Planting peonies in the fall - detailed instructions, photos, videos. Proper planting of peonies in spring, summer and autumn in open ground! Peonies when to plant bulbs in autumn

Among the inhabitants of the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, and in many other parts of Russia, there are many gardeners who are happy to cultivate beautiful peonies. This flower cannot be called unpretentious, because it may not bloom for several years in a row. We will now discuss what needs to be done so that the buds are tied in both tree-like and herbaceous varieties, and what is remarkable about planting peonies in the fall.

Benefits of fall planting

If you answer the question of when it is better to plant a crop, in autumn or spring, then the answer will be unequivocal - in the fall. The flower does not like any transplantation at all and is ready to “sit” in one place up to 50 years, therefore it tolerates this procedure only in one case - when it has grown and is ready for division. To understand the priority of autumn planting, we will talk about what it means to plant peonies in the spring:

  1. there will be no flowering this year;
  2. there will be no flowering in subsequent years due to the illiterate choice of location and soil composition;
  3. long and painful survival.

After such a gloomy forecast, we will confine ourselves to a spring landing only in cases of emergency. After all, if you plant peonies in autumn in sunny places with a competent approach, then you can admire its flowering for several decades in a row, even without your own growing experience. Therefore, beginners will be able to boast of beautiful flowers in the second year of growth. Since we have considered when it is better to plant a plant, in spring or autumn, we will pay attention to the period from late August to late September. The ideal option is to prepare the soil in August and start work in September. Why? The conclusion is not random:

  • buds formed for subsequent growth;
  • the ground part has faded and is ready for division;
  • young roots have not yet begun to germinate, therefore, the traumatism of the root system is reduced;
  • the beginning of the rainy season with moderate temperatures contribute to the rooting of the bush.

But how to plant a peony if it fell into your hands in the spring? Your actions will be as follows: After such interesting storage methods, you can safely transplant the delenki into the ground in the fall. Having bought a seedling in a box, we act according to the general rules.

We divide the bush

Planting peonies in the fall can be carried out after dividing the overgrown bush. How to determine if your bush is ready for dividing and planting divisions in a new place, now you will learn:

  • Before dividing, the bush should bloom for 3-4 years;
  • The number of stems should be more than seven pieces. They should grow at a distance of 7 cm from each other.

We divide the bush according to the following system:

  1. at the end of August or September, all leaves and faded shoots are cut off from the bush, leaving stumps up to 15 cm high.
  2. we dig with a pitchfork at a distance of 10-15 cm from the growth of the stems.
  3. we take it out to the surface, wash the roots with water and carefully examine them for rot or other damage.
  4. rot is removed with a sharp, antiseptic-treated knife.
  5. we cut the rhizome so that there are 2–3 buds in each division, and the root is 5–10 cm long.
  6. small parts of the rhizome and more than medium ones will not take root well, so we recommend getting rid of them.
  7. we keep the correct seedlings in a purple solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes and 5–6 hours in a heteroauxin solution (1 tablet per 10 liters of water).
  8. dry the seedlings, sprinkle with ash or crushed coal.
  9. from fungal pathogens, we disinfect the root part in a solution of clay and copper sulfate diluted in water (1 tablespoon of vitriol, a liter jar of clay per 10 liters of water).

Our young offspring are processed and ready for landing in a new place.

Advice! “If possible, we prepare the landing holes in advance so that the soil settles and soaks with top dressing.”

Preparing the seat and soil

You learned when you can transplant peonies. Now we will discuss the choice of a place, on which both growth and flowering of a culture directly depend. An important role is played by the presence of sunlight in the morning. The flower is very fond of early sun and afternoon shading. Neighborhood with bushes of other species, trees, fences and walls of houses will protect the flower from winds that can injure. But you need to plant it not too close to give room to the roots (1.5–2 meters).

