Disc hiller for planting potatoes: how to do it yourself. Do-it-yourself potato hillers for a walk-behind tractor - the realization of your locksmith talents and cost savings! Do-it-yourself double-row hiller for a walk-behind tractor

Motoblocks have long been popular among representatives of the agricultural sector. The versatility, compactness and high level of performance of such equipment are increasing every year, because special hinges contribute to this.

On the this moment There are many types of attachments on the market, but one of the most popular is the hiller.

Why do you need a hiller for a walk-behind tractor?

The specified element is used for planting vegetables and caring for them. It works quite simply: after installing the add-on and starting the walk-behind tractor, the part tows the car along the cultivated area with the planted seeds, thereby sprinkling the future vegetation with the necessary layer of moist and slightly loose soil. Such an operation is of considerable importance, because it allows you to protect the seeds from negative atmospheric influences, increase the level of oxygen saturation, and stimulate growth.

Experts note that hilling with a walk-behind tractor also helps to rid the earth of excess moisture in order to avoid decay. After processing, the sun's rays penetrate the soil much better, and some harmful insects end up on the surface, where they are "cleaned" by birds. Some weeds are also destroyed, so elementary processing can be safely considered a partial replacement for the use of herbicides. It is important to note that hillers are most often used to process potato plantings.

Which hiller is better for a walk-behind tractor?

Modern manufacturers of agricultural machinery are trying to meet the ever-increasing demands of users, so each brand produces specialized hillers that are fully adapted to the specifics of a walk-behind tractor of a particular manufacturer. For example, for Neva, MB 2, MB 1 and Agro units, you can purchase the following types of additional assistants:

Hillers for potatoes to a walk-behind tractor with a clearly marked working width

Such an object is considered one of the simplest and has another name - lister. It is used for processing row-spacings of a narrow plan, the width of which does not exceed 30 cm. As for the design features, the hitch consists of several wings fixed relative to each other. This option is suitable for low power walk-behind tractors (about 3.5 hp). A thin rack contributes to the appearance of additional protection of the device from overloads. The negative aspects of such a development include the impossibility of working with wet ground, since the soil simply sticks to the wings, preventing the equipment from performing its task;

Okuchnik with variable working width

The main advantage of this type of tool is the ability to adjust the processing width. With its help, it will be possible to process rows of completely different sizes. Suitable for more powerful machines, because it consumes more energy. Often, such devices have the form of two-row hillers, which make it possible to perform the necessary operations with even greater efficiency. For adequate operation, it is necessary to put the lugs of the walk-behind tractor on extension cords;

Disc hiller

It is considered the most convenient, since it can be used to qualitatively prepare furrows for planting seeds. A feature of the part is the placement of disk-dumps at a certain angle. The productivity of use is much higher than that of the previously considered models;

The specificity of the development of such a plan is the rotation of the wings in several planes. It seems that the lower edge of the wings follows the contour of the crest. This approach allows you to make care more productively with minimal energy costs. Affordability is also a significant plus;

Propeller hiller active plan (rotary)

The technical device allows you to qualitatively perform the hilling procedure, toss the earth precisely to the roots of plants. Important point: you can work with such a device in the second forward gear of the walk-behind tractor, which not every machine can boast of. The increased gear will allow the hiller to rotate at a speed of 160-180 turns per minute, due to which the soil is “transferred” from the row spacing to the rows themselves.

Because in recent times agronomists are increasingly using a two-row hiller, you should consider the specifics of installing a hitch of exactly the specified plan. Often, fixation occurs through the operation of special hitches SV-2 and SV-1/1. A prerequisite for competent installation is the presence of lugs, the diameter of which should not be lower than 600 mm. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid squeezing the potato tops by the reducer.

It is important to correctly direct the hiller, because it will be possible to obtain the desired result only if it is oriented parallel to the soil surface. This can be done simply by just adjusting a few bolts on the bracket. In the process, special attention should be paid to the selection of the furrow width and the depth of immersion in the ground, because after processing the ridges should be at the same level. This depth is regulated by several methods:

  • The master must be guided by the height of the mounting holes;
  • The presence of screw adjustment (for adjustable objects) will allow, while turning the handle, to change the angle between the frame of the nozzle and the unit itself.

To adjust the width of the furrows, you should use the frame fastening brackets (shift or push them apart). You can also follow the instructions in the following videos:

We create a do-it-yourself hiller for a walk-behind tractor

It is quite logical that the owners of walk-behind tractors want to expand the range of tasks performed by the machine with the help of a hiller. Here are just some who do not express much desire to spend money on this, trying to create home-made devices. Oddly enough, but they do it very well!

It is worth noting that one cannot do without elementary plumbing equipment.

