How to eat bananas before or after meals. Amazing benefits of banana for our health! How to eat bananas

All bodybuilders and fitness ladies who are fond of body composition issues probably know that their diet does not allow for too many sweet and tasty things. Unless you can honey, dried apricots and dates. That's the whole list. Therefore, any opportunity to replenish this list is literally worth its weight in gold. But bananas for bodybuilding are quite capable of becoming a useful yummy. Let's take a closer look at what this fruit is and how it is useful for those involved in bodybuilding. Moreover, questions about this are often asked by readers who want to understand this. So this article is just the answer to many questions.

What is a banana and what does it consist of

This perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Musaceae family, originally originated in the tropics of Southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago. Today, bananas are among the most cultivated crops - their total yield reaches 1,000 million tons annually, which is second only to wheat, corn and rice.

Now let's take a closer look at what kind of fruit it is in terms of nutritional value and calorie content. Bananas contain 88.9% carbohydrates, 4.8% fat and 6.3% protein. The calorie content of bananas is 96 kcal per 100 grams of the product, they contain more than a dozen different vitamins to one degree or another, there are also a number of macro and micro elements. Bananas have a positive effect on human health in several ways at once:

  1. They have a positive effect on the work of the heart due to the content of potassium. This mineral electrolyte supports electrical impulses throughout the body, causing your motor to beat faster. Bananas also help lower blood pressure.
  2. Improve mood by reducing feelings of depression. The amino acid tryptophan, which is responsible for good mood The neurotransmitter serotonin is found in large quantities in bananas. Additionally, the presence of magnesium relaxes the muscles, and vitamin B6 guarantees a quick fall asleep.
  3. Help to get rid of excess weight. The fiber contained in a banana maintains normal body weight, controls it. One banana provides the body with 10% of the fibers that the body needs daily.
  4. Improve vision due to the content of vitamin A. It is necessary to maintain normal vision, protect the eyes and improve vision in the dark. With the help of vitamin A, the membranes around the eyes are preserved, and macular degeneration is prevented.
  5. Strengthen bones. Fructooligosaccharides present in bananas stimulate the body, causing it to more actively absorb calcium. Potassium has a neutralizing effect on the sodium content in the diet. As a result, calcium is more slowly washed out with urine, and lingers in the body for a long time, being spent on strengthening bones.
  6. Improve digestion due to the presence of pectin. This substance accelerates the absorption of food and removes heavy metals and toxins from the body. Banana also has a probiotic effect, accelerating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  7. Stimulate the work of the brain, activate the central nervous system, increasing human alertness.
  8. Help to get rid of the habit of smoking. Vitamin B1 calms the nervous system, and the complex of vitamins A, C, B2 and B6 is necessary for the body at the time of nicotine withdrawal.

About the benefits of bananas in bodybuilding

For bodybuilding, bananas play a special role. For athletes using them, several beneficial effects are provided at once:

If you eat two bananas before each workout, they will allow you to maintain optimal level the amount of sugar contained in the blood, as well as energize the entire body with the necessary energy, replenish carbohydrate reserves and allow you to extend the duration of the workout;

A banana eaten after a workout will replenish the body's need for potassium, which must be consumed up to 5 grams per day - this will improve muscle functioning;

The presence of manganese in bananas will speed up metabolism, energy will be extracted from products more efficiently, and the athlete’s training will be more active and productive;

Thanks to vitamin B6, nerve cells are formed and function correctly, connections between the brain and muscles develop, a sense of balance is enhanced;

During training, bananas protect muscles from muscle spasms and cramps;

An increased amount of vitamin C ensures the qualitative assimilation of proteins, strengthens tendons and ligaments, and during physical activity plays an important role in the synthesis of adrenaline.

Myths about bananas

There are several myths about bananas that are worth telling, especially since there are not many of them.

Bananas cause tooth decay.

Caries develops under the influence of sugars and simple carbohydrates, which are on the surface of the teeth for a long time, which leads to the destruction of enamel under the action of bacteria that have appeared. Naturally ripened bananas, like those bought green and ripened to a yellow state, are not dangerous for the teeth, since the carbohydrates they contain have not broken down into simple sugars. This issue is completely solved by rinsing the mouth with warm water.

Bananas contribute to the appearance of excess weight.

It all depends on the intensity of banana consumption. Eating 7-10 bananas a day and not exercising physical activity, you can actually get excess weight. If you eat 2-3 bananas a day, they will promote weight loss due to pectin and resistant starch, which prolong the feeling of satiety.

