Wanda is yellow. Wanda: the nuances of caring for royal orchids. When and how to transplant a plant

Almost any time of the year.

These orchids are easy to cross, resulting in numerous hybrids adapted to the conditions of home cultivation.

Orchids of the genus Wanda are amazingly beautiful perennial herbaceous plants which belong to the Orchid family.

According to the type of growth, they are classified as monopodial orchids, which have one vertically growing stem and one apical growth point. For members of this genus a number of differences and features are characteristic:

  • Numerous powerful, well developed aerial roots grow up to 1 m long;
  • The stem is cylindrical, can reach a height one or more meters and completely covered with leaves located in the same plane;
  • Long, leathery, belt-like or cylindrical (rolled) leaves are arranged oppositely and have a green or light bluish color. Depending on the type (variety), they reach a length of 25-30 cm to 70, and sometimes up to 1 m. Within 1.5-2 months, with proper care, a healthy plant grows 1 leaf;
  • Flowering shoots are laid in the axils of the leaves. Depending on the variety, they are upright or drooping, few or many-flowered;
  • The flowers, collected in an inflorescence brush, have a feature characteristic of Wanda: even having blossomed, for several days they continue to grow, increasing in size and acquiring an increasingly bright color. Often Vandas are grown for cutting. Cut flowers keep fresh for 2 weeks.

Wanda in the picture.

Wandas do not have a dormant period and grow all year round, leaf growth stops only during the flowering period and resumes immediately after it ends. The life span of the plant is about 30 years.

Most common colors

Wanda attracts attention with luxurious inflorescences. Large fragrant flowers are presented in various colors and shades: purple, violet, white, orange and even blue. The petals of some varieties are covered with a net of a darker tone or with bright colored specks.

In nature

The genus Wanda includes 53 species of epiphytic, less often terrestrial orchids. Their natural habitat is tropical rainforests of southern China, the Philippines, Thailand, northern Australia and India.

In their natural environment, they grows on trees or rocks, fastening with long aerial roots reaching a length of more than 2 m. Dense, densely leafy stems grow to a height of more than three meters.

External characteristics

Vandas can vary greatly in their size and flower shape. Currently, breeding is aimed at obtaining plants of miniature size.

Height of an adult plant

Vandas are large plants, stem height which at home cultivation is about a meter, and for larger representatives - up to 2 m.

number of leaves

Unlike many other members of the Orchid family, the number of leaves on the stem can reach several tens, which is determined by the length of the stem. At the same time, the lower leaves grow old and dry out, and new ones grow at the top.

Maximum stem length

One plant can simultaneously release from one to four flower-bearing arrows, on which from 2 to 15 flowers bloom. Depending on the variety, the size ranges from 30 to 50 cm.

Wanda can produce several flower stalks at once.

Diameter, flower shape

The size and shape of flowers in different species and varieties is very different: flower diameter ranges from 4 to 10 cm, in some representatives - up to 15 cm.

Most species have broad-leaved petals and the correct shape of flowers with a lip characteristic of orchids. A few exceptions include species such as Vanda tricolor and Vanda cristatac with narrow, teardrop-shaped petals.

Types and variety options

Most orchids sold in stores are interspecific and intergeneric hybrids, which are quite well adapted to cultivation in an apartment.


This orchid has an upright stem up to 1 m long, covered with belt-like leaves 26 to 40 cm long.

Flower-bearing arrow bears 7-10 flowers up to 7 cm across. Petals are teardrop-shaped, with a speckled reddish-brown pattern, main color white or light cream.

Bloom: October - January, May, June.



Has a highly branched drooping stem up to 2.6 m long and terete leaves about 20 cm long. The flower-bearing arrow bears 3-6 delicate pink flowers about 10 cm in size.

Petals are diamond-shaped or oval, the edge is wavy. The middle lobe of the lip is separate, saturated purple, the lateral lobes are light, at the base they acquire a rich yellow color.

Bloom: October.



A hybrid obtained by breeding the parental species of Wanda blue and. From them he received an unusual colors in all shades of blue and blue, mesh petal pattern and resistance to cold(withstands up to +10C), flowers are about 4-6 cm in diameter.

The flowering period is from 4 to 6 weeks. Due to its unpretentiousness in care, the plant is very popular among flower growers.

Bloom: October - January, May, June.



The most spectacular view, which has become widespread among flower growers. The stem is erect, up to 1 m high, the leaves are dense, with a serrated edge, up to 25 cm long.

Flower-bearing arrow grows up to 0.5 m, inflorescences bear 6-15 flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm. Petals of a pale blue color, a lip of a darker shade, sometimes with a mesh ornament.

Bloom: from early September to October.


Wandas are rather capricious in growing orchids that require daily care:

  • regular;
  • high air humidity;
  • intense lighting;
  • and most importantly - good aeration of the root system.