For further manipulations, you need:

  • Apparatus for welding (arc);
  • Electric sharpener;
  • Gas-burner;
  • Vise;
  • Bulgarian. It is desirable that the device be of medium power and have peeling and cutting discs in the set;
  • Drill and drills;
  • Files;
  • Locksmith workbench.

Hiller with fixed and adjustable angle (lister)

We have already commemorated this type earlier, and now we will consider the drawings that allow us to assemble the indicated part on our own.

The fixed type belongs to the class of the most easily created hillers. The base is obtained using a steel sheet, the thickness of which is not less than 3 mm. For its formation, only high-quality materials should be used, because this node has to be the first to meet the resistance of the soil.

To create a bracket, a four-millimeter steel strip should be used. It is important to harden the part after the forming process. A spring leaf can be used as a field board. But for starters, the metal should be “released” and hardened. For the rack, it is important to choose strips with a thickness of at least 8 mm.

Welding is carried out in several passes, on each side of the joint. You can create wings from thinner sheets (2 mm). Special attention must be paid to dimensionality otherwise the docking of the base with the wings may fail.

Almost any template can be used to bend the wings, even a steel pipe of a suitable diameter.

The disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor is characterized individual characteristics. The design is simple for self-manufacturing. Gardeners are interested in homemade products, as they are able to simplify the hard agricultural work associated with the processing of certain crops.


Today, small-scale mechanization has become widespread. Most often used for agricultural work disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor. Outwardly, it looks like a frame on two wheels with discs attached to it. The device allows cultivating the soil both before sowing and after harvesting.

During the period of seedling growth, the aisles with plants are treated with this device. Disc hillers are suitable for garden equipment with two forward gears. The unit is compiled both with a walk-behind tractor and with a cultivator. There are also manual versions of this garden tool.

The difficulty with the disk hiller lies in the need to set the gap right size. Between the lower base of the discs, it is equal to the row spacing. In this case, the track width of the wheels of motor vehicles must correspond to the same distance. To create furrows, the discs are mounted with an inclination with respect to the vertical. Disc hillers cope with:

  • elimination of weeds;
  • arranging a ridge from the ground, which protects the tubers from sunlight (it is known that due to the proximity of the vegetable to the surface, its development is inhibited);
  • improved soil air exchange, which eliminates the evaporation of moisture.


The main components of the device are:

  • T-axis different kind;
  • screw connections that regulate the angle of inclination of the disks;
  • racks in the amount of two pieces;
  • disks in the amount of two pieces.

Paired disks should be in the ground at a given depth with little or no resistance. They spin in the ground, excluding human effort. Thanks to the adjusted angle of inclination and the angle of take-off, the parts create a ridge. It is customary to set the discs to a value corresponding to the row spacing. Pairs of discs must be of the same diameter and weight. This is the only way to achieve evenness of the comb and smooth running of the device. The desired profile is aligned with the angle adjustment system.

The hinged hiller is not included in the standard package with walk-behind tractors and cultivators. Products are sold separately or made independently. The high cost of hillers is pushing people to self-manufacturing. When buying, you should pay attention to the compliance of the hiller with the capacities of the main unit. The cost of the hiller is related to the variety of materials used in its manufacture.

Okuchnik can be installed on a walk-behind tractor with a two-speed engine with a reverse and the obligatory presence of a selective power shaft. It is understood that the two speeds of the gearbox regulate forward movement. When asking sellers for their availability, be sure to consider this factor.


There are two types of disc hillers on the market. The most widespread are products with a variable width of the processed strip. The device is convenient not only for processing potatoes, but also for other crops, such as strawberries or beans. Thanks to the sliding design, the distance between the discs changes according to the required furrow width. Such equipment is more often used in coupling with heavy walk-behind tractors.

Simple units are distinguished by a constant working width, which is standardly 20-30 cm. The hiller device consists of mounts with discs located on them. Due to simplification, designs are cheaper in cost. They are also lighter, and therefore can be hung on light walk-behind tractors and cultivators.

The fixture can be upgraded to handle multiple rows at the same time. The set of equipment will be called multi-row and is unlikely to be suitable for small areas. The devices are popular with gardeners who have planted fields of a hectare or more.

In addition to attachments, there are manual disk hillers. They are also efficient and inexpensive. The hand tool differs in durability and reliability, the compact sizes, ease in management. The tool can be used both in small gardens and in the fields. If the device is provided with a weighting agent and a steering wheel, then control will be available to one operator. The standard manual design involves the operation of two people, one of whom pushes the tool and the other pulls.

How to do it yourself?

