Multi split for 4 rooms. Conditioning. The equipment is suitable for installation in

The development of technology and the growth of living standards. They led to the fact that it became easy to cool a multi-room apartment. It is enough just to install an air conditioner in each room. This will allow you to forget about the inconvenience forever. Caused by the lack of proper microclimate in the house. Fortunately, there are many models of air conditioning devices. Differing:

  • Typical execution.
  • A set of features.
  • Ultimate power.

And other criteria. But a complex multi-split system for 4 rooms is superior to such equipment. Being the best solution for a number of reasons.

What are the advantages of a multi-split system for four rooms

The prices are relatively high. What is compensated a number of advantages. By ordering them, the property owner will be able not to spoil the facade of the house. By placing four separate outdoor units on it. This is sometimes prohibited by the city authorities. And homeowners associations. Yes, and watching the blocks under your own windows is quite uncomfortable. Therefore, even though the price is high for multi-split systems for four rooms, they are in demand.

The equipment is suitable for installation in:

  • Multi-storey buildings.
  • Country cottages.
  • business centers.
  • Objects of historical building.

And other places. What motivated demand from citizens. Accustomed to surround themselves with the best items.

Similarly, there is demand from the owners country houses. This is due to the possibility of hidden installation. Allowing to disguise trunk communications, an external unit. Standard air conditioners can not be hidden like that. Their outer parts will hang at different points of the facade. Ruining the original design project. And although the prices for multi-split systems for 4 rooms are high. They are in demand among owners of country houses of a large area.

What is a multi split system for 4 rooms?

Each model of climatic equipment from our catalog combines:

  • Extensive feature set.
  • Reliability.
  • Long period of operation.
  • energy efficiency.

What makes them matching key criteria solutions. Our units have recently appeared on the market for free sale. Prior to that, it was more difficult for owners of premises with a large area. They were forced to buy an isolated air conditioner for each room. Looking for a place to install external nodes. Which resulted in wasted time. This was especially difficult in new houses. In which where the location of the outdoor units of air conditioners are assigned to all residents. In a strictly defined quantity. It was not easier in buildings of historical and architectural value.

System Composition

Split system for 4 rooms - the perfect solution. It comes with several indoor units. They are capable of any performance. Cassette, channel, floor, wall. This makes them suitable for residential and auxiliary premises. There are no restrictions regarding the power of the equipment responsible for cooling the air. This allows you to install different blocks in bedrooms, halls and living rooms. This gives the owner the opportunity to take into account the area and features of the layout of each room. The limitation is present only in the performance of the blocks. The power of the outdoor module must match the power of the indoor ones.

This design has many advantages. In particular, it allows you to set the temperature regime for an individual node. Required by the owner of the apartment. Block manager via remote control. By purchasing this equipment, you will make life pleasant. Providing a microclimate in your own home, cottage, office.

Which model to choose?

If you are having trouble making a choice, please contact. They will help in the exact selection of the device. Completely suitable for technical and functional parameters. Thanks to the right selection, you will make your stay inside the building extremely comfortable. Each of our split system for four rooms is different:

  • Compact dimensions.
  • Low noise level.
  • Low power consumption.

What will allow save space, own nerves, electrical energy. Having stopped the conscious choice on variations of climatic equipment. You will do the right thing. It is enough to choose the model of the system. Appropriate area of ​​the room.

For such a device, the tariffs for installation and equipment fluctuate significantly. The price depends on the brand, functionality, a number of related factors. But we offer the domestic consumer products of the best world brands. Buying it, you should not doubt that you spent money in vain. Our air conditioners and split systems will serve you for a long time interval. But the main thing is that we manage to keep all prices on the level. Affordable to most homeowners. What makes cooperation with us more profitable. The owners of four-room apartments and houses choose us. Trusting our craftsmen to create an air conditioning system. you automatically save.

If at the beginning of the 90s few citizens were the owners of four-room apartments, then in the 21st century such multi-room premises are not uncommon. But such houses need to be air-conditioned. The easiest option is to purchase four wall-mounted air conditioners. We will have to place 4 external blocks on the facade of the building, coordinate this placement with the HOA and constantly observe such a garland.