Without these conditions, the plant will get sick, which will primarily affect the condition of its leaves and.

Helpful advice! In the summer, it is worth taking Wanda out into the garden, hanging it on a balcony or a tree. Such airing will do her good, and she will thank you.


Michael.“My yellow Vanda has been growing for five years now, the first few years it did not bloom, apparently something did not like it. Now I have chosen the optimal care, and it has bloomed with large flowers. This is an unusual, very effective plant.

Allah.“I have been in love with Wanda for a long time. I have six of them at home. I tried to grow them in different ways: in pots, in vases and planters. But 5 years have passed and now they hang on the window without any substrate. There are no problems, the humidity of the air in the apartment is suitable for the roots. ”

Olga.“I have many favorite flowers, but Wanda is the most coveted in my collection. It blooms with unusually beautiful flowers, loves a lot of sun and daily care. But it's worth it to see such beauty every day.

Oksana.“I first saw Wanda at the neighbors. The plant impressed me so much that I decided to buy it too. Now it grows in my basket, with bare roots. Feels great and makes me very happy.”

The main features of flowering

Various species or varieties combined in the genus Wanda are characterized by flowering characteristics.


These plants are characterized lack of natural dormancy. With proper care, they respond abundantly at any time of the year.

Vanda can bloom at any time of the year.

Duration at home

Depending on the lighting conditions Wanda 1 to 3-4 times a year. depends on the cultivation temperature and is from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.


If you raised Wanda's baby with your own hands, then with proper care and favorable maintenance, she will bloom. after 4-6 years.

Is it possible to repeat?

After the orchid has faded, but the peduncle has remained alive and green, may re-bloom. Therefore, do not rush to cut the peduncle. may happen even three months after the flowers fall.

The value of aerial roots

From above, the roots are covered with a thick layer of porous dead cells - velamen, which provides several functions:

  • absorbs and retains moisture from the atmosphere;
  • protects the plant from drought and destructive sunlight.

Unlike many orchids, Wanda's roots do not have pseudobulbs with a supply of moisture, therefore, when kept at room temperature, they are more sensitive to air humidity and watering conditions.

Growing in a glass vase

Wanda does well when cultivated without a substrate, this provides the necessary aeration to the roots. A glass vase can be used for this growing method.

How to plant?

To properly plant a plant in a glass vase, adhere to the following rules:

  • considered the most convenient low vase with a wide base and a narrower neck. Roots are freely placed in it, and the stem does not break;
  • the roots should be located in the vessel, most of the stem and leaves - outside the vase.

Attention! In a tall and narrow vase, there is poor air circulation, as a result of which the roots can rot. Also, these orchids can be successfully grown without a substrate in baskets.


Special attention when growing in glass given to watering:

  • water is poured for 20-30 minutes, after which it is completely drained;
  • if you leave water in a vase, this will lead to the death of the root system;
  • water the orchid with soft water, for this you can mix tap water with distillate in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • in summer, the plant is watered daily, in winter - once a week;
  • must be done once a week;
  • in summer, the plant must be sprayed once every 7 days.

Compliance with these rules will ensure good growth and regular orchids.

Useful videos

Brief video description of the Vanda orchid:

Video with some tips for caring for Wanda:

The following video is about Wanda in Glass:

You will learn more about blue Wanda from the following video:

In contact with

The Vanda Orchid flower was discovered in 1785 in the rainforests of Asia by a traveler named William Jones. Wanda - the name given to the flower by the locals, and Jones liked it because it was similar to a common female name in Europe.

Today Vanda is a genus of plants in the Orchid family, with 53 species native to Indonesia, Indo-China, China, India and northern Australia. The beauty of the representatives of this genus has made them popular among lovers of indoor plants.

Of the 53 species and many vanda hybrids, the following are the most common:

  • The tricolor vanda is distinguished by its large size (the stem grows up to 2 m), it got its name for the variegated color of its flowers. The petals are egg-shaped and have a wavy edge;
  • Rolled vanda grows up to 3 meters, and the stem is branched. fox valkovaty, that is, round in cross section. The edges of the petals are also wavy, the flowers are large, have a “lip” formed by three petals fused together;

  • Wanda Sandera - one of the national symbols of the Philippines. The plant usually has about 6 leaves at the time of the first flowering, height - up to a meter.
  • Vanda Rothschild is a hybrid of blue vanda and vanda sander. Very beautiful pink flowers and wide oval petals;
  • Vanda blue got its name because of the color of the petals. The size is medium, the stem is straight, in the inflorescence from 6 to 15 flowers. Flowers can have a beautiful reticulate pattern, which is more contrast than other species.

Blue vanda has been used in hybridization and gave rise to many hybrids.

Appearance and flowering

The flowers are larger, bright, most often purple or yellow, with a characteristic reticulate pattern. There are varieties with orange, red and blue flowers..