Any equipment is easier to manufacture if there is an appropriate drawing with the given dimensions. The tool manufacturing algorithm is required first:

  • draw drawings on paper;
  • make a template in full size, according to which steel parts will then be cut out;
  • bend the disk blanks in level until parallel lines of radius are reached;
  • organize welding work with an apparatus with the appropriate power for the metal used;
  • clean the welding edges with emery;
  • fasten racks and lanyards with bolts;
  • weld structural elements;
  • adjust the position of the disks.

The required steel thickness for discs is 2-3 mm. The distance between the elements can vary from 35 to 70 cm. Racks and brackets are made of ordinary water pipes diameter up to 20 mm, steel thickness about 2 mm.

Necessary materials and tools

As disks, it is allowed to use ordinary covers from kitchen utensils with a diameter of 40 to 60 cm. These parameters are selected experimentally and are associated with the power traction of the walk-behind tractor. A unit that is too heavy may simply not pull. Connector elements will be replaced by a hollow pipe with a diameter of at least an inch, with a meter value.

The assignment of tractive force will be performed by a hollow pipe with a section of 3⁄4 inches. For a leash, you need to choose T-shaped steel products. Adjustable adapters are useful for coupling disc elements. Bolts will play the role of fasteners. The elements are fastened with welded seams, bent by a turbo bender or using a gas lamp. If the design is made for a walk-behind tractor, a bracket should be provided. Hand tools need comfortable grips.


You can make a hiller for the popular motoblocks "Ugra", "Belarus 09N-02", "Motor Sich" according to the same principle. The main axles on which the disks are hung are adjusted to the parameters of the walk-behind tractor. The parts are joined together by welding. The main condition for disks is a symmetrical arrangement. Both elements are mounted at an angle, and the best option connections will be adjustable with an adapter. The elements of the holders are bent using a turbo bender, and then attached to the axis by welding. The reliability of the fasteners must be checked, and the welding edges should be cleaned.

The elements are attached to the axis with the letter T. The assembled structure is installed to the walk-behind tractor using a bracket. Stopper can be inserted inside profile pipe and press firmly. Finishing the hiller is done before planting potatoes. This will allow you to eliminate shortcomings in a timely manner and not spoil the crop.

Trial work is preferably carried out on an empty site. So it is more convenient to check the profile of the resulting ridge, evaluate the width of the capture, the parameters of the deepening of the mechanisms.

In the process of work, you can set the optimal speed, which will correspond to the power of your walk-behind tractor. Do-it-yourself mechanisms allow you not only to save on attachments for a walk-behind tractor, but also to facilitate manual labor. Even if there is no unit with a power device on the farm. A home-made manual disk hiller will be a good helper, and it will also save money on the purchase of equipment.


The main elements of the manual disk hiller remain the same. The assembly of the product is easier, since the two disks of the hiller are connected to each other with a conventional sleeve or welding through a pipe, which will play the role of a jumper. Manual models do not imply adjustment of the connection angle, so they can be used along row spacings with a standard spacing. The free rotation of the disks around the axis will be facilitated by the hubs. Due to the rotation, the tool will easily enter even heavy dense soil.

Elements with discs are connected to a beam, for the connection of which a welding machine is useful. Connectors can be selected anchor bolts. Such fasteners make it easy to disassemble the garden tool.

A handle is needed to control the device. As which you can choose a steering wheel from an old bicycle or other similar inventory. It is fixed on the beam and aligned with the height of the person who will control the hiller.

By the way, wheels from an old bicycle can also be adapted to a manual hiller. If they are attached to the frame in front, this will significantly reduce the load on the operator. Some craftsmen use a bicycle frame in the assembly, installing hiller discs instead of pedals. The design remains the steering wheel and one wheel.

The order of work, enshrined in technical passport factory device, involves a mandatory check of the connections of the rotating elements and the fixation of the axes. The treated area should not have foreign objects. When maneuvering with the machine, it is important to be careful. To avoid injury from sharp corners, it is important to maintain a safe distance. Special gloves will help protect your hands from accidental cuts.

The walk-behind tractor with the help of trailed and mounted implements can easily perform year-round work related to rural life. An okuchnik for a walk-behind tractor is necessary, with it you can create furrows for planting, cut beds and plant plants. The efficiency of tillage depends on the design of the tool.

The use of okuchnik when cultivating the soil

The hiller must, overcoming the resistance of the soil, lift it up from a flat area, creating a ridge. The pointed end must be below the surface to the specified depth. It lifts and loosens the soil, and in order to direct the soil to the base of the plant, there are guide planes that create collapse on both sides. The design of the hiller for a walk-behind tractor looks like an arrow from above, on the side the blades look like butterfly wings.

Design improvements relate to contours that reduce drag, make the crest higher or wider. The principle of operation of such a hiller does not change - it loosens, takes out a layer of soil and throws plants planted in a row to the base. In the same way, grooves are cut under.

