My extraordinary "Primrose ordinary" (Akaulis). Primrose stemless - cultivation and care Primula mix care

Primrose is a delicate flowering plant from the Primrose family. Its name can also be translated as "primrose". In its natural environment, the flower is found on the slopes of the Alps, as well as in the temperate climate of Eurasia and North America. A cap of delicate flowers on low growth appears already in the middle of spring and lasts a very long time. Today, primrose is grown not only in the garden, but also at home as a houseplant. There are many varieties with different flowering time and appearance. Florists know how to make this beauty bloom at the right time, so for the holidays, pots with colorful primroses appear in abundance.

plant description

Primrose is a perennial, and occasionally an annual herbaceous plant. It has a compact size. The height during the flowering period does not exceed 20-50 cm. The plant is nourished by a fibrous branched rhizome, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. Immediately above the surface of the earth, a dense leaf rosette is formed. It contains sessile or petiolate leaves of oval, lanceolate or ovoid shape. They are painted in a gray-green hue without a pattern. The surface of the leaf is smooth or embossed, swollen between the veins. Leaf margins are either entire or finely serrated. Due to the short pile, the foliage seems fluffy and soft.

A long bare peduncle grows from the center of the rosette. Its top is decorated with a dense brush or umbrella, although there are varieties with single flowers on short legs. Regular corollas consist of five oval-shaped petals with a rounded or, conversely, pointed edge. At the base, the petals fuse into a narrow, long tube, and sharply bend along the edge. The color of the flower is very diverse (monochrome or variegated) - white, purple, lilac, pink and red. The center is almost always yellow. Flowers replace each other within 3-8 weeks.

After pollination by insects, oblong seed pods with soft edges ripen. Inside contains small elongated seeds with a smooth dark brown or black surface.

Variety of primroses

A very diverse genus of primrose includes about 400 plant species. Conventionally, they are divided into 38 sections.

Common primrose (vulgaris) or stemless (acaulis). This species is especially popular with gardeners. Plant height is 5-20 cm. Oval leaves with a corrugated surface grow on short petioles. They have a bright green color without spraying and grow up to 25 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm are distinguished by a variety of colors. They are grouped in a dense umbrella inflorescence and bloom in April-July.

The inhabitant of the alpine slopes grows denser, oval leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a grayish coating. In the center of the leaf rosette there is a cylindrical stem up to 20 cm long with a dense spike-shaped inflorescence of 6-7 yellow fragrant flowers.

A rather large species up to 30 cm high grows wide oval leaves with a wrinkled surface and serrated sides. The length of the leaf reaches 20-40 cm. A dense spherical inflorescence about 10 cm in diameter blooms on a long stem. It consists of purple, lilac, red or white tubular flowers up to 15 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs in April-May and lasts up to 40 days.

Primula obconica (obconica). Herbaceous perennial with many round or oval leaves grows up to 60 cm in height. Wavy petiolate leaves in diameter reach 10 cm. A large umbrella of white, pink or purple flowers rises above them.

The plant forms a dense rosette of openwork lobed leaves. Above them grow pubescent red-brown peduncles 30-35 cm long. Each bears only a few large (4 cm in diameter) flowers.

Perennial garden variety with elongated lanceolate leaves that form a symmetrical rosette. Peduncles 40-50 cm long contain several tiers of umbrella inflorescences, which are arranged in whorls. This species belongs to the group of candelabra primroses. The diameter of tubular flowers of various shades of red is 3 cm.

An inhabitant of the south of Europe grows wrinkled oval leaves with small teeth along the edges. The length of the leaves is 5-20 cm, and the width is 2-7 cm. Beautiful delicate flowers with a diameter of 2 cm have a light yellow color with a brighter center. They are grouped in an umbrella inflorescence of 5-15 units. The height of the peduncle is 10-35 cm. Flowering begins in April and lasts up to two months. Varieties:

  • Primula colossea - larger flowers with crimson petals and a yellow star in the center;
  • Duplex - dark yellow throat surrounded by bright cherry petals.

On the basis of species primroses, breeders have bred many varieties primrose terry. They differ in a large number of petals compared to ordinary ones. From a distance, the buds look like small roses with softer petals. The Rosanna variety is especially popular. Bushes about 15 cm high are covered with a dense cap of narrow flowers of white, apricot, yellow, pink and red.

Reproduction methods

Primula is grown from seeds, and also propagated by dividing the bush and leaf cuttings. It should be noted that when sowing self-collected seeds, the varietal properties of especially terry primroses are not preserved. The seeds themselves quickly lose their germination capacity, so they are sown as early as possible.

Seedlings should be grown first. To do this, in mid-February, shallow boxes are prepared with a mixture of turf, sand and leafy soil. Small seeds try to distribute evenly on the surface. They are only slightly pressed into the ground. To preserve moisture, the container is covered with a film and placed in a freezer for 25-30 days. You can take the box outside. The air temperature during this period should be at -10°C.

After stratification, frozen seeds are transferred to a lighted window sill, to a room with a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C. Shoots appear slowly and heterogeneously. When the seedlings reach the age of 2 weeks, the shelter is removed. Plants with 2-3 true leaves dive into another box with a greater distance. As it grows, a few more picks are carried out. For open ground, primrose seedlings will be ready only after 2 years.

A bush aged 4-5 years is recommended to be divided into several parts. This allows not only to get more plants, but also to rejuvenate existing ones. Do it in August-September. Pre-plants are well watered, dug up and carefully freed from the ground. The roots are washed in warm water, and then the plants are cut into divisions with 1-2 growth points with a knife. Slices are treated with charcoal and flowers are immediately planted in a new place.

For cuttings, a leaf with a petiole and a bud at the base is used. It is rooted in a sandy-peat substrate. In this case, half of the sheet plate is immediately removed. It is necessary to keep the stalk in a warm (+16 ... + 18 ° C) room with bright but diffused light. The appearance of new buds indicates successful rooting. After that, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants. In the spring they can be sent to the garden.

Landing Rules

Primrose is planted in open ground in spring or early autumn. Most plants have good frost resistance. In temperate climates and more southerly regions, they overwinter normally under leaf cover. The landing site should be sheltered from the wind and slightly shaded. Plants are placed near shrubs or under the light crown of garden trees.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without stagnant water. Primrose develops best on loam. Before planting, the site is dug up and, if necessary, sand, manure, and crushed sphagnum moss are added. Depending on the height of a particular variety, the distance between plants is 10-30 cm.