Wanda is unique in that it does not require planting in a regular pot.

The stem of the vanda is cylindrical, fleshy, the leaves are long, belt-like, like a lily. Arranged in two rows.

Vandas are epiphytes and do not take root in the soil at all.. Instead, they have well-developed aerial roots that draw moisture from the mist.

Flower care at home

Caring for a vanda is different from caring for most houseplants. Since the plant "does not know how" to grow in the soil (aerial roots will simply rot), it is planted on a pine bark substrate. This ensures a constant flow of air to the roots.

Lighting, temperature, potting, watering and feeding the plant

Plant loves south windows, but needs shading at noon - direct rays can cause burns. If the plant has lived in the shade for some time, it is necessary to accustom it to the light gradually.

In summer, the pet can safely live outdoors. Water every day in summer or every other day (depending on the weather), in winter - once a week or two.

Feed the plant every time in smaller doses than prescribed on packages of seeds and fertilizers (according to the observations of many flower growers, too high doses are indicated there).

Wanda is very fond of leaf feeding, and dramatically accelerates growth after such procedures.

The ideal temperature for a flower 22-25 degrees, humidity 95%. A flower pot must necessarily be with holes for air access to the roots.


The vanda is transplanted if necessary, for example, if the substrate begins to rot, mold or other fungi appear. It is possible to transplant a vanda even if the substrate is compressed, the roots are excessively deepened into it.

Transplantation is usually not traumatic, since the roots of the vanda are not in the soil, but in the crushed bark of coniferous plants. A substrate for a flower can be made by combining pieces of pine bark and sphagnum in a ratio of 2 to 1.

It is believed that Vanda growing in a hanging basket does not require a transplant.

When transplanting remove any rotten or dried roots.

Scab: Formation of brown spots "scutes" on the stems

What to do if it does not bloom

There are several aspects associated with the flowering of a plant.

  • This genus of orchids can bloom at any time of the year: winter, spring, summer. And although most often flowering occurs in the spring, sometimes you just need to wait, perhaps your pet will bloom at another time;

The plant may be too young to flower.. Wait until the pet has 6 or more leaves.

  • The plant may not bloom when it lacks light. In such cases, you need to place it on the south windows or provide additional lighting;
  • The plant needs foliar feeding. It also needs high humidity to flower.
  • plant sometimes there is not enough night temperature difference(at night it is desirable to arrange stress for the plant in the form of lowering the temperature to 15 degrees);

Orchid Vanda, growing only in the shade, is unlikely to bloom

How to grow roots

For growing aerial roots, it is important place the plant in a sufficiently moist environment(with a humidity of about 100%), or constantly spray it with water with top dressing. Some growers grow the roots by hanging the plant, others plant it in an empty or moss-filled glass and spray it (the glass in this case retains moisture).

Anyway, the main thing for root growth is heat, 95-100% humidity and feed.

Thus, vanda is a genus of plants from the Orchid family, which combines a number of species and interspecific hybrids. Plants of this genus are distinguished by their beauty, large size and rapid growth, they have only aerial roots and are demanding of heat, moisture and light.

Wanda has strong roots that are difficult to damage even when transplanted.

In nature, they grow in the jungles of Asia at a temperature of about 25 degrees, humidity 80-100% and with daylight hours about 12 hours(while the plants are partially shaded by taller trees).

The first mention of this flower in his diaries was made in 1795 by a certain William Jones, who studied Asia. Wanda (lat. Vanda)- such was the local name for one of the most beautiful orchids, which sounds like a whisper of the wind in the giant ferns of a virgin forest, like the rustling of the wings of a small motley bird, like the name of a beautiful girl. This is an epiphytic plant of the Orchid family, growing naturally in the tropics of the Philippines, Indonesia, South China, India and Northern Australia and numbering more than twenty thousand species. A distinctive feature of vanda, in addition to exotic beauty, is its roots: powerful, gray-green in color, they are covered with velamen, which is a thick layer of dead cells of a porous structure that can absorb moisture even from the atmosphere, which protects the roots from dehydration and from sunburn .

The stem of the orchid reaches a meter or more in height, so the vanda is grown with pleasure as a cut plant. Her leaves are belt-like, leathery, green or slightly bluish, arranged alternately. On drooping or erect peduncles growing from the axils of the leaves, from two to fifteen flowers bloom, and the peduncles themselves can be from one to four.

Large fragrant vanda flowers of various colors (orange, yellow, white, red and even blue), collected in racemes, are distinguished by the fact that when they bloom, they become larger and brighter every day. Orchids bloom for about a month and a half, but with proper care they bloom several times a year.