Another type of hillers for walk-behind tractors is a pair of discs. Due to the thin rim, the structure enters the soil at a given depth with low resistance. They are not stretched in a stationary state, they are spinning, and thus overcome resistance with less effort. But in order for the discs to create a stroke, they must have an adjusted vertical angle of inclination and a take-off angle. The distance between the discs on the frame is set according to the width of the processed row. Look at the video of how they spud potatoes with a walk-behind tractor on the stony soil of Simferopol:

Conventionally, all hillers in form and principle of work are called:

  • lister;
  • disk.

At the same time, lister ones have various forms bending planes, an arrow deepening into the ground can have a massive tip. Flaps or shares have a bend, slope, can have an adjustable and customizable profile.

Pairs for a walk-behind tractor must match in size, contour and weight. Otherwise, the comb will not work out even. The system for adjusting the angles of descent and inclination allows you to set the desired profile of the stroke.

For powerful heavy walk-behind tractors, hillers are paired, light weeders for the MTZ walk-behind tractor are mounted in threes.

The device facilitated and accelerated the hilling of potatoes with a walk-behind tractor - video

How to make a hiller for a walk-behind tractor yourself

Mounted implements are not included with the walk-behind tractor. They are made and sold separately. On the agricultural machinery market, for any type of cultivators, you can find a hiller, designed for the draft power of your horse. But the problem is that the finished tool costs more than 10 thousand, and this is a significant amount for a rural resident in modern conditions. But in a landfill or outside the outskirts, you can find everything you need to build a hiller for a walk-behind tractor.

In order to install a propeller hiller, you need to make sure that your walk-behind tractor has a two-shaft engine with reverse, 2 forward speeds. There must be a selective shaft.

First you need to decide whether we will make a disk or lister hiller. A single or double row tool will pull the cultivator. Whether it is necessary to provide sliding wings, adjustable distance between two tools. That is, before building a do-it-yourself hiller for a walk-behind tractor, you need drawings and videos, for example, this:

Of course, you need to have metalworking skills. Not every villager in an abandoned barrel of a heater will make out valuable knots for the economy. Therefore, they go to craftsmen for advice, asking for help.

But not only the disks, the device for attaching them must be thought out, and to help the master, do-it-yourself drawings of a disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor are offered.

Here, in addition to the disks, the dimensions and section of the most important nodes homemade hiller.

The design will change significantly if you manage to find discs from decommissioned cultivators or other agricultural equipment. In any case, in the manufacture of the frame, you will need to consider a disk adjustment system.

The wisdom of masters with golden hands is boundless. So if there are no disks, they can be replaced by a round blade from a circular saw. The steel is of high quality, the teeth additionally loosen the soil. You still have to create a bearing assembly, otherwise saw blade will not rotate. But tool steel and in the hands of a craftsman, a do-it-yourself disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor will work efficiently.

When creating a new fixture in your backyard, do not forget about safety measures. When carrying out welding work, you work with a mask. But at this time, "bunnies" can be caught by relatives, watching the craftsman. When working with a dangerous tool, take care of the safety of others.

Varieties of lister homemade and factory hillers

The simplest unregulated hiller is a solid construction of two divergent figured plates, arranged in a mirror and having a common stiffener.

This is the base, but if you add flaps in the form of adjustable plates to it, you get an adjustable hiller own production. Without plates, this is an excellent cultivator of potato rows, in which the soil is compacted and air does not enter the roots.

The fixed-grip hiller can be used on flat fields, with the same row spacing when using a seeder. Such a tool is used with low-power traction, since adjustable plates create additional resistance to the earth layer.

Motoblocks of medium power are equipped with a device with an adjustable grip. Such designs are used in narrow row-spacings with a width of about 35 cm. Corn rowing is performed by just such a hiller.

But creating a breakup mechanism and making it work are two different stories. To regulate the depth of lowering into the soil, for an even creation of a stroke, a frame structure with a hitch must be made. Only a well-centered unit will spend a minimum of effort for quality soil cultivation. Immersion of the hiller into the ground occurs due to the vertically exposed rack. If the hiller for potatoes to the walk-behind tractor with your own hands goes low when setting up or adjust the angle of the rack on the surface. For a two-row lister tool, when mounted on a frame, it is necessary to accurately set the distance between the booms.

Devices resembling a home fan use translational and rotational motion in tillage. But you can install the tool on a unit with a two-shaft engine with a reverse and 2 gears. There must be a power take-off. The propeller-type hiller is more efficient than other models, but due to the complexity of execution, it is expensive. Craftsmen took the idea, but the tool is not very similar to a propeller.

For manufacturing, you will need high-quality steel, a welding machine and a grinder. Details of the “propeller” are welded onto the axles fitted to the frame. In one pass, there is a deep loosening of the earth and its transfer to the ridge. The hiller for the walk-behind tractor is made unregulated, so the corners must be set empirically.

