How to enter my settings. How to restrict access to the VKontakte page. Access to what information can be restricted VKontakte

Today we will talk about the basics. We will tell you how to set up the privacy of your page in Contact in the most effective way for you. In general, it is worth noting that privacy settings are exactly what you should start with immediately after registering on the VK social network. Read about how to master this part of the functionality right now!

And now let's deal with everything in order. The very first line is responsible for who sees the basic information of your page. Choose the item that suits you. In this column, just like in all subsequent ones, you can choose the following options:

  1. All users;
  2. Only your friends;
  3. Your friends, as well as friends of your friends;
  4. Only you;
  5. Everything except... (from the list you can choose the "lucky ones" who will not see this);
  6. Some friends (exactly the same list, only in reverse);
  7. Some lists of friends (before choosing this item, make sure that you have created the necessary lists and sorted friends in them in Contact).

Detailed setting

When done with the first line of VKontakte privacy settings, move on to the next one. You can choose who sees where you were marked by other VKontakte users. That is, not those that are in your albums (each album should be configured separately in general), but those that are in the albums of your friends. Privacy settings in the social network VKontakte are currently implemented in this way.

It's the same with videos. Everything is clear here. The third line of VKontakte privacy settings is responsible for who can see the list of groups in which you are a member. Publics are already visible to everyone, but groups can be hidden. This is especially true if you are a member of communities, let's say, of an erotic nature.

Here you can hide or open your audio recordings, gifts and much more for prying eyes. The second block of settings, as we have already said, is responsible for the entries on your page. Open comments by strangers or close - it's up to you. Go through all the points in the same way. Fortunately, in the privacy settings of VK everything is in Russian, so there should not be any problems or misunderstandings.

Now you know exactly how to set up privacy in the social network VKontakte. When you do everything, double-check and you can safely return to your page. The fact is that the changes are saved automatically, so you don't have to worry about the fact that you leave, forgetting to save, and the changes will be reset. Everything is thought out here!

From the first days of its launch, the social network VKontakte was accused of blindly copying Zuckerberg's Facebook. However, the users themselves, comparing both resources, noted the convenience of the Russian counterpart: the “domestic” social network is indeed friendlier and more understandable in terms of interface and functionality. In addition, users have the opportunity to change many VKontakte settings, adjusting it for themselves. About what exactly can be changed and how to do it, we will now tell.

Where are the VKontakte settings

Task number one is to find a page where the available settings can be edited. Everything is very simple here. We follow simple instructions:

1.Go to your VK account;

2. In the header of the site, click "Settings".

On the page that opens, all user parameters available for editing on VKontakte are presented. They are categorized to make it easier for you to navigate. The list of these categories is presented on the right side of the page, and the transition between them is carried out with a simple mouse click. The list looks like this:

  • general;
  • security;
  • alerts;
  • black list;
  • applications;
  • mobile services;
  • payments and transfers.


It is in this section that the main setup of the VKontakte page takes place - here you can change the fundamental parameters of your account. First of all, you can change the password, contact e-mail, mobile phone number to which the account is linked, the interface language, as well as how the link to your personal page looks like.

Also in this section, you can edit the appearance of the personal page. This, of course, is not about color design and design in general - VK does not yet have such capabilities. But you can edit the main menu items located on the left side of the site, adding or removing sections, links to applications and communities. It is possible to enable / disable comments on your entries, hide gifts, automatically play GIFs and videos. In addition, special features are available on the site - when they are launched, all information will be duplicated by a speech synthesizer.

The "General" section contains additional settings. However, this item is available for users who have installed special extensions in the browser. At their core, these are unofficial add-ons that allow you to adjust additional parameters. In particular, extensions allow you to return from the new site design to the old one - at least partially. For example, nostalgic users may recall the original logo or header design.

And finally, an important part of this section is the ability to delete your account. If suddenly you decide to end your VKontakte activity, scroll the "General" page to the end and click "Delete your page".

