Why do witches dream in an apartment. Why dream of a witch, dream book, interpretation of dreams online. Witch according to Meneghetti's Italian dream book

Are you afraid of nightmares? Nightmares are dreams associated with terrible and frightening events, characters, phenomena.

Such dreams always leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the heart, excite and make you worry. But it would be most reasonable not to worry in vain, but to calm your nerves, relax, and check - what does such a dream mean?

After all, it is known that very often terrible dreams dream for good, for joy, for positive changes. So, who can know, maybe the happiness of a lifetime awaits you?

Witches and sorceresses are ancient characters, they were described in ancient books on demonology, bestiaries and myths. But witches were not always considered evil and harmful - this word itself comes from “to know”, that is, = to know the truth, to have rare secret knowledge. Is it worth being afraid of such a guest?

Of course, in a dream she could even take on a very frightening appearance, but do not be afraid, be sober - this is just a sign. What he says, what the witch is dreaming of, the interpreter will tell.

Only in order to get a reliable answer that will help you get what you want in real life and avoid problems, you should carefully interpret the dream, do not forget the details and not confuse anything.

Variants of "witch" dreams are very different:

  • You just saw a witch in a dream.
  • A young witch or sorceress looked into a dream.
  • An old, ancient witch in dreams.
  • She had a terrible, repulsive, ugly appearance.
  • A very beautiful witch or sorceress.
  • She prepares a brew, a potion in a cauldron.
  • Collects magical herbs in the forest or in the field.
  • You saw a lot of witches, or even a coven.
  • They approach you or surround you.
  • You met a sorceress in a dream.
  • The evil sorceress attacks you, rushes.
  • In your dreams, you were very afraid of this guest, you were afraid of her.
  • We were in that role ourselves.
  • Fought with her.

These are all unique, most interesting dreams, and although they are scary, they are of great value. Not everyone has to meet a witch in dreams!

The sorceress can be a symbol of danger, can indicate the dreamer's hidden mystical potential and spiritual powers, or can warn of the danger of going astray from the right and bright path. Let's explain what the witch is dreaming of - a rare, unusual character and definitely promising something significant in reality.

I dreamed of a witch ...

Suppose you dreamed of this person only from the outside, like a vision - while there was no interaction between you. If so, remember the details - what exactly she was, what she did - in general, all the nuances that were in the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, a witch in dreams is a symbol of adventures and adventures. And what! You will get involved in something unforgettable, non-standard, even a little dangerous or risky, and you will be guided by an irresistible desire to experience the thrill.

Be careful - there is a chance of being left with disappointment or making trouble, so control the situation!

2. The mystical dream in which the witch turned out to be relatively young speaks of important things. Your spiritual forces are not fully controlled, you do not control your forces (and they are great).

In addition, you are probably overly self-absorbed, and do not control and do not notice the events around you. In general, after such a vision, it is worth thinking carefully.

3. It is curious what the old, ancient witch dreams of, such a classic, generally accepted image of Yaga. This is a serious dream. It points to your powerful mystical potential - there is a huge amount of energy in your soul, and you can use it creatively!

4. An eerie dream where a terrible, ugly sorceress met is also an important piece of advice. The dream interpretation says that you should think more about the good, not hold a grudge against the people around you, forgive and let go of the bad.

Learn this skill! Otherwise, anger will harm you and you will not be happy.

5. The enchantress of unearthly, mystical beauty is a direct indication of your hidden powers. You are strong! Know it. Now is the heyday of your hidden potential, use it, apply it - but only in a creative way.

6. A dream in which a witch prepares a witch's potion, cooks something in a cauldron - this is an important piece of advice. The interpreter says that in this case the dreamer accumulates evil in himself, remembers all the insults and petty squabbles, and cannot let it go.

It destroys you terribly from the inside - stop accumulating negativity! Forgive people and forget unpleasant situations.

7. If in a dream a herbalist sorceress collects various magical plants, soon you will feel calm, fearless to life, and even a share of indifference. This is a good state, if in moderation - if it does not turn into complete indifference to everything in general.

8. Many witches in a dream are a sign of imminent unforgettable adventures and vivid experiences. Some unforgettable event awaits you in reality, but behave with dignity and do not take risks!

direct contact

It is curious and useful to know what the witch is dreaming of - in a dream, where she not only appeared and appeared, but also came into contact with the dreamer. Here the very meaning and sensations of sleep change - and the meaning can be very unexpected.