Homemade primrose should be repotted annually after flowering. Overgrown bushes are divided into parts. As a result, the leaves will be brighter, and flowering more abundant. The soil for indoor primroses is made up of peat, leaf and sod soil with the addition of river sand. A thick layer of drainage material must be laid out at the bottom of the pot.

Primrose care

With the right choice of place, caring for a primrose will not cause much trouble.

Lighting. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the plant, burns quickly appear on it. It is better to keep it in shady places where the sun hits only in the early morning or at sunset.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for primrose is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. Most of the time, flowers are kept outside or regularly ventilate the room. To bloom longer, you need to place the plants where the temperature is maintained + 12 ... + 15 ° C.

Humidity. Usually all types of primrose adapt well to natural humidity. However, they gratefully respond to periodic spraying. In too dry air, the edges of the leaves curl up and dry out.

Watering. The soil at the roots of primrose should always be slightly moist, but not waterlogged. It is better to water it often, but little by little. Water should be soft, well purified. At the end of flowering, irrigation is reduced.

Fertilizer. Several times a season, plants are fed with a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content. Start fertilizing in early spring. During the period of budding and flowering, top dressing is stopped and resumed only at the end of summer.

In landscape design

Thanks to the wide variety of colors, garden primrose allows you to create an amazing ornament on the site. Since flowering varies greatly in terms, you can pick up varieties that, replacing each other, will delight from April to August. Flowers are used to decorate a rabatka, an alpine hill, flower beds in the shade of trees, edging a border, shrubs, and a high bank of a reservoir. They look good in the neighborhood of muscari, tulips, daffodils, irises, phlox, soapwort. Some species with inflorescences on long stems are cut to make bouquets.

In room conditions, primrose Akaulis Mix is ​​often found. In another way, it is called stemless primrose. This species, like all primroses, belongs to the primrose family. Her homeland is China and Western Europe. This is a perennial herb. It has light green elongated rough leaves on short petioles, collected in a basal rosette. The flowers are quite large, up to 4 cm in diameter, solitary or in umbellate inflorescences. Their color is different: white, yellow, purple, red. Flowering continues for a long time.

Primrose care features

Primrose Akaulis Mix will be an original decoration of any interior. It won't take you long to take care of it. The flower grows best in well-lit rooms on the southern windows. But it must be protected from direct sunlight. From spring to autumn, the plant can be on the balcony or in the garden. Primrose stemless is a frost-resistant plant, so it can be safely left in the open field for the winter. These flowers grow well at temperatures around 20 degrees. But at 10-15 degrees, flowering is longer. In summer, plants require regular moderate watering. Do not allow excess moisture in the pot. This can cause death. Young primroses require an annual transplant, adult plants can change the soil once every three years. To prepare the soil mixture, take three parts of sod land, two parts of peat and one part of compost and sand.

Reproduction of primrose Akaulis Mix

Primula Akaulis Mix, which is not at all difficult to care for, propagates by seeds and vegetatively. In the spring, after flowering, the lateral processes of the plant are cut off, planted in a box with sand and covered with a glass jar or plastic wrap. As the roots appear, the shoots are transplanted into pots. In order to form layering, in the spring around an adult plant you need to put wet moss. After the roots appear, young offspring are planted in pots or boxes.

Possible problems

Primula Akaulis Mix, which is not difficult to care for, sometimes creates problems when grown. Sometimes the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, and then fall off. The reason for this is the damage to the flower by a spider mite. In order to cope with it, the plant must be treated with an insecticidal agent. Another problem is the deformation of the leaves. This is caused by the defeat of primrose aphids. In the fight against it, the treatment of the plant with tobacco infusion or soapy water helps a lot. If there are a lot of aphids, then you should use a solution of karbofos or actelin.

Primula Obkonika

Primula Obkonika is also found as a houseplant, the care of which is similar to the care of stemless primrose. It has large fragrant flowers collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Their color can be purple, red, white or pinkish. This is also a perennial plant, but for the winter it must be brought home. This type of primrose in the leaves contains the substance primin, which has an unpleasant odor and causes skin irritation. Therefore, the flower is often popularly called the "poisonous primrose". When caring for him, care must be taken.

Primula Akaulis Mix as a gift

Primrose Akaulis Mix will serve as a wonderful gift for any holiday or celebration, the care of which will bring a lot of joy and good mood to the birthday man. Originally designed, in a beautiful planter or basket, such a primrose will definitely be in the center of everyone's attention. You can buy adult plants in pots at any flower shop or order online with home delivery.

Among potted plants, primrose akaulis mix is ​​one of the most common. There are many reasons for this, but the main one, apparently, is the magnificent appearance of the plant and at the same time quite simple care for it. The conditions for normal growth are quite simple: the temperature should be cool (for example, in winter it should not exceed twelve to fifteen degrees Celsius, and in summer - fifteen to eighteen). Bright lighting is not suitable for primrose acaulis. For example, in the summer, during the hottest hours, it must be shaded. But in winter, primrose akaulis mix, which should be cared for year-round, perfectly withstands direct sunlight. At this time, such lighting is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is useful for the plant.

The homeland of this plant is Asia, Europe and North America, and their temperate climatic zones. To date, about five hundred species of this primrose are known, among which there are both annual and perennial.

Primula akaulis mix during flowering requires abundant watering, and its duration and intensity depend on this. But after the flowering is over, the primrose akaulis mix, the care of which should not stop, is watered much less frequently.

Outwardly, primrose acaulis looks very beautiful. Huge, bright flowers that have a colored center or a white border on the edges of the petals - all this makes the akaulis elegant and very attractive.

Primula akaulis mix, the care of which is described in this article, is sold in almost any flower shop. It is necessary to know that these flowers are quite sensitive to excess salts. That is why fertilizers should be applied very carefully. As a rule, it is recommended to use half the dose from that recommended by the manufacturer. Do not forget that the earth periodically needs to be loosened and weeded. You can transplant the plant only after it has faded. Primrose acaulis propagates either by dividing the bush, or by seeds. In the event that reproduction is carried out using seeds, then they must be planted in June-July. Landing is carried out in small bowls, which are subsequently covered with glass and placed in a shaded, cool place.

