Games with simulators from bottle caps. Cover games. Cork crafts. Didactic games with plastic bottle caps - Consultation for parents "The influence of didactic games on the sensory development of children of primary preschool age"

What games can you come up with covers from plastic bottles and jars? In fact, there are a lot, the main thing is to collect your collection of caps of different colors and sizes and look at them carefully. Lids have several useful properties that make them universal toys:

  • have a simple shape
  • have from one to three variable signs: color and size are obvious, and one more is the material from which they are made (most are plastic, but there are also tin, rubber and others),
  • they are readily available.

Collecting a collection of multi-colored caps is easy. Big and small, plastic and tin. We all buy juices, yoghurts, mineral water, sauces and other products with screw-on containers. At first I collected all the covers in a row, then, when I had quite a lot, I already began to choose according to the colors missing in our collection, unusual sizes.

So how to play? I tried to arrange the games as they become more difficult, starting with the “baby” ones.

  • Just iterate. Children love jars with different differences, the contents of which can simply be sorted out, felt, laid out in piles. One of these boxes has become our "lid". In addition to it, there are also containers with pebbles, shells, pieces of foam rubber, but about them next time.
  • sorter. First homemade toy for my daughter, there was such a lid simulator, which over time has also acquired the function of a sorter. It is possible to use just several jars with holes of different diameters as containers for unfolding lids in size, without combining them under one box, as here. Or cut several holes in the box to fit the different diameters of the existing lids.
  • Learning Colors. If desired, you can collect caps of all colors of the rainbow, first simply name the color of the cap that the child took, then ask them to find a cap of a certain color.
  • Rainbow. The finish of the previous property of the lids - multi-colored - is the child laying out a rainbow.
  • Comparisons. What can be compared with lids? Color - of course, as well as size (larger, smaller, largest, medium), quantity (which caps are more - green or red?). On the lids, you can also work out the concepts of “different” and “same”.
  • Sorting. It differs from comparison in that we usually take 2-3 items there and compare them according to different criteria, but here we already lay out the whole set of covers, according to the same parameters: 1) color, 2) size, 3) material (plastic or iron, for example) . In the picture above - sorted by color, and on this one - by size: the lids are the largest, medium and smallest.
  • Mosaic. Lids can be used to create images, like from a large mosaic. Here is such a flower, for example.
  • Laying out the rows. Again we work with color and size. simple rows- laying out identical covers in a row. More difficult - sequences of 2-3 different caps (yellow-green, white-blue-red). To make it more complicated, we add a second sign (small white - large blue).
  • Building a pyramid. Lids can be laid out not only in a row, but also in height. You can play a game: we put the covers in turn, first the mother, then the child, on whose course the tower collapsed, he lost.
  • Lid constructor. Another option for three-dimensional construction from covers, only here you need the same size.
  • We count and study the quantity. Covers are an excellent counting material for learning forward and backward counting, training for determining the amount “by eye”, comparing sets (they have already been mentioned above).
  • Substitute Items. This is when any simple object can become anything in a children's game. Before this, the child must grow up, and the adult must show how this is done. In our games, the lids most often became coins for playing in the store, food, dishes, cargo for transportation in cars.
  • Another option for replacement caps… characters. My daughter suggested this game herself. The largest lid is dad, smaller or the same is mom, small ones are children. Each family has its own color. They can visit each other, the elders can sit side by side, the children can dance, etc. Families can be with 1-2 children, or they can have many children!
  • Memory games. It is easy to fit small paired pictures into the same covers (stickers drawn by hand or cut out from newspapers or magazines - and here's the classic memory game for you! I can't do my own set, so take a look at the "memory"

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. The more confidence in the movements of a child's hand, the more subtle the interaction of the hand with the tool, the more complex the movements, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind. And the more skill in the child's hand, the smarter the child ... "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

It has long been no secret to anyone that the development fine motor skills(flexibility and accuracy of finger movements) and tactile sensitivity - a powerful stimulus for the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech in children. Children who have better developed fine hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person.

Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. Various didactic games will help to develop fingers. I bring to your attention the games that your children play with great pleasure. kindergarten. These games do not require large financial costs, since many games can be made with your own hands from improvised material.

Play with pleasure and benefit!

Traffic jam games

A very good simulator for the development of fingers are games with corks from plastic bottles. Namely, twisting and unscrewing the covers. To make an interesting and very useful game, you only need plastic bottles, candy boxes, colored paper, scissors, glue and a little imagination.

