Beautiful phrases from films. The most beautiful forgotten movie quotes

"I will certainly return to find you, love, marry and live without shame"

Robbie, Atonement

2. To be in love - to understand that you want to be better.

"To please you, I wanted to change."

Melvin, As Good As It Gets

3. Love is the most important life lesson.

“The greatest thing that can be learned is to love and be loved.”

Christian, Moulin Rouge movie

4. Sometimes love is a sacrifice. And perseverance.

"The ticket I won was for me the best gift fate. I met you. And for that I am grateful to her, Rosa. Very grateful. You must... must do what I say. Promise me that you will stay alive. That you won't give up. Whatever happens. Whatever happens, promise... Promise me now, Rosa. And keep your promise at any cost. Do not give up."

Jack, Titanic movie

5. In love, you see a person to the end the way you first met him.

“You will never grow old for me. You won't fade. You'll not die."

Will, Shakespeare in Love

6. You always protect the one you love.

"I won't let you put Baby in a corner."

Johnny Dirty Dancing

7. You don't want to live a minute without your love.

“I just realized that if I decided to spend the rest of my days with anyone, that rest should start as soon as possible.”

Harry, When Harry Met Sally

8. You cannot control life, you can only believe.

"Of all the eateries in the world, she should have come to mine."

Rick, Casablanca movie

9. Love takes over all our emotions.

"I wish I knew how to get away from you."

Jack, Brokeback Mountain

10. One of life's greatest accomplishments is to love with all your heart and be loved the same way.

“There is nothing special about me. I a common person, with ordinary thoughts, I lived an ordinary life. But in one respect I succeeded more than in others. My heart was filled with love. And that was enough."

Duke, The Notebook

11. There are no limits to the depth of love.

“The heart is not a box to be filled. It expands and contains more and more love.

Samantha, movie "Her"

12. Love is a beautiful mystery.

“I don’t know if each of us has a destiny or if we just go with the flow. I think maybe both at the same time. I miss you Jenny. If you need anything, I'll be nearby."

Forrest, "Forrest Gump" movie

13. The most beautiful thing in love is to accept another with all the shortcomings.

"People call them flaws, but they're not, they're wonderful traits."

Sean, Good Will Hunting

14. To be in love is to be in your own magical world.

"I looked up, to where not far from paradise, where you were."

Terry, "An Unforgettable Romance"

15. When you love someone very much, you love him past, present and future.

"Today you are the same girl that I loved yesterday, and that I will love madly tomorrow."

Adam, If I Stay

A lot has been said about love, but still some phrases from films can melt the heart of even the most cynical viewers. The originality and insight of such quotes put them on a par with famous aphorisms and sayings of great people.

Here are the most wise and touching phrases from the movies:

"I?! I'm afraid of everything: what I saw, what I did, who I am, and most of all, to leave this room. This has never happened in my entire life. What I feel next to you ”(“ Dirty Dancing ”, 1987).

These words belong to the main character of the film, Baby (Jennifer Grey). She confessed her feelings and fears to dancer Johnny (Patrick Swayze) at the height of their romantic affection.

“Love is a passion, an obsession, when you cannot imagine life without this person. Fall in love with someone, find someone you're crazy about, and he's crazy about you" ("Meet Joe Black", 1998).

Such wise quotes make you think about your own life.

The phrase belongs to the protagonist of the film, William Parrish (Anthony Hopkins). With it, he admonished his daughter Susan (Claire Forlani), opening her heart to a new love.

“Death cannot stop true love. All she can do is put it off for a while” (“The Princess Bride”, 1987).

The philosophical quote accurately describes the strength of feelings of the main characters of the picture - Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) and her lover Westley (Cary Elwes).

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible” (When Harry Met Sally, 1989).

This witty yet touching quote comes from Harry (Billy Crystal) who is in love with the charming Sally (Meg Ryan).

“It is better to smell her hair once, to kiss her lips once, than to live forever without her” (“City of Angels”, 1998).

It was with these words that Nicolas Cage's character Seth, blinded by beauty and rich, described his feelings. inner world Dr. Rice (Meg Ryan).

“And maybe it will be enough for you to know that those few hours while we were together and loved each other were worth our lives” (“Terminator”, 1984).

Fighters can surprise, because they often talk about love, which takes your breath away.

The phrase belongs to Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton). She tells it to Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn), the meeting with whom she was destined for by fate in the face of the Skynet network.