Primula akaulis mix, the care of which does not require serious time costs, is the talisman of such zodiac signs as Aries and Taurus.

As already reported, quite a lot of different plants belong to the primrose family. Among them is the primrose obkonika, which is the best among the large-flowered plants of its family. It blooms throughout the winter, which brings variety to the gloomy landscape. This flower smells great, which also distinguishes it from many other primroses. The leaves of the primrose obconica are heart-shaped, and to the touch they are rough, rather dense. The color of the plants can be pale pink or red. Sometimes there are purple and lilac flowers. Here she is, obkonika primrose, the care of which is of interest to many flower lovers.

The size of the flowers is quite large, as a rule, it reaches four centimeters in diameter. But it must be remembered that while caring for these plants, you should not touch its leaves. For some people, this touch can cause itching and irritation. There are cases when even light touches led to quite serious inflammation of the skin. So the obkonika primrose plant, the care of which seems very simple at first glance, has its own secrets that every grower should know. In the same case, if contact with the leaves of the primrose obconica could not be avoided, it is necessary to wash your hands very thoroughly with soap and water. And after that, again enjoy the presence of this beauty in your home.

Primrose ordinary (stemless). Akaulis (photo). Care.

Stemless primroses are easy to care for. They are developing rapidly. They can grow in one place for several years, delighting you with their spring flowering. Common primroses are grown in partial shade. In open sunny areas, their bushes become smaller, flowering becomes scarce, and the flowers become small and faded. Only in those areas where the soil does not warm up and maintains a fairly low temperature, primroses can successfully grow in the sun. True, they will bloom for a shorter time. Primroses prefer humus, permeable soil. Even planted under the loose shade of trees, primroses do not tolerate heat and dry air. Beautiful Acaulis hybrids in such cases need to be sprayed. So that the soil under primroses does not dry out, single-planted plants should be sprinkled with mulch. If you have several primrose plants of the same variety, plant them closely together. Then their leaves will close the soil at the roots and will not let it dry out. Like all primroses, plants of this species need intensive watering in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, the ground under primroses should be dry. Primroses grow well on ordinary garden medium-heavy soil. Dry sandy soil can be enriched by adding 2-3 buckets of compost, leaf, peat, sod or humus soil per 1 square meter. When preparing areas for planting primrose, add 1 sq. m bucket of compost, 40 g superphosphate, 30 g of potassium-magnesium fertilizers. Fertilizers are planted to a depth of 20 cm. Primroses must be divided every five years, otherwise their flowers will become smaller. For better development, primroses need top dressing. Immediately after the snow melts, the plants are fed by applying 10-20 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 1 sq. m. This accelerates the growth of plants and helps them recover from winter. Two weeks later, 15-20 g of superphosphate is added for lush flowering. To increase winter hardiness and better bud formation next spring in early September, primroses are fed with superphosphate (20 g per sq. M.) And potassium magnesia (15 g per sq. M.) Like all mountain primroses, stemless primrose loves moist soil, but does not tolerate flooding and stagnant water. Their lower leaves are starting to sag. Plant care also includes weeding and loosening. To prolong flowering, faded primrose flowers can be removed. For the winter, acaulis should be sprinkled with light earth and covered with a layer of spruce or juniper branches. This will protect the plants from frost in winters with little snow. Natural species of stemless primrose hibernate without shelter.

Top photo: common primrose (Primula vulgaris). On the bottom photo: hybrid primrose (primula akaulis).

Read more about perennial herbaceous plants:

Primula acaulis: home care

Primula is one of the favorite plants of flower growers.. It has bright flowers, relatively unpretentious care. Primrose can grow both at home and in open ground. Consider the features of plant care at home.

Lighting, watering and temperature

At home primrose should be placed on windows facing north, east or west. It requires diffused lighting without bright sunlight. The light should be soft, but in sufficient quantity. It is under such lighting that the primrose will actively grow and bloom. For growth to be active, the plant should be placed in a ventilated room in which there are no drafts. The temperature should not be very high, as the primrose likes coolness more.

Since primroses do not like heat, the optimum temperature for them is the range from twelve to fifteen degrees. If the plant is perennial, then it needs a dormant period in winter at temperatures below fourteen degrees. Without this, it will not bloom again in the spring.

During the flowering period, the primrose should be watered with plenty of water. It does not tolerate the drying of the soil, so it should be watered, soaking the entire clod of earth completely. Hard water is contraindicated for this plant, so it should first be defended or passed through a softening filter.

In winter, the amount of watering should be reduced. However, the top layer of soil should not dry out. It must remain moist at all times.

Watering should be careful not to get on the leaves and flowers. Wet buds and young leaves cause them to rot.

Humidity for primrose is not significant. However, she favors periodic spraying with soft settled water.

Soil, transplant and reproduction

Soil mixtures for primroses are sold in most specialty stores. You can take a substrate for geraniums and supplement its composition with sand, which is taken one fourth of the volume. If desired, the soil can be prepared independently. To do this, take one part of leafy soil, sand and peat.

Primula does not like an excess of various mineral salts in the soil, so top dressing must be done very carefully. It is recommended to use half the doses of those indicated in the fertilizer instructions. This amount of nutrients will be enough for the normal growth of the plant and its flowering. Top dressing is applied every two weeks throughout the growing season. It starts in February and ends in October.

Primroses are transplanted annually at the end of September, before the start of dormancy. The pot is chosen shallow, but wide, larger in volume than the previous one. Drainage is laid at the bottom. To do this, you can take a pebble. The substrate is actively mixed to give it friability and enrich it with oxygen.

Primrose akaulis is propagated in two ways. Vegetatively, it reproduces by dividing the bush, for which, during transplantation, young parts are separated. They are planted in a box with sand and covered with a film or glass jars. The box is placed in a room with a low temperature, the substrate is periodically moistened. After a while, the processes take root, they will have rosettes. After that, the plants are planted.

The seeds are sown in a spacious container and sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil. From above, the container is covered with a film and placed in a room where the temperature is from fifteen to eighteen degrees. After two weeks, sprouts will appear. The optimal time for sowing seeds is the end of July and the beginning of June.