After choosing a place, we prepare such a composition of the soil so that peonies bloom for as long as possible. First, we note that the plant does not like the close approach (1.5–2 meters) of groundwater. If they are found, we throw drainage from broken bricks, small and medium crushed stone or expanded clay at the bottom of the landing pit. Secondly, if your site is sandy, then adding clay will not hurt, as the peony loves slightly alkaline loams. When planting bushes, consider the following factors:

  • Clay-containing weighted earth requires the addition of the following components: humus, sand, peat (an ideal combination);
  • We add lumps of clay (retains moisture), peat and humus into sandstones;
  • Peat soils are not conducive to cultivation, but some manage to achieve this by adding sand, ash and organics.

The right choice of site and soil plays an important role, but you should pay attention to the autumn top dressing for the development of the bush:

  • Shortly before planting, mix 200 gr. superphosphate and 200 gr. potassium sulfate with a liter jar of ash. Pour the resulting mixture to the bottom of the hole;
  • We dilute the purple solution of potassium permanganate 10-15 liters and pour it into our fertilizer mixture.

Planting peonies in stages

Having decided on the place and time, we proceed to the direct planting of young offspring.

  1. Having prepared a hole 60x60x60 (length, width, depth), we take into account the distance between them 1–1.2 m from each other.
  2. We described the mixture of fertilizers above, but if there is bone meal on hand, then 300-400 gr. won't interfere. In addition to the mixture described above, we introduce a layer of compost or rotted manure 5–7 cm.
  3. Next, the upper fertile layer, which we removed at the beginning, is added to the general pile and mixed with a shovel. The total distance of the fertilized layer from the bottom is 35–40 cm.
  4. Then we pour sand 20–25 cm.
  5. We place the process in the hole, spreading its roots evenly, and monitor the upper replacement buds so that they are 5 cm below the surface of the hole, no more.
  6. We fill the seedling with fertile soil, making sure that the end of the kidney is deepened by 5 cm.
  7. Plentifully water the seat, and mulch on top with compost or peat (whatever is at hand).

If you set your sights on the cultivation of a tree peony, then this does you credit, since this species can grow for 100 years. China is famous for specimens up to 500 years old. Some varieties have large flowers with a pronounced color. The drainage system with a two-meter arrangement of groundwater will contribute to the development of the plant. Planting tree varieties does not differ from herbaceous species, with the exception of some features:

  • The seat is dug out with a cone 70 cm deep and equal in diameter.
  • Drainage is poured at the bottom (tiles, gravel, crushed stone, shell rock).
  • The rest of the steps are similar to the planting process of herbaceous species, except that the place of the root neck will not be lower, but at the level of the soil surface.
Advice! “In the first year of flowering after transplantation, the buds that appear are removed. This is done because the plant has not absorbed enough nutrients. Cutting buds in the initial year of growth will create consistent blooms for several years to come. Recommended for all varieties of peonies.

Care after landing

In what way and when to plant the culture you learned, now we will mention watering. September in the middle lane and the Leningrad region is usually rainy, so in the autumn we will water the plant only if it suddenly does not rain. Since peonies are not too moisture-loving, they need moisture only in three important points, including feeding:

  • during swelling of buds and flowering;
  • in a dry and hot season;
  • in August for the projection of flower buds.

For nutrition and growth, pour 2-3 buckets of liquid under a separate bush.

Advice! “During the hot period, we water early in the morning or late in the evening at sunset.”

For access to oxygen, ultraviolet and liquid, the soil under the flowers is loosened and shed as with full care. It's a good idea to mulch around the stems.

Planting peonies in the fall implies subsequent feeding of young, fragile seedlings. In mid-May, the following composition is prepared: for 10 liters of liquid there is 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid soap and mineral supplement "Ideal" in the part specified in the instructions. Such foliar top dressing is done in the late evening or on a rainy day once a month. Adult bushes also need to be fed, but only 3 times a season with a three-week break:

  • in mid-May, a solution of urea is added (50 g per 1 bucket of water);
  • at the beginning of June, the same urea solution with 1 tablet of microfertilizer;
  • at the end of June, we pour this solution again with two tablets of microfertilizer.