“It was a lot of multi-colored glass. If you put them together, you get a wonderful mosaic. It's like we were made for each other. I felt it from the first moment our eyes met. I lived in an empty house until she came in and filled it with happiness. It was worth taking her hand to help get out of the car, and I felt that a miracle had happened” (“Sleepless in Seattle”, 1993).

A touching confession belongs to the hero of Tom Hanks, Sam, who was captured by a whirlpool of magical and tender feelings for Annie (Meg Ryan).

“I think I would miss you even if we never met” (“Groom for Rent”, 2005).

These heartfelt words were said to his beloved Kat (Debra Messing) by the hero of Dermot Marlony and part-time guy from the elite escort Nick.

“I love you without knowing how, why or even from where” (“Healer Adams”, 1998).

One of the most sincere movie confessions. The phrase belongs to the hero of the legendary actor Robin Williams.

“According to the general opinion, we live in a world of hatred and greed. But I don't agree. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often love is not very noticeable and solemn, but it is everywhere. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, lovers, mistresses, bosom friends. There was no hate or revenge in the phone calls from the Twin Towers that the planes crashed into, only declarations of love. And if you look closely, there will be a suspicion that love is really everywhere. Real Love ”(“ Real Love ”, 2003).

The quote is heard offscreen at the very beginning of the film, inviting viewers to plunge into the atmosphere of the most romantic film of all time.

“Life is like a book. A book that I really love… Only now I read it slowly. So the words fall apart, and the spaces between them become endless ... I feel you near, I remember every word in the history of our relationship, but more and more often I find myself in an endless space between words, and this space is outside the human world. It is filled with everything that I didn’t even suspect existed” (“She”, 2013).

These romantic but sad words do not belong to a person, but operating system Samantha (Scarlett Johansson), who learned the power of human feelings in a futuristic drama directed by Spike Jones.

Why do the audience believe every word spoken by the actors on the screen? Because these phrases resonate in their own hearts.

What romantic phrases about love from movies do you remember?

I asked Him for one thing. To see you. Last time. And he promised - no more requests. Never. And... I don't regret it.

Not everyone finds love because they are looking for the perfect one. And this one doesn't happen. True love- imperfect. (Dawson's Bay).

Loved? Congratulations! This will only lead to one thing: she will never ask for forgiveness. Movie: Love Story

Thanks to all the staff who lived and studied at my school and had fun all the years of study. School without you is empty, boring. Without love and colors. I would never have gone there if not for these characters. Movie: Never Kissed

Movie: Kill Bill. Film 1 . Love? I hated you for as long as I can remember myself. But you still deserve respect.

Love is when, having lost a soul mate, you realize that this is not a soul mate. This is all one hundred percent ... And it would be better to die than to lose love. / Movie: It will be a good hunt

Having chosen you, I will spit on my homeland. I'll change her. But spitting on you - I will change my heart ... I will destroy love. / Masked Man

Scene. There are two on it. And light. Bright spotlight. Two in the whole world.

Read the continuation of Arthur Schopenhauer's quotes and aphorisms on the pages:

And here I stand, my deal's burned out. And I'm about to leave. I won't ask you for anything. / Pearl Harbor

Who loves, he waits. / Love At Large

You just have to try. If you don't try, you'll be wasting your life. / Meet Joe Black

Film: The Painted Veil. When love and duty are the same, it is a blessing.

He loves me, Harold. He loves me - and this is the most precious thing. / Moulin rouge

I should have died there.

Find someone you can love like a madman breaks free and who will love you just as madly.

If you were the only man on Earth, you would not be able to persuade me to marry you!

I love you without knowing why, why, how and from where. / Fix Adams

Love is a minefield where you take just one step and it's already torn to pieces, give reverse and ... in the most stupid way you take two more steps forward ... It seems to me that this is so characteristic of human nature, because loneliness inflicts bleeding spiritual wounds, so it's better to blow on a burned heart than to be lonely ... / Love And Sex

Movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I will give you not just something, but something from something better than any something ...

I was a real fool for leaving you.

Love is a minefield in which you take only one step and are already torn to pieces, back up and ... in the most stupid way you take two more steps forward ... It seems to me that this is so characteristic of human nature, because loneliness inflicts bleeding spiritual wounds, so it's better to blow on a burned heart.

Evelyn, my feelings for you kept me alive.

