Programs like Skype for communication. Skype alternatives - looking for a replacement. Tox: An Alternative to Skype Without Hidden Listening

A unique idea born in the head of a developer loses its former properties with practical implementation. A cohort of “like-minded people” is formed behind a person’s back, who create copies of the original source interspersed with individuality. Today we will talk about what is alternative Skype, consider the most worthy projects, their strengths and weaknesses.

Briefly about the main


A Google Minor that is linked to an account of the same name. The service went through the process of integration with mail and profile on PCs and phones, which simplified access to:

  • Content on YouTube (text chats, streams, videos).
  • Different platforms running specific operating systems.

A nice addition is that a file not sent by the messenger can be viewed using Google's cloud storage.


Developers from South Korea took care of creating another "clone" of Skype, adding some interesting features. Within the system, the user can:

  • Order food and make purchases in online stores (in foreign countries).
  • View the news feed, a list of promotions and discounts on popular products.

The main advantages of the project are an intuitive interface, the ability to transfer large files (up to 100 MB).

Among the shortcomings are: a dubious system for protecting user information, limited language support, unstable operation due to the remoteness of the server implementation.

Skype allows you to make video calls, audio calls, and messaging over the Internet (between two computers or phones on which this software is installed).

Communication takes place in real time and is quite stable at normal Internet speeds, however, such software puts a significant load on the hardware resources of a computer or phone.

For this reason, some users want a better and "lighter" alternative to Skype (Skype).

Program selection

Why is it so important to choose the most suitable software for yourself?

First of all, it plays an important role functionality- it is important that the software has all the necessary functions, but there are not too many of them ( as extra functionality makes the application more difficult to use, increases its "weight" and the load that it puts on RAM b).

It is also very important that the management of the program be as convenient as possible - this plays a particularly significant role for people who use such software quite often or regularly.

Comparative characteristics

Usually, in addition to functionality, when choosing a program, such factors as, for example, the cost and the presence of Russification (menu design in Russian) are of great importance.

The table below shows the main characteristics of alternative programs to make it easier to choose between them.

Comparative characteristics of programs alternative to Skype
NameDevice typePriceSecuritySending filesAudio callsvideo callsFormat
ViberSmartphone, tabletIs freeLowYesYesYesAppendix
OOVOOIs freeLowYesYesYesonline service
TOXSmartphone, tabletIs freeHighYesYesYesAppendix
Google HangoutsSmartphone, tablet based on AndroidFree (preinstalled)NotImages onlyYesYesAppendix
Apple Face TimeSmartphone, tablet, personal computer based on AppleFree (preinstalled)HighYesYesYesAppendix
KAKAOTALKSmartphone, tablet, personal computerIs freeRelativeYesYesYesAppendix
BleepSmartphone, tablet, personal computerIs freeHighYesYesYesAppendix

Each of these options is described in more detail below.

They are located in the format of a top created based on user reviews.


Currently, Skype is the most popular software for communication in this way, but "breathes in his back."

This application is the second most popular after Skype due to the fact that it is free, easy to use and provides access to various additional functionality.

feature is that it is designed to work on a smartphone and allows communication between devices on which such an application is installed.

It is maximally optimized for working on a mobile device, while a PC is less optimized.

In particular, it has a greater impact on the hardware of the device. However, Viber is only suitable for those users who call from a phone, not a PC.

  • Import of contacts saved on the device into the program occurs automatically;
  • There are builds designed to work on all existing mobile device platforms;
  • The functionality is very diverse (audio and video calls, sending messages, arranging chats, sending files of different formats).
  • Strict association with mobile phone number
  • low security of the phone.

Here's what users say about this app:

“The application is simply installed, synchronized with the list of contacts, thanks to which, immediately after installation in the phone book, you will see which subscriber also has Viber installed. Easy to use, has a wide gallery of interesting emoji".


This service is quite far behind in popularity from Viber and Skype, however, it is also quite common.

The essential difference is that this is still a service that works through a browser, and not an application.

Thus, the use of the service does not require the installation of additional software.

The peculiarity of the application is that it can work on any device that has a browser, both mobile and stationary.

It does not take up additional memory space, since it is not installed directly, but it is not very convenient to use, since it requires constantly opening the browser.

Therefore, it is suitable for people who use this type of bundle infrequently and do not want to load the phone's memory with unnecessary applications.

  • No need to download the program;
  • High communication stability - this indicator surpasses even Skype and Viber;
  • A variety of functionality, for example, showing chat participants their desktop, etc.;
  • A large number of chat participants is 12 people, while in Skype a user is limited to 10.
  • A significant disadvantage of using such a service is that stable work with it is achieved only with a sufficiently high Internet speed.

