Automation of technical processes. Automation of production processes: main stages and difficulties. Do not buy the most expensive IT solution

The introduction of technical means to enterprises to automate production processes is a basic condition effective work. A variety of modern automation methods expands the range of their application, while the costs of mechanization, as a rule, are justified by the end result in the form of an increase in the volume of manufactured products, as well as an increase in its quality.

Organizations that follow the path of technological progress lead the market, provide better working conditions and minimize the need for raw materials. For this reason, large enterprises can no longer be imagined without the implementation of mechanization projects - the exceptions apply only to small handicraft industries, where automation of production does not justify itself due to the fundamental choice in favor of manual production. But even in such cases, it is possible to partially switch on automation at some stages of production.

Automation Basics

In a broad sense, automation involves the creation of such conditions in production that will allow, without human intervention, to perform certain tasks for the manufacture and production of products. In this case, the role of the operator may be to solve the most critical tasks. Depending on the goals, automation technological processes and productions can be complete, partial or complex. The choice of a specific model is determined by the complexity of the technical modernization of the enterprise due to automatic filling.

In plants and factories where full automation has been implemented, all the functionality to control production is usually transferred to mechanized and electronic control systems. This approach is most rational if the operating modes do not require changes. In a partial form, automation is introduced at individual stages of production or during the mechanization of an autonomous technical component, without requiring the creation of a complex infrastructure for managing the entire process. An integrated level of production automation is usually implemented in certain areas - it can be a department, workshop, line, etc. An operator in this case controls the system itself without affecting the immediate workflow.

Automated control systems

To begin with, it is important to note that such systems involve complete control over an enterprise, factory or plant. Their functions may apply to a specific piece of equipment, a conveyor, a workshop or a production site. In this case, process automation systems receive and process information from the serviced object and, based on this data, make a corrective action. For example, if the operation of the releasing complex does not meet the parameters of technological standards, the system will change its operating modes through special channels in accordance with the requirements.

Automation objects and their parameters

The main task in the implementation of production mechanization means is to maintain the quality parameters of the facility, which will also affect the product characteristics as a result. Today, experts try not to delve into the essence of the technical parameters of various objects, since, theoretically, the introduction of control systems is possible on any component of production. If we consider in this regard the basics of automation of technological processes, then the list of mechanization objects will include the same workshops, conveyors, all kinds of apparatus and installations. One can only compare the degree of complexity of introducing automation, which depends on the level and scale of the project.

Regarding the parameters with which automatic systems work, it is possible to distinguish input and output indicators. In the first case, these are the physical characteristics of the product, as well as the properties of the object itself. In the second, these are directly the quality indicators of the finished product.

Regulatory technical means

Devices that provide regulation are used in automation systems in the form of special signaling devices. Depending on the purpose, they can monitor and control various process parameters. In particular, the automation of technological processes and production may include signaling devices for temperature indicators, pressure, flow characteristics, etc. Technically, the devices can be implemented as scaleless devices with electrical contact elements at the output.

The principle of operation of the control signaling devices is also different. If we consider the most common temperature devices, we can distinguish manometric, mercury, bimetallic and thermistor models. Structural performance, as a rule, is determined by the principle of operation, but the working conditions also have a considerable influence on it. Depending on the direction of the enterprise, automation of technological processes and industries can be designed with the expectation of specific operating conditions. For this reason, control devices are also developed with a focus on use in conditions high humidity, physical pressure or the action of chemicals.

Programmable Automation Systems

The quality of management and control of production processes has improved markedly against the background of the active supply of enterprises with computing devices and microprocessors. From the point of view of industrial needs, the possibilities of programmable technical means allow not only to ensure effective control of technological processes, but also to automate design, as well as to conduct production tests and experiments.

Computer devices, which are used in modern enterprises, solve the problems of regulation and control of technological processes in real time. Such production automation tools are called computer systems and operate on the principle of aggregation. The systems include unified functional blocks and modules, from which it is possible to make various configurations and adapt the complex to work in certain conditions.

Units and mechanisms in automation systems

The direct execution of work operations is carried out by electric, hydraulic and pneumatic devices. According to the principle of operation, the classification involves functional and portioned mechanisms. In the food industry, such technologies are usually implemented. Automation of production in this case involves the introduction of electrical and pneumatic mechanisms, the design of which may include electric drives and regulatory bodies.