Bananas are a panacea that cures all diseases.

Banana is a healthy but common fruit. It does not have any supernatural effect on the body, and you should not rely on its healing properties. You can not go in cycles in bananas, you need to eat a variety of fruits.

A Practical Approach to Bananas

Bananas delivered to our country are usually green. They are placed in a gas chamber and kept in a "banana gas" environment, which is a mixture of nitrogen and ethylene. Instead of two weeks under the sun, maturation takes 2-3 hours in a gas chamber. Such artificially ripened bananas are not harmful to humans, but beneficial features lost, reduced the nutritional value, which is determined by the duration of stay in the chamber and the concentration of gas.

To choose the right bananas, you need to pay attention to their color. It is best to buy green, slightly unripe bananas to ripen at home. When black dots appear on yellow bananas, this confirms the maximum ripeness and sugar content of the fruit.

When there are bananas for those who exercise

It is necessary to refuel with a source of carbohydrates on time. When the body digests food, the flow of blood should be directed not to the muscles, but to the stomach. Therefore, it is best to eat a banana 40-50 minutes before a hard workout and immediately after it, so that nutrients and glycogen stores are replenished. It is possible in the form protein shake eat bananas with milk. The combination of bananas with protein, when consumed after a workout, enhances the anabolic response of the muscles. Half a banana can be eaten right during a workout - this will enhance physical performance during a workout.

You can store bananas, having bought them a little unripe, in a dry, dark place for up to several days. They can be stored in the refrigerator if they are skinned first.

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This is at home, sitting comfortably in front of the TV, you can fill a fruit bowl with apple cores or banana skins. At a party, and even more so, in a restaurant, such a number will not work ... In order not to be left without dessert in the end, I suggest you go short course fruit and berry etiquette, an indispensable thing in your culinary self-education, capable of putting you in the most favorable light, even on a romantic date, even at an official banquet.

Apples and pears. An apple is taken from a common vase in left hand and with a fruit knife over a plate, thinly cut the skin in a spiral, starting from the stalk. The cut peel is pushed with a knife to the edge of the plate (far from the eater), and the peeled apple is placed in the middle of the plate. After wiping the left hand with a napkin, using a knife and fork, cut the apple in half. One half is set aside a little, and the second is cut into slices. Holding the slice with a fork, cut out the core with a knife and put it on the cut skin. At an informal meeting of friends, you can take slices with your fingers, but in a restaurant and in a formal setting, an apple is eaten with a fork. Pears are eaten the same way.

Peaches and apricots. Peaches and apricots are eaten differently. The peach is taken from the vase by hand and over the plate, with a knife, that part of the skin that is freely removed is cleaned with a knife. The peeled skin is shifted to the edge of the plate with the end of the knife, and the peeled peach is placed in the middle of the plate. A large peach is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle to the bone, then broken. The bone is removed with a knife. Pitted peach halves are not eaten whole, but cut off from it piece by piece. An apricot is much smaller than a peach, so they do not cut it into pieces, but put it in half at once in the mouth.

Plums. Large plums are broken in half with your fingers and the pit is removed. A small plum is squeezed from the ends so that it bursts, and then the stone is removed.

Grape. Grapes are taken not with instruments, but with hands. Hold the brush with two fingers and alternately tear off the berries. Grapes are usually eaten whole. If for some reason you cannot eat grapes with seeds or skins, it is better not to treat yourself to them in society at all. Sometimes grapes are served without twigs to each guest in bowls. In this case, it is eaten with a teaspoon or dessert spoon. At the same time, the bones are carefully spit on the tip of the spoon, and then transferred to a front plate, and if there is none, then to the edge of their plate.

Orange. The orange is taken in the left hand and the skin is cut off with a knife over the plate from the side of the pedicel. After that, circular cuts are made with a knife on the skin, without cutting it from the side of the stalk. The more cuts there are, the easier the orange will peel. After that, the orange is placed in the middle of the plate and, holding it with your hand, open the skin to the stalk along the cuts. Thus, a peeled orange is obtained in the middle, and on the sides there are petals of the peel in the form of a flower. Then, wiping their fingers on a napkin, they take a knife and a fork in their hands, separate a slice of orange with their help and, if it is large enough, cut off a half, free it from the seeds with the end of the knife, and put it into the mouth with a fork. If a seed accidentally enters the mouth, it is removed from the mouth to the tip of the fork and transferred to the edge of the plate.

There is an easier way to deal with an orange, less formal, let's say. First, the peel is cut crosswise, then it is removed, and the orange itself is divided by hand into slices.