Users respond about the application as follows:

“Great program, worked almost flawlessly, if there were problems, it was only due to the speed of the Internet. However, problems started with the latest update - the software does not start up stable enough, it causes crashes in other programs that use the Internet, and there were no significant improvements after the update.


This service is quite new and has not yet managed to spread widely among users, but even taking this into account, it already outperforms many services of a similar type, even older ones, in popularity.

This messenger is still under development, although the existing version is no longer beta and is stable enough for comfortable operation.

The application is significantly different in that it transfers data directly between subscribers, without using any system for their temporary storage and conversion.

The program is not bad both in terms of functionality and other characteristics, but is still inferior to Skype in many ways.

It has a set of only "basic" functions. In addition, it is significantly inferior to Skype in terms of security and data privacy protection.

However, it is suitable for those who work regularly, since in this case it is easy to get used to its functionality, and in addition, it is not required to download and install the program additionally.

  • Cross-platform with a Google account;
  • Easy synchronization of participants and adding them to the contact list;
  • Availability of all standard functions;
  • Minimum load on the hardware due to optimization for Android devices;
  • The ability to stream conferences directly to YouTube, as well as other opportunities for interaction with other Google services.
  • Inability to use in the absence of a Google account;
  • Transfers files of only one format - images;
  • Doesn't have privacy protection at all.

Users say the following about this messenger:

“Pleasant minimalistic design, there are all the necessary functions. However, it “weighs” quite a lot for its functionality, and besides, it has an inconvenient text input field (too narrow).

Apple FaceTime

The program is similar in many respects to the previous type.

It was also originally designed for devices with only one type of operating system - and is also preinstalled on all Apple smartphones.

It can communicate exclusively between subscribers who have such a device, and only with an Apple ID.

The stable operation of the program is noted due to the fact that it is maximally optimized for this type of operating system.

It does not require downloading and installation, does not take up much memory and is easy to use.

In general, if the user is accustomed to Apple products, working with the program should not be difficult.

  • Excellent synchronization of sound and video;
  • High communication stability;
  • No bugs and crashes.
  • only owners of Apple devices can use it
  • functionality is narrower compared to other applications

User reviews for the application are as follows:

"This application consumes much less traffic than Skype, it is quite convenient to use, in addition, it takes up little memory and does not need to be downloaded."


The application is gradually gaining popularity in European countries, while in South Korea it has long been one of the leading positions in the ranking, because it was developed specifically for use in this region. And much later it became widespread in Europe and the USA.

  • Availability of assemblies suitable for any platform and operating system;
  • The presence of all the necessary communication functions with a minimum load on the memory of the device and its hardware.
  • it was originally developed for South Korea, and all data is processed on the servers of this state
  • there may be significant delays during its operation, because in fact the signal goes from you to the Russian Federation, first to South Korea, and then from there it returns to the Russian Federation again to its addressee
  • The interface does not have Russification, that is, it is not translated into Russian.
  • information security and privacy of correspondence are at a fairly low level. However, this presents a particular problem mainly for local users (i.e. residents of South Korea). For users in other regions, the application is mostly safe.

Users leave quite different reviews for this application, for example, these:

“I like the wide range of personalization options in the application - you can set different color schemes, choose from the suggested wallpapers or upload your own. There is a wide range of emoticons, stickers and emoji, which have no analogues in other messengers. This is an ideal messenger for people who appreciate good functionality, stable operation and beautiful design of programs.”


This application is the closest analogue of TOX in terms of functionality, features and even appearance.

However, it has a number of minor flaws and shortcomings. which make it less in demand and popular.

This software does not have any specific control center, but only connects subscribers with each other directly.

Registration in the program is very simple - in fact, it does not exist at all.

Users are not assigned any identification numbers, etc., as in the TOX - just enter your login.

The functionality is not too wide, but all the necessary functions are available.

  • There are versions developed for different types of devices, different platforms and operating systems;
  • This application has the highest level of privacy and data security - since communication is carried out directly between users, and in addition, all data is securely encrypted.
  • with Skype and work stability.

    In addition, the program has a very complex encryption code, due to which high security of use is achieved, because it is almost impossible to decrypt the data.

    Distinctive feature of the application- stable operation even with a fairly low Internet speed.

    However, despite all this, the program has received still very little distribution.

    But a significant disadvantage is that the software is focused only on a PC.

    At present, a version for Android has also been developed, but it is extremely unstable, raw, and, in fact, it is impossible to fully use it.

    LinPhone- quite easy to use, cross-platform client. Allows you to maintain a stable connection even with a significant load on the bandwidth. A significant advantage is cross-platform - there are versions for different operating systems.

    The traffic is well encrypted, which ensures high communication security.

    In addition, calls made, both audio and video, can be recorded in high quality.

    Of the minuses, one can single out the low prevalence of the program.