Electric motors in automation systems

The basis of actuators is often formed by electric motors. According to the type of control, they can be presented in non-contact and contact versions. Units that are controlled by relay-contact devices, when manipulated by the operator, can change the direction of movement of the working bodies, but the speed of operations remains unchanged. If automation and mechanization of technological processes with the use of non-contact devices is supposed, then semiconductor amplifiers are used - electric or magnetic.

Boards and control panels

To install equipment that should provide management and control of the production process at enterprises, special panels and shields are mounted. They are equipped with devices for automatic control and regulation, control and measuring equipment, protective mechanisms, as well as various elements of the communication infrastructure. By design, such a shield can be a metal cabinet or a flat panel on which automation equipment is installed.

The console, in turn, is the center for remote control - this is a kind of dispatcher or operator zone. It is important to note that the automation of technological processes and production should also provide access to maintenance from the staff. It is this function that is largely determined by panels and panels that allow you to make calculations, evaluate production indicators and, in general, monitor the work process.

Design of automation systems

The main document that acts as a guide for the technological modernization of production for the purpose of automation is the scheme. It displays the structure, parameters and characteristics of devices that will later act as means of automatic mechanization. In the standard version, the diagram displays the following data:

  • the level (scale) of automation at a particular enterprise;
  • determination of the operation parameters of the object, which should be provided with means of control and regulation;
  • control characteristics - full, remote, operator;
  • the possibility of blocking actuators and units;
  • configuration of the location of technical means, including on consoles and boards.

Auxiliary Automation Tools

Despite their secondary role, additional devices provide important monitoring and control functions. Thanks to them, the very connection between the executive devices and the person is provided. In terms of equipment with auxiliary devices, automation of production can include push-button stations, control relays, various switches and command consoles. There are many designs and varieties of these devices, but all of them are focused on ergonomic and safe control of key units at the facility.

Have you studied "automation of technological processes and productions", who can you even imagine working with? This probably indicates serious gaps in your education, but let's try to figure it out together. We use daily automated systems without even realizing it.

The need for automation - is it there?

Any production process is a cost of resources. Thanks to new technologies and production methods, we can save the amount of raw materials and fuel that goes into the manufacture of products.

But what about the human resource? After all, highly qualified specialists can be involved in the implementation of other projects, and the very control of the conveyor by workers is an expensive pleasure, which increases the price of the final product.

Part of the problem was solved a few centuries ago, with the invention of steam engines and conveyor production. But even now, there are still too many workers in most workshops in the territory of the former Soviet Union. And in addition to additional costs, this is fraught with a "human factor", which is the main cause of most of the problems that occur.

Engineer or 5 other specialties?

After receiving a diploma at the end of the university, you can count on a job:

  1. Engineer.
  2. Designer.
  3. Constructor.
  4. Researcher.
  5. Head of development department.
  6. Operations department employee.

The engineering profession was fashion years 40 years ago, now few people are ready to think with their heads and take responsibility. Of course, with your diploma you will be a very narrow specialist, the list of main tasks will include the implementation and development of new management and control systems in production.

But most often, you only need to maintain the entire system in working condition, correct minor malfunctions that arise and further work planning.

Any projects to optimize or update the system will be carried out under the direction of the direct superiors, the efforts of the entire department. So do not worry, on the first day you will not be forced to develop something innovative or implement absolutely new way control. Requirements for specialists are quite adequate, wages depend on the region and industry.

Development and design of the project.

At designers and constructors tasks are slightly different. Here they are already doing new projects at almost all stages of development. First of all, these employees are required to formulate and set a task.

When the goal and scope of future work is determined, they begin to draw up a general plan for the implementation of the future project. Only then does the designer have the right to move on to more detailed plans, architecture and choice of funds.

And at the final stage, it will still be necessary to draw up documentation for the same engineers.

The work of the designer is not much different from the above work plan, so it’s not worth focusing on this. We can only say that the representatives of these two professions are somewhat closer to theory and science, but still retain direct contact with production and are well aware of the final product of their work.

Research associates in the field of production automation.

And now it's time to talk about those who like white coats and science labs. Actually it's about mathematics in pure form . Design, creation and improvement of models, new algorithms. The ability to solve such theoretical problems, sometimes somewhat divorced from reality, manifests itself even at school or university. If you notice this behind yourself, you should adequately assess your abilities and find yourself a place in the research center.

Offers from private structures are more highly paid, but most offices will require all rights to the results of your intellectual activity. Working in a government structure, you can conduct scientific activities, there is a greater chance of getting some kind of recognition among colleagues. It's just a matter of getting your priorities right.