How to do: First, prepare the necks themselves. Cut off the neck of the bottle just behind the tight roller. Customize the box however you like. colored paper, and you can make removable cards. Then make holes in the lid of the box so that the necks fit snugly into them. Apply titanium glue or liquid nails to the rim of the neck, insert it into the hole on and press it to stick better. That's it, the game is ready. Such a game not only develops the child's fingers, but also contributes to sensory development (reinforces knowledge of colors) and the development of logical thinking, attention.

While playing, talk with your child, make up stories together, tell rhymes and nursery rhymes. For example, while playing the game "Engine", ask the child why the engine does not go? (no wheels). Say that the train will go if he chooses the right one (what color are the trailers and the train, what color are the wheels) and fastens the wheels. May I ask how the locomotive puffs? (choo-choo), how he buzzes (tu-tu), read a short poem:

Choo-choo, choo-choo.
The train is rushing
In full spirit
The steam locomotive puffs.
- I'm in a hurry! - hums -
I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry
I'm in a hurry!

You can make up a whole story. The train was driving - driving and arrived at the flower meadow (change the card). And she grew beautiful flowers. Look at them: how beautiful they are, what color they are, what they are called, smell them (this will breathing exercises). Come up with a story about why their centers disappeared and in order to return them, you need to pick up the center of the same color as the flower. In short, fantasize, invent, and such games will not bore the baby for a long time.

Here are some of our games: Train, Snowmen, Happy Caterpillar, Apple Tree, Cars, Flower Meadow.

But I found such games on the Internet, also very interesting.


Games - lacing develop sensorimotor coordination, fine motor skills of hands; develop spatial orientation, contribute to the understanding of the concepts of "above", "below", "right", "left"; form lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace on a bow);

contribute to the development of speech; develop creative abilities. In games with lacing, the eye, attention also develops, fingers and the entire hand are strengthened (fine motor skills), and this, in turn, affects the formation of the brain and the development of speech. And also, which is not unimportant, lacing games indirectly prepare the hand for writing and develop perseverance.
Not only tiny kids learn the world with "hands" - toys that require the work of the hand, fingers are also useful for older children. You can just buy a "lacing game" - a set of multi-colored laces and a shoe, a button, a "piece of cheese" or some other wooden thing with holes. Sometimes a wooden needle is also attached to them. Imagine how nice it is for a girl to get a forbidden needle and thread and become "just like mom."

And you can do it yourself. For example, cut out funny pictures from a magazine, copy and print from the Internet, stick on cardboard and make holes.These are such interesting lacing games I got.

Developing games with a child should not be treated as a corrective activity, correcting something, this is an interesting and enjoyable activity that meets the basic needs of the child. The game gives the baby the first victories that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Children begin to show attention to holes, ropes, laces from 1-1.5 years. For such young children, you need to make (or buy) the simplest lacing games with 2-3 holes.

For older children (3-4 years old) there are plot lacing. Here, not only hand manipulations, but also a dramatization game in which lacing is introduced as an element of acting out a fairy tale. Plot laces come in varying degrees of complexity. For example, lacing "Hedgehog" and "Bees" are classified as simple, because. there are only 2 holes and the order of attaching the elements does not matter. But there are also more complex ones, for example, "Mushroom", "Insects on a leaf", where each of the details has a specific place. And the child needs to find the right place by counting the number of holes on the fungus or leaflet and on the laced detail.

The manual is designed for younger children preschool age with the aim of developing fine motor skills of the hand and sensory development. The manual is mobile and multifunctional. The basis of the grant is one, but there are several removable cards. Cards can be stored in a separate box, or can be stored on a manual basis, like pyramid rings.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a square-shaped box, 2 plastic bottles and a stationery knife.

2. Cut holes in the box with a size equal to the diameter of the necks of the bottles. Cut the bottles, focusing on the height of the box.

3. Insert the cut bottles into the holes and fix them so that they do not rotate with Moment glue.

4. Paste the box with self-adhesive paper.

5. Take universal household wipes different color and scissors.

6. Make holes in the napkins, similar to the holes on the box and the application of subject pictures.

7. Pick up colored corks, put them in a box and you can start playing.

Games can be varied depending on the tasks.

Didactic game

"Draw a picture"

Target: imagination development

Game progress: the child is invited to consider the picture and complete the missing details with the help of traffic jams. Task: "Repair the car"

"The cherry is ripe"

Didactic game

"Choose the cork you want by color"

Target: development of the ability to correlate the color of an object.

Game progress: the child is invited to consider the finished picture, for example, "Ship", "Butterfly", "Cherry Berries" and select a cork according to the sample. The child completes the task and names the cork color used.

Didactic game

"Find the mistake and fix it"

Target: development of attention and logical thinking of children.

Game progress: the child is invited to consider the finished picture, for example ,"Ship", where on board among the yellow circles there is a green circle.