    It is mainly used by people who understand the software. Although the interface is quite simple.


    What application to choose for yourself? Each user answers this question independently, based on what functions he needs for comfortable work. However, with any requirements for the messenger, it is recommended to pay attention to the degree of security and give preference to those messengers that have a higher degree of security.

    For users of Google services, the Hangouts software may seem quite convenient and functional, and in many ways, the best solution. However, for those who are not used to this type of menu design and organization of work (or do not have a Google account), it is better to give preference to another messenger. As for the owners of Apple technology, the pre-installed FaceTime application will be the best option for them when they communicate mainly with subscribers who have equipment of the same brand.

    Viber is highly popular and is considered one of the most popular and functional instant messengers at the present time. In terms of popularity, he almost caught up with Skype. However, it should be borne in mind that the degree of protection in it is quite low, so the transfer of economic and other confidential information through it may be unsafe.

    If you use video calls infrequently, preferring to use traditional telephone communication, then the OOVOO service may also be suitable for occasional use. Using it, although not very convenient, it, nevertheless, does not take up memory in the device, and besides, it does not exert a significant load on the hardware (no more than normal browser operation).




Skype may or may not be loved, but it is impossible to deny the popularity of this application. It is pre-installed on smartphones and laptops, even grandmothers and preschoolers use it, and the Skype login is found in the contact details of online stores and on business cards almost as often as a mobile phone number. But while ordinary people are using the popular application with might and main, a more advanced audience that worked with it back in the days when no one knew what a “headset for Skype” was is already looking for an alternative. After the takeover of the popular messenger by Microsoft, advertising appeared in the program, and not so long ago it became known that support for outdated versions of Skype would be discontinued within the next couple of months.

In the official explanation, the developers explain this step by saying that older releases are incompatible with the new features of the messenger (for example, sending messages to contacts who are not online). In addition, if users work with older versions, it is impossible to implement the correct operation of the program when accessing the network from several devices. No one doubts that there are other reasons why Microsoft is uncomfortable with older versions of Skype, but we can only guess about them. However, the main thing is that very soon users of Skype 6.13 for Windows and earlier versions, as well as Skype 6.14 for Mac and older releases, simply will not be able to use the program. If you try to authorize from the old version of the application, you will be prompted to update the program, otherwise the connection will not be established.

When people are forced to do something, it invariably causes a desire to refuse the service, no matter how familiar and convenient it may be. But finding an alternative to Skype is not easy, if only because over the years of its development, the application has received a lot of functions that can be used on various devices: desktop computers and laptops, smartphones and tablets. And for most of us, giving up a familiar app on a Windows PC means finding an alternative on a mobile device as well. Although the problem is rather with the messenger for the desktop. There are a lot of mobile applications for text messaging, VoIP telephony and video calls, but not all of them have versions for Windows. Most developers are focused on developing their products for mobile platforms. Nevertheless, there are instant messengers that work simultaneously on mobile devices and computers, and we will talk about them today.

Jitsi - only for desktop so far

The developers of most modern instant messengers rely on the support of popular mobile platforms, and pay much less attention to desktop systems. In this regard, Jitsi is a unique program, since it works on all popular desktop platforms, but only Android is supported from mobile devices, and even then only in alpha mode. The almost complete lack of support for mobile devices is offset by a number of other advantages.

Firstly, in terms of basic functionality, Jitsi is not inferior to Skype - the same voice communication, video calls, including group calls, the presence of a chat, the ability to show your screen. Secondly, Jitsi is not just a free program, it is also open source. At the same time, it is quite safe, since all traffic is encrypted. Thirdly, the application has good compatibility with other open standards: for example, the sound is transmitted using the Opus codec, Google, Facebook and other popular networks are supported, voice and video calls in Jitsi can be made through SIP and XMPP accounts.

The SIP protocol is convenient for communication between users who are on the local network. This method of communication does not require registration - it is enough to indicate your IP address and an arbitrary login. And in order to make voice and video calls not only on the local network, you can use the free XMPP service from Jitsi developers. To do this, you need to go through a simple registration on the website, and then enter your XMPP account details (login is indicated in the format [email protected]).

Jitsi saves call history and allows you to keep track of missed calls. The application also allows you to transfer files - you just need to drag them into the application window. For voice calls, echo cancellation, noise reduction, temporary microphone mute, call hold, simultaneous voice chat with several interlocutors are supported.

Viber is useless without a smartphone

Viber is a project with partially Belarusian roots. One of the founders of the messenger is a Belarusian, and work on the application is being carried out, including in Brest, as well as in Israel. The first version of Viber was released for the iPhone, but today you can use the messenger on almost all platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, forgotten BlackBerry OS, Series 40, Symbian and Bada. And since last year, Viber has also been running on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux desktop platforms, although with some caveats, which are discussed below.