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Planting and caring for a vanda (in a nutshell)

  • Bloom: at home - at any time.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight with shading in the afternoon hours. Light day is not shorter than 12 hours.
  • Temperature: approximately 25 ˚C, but not lower than 20 ˚C.
  • Watering: in the warm season, the plant is placed every morning for twenty minutes together with the pot in water, which should be 4-6 ˚C warmer than the air in the room.
  • Air humidity: increased - 70-90%. Regular morning spraying with warm water is recommended.
  • Airing: regular. It is recommended to install a fan in the room with the plant.
  • Top dressing: a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for orchids once a week.
  • rest period: not clearly expressed.
  • Transfer: not required.
  • Reproduction: lateral branches.
  • Pests: aphids, false spider mites, scale insects, thrips, felt, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: Fusarium, root rot.

Read more about growing a vanda below.

Vanda orchid - care features

This type of orchid is exotic for our latitudes, so caring for a vanda and growing it in an unusual climate for a plant will require considerable effort from you. Let's get acquainted with a number of important features of the vanda orchid:

  • the evergreen orchid does not have a pronounced dormant period;
  • a guest from the tropics is very demanding on the conditions of detention, and without knowing how to care for a vanda, you will not succeed;
  • vanda even next to other orchids is outlandish and exotic because of its long, tangled, hanging roots, and you will have to put it in a place where it will be comfortable and you can regulate the microclimate.

Wanda care at home

Vanda orchid care

Growing a vanda is not an easy task, so be careful with our recommendations. In addition, caring for a vanda orchid is very different from caring for other plants, and you will have to discover this America.

So temperature: vandas are thermophilic, the optimum temperature is 25 ºC all year round. If the temperature drops below 20 ºC, the vanda's immunity drops sharply, and it becomes an easy prey for various pathogens. Higher temperatures do not harm the orchid. Lighting is required bright, with light shading from 11 am to 3 pm, lack of light can prevent the plant from blooming and, again, reduce its immunity. The daylight hours of an orchid should last 12 hours, keep this in mind and arrange for it to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps in the dark.

Concerning air humidity, a constant level of 70-90% is required, which conventional spraying cannot provide. And the differences between more humid air and less humid are even more harmful than just a constant lack of humidity. If you decide to refresh your orchid by spraying, then by no means do this in the evening, because vandas breathe in the evening. The water temperature for spraying the vanda should be 3-4 degrees higher than the air temperature in the room.

The same can be said for water glaze: The water temperature should be 4-6 degrees higher than the air temperature. According to botanists, the best place to grow a vanda orchid is a specially equipped greenhouse. In the conditions of an ordinary apartment, experienced flower growers grow vandas without a substrate, with bare roots, attaching them to a wall or placing them in lacy or lattice baskets made of plastic or wood.

daily morning watering vanda allows her to dry out in the evening and look forward to the next morning watering. In summer, the vandas take a twenty-minute daily morning bath very well. The task of this procedure is to saturate the roots of the plant with moisture, so they are kept in water for 20 minutes until the roots turn green - this is a kind of indicator that the plant is drunk.

From September to November, in the darkest time of the year, the plant is watered only when the sun is shining, if there is no sun, then in a day or two. Once every three months, lemon juice (a teaspoon per liter of water) is added to bath water to neutralize carbonates and nourish the orchid with vitamin C.

In Holland, they came up with this way of keeping vandas: they are grown in large and wide glass vases, and in order to provide the plant with moisture, they pour warm water into these vases, right into the roots of the plant and wait until air bubbles stop rising to the surface. This means that the roots are already saturated with moisture. Then the remaining water is poured out.

In addition to all the above requirements, the vanda has one more thing: air circulation is very important for it, so you will have to install an almost constantly running fan near your tropical beauty: it will not allow the plant roots to overheat in the sun and scare away insect pests. But if the humidity or air temperature is lower than necessary, the running fan can cause a cold burn.

Vanda transplant

The vanda orchid is not grown in a pot, so it does not need any kind of substrate. She, as described earlier, is contained either on the wall, or in a basket, or in a vase, so you do not have to puzzle over how to transplant a vanda: she does not need a transplant.

If this way of growing a vanda is too unusual for you, then place it in a wide and shallow plastic bowl with holes in the walls, through which you pass the stick, carefully sliding it between the orchid roots to give the plant stability in the bowl. Then sprinkle the roots of the plant with a substrate consisting of large and thick pieces of pine bark and sphagnum in a 2: 1 ratio, you can add pieces of charcoal to the mixture.

It’s not scary if the container is not transparent: the roots of the vanda are not as important as light as air, and with this method of maintenance, it will be enough to aerate the roots. When it comes time to change the substrate or move the orchid to a larger container, do not be afraid to damage the roots of the orchid, they are strong enough, just water them first so that they become more elastic, at the same time the old substrate will move away from the roots more easily.

vanda fertilizer

Feeding the vanda is a different story. Vanda is an extremely voracious plant that needs weekly top dressing with complex fertilizer for orchids (1 g per 1 liter of water), and during the budding period, 1 g of potassium monophosphate is added to the fertilizer. To find out if your plant is getting enough nutrients, pay attention to where the new leaf meets the old leaves.