Leadership positions and personal responsibility.

You can count on the position of head of a department or project in two cases:

  1. An attempt to curry favor by realizing one's ambitions and aspirations.
  2. High level of responsibility and personal skills.

Immediately after university, the first item will not suit you, a young specialist will not be trusted with a serious position, and you will not cope with it without a certain experience and a set of knowledge. But it will be problematic to shift the responsibility for failure to someone else.

So just know that with the quality and timely performance of your duties, you can count on career advancement, your diploma allows this. Therefore, no arguments from the authorities, about the discrepancy between the level of education, will not work. But think about whether it is worth it - duties will increase and the level of responsibility will rise noticeably.

Professionals from the Faculty of "Automation of Technological Processes and Production" know who to work from the very first courses. Don't be embarrassed if workplace managed to get thanks to acquaintances. No one will keep a worthless specialist in a responsible place, so this is not a very weighty argument.

Video about the profession

Further on the video within the framework of the program "Specialists of the Future" it will be considered who to work after graduating from the faculty of "Automation of technological processes and production". What are the nuances, pros and cons of this profession:

Today, automation of production processes is an integral part of the work of any industrial company.

To ensure the safety of employees of industrial companies and the development of production activities, the Ministry of Labor and social development The Russian Federation has developed recommendations in the following areas: 1) development and implementation of an action plan for labor safety; 2) installation of special devices (systems) for regulating production processes remotely and automatically; 3) the introduction of special robots to work in a hazardous enterprise.

  1. Remote control. Automation of technological processes and production is carried out through the remote control function. It regulates the operation of equipment from a long distance from the harmful and dangerous zone.

The operator controls the production processes using certain means of signaling or visual channels.

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

Devices with the help of which remote control is carried out are produced in two versions: mobile and stationary. Based on the principles of operation, electric, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, as well as combined remote controls are distinguished. The choice of device depends on a number of factors. This may be the mechanism of the equipment, the ability to maintain an accurate distance, the likelihood of exposure to a hazardous production factor.

If the distance from the equipment to the control device is insignificant, then a mechanical remote control is used.

The most popular are electrical appliances. This is due to the relative simplicity of the design and the lack of inertia.

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  1. Automation technological processes and industries is a system of tools that performs the function of managing production processes, excluding the participation of a person or leaving him to solve the most important tasks.

Automation of production processes includes certain methods of equipment control, involving the execution of the production process in a given mode and sequence, as well as with a specified performance. Such management implies minimal human intervention. The employee does not exert physical effort, but only controls the production process.

Usually, with this approach to the organization of the production process, a process control system is formed.

The basis Automation of production consists in a certain redistribution of information flows, as well as energy and material resources, taking into account all management criteria.

Automation of production processes involves working with main goals, which are:

  • increasing the efficiency of the production process;
  • ensuring safety at work.

To achieve the set goals, a decision is needed tasks typical for production automation:

  • improving the quality of the regulatory process;
  • an increase in the coefficient, by which one can judge the readiness of the equipment for operation;
  • improving the organization of work for leading specialists in the management of the production process;
  • preservation of information resources containing messages about the technological process and accidents at work.

The main types of automation of production processes

There are two types of automation: full and partial.

  1. Partial involves the automation of any individual equipment and production operations.

Automation, which includes one or more operations of the technological process, is partial. Automation of production processes is used when the production management system becomes more complicated, and working conditions are life-threatening.

This type of automation is often used in food processing companies and is typically applied to production equipment.

  1. Complete automation of production processes is the highest level of automation, which implies the transfer of all control and management functions to technical devices.

Currently, this type of automation is used very rarely. Mostly, the control over the production process is carried out by a person. Nuclear power plants are close to this type of automation.

Taking into account the nature of production processes, we can distinguish the following kinds automation:

  • continuous production processes;
  • discrete manufacturing processes;
  • hybrid manufacturing processes.
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    Levels of automation of production processes

    Automation of production can be performed on the following levels:

  1. Zero level. This refers to the automation of certain working moments. For example, spindle rotation. The rest assumes human participation.

At this level, the automation of production processes is called mechanization.

  1. Automation first level includes the manufacture of devices that do not involve the participation of an employee in the event of idling on any one device.