Viber supports all the usual functions of Skype: you can chat with friends in a chat (up to a hundred people can be in one chat at the same time), as well as make calls - both in the mode of voice alone and with video. True, video calls work so far only in desktop versions of the application, and even then in beta mode.

If you want to use Viber as an alternative to Skype on the desktop, you should not forget that this application was originally developed as a mobile one. This is why registration from the desktop client is not possible. To become a Viber user, you must first install the application on your smartphone. A phone number is used for authorization, the same number must then be entered in the desktop client. After that, an activation code will be sent to mobile Viber, which must be entered in the desktop program. At the same time, if you log out of your Viber account in the mobile application, the work of the desktop version will be immediately stopped.

Desktop Viber picks up a list of contacts from a mobile phone and displays them in the main window. If you wish, you can also connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts - then the contact list will become even larger.

Those people who use Viber will be marked in the contact list with a special icon - you can call them for free or chat in a chat. Other contacts can also be called, but using the paid Viber Out function. If you install Viber on two or more devices, the application will synchronize all messages between clients. If a message was deleted on one device, it will disappear on the other.

Viber offers a lot of ways to express yourself. When chatting from a mobile device, you can use not only words and familiar emoticons, but also stickers.

In addition, right in the application, you can record funny animated videos and send them to your interlocutors.

It is also available to record ordinary voice messages, send video files and photos stored on the device, send location information. You can also draw pictures and send them to the chat. For desktop clients, sending emoticons, stickers, and photos that are stored on the computer works.

Among the numerous settings of the application, one can note the possibility of blocking numbers, automatic deletion of old multimedia files from the device, the ability to hide oneself from the Viber network, free reply to SMS via Viber (if the respondent has the client installed).

Google Hangouts- video in the browser

The communication service from Google is integrated into various web services of the company, and also exists as separate mobile applications for Android and iOS, and the client is preinstalled on Android devices by default. From a desktop PC, you can chat via Hangouts from Gmail and Google+. There is also an extension for Google Chrome that adds a widget directly to the Windows taskbar. Authorization on all devices, of course, occurs through a Google account. At the same time, all events are synchronized between devices: if you missed a video meeting, you will see a message about this on all your devices, as well as the history of negotiations in a text chat.

It's also interesting that Hangouts syncs notification settings across devices. If, for example, the blocking of notifications about incoming messages is enabled on the computer for three hours, then during this time the smartphone will also be silent.

Another feature that will be useful for those who use Hangouts on different devices is the display of information about which device is currently active. Also, the status can show information that the user is currently talking to someone.

Using Hangouts, you can send text messages, location information, photos to your interlocutors (on mobile devices, you can take a photo from the application or select it from the gallery). Unfortunately, there is no convenient way to transfer files, as in Skype. Perhaps someday developers will also integrate their Google Drive service with Hangouts, but for now, you can only upload images and videos.

On any device, you can start a video meeting with up to 100 people at the same time. During a video call, the participant who is currently speaking is displayed in a large window, and the rest in a ribbon of small windows located at the bottom of the screen. On a slow Internet connection, Hangouts video calls work even better than Skype.

Mobile versions of Hangouts are integrated with SMS (if the user has enabled this feature), so that the application shows a general chat for text messages and those sent through the application.

Hangouts for Chrome has a spartan interface. The application is presented as a separate small window, and also adds its own icon to the notification area (it can be disabled). At the request of the user, it can be automatically launched along with the start of the browser.

Telegram - only chat, but safe

Telegram is the youngest of the messengers in our review, the oldest of its clients is not even a year old. Nevertheless, the number of its active users in the spring exceeded 35 million. Behind the promising project is the notorious Pavel Durov, who invests money in it. Thanks to such powerful support, the application does not have any paid features, as well as advertising (and, as the developers promise on the official website, it will not appear, since this project is not focused on making a profit).

Telegram is being developed by another Durov - Nikolai, who is Pavel's older brother. Especially for the service, Nikolai created a special messaging protocol called MTProto, which provides a high level of security. So high that for hacking the protocol they offered 200 thousand dollars in the virtual currency Bitcoin, but no one has yet earned them that way.

Like other mobile messengers, Telegram uses a mobile phone number as a login. It receives an SMS with an authorization code. If Telegram is used on multiple devices, you need to keep in mind that the first time you log in from new equipment, you will need to enter a verification code. Therefore, the phone on which the registration was performed must be kept at hand. Interestingly, when authorizing on a new device, a message is sent to already activated devices for security purposes. In addition, in the application settings it is possible to remotely terminate all application sessions, except for the current one.