Primula acaulis

A group of perennial plants called primrose (primrose) has a different number of species, defined as 500 in some sources, and even 600 in some others. These are very beautiful flowers that grow both in the wild and in garden plots, in apartments and other premises.

Their peculiarity is that if the so-called garden types of primroses can bloom beautifully at home, then indoor ones - only at home. Primula acaulis (Primula acaulis) is a garden species of primrose that can delight its owners indoors.

Primrose stemless: description

Primroses are undersized plants, and the very name akaulis, stemless, speaks for itself. Primroses have a basal rosette from which leaves grow, as if covered with hairs. They are oblong, bright green in color. Above them, on a short pedicel, five-membered flowers appear, having the correct shape.

Primrose flowers are bright and colorful (bright yellow, purple-blue, red, white), which makes them unusually attractive and catchy. The diameter of the flower is from 2.5 to 4 cm. Flowering begins in the spring, and the fruits appear sometime in July. Primrose fruit has the shape of a box.

Home care for primrose akaulis

In the garden, primrose akaulis for good growth and flowering is necessary that:

  • the soil was fertile;
  • the soil was well-drained;
  • the primrose was surrounded by partial shade;
  • watering was regular, but moderate;
  • the soil underneath was loosened and weeded.

But it must also be borne in mind that overdried soil or excess moisture in it can harm the plant to such an extent that it may even die. In the open sun, the plant with its beautiful flowers shreds and can also die. Therefore, the best option would be to place the flower under the trees in constant shade or where the air is cooler.

To create the necessary humidity, spraying and mulching separately planted bushes is well suited. In autumn and winter, no irrigation procedures with the plant are necessary.

Primula akaulis is classified as a frost-resistant species, so it can be left in the ground for the winter without bringing it into the room. In order to protect the primrose from the cold, it is lightly sprinkled with earth and covered with spruce or juniper branches. At the same time, some natural varieties of akaulis can overwinter without shelter.

When the primrose begins to bloom, it is best to keep it in a cool place. According to observations, if the air temperature is within 10–13 ° C, then the flowering period of the primrose is longer. Before flowering, after the snow has melted, the soil under the plant must be fertilized. It will take about 15 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 1 square meter. After another 2 weeks, the soil is fertilized with 15 g of superphosphate. Plants need fertilizers and top dressing in September to improve winter hardiness.

Precious primrose akaulis

Although the primrose belongs to those plants that do not require very careful care, you still need to remember its basic rules:

  • content in partial shade;
  • regular, but not abundant watering;
  • in summer and spring, a pot with a plant can be taken out to a balcony or veranda, but you need to put it not in the open sun.
  • You also need to know how to transplant primrose. If the plant is young, then it is transplanted every year. It is enough for adult plants to simply change the soil every 3 years. Soil composition: turf land - three parts, peat - two parts, compost - one part, sand - one part.

    If faded flowers are removed from a plant, then it will bloom longer, and yellowing leaves should also be removed.

    In case of damage to aphids, you need to take care of the plant more carefully. It is treated with soapy water or tobacco. If a spider mite appears, it is driven out with insecticides.

    Primula akaulis mix

    Grows up to 20 cm in height in a pot.

    Needs cool, moist soil during flowering. Distilled water is suitable for irrigation. Water the plant so that water does not fall on the leaves. After flowering, the primrose bush can be planted in the garden.

    READ ABOUT INDOOR FLOWERS ON OUR SITE http://nefertiti.cli

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    There are many beautiful indoor flowers

    Primrose room or Primrose. Home care

    Hi all! The primrose flower is universally used

    Talisman Primula


    A genus of perennial herbs of the primrose family. primrose flowers common in many countries. In total, there are about 500 species of the primrose plant, including about 70 species that grow on the territory of the former USSR.

    The primrose flower enjoys well-deserved love everywhere. Since ancient times, tales and legends have been composed about primrose. It was widely used by our ancestors in the treatment of various diseases (as a medicine, primrose has not lost its significance in our time). Leaves, stems, rhizome of primrose were eaten.

    The British have a special relationship with primrose. Here, both good and bad properties are attributed to this flower. There are clubs of primrose lovers, exhibitions are held regularly.

    In Japan, not only admire the fresh flowers of primroses, but reproduce this flower in origami. Kusudama primrose is one of the most popular origami crafts.

    The name primrose most accurately defines the peculiarity of the primrose flower - it blooms before anyone else, it can bloom all winter and spring. Flowering is long and abundant , and primrose flowers are varied in color and very beautiful.

    Flowers form in the middle of a rosette of dense green, hairy leaves. There are varieties of primrose without peduncles, in which flowers grow directly from a rosette of leaves, and there are primrose flowers with peduncles from 20 to 50 cm high. Primrose flowers are not large, from 1.5 to 4 cm in diameter, can be single or collected in inflorescences.

    The primrose flower has both garden and indoor views. Primroses can usually be grown as houseplants, but primroses can't always be grown in a garden.


    The whole variety of primrose flowers is conditionally divided into primrose garden(more hardy species) and indoor primroses(gentle views). Often, garden primroses, along with indoor primroses, are grown as potted plants, which, after flowering in a pot, can be transplanted into the garden.

    It is very popular as indoor primrose, reverse conical primrose or otherwise obconic primrose (P. obconica). This is a large-flowered primrose. Blooms throughout the winter. Smells nice. The leaves, rough to the touch, are heart-shaped, wavy at the edges. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, arranged on long peduncles in the form of umbrellas. The colors of this variety of primroses are pink, red, but there are also lilac or purple flowers.

    When caring for indoor flower primrose obkonika do not touch the leaves, as in some people it causes irritation and itching, and sometimes inflammation of the skin. If in the process of leaving you still had to touch the leaves, you must not forget to wash your hands thoroughly.

    Spring primrose (P. veris) grows wild in Europe. Spring primrose is a perennial rhizomatous plant with dense, wrinkled, oval-shaped leaves on petioles. The leaves are wavy along the edges, collected in a basal rosette. Flowers in umbellate inflorescences, bloom on leafless peduncles up to 25 cm long, yellow, with a tubular corolla, with five orange spots in the throat. Hybrid garden forms come in a variety of colors.