Here it is important to consider and remember not only her appearance, but more importantly - the actions, both witches and yours.

1. If in a dream a whole gang of witches approaches you, or even they surround you - do not be afraid. This dream says that you are too serious about simple everyday chores.

There are no problems, but the troubles are solved - take them easier. If worries are solved easily and playfully, then they will disappear quickly and almost imperceptibly.

2. A dream where you met a sorceress on your way portends you some important decision that you have to make.. It may seem simple and insignificant to you, but take this decision seriously, it will be extremely important in the future.

3. If an evil witch attacks you in your dreams, in reality your affairs and business will undergo some trials and difficulties. You should get together and overcome all this without fear and without giving up.

Difficulties are given in order to be active, learn and gain experience - treat the problems in this way, and do not complain about fate. Everything will be decided and you will succeed, just work with optimism and calm, positive self-confidence.

4. If in a dream you were very afraid of the sorceress, experienced real fear or fright - be careful. Such a dream portends adventures, bright events or some kind of adventure, something so unusual and intriguing that you want to take part in.

But this event will leave its mark - and a very unpleasant one, so you better think about whether it is worth participating in it? Maybe it's better not to risk it?

Moreover, as the dream book says, you will not get the emotions you expect - and you will be disappointed. Better just give up on this venture, and you will not regret it.

5. I wonder if you yourself were a witch in a dream. This indicates your hidden powers that you are not using. It's time to apply your talents, use your strong potential - maybe change jobs, or take your hobbies more seriously, turning them into a business ...

6. If you fought with a witch in a dream, an internal struggle between dark and light is taking place in you. Let the light and goodness win - so you will be happy!

A “witchy” dream - although it can be scary, it is still interesting and unusual. Take the advice of the dream book very seriously - and make the right decision, in the direction of good and light.

This is guaranteed to lead you to absolute harmony with yourself and the world, and real, bright happiness in life! Author: Vasilina Serova

Most people have a negative image of a witch since childhood. In cartoons and fairy tales, she is presented as an evil, insidious and ugly grandmother, who, moreover, is not averse to feasting on human flesh. Therefore, a dream about her can sow panic in the soul and even cause fear. To dispel anxieties, you should find out why the witch is dreaming.

Decoding according to the family dream book

The sorceress is not only a malicious old woman, but also a wise woman, the keeper of secret knowledge, and it is unlikely that her visit is accidental. Perhaps she wants to convey some thought to the dreamer, warn or teach him something.

Dreams of Witches often promise bad news soon, but the interpretation largely depends on the circumstances of the dream:

The meaning of dreams for women

The interpretation of dreams about witches for women is quite controversial and can predict how loss of strength, and the birth of a child. In many ways, the meaning is determined by the circumstances of the dream and the image of the sorceress herself.

Modern dream interpreter

Negative dreams are usually have a strong emotional connotation, therefore they are remembered more often and remain longer in the memory of a person.

Freud's interpretation

The German psychologist Z. Freud believed that during sleep, the human subconscious releases innermost thoughts and desires that do not meet the norms and standards of society.

  • If a man dreamed of a young and beautiful witch, then he needs a more active and passionate partner in order to fully reveal his sexuality.
  • If a man saw that during the kiss the witch disappeared into the air - he will have to break off relations due to the betrayal of his beloved.
  • If a man drinks a potion, he will soon meet a girl who will turn his head and deceive him.
  • If a girl saw in a dream witches who gathered for a sabbath, the reason for her loneliness is indecision and complexes. She is afraid of her sexuality or dissatisfied with her appearance. She should accept herself and learn to be more feminine.
  • If a married woman dreamed that her husband turned to a witch, it means that he doubts the future of the family or is dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, but is ready to do anything to save the marriage.

Seeing a witch - new acquaintances will drag you into an unsafe adventure, which, at best, will end in financial losses.

To be a witch - a scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

To escape from a witch - you will be slandered, which will greatly affect your relationships with others.

From all sides you are surrounded by witches - around you are ill-wishers who seek to destroy the cause of your life.

Imagine that water is poured on the witch, preferably holy. The witch, as in a fairy tale, melts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing a witch in a dream

Seeing a witch in a dream is a harbinger of scandals and gossip, illnesses and failures that will damage your reputation.