At the end of March, perennials are fed with potassium and nitrogen, since these two components cause the active growth of stems, leaves and peduncles. A mullein, diluted in water 1:10, is poured under a bush into a circular hollow during the budding period. In the same hollow after flowering, after 2 weeks, 15 gr. potassium and 15 gr. phosphorus supplement.

We fight diseases

No wonder you learned how to plant peonies in the fall, because it is the autumn breeding season that contributes to the health and disease resistance of the shrub. There are few diseases, but they need to be known and dealt with correctly. If diseases such as gray rot or rust are transmitted during transplantation or otherwise, then we present methods for dealing with them.

Gray rot is defeated in three runs:

  1. in the spring, after the formation of seedlings, we do the treatment with Bordeaux liquid (50 g per bucket of water);
  2. we do the second treatment after 10–13 days with the same solution;
  3. the third treatment is repeated after 2 weeks with the same composition.

In the absence of a Bordeaux solution, you can replace it with copper oxychloride in an identical proportion.

We also get rid of rust with the help of a 1% solution of Bordeaux water or colloidal sulfur with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap. Only tree-like cultures need shelter for the winter. Shoots are collected in a bunch and wrapped with twine at the end of October. The area around the trunk is mulched with peat (foliage and straw can provoke gray rot). With the onset of frost, they cover the skeleton with spruce branches. Top wrapped with burlap in 2-3 layers or spunbond. Herbaceous species are pruned at ground level in late autumn so as not to leave infected shoots. For antiseptic purposes, sprinkle the trimmings with wood ash. Cut flowers do not need shelter. Now you know not only how to plant peonies, but you have a full range of caring procedures.

In order to properly prepare garden peonies for the winter, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements in the fall. Preparation is carried out at different times, but be sure to take into account the weather conditions and botanical features of the culture.

When and how to plant peonies in autumn

Despite the fact that peonies can be planted in early spring, many amateur flower growers plant this decorative perennial in autumn. Proper planting of a peony in open ground in September or October - h A log of getting a profusely flowering and healthy plant:

  • all kidneys of renewal are fully formed;
  • growth processes in the aerial part stop;
  • the smallest roots have not yet entered the phase of active formation, so the root system is not injured;
  • optimal temperature indicators and sufficient soil moisture contribute to rapid rooting.

Among other things, there is no need to store planting material for a long winter period. When purchasing peonies in the spring, storage is carried out by temporary planting in a pot. It is advisable to transplant such a crop to a permanent place in open ground flower beds in March-April, after a stable positive temperature regime is established. In order to properly plant a plant, it is necessary to choose the optimal place and properly prepare the soil, because it is often impossible to dig up and replant peonies. In this case, the quality and duration of flowering is reduced.

When to plant peonies and how to prepare a seat

Planting dates in the Leningrad region, in the Moscow region, as well as in the south of our country and in the northern regions vary. Peonies, regardless of varietal and species characteristics, belong to the category of light-loving ornamental perennials, so it is imperative to allocate well-lit areas with minimal shading for cultivation.

Important to remember, that the plant is very difficult to tolerate gusts of cold wind and drafts, so shrub plantings located at some distance from the flower garden will be the best protection. To obtain abundant and longest flowering, the peony root system must develop well and receive a sufficient amount of useful elements, so the plant nutrition area must be sufficient. A good result is obtained by planting at a distance of one and a half meters from residential buildings and outbuildings.

How to cut peonies for the winter (video)

Proper preparation of the planting soil on the flower garden requires special attention:

  • peonies develop best and bloom profusely on loamy soils;
  • pre-planting soil preparation must necessarily include digging the soil to the depths of a spade bayonet and careful removal of all weeds;
  • in areas represented by heavy and too clayey soils, during the digging process, a sufficient amount of medium-grained or coarse-grained sand, humus and peat must be introduced;
  • in the areas represented by sandy soils, a sufficient amount of peat, clay soil and humus is introduced in the process of preplant digging.

Peaty soils are completely unsuitable for growing peonies. Sufficient amounts of sand, wood ash and basic organic fertilizers should be added to such soil for structural improvement.