Security and privacy

Privacy and information security issues in social networks are usually given a lot of attention. VKontakte security settings, however, are not diverse. In the corresponding section, only some parameters are available for editing.

First, you can enable login confirmation. The function is useful, but not always convenient. When you log into your account, the system will automatically send an SMS with a secret code to your mobile phone, and only by entering this code will you be able to log in.

Secondly, you can track the activity of your account. The system records all the inputs made. You won’t be able to enter VK unnoticed: you can find out exactly at what time, from which device the visits took place.

Thirdly, the function of linked devices is provided in the social network. This means that you can link your account with official applications on mobile devices - smartphones, tablets. By the way, the binding happens automatically when you install and run applications, so a separate setting, in principle, is not required.

And fourthly, the system allows you to establish a secure connection using the https protocol. The function is useful, and it makes sense to use it, but for some reason, not everyone knows about its presence at all.

As for the privacy settings on VKontakte, everything is standard here: you yourself determine what materials will be available and to whom. It is worth noting that almost all parameters can be configured: who can see your page, audio recordings, videos, saved photos, marks on photos of other users, a list of groups and gifts, geotags on photos.

Also, if desired, restrictions are set on sending you messages, comments, requests to Friends, invitations to Groups, etc. And yes, you won't be able to see your profile guests: this feature is still available only in Odnoklassniki.

By the way, the Black List is a separate section - a list of those people you have banned. At any time, you can add users to it, just like restoring them.

Other: alerts, mobile services, apps, payments

In addition to all of the above, through the settings you can manage other parameters of the social network. For example, you can designate the events about which you will receive notifications. Moreover, notifications can come not only on the website and in the mobile application, but also by e-mail or via SMS.

With the help of SMS messages, other functions are also available to users: sending entries, comments and replies. SMS with the text of publications are paid at the rates set by the mobile operator. And you will have to pay extra for sending comments.

The account can see posted pictures, a map with pictures, general data and lists with friends. Close these categories from all or some users will help privacy settings Vkontakte. We will explain where they are located and how to use them. To get into privacy on the resource:

  1. Touch Ava's photo on the right in the Vkontakte header.
  2. From the submenu, select the settings section
  3. In the submenu on the left side, expand the "Privacy ..." item.

Here you will find 4 large areas for editing: page data, posts, contact with me, other. In all subcategories it is possible to choose to whom to show sections about yourself. If you are in this area for the first time, you will see that data visibility is open for all Vkontakte users in all sections. To fix this, tap the link with the caption as shown in the image, select the option that suits you. VK allows you to hide all photos, saved pictures, audio recordings, basic data, comments, location of photos, lists of communities, friends and subscribers.

All this can be closed in the subcategory "My page .." What can not be hidden? Posts and photos on the wall that you left, a section with videos and likes on photos and posts. In order not to show the contents of the wall to anyone, you will have to delete everything at once. And the location of the photo is removed separately on the map. How to remove it, we write . You can also put clips in a separate album and set visibility in the "Videos..." section. How to do this, we will describe below.

How to change privacy settings Vkontakte

Change VK privacy settings you can also in the subcategories "Contact me ..." and "Other". In the first area, specify from whom you want to receive messages, invitations to events and to applications and publics, as well as what type of notification. In the "Other ..." area, it is easy to set up the visibility of the page and sending notifications about life events.

Everyone can view the page with basic parameters. To fix, list only people from VK. The default notifications also have a list of all sections. This means that if you add a song, a friend, a photo, people from your friends list will know about it. The settings are saved automatically, you do not need to click anywhere. To make sure everything is set up correctly, Click on the link to view the page. Look at your profile through the eyes of another person.

Where are the privacy settings of Vkontakte

Now you know, where are the main privacy settings of VK. Also in any section there are additional visibility functions. Let's open the video clips area to show how it works. If you want to remove some videos from public access, create a new album:

  1. Tap on the button on the right above all videos
  2. Name the album whatever you want. Go into it.
  3. Tap the "Edit..." tab
  4. Check the visibility of the clips.