At this level, the automation of technical processes and production is called "automation of the workflow in mass and serial production." On the this stage there is no automatic relationship between worker and equipment. In this case, the production employee monitors the transportation of machines and controls the production process. For given level characterized by automatic and semi-automatic machines. Automatic equipment excludes human participation. Semi-automatic devices, on the contrary, require human intervention in the work cycle. Let's give an example: new modern equipment - an automatic lathe - carries out the technological process independently: it does turning, drilling, and so on. Such a device in terms of performance can be equal to 10 conventional machines. This is due to the automation of many working moments and a high level of concentration of production operations.

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  1. Automation of production processes second level involves the automation of technological processes.

The second level of automation involves the implementation of four moments of the workflow. These are control over equipment, transportation, waste disposal and management of a complex of devices.

In the form of production devices, FMS (flexible production systems), automatic lines are developed and used.

Automatic line is a system of equipment that operates independently, without human intervention. As a rule, machines are installed in a certain technological sequence and are connected by means of transportation, management, loading, waste disposal and control.

Let us give an example of an automatic line for the processing of a gear wheel, which eliminates the participation of a person, thereby freeing up about 20 employees. Pays for itself in up to three years.

An automatic line implies production equipment that is created for any type of vehicle and is attached to it with a certain device for loading (for example, a tray). Such a line contains all workers, including idle positions, used for maintenance and inspection of the automatic line. If the process requires human participation, then the line is called automated.

  1. Third level of automation includes all stages of production from development to testing and shipment of finished products. At this level, complex automation is assumed.

In order to reach the third level of automation, it is necessary to master all the previously considered levels. In this case, production must be provided with high-tech devices and a lot of money must be spent.

Complex automation of technological processes and productions gives the desired effect with a large volume of output with an unchanged device and a narrow list (any elements for certain equipment, etc.). This type of automation brings production to a new level of development and justifies itself in terms of cost effectiveness for fixed assets.

Automation of production processes of this kind provides opportunities that can be assessed in this example: in the USA there is a plant with integrated automation for the production of automotive frames. The company has 160 employees, most of whom are engineers and equipment repairers. In order to implement a certain program in production, in the absence of integrated automation, it would be necessary to involve about 12 thousand people in the work process.

This level solves such problems as: transportation of finished production products between workshops using automatically configured addressing, storage, disposal of production waste, process control with the widespread use of computer devices. The third level involves minimal human intervention in the production process. The functions of an employee are only to maintain the equipment and monitor the condition of the devices.

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Work on automation of production processes: 4 main areas

Activities related to automation in production are implemented in the following directions:

  1. Development and implementation of projects for the design of equipment and technologies to improve the workflow:
  • the creation of all parts of the mechanical and electronic direction in the automatic device - from the device to the method of their production;
  • automation and control of technological processes and industries by designing and introducing a control complex with the help of existing devices - industrial computers, electric motors, sensors, etc.;
  • creation of a program for managing a complex of automation of fixed assets or processing of information resources. It is also expected to develop a specific algorithm.
  1. Organization and management:
  • organization teamwork employees;
  • based on economically sound calculations, making important decisions in management;
  • creation of a set of measures from the field of preparation of automation projects, production and testing of finished products;
  • control and management of enterprise information resources.
  1. Science and Research:
  • creation of models of devices, production processes, methods and complexes of automation;
  • organization of experimental tests, processing and analysis of the results.
  1. Automation of production processes also includes work in the service and operational direction:
  • creation of measures for the work and repair of fixed assets;
  • conducting periodic diagnostics of production processes and fixed assets;
  • carrying out the acceptance and introduction into production of automatic devices.
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How to Help Employees Survive Factory Automation

  1. Assign new responsibilities to released employees. The work of many employees is being replaced by automatic equipment. Automation of technological processes and production loses its meaning if there is no staff reduction. Here, your HR department must conduct competent work, presenting certain requirements for the selection of employees who continue their activities on new devices. Also, HR service specialists should try to identify employees left without responsibilities after automation to new places.
  2. Explain how automation will affect the work process and wages. In order for the employees who remained in production to be interested, the personnel department must announce 3 important arguments:
  • automation of technological processes of production contributes to easy forecasting and control, minimizing the effect of the human factor. Practice usually illustrates a significant improvement in product quality and productivity. This affects the increase in salary;
  • for employees who work with new automatic equipment, opportunities for growth in the profession open up, and thus wages increase;
  • those employees who maintain the automatic line are paid more, since their work is more valuable and requires a certain qualification.
  1. Train employees on the new equipment. Training of employees should be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to train technical specialists, as they are engaged in internships for workers. For these employees, training is provided by the supplier. This algorithm helps the enterprise to prepare qualified employees who are able to return the equipment to working condition in case of any failures. Automation of production processes usually takes about a week.
  2. Take care of the level of technical literacy of workers in advance. Low-skilled employees tend to be more opposed to automation than others. When selecting applicants, keep an eye on the technical competencies of the future employee.
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Automation systems for production processes APCS

All tasks that face the automation of the production process must be solved using the latest tools and methods of automation. After the introduction of automation, the formation of an automated process control system (Automatic Process Control System) takes place.