Technology for planting peonies in October

In the sunny area chosen for planting, the soil should be slightly acidic, with deep groundwater. Before fall planting it is very important to prepare the landing pits in about a month which will allow the soil to settle well. The standard dimensions of the landing pit are 60x60x60 cm. The minimum distance between the landing pits is a meter. With the help of a shovel, the top fertile layer of soil should be removed, and then a hole of standard sizes should be dug. A couple of buckets of peat are poured into the resulting pit with the addition of compost mass and rotted manure, a couple of glasses of bone meal or superphosphate.

It is important to remember that excessively moist soil often provokes rotting of the root system. If the landing site is located in a lowland, then a prerequisite is the creation of a high-quality drainage layer. With a close location of groundwater, a drainage system should also be thought out. The drainage layer can be represented by crushed stone, tiles, broken bricks, gravel or shell rock.

The planting hole should be about half full of nutrient composition. A layer of medium-grained sand is poured from above. The root system of a decorative perennial lowered into the planting pit must be carefully straightened. Replacement buds should be deepened by about 50 mm. After powdering the root system with soil, abundant watering is carried out, as well as mulching the soil with peat chips.

In the first couple of years after planting, the buds need to be cut off, which will allow the plant to get stronger. Abundant flowering occurs in the third or fourth year. It is necessary to plant garden peonies, as well as to perform periodic division of bushes as necessary.

How to prepare peonies for winter (video)

Frost protection plantings

To prevent perennial freezing in winter, it is recommended to use air-permeable materials, which can be represented by dry and clean leaf litter or ordinary spruce branches. Usually, it is necessary to cover after autumn planting only young or not fully strengthened bushes, in regions with unfavorable soil and climatic conditions.

Preparing peonies for winter: time and features of pruning

It is very important for the winter period to cover tree-like grafted peonies, which very often freeze out on frosty snowless winter days to the grafting site. Approximately in the last decade of October, the shoots of a decorative perennial must be tied, and mulch the soil in the trunk circles with peat chips. A good result is given by autumn low pruning of stems with leaves, which helps to avoid the development of fungal infections.

After stable cold weather sets in, the bushes should be covered with a spruce spruce hut, several layers of burlap or modern non-woven material. With the onset of spring, the shelter must be removed in a timely manner, which will prevent the plant from decaying and dying.

Watering and feeding peonies in autumn

In the autumn period, top dressing should be represented by potassium-phosphorus supplements. Such complexes allow the ornamental perennial to form new buds next season and ensure long, lush flowering. Timely autumn top dressing allows you to activate the development of the bush in the spring.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer can be applied in liquid or dry form. With the dry method of feeding, approximately 8-10 g of potassium and 15-20 g of phosphorus are poured under each adult bush. Watering during this period should be reduced to a minimum. Irrigation activities are carried out only in too dry autumn.

How to save peonies before planting in spring: creating optimal conditions

Of course, early purchase of planting material is undesirable, but if necessary, it is quite possible to save peonies before planting in a permanent place without loss.

Experienced amateur gardeners recommend, if the buds have not started to grow, wrap the root system in slightly wetted sphagnum moss and in a plastic bag with sufficient perforation. Thus, it is possible to save planting material without loss in a conventional household refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. Also you can put the peony root in a standard plastic container and sprinkle with peat, and then store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

A very good result is given by a temporary planting in a flower pot filled with a nutritious soil mixture. With the onset of stable warm weather in spring, the plant is transplanted into a flower garden by transshipment, which will prevent damage to the roots. As a rule, bushes planted in this way adapt the first year, and flowering does not occur earlier than in the second or third year.

How to plant peonies (video)

Planting an ornamental plant and caring for garden peonies in the fall involves the comprehensive implementation of all necessary measures. Such procedures do not cause difficulties for amateur flower growers, but they are a guarantee of excellent wintering of flowers and their abundant long-term flowering next year.

Peonies are bright flowers that will become a real decoration of any flower garden. These plants are not capricious and do not require special care. Due to the abundance of varieties, with the right selection, you can achieve continuous flowering of peonies from late April to late July.