Such blocks will spoil the design of country houses. The ideal way out of the situation is to purchase a multi-split system designed for 4 rooms (there are models for two or three rooms). The external unit is installed on the facade of the building. indoor units mounted in rooms and connected to the outdoor unit with electrical wires and tubes with freon. The heat exchanger and the compressor with the fan are placed in the external block.

It should be noted that external devices that differ in type and power can be connected to the external unit. The length of the track will be significant. To pump freon, you need a powerful compressor. Therefore, you should install an outdoor unit designed for 5 (6) air conditioners, although only 4 units will be connected.

Models of multi-split systems for 4 rooms

If you need reliable equipment equipped with advanced technology, we recommend products from Japanese manufacturers:

The air conditioners of these companies are reliable, multifunctional and are characterized by high quality assemblies. They are the most:

  • Silent,
  • eco-friendly,
  • Powerful.

Offer from Klimavent

The company "Klimavent" offers customers to buy reliable climatic equipment, the sale of which is carried out with installation at the buyer's site. Installation is carried out by our specialists in the shortest possible time.

Installing an air conditioner is a big deal. Therefore, our installation teams are equipped with the necessary and expensive tools (measuring, installation). Installation of a multi-split system designed for 4 rooms is preferably carried out at the stage of repairing a cottage (apartment). Without disturbing the interior of the room, you can perform hidden wiring of communications.

After the repair is completed, we will:

  • route check,
  • Vacuuming,
  • Canopy of internal devices.

Provides a complete recovery of our curls at the deepest level, a complex consisting of a number of natural and most effective components - "System 4". For hair it the best remedy from a number of problems, both small cosmetic and quite serious.


"System 4" for hair is a unique product of its kind, consisting of three drugs that are most powerful in their effect. European scientists conducted a number of studies, as a result of which it was found out which microelements, vitamins and other useful substances are especially needed by hair and scalp. All of them are included in the funds that give so much effective results eventually. The complex consists of a nourishing serum and a shampoo that gently affects the scalp. Thanks to them, you can quickly and efficiently treat hair follicles, stop premature hair loss, restore their strength and former shine. There are cases when the complex helped out even in serious situations, such as severe after psoriasis. Forums are full of laudatory reviews indicating all the positive qualities of this system.

When to apply

Studies on volunteers have shown that in 90 percent of cases, System 4 performed well. The hair loss complex works in two directions at once - it qualitatively strengthens and awakens dormant bulbs, which give rise to new dense and healthy hair in the shortest possible time. The manufacturer guarantees a positive effect from the use of this complex in the following cases:

  • with frequent staining, constant use of hot tongs and a hair dryer;
  • as the best restorative protection against harmful factors environment;
  • in the postpartum period, when the bulbs are as weak as possible and require additional nutrition;
  • in the presence of dandruff, itching, increased greasiness and other unpleasant sensations, which are necessarily accompanied by loss in the end;
  • the system is effective in most situations associated with impaired hair growth.

The complex is especially shown after transferred operations, in post- and menopause, as an emergency treatment after the use of low-quality cosmetic and coloring agents.

What does it consist of

"System 4" for hair includes three important tools, each of which works extremely purposefully. Their action is to quickly and effectively eliminate all possible causes, negatively affecting the hair, feeding them with a large number of valuable elements and activating all frozen processes in the scalp. It is as a system that they have the maximum impact, eliminating a number of various problems, such as dandruff, hair loss, fungus and increased greasiness. The system perfectly fights any kind of irritation on the scalp, instantly eliminates itching and even treats psoriasis.

Biobotanical Shampoo

It is a kind of stimulant. Contains a range of medicinal herbs(watercress, rosemary, birch, nettle, nasturtium and others), filled with healing extracts and extracts, like the entire "System 4" for hair. Reviews about it indicate the following number of important properties of shampoo:

  • it foams beautifully, forming a large cap the first time, it cleanses very gently, and if you hold it on your head a little longer, it additionally works as a mask;
  • due to the presence in the composition of a number of vitamins, it helps to strengthen the hair follicles and saturate them with substances important for awakening and health;
  • contains chestnut extract and tea tree oil, which completely eliminate inflammation and dandruff after the first application.