    The wild plant spring primrose is called medicinal primrose, primrose pharmacy, rams. This plant is often found in meadows, forest glades, on hillsides. Collect both plants with flowers during and towards the end of flowering, and roots in autumn. Spring primrose leaves are very rich in vitamin C, the root system contains up to 10% saponins. Leaves ground into powder (5 g per half a glass of water) are taken for C-avitaminosis, a decoction of the roots (30-40 g per 1 liter of water, half a glass is taken 2-3 times a day) is a good expectorant for dry cough and bronchitis. A decoction from the roots or from the whole plant is taken for all colds. Primula officinalis helps with chronic constipation, with migraines and as a diuretic. Voronov's primrose, which grows wild in the Caucasus, has similar properties.

    spring primrose- the plant is winter-hardy, tolerates sun and partial shade well. Blooms from late April to June. Use as a potted plant and to decorate balconies. On balconies, spring primrose is planted with seedlings at the end of April at a distance of 10-15 cm between plants. After the primrose has finished blooming, the plants can be planted in the garden for re-cultivation on the balcony next year.

    In room conditions, you can also grow a garden species of common primrose (P. vulgaris) - stemless, low (up to 12 cm) bush. The leaves are oblong with teeth along the edges. Flowers of different colors sit on low (up to 7 cm) peduncles collected in inflorescences.

    Another type of garden primrose grown indoors is the stemless primrose, primrose acaulis (P. acaulis). Low plant. The leaves are pale green, oblong, wrinkled. In the center of the rosette of leaves, flowers 2.5-4 cm in diameter are collected in an inflorescence, painted in a wide variety of colors (from white, yellow, to red, blue and blue).

    Ear primrose (P. auricula) is otherwise called auricula. It grows wild in the mountainous regions of Europe. Ear primrose is one of the most decorative and popular varieties of primrose. Auricula are undersized plants up to 20 cm tall. Winter-hardy. The leaves are smooth, leathery, dense with powdery coating. Rosettes of flowers are located on peduncles, petals are oval, of various colors. In hybrid varieties, there are flowers of two, three colors, with a light core.

    Primula finely toothed (P. denticulata) is a perennial plant, 20-30 cm high. The leaves are elongated, wrinkled with notches along the edges. The flowers are small, collected in spherical inflorescences, on dense peduncles, the color of the petals is white, cream. There are varieties with bright red, lilac, purple flowers.


    Primrose cultivation in open ground conditions and as a houseplant does not present great difficulties.

    In the garden, primroses grow well on light fertile soils, among stones, so they are often used in the design of alpine slides and artificial reservoirs. Acidic soils must be limed. Land that is too fertilized with manure is not good. In such soil, primrose can get sick. If you properly prepare the soil for planting, loosen the soil well, apply organic fertilizers (well-rotted manure, peat soil or compost) at the rate of 1.5-2 buckets per 1 sq. m. and full mineral fertilizer 150-200 g per 1 sq.m., then you can not fertilize under the primrose for 3-4 years. Otherwise, planting 2 - 3 times per season must be fed. The first top dressing is usually given in the snow with complex fertilizer (20 g per 1 sq. M.), the second - in the middle of summer with diluted organic fertilizers (for example, mullein infusion 1:10), in the fall they are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

    Primrose tolerates shade and partial shade well. Likes bright light, but not direct sunlight. It is often planted under trees and shrubs, in low, damp areas of the garden, but always with good drainage. Primroses equally poorly tolerate both excessive moisture and excessive dryness of the soil. During growth and flowering, plants should be watered frequently, preventing the earthen clod in pots of houseplants and the soil under garden plants from drying out.

    Please note: during the growth period in spring, the upper roots and lower part of the stems are exposed in primroses, so it is advisable to pour nutritious garden soil on the exposed parts of the plant every year.

    When growing primrose V In room conditions, it must be remembered that the optimum temperature for the growth and flowering of primroses is + 10-12 degrees C., but not higher than +16 degrees. Primrose blooms well on a bright window in a cool room, between double window frames, without direct sunlight. In winter, before flowering, the primrose is watered little, during the flowering period - plentifully. If the temperature in the room is high, then it is better to put pots with primrose on a tray with pebbles, on which water is poured. Water must be added regularly. When watering, it is advisable to avoid getting water on the leaves, especially young, just starting to develop leaves should be protected. Sometimes you can spray primroses, but the drops should be very small, in the form of a mist.


    The most suitable way to propagate primroses is by dividing the bush. This is usually done when the plants have reached 3 - 4 years of age, after flowering. Before dividing, the bush is well watered, dug up and divided into several parts so that each part has several leaves and a lobe with roots. After that, the separated plants are planted on the prepared site. You can not bury the plants, the outlet must be on the surface of the soil. The distance between plants is 15-20 cm.

    It is possible to reproduce primroses and seeds. Primrose is sown in the ground in late autumn, to a depth of 0.5 cm. Flowering occurs in the second year after sowing.

    To obtain primrose from seeds for seedlings, sowing is done in winter or early spring, but it can also be sown in the middle of summer. Sow in bowls, on the surface of sandy deciduous soil. Primrose seeds are not buried in the soil, but covered with glass or film. Crops must be protected from the sun. Seedlings appear after 3 weeks. Seedlings dive twice, and the resulting plants are planted 2-3 plants in greenhouse soil mixed with sand. As the plants grow, they are transplanted 2-3 times into large pots. Primroses sown in summer bloom in winter, and sown in winter and spring bloom in autumn.

    The germination of primrose seeds lasts throughout the year, and it is best to sow seeds that have just been harvested. Hybrid varieties do not always repeat varietal characteristics when propagated by seeds. These plants are best propagated by division.


    Forcing primrose is usually timed to coincide with the holidays. Many varieties of open ground primroses are suitable for distillation (ear primrose, Japanese, multi-flowered, common primrose, etc.) Indoor primroses, for example, reverse conical primrose, Chinese primrose, soft primrose. Low-growing varieties of primroses are especially good for distillation.