Preparation of delenok

For autumn planting, planting material should be prepared - delenki. They are parts of rhizomes, each of which contains from 3 to 5 buds. Only peonies that have reached the 5th age can be subjected to the division procedure.

The aerial part of the peony chosen for division is completely cut off, and the rhizome is carefully dug up and removed from the ground, after which it is washed well. Then they are separated using a sharp knife with a disinfected blade (so that there are 3-5 buds on each resulting division), trying not to make extra cuts, and lower the resulting parts for 30-60 minutes into a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Many summer residents also practice the treatment of planting material with growth stimulants (Kornevin, Epin or Zircon). Upon completion of the disinfection and stimulation stage, the cut sites should be well treated with a mixture consisting of 1 part of colloidal sulfur and 2 parts of crushed charcoal, and placed for a day in a shaded place to dry.

If you decide to postpone the planting of prepared delenok, then they must be dug in the shade.

Planting dates for peonies in the fall

When calculating the optimal planting time, one should proceed from the fact that before the onset of frost, the plants must have time to take root properly. This will take them 40-45 days. In central Russia, this is the period from late August to late September. Tree-like varieties are planted earlier, then the turn of medium varieties comes, late and grassy peonies are planted closer to October.

Choice of landing site

For planting peonies, it is better to choose areas with loamy soil and a pH level of 5.8 to 7.0. The site chosen should be well-drained, unshaded (with good access to sunlight) and sheltered from open winds. If groundwater is close to the surface, plants are planted on a hill. It is desirable that there are no trees and shrubs near the planted peonies.

Planting hole preparation

It is advisable to prepare landing pits a month before the planned planting date. During this time, the earth will have time to settle and compact a little. The depth of the pit should be about 70 cm, and the surface area should be 60 by 60 cm. Neighboring bushes are planted at a distance of about 90 cm from each other.

Fertilizers are applied immediately before planting: compost or rotted manure is mixed with the top layer of the earth and a little ash, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added. If the soil in your area is clay, then you should additionally add a bucket of sand. If the soil, on the contrary. excessively sandy, 1.5 buckets of clay are brought in.

Planting process

A delenka is placed in the prepared pit so that the upper kidney is 3-5 cm below ground level. From above it is covered with prepared fertile soil, without tamping. Each planting is well watered, and then covered with a layer of mulch (for example, humus).

In order for the planted peony delenki to take root better, they are watered until late autumn. Until the onset of frost. The best time for watering is evening. Water only in relatively warm weather.

So that young plants do not die from winter frosts, before their onset, the landing sites are additionally mulched on top with a 15th layer of compost or sawdust.

If everything is done correctly, then next year young peonies will delight you with their colorful and delicate flowering.

Peonies are flowering decorative and deciduous perennials that easily overwinter in the open field, even in the northern regions. It is recommended to transplant them only in the fall, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for a long winter.

Features of the autumn transplantation of peony bushes

Most flower growers plant peony bushes only in the fall, this time is considered ideal. The need for an autumn procedure is due to the structure of the pion root system. Tuberous formations are formed on the adventitious roots of the plant, in which nutrients accumulate. They receive food through thin, thread-like suction roots. These microscopic root hairs actively develop at the end of the growing season.

Fine root hairs begin to form in late summer

Absolutely all varieties of peonies prefer autumn planting. In spring, plants disturb only in the most extreme cases, when there is no other way out.

In autumn, it is important to be in time before the formation of numerous thin suction roots, when the foliage stops growing, and the peony itself is at rest. In order for the flower to take root well and thoroughly in a new place, planting should be started no later than 35–45 days before the first severe frost. At this time, the heat subsides, the difference between day and night temperatures becomes significant. In addition, autumn rains come, carrying an abundance of moisture. In moist soil, the peony root system feels much more comfortable and develops better.

Peonies should be transplanted and planted in the fall

In regions with harsh climatic conditions (Siberia, the Urals), peonies are planted from mid-August to early September. Areas with a temperate climate (Moscow region) allow you to extend the deadline until the end of September. In warm southern regions, planting can be carried out throughout October and even in early November.