If this light strip of young tissue is not narrower and not wider than 1 cm, then your vanda feeding system is balanced, if the strip is narrower than a centimeter, then you need to either increase the dose of fertilizers or increase feeding. If the strip is wider than a centimeter, then this means that you are overfeeding the plant.

vanda bloom

Care during flowering for vanda

The vanda does not have a pronounced dormant period, and it can bloom all year round, especially in the spring and summer, since at this time there is a long daylight hours. On average, flowering lasts 6-8 weeks, but sometimes it can last up to three months. The vanda flower is an amazing creation of nature, and if you saw it once, you will want to see it again. By observing all the agrotechnical requirements for caring for a flower, you have the right to expect that the vanda will bloom annually and even more than once.

If you're worried that the vanda isn't blooming, it could be that it's not getting enough light, or the difference between day and night temperatures is less than eight degrees, or you may have overfed your orchid with nitrogen.

Wanda after bloom

When the vanda orchid has faded, cut off the flower stalks and keep the roots less moist by soaking the roots once a week in a container of warm water. Spraying should also be stopped for a while. If you have the opportunity, take the vanda into the garden, hang it from a tree or place it on a balcony, on a terrace, where the conditions suit it, and care for it as before flowering. Fresh air will definitely do her good.

Wanda breeding

At home, the vanda orchid reproduces only by lateral processes - children. They rarely appear even if all the requirements for caring for the plant are met. When the roots of the baby reach five centimeters in length, it can be separated from the mother orchid and grown as an independent plant. The places of cuts, inevitable in this case, should be sprinkled with crushed coal or cinnamon.

At first, the baby should be placed in a greenhouse, in which the humidity will be at least 85%, which is achieved by a humidifier. The pot for the baby should be small and narrow so that the roots and lower part of the plant do not rot. The substrate is suitable for this composition: 75% coniferous bark and 25% sphagnum moss. When the plant reaches a height of 20 cm, it can be transplanted into a permanent container. Reproduction of vanda in other ways at home is not performed.

Vanda varieties

Now let's take a closer look at the most popular representatives of the vanda orchid:

An epiphyte with an upright stem reaching a meter height. The roots are numerous and well developed. The leaves are belt-like, dense, arranged in two rows. The length of the peduncle with a multi-flowered raceme is about half a meter, on one pedicel from six to twelve flowers. The flowers are fragrant, large - up to 10 cm in diameter, bluish-blue with a darker mesh pattern. The lip is smaller than other parts of the flower and more intense in color. Gradually, the color of the flower becomes lighter.

Vanda tricolor (Vanda tricolor)

A large and tall epiphyte, the stem of which reaches a height of more than one and a half meters. Belt-like leathery leaves from 25 cm to 40 cm long are arranged in two rows. In inflorescence from 7 to 10 fragrant star-shaped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. Petals and sepals with a wide claw, wavy, oval, pure white or white with a cream tinge, strewn with dark red spots. The lip is the same length as the petals, three-lobed, the large middle lobe is shaped like a guitar and painted in pink and ink.

More recently, it was possible to admire the Vanda orchid only in botanical gardens. Florists believed that a capricious guest would not take root in the house, because she comes from the tropics, where it's hot, there is high humidity.

However, if create appropriate conditions at home, carefully care for the plant, the Wanda orchid shoots arrows, with flowers of unusual beauty.


Herbaceous perennial that is found in the wild in the jungles of the Philippines and Thailand, grows in the tropics of Australia and India, clings to stones with long roots, attaches to trees.

In Europe, they learned about the amazing orchid only at the end of the 18th century, when the British orientalist William Jones described the flower in his diary while exploring Asia.

The scientist did not name the plant after the name of the Polish princess, as some believe, but simply took it from Sanskrit. Jones was struck by the unusual beauty of the orchid.

The locals believed that Wanda had healing properties. Tinctures and decoctions from aerial roots and the ground part of a herbaceous perennial and now used in the treatment of diseases respiratory organs, to eliminate neuralgic pain.

flowering time

The plant differs from other types of orchids in its roots, which are covered with a powerful top layer that form obsolete cells. Thereby Wanda extracts moisture from the earth and air.

In the wild, the roots that protect the perennial from drying out and burns are about 2 meters long.

From the axils of greenish-gray leaves, located on tall stems, flower stalks appear, on which at least 4 buds are formed, and sometimes even 15. They differ:

  • large size;
  • amazing aroma;
  • varied coloration.

Important! With further blooming, orchid flowers become brighter, increase in volume, they first appear no earlier than after 4 years.

In the natural environment, Wanda does not drop leaves, rest period cannot be determined.. The plant loves heat, demanding on humidity.