Automation of production management processes contributes to the creation of a basis for the subsequent implementation of clear enterprise and organization management systems.

  1. Automation of the complex for managing production processes creates conditions for transferring the control and management functions of an employee to certain automatically operating equipment. Such devices help to carry out all stages of work with information flows (collection, processing, etc.). Devices (for example, a machine tool), a complex and a line that are connected by a certain connection with devices that carry out control and measurement can be classified as such an approach to automated control. Such devices quickly and in a logical sequence collect information about any deviation from the existing norm in the production process and then analyze the data obtained.
  2. Automation systems for production processes, which are responsible for the implementation of a certain function of the device, are able to quickly find a way to regulate the working activity of all mechanisms, while eliminating existing deviations in the modes of production processes, and so on.
  3. The communication line serves as a transmitter of commands that contain certain amendments, and also monitors all incoming signals (commands).
  4. APCS together with the latest complexes of all main and auxiliary devices and devices form automated complexes.
  5. Such systems imply the exercise of control over a plant or factory. The functions of the automated process control system may include control over a specific device, production workshop, conveyor or section of the enterprise. Example: if the producing complex does not have the necessary indicators of technological requirements in its activity, the system, using certain channels, can change its production mode, taking into account all the standards.

Objects of automation of production processes and their parameters

When introducing certain means of mechanization into production, the main task will be to preserve the quality characteristics of the equipment, which will be reflected in the properties of the manufactured products.

Currently, experts in the field, as a rule, do not delve deeply into the content specifications any objects. This is explained by the fact that, from the point of view of theory, it is possible to introduce control systems in any part of the production process.

When considering in this plan the basics of automation of production processes, the list of mechanization objects will look like this:

  • conveyors,
  • workshops,
  • all existing units and installations.

It is possible to compare the level of difficulty of implementation automatic systems. It undoubtedly depends on the size of the proposed project.

As for the characteristics with which automatic systems perform work functions, here we can note the output and input indicators.

The input indicators are the physical features of the manufactured products and the properties of the object.

Output indicators are qualitative data about the produced product.

Regulatory technical means of automation of production processes

Control devices are special signaling devices in automated systems. Their capabilities include control and management of various technological indicators.

The automation of technical processes and production includes the following signaling devices:

  • temperature readings,
  • pressure readings,
  • indicators of certain flow properties, and so on.

From the point of view of the technical approach, the devices can be implemented in the form of devices with contact parts at the output and the absence of scales.

Principle the actions of signaling devices that are responsible for regulation may be different.

The most popular temperature measurement devices are mercury, thermistor, gauge and biometallic models.

The design usually depends on the principles of operation. However, the conditions are also of great importance to her.

Automation of technological processes and production can be determined by the specifics of the enterprise and, based on this, be assumed with the expectation of the specific conditions of use. Devices designed for regulation are designed to operate at high levels of humidity, exposure to chemicals and physical pressure.

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What software to choose for automation of production processes

When implementing an automated system, you need to select high-quality software, with a reliable level of control over the process.

  1. "1C: Complex automation".

This form of "1C" involves a wide range of opportunities that contribute to the automation of accounting and many production processes.

This software is one of the best for automation. This is due to the presence of a user-friendly interface, help and other important features. However, this program cannot solve all the tasks set.

  1. "Craft".

This is a program that automates technological processes and industries. It implements both accounting automation and technical automation. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the program does not have functionality that can include absolutely all areas of the production process.

  1. Individual programs.

It often happens that personally created programs are used to automate production processes. They are designed to solve specific problems, which makes them ideal in terms of use. But there is a significant disadvantage - the development of individual programs costs money, and the task of possible expansion of functions is not so easy to solve.

Exist a large number of programs that perform automation of technological processes and production. But not all of them are suitable for specific tasks. For this reason, it is necessary to find an employee who understands this issue and will be able to select the best option for the enterprise.