Why do I need a hitch assembly for walk-behind tractor tools

In order for the hiller to be fixed on the walk-behind tractor, in addition to the frame made, there must be a hitch assembly that is adjustable and reliable. By aligning the holes on the rack and on the hitch body and fixing, the implement will form a single unit with the unit.

The handmade universal hitch makes it easy to adjust the tool to the working position. It is in this node that adjustments are made to the position of the rack relative to the ground, radial angles. After adjustment, the nuts are tightened and the device is adjusted to the type of soil, soil moisture, plant height.

How to set up a hiller of any design for work

Any mounted or trailed tillage equipment must be adapted. Before you start working in the field, you need to make sure that everything is set up correctly, secured and adjusted. A test site is selected and a test run is made. At this point, you should listen to the technique, check the stroke profile, the distance between the grips. On the disks it is necessary to set the angles of attack, on the listers - the depth.

It is important to choose the processing speed that would correspond to the power of the mechanism and the quality of the field processing.

Video about disk hillers for walk-behind tractors

How to make a hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

The presence walk-behind tractor in the personal economy you will not surprise anyone. This is very valuable unit allows cultivation and plowing of land plots of various lengths.

However, if additional attachments, then you can significantly expand the potential scope of work of your walk-behind tractor.

It is not surprising that after spending a certain amount of money on the purchase of a walk-behind tractor, many people want to make additional equipment with their own hands, thus wanting to save on their purchase.

Of course, no one talks about making an exact copy of the equipment that is sold in specialized stores, but the principle of operation and common features designs will be the same.

Most people in our country use their own gardens to plant potatoes, which are just as popular in our country as in Belarus. Therefore, the requirements for the walk-behind tractor must be appropriate - it must plow the land for planting, as well as helping to plant and care for potato bushes.

Courtship means hilling, in connection with which potato hillers have become very popular, and we will talk about the methods of making them.

About the hiller device

The design features of the hiller directly depend on the type of device, of which there are several.

  • Disc hiller. Already from the name itself it is clear that the design of this hiller uses disks, more precisely two disks located at a certain angle to each other. In addition, these discs are attached to a special frame, which is directly aggregated with a walk-behind tractor through a hitch.

For more information about the disk hiller, see the video:

  • Active hiller. This type of hiller is also called propeller, because it uses translational and rotational motion. Similar hillers are installed on walk-behind tractors that have two forward gears.
  • This is necessary so that in second gear it is possible not only to loosen the surface, but also to transfer the earth from the inter-row spaces.

  • Lister hiller. This is the simplest type of hiller, which is gradually losing its popularity due to its lower efficiency compared to the previous two types of devices. Structurally, they are two sheets interconnected, in shape they look like something like wings.

Lister Hiller

With the help of these tools, furrows can be formed, after which the potato planting itself can be carried out. In the future, when the bushes are formed to the optimal size, hilling can be done with the same tools.

Thus, the rows are very even and neat, which not only improves visual perception, but also helps the potato tubers to form better and ripen faster in the bush.

Okuchnik for motoblock Cayman, Patriot, Texas, Foreman, Crosser, Viking, Forza, Sadko do-it-yourself, drawings and video of which can be found in the public domain, is the best way out when there is no extra money to purchase attachments.

In addition, the independent production of one or another technical means will significantly save on the subsequent operation of the walk-behind tractor.

Okuchnik do it yourself

Necessary materials

Before proceeding with the analysis of one or another method of self-manufacturing of the hiller, you need to list the minimum list of what we will certainly need in the course of work.

KAMAZ 65115 belongs to one of the oldest series of this plant, the production of which began back in 1998. Here are all its specifications.

One of these oldest companies is Vogele, which produces a wide range of asphalt pavers. Vogele asphalt pavers stand for German quality and commitment to progress.

Tractor T 70 on wheels is the brainchild of the Chisinau Tractor Plant. Follow the link for more information on this tractor.

Of course, no one forces us to retrain as a blacksmith in order to forge all the necessary details using the ancient method that was used a few decades ago. But we still need an elementary list of welded and metalwork equipment:

  • Welding machine(preferably this machine is designed for arc welding).
  • Bulgarian with a set of various disks and nozzles.
  • Electric drill with a set of reliable drills.
  • Electric emery.
  • Gas burner, which is necessary for heating the metal during hardening.
  • Vice or workbench.
  • Various files and other consumables(bolts and other fasteners).

This list relates directly to the tools we need. In addition, the material itself will be needed, from which self-assembly will be made, but we will talk about this in more detail in the process of describing the methods for making hillers.


I would like to start by considering the process of manufacturing a disk hiller, because this type of device is the most in demand today.