With careful care, an orchid planted in a house or apartment pleases with flowering for up to one and a half to two months. But if it succeeds create a favorable microclimate, Wanda releases buds several times a year.

Popular varieties

There are tens of thousands of orchid species. One of them amaze with luxurious leaves, others with miniature or giant flowers.

In the wild, epiphytes can grow up to a hundred years, have a different shape and size. Many types of orchids have a special aroma, in which there are notes of cinnamon or mandarin, chocolate and rose, others do not smell at all.

Vanda blue vanda coerulea

Many hybrid varieties of plants from the epiphytic genus have been bred, orchids interbreed well, while changing both shape and color. Blue vanda is found in the wild, takes root at home. The plant has:

  • erect stem 90–100 cm high;
  • 2 rows of leathery oval leaves;
  • strong hanging roots of a greenish tint.

Wanda releases arrows about a meter long, at the end of them a brush is formed with large buds, the number of which reaches 12 pieces.

Blue or sky blue flower petals orchids are decorated with darker veins, have a short lip, surprise with a delicate aroma.

Vanda tricolor vanda tricolor

The orchid grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Long beautiful leaves are located on the stem on both sides. On one inflorescence of Vanda, no more than 10 buds are formed.

Petals have wavy edges, bright spots are present on a white or cream background. The diameter of an orchid flower, which is shaped like a star, is about 70 mm.

Guitar lip painted purple pink, it does not differ in length from the petals.

Wanda sander vanda sanderiana

An orchid that grew wild in the Philippines, and serves as the pride of the country, has oblong attractive leaves up to 40 cm long.

At the end of the stem, the perennial forms a large erect inflorescence of 10 buds. Petals are distinguished by a delicate pink tint, the edges are decorated with a snow-white border.

In the wild, Wanda Sander is almost never found, belongs to rare varieties of plants from the genus epiphytes. In the photo you can see what delicate and large inflorescences the orchid has, in diameter they reach 15 cm.

vanda rothschildiana vanda rothschildiana

Sky-petaled hybrid orchid buds appear in October.

Leaves of an epiphyte obtained by crossing the species blue Vanda with Philippine Sandera, have a belt-like shape. The diameter of the delicate fragrant flower does not exceed 50 mm.

Vanda valkovata vanda teres

The plant is large the number of powerful roots, has branched stems, on which dense leaves with a glossy surface are located.

Compact and beautiful epiphyte produces a long peduncle, on which from 3 to 6 large buds of different shades are formed - from light pink to dark scarlet color.

Vanda petals have rhombus or egg shape, sometimes round. The lateral lobes of the large lip are yellow and speckled.

The length of the leaves of this orchid reaches 15 cm, the width is 5 mm.

Home care

In order for Wanda to please with delicate and fragrant flowers for planting, you need to buy an epiphyte in specialized store.

It is necessary to choose those orchids that have not been grown in the tropics for a long time, but have already managed to get used to a different climate. Home care for Wanda should be permanent and correct.

In this video, a landscape designer talks about the features of Wanda's orchid.


In order for the epiphyte to be comfortable, it is necessary to choose the right place where it will grow - in a greenhouse or on window sill, you also need to decide on the container.

The orchid can be hung in a basket or placed in a pot with lots of holes. The substrate for Wanda is prepared by mixing:

  • charcoal;
  • river sand;
  • pine bark;

To increase indoor humidity perlite is added to the soil. Moss, which needs very little, will not let the roots rot. When landing, they are carefully straightened.

This video tells how to care for the Vanda orchid and in what substrate it can be grown.


Wanda grew up in a dense jungle, the direct rays of the sun can burn the leaves, so in the summer they need to be shaded a little.

In winter and autumn, it is better to stir a container with a flower on the south window., but we must not forget that even at this time the plant needs a light day equal to at least 12 hours. In autumn, the orchid is moved to the western or eastern side.

Attention! If the exotic guest is dark, the leaves become dark green. The installation of a fluorescent lamp helps to correct the situation. With an excess of light, the plant turns pale.


Wanda does not tolerate drafts, loves warmth, feels comfortable during the day at 22–28, at night, 16-18 degrees are enough for a tropical flower.

If the air temperature is below these parameters, the orchid may get sick. In summer, it is better to take out a pot with a plant on a terrace, an open balcony.

If the epiphyte is planted in a hanging basket, the roots are not affected by rot, but for irrigation in the summer I have to resort almost every day, in winter once every three days.

When growing a tropical flower in a plastic pot, watering is done when the substrate is completely dry.

If the orchid is planted in a wide glass vase, water is poured along the wall to fill the space near the roots, after half an hour it is removed. This procedure is carried out twice a week..

Humidification is done in one of the following ways:

  • using a warm shower;
  • with the help of a watering can;
  • with the placement together with the pot in the water.