Go back to all the videos you added. Hover over the right corner of the clip. You will see an icon with additional options. Click on her. In the new form, select "add to album" name "Open the created one and uncheck the added videos section. The clip will be available only to those who have visibility in the new album. If you want to , we advise you not to hide all sections on the page.

How to set up a contact page to make your account on this network look the way you want? - After all, each user and goals are different, therefore, what may suit one person, another simply does not need it.
Every user should be able to correctly set up a page in a contact. And fill it in correctly, too, must be able to. Indeed, with, people will immediately catch the eye of its correct design.

My task is to correctly explain to you in this article how to set up your Vkontakte page correctly and neatly, and what opportunities each user has for this and the necessary tools that this social network has provided us.

Setting up a Vkontakte page is easy!

To set up the page, we go to the ones familiar to you and many readers of this site in the "My Settings" menu. As shown in the picture below.

Here you will see those items that will help you set up your page in contact correctly. And you will no longer have such a question - how to set up a contact.

The main menu items are in this tab, and you will need to get to know them better. Here are those items:

  1. General
  2. privacy
  3. Alerts
  4. Black list
  5. Mobile Services
  6. Balance

Now let's take a closer look at all the features of the buttons listed above, what they serve for and how they work.

Right set up a contact page anyone who reads how it's done here can.

Learn how to properly set up a contact page!

Now let's take a closer look at the settings of your page on the contact network. Let's start, of course, in order.

Why do I need to configure personal settings in a contact? Why do you need to configure the pages in the contact correctly? And there are many more whys.

And so, in order, let's move forward.

General setting - Helps to enable or disable some settings services in a contact. These are settings such as:

a) additional services

b) setting up your wall on the Vkontakte network

c) password change

d) change your name

e) provide an email address

e) enter a mobile phone number

g) view your page's security history

h) change the address of your Vkontakte page

i) make regional settings, such as, for example, language

j) make appearance settings - use the larger fonts function

Privacy setting - In this setting, access rights to your page in contact are changed. And you can change the access rights to individual fragments of your page.

This includes features such as viewing and commenting on your photos, posting on your wall, and more. See picture for more details.

Then comes setting "Alerts" - In it, you can set up alerts on the site that will come to your mail. There is also a notification function using the phone. In this case, you will receive an SMS. You can turn on the sound features that you will hear when you receive a message from Vkontakte network users.

Then follows the setting in contact "Black List" - Here you can enter either the name or a link to the page of the user of this social network that you do not want.

"Mobile Services" - This is an opportunity to use your mobile phone to enter the Vkontakte website. We will talk more about this in our next articles.

"Balance" - This is the state of your account, which is credited with votes. You can get votes in a contact by paying for their accrual in the contact network.

I think that after reading this article, you have learned on your own customize page in contact .

You can flexibly adjust the visibility of the main items that you publish in your profile. At the same time, the restriction can be set both for all users at once, and for certain groups of people.

Using the privacy settings, you can completely hide both the materials on your page, and generally limit the ability to communicate with you.

Anonymizers are used to access blocked sites (see). What is this about? Imagine a situation where social networks were blocked at work. In this case, it will be very useful.

Now I'll show you how to enter VKontakte through the Chameleon anonymizer.

As you know, the page of any user shows when he last logged into VK. Many people would like to hide this information. Is there such a possibility?

Let's figure it out how to hide the time of the last visit to Vkontakte.

We continue to get acquainted with the terminology and abbreviations used in the social network. You can find past lessons at the links:

Today is a new term. Let's figure it out what is an emergency in VK.

We have already hidden personal information from other users:

Now let's talk about pictures. Is it possible to upload an image (see ) and make it inaccessible to other users? Now let's try to figure it out how to hide vkontakte photos.