In addition, the use of this type of hiller allows you to synchronize it with the capabilities of your walk-behind tractor, i.e. adjust power and speed.

By installing discs of different diameters, you can hilling potato bushes different lengths.

Disc hiller

Many people ask themselves - how to make a hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands? At home, this is quite realistic if you follow certain recommendations. So, let's describe the manufacturing process in stages (for example, let's take a disk hiller for the Neva walk-behind tractor):

  • For us to manufacture cutters will be needed from an old seeder, or sheets of metal 2 mm thick. They are attached using bearings with seals.
  • You need to put them at an angle to each other. The distance between the lower parts of the discs must correspond to the track width of the walk-behind tractor. They are connected by welding, or using ordinary bolts.
  • Here you need to follow a strict recommendation - the disks must be symmetrical to each other. Otherwise, a walk-behind tractor with a hiller will skid to the side, which will significantly complicate the entire work process.
  • In addition to the disks themselves, the design of the hiller includes screw lanyards, T-type leash and racks. Turnbuckles, in this case, perform the adjustment function of turning the disks along the vertical axis.
  • A do-it-yourself hiller for a walk-behind tractor, the drawings and photos of which you see below, must be made in strict accordance with the dimensions. Of course, there will be improvisation, but at the first assembly experience, it is best to use other people's developments.
  • Depending on the possibilities, it is possible to make a fixed and adjustable working width. The second method is more convenient, because you can change the inter-disc distance by simply rearranging the racks.
  • For aggregation of a hiller with a walk-behind tractor, you need use the hitch bracket on which there is no ridge. The hiller leash is attached to the hitch with a stopper, connected with bolts and washers. The stopper itself is inserted inside the square pipe, after which it is tightened.

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The disk hiller for the Salyut walk-behind tractor is also made in the same way, because the design itself and the connection method with the walk-behind tractor are completely identical with the Neva.

Active hiller

To make such a hiller, we need exactly the same list of materials and tools that we used in the manufacture of a disk hiller:

Using similar tools, you can make an active hiller for the MTZ walk-behind tractor, Plowman, Champion, Carver, Husqvarna, Lifan. The manufacturing principle is in many ways similar to the disk version:

  • The axles also need to be adjusted to the parameters of the walk-behind tractor, and the parts themselves are welded using welding machine.
  • As previously reported, this type of hiller imposes certain requirements on the walk-behind tractor. It should have two forward gears, as well as a PTO - a power take-off shaft. Many sellers of walk-behind tractors, saying that the walk-behind tractor has two gears, mean one reverse and one forward.
  • So when buying, you need to clarify this point.
  • It would be expedient production of several bushings with brackets, as well as additional metal blades.

Double row hiller

The two-row hiller is the same lister type of hiller, but double volume. Consider the whole process of work in stages:

  • For work, we need a sheet of metal with a thickness of about 3 mm. From this material it is necessary to weld the base of the hiller.
  • A 4 mm steel strip can be used as a bracket. The field board is made of a sheet of steel 5 mm thick.
  • Rack okuchnik bears the brunt at work. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that it is the most stable and reliable, in comparison with the rest of the details of the hiller.
  • Hiller wings can be made from a 2 mm thick steel sheet. They need to be bent a little, using a pipe of the desired diameter.

In principle, this is where the process of manufacturing a two-row hiller ends. Can I have some more do regulated system hiller wings, which are attached to the base using hinged technology. In the tail of the structure, rods are provided that regulate the angle of inclination of the wings.

Otherwise, the manufacturing principle is completely identical to that of the fixed lister version.

After completing the self-assembly of the hiller, the most important thing is to test it in the garden. Successful manufacturing does not yet guarantee high-quality work, because it depends on a combination of many factors - weather conditions, soil conditions, correct sharpening of hiller elements, etc.

Before you start digging, you need to walk on a regular piece of land. In the course of work, you will feel the correct operation of the hiller, you will be able to adjust the optimal values ​​\u200b\u200bof the depth and angles of entry into the soil.

The second important point is the speed with which you will produce the hilling process. A correctly chosen pace of work can be no less useful in work than the very presence of a hiller, because at high speeds the unit will simply scatter the earth in different directions without hilling.


Potato is a very important crop in our country., not for nothing because it is called the "second bread". In this regard, many summer residents rush to their plots at the end of May to plant potatoes, which can be fed throughout the next year.

However, the process of maturation of potato tubers depends not only on directly planting it in the holes, but also on further care, i.e. hilling and weeding.

Of course, you can do it manually, but it is very laborious and time consuming. In addition, if you have a walk-behind tractor, you can use it in combination with special attachments - a hiller. Making it yourself is not a problem if you have the necessary list of tools and materials.

In this case, we do not mention having the necessary skills to work with these tools, because this is a matter of course.