If she is ugly, then expect a scandal, and if she touched you, then beware of a conspiracy.

Meeting her by chance means that soon you will have to leave home and live among strangers.

To receive an insult or a wound from a witch in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will be in a great and unpleasant dependence on people for you.

Seeing a lot of witches during the Sabbath is a sign of unbridled fun, frivolity, from which your affairs can be seriously affected.

See interpretation: fairy, coven, fairy tale.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Seeing a witch in a dream

Symbolizes the "old woman" in a woman, indicating the negative female psychology, which can also appear in the form of a red-haired woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What do witch dreams mean

The symbol of the foremother characterizes the forces of nature awakening in us.

A scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

Witch - a wise woman combines destructive and creative features.

Even her hut "on chicken legs" symbolizes this contradiction.

She turns to a person either with an open, Kind, or with a back, Dark side. Therefore, the witch is an archetype of a generalized mother nature.

We all know how kind and fruitful Mother Nature is, and how angry she can be.

A witch can dream of a person at a turning point, a crisis in his life.

During the period, for example, growing up, when he overestimates the relationship with his mother.

When a real, living woman takes the place of an ideal mother, and her inherent flaws and virtues, When the love of a young man or girl shifts to a new object, And the mother fades into the background.

The exciting forces of human nature echo in the image of a witch with the forces of a comprehensive nature.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream about the Witch

Seeing witches in a dream means that you are better off not striving for extraordinary adventures: they can lead you to disappointment and resentment.

If you see that witches are stepping on you, your commercial affairs may suffer. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

According to D. Loff, a meeting with someone who is endowed with supernatural powers, or the acquisition of such powers in dreams, occurs very often.

If you yourself use these forces against others, then you either want to show the extent of your power, or strive to equalize forces with the enemy, who currently has the advantage.

Another reason may be your desire to vent your anger or inspire someone with romantic affection for you. In doing so, you can project your power onto a stranger who represents someone you know.

If someone uses his power against you, then in real life it seems to you that he is too actively influencing your life or plotting. Analyze how successful your or someone else's attempt to use magical powers is.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does a witch mean in a dream

can use an aspen stake or a branch for her magical charms: striking this branch in the chest of a sleepy person, she inflicts an invisible wound on him and greedily revels in his blood.

A well-known gathering place of witches for the Sabbath on Kupala night is in Kyiv on Bald Mountain.

They send dryness "to zealous hearts, to a white body, to a black liver, to a hot chest, to a violent head, to the middle vein, and to all 70 veins, and to all 70 joints, to the very love bone.

Let this very dryness set fire to a zealous heart and boil hot blood, so that it would be impossible to drink it in drink, or eat it in food, not to fall asleep, not to wash it off with water, not to go on a spree, not to cry with tears, etc. .

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the Ancient Slavs

Meaning of Witch Dreams

If she is old and scary, then this is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women.

Fail for men.

A young witch dreams of bringing damage to reality and great, real danger.

It is also a symbol of passion.

Black Moon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological dream book

The meaning of sleep Witch

Witches - sectarianism, danger.

Witch with a spoon - herbal medicine is appropriate.

Witch with a dead man - widowhood, danger, death.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Tarot

Dream Interpretation Witch

If you dreamed of a witch, you are probably in for some bad news.

Someone is trying to complicate your life with their intervention, which will affect your fate in a far from pleasant way. A witch performing a magical rite over you portends a lack of confidence in your abilities and an attempt to enlist the help of an influential but unreliable person.

A witch who has the appearance of your wife, beloved girl, is a dream that portends a temporary cooling of relations with the second half.

If a witch in a dream looks like your mother-in-law, your relatives will probably try to prevent your plans from becoming a reality.

But you should not listen to advice in this case - the implementation of plans promises profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

What does the Witch predict in a dream

It is possible for the patient to be healed if the methods of non-traditional methods of treatment are used.

In all other cases, seeing a witch is an inexplicable event.

To be a witch is very surprising.

Interpretation of dreams from the latest dream book

What does it mean to see a witch in a dream

If you dreamed of a witch, beware of rash acts, casual acquaintances and close relationships - they can cause you many serious problems. Wait for some time, and for now avoid initiative actions - most likely, they will not bring you the desired results.