    Primroses from the garden, intended for forcing, are dug up with a clod of earth in late autumn and placed in a cold room with a temperature not higher than + 1-3 degrees C, where they are stored until February. In February, primroses are placed for distillation, the flowering of which they want to coincide with the holiday of the eighth of March. Plants intended for forcing, previously cleaned of old leaves and stems, are planted in pots with a diameter of 10-11 cm. We leave the socket at the soil level, do not bury it. Planted primroses are placed in cool rooms with a temperature of + 5-7 degrees C., provide good lighting, protection from drafts, moderately watered and regularly fed. After the primroses have faded, they can be moved to the garden to a permanent place. The following year, the grown bushes can be divided and again put on distillation.


    This herbaceous plant 30-120 cm high (depending on the type of evening primrose) has nothing to do with primroses. Evening primrose belongs to the fireweed family, common in America and Europe.

    The evening primrose genus consists of many species, among which there are annual, biennial and perennial plants. The flower got its name due to the fact that the flowers open only in the evening and at night, they smell good. As a garden plant, evening primrose is not very popular in our area, but is widely known as a medicinal plant.

    Used as medicines evening primrose oil cold-pressed, evening primrose oil in the form of finished dosage forms in vials and evening primrose oil in capsules. Evening primrose oil is produced from the seeds of this plant.

    Evening primrose oil is a general tonic dietary supplement, rich in fatty acids, especially linolenic and gamma linolenic acids, as well as amino acids.

    Evening primrose oil is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, as a cosmetic; for the treatment of atherosclerosis, for cardiovascular diseases, for gynecological diseases: to alleviate menstrual syndrome, with cycle disorders, to alleviate the condition of women during menopause.

    The Internet is filled with offers to buy evening primrose oil, but do not forget that any medicinal plant is the same medicine as any other remedy that is sold in a pharmacy. Like any medicine, evening primrose oil has its contraindications. In particular, it increases intracranial pressure, can provoke nosebleeds, etc. You should be especially careful when taking evening primrose oil during pregnancy. Consult a doctor, do not experiment on yourself, and especially on a child.

    Primula is a plant whose variety of species and varieties can be endlessly surprised. But most gardeners, having heard about it, immediately imagine small bushes covered with a cap of bright and delicate flowers. This is what a stemless primrose looks like, growing from seeds of which is not uncommon today even at home.

    Primrose stemless: features of the species

    Common primrose (P. vulgaris) or stemless primrose (P. acaulis) is a type of primrose, consisting of perennial herbaceous plants 5-20 cm high. Their superficial root system consists of many brown thick roots. Oblong lanceolate leaves - wrinkled, pubescent on the underside, with small teeth along the edges. The flowers are funnel-shaped, usually 2-4 cm in diameter, on low pedicels growing directly from the rhizome, slightly rising above the leaf rosette. In flowers, species plants are more characteristic of white, yellow, shades of pink and red, and hybrid varieties have a more diverse palette of shapes and colors. Species primroses and hybrids are distinguished by the color and structure of the inflorescences. So, in ordinary primrose, flowers are often smaller, collected in inflorescences and located on peduncles with a height of up to 20 cm. Hybrids of stemless primrose have single flowers of somewhat large sizes, sometimes terry, located on separate peduncles and surrounded by large bracts. It is the hybrid varieties of stemless primrose that are often called "primrose acaulis" (akaulis).

    The specifics of growing primrose stemless

    Primula Akaulis Mix in the garden is an excellent solution for filling areas located in partial shade under the canopy of fruit trees. Moreover, the cultivation of this flower and caring for it are not particularly difficult and fully comply with the general rules of agricultural technology for all types of primroses. Although it is still better not to forget about some subtleties.

    1. The ideal sowing time is early spring when soil moisture and temperature are optimal for primroses.

    2. Common primrose propagates by seeds and division of the bush. When growing in seedlings, it completely dispenses with stratification, although seeds or acquired plant rhizomes must still be kept in the zero compartment of the refrigerator. The division of the bush, which is carried out every 3-5 years, with a sufficient amount of moisture, transfers almost at any time of the year, but the most favorable time for this procedure is considered to be early spring and the period immediately after flowering.

    3. Hybrid varieties (for example, such as stemless primrose "Danova", etc.), when sown with seeds of their own collection, do not always retain the properties of mother plants and can be naturalized, therefore they are better for preserving the variety.

    4. Terry stemless primroses are initially sterile, therefore they are propagated exclusively by vegetative means. Sometimes they include stemless primrose "Rosanna". But this variety has a characteristic flower shape, in which all the same five petals differ in wavy edges, and they themselves are not fully open, therefore the middle is not visible.

    5. Primrose stemless, which allows you to breed various plant varieties, is undemanding in care. The main thing that is necessary for its successful cultivation is regular watering, supplemented by dense plantings, in which the space between the plants is not visible behind the leaves.

    6. Some varieties of stemless primrose are able to re-bloom in the fall. There is an opinion that this weakens the plant before wintering and future spring flowering, because some gardeners break off the buds that appear in the fall.

    7. Primrose akaulis is generally frost-resistant, therefore, additional shelter for the winter is rarely used, only for young plants and hybrids.

    8. Some hybrid varieties and stemless large-flowered primroses, which include the Potsdam Giants, do not tolerate wintering in the garden, because they are often grown as flyers and provide them with winter shelter.

    9. The most resistant varieties are often distinguished by pastel shades (not blue) and the shape of the flower closest to natural, as well as the absence of voluminous bracts.

    Primula Akaulis Mix in the garden is great for decorating borders, flower fields and alpine slides. It goes well with taller perennials, simultaneously flowering small-bulbous plants, ferns, hosts, etc. In addition, primrose akaulis is often grown in pot culture, followed by transplanting the plant into open ground.

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    Apr 07 2017

    Primrose room - growing and care at home

    Before March 8, all the counters of flower shops were filled with small pots with the first spring flowers - primroses. It is unlikely that anyone resisted her elegant, catchy, but at the same time gentle beauty and did not buy her friends at least one pot of primrose for the holiday. Lovers - flower growers are happy to grow it not only in gardens and greenhouses, but also at home. With the help of our article, caring for primrose will become much easier.

    Primula (Primula) belongs to the Primrose family. This family includes about 500 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants and several species of evergreen shrubs and subshrubs. In nature, primrose is found everywhere in places with a temperate climate and moist soil - along the banks of rivers and mountain streams in Europe, Asia, China and North America. Indoor specimens of primrose include two species: the annual primrose Primula malacoides and the perennial primrose Primula obconica - reverse conical or reverse lanceolate. Numerous varieties of these types of primrose can be found on the windowsills of many apartments. Flower growers select varieties of perennial primroses in such a way that they delight with their flowering throughout the year. Still, more varieties of primrose bloom in early spring and in the first winter months.