Thus, with the help minimum investment you can make a fully functional hiller for aggregation with a walk-behind tractor, in no way inferior to purchased analogues.

Source: http://machinspec.ru/selskoxozyajstvennaya/motoblok/okuchnik-svoimi-rukami.html

Do-it-yourself potato hillers for a walk-behind tractor - the realization of your locksmith talents and cost savings!

Proper handling personal plot significantly increases the yield of planted crops. In modern conditions of lack of time, summer residents often resort to small-scale mechanization of garden work. The walk-behind tractor has not been in short supply for a long time, and it can be found in almost every household.

Having spent a certain amount to purchase this useful device I want to save as much as possible on the operation. One way to save money is to make attachments with your own hands.

Of course, no one suggests forging a plow in a forge, as was done many decades ago. However, you can not do without elementary plumbing equipment.

For the manufacture of homemade devices to the motoblock you will need:

  • Welding machine, preferably for arc welding;
  • Gas-burner. Not to replace electric welding, but to warm up the product during hardening;
  • corner Grinder(grinder) of medium power, with a set of cutting and peeling discs;
  • Drilling machine or powerful drill. Of course - high-quality drills;
  • Electric emery (grindstone);
  • High-quality locksmith's workbench, vise, files and fastening tools.

The most popular in use are mechanized hillers for walk-behind tractors. We will talk about the culture for which summer residents are ready to stand in the field for hours, bent over in three deaths. And an indispensable assistant in the struggle for the harvest is attachments.

How to make a potato hiller yourself

First of all, let's decide which tool is right for you. Hilling devices are of several types:

Lister fixed and adjustable angle

Fixed - This is the easiest device to use and manufacture. It is easy to make using the attached drawings:

The base is welded from a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. This node is the first to meet the resistance of the soil.

We use a 4 mm steel strip for the bracket, it is advisable to harden the part after molding. The field board can be bent from 5 mm steel, for example from a leaf spring. Only the metal must first be “released”, and then hardened again.

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Rack - a structural element that carries the entire load. Therefore, for it, select a strip of at least 8 mm thick.

General view of the base in the illustration:

Welding must be performed in two passes, on each side of the joint.

Wings can be made from thinner sheet. 2 mm is enough. It is important to observe the dimensions, otherwise it will not be possible to properly dock the wings with the base.

Wings bend on any template - will do steel pipe suitable diameter.

Due to the concave geometry and the presence of welds, the structure is rigid.

An adjustable lister hiller is just as easy to make yourself. The difference is that the wings are pivotally attached to the base, and rods are provided in the tail section for adjusting the angle.

The technology and workpiece thicknesses are the same as in the previous model. The versatility of the nozzle increases significantly.

The processing speed can be doubled if you make a two-row hiller for a walk-behind tractor.

To the already finished design, it is only necessary to modify the traction device. It makes sense to make the mounts movable so that it is possible to adjust the width of the rows.

Disc hillers

The advantage of this type of attachment is in synchronization with the capabilities of the walk-behind tractor. You can adjust the speed and power, which are mutually exclusive. Since the resistance in the soil is small, there is no need to use a more powerful walk-behind tractor.

Another advantage is that by choosing the right size of the discs, you can spud potatoes at different growth phases.

The design principle is clear in the diagram:

You can make such a canopy yourself. The difficulty is only in the molding of disks. Most often, used cutters from a collective farm seeder are used. Having traveled around the villages, it is fashionable to find inexpensive good specimens. It is better to mount on bearings with installed seals. The sliding bushings will wedged.

If one disc jams, the walk-behind tractor can turn to the side. Setting up a disk hiller consists in selecting the angles of inclination and the depth of immersion. To do this, the bracket is equipped with movable elements with bolt fixation.

An interesting donor option for disk hillers is worn-out saw blades.

With their help, the soil is not lifted so effectively from the aisle, but the teeth additionally loosen the soil, and you can set a less acute angle between the discs.

This compensates for the lack of a cupped profile. Of course, the axles must be on bearings. Otherwise, there will be no rotation - you will simply row the earth along the rows. If you couldn't get disc bowls, this is your option.

Propeller hillers

Two forces are used - translational movement and rotation. An active hiller for a walk-behind tractor requires the unit to have two gears and a power take-off shaft. The processing efficiency increases many times, and the cost of equipment increases accordingly. Therefore, just like previous models, propeller-type hillers can and should be made independently.

Again, nothing but high-quality iron, a grinder and a welding machine is required. The axles are fitted to the walk-behind tractor, the rest of the parts are simply welded by arc welding.

The advantage of this device is that it performs two tasks in one pass of the walk-behind tractor.

The aisle is loosened, part of the earth is simultaneously transferred to the rows. That is, hilling with loosened soil occurs.