Telegram will be interesting for those Skype users who prefer text chat to all methods of communication. There are no VoIP telephony functions, as well as video calls, in Telegram (and not planned yet). The application offers text messaging, as well as the ability to send location information as a Google map fragment, attach images, send voice messages and videos up to 1 GB in size. You can record a voice message, as well as take a photo or video for the interlocutor, right there without leaving the chat window.

All forwarded messages are stored on a remote server and are therefore available from any device that is logged in with a service account. And there can be a lot of such devices, because Telegram officially supports iOS and Android, and also has unofficial clients for Windows Phone, Windows Desktop, Linux and Mac, works as an application for Google Chrome and as a web application in the browser.

You can communicate in Telegram not only with one person - group chats are provided to discuss issues that require the presence of more people. Up to two hundred people can take part in such a chat, and not only the creator of the group, but also everyone who has already been invited to it can invite new members. When you open a group chat window, you can see the total number of participants, as well as how many of them are currently online.

In addition to regular chats, Telegram also offers private ones with an increased level of security. During communication in them, data is sent directly between the two devices, and the correspondence history does not remain on a remote server. Moreover, while communicating in a secret chat, you can set the time after which messages will be automatically deleted from the sender's and recipient's devices. However, privacy has a downside: in the name of security, you will have to sacrifice the ability to access messages from other devices, the function of forwarding messages to other people, and the ability to send messages to subscribers who are not online at the moment.

ooVoo - video calling, but with ads

Another application that you can consider as an alternative to Skype is ooVoo. Its main advantages are support for both desktop and major mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone), as well as the ability to make video calls on all supported devices. Moreover, making video calls is the main purpose of the service, and a lot of attention is paid to this function. The transmitted video can be supplied with various special effects that are applied on the fly.

Up to 12 people can communicate simultaneously in a video chat, and not all of them must be users of the service. If you want to chat with those who do not have the ooVoo application installed, you can generate a video chat link. Those who receive this link will be able to join the video conference directly in their browser by entering their Facebook or ooVoo account details.

The ooVoo Windows program is more functional than the mobile apps. So, in the desktop client, you can send any files (in the mobile version - only photos and videos), record calls and video messages, watch YouTube videos with friends, transfer a picture from the desktop.

Unfortunately, ooVoo has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main one is annoying ads that appear both on the computer and on mobile devices. You can remove it by switching to the paid version of the service, which also includes the function of storing up to 1000 minutes of video on the service's servers (recall that Telegram can send videos up to 1 GB in size for free).

⇡ Conclusion

Well, today it is hardly possible to find a messenger that would not be inferior to Skype in terms of functionality and convenience. Among the alternatives considered, the Google Hangouts service seemed to be the most worthy solution - there are no ads here, and video on mobile platforms works well, and you don’t even need to register specifically, and the contact list is loaded from Gmail. However, other programs may also be suitable - it all depends on which Skype features you use most often and on which devices you are used to chatting. For example, Telegram is perfect for chatting, Jitsi is perfect for voice and video calls from the desktop, and Viber is perfect for mobile voice communication.

Able to become a worthy alternative to Skype.

Skype updated its app in June. Now users of the service will be able to exchange short video messages, the function is available to users on most platforms that support Skype, including Windows 8, Mac, iOS, Android and BlackBerry. But what are the alternatives to an outdated and lagging service with useful updates?

Skype video calls can be recorded up to three minutes long. “Skype helps people to be closer to each other, but no technology can save you from overworked schedules and missed calls,” this is how the service administration explained the need for a new feature.

Meanwhile, the update causes users more questions than joy. So, one video letter cannot be sent to several recipients at once. Users still cannot share audio messages, as well as videos from the memory of a smartphone or tablet. The recorded audio clip cannot be saved in the gadget's memory. Finally, sent video messages, unlike text messages, cannot be canceled after they have been sent.

The update, as critics of Skype and its mentor Microsoft rightly point out, looks hastily and sloppy. All applications for Skype have recently become more and more heavy, and claims against Microsoft, the owner of the service, have become especially frequent after the company was convicted of transferring information about its subscribers to the US (and possibly other countries) authorities.

Skype still holds the lead in the Internet telephony market. According to a study conducted by telecom analysts at Analysis Mason at the end of last year, Skype is used by 79% of all users of VoIP applications and 16% of the total number of respondents of the total number of Internet users. But isn't it time to look for a replacement for the usual service? Moreover, there are really a lot of competitors on the market now. And practically each of them has significant advantages in comparison with the "monopolist".

Google Hangouts. This year, Internet giant Google merged its communication services - Gtalk chats, Gmail and Google Voice - into one, Google Hangouts. Now, in order to use all this diversity, you do not even need to install a separate program on your computer: the service is launched through a special browser extension - Chrome or any other.