It is believed that the appearance of a female witch in a dream does not bode well for a person. Such a dream means that someone has become the object of black witchcraft and must be careful. On the other hand, a dreaming witch symbolizes the animal nature in a person and means his desire to break with the rules and norms imposed by society.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation Witch

A witch in a dream warns you that your thirst for adventure and wild fun in a circle of friends can suddenly lead you to humiliation, disappointment and resentment. If in a dream you were attacked by a witch, you will be disappointed in commercial or domestic affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream Meaning Witch

A witch seen in a dream portends a noisy fun, which will later turn into tears for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

Seeing a witch in a dream

A dream in which witches appear to you means that you can get into a company having fun in nature, but the consequences of this fun will end for you only in a headache and an empty wallet.

To be a witch in a dream is to be in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything literally falls out of hand, and there is nowhere to wait for help from anyone.

Interpretation of dreams from


Women who practice magic are popularly called witches or sorceresses. Some people turn to them for help in difficult situations, others are afraid of the vedas like fire. Sometimes a witch can be seen in a dream. Interpreters of dreams will help to explain such a vision.

Most interpreters agree that dreams about a witch do not bode well:

  • Azara - clouds are gathering over you, there is a risk of getting sick;
  • American - you will see something terrible and unpleasant;
  • Wangi - you are in front of a difficult choice, you need to decide on goals and learn to control your actions and desires;
  • eastern - you risk getting involved in a gamble, and although at first glance the business will seem very profitable, in the future you will greatly regret that you decided to take it on;
  • Grishina - you will make a serious decision;
  • Denise Lynn - to communicate with an adult and wise woman who will teach you a lot;
  • lovers - you will look for entertainment and new acquaintances, but all this will not bring you joy, leaving only disappointment in your soul;
  • for the whole family - get bad news; someone interferes in your life, poisoning it day by day;
  • bitches - an adventure that was supposed to be fun will disappoint and upset you;
  • Winters - do not succumb to dubious temptations;
  • small Velesov - to trouble, fear and squabbles, sometimes a vision can promise illness;
  • Miller. Striving for noisy fun will lead to humiliation and resentment.
  • mythological - there is an evil and unpleasant woman in the environment who wants to harm you; intrigues are woven behind your back, be careful;
  • the newest - an event that defies logic and common sense will occur; if a sick person saw a dream, healing will soon await him;
  • from A to Z - a fun pastime will end sadly for you;
  • Peter Leiman - in order to solve the problems that have piled up, you need to look at them as a whole;
  • family - do not look for adventure, otherwise you will greatly regret your windiness later;
  • modern - danger, health problems, nervous breakdown;
  • Tarot - there is a possibility of falling into some kind of sect;
  • Ukrainian - you will suddenly get into trouble;
  • Fedorovskaya - make a serious mistake, and it will not be in your power to correct the situation;
  • Freud - enter into a relationship with a person who was not previously considered for the role of a life partner;
  • Tsvetkova - to communicate with an insidious woman;
  • esoteric - an interesting and dangerous adventure awaits you;
  • erotic - think over each act well, beware of casual acquaintances, because of which you will have many problems in the future.

To see a witch in your house in a dream - to the emergence of family troubles.

To see an ugly witch in night dreams is a scandal

Witch in male and female dreams

The interpretation of night vision is influenced by who dreamed it:

  • girl - to a new romance, which is unlikely to last long, after parting you will experience apathy and spiritual emptiness;
  • to a woman - you are tired of everyday problems, everything falls out of your hands, nothing comes out the way you want; try to rest and relax, and not burden yourself with solving topical problems;
  • married - to quarrels with your spouse, a woman stood between you, dreaming of destroying your family;
  • pregnant - the development of diseases and conflicts with others, you should devote more time to health, put your nervous system in order; if someone annoys you, try to keep communication with this person to a minimum;
  • for a man - receiving unpleasant news; a certain person adversely affects you, and his intervention poisons your existence, this will lead to disastrous consequences; i dreamed that they were flying on a broomstick with a witch - some woman skillfully manipulates you; to see in a dream in the role of a sorceress a beloved or wife - to a cooling of feelings between you.

If your relative was a witch in a dream, relatives are trying to prevent you from realizing your plans. Do not listen to their advice, but act according to your heart.