Previously, you had the opportunity to flexibly manage access to your VKontakte wall. It was possible to hide it completely (see), or give access to viewing to selected users.

After updating VK, the situation has changed. Now I'll show you how to open a wall in vk.

Lately, I have been watching a lot of discussions on the topic of visiting the social network VKontakte, in the absence of an Internet connection. I don’t know where this came from, but a fairly large number of people leave hope for the opportunity to enter VK, even in the absence of the Internet.

Let's see if this is real.

On your VKontakte page, you can publish almost any information. Upload photos (see), upload videos (see), indicate your personal data, etc.

But what if you don't want all this data to be viewable by other people? They need to be hidden.

Vkontakte offers hide page using the privacy settings. Now I will show you how it works.

One of the main elements of your VKontakte account is a wall. Here you can publish records, photos and videos (see), as well as any other information.

But quite often it becomes necessary to hide the wall in VK so that your materials are not available for viewing by other users. How to achieve such a result?

Not all users like to talk with other people on VKontakte. They specifically try to isolate themselves from other members of the social network, and do not want to receive private messages.

If you are the creator or administrator of the VKontakte group, then a link to your profile is published in the appropriate section. So any user who has entered the community will be able to see the contacts of the administration.

Let's imagine a situation. You subscribed to some VKontakte group (see). It will immediately go to the "My groups" list, and will be available for viewing by other users. But what if you want to hide your participation in it?

You can publish any information on your VKontakte wall - simple posts, photos and videos (see). By default, all this is available for viewing by other users. But what if you want to restrict their access?

Now I'll show you How can I hide entries on the VKontakte wall. And in general, let's talk about hiding your wall.

Many users restrict access to viewing their photos using. Or such an option is possible when the albums are not published on the page - you simply do not know how to enter them (see).

Every time you go to your VKontakte page, you are automatically set to the status "Online". Thanks to this, other users always know that you are online (see). Or when was the last time you were active.

Surely each of us communicates with other users within the VKontakte social network. Some have more dialogue, some have less. But what if you suddenly need to delete all the dialogs at once?

If you pay attention, you will notice that when you visit the VKontakte social network, advertising banners are displayed. Many users do not like this, and they are looking for a solution that would help them remove ads in contact.

There is one more option. You could have caught an adware virus (see). Now when you visit a social network, intrusive windows pop up in different parts of the browser.

You can block other people's VKontakte pages. This is done using several methods. Now I will show you how they work.

Let's figure it out how to block a page in contact.

If you need block friend vkontakte, then you should use a special function. Now I will show you how it works.

If you care about your friends' virtual lives and want to know who they add as friends, then now I will show you one way. With it, you can easily see to whom your friend sends applications, and which of the users accepts them.

If you want your presence on the VKontakte social network to be hidden from friends and page visitors, then you can use a little trick. You will go into contact, and your status will be offline (see).

Now I'll show you how to be invisible VKontakte from a computer or phone.

Quite often it turns out to be impossible to get in contact in the usual way. A common option is that the system administrator at your work has blocked access to social networks. How to be in that case?

You can use workarounds. Now I'll show you how can I log into VK through an anonymizer or a mirror.

The social network Vkontakte has tens of thousands (if not hundreds) of various communities, groups and public pages (see). Some of them are very helpful. Others don't. And in the third you can find openly prohibited materials. Such as porn, financial pyramids, the sale of low-quality goods, and so on. How can I block such a group in contact?

As you know, on your page you can always see who is your friend (see). If for some reason you decide to hide some of them, you can use the privacy settings.

Now I'll show you how to add hidden friends in vk. We will also talk about third-party services that promise to show, upon request, who the user has in hidden friends.

In the settings of your personal VKontakte page, there is a section "Black List". It is needed so that users who annoy or interfere with you can no longer access your page. This restriction will allow you to exclude unwanted visitors.

So, how to add a person to the VKontakte blacklist?