If you need to arrange a small video conference, then this happens right on the Google+ page. The main advantage of the service is that the user can start a conference in one of his circles with those participants who are now interested in this, and then, in the course of the dialogue, other users can join the conversation. In the same Skype, if you are not a participant in the discussion initially, then you cannot find out about it and connect to the conversation. Up to 10 people can participate in a video conference.

A distinctive feature of Hangouts is its thoughtfulness and manufacturability. During the conversation, the speaker will be displayed in a large window, and all other participants in small windows located below. If two people say something to the rest at the same volume, Google will choose and show only one of them in a large window.

Experience shows that the picture and video are displayed on laptops of average power and at an average channel width just fine, but only as long as the number of conference participants does not exceed five or six. Then possible podtmormazhivaniya and distortion of the picture.

Apple FaceTime. An excellent video communication service, available, however, exclusively to users of Cupertino corporation equipment - Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod. The data from the App Store, an online application store, is used as a login and password for authorization. The mobile version of FaceTime is characterized by absolute minimalism, truncated options for fine-tuning and excellent voice and picture quality. The FaceTime mobile application loads much faster, works more clearly, and offline, for some unknown reason, does not “fall out” once every half an hour, which Skype constantly sins. And here's another thing: when calling via Skype using mobile devices, there is almost always a slight lag between video and audio. FaceTime doesn't have this problem. This is obviously the highest quality service in terms of data transmission on the market today.

Viber- a wonderful, albeit young, service from Belarus, which was founded by two guys from Israel. However, the development of almost all the code for it is carried out in Minsk and Brest. Initially, Viber is aimed at users of smartphones and tablets, and this is its main advantage over Skype, which, after all, was originally conceived for the PC architecture. Viber does not require registration: accounts are linked to a mobile phone number. It does not require you to look for friends: the program simply shows which of the people who are in your phone book have Viber installed, and offers to call them or send a free message - like SMS, only via the Internet.

In order to be in touch in Viber, the program does not even need to be launched: it always works in the background and consumes almost no traffic or smartphone battery resources. So you can use Viber in much the same way as we usually use mobile phones, but at the same time use the Internet exclusively for this. But the main advantage of the Belarusian-Israeli development is that it provides an acceptable quality of voice communication even in conditions of totally poor Internet access speed. In order to clearly hear the interlocutor, it will be enough to use EDGE.

Recently, the developers have released a version of Viber for Windows and Apple OS X.

There are several disadvantages: you can only call other Viber users, there is no video communication.

Kakaotalk is a free cross-platform messenger that differs from others in its unusual cheerful design, excellent communication quality and accessibility exclusively for smartphone users. The creators believe that computers as a means of voice communication should be thrown aside long ago.

Works like Viber, as if you can't disable it at all. At the same time, it allows you to share photos, videos, other files, conduct group video chats, use emoticons, send voice messages to the subscriber's phone, etc. The main thing: there are "sound filters" functions that allow you to distort your voice, making it more funny or giving it the right intonation. KakaoTalk is a service for communicating exclusively with friends, it is distinguished by its “frivolity” in everything and the joy of using it. And here you can subscribe to mailing lists of your favorite celebrities.

jitsi. In March of this year, the official release of Jitsi 2.0, an open source SIP communicator, took place. Compared to Skype, this one of the most beloved programs among geeks has all conversations encrypted using the ZRTP protocol - it is believed that it is unrealistically difficult to “open” it. Among the main innovations of Jitsi 2.0 are support for simultaneous multi-user XMPP video chat, support for Outlook statuses and calls, a simple and elegant interface, fast loading and lightness of the application, support for Opus and VP8 audio / video codecs with higher video quality compared to H. 264 that Skype uses. The number of chat participants is not limited in any way. But the main thing: Jitsi imposes minimum requirements for data bandwidth - this means that good communication quality will be provided even when only slow Internet is available.

The downside, as usual, is one: the development is new, and therefore so far only popular among geeks. There are not many contacts in Jitsi yet. But this, by the way, is its main advantage: the secret services of all countries of the world do not yet pay attention to the unpopular service and its users.

ooVoo is a fairly convenient program for making video calls through a computer, a simple and affordable alternative to Skype. The service allows you to arrange negotiations with six participants at the same time, and such conferences can be organized directly from the company's website, so there is no need to directly install a client for one-time calls from other people's computers. ooVoo, like Skype, allows you to search for contacts, share files, communicate via chat, etc. The creators position the service as an alternative to the "overloaded Skype interface." Plus, ooVoo is more stable: connection breaks happen much less often in it. ooVoo is distributed free of charge, the interface is multilingual, Russian is supported.

In general, alternatives to Skype for those who fell out of love (or never liked) this program are more than enough. In this review, we deliberately did not touch on messenger programs that combine many protocols on one platform. The same allows you to communicate via Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook and other services directly from the browser window. It is enough just to register. From ourselves we want to add: try, experiment, be inquisitive. Sometimes the traditional and most popular solutions are far from the best for you personally.