If in a night vision you burned a witch at the stake, now you want to put an end to your relationship with a person who has pretty tired you

Interpretation of night dreams depending on the details

Many factors influence the interpretation of sleep. This is not only the gender of the dreamer, but also the events that take place in a dream, as well as what kind of witch you dreamed about.

Deciphering the actions that occur in a dream

It is important to remember what events happened in the kingdom of Morpheus. The meaning of the witch's actions in a dream:

  • attacks - a dream indicates an old conflict that should have been resolved long ago; you attach great importance to the difficulties you face, do not dramatize the current situation, and then life will get better;
  • is approaching - things will fall into decay, and daily worries will become very tiring;
  • touches you - you will be vilely slandered;
  • prepares a potion - do not accumulate negativity inside yourself, this can end in failure;
  • collects herbs - you are indifferent to ongoing events, your inertia will eventually lead to serious problems;
  • strangles you - rage literally tears your soul apart, because of this you feel unhappy, you need to learn to forgive people;
  • threatens the dreamer - you have a lot of anger and resentment, you perceive any wrong word addressed to you with hostility, you should take life easier and try to be kinder, anger destroys you from the inside, makes you vulnerable to diseases.

The witch hunt continues to this day. In 2009, the issue of extrajudicial executions was discussed at a UN meeting. During the discussion, the speaker suggested taking witches under the protection of the organization. The fact is that women who are suspected of witchcraft continue to be persecuted. In particular, in Tanzania and Papua New Guinea, such women are even executed.

A witches' sabbath in a dream indicates a desire to go beyond the usual framework and gain secret knowledge. If you participated in a witchcraft event in the kingdom of Morpheus, you have secret desires, but their implementation does not bode well. Do not bother your head with any nonsense, it is better to take up a serious matter and show your best qualities. When you succeed, you can be proud of yourself.

To see a witch of unusual beauty in night dreams is a good sign, you have a great potential that you will soon use

Interpretation of the dreamer's actions with the witch:

  • kill - things will go uphill, obstacles on the way will be overcome;
  • drive away - make the right decision, after which things will get better, and the financial situation will improve;
  • fight - you have envious people who are haunted by your achievements day and night, they are trying in every possible way to harm you, soon you will bring the spiteful critics to clean water and fight them in a verbal duel;
  • run away from her - instead of struggling with difficulties, you are trying to hide from them, such behavior only exacerbates an already difficult situation.

If in the realm of Morpheus you were surrounded by witches, in reality you are too fixated on small things. No need to look for problems where there are none.

The appearance of the witch matters

Now remember how the dreaming witch looked and how she manifested herself:

  • evil (black) - if she helped you in a dream, in reality you should not trust unfamiliar people, otherwise you may be deceived; to see an evil sorceress from the outside - to problems in the family;
  • kind (white) - get to know a wise woman; if a healer came to your aid in a night vision, things will soon get better;
  • on a broom - to a meeting with an unpleasant person, communication with which will complicate your life;
  • old - to a breakdown and disappointment;
  • young - you are absorbed in yourself and do not see what is happening around; if you had a nice conversation with an attractive sorceress, this promises to meet interesting people and open up new prospects in the professional field.

Did you dream of a witch with predictions? Try to remember what the witch told you from the dream, many interpreters are sure that what she said can come true in real life.

If in a dream you were initiated into witches, an incredible event will occur that will greatly affect your life.

Interpretation of other dreams about a witch

To turn into a witch yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus is a great surprise. Such a meaning of what he saw was proposed in the latest interpreter. According to the dream book for the bitch, after such a dream, problems will arise in business and personal life. You will find yourself in a critical situation, everything will fall out of your hands, and there will be no one to wait for help.

It is also important where you met the witch:

  • in the forest - act and do not look back, you will not be able to return to your past life, because all the bridges have been burned;
  • at a crossroads - soon you will need to make an important decision.

Seeing a witch with a dead person is a bad omen. The image portends a serious danger, the death of someone close to you, or even your own. Be more careful and attentive to your loved ones!

In the 16th century, a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary was executed in Riga on suspicion of witchcraft. First, she was tested with water - thrown into the river. Of course, the wooden statue did not sink. The statue was declared a witch and burned.

If a witch gave you a gift in a dream, you will soon make a fateful decision. The main thing is not to blunder and do everything right.

In a dream, were you shown a photograph of a witch? Be careful, there is a bad woman in your immediate environment, because of which your life will be filled with anxieties and worries.