Peony seedlings with a closed root system (in containers) can be planted in open ground throughout the season.

Container seedlings can be planted throughout the growing season

A luxurious peony bush of a bright burgundy saturated shade grew on my site. It differed in that it bloomed earlier than the others, usually the buds opened already in the first days of June. A few years ago in the spring there was an urgent need to remove the plant. I dug up the bush and moved it literally a couple of meters away. It took root very badly, was sick for a long time and did not bloom. Despite all my efforts, the peony died. Roots remained in the old place and in the spring of next year leaves appeared, but there were no flowers. After 2–3 years, the bush grew again and recovered to its previous volume in the old place.

Video: when and how to plant peonies

The technology of transplanting peony bushes in the fall

Peonies develop well in open, well-lit places, protected from sudden gusts of wind, but with good circulation of air masses. The most preferred will be a site that is slightly shaded during the hot afternoon hours. Best of all, these flowers grow on permeable, loose and fertile soils with a close to neutral alkaline reaction (PH not higher than 6–6.5).

Peonies love well-lit sunny places.

The most suitable for peony will be light loams and sandy loams. Heavy wet soils are diluted with sand; clay is added to sandstones for better moisture retention.

A place for planting peonies should be prepared in advance, about 2-3 weeks in advance, so that the earth settles:

  1. A hole is dug with a size of 0.6 * 0.6 m and a depth of 0.7–0.8 m.

    The hole for the peony should be large enough, as its roots grow strongly.

  2. The distance between individual instances must be at least:
  3. A thick drainage layer (15–20 cm) of broken bricks, stones, pebbles, expanded clay, etc. is laid out at the bottom.

    Drainage of stones, pebbles, broken bricks, etc. is laid at the bottom of the pit.

  4. At 2/3 of the volume, the pit is filled with a soil mixture composed of the following components:
  5. It is well spilled with water (at least two buckets).

    The soil mixture in the planting pit is abundantly spilled with water.

For planting, purchased seedlings are used or the existing mother peony bushes are divided:

  1. All stems are shortened to 10–15 cm.

    Before transplanting, you need to shorten the stems of the peony

  2. Dig bushes around the perimeter.

    First, the peony bush is dug around the perimeter

  3. With the help of a garden pitchfork, they are carefully removed from the ground.

    Peony bush is removed from the ground

  4. Lightly tap, freeing from earthen lumps.
  5. For 2-3 hours, they are left to lie down in the shade and dry out so that the rhizomes become less fragile.

    The dug out peony bush is left to lie down in the shade so that it wilts a little and the roots become less brittle.

  6. Divide the bush with a knife into parts, each of which should contain at least 3-5 buds and several healthy viable roots.

    The peony bush is divided into parts with a sharp knife

  7. Planting material is placed for 20–30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of copper sulfate (3–4 g).

    First, the rhizomes are disinfected in a strong solution of potassium permanganate

  8. Then the rhizomes are left for 12 hours in a solution of any root formation stimulator (Epin, Heteroacusin, etc.).

    Then the rhizomes of the peony are soaked in a solution of a root stimulator

The procedure for transplanting and dividing is extremely painful for plants, so it is carried out only when the bush has grown too much and needs to be planted.

  1. The seedling is placed in the prepared hole. It is necessary to ensure that the growth buds are 3–5 cm below ground level. Excessive deepening is dangerously increased leaf growth and poor flowering, with a close location to the soil surface, freezing of renewal buds is possible.

    We arrange the peony bush so that the buds are 3-5 cm below ground level

  2. The roots are carefully straightened and laid out along the bottom of the pit.

    Peony is mulched with humus or peat

Planting tree peonies is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference that the root neck is buried a little lower (8–10 cm from the soil level).

Video: we plant a peony in the fall correctly

If you correctly choose the time for planting a peony in open ground and follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then the bush will take root well and will delight you with abundant flowering next spring. It is important to properly prepare a place for him, because he will grow on it for many years.