Biobotanical Serum

It is filled with herbal extracts, natural oils, valuable trace elements and other components that are beneficial for the health of hair and scalp. Serum is a unique means of protection against the effects of all harmful factors, envelops and nourishes each hair individually, contributing to its strengthening and rapid growth. The price of a single bottle is only sixty rubles per hundred grams, but the manufacturer indicates that for the most positive and quick effect the entire "System 4" should be used comprehensively. For hair, serum is good for the following indicators:

  • helps to stimulate their growth and strengthen the roots;
  • saturates the bulbs with vitamins, prevents their premature loss;
  • provides high-quality protection along the entire length.

Therapeutic mask

One of the most powerful tools in System 4. The hair loss complex, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, begins its work precisely with the use of this healing mask. She is the most nourished beneficial substances, the composition of the product includes the substance Climbazole, unique in its effect on the bulbs, which is an innovative composition with a targeted effect on weak hair and scalp. The mask works in several directions at once:

  • eliminates excess greasiness, normalizes the functioning of the glands;
  • effectively fights inflammation and all types of fungi, and even psoriasis;
  • the Climbazole formula, combined with a number of vitamins, quickly stops hair loss;
  • the general condition improves, the structure of the hair is filled with useful substances, their density increases.

The mask is effective even in advanced cases, it showed itself perfectly in a number of situations associated with increased loss and dandruff that is difficult to remove.


"System 4" from hair loss is filled with useful substances, which together have a very powerful effect.

  • Salicylic acid - eliminates all dead cells, facilitating access to new and dormant ones.
  • Menthol - soothes, provides a pleasant feeling of freshness.
  • Rosemary - has a nourishing effect, contributes to the rapid strengthening of the bulbs.
  • Panthenol - helps restore hair exhausted by frequent dyeing and heat treatment.
  • Piroctone olamine - perfectly fights all types of fungi.
  • Vitamins C, E, PP, B6, B5 restore shine, health and natural thickness to hair.

How to apply

  • The result of this application is more stable.
  • He is visible immediately.

Often this system is prescribed by a trichologist for the treatment of hair for a certain period. It is not necessary to use the product constantly, correct sequence actions and an integrated approach give a stable and high-quality result.

  1. A mask is first applied to a clean, washed and slightly dried head. It is better to do this with massaging movements so that the beneficial components of the composition penetrate deep into the skin. Put on a plastic cap and soak the product on your hair for forty minutes, you can leave it overnight.
  2. This is followed by a shampoo that gently rinses the hair, further saturating it with useful ingredients.
  3. In conclusion, a serum is used that does not require rinsing, applied to the skin and hair along the entire length, carefully massaged for better absorption.

Most reviews indicate that with regular use this remedy completely eliminates hair loss, dandruff and other related problems. Hair really looks much better, thicker and healthier.

Instructions for use

System 4 anti-hair loss complex /set shampoo 215ml+mask 215ml+serum 200ml/ instructions for use


Composition see "Pharmacological action"


Bio Botanical Shampoo: Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, PEG-4 (Rapeseed Oil), Undecylenamido-MEA-Sulfosuccinate, Sodium Laureth-8-Sulfate, Sodium Oleate Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Glycerate-2-Cocoate, Glycoldistearate, Salicylic Acid, Piroctone Olamine , menthol, hydrogenated castor oil (PEG-40), polysorbate 20, tocopherol acetate, PPG-2 methyl ester, retinol palmitate, panthenol, potassium sorbate, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, sorbitol, downy birch extract, burdock extract, horsetail extract, nasturtium extract, nettle extract, rosemary extract, aloe extract, nasturtium officinalis extract, horse chestnut extract, sodium chloride.

Bio Botanical Serum: Water, Denatured Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Menthol, Panthenol, Piroctone Olamine, Salicylic Acid, Tea Tree, Propylene Glycol, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Polysobrate, Tocopherol Acetate, Methyl Ether, Retinol Palmitate, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Linolenic Acid , linoleic acid, oleic acid, sorbitol, downy birch extract, burdock extract, horsetail extract, nasturtium may extract, nettle extract, rosemary extract, aloe extract, nasturtium officinalis extract, horse chestnut extract.