And you wanted to laugh and cry because you felt so happy and scared at the same time that the vision disappeared in an instant... / Never Kissed

Movie: Evan Almighty. When God is asked for patience, does he give patience or an opportunity to show this patience? Does the one who asks for courage receive courage or the opportunity to be courageous? When people ask God for a happy family, do you think God brings warmth and tenderness to them, or does he give them the opportunity to prove their love?

All that is special about me... is you. / Great expectations

Don't waste your time, life is made of it.

Michael, I love you. I have loved you for 9 years now.

All my life you inspired me that I'm worth something just because you need me.

Just understand that this feeling comes at the most inopportune time, however, I still ask you to do me a big favor - Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. / My best friend's wedding

Film: The Painted Veil. Women sometimes get the impression that men are much more in love with them than they really are.

Film: Juno and Avos. There is no price for love, only one life ...

Only a deep feeling can push me down the aisle, so be me an old maid.

But Christian loves me. And I'm scared too.

Until now, the coolest guy drives the coolest girl to the school porch in the morning.

Everything I do, I do for you.

this is the professional risk of kindred spirits: one cannot survive without the other!

Can't fall in love? But life without love is just awful. / Moulin rouge

And he is completely sure that every girl is simply obliged to melt before him.

When I was in the water, I made a deal with God.

You know, the moment you kissed her and everything went hazy...

You made me survive, Evelyn, you brought me home.

And you realized that she is just a toy to which you offered your kisses for the rest of your life. In one second you received this gift.

And at the same moment, the creature in love, Turning on the afterburner, rushed off on a date! (Only old men go into battle)

I was born to kiss you. /Only You

But you were too arrogant and cowardly to understand it.

Forgive me for everything that was and for everything that will be

Films about love not only make us experience the whole range of emotions they experience with the characters, but also quote the grandiloquent phrases we like. Although not all of them are full of excessive pathos, some are so sincere and well-aimed that they "shoot" in the very heart!

“You were looking for treasure in the wrong place. Only life has value and every moment of it.

"Titanic" (1997)

“You are not perfect. That girl you met isn't perfect either. The main thing is whether you are perfect for each other, that's the point.

Good Will Hunting (1997)

“Love is a passion, an obsession, when you cannot imagine life without this person. Fall in love with someone, find someone you're crazy about, and he's crazy about you."

Meet Joe Black (1998)

"I?! I'm afraid of everything: what I saw, what I did, who I am, and most of all, to leave this room. This has never happened in my entire life. What I feel next to you.

"Dirty Dancing" (1987)

"The greatest thing you can learn in this world is to love and be loved."

"Moulin rouge!" (2001)

“Death cannot stop true love. All she can do is put it aside for a while.”

"Princess Bride" (1987)

- Do you love me?

“I can't breathe without you.

"Mr Nobody" (2005)

“Better to smell her hair once, to kiss her lips once, than to live forever without her.”

"City of Angels" (1998)

“There will be poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love is the main thing. Not an artificial shadow of love, but love that transforms life. Spontaneous, rebellious, like a heart attack. It will come - and either death or delight.

"You will not grow old, you will not fade, you will not die, you will live like this in my soul."

Shakespeare in Love (1998)

“One day you will know what true love is. She is both bitter and sweet. I think bitterness is needed in order to appreciate sweetness.”

"Vanilla Sky" (2001)

“Sometimes the person you didn’t notice becomes the most precious thing to you.”

"Love and other drugs" (2010)

“Don't be afraid to fall in love with someone again. When this happens, a line will be drawn under the former life.

P.S. I love you" (2006)

“Not everyone finds love because they are looking for the perfect one. And this one doesn't happen. True love is imperfect."

"Dawson's Creek" (1998-2003)

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Love makes us whole. "To the Wonder" (To the Wonder)

There is no parting, there is only love ... only love ... "The Perfect Storm"

All love is legal if it is love. "The same Munchausen"

Love is like an accidental death... Love is the most important thing... "Goddess: How I fell in love"

Love! Pure love will never lose its power! "Why are we getting married again?" (Why Did I Get Married Too?)

Because love is strong as death... "Admiral"

Love is not one magical moment, not a fairy tale, and not even love at first sight. Love is just love. The Wedding Planner

Love at first sight exists. Amelie (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain)

Death cannot kill love. "If only" (If only)

Love is a terrible flaw. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End" (Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End)

Love and reason are incompatible! "Valentine's Day"