Expert opinion

Do not buy the most expensive IT solution

Alexey Katorov,

Director of the Department of Information Systems of OJSC "New Forwarding Company"

In case the automation of production processes cannot be avoided, do not ignore important principle: "the best is the enemy of the good." Simply put, if you already have a functioning system that some consultants advise you to change, do not rush to do this. Usually, most of the shareholders are primarily interested in the implementation of high-level accounting systems (analytics, etc.), and they are least interested in production. Many of the latest technologies give you the option of running two systems efficiently at the same time. For this reason, one should not exclude the possibility of introducing a new automatic system into operation on top of the existing one.

I do not advise you to purchase the most expensive IT solution. You run the risk of not mastering the acquired system with great functionality even after 10 years. Don't take your chances and ignore the experience you have gained with process automation in your industry. The implementation of any IT solutions is impossible without the active participation of the CEO.

Stages of development and implementation of a production process automation system

Creation of APCS is not a simple process and has several stages:

  • first of all, a technical task is created;
  • creation of a concept for the development of process control systems or the creation of a project for automated control systems of the “P” stage;
  • development of a production project for process control systems, stage "P";
  • introduction of automated systems into the technological process and analysis of their work. This refers to full-fledged testing of systems.

Development of technical specifications for the introduction of automation of production processes implies a list of necessary studies before using the systems in the enterprise.

Design automation of technological processes and production involves the use of a number of specialists in this area:

  • employees with economic education,
  • electromechanics,
  • automation systems programmers,
  • technologists,
  • electrical workers.

Based on the indicators obtained in the course of studies that are carried out before implementation, sketch study of the project of the future APCS:

  1. First of all, the development of a functional base and an algorithm for the composition of an automated system is carried out.
  2. Next, the choice of the main technical components of the process control system is explained and a proposal is made related to the quantity and nomenclature.
  3. After the automation of production processes, the tasks of updating the equipment involved are set, due to the improvement of the production process due to the automation carried out.

After carrying out all the necessary studies before the introduction of automated systems, terms of reference, including:

  • the entire list of functionality that is carried out by the process control system in the project;
  • substantiation of the creation of the system from a technical and economic point of view;
  • types and amount of work that are necessary for the implementation and design of automated systems;
  • drawing up a work plan for the repair, launch, installation and conduct of a complete list of tests of automated systems.

On the stage implementation of the technical project synthesis of automation systems is carried out:

  • the process of developing the functional composition of automation of production processes is underway;
  • a list of signals is created that perceive the input indicators of automated systems. Metrology characteristics can be defined;
  • technical criteria are determined for devices that regulate and control technological indicators. The information and organizational composition of automated systems is being developed.
  • the composition of the apparatus is established;
  • the choice of sensors and instrumentation is made, which perform the functions of production measurements of technical parameters;
  • the selection of automation is carried out and the structure of the devices of the technical complex is established.
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Expert opinion

Automate first the operation that sets the pace for production

Yuri Titov,

General Director of the company "Kukhonny Dvor", Moscow

First of all, when automating production processes, pay attention to the operation that performs the initial function. We have this creation of buildings. The first operation is cutting chipboard. Previously, it was necessary to bring chipboard to the machine, in which about seven people took part. It was not easy for the loader to move in the small space due to the fact that a lot of space was occupied by the raw materials.

There were stagnations, due to the delay in the delivery of chipboard from the warehouse. We decided to automate by creating an automatic warehouse with a cut at the beginning of the site. The automated device independently carries out the process of taking materials from the warehouse, and then sends them for cutting. The chipboard warehouse is loaded several times a week. Automation of production processes helped us to involve not seven people, but only two employees.

Now we know for sure the amount of output that each worker must produce in a given operation, and how much he produces per minute. The computer device calculates the performance according to the plan without error, replacing the photographs of the workflow, which were the basis of daily productivity. Next, we carried out the automation of the following operations: edging and additive.

6 tips for painless automation

First of all, look for a person who is truly interested in the automation of technological processes and production. This is a prerequisite.

Secondly, organize a group of employees who will deal with automation issues. We note an important feature: it is not worth paying the group leader at the beginning of the project, this will entail demands for payment for each step. Pay for the result, but at a predetermined rate.

Thirdly, you need the support of department heads. Get them interested in automation ideas, illustrate the benefits of this process.

Fourth, require from the company that will implement the automation plan and budget. We recommend ordering quick diagnostics - this will increase your chances of a more accurate assessment of the cost of implementing automation.

Fifth, if it is necessary for you to refuse the services of the company that plans to implement, do it. In the future, you will be able to hire a programmer who will make the necessary improvements without making large-scale changes.