Or a picture "Ripe cherries" where the berries are represented by green plugs.

We need to find the mistake and fix it.

Didactic game

"Decorate the picture as you wish"

Target: development of creativity and imagination.

Game progress: tasks: “Dress up the Christmas tree”, “Make the flowers in the clearing bright”. Children use color scheme plugs of choice, call the color.

Didactic game

"Draw a caterpillar"

Target: development of logical thinking of children

Game progress: first, the child is invited to consider the caterpillar, which already has parts of the body (these are circles of different colors). We need to find a pattern.

The child "finishes" the caterpillar.

When Dimka was one year old, he really liked to unscrew different caps from bottles, boxes, tubes, etc. So I decided to make him such a toy. It is interesting that he could only unscrew the little one, and after about six months he learned to twist it. After all, when you unscrew it, you twist it in one direction, and you twist it in the other. The kid learned this science himself. This is such a useful and interesting toy.

And to make it is not at all difficult, and the materials for it are the most junk - cardboard and lids from already used vessels.

First you need to assemble different covers with their bases. At bottles of lemonades, yogurts, juices, liquid soap I cut off the neck. And at the juice boxes, I tore off the bases along with the lids. And yet, covers for the same bases can be typed in different colors and more, otherwise they are quickly lost.

I made the basics in the form of tablets like this. I took an ordinary box cardboard, glued it with paper for strength. I pasted the drawing and let everything dry well under the weight of thick books. When everything was dry, I painted the drawings acrylic paints- they do not get dirty when used. I drew the office with a black marker. I pasted pictures of animals on the trailers of the train. I glued the bases of the covers onto the drawings with a hot gun. But another strong adhesive is also possible.
Carton sizes.

Entertaining games and creative activities can be carried out using very cheap or even junk material - we have repeatedly seen this on the pages of the Cheat Sheet for Parents website. Today I offer a selection of exercises with caps from plastic bottles and jars of baby food. Light, strong, multi-colored caps are interesting to use for the development of dexterity, fine motor skills, color perception and mental skills.

Game board with lids

There are several photographs of such developmental boards on the Web and, having examined one of them, we will find out what is required to create a manual. So,

1) base made of thin fiberboard 40x30 cm or larger;

2) a landscape background, for example, from an old calendar;

3) colored paper;

4) juice caps various types and size;

5) stickers depicting cartoon characters or clippings from children's magazines, newspapers;

6) scissors, glue, pencils and markers.

In my opinion, a great idea (alas, I do not know the author). It does not take up space in the apartment (you can fix it on the wall), it is original, it can be changed and supplemented when you get bored. Age category - from a year and older, just like fasteners and Velcro.

For the benefit of life

For home, cottage, personal plot lids in in large numbers will also fit. They decorate the paths and external walls buildings, lay out the edging of small flower beds. From the interconnected elements, floor mats and coverings for garden furniture are obtained.

A hard-working pensioner from Pavlodar became famous on the Internet. The 70-year-old grandfather, who works in public utilities, took a long time to collect covers and then laid out an amazing mosaic from them - simply by pressing the details into the ground. Now, according to the janitor himself, it is much cleaner on his site - passers-by do not raise their hand to litter there. 50,000 caps seems to be a lot, but in fact - one from every seventh inhabitant of the city.

And some manage to literally sheathe their houses with such unusual material. Many panels are based on traditional ornaments and motifs, as well as representatives of the animal world.

Other helpful exercises for kids with covers

We draw on the basis of a circle. We circle the lid and come up with who or what will come of it, develop the imagination.

Choose by color. Based on an image from balloons, on each ball there is an unfilled circle. It is required to match the covers by color in order to “patch” the balls and continue the fun.

We make a loto from metal lids. They are convenient because they have low sides and a flat bottom. We paste images of vegetables, animals - anything on a sheet of cardboard. And the same - on the lids from the inside. The kid takes the lid from the bag, turns it over, looks at the picture and looks for a place for it on the playing field. We develop mindfulness, ingenuity.

You can do tactile development and fill the caps with pieces of materials of various textures. For the rest - the same principle of loto: picked up, covered.

Colorful toys made from plastic bottle caps

A rectangle of colored cardboard, glue, paints, eyes - and faceless covers come to life, turning into a real zoo. Whoever you meet here: frogs, birds, fish, seals. And you can not create individual characters, but a whole plot composition.

Most likely, you won’t have a dozen plastic bottle caps right now. But you can start collecting them today by connecting friends and relatives. It is convenient to store savings in a three-liter jar or plastic box on the window, in a conspicuous place - so as not to forget to replenish your developing "reserve".