Adjustment of the propeller-type hiller is not required, only the distance between the nozzles is set. Different degree of loosening and hilling height is set by the shape of the lugs and the installation angles relative to the axis of rotation.

You can make a pair of bushings with brackets, and a set of blades for different types of hilling. It will be enough to quickly change the holds, and every time you will have a new tool, at virtually no additional cost.

Practical adjustment of the hiller on a walk-behind tractor

The theory of operation of the device for hilling is described in textbooks for summer residents in such detail - that even a person who is far from Agriculture. However, in practice, the saying “it was smooth on paper, but forgot about the ravines!” Works.

Features of the soil, current weather, the quality of sharpening hillers - this is not the whole list of factors affecting the quality of plowing. Not to mention the characteristics of the walk-behind tractor.

Therefore, before entering the garden, it is necessary to walk through the "virgin lands" with equipment.

It is desirable that the characteristics of the soil be the same as those of the cultivated soil. In the course of the “work”, you, firstly, will feel how the attachments behave, and secondly, set the correct angles and processing depth.

It is equally important to choose the right plowing (hilling) speed. The relationship between speed and power when using disc attachments has been described above. The same applies to other devices. Sometimes a poor homemade hiller, with a well-chosen speed, works wonders. And the expensive active baking powder just scatters the earth around.

For a detailed story about the settings of the potato hiller and its installation on the KADVI walk-behind tractor, see this video material.

A walk-behind tractor is a truly indispensable unit when cultivating the land before planting it. Okuchnik - view additional equipment used on walk-behind tractors, which will speed up and improve the process of planting potatoes and pre-planting work in general.

Types of hillers, their characteristics

With the help of this unit, the process of making furrows on the soil surface and filling them with material for planting is carried out.

If you use a hiller, then the rows of planted potatoes will be even and spaced at an equal distance from each other. There are several main types of hillers that can be listed.

To choose the right hiller for a walk-behind tractor, you need to note for yourself their main features and characteristics. There are many models of hillers, but the most common are the following:

  • lister;
  • disk hillers;
  • propeller type;
  • with varying width.


This type is the simplest. They differ in that they have a strictly set furrow width that will be covered by the device, and it cannot be changed, it does not depend on the distance between the rows. Typically, the capture of such an hiller is not more than thirty centimeters. A characteristic feature is that the hiller is equipped with installed racks that do not allow overloading the walk-behind tractor during operation.

This type is more efficient. The lower the speed of the cultivating unit, the greater the power of the hiller itself. This helps to significantly extend the service life. Besides, disk devices easier to handle - in the process of working with them you need less effort. And the most important advantage of this type is versatility. The unit can be used both before planting and at the time when the part located above the soil increases.

With variable working width

If we talk about hillers, the width of which can be changed, it should be noted that they are used to work with powerful units weighing more than thirty kilograms.

Propeller type

Propeller hillers are used on those walk-behind tractors that are equipped with two forward gears.

When choosing hillers for potatoes for a walk-behind tractor, a few more points should be taken into account. It is better to use streamlined equipment (a plow-shaped hiller works well) because they turn the soil less intensively, which does not allow it to lose moisture.

In addition, it is worth giving preference to steel tools with a sheet of greater width and with the presence of bearings. The dimensions of the hiller are related to the size of the walk-behind tractor and the length of the cultivated strip of land.

How to make a hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands? There are many drawings and diagrams for this. In general, there is no difficulty in making a hiller with your own hands. Having picked up the right hiller, select the scheme and get to work.
Below is an example of a lister type hiller.

Take a metal layer two millimeters thick. Then cut out the halves of the part from it according to the proposed template (taking into account the dimensions). Important! The halves must be symmetrical, otherwise it will affect the operation of the device in the future. Then bend both halves until the radii match, then weld them, making two or three passes. Next, process the welds.

It is very important to choose the right drawing for the future product in order to avoid any inconsistencies (during operation, the structure will begin to lead to the side, etc.). With high-quality and careful manufacturing, home-made equipment does not create any difficulties and interference during hilling.

It is also easy to design a disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

To create such a device, you can take plowshares (disks) from a seeder that has already served its time. Or they can be made directly from sheets of metal (no more than 2 mm thick), then bend the edge of the bottom edge. The distance observed between the points of the lower supports corresponds to the width of the track itself. Then the disks are fastened together, but with the discretion that the connecting elements can be adjusted.

In addition, for disk hillers for a walk-behind tractor, screw turnbuckles, racks (which have already been mentioned) and a T-shaped leash are required. Turnbuckles are attached directly to the walk-behind tractor. For cutting furrows, the above type is better than others.

Do-it-yourself hillers for a walk-behind tractor are always pleasing to the eye, and working with them is much more pleasant and faster.