    Primrose (primrose) is a rather small plant, no higher than 25 - 30 cm in height. It has fibrous superficial roots that grow very quickly. The stem of room primrose is very short. Primrose leaves have a heart-shaped or elongated shape and a fleecy, noticeably wrinkled surface. They grow on long petioles, forming a beautiful rosette in a pot. Primrose flowers resemble small gramophones. They have 5 petals, ending at the ends with three blades. The mouth of the flower tube is usually yellow, but the petals are bright pink, lilac, red, dark blue and white. There are monochromatic flowers, bicolor, with contrasting stripes along the edges of the petals. There are usually a lot of buds and flowers. They are collected in umbellate, whorled, racemose or capitate inflorescences, as if forming a bouquet in the middle of the rosette.

    Beneficial features

    Primula has long been famous for its medicinal properties. All parts of the plant are medicinal. They contain a large amount of vitamins, ascorbic acid, carotene. Primrose roots contain essential oils, glycosides. Salads can be made from primrose leaves in early spring - it is believed that one leaf of wild primrose contains the daily requirement of vitamin C. For bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, decoctions of primrose leaves are used as an expectorant. In addition, this decoction has a calming and hypnotic effect.

    But it is important to know that people with allergies should be careful with these flowers, as some types of primrose are strong allergens.

    The main types and varieties of indoor primroses

    Indoor primrose differs from garden primrose in growing conditions and care features. Garden - more resistant to cold. There are hybrid varieties of primroses that do well both in the garden and on the windowsills of flower growers.

    We will introduce you to the main types of primroses and their varieties that are successfully grown at home.

    Primula Soft

    One of the popular types of indoor primroses is soft primrose. She hails from China. In the wild, it grows up to 30 cm in height. The leaves are elongated, oval in shape, attached to a long handle and all come out of one basal rosette. Its inflorescences consist of 15-20 flowers, the leaves are light green. Soft primrose blooms in spring. The duration of flowering reaches three or more months. Under natural conditions, the flowers of this primrose are purple in color. But breeders have bred varieties with white, pink and red petals.

    Popular varieties of soft primrose:

    White pearls

    The Snow Queen Enchantment

    Juliet mixed

    • Primula varieties Mars has purple inflorescences;
    • Variety White pearls has white flowers with pearl tints;
    • The Snow Queen blooms with white flowers;
    • plant variety Juliet mixed has terry flowers of double coloring: pastel and lilac-pink;
    • Enchantment blooms with bright blue flowers.

    Primrose obconic (obconic)

    Primrose obkonikachnaya (obkonika) - this is the most popular type of indoor primroses. It belongs to the Chinese primrose family. The size of the obconia is smaller than that of a soft primrose, it grows no higher than 20 cm. It is a perennial with oblong leaves cut along the edges on long petioles. This primrose blooms in spring and early winter, but under comfortable growing conditions it can bloom almost all year round. Flowers are located on short peduncles, thanks to which the flower looks very impressive - the bright cap of the inflorescence is put on emerald leaves. Under natural conditions, obconica has lavender-colored flowers. To date, there is a wide variety of new varieties of reverse-conical primrose with different colors of petals. Some varieties of this primrose cause allergies.

    A group of varieties called "TwillyTouch Me" is distinguished by a variety of flower colors. They are purple, pink, purple, lavender, and there are also flowers with a double color.


    Primrose stemless, or common, is a hybrid. It can be grown with equal success both indoors and in the garden. In nature, it can be found in Asia, and in Africa, and in European countries. This is a perennial herbaceous plant of small size - its maximum is 20 cm. Its leaves on long petioles have an elliptical elongated shape and a bright green color. The flowering period of this species of primrose is from April to July. Single flowers are attached to high, but thin peduncles.

    Popular varieties of stemless primrose for home cultivation:

    Sphinx Apricot
    Sphinx F1 neon Rose

    Eclipse Violet with Rim
    Auricula argus

    • Sphinx Apricot has an interesting color of flowers. It is reddish with a transition to bright orange;
    • Sphinx F1 neon Rose blooms with bright pink-raspberry flowers;
    • Eclipse Violet with Rim has amazing lilac flowers with a golden border;
    • garden primrose Auricula argus usually grown indoors for forcing the plant at the end of winter. It is they who decorate our apartments with their colorful flowering on the March holidays. After the primrose has faded, it is again planted in the garden, where it can grow and bloom for more than one year.

    Primrose care at home

    Primula belongs to unpretentious flowers; any beginner in flower business can grow it. We will introduce you to some of the features of growing it at home.

    Temperature and location of primrose in the apartment

    For a comfortable maintenance of primrose in room conditions, a low air temperature is needed. Maximum 18 - 20 gr. During flowering, the temperature should be even lower, 12 - 15 gr. Normal room temperature is much higher. Therefore, from early spring to mid-autumn, when the temperature outside allows, we recommend taking this plant to the open air of a loggia, balcony or veranda. After flowering, you can even transplant the primrose into the ground on a personal plot, somewhere under the crown of trees. In the winter months, it is better to keep the primrose at home on the windowsill, away from the radiator and closer to the cold glass. To do this, it is better to choose window sills of northern, eastern or western directions.

    In a temperate climate, primroses are not afraid of wintering in the garden, they will calmly overwinter without much shelter. So, if you have a hybrid variety, it's up to you to bring the primrose into the room or leave it to winter outside.


    Primula belongs to light-loving plants. Its place should be located on a well-lit windowsill. Primrose should be protected only from direct sunlight - burns can destroy the delicate foliage of the plant. Diffused lighting will be just right. In the winter months, if you did not send the primrose to the basement to sleep, you will have to use additional lighting (phyto lamp or fluorescent lamp).

    Air humidity

    Primrose does not like too dry air. With moderate and high humidity, it feels great. If you notice that the tips of her leaves began to dry, then the air in the room is too dry. Start spraying the plant with warm settled water. Try to moisten only the leaves and stems of the primrose, do not get water on its flowers. Put containers with primroses in pallets with wet expanded clay - this will also raise the humidity in the room and will maintain the necessary soil moisture in the flower pot.