The slowdown and problems with Skype synchronization suggest that it's time to find something to replace Skype with. But it's not easy to find an alternative to Skype for PC that works on most platforms, supports various types of file transfers, group calls and chats, is secure, fast, and preferably free. For example, many applications work only in the mobile version or offer free Skype features for money. And yet we will try.


Viber is considered the main competitor of our ward, and even has some advantage over him. A feature of the messenger is that the account is logged in by phone number, the application is synchronized with the phone book, i.e. the contact list is created automatically.


While in Skype calls to all mobile numbers are paid, in Viber only calls to numbers not registered in the program are paid. In fact, Viber can be called like a regular phone, but free of charge, and the quality of communication is quite high.

As for the main criteria, we put plus signs for cross-platform and free. You can write, call and video chat with contacts, send multimedia messages, create group chats, which is also a big plus.

The latest version, Viber 5.9, has the option to send all kinds of files, including office ones, weighing up to 200 MB. But for a successful transfer, the other party must also have the latest version installed. In addition, you can track whether the message was received by the interlocutor.

Bonus entertainment for Viber users - subscription to public chats, games and all kinds of sticker sets. At the same time, there are no ads in the application.


Binding to the number, insecurity. Registration in the program is only from the phone, the application is too tied to numbers, and in fact it is much more convenient to use it in the mobile version than in the desktop version. From the same link to the phone number, the low security of communication in Viber follows - there is nothing to do to hack an account.

Sending files. Significant disadvantages of the program are problems with synchronization between the desktop and mobile versions, as well as the issue of file transfer. Until recently, only multimedia files were transferred in Viber, and in the desktop version, there were problems with transferring anything other than photos.


Viber is really an alternative to Skype, but rather mobile. Although, perhaps, the latest version of the messenger has become more comfortable for use on a PC.

Verdict: Viber is your choice if you are looking for a replacement for Skype for communication - here it is good, and even better than Skype. For collective work, the messenger so far seems to be more problematic than Skype.



The advantages of Telegram include free, cross-platform, speed and the ability to create group chats.

You can send files of any type and your geolocation data, as well as search for images on the Internet right inside the messenger, use free stickers and add your own.

Telegram is positioned as a secure and privacy-protecting messenger.


Security is not for everyone. The option of so-called "secret chats" that leave no traces on the servers is not available for the Windows version. The issue of application security remains open due to the same binding to the number.


If you are satisfied with just text messaging, Telegram is a pretty decent Skype replacement.


TOX is a project that aims to enable direct messaging between IP addresses without the use of centralized servers.


The messenger is free, there are clients for different software platforms.

Since the task of the developers was to create an alternative to Skype, all the main functions are available: text messages, audio and video communication, group chats, file transfer.

It is considered one of the most secure messengers.


Inconvenient adding contacts. To add a contact, you need to know his indigestible Tox ID - a set of several dozen letters and numbers, or a more readable address that a friend must receive by registering in the Tox database on the official website.

narrow functionality. There is no offline messaging function and many pleasant little things that other messengers have.

Inconsistencies at work. The project is still under development, so many of the features are rough and sometimes inconsistent between clients running on different platforms.


If you are tormented by the question of how to replace Skype, in order to ensure greater security and privacy, you can install TOX. But you need to be prepared for crashes and limited functionality, as the program is in the process of being finalized.


Hangouts is familiar to all Google account holders, but not everyone is aware of its capabilities.


Text chats, calls to phone numbers (paid if not in the US or Canada), as well as video conferencing and free streaming of YouTube hangouts are supported.

Hangouts works on different platforms, correspondence is synchronized between different devices.

There is sending emoticons, photos and maps, there is integration with Google mail.


For Google users only. Linking to a Google account and Chrome browser on a PC.

Only images. It is not possible to send other files besides images (however, this is solved by saving files to Google drive and sharing them).

Data insecurity. According to Google representatives, the messenger is not so secure: the company can listen / read conversations and, on demand, transfer data to the authorities.


If you have a Google account, it's a sin not to use Hangouts as an alternative to Skype. But, in terms of security, it is not better, but weaker in functionality.


CacaoTalk is a popular South Korean product that is now being actively used in other countries.


Cross-platform, support for group chats, calls and video calls, file exchange up to 100 MB and cute emoticons, nice interface.

In addition, the application supports a lot of games, an online gift shopping service, news from celebrities and brands, information about promotions and discounts.


Work speed. In general, the application is smart, but the servers are already in Korea, which is why the periodic slow-wittedness of the messenger is possible. The interface language of the official program is only English, Korean or Chinese.