Long dives can be done no more than once a week. With a duration of manipulation longer than 15 minutes, the roots begin to rot.

Air humidity

Capricious tropical beauty should not be sprayed from above. After a warm shower, wipe the leaves. If the orchid grows in a pot, a container of water is placed next to it.

Attention! Humidity is important to maintain at 60-70%. If this indicator is lower, heated water is sprayed in the room.

top dressing

A tropical guest will develop, delight with flowers only when they receive a sufficient amount of minerals. Special fertilizer for orchids must be applied every 7 days.

The soil

In addition to regular and proper watering, good lighting and high humidity, Wanda needs a special substrate for development and growth. In the wild, epiphytes thrive on pieces of bark. trees. Roots must fall:

  • air;
  • sunlight;
  • moisture.

Without soil, Wanda takes root in a wicker basket and in a glass vase.

This video shows how to grow a Vandu orchid without soil.

To grow in a plastic pot, you will need soil, to obtain which you need to mix river sand with bark, moss, vermiculite, ash. Substrate for sale in a flower shop. The orchid is planted on a solid base, for which valuable wood is suitable.

Advice! At the bottom and in the middle of the pot, it is necessary to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay or polystyrene.

rest period

When the epiphyte fades, you need to reduce the frequency of watering, stop fertilizing. For the orchid to rest and gain strength, the container with it is left in a room where it is cooler but light. The plant does not have a pronounced dormant period.


In order for new shoots to appear faster, fading parts must be removed, but you need to know when it is best to do this. The peduncle is shortened above the sleeping bud by 1 or 2 cm or cut off, leaving a stump at the base.

Before work, the secateurs are wiped with ethyl alcohol. or steamed in boiling water. It is not recommended to use a knife, because such a tool leaves burrs.

Attention! Places of cuts are smeared with iodine or brilliant green, treated with wax. It is possible to shorten Wanda's shoots only after the end of flowering.


Over time, the orchid becomes crowded in a pot and you have to move it to a container of a larger diameter. The procedure is resorted to every three or four years. An urgent flower transplant is performed when:

  1. Roots rot.
  2. The plant is too deep into the soil.
  3. Air does not penetrate through the substrate,
  4. Water stagnates.

The soil may be compacted and not dry. This happens especially often if it is prepared incorrectly.


The shoots that form in the axils of the leaves are easily separated when at least one root appears in the flower. His planted in a small pot filled with substrate, covered with a jar glass or plastic container and left in a place with excess moisture.

For breeding tropical perennial can be cut off the top, after processing in a growth stimulator, it is transferred to the soil, creating the effect of a greenhouse. It is easy to breed an orchid with children that form at the bottom of the trunk.

This video shows how to plant a detached top of a Wanda orchid.

Caring for Wanda during flowering

On a tropical plant buds most often appear in spring or summer, when daylight hours are longer. During this period, an exotic guest needs to be looked after:

  • water;
  • spray;
  • feed;
  • monitor humidity;

Orchid does not please beauty with an excess of nitrogen, lack of light. Buds do not form with a small difference between night and day temperatures.

Wanda after bloom

When the last petals fall stop spraying the leaves, water the substrate less, the roots are soaked at least once every 7 days in warm water and dried thoroughly, the peduncles are cut off.

It is advisable to take the pot with the plant out onto the terrace, hang it from a tree.

Possible problems

When waterlogged, Wanda's roots can rot. If this happens, the orchid is taken out of the pot, clean the soil, cut off the affected parts, the plant is treated with a solution of "Zircon" and transplanted into a new substrate.

When the buds fall, Wanda is subjected to a warm shower, such a problem occurs when there is a lack of moisture.

With poor watering, the leaves turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, the plant is regularly immersed in water.

Brown spots appear from sunburn, the orchid pot is moved to another place or shaded.

Wanda droops does not stretch upwards in low light. In this case, a fluorescent lamp is installed.

Important! A tropical plant will not please with flowers if there is even one mistake in care, improper placement.

Resuscitation of orchid vanda

When the epiphyte is damaged fusarium, pests, violation of irrigation requirements and dressings often lose roots. For them to grow:

  1. The orchid is taken out of the soil, problem areas are cut off.
  2. Remaining stems fasten with wire, hang in the shade with the top down.
  3. The same amount of sugar is added to the universal fertilizer, which needs to be taken half as much as the norm.
  4. The prepared solution is sprayed with Wanda.

It will take several months to restore the roots. When their length reaches 30 mm, the epiphyte is planted in a new substrate.

This video tells about the Vanda orchid, which has lost all roots and its resuscitation.

Diseases and pests

With improper watering, lack of light Wanda suffers from fusarium. The removal of dry leaves helps to prevent the reproduction of fungi. If the disease has affected the stems, they are shortened, and the cut points are treated with crushed coal, fungicides or brilliant green.