Tangerines. The tangerine is taken with the left hand, and the skin is peeled over the plate with the right. Then the slices are separated and eaten without using appliances.

A pineapple. Pineapple is served peeled and core, cut into circles or slices. Sometimes sugar or powdered sugar is served separately. Pineapple is eaten with a knife and fork. Pineapple in syrup, cut into slices, is served, as a rule, to everyone in bowls, and eaten with a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

Bananas. Bananas are served with cut ends. Taking a banana by the stalk with your left hand, right hand with the help of a knife, or without it, they are peeled and put in the middle of the plate, and the skin on the edge of the plate. Banana pulp is eaten with a knife and fork, cut into slices.

Watermelons and melons are served in slices with peel. The slice is placed on a plate with the skin down, and with the help of a knife and fork, the flesh is cut into pieces. The pulp can also be eaten with a teaspoon until the skin is firm. Or a slice of watermelon is placed on a plate with the pulp towards you, and the crust away from you. Eat with a knife and fork in small pieces, after freeing them from the bones with the tip of the knife.

Etiquette lessons: how to serve and how to eat fruit

Someone may ask: “What, and there are rules for fruits?” Of course. Agree, it often happens that you start peeling an orange, and the juice splashes in all directions, getting into someone's eye, someone's dress; or, for example, bitten an apple, and it turned out to be wormy inside, so you sit, not knowing what to do with that piece that is in your mouth. So, if you want to avoid getting into trouble, follow these tips when fruit is served on the table:

Fruits for which the knife and fork are intended should not be eaten with your hands.

Apples and pears are cut into quarters or halves with a knife and eaten with a fork. The peel is removed by pricking a piece on a fork. They eat pears and apples in small pieces.

Tangerines are peeled only by hand, and oranges - with a knife.

The grapes are held by the leg with the left hand, and the berries are torn off with the right hand. Next to the dessert plate, be sure to put a saucer for folding twigs and peel.

The same saucer should be placed in case of serving fruits with stones. For example, apricots are divided into halves, and the pit is placed in a saucer.

Fresh garden strawberries are served with stalks, thoroughly washed.

Apricots and peaches are cut with a knife, peeled, pitted and eaten in small pieces.

Cherries are served with sprigs on small plates. For cherries, a special dessert spoon is served, with the help of which the bone is sent to a saucer. They take the cherry by hand, and the twig is also sent to the saucer.

Washed with boiling water, watermelons and melons are cut together with the peel into slices or slices.

When serving, they can be cut more decoratively - in the form of a basket, a flower, etc. Watermelons and melons are eaten with a knife and fork or spoon. If the fruits are not sweet enough, honey, sugar or jam can be served with them.

Bananas are taken by hand from the side of the stem, the other end is broken off or cut off, the peel is pulled together by three to four strips. They bite off the fruit, holding a banana with a peel in their hand, or eat with a knife and fork.

White, red and black currants are served on the table in clusters, selecting clusters with larger berries. They eat while holding a branch.

Grapefruit cut across into two parts. Half of the fruit is held in the hand or placed on a plate or in a bowl and the juice is squeezed out with a teaspoon, allowing it to drain into a spoon. Only grapefruit juice is eaten. The white skin of grapefruit and the shells in the fruit are bitter.

Pineapple is only delicious when fully ripe. The unripe fruit should be stored in a cool place until it becomes fragrant and light. Pineapple can be served on the table in different ways.

1) Cut the fruit with the peel into slices 1-1.5 cm thick, fold and serve as a whole;

2) Cut off the top and bottom ends of the pineapple. With a narrow sharp knife, separate the peel from the remaining part so that the fruit and peel remain intact. Cut the fruit into thin slices and cover with cut peel. Put back when serving

When serving any fruit, paper napkins must be placed on the table.

Etiquette: Fruit Saga. Banana

Today we begin the fruit saga. And I chose the word “saga” not by chance, because it contains the concept of heroism, and fruits, from the point of view of table etiquette, are one of the most difficult topics. Therefore, the word "saga" is used with appropriate irony, but there is something heroic in a person who, at an official reception, dares to touch a bowl of fruit. After all, the main thing is to know how to eat them correctly. Fruit is traditionally served as a dessert at the end of the meal. Banana is rightfully considered one of the most difficult to eat, and we will start with it.

How to eat a banana at home (by removing the peel and just biting off) is well known to all of us, and how to eat it correctly from the point of view of table etiquette is a whole science and a laborious process.

To begin, transfer your chosen fruit to