Therapeutic mask: water, cetearyl alcohol, glycerin, cetrimonium chloride, dipalmitoethyl hydroxyethylmonium methosulfate, ceteareth-20, salicylic acid, climbazole, piroctone olamine, rosemary, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium laureth-8-sulfate, sodium oleate sulfate, sodium hydroxide, menthol.

Description and properties

The complex against hair loss "System 4" stops hair loss, creates conditions for the growth of new healthy hair, nourishes the hair follicles and normalizes the microcirculation of the scalp.

Trichologists have proven that time is the decisive factor in the fight against hair loss. If you ignore the symptoms of the disease and delay professional treatment, then you risk losing your hairline forever.

The complex for hair loss "System 4" includes products that work in 3 stages:

Stage 1. Deep cleansing of the scalp

Stage 2. Saturation of hair follicles with nutrients

Stage 3. Stimulation of the growth of new healthy hair

The effectiveness of the complex is confirmed by leading dermatologists and trichologists of Russia*

* The effectiveness of the complex is confirmed by scientific works: “Seborrheic forms of hair thinning” Butov Yu.S., Volkova E.N., Polesko I.V. complex “SYSTEM 4” for the treatment of seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp” V.V. Gladko, S.A. Masyukova, N.V. Gaidash, E.A. 2008, "Review of methods of external therapy of androgenetic alopecia", speaker - leading trichologist of Russia Tkachev V.P., 2003.

Is the System 4 complex against hair loss right for you?

Hair loss can be caused by a number of reasons. Our Sim Sensitive trichologists recommend starting treatment with "System 4" if you have experienced and are experiencing at least one of these cases: pregnancy, post-natal stress, hormonal disruptions, menopause, poor blood circulation, surgery with general anesthesia, skin infections head, excessive greasiness of the scalp, dandruff, malnutrition (lack of vitamins and microelements), sharp jumps in body temperature, change in climatic conditions of residence, environmental pollution, stress, nervous fatigue, hair coloring, chemical effects on hair.

A three-component complex application for the treatment of hair loss and baldness.

The complex prevents hair loss and baldness. Treats hair and scalp from baldness (alopecia), stimulates hair growth. The remedy for hair loss awakens the follicles that are in telogen "hibernation", qualitatively increases the number of growing hair. Thanks to the natural ingredients that make up the complex.

What is the complex for hair loss "System 4" (System 4)? - This is the result of many years of research in the field of hair treatment and restoration in men and women. "System 4" allows you to effectively deal not only with hair loss, but also create the necessary conditions for the growth of thick healthy hair. Preparations European complex for the treatment of hair "System 4" give excellent results to eliminate most of the causes leading to hair loss.

System 4 hair restoration products successfully cope with the treatment of all types of hair and scalp. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of people are already using this complex and getting great results.

Hair loss is also often associated with heredity and age. In this case, System 4 will help slow down hair loss, as it contains special trace elements for the preservation and growth of new hair.

Often hair loss is associated with high greasiness of the scalp, dandruff, as well as the presence of bacteria and fungi. System 4 is able to effectively deal with most of these causes, as clinical trials have shown.

Complex "System 4" will also be useful if you would like to have thick healthy hair. When using drugs, hair growth is accelerated, hair becomes luxurious and beautiful.

Composition of the System 4 hair treatment complex:

System 4 Oil Cure Hair Mask - Therapeutic mask "O" for the scalp

System 4 Bio Botanical Shampoo - Bio Botanical Shampoo

System 4 Bio Botanical Serum - Bio-Botanical Serum

Advantages of the System 4 Complex (System 4)

Suitable for all hair types;

No age limit

Lack of hormones and antibiotics;

Use of environmentally friendly components.

Does not cause allergic reactions.

Bio Botanical Shampoo, thick, viscous consistency, transparent color.

Bio Botanical serum, liquid consistency, transparent color.

Therapeutic mask, consistency is thick, viscous, color is white.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Before use, read the instructions for the preparation "System 4".


To prevent hair loss and baldness.

Mode of application


Mode of application

The System 4 complex is used at least twice a week for 1-2 months. If there are contraindications, the frequency should be reduced.