Orchid is affected by bacterial rot, viruses, which are most aggressive in the warm season. Infected parts must be disposed of, Wanda is sprayed with chemical fungicides.

A tropical flower is suffering from an invasion:

  • thrips;
  • spider mite;
  • scale insects.

Deal with orchid pests at home it is possible mechanically. Usually there is no need to use insecticides.

Only with careful care Wanda pleases with flowers of unique beauty.

The genus of flowering plants from India, other regions of southern Asia and northern Australia combines more than fifty species. The Wanda orchid gained wide popularity in the century before last, when the first specimens appeared in European greenhouses.

Today, orchids of this genus are one of the most popular among fans of indoor crops. The popularity of Wanda is easy to explain. Prominent, up to a meter high plants with elongated linear leaves and racemose inflorescences are quite unpretentious and can bloom several times a year. In the inflorescence, which retains decorativeness up to 50 days, there are from 10 to 20 flowers. Orchid corollas, depending on the type and variety, can be painted in a variety of colors, but blue Wanda are considered the most valuable. This color, which is extremely rare for orchids, is also transmitted by plants when crossing, which is actively used in breeding work.

Another feature of the Vanda orchid is its powerful roots, sometimes growing up to 1.5–2 meters. It is with the help of bluish rhizomes covered with a waxy layer that epiphytic species receive the nutrition necessary for growth and flowering.

Wanda Orchid Care

Like all orchids that come from tropical regions, Wanda does not feel very comfortable indoors and requires the creation of conditions as close to natural as possible.

How to grow an orchid indoors? What should be taken into account when caring for and maintaining a guest from the distant Indian tropics?

The best place for such a plant is a greenhouse, but not all flower growers have the opportunity to please the southern beauty in this way.

Therefore, when caring for a Wanda orchid at home, take into account that the plant:

  • does not have a long dormant period;
  • receives most of its nutrition not from the soil, but from the atmosphere;
  • needs to maintain the temperature within 20-25 ° C with a decrease in the background at night;
  • grows well and blooms with high humidity;
  • does not like stagnation of air, but at the same time is afraid of drafts;
  • likes to be under the scattered rays of the sun for 12-14 hours a day.

If, when caring for a Wanda orchid, you do not observe the temperature regime or allow the flower to be kept in dry air, the plant inevitably weakens, the shoots become thinner, the foliage turns yellow, and flowering, if it occurs, does not please with splendor.

It is especially important to maintain a humidity of 60-80% and the required daylight hours in winter. To do this, use household humidifiers, regular irrigation of greenery and the root system, as well as artificial lighting of plants.

Since, due to branched powerful roots, this variety of orchid at home is most often grown without a pot, but in a basket or on a block, irrigation is an important part of caring for the Vanda orchid. The water temperature for such spraying and watering, if the flower is placed in a glass vessel, should be several degrees warmer than the surrounding air.

Instances in transparent tall vases are regularly watered. To do this, purified from salts and other compounds harmful to the flower, water is poured into a container with an orchid so as to moisten the roots. After 20 minutes, excess water must be drained.

This time is enough to:

  • the plant received a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • locally increase the humidity of the air;
  • protect the roots from rotting during prolonged contact with water.

During the period of active growth, warm showers are included in the care of the Wanda orchid, which are carried out in the morning, so that after the procedure the leaves and the surface of the roots have time to dry.

In winter, the plant needs less moisture, and during the formation of peduncles and opening of buds, on the contrary, the need for moisture increases dramatically.

Transplanting and caring for the Vanda orchid

Since this variety does not need a substrate, an orchid transplant is not needed, but the grower cannot avoid caring for the root system.

The roots should be regularly inspected, dried or damaged areas should be removed, and foci of rot or fungal infections should not appear.

At home, the Vanda orchid is planted in baskets, trellised containers, or large pieces of bark and moss are used to attach the flower. To further strengthen the plant in the selected container and seal the voids, use wire, steamed bark, charcoal and well-dried sphagnum.

When transferring a plant from one container to another, it is important to be extremely careful about the root system. After transplanting an orchid, it is useful to include foliar feeding with a complex specialized composition in its care. Typically, such procedures for Wanda orchids are carried out weekly using a weak solution.

Orchid propagation and care of young plants

You can get new orchid plants by planting child rosettes from the parent specimen, which form at the base of an adult flower.

Young plants should be separated from a large bush only when their own roots are formed. All sections during vegetative propagation of orchids and caring for them must be treated with cinnamon powder or crushed activated charcoal. First, the sockets are planted in shallow baskets with a mixture of charcoal, pieces of bark and sphagnum and the containers are placed in a greenhouse. There, young Wanda grow and actively form roots until the height of the stem reaches 15–18 cm. Now the plant is ready to decorate the room with lush inflorescences.