At sixth, be sure to sign a confidentiality agreement with the company that will implement the automation. In such an agreement, it is worth specifying the penalties in case of violation of the obligations specified in the document.

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How much will it cost to automate production processes for an enterprise

In the field of IT, TCO is usually calculated - “total cost of ownership”. This term refers to the totality of all costs, from the purchase of an information system to disposal. Costs are not determined by the type of information product that you implement in your production.

TSO assumes the following costs:

  1. Purchasing licenses for software.
  2. Implementation of an IT system in production:
  • analysis of the state of the enterprise and development of documentation corresponding to the project;
  • carrying out installation work and setting up the implemented software;
  • integration of information systems;
  • conducting training for employees of the enterprise.

3. Control over the system after implementation:

  • implementation of software updates;
  • technical control;
  • software development by expanding functionality and other factors.
  1. Implementation of the change of the information system (transition to another).

When a company faces the need to automate manufacturing processes, many executives approach system selection in terms of license costs, without considering subsequent costs. For this reason, there are many errors associated with the wrong choice of system and calculation of the project cost.

In the early stages of automating manufacturing processes, when you need to decide on a supplier, the CEO and programmer need to discuss and select software for the enterprise.

As for the cost of licenses, here the prices of different suppliers can differ even by 20 times. An attempt to reduce the cost of automation of technological processes and production, provided there is no loss of quality, usually succeeds by a maximum of 30%. This indicator can be achieved both by bargaining with the supplier and by involving employees in the implementation process. For example, you can reduce operating costs by a factor of five if you have competent IT staff on your staff who have all the skills to develop the implemented system without outside help.

Expert opinion

Automation cost us $2.5 million

Sergei Sukhinin,

Head of the Department of Automated Control Systems of OJSC Scientific and Production Complex Elara, Chuvashia

Our company spent $470,000 to purchase a license for a database management program. The total cost of implementing the ERP system, which involves the automation of production management and planning processes, cost the company $2.5 million. At the stage of production operation, we received economic effect, which appeared due to the introduction of software. The costs paid off in a year and a half after the implementation of the program.

In the main directions of economic and social development, the task is to develop the production of electronic control and telemechanics devices, actuators, instruments and sensors of integrated automation systems for complex technological processes, units, machines and equipment. Automated control systems can help with all this.

Automated control system or automated control system - a set of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the technological process, production, enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc. The term automated, in contrast to the term automatic, emphasizes the preservation of some functions by the human operator, either of the most general, goal-setting nature, or not amenable to automation.

The experience gained in the creation of automated and automatic control systems shows that the management of various processes is based on a number of rules and laws, some of which are common to technical devices, living organisms and social phenomena.

Automated process control system.

Automated process control system (abbr. APCS) is a set of hardware and software designed to automate the control of process equipment at industrial enterprises. May be linked to a more global automated enterprise management system (AMS).

A process control system is usually understood as a complex solution that provides automation of the main technological operations of the technological process in the production as a whole or in some of its sections, producing a relatively complete product.

The term "automated" in contrast to the term "automatic" emphasizes the need for human participation in individual operations, both in order to maintain control over the process, and due to the complexity or inappropriateness of automating individual operations.

The components of the process control system can be separate automatic control systems (ACS) and automated devices connected into a single complex. As a rule, the process control system has a single operator control system for the technological process in the form of one or more control panels, means for processing and archiving information about the progress of the process, typical automation elements: sensors, control devices, actuators. Industrial networks are used for information communication of all subsystems.

Automation of a technological process is a set of methods and means designed to implement a system or systems that allow the management of the technological process itself without the direct participation of a person, or leaving the right to make the most responsible decisions to a person.

APCS classification

In foreign literature, one can find a rather interesting classification of process control systems, according to which all process control systems are divided into three global classes:

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). This term can be translated into Russian as “telemechanics system”, “telemetry system” or “supervisory control system”. In my opinion, the last definition most accurately reflects the essence and purpose of the system - the control and monitoring of objects with the participation of the dispatcher.

Some explanation is needed here. The term SCADA is often used in a narrower sense: many refer to a process visualization software package as such. However, in this section, under the word SCADA we will understand a whole class of control systems.

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). It is translated into Russian as “programmable logic controller” (or PLC for short).

Here, as in the previous case, there is an ambiguity. The term PLC often refers to a hardware module for implementing automated control algorithms. However, the term PLC has a more general meaning and is often used to refer to a whole class of systems.