    Proper watering is very important for the health and blooming appearance of the primrose. Water the plant should be moderate and regular. During flowering, the soil should be slightly moist at all times. We recommend maintaining constant humidity with the help of pallets filled with wet claydite, moss or sand. Primrose pots will feel good on them. Remember to only add water to the pan if necessary.

    After flowering, the plant should be watered only when the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Do not pour water on the leaves. Use only settled water, room temperature. During the dormant period, the primrose should be watered less frequently and less abundantly so that the soil does not turn sour and the root system does not rot.

    With a lack of watering, another misfortune may happen - the soil with the root system will dry out, and the stem may die.

    The soil

    The composition of the soil for growing primrose should be peat, sand, leafy and soddy soil in equal proportions. Acidic soil is not suitable at all. If you use purchased soil for primrose, pay attention to this. Suitable soil mixture for geraniums.

    Fertilizers and top dressings

    The plant does not tolerate excess salt in the soil. Therefore, it should be fertilized very carefully with fertilizers for decorative flowering houseplants. The doses indicated on the packages should be halved. Apply fertilizer from February until the end of flowering. Once every two weeks is enough. During conditional rest, the plant is not fed.

    Primrose transplant and pot

    We recommend replanting perennial primroses no more than once a year. Either fall or early spring. During flowering, the primrose is not transplanted! The pot must be prepared slightly larger than the previous one. It should be wide, but not deep, since the root system of the primrose is superficial. At the bottom, put a 2 cm drainage layer (expanded clay or pebbles), pour some fresh soil. Remove your primrose from the old pot, along with the root system, and carefully transfer to the new pot. Fill the empty space of the container with soil mixture, shaking it occasionally to fill all the voids inside the pot. Water and put in the old place.

    Primrose breeding

    At home, primrose is propagated in several ways. Consider reproduction by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

    The division of the primrose bush

    The simplest and better way is to propagate primrose by dividing the bush. We recommend using a three or, better, four year old plant for this. Keep in mind that you can divide the bush only after the completion of its flowering period, somewhere in a week or two. Remove the flower from the pot, shake off the soil from the roots and carefully divide the plant into separate parts with your growth bud. Sprinkle slices with ash or crushed coal. Parts of the primrose immediately plant at some distance from each other in a low container, cover with glass or film and grow for some time in a bright place. Water generously. After a couple of weeks, transplant the bushes into separate pots and take care of them like adult plants.

    Reproduction by seeds

    If you have chosen this method of propagating primrose with seeds, keep in mind that it is more troublesome and lengthy. Seeds can be planted both in summer and in November-December. We recommend planting them in the summer. Use any containers for sowing - wide, shallow pots or containers. Fill them with loose substrate, moisten it. Distribute the seeds evenly over the surface, lightly sprinkle them with earth. Planting cover with a film or lid. Put the greenhouse in a cool place from 16 to 20 gr. If necessary, moisten the soil, ventilate the seedlings.

    Sprouts will appear in 15-20 days. After a couple of months, divide the thick seedlings and transplant them into separate pots. They need diffused light, moderate watering and protection from sunlight and drafts. The temperature of the primrose loves low, up to 15 gr. In autumn, pots should be placed in cool, but bright rooms. With proper care, young primroses may well bloom for the New Year.

    Propagation by cuttings

    If your primrose has only one rosette of leaves or a weak root system, and there is no way to divide the bush into parts, you will have to master the method of propagation of primrose by cuttings.

    From the mother bush at the base of the root collar, separate the primrose leaf with the petiole and growth bud with a sharp knife. Cut off the top half of the sheet. Plant the cutting in a container of peat. Sprinkle some river sand on top. Moisten the substrate. Close the container lid. Put in a bright warm place (16 - 18 gr) for rooting. Moisten the soil regularly and ventilate the greenhouse. Be patient - rooting lasts 3 - 4 months. When roots and small leaves appear, the seedling can be transplanted into a permanent small pot with soil normal for primrose. Your primrose will bloom not earlier than in 6 - 7 months.

    Forcing primrose

    Two-year-old garden primroses are better suited for forcing. In autumn, with the onset of the first frosts, dig up the flower along with a clod of earth and place it in a free flower pot. Bring in a cold room for the winter (in the basement or cellar). The temperature of its content should be from 3 to 5 gr. Watering is not required. At higher temperatures and watering, the primrose will begin to grow, and the flower buds will be oppressed. In such a gloomy place she would have to stay until February.

    In February, bring the primrose into the house, clean it of old and damaged leaves and parts of the stem. If necessary, transplant into a new pot. Place the primrose rosette at soil level. Place the pots in a well-lit but cool place. The temperature should not be higher than 10 gr. heat. At higher temperatures, the primrose will begin to increase the green mass of the leaves to the detriment of flowering. Water regularly and moderately.

    After the appearance of buds - feed the plant. Very soon, usually by March 8, the primrose will begin to bloom and delight others with its bright multi-colored bouquets. To make flowering more spectacular and long-lasting, remove the yellow lower leaves and faded flowers from the bushes in time. After the end of flowering, the primrose can be planted again in the garden.

    Keep in mind that forcing one plant is used no more than once every three years.

    Diseases and pests

    The most common disease in primroses is caused by the fungus Ramularia cercosporella. The disease affects the flower in late spring. Round pale spots appear on the leaves. Then the spots turn gray, become brown with yellow stains. In summer, the leaves become covered with a white-gray bloom, dry out. Primrose stops growing, blooming, may die. Leaves affected by the disease must be destroyed. Treat the plant with fungicides, for example, foundationazole, topsin or oxychom.

    With constant waterlogging of the soil, primrose can get root rot. Powdery mildew, rust, anthracnose - these diseases can also affect your primrose with improper care. Remove the affected parts of the plant, treat the plant with fungicides. If the disease is running, the flower will have to be destroyed.

    We introduced you to the wonderful spring primroses - primroses. These unpretentious plants can decorate any corner of your home and garden. They take root easily, bloom for a long time, and multiply easily. Try to breed these wonderful flowers yourself - they will not give you trouble when grown at home.

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