To believe in dreams or not is everyone's business. If you watched a movie about witches before going to bed, what you saw could be reflected in your nightly dreams. In this case, the image does not carry any semantic load. If you regularly see dreams about witches, you should think about whether everything is fine in your life. Maybe you are doing something wrong, or someone is trying to influence you badly.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

If a woman dreamed of a witch, then she had a strong and dangerous rival.

If a man dreamed of a witch, then he should beware of gambling.

See also: why dream of magic, why dream of a broom, why dream of a stupa.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

Why does the Witch dream, how to understand the dream:

The witch dreamed - adventures await you in the company of pleasant people, which will end in disappointment.

To see that the witch threatens you - then you will find stagnation in business, cooling spouses to each other.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Why is the witch dreaming?

An old and terrible witch dreamed - this is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women.

For men, a witch is bad luck.

A young witch dreamed - this is to bring damage and great real danger.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why dream and why see the Witch in a dream:

A witch dreamed - this means that you can get into a company having fun in nature, however, the consequences of this fun will end for you only in a headache and an empty wallet.

To see that a witch - you have to find yourself in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything literally falls out of hand, and there is nowhere to wait for help from anyone.

Big dream book

A witch dreamed - this means that you better not strive for extraordinary adventures, they can lead you to disappointment and resentment.

Seeing that witches are attacking you - then your business affairs may suffer. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Lunar dream book

Why is the witch dreaming:

if it is old and scary, then it is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women. For men - failure. A young witch dreams of causing damage in reality and great real danger. Symbol of passion. Black Moon.

Dream interpretation for girls

What does the Witch dream about in a dream book:

This dream means that something is being planned against you, perhaps out of envy. So think about who it could be.

Dreaming of a Witch? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

To see the Witch in a dream:

In Christianity, the witch is the personification of evil. According to the ideas of the "New Wave", the witch is the goddess of mother earth. Walt Disney World is home to evil witches, good witches, and a godmother, a wish-granting sorceress. The meaning of this symbol depends on the context of the dream, as well as on the dreamer's associations with the image of the witch in the dream.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

To see a witch in a dream is to expect danger, scandal, sadness, illness. If the witch touched you - to an evil slander.

Attackers, advancing witches are a danger to commercial and domestic affairs.

Dancing witches - to your desire for adventure, fun, the result of which will be resentment and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why does the Witch dream in a dream:

Seeing a witch is a sign of well-being, prosperity and good neighborliness. Seeing a witch flying on a broomstick portends troubles that will happen through your fault, due to your indiscretion and carelessness.

Seeing yourself as a witch is a bad dream, prophesying a loss, a major loss. Perhaps such a dream means that all your efforts will be empty, and you will not achieve what you want.

To be present at the witches' ball - you will have to solve the problems that have arisen in the life of your loved one with your own efforts.

A dream in which a witch is talking to you means that everything that you have managed to achieve in life has been given to you by hard and painstaking work.

Flying on a witch's broom is a sign of help and patronage, which you may not even be aware of. Your fate is of interest not only to you, but also to people who harbor hidden sympathy for you.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Why dream and what does the Witch mean:

Seeing that you hear and cast witch spells is a sign of trouble and betrayal.

See also: why the sorcerer dreams, why the Witch dreams, what magic dreams about.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why does the Witch dream in a night dream?

To see that you are casting some kind of spell - this portends friction with your husband or lover on the basis of different views.

If weak elders conjure you in a dream to help, then you will give in where you usually showed firmness and steadfastness.

To conjure in a dream with witch spells to do something for the good of your children - you will have reason to doubt the disinterestedness of your friends towards you.

Seeing in a dream ancient witches in black mantles, uttering spells against the spirits of darkness, is a harbinger of the fact that you will be able to oppose the goodness of the soul to evil intentions and thus stop enemies from sinful deeds.

To see that you yourself conjure good spirits about the successful dispensation of your fate - then an unexpected acquaintance awaits you, which will cause mutual sympathy, and then unbridled passion.

Big dream book

Why the Witch is dreaming - dream analysis:

To see that a witch is casting a spell - then you will have quarrels with your other half.

If you heard in a dream how someone else was casting spells, then soon you will have to be convinced of the insincerity of your friends.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why does the Witch dream, what does it mean: