, as well as collecting medicinal herbs
12 a lionAging Moon
13 a lionAging MoonIt is undesirable to plant and sow horticultural crops. Can mulch, trim trees, collect sunflower seeds, control pests, pick and dry fruits
14 a lionNew moonPlanting and sowing horticultural crops is undesirable
15 VirgoWaxing Crescent
16 VirgoWaxing CrescentIt is undesirable to plant on seeds, as well as plant fruit trees. Plant climbing flowers, mowing the grass is effective
17 ScalesWaxing Crescent
18 ScalesWaxing CrescentPlant stone fruit trees, flowers, store tubers. A good day for haymaking and watering, cutting flowers, caring for indoor plants
19 ScalesWaxing CrescentPlant stone fruit trees, flowers, store tubers. A good day for haymaking and watering, cutting flowers, caring for indoor plants
20 ScorpionWaxing Crescent
21 ScorpionWaxing CrescentYou can sow and plant almost all crops. Tree planting is not recommended. You can also prune, graft, fertilize, till and control pests. Great day for conservation
22 SagittariusFirst quarterYou can sow and plant almost all crops. Tree planting is not recommended. You can also prune, graft, fertilize, till and control pests. Great day for conservation
23 SagittariusWaxing Crescent
24 SagittariusWaxing CrescentPlant fast-growing crops, collect vegetables, fruits, seeds, berries. You can dry vegetables and mushrooms
25 CapricornWaxing Crescent
26 CapricornWaxing CrescentYou can plant and transplant pear, plum, currant and gooseberry, graft trees, loosen and fertilize the soil
27 AquariusWaxing CrescentPlanting and sowing is undesirable. Gather root vegetables and grains. Mulch and weed, trim trees
28 AquariusWaxing CrescentPlanting and sowing is undesirable. Gather root vegetables and grains. Mulch and weed, trim trees
29 FishFull moonPlanting and sowing is not recommended
30 FishAging MoonHarvest jams and pickles, harvest seeds, cultivate and fertilize the soil
31 AriesAging MoonPlanting and sowing is not recommended. You can fight pests, mulch and weed, pick berries, fruits, root crops, dry vegetables and fruits

Remember that the gardener's lunar sowing calendar is advisory in nature. The influence of the phases of the moon on the development of plants is not as great as timely watering and matching weather conditions during planting and other work.