DCS (Distributed Control System). Distributed Control System (DCS) in Russian. There is no confusion here, everything is clear.

In fairness, it should be noted that if in the early 90s such a classification did not cause controversy, now many experts consider it to be very conditional. This is due to the fact that in last years hybrid systems are being introduced, which, according to a number of characteristic features, can be attributed both to one class and to another.

The basis of process automation - this is the redistribution of material, energy and information flows in accordance with the accepted criterion of control (optimality).

The main goals of automation of technological processes are:

· Increasing the efficiency of the production process.

· Increased security.

· Increasing environmental friendliness.

· Increasing economy.

Achievement of the goals is carried out by solving the following tasks:

Improving the quality of regulation

Improvement of equipment availability

Improving the ergonomics of the work of process operators

Ensuring the reliability of information about the material components used in production (including through catalog management)

Storage of information about the course of the technological process and emergency situations

Automation of technological processes within a single production process allows you to organize the basis for the implementation of production management systems and enterprise management systems.

As a rule, as a result of automation of the technological process, an automated process control system is created.

Automated process control system (APCS) is a set of software and hardware designed to automate the control of process equipment in enterprises. May be linked to a more global Automated Enterprise Management System (EMS).

A process control system is usually understood as a complex solution that provides automation of the main technological operations of the technological process in production, as a whole or in some of its sections, producing a relatively complete product.

The term "automated" in contrast to the term "automatic" emphasizes the possibility of human participation in individual operations, both in order to maintain human control over the process, and due to the complexity or inappropriateness of automating individual operations.

The components of the process control system can be separate automatic control systems (ACS) and automated devices connected into a single complex. As a rule, the process control system has a single operator control system for the technological process in the form of one or more control panels, means for processing and archiving information about the process, typical automation elements: sensors, controllers, actuators. Industrial networks are used for information communication of all subsystems.

Due to the difference in approaches, automation of the following technological processes is distinguished:

Automation of continuous technological processes (Process Automation)

Automation of discrete technological processes (Factory Automation)

Automation of hybrid technological processes (Hybrid Automation)

Process Automation- a set of methods and means designed to implement a system or systems that allow the management of the technological process itself without the direct participation of a person, or leaving the right for a person to make the most responsible decisions.

As a rule, as a result of automation of the technological process, an automated control system is created.

The basis of automation of technological processes is the redistribution of material, energy and information flows in accordance with the accepted control criterion (optimality).

  • Partial automation - automation of individual devices, machines, technological operations. It is performed when the management of processes due to their complexity or transience is practically inaccessible to a person. Partially automated as a rule operating equipment. Local automation is widely used in the food industry.
  • Integrated automation - provides for the automation of a technological site, workshop or enterprise functioning as a single, automated complex. For example, power plants.
  • Full automation - the highest level of automation, in which all control and production management functions (at the enterprise level) are transferred technical means. At the present level of development, full automation is practically not used, since the control functions remain with the person. Nuclear power plants can be called close to full automation.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Specialists of the future - Automation of technological processes and production

    ✪ Automation of technological processes

    ✪ Video lecture Basic concepts and historical background of automation


Automation Goals

The main goals of process automation are:

  • reduction in the number of service personnel;
  • increase in production volumes;
  • increasing the efficiency of the production process;
  • improving product quality;
  • reducing the cost of raw materials;
  • increasing the rhythm of production;
  • improving security;
  • increasing environmental friendliness;
  • increase in economy.

Automation tasks and their solution

The goals are achieved by solving the following tasks of process automation:

  • improving the quality of regulation;
  • increasing the availability of equipment;
  • improvement of labor ergonomics of process operators;
  • ensuring the reliability of information about the material components used in production (including through catalog management);
  • storage of information about the course of the technological process and emergency situations.

The solution of problems of automation of the technological process is carried out using:

  • introduction of modern methods of automation;
  • implementation modern means automation.

Automation of technological processes within a single production process allows you to organize the basis for the implementation of production management systems and enterprise management systems.

Due to the difference in approaches, automation of the following technological processes is distinguished:

  • automation of continuous technological processes (Process Automation);
  • automation of discrete technological processes (Factory Automation);
  • automation of hybrid technological processes (Hybrid Automation).


Automation of production presupposes the availability of reliable, relatively simple in design and control machines. mechanisms and devices.


L. I. Selevtsov, Automation of technological processes. Textbook: Publishing Center "Academy"

V. Yu. Shishmarev, Automation. Textbook: Publishing Center "Academy"