First, the Oil Cure Hair Mask is applied to the scalp (do not wash the hair). The skin is massaged for 5 minutes in a circular motion. Keep your head warm for at least 45 minutes after applying the mask (you can wrap your head in a towel).

Bio Botanical Shampoo is applied in the usual way, hold for 2-3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Bio Botanical Serum is applied to a slightly dried head, after which the skin is massaged for 5 minutes. Massage your head in circular motions for 5 minutes. The serum is not washed off after application.

January 2020

Multi-split can handle four rooms

IN different rooms air conditioners can differ not only in power, but also in series and type.

We will help you choose. Let's go to the installation. We will provide a guarantee!

Models of multi split systems for 4 rooms and more

In a modern metropolis, it is not difficult to cool a multi-room apartment in four rooms: types of air conditioners various types and with various functional a sufficient number. It is more difficult to place these four or five "birdhouses" on the facade of the building. Ask yourself the question: is there room for all the outdoor units of your air conditioners?

A similar situation when installing multi split systems in country house or cottage: five blocks on the facade. Not every design project will withstand such mockery.

The solution in this situation is the purchase of a multi-split system for 4 or 5 rooms. This is a conventional split system with the ability to connect several indoor air conditioner units. The outdoor unit has a powerful compressor with a fan and a heat exchanger. At the same time, not only units of different power, but also units of different types can be connected to the external unit! Selection of equipment is usually carried out after the inspection of the object by a specialist of our company, or at least according to the layout of the premises previously sent by the customer.

For many models standard installation - as a gift! Check with managers: the final price of a multi-split system with installation will pleasantly surprise you!

Logo Model BTU
AMW4-28U4SAC outdoor unit 8.2 83690 R
AMW4-36U4SAC outdoor unit 10.0 97890 Р
AMW-42U4SE outdoor unit 12.5 121990 Р
4U26HS1ERA outdoor unit 7.6 115600 R
4U30HS1ERA outdoor unit 8.8 127000 R
SCM71ZM-S outdoor unit 7.1 156900 R
SCM80ZM-S outdoor unit 8.0 180700 R
SCM100ZM-S outdoor unit 10.0 252900 R
MXZ-4E72VA outdoor unit 7.1 166820 R
MXZ-4E83VA outdoor unit 8.3 201420 R
RAS-4M27S3AV-E outdoor unit 10.0 130446 R
RAS-5M34S3AV-E outdoor unit 10.0 150009 R
4MXS68F outdoor unit 6.8 131694 R
4MXS80E outdoor unit 8.0 149145 R
4MXM68N9 outdoor unit 6.8 131694 R
4MXM80N9 outdoor unit 9.0 149145 R

By the way, a multi-split into 4 blocks, as a rule, is placed in large, multi-room apartments and cottages. Often it is necessary to lay significant lengths of routes, through which only a powerful compressor can pump freon. Sometimes you have to install outdoor unit, designed for five or six air conditioners, connecting only four.

Installation of multi split systems

Installation of a multi-split system for 4 or more rooms, as a rule, is carried out at the stage of construction and implementation finishing works. This allows you to provide hidden wiring communications without disturbing the interior of the room. At the facility, as a rule, the type of air conditioner to be installed, its power are agreed with the customer, the total length of communications, lowering ceilings, laying other communications (water supply, electrical wiring, sewerage) are taken into account.

Installing a multi split in a cottage

Installing a multi split in an apartment

By contacting the organization, you will be insured against all sorts of "surprises" such as the inability to find a team that completed the first stage a year ago, rising prices for installation services, and in the event of a warranty event, you will receive qualified assistance and solving problems with restoring the air conditioner.

Dozens of meters of communications: freon circuit, drainage system, power and control cables. All this is hidden under the fine finish and a mistake when laying is fraught with alteration of the repair, missed deadlines, loss of time and money. Why do you take such risks? Stop your choice on our company: "Project Climate" has been designing, completing and installing air conditioning and ventilation systems for more than 14 years. Full-time employees, own service center, adequate prices for work and only high-quality consumables. We will do our best to make you forget about us... in good sense of this word: when the system just works and works as it should!