Privacy is in doubt. The issue of security is debatable: on the one hand, information slipped through the media that the authorities were monitoring CacaoTalk, on the other hand, the owner of the application said that he was not going to provide correspondence data to anyone on demand (but this is more likely for users from South Korea).


CacaoTalk is a good alternative to Skype for Windows and other software platforms.


Bleep is another decentralized messenger that connects contacts directly, bypassing central servers.


Free clients for different platforms.

To register, it is not necessary to use an email or phone number - you can only specify a nickname.

Security (end-to-end encryption and no cloud storage, no trace of metadata). The ability to "whisper" a message with deletion without a trace after reading.

Available messaging and calls, file transfer.


Work speed. Judging by the reviews, it freezes at times and eats a lot of energy (however, the latter is not so important for the PC version).


Bleep is a security guru. So if you're paranoid about listening/reading, install Bleep.


Slack is a purposefully corporate messenger designed for teamwork.


Messages are grouped in separate channels: these can be large group chats or private messages.

Search is available among all messages at once.

Integration with cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive), social networks (Twitter) and other services.

There is a free version, supported by all major platforms.

Extensive file handling options.


A question of security. In 2015, the messenger's user base was hacked, however, after that, additional security measures were introduced.


According to the developers, Slack is used by employees of many well-known companies, including the NASA laboratory. Messenger seems like a cool alternative to Skype for teamwork, but I feel the need to complement the application with voice communication.

Summarizing the above

  • Viber lacks only the possibility of group calls to completely replace Skype. Rating: 9/10
  • Telegram attracts with the speed of work and the declared security. We look forward to voice chats. Rating: 8/10
  • TOX and Bleep differ in privacy and encryption reliability and, unfortunately, the unavailability of the product. Rating: 7/10
  • CacaoTalk does not have any pronounced "raisins", but it may well pass for an alternative to Skype if you know English and are willing to communicate with the world through Korea. Rating: 7/10
  • Hangouts and Slack are good for teamwork, but with their own quirks. Rating: 6/10

None of the listed applications claims to be universal and have the optimal set of functions that Skype has.

Yes, and problems with synchronization and freezes, if you dig deeper, not one of the messengers is deprived.

What messenger do you use and which one would you recommend as an alternative to Skype for PC?

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Without a twinge of conscience, I ask "telephone number" from unfamiliar guys and girls. In order to check whether the lock button fits comfortably under the finger and whether autofocus works quickly :) I would like to visit MWC and keep a live blog from the thick of things.

  • Igor 16.02.2016

    Viber, as for me, is too "heavy" - i.e. it takes up too much RAM, which can cause other programs to “slow down”.
    And this overload of stickers is not for me.

  • Nikolay 16.02.2016

    Skype did not even install, it costs Viber. As they say, I got attached to it.)) I am a conservative, I won’t even try other programs.
    It’s more difficult with a phone, I have the 520th Lumiya, and she has only one camera, the front one. Communication with multimedia - only on WhatsApp ...

    • Anastasia 17.02.2016

      Nikolay's answer:

      Many messenger users are conservative: the first one they start using seems to be the best :)

  • Alex 16.02.2016

    Thank you for an interesting and useful article dear author. To be honest, I did not know (however, like most users) that there are so many programs similar to Skype. In my opinion, the most suitable for replacing Skype, from the above list are: VIiber, Tox, as well as the Google program Hangouts. I, in turn, would like to add to this list such a program as ICQ. Once on an old laptop there was this program and I successfully used it for telephone conversations and sending SMS. The programs are certainly good and you can replace Skype with them, but the problem is different, in the ignorance of users about them.

    • Zhenya 17.02.2016

      Alex's answer:

      Also reading the article I thought to add ICQ. They took several steps to capture at least some piece of users, but even I, who is nostalgic for this service, did not appreciate them. The quality of the video call is very poor, not even close to Skype. But as a messenger it is quite convenient, but not popular and, as a result, again useless.

  • Anastasia 17.02.2016

    And the problem is that they do not fully replace Skype. There are a lot of instant messengers, but something on the horizon is not such a versatile person, so that it would be convenient to use both in work and in communication ...

  • Varvara 18.02.2016

    Skype is indispensable for me. Do not forget that it appeared first and most users are registered in it. Whatever application you use, you and your interlocutor need to have it. So it turns out that there are more of your friends on Skype, only there are problems with finding them. And if my mother, for example, had difficulty installing skype and got used to using it, why ask her to install viber, for example. Moreover, he has not yet reached that level. There is a note on Viber. I have it installed on my phone and on my computer, and if I see the history of correspondence in Skype, regardless of where it was conducted, that is, if I corresponded on the phone, then I can view this correspondence on the computer, then there is no such possibility in Viber. And for some reason I can't use the camera to call Viber. And for sending text messages, WhatsApp seemed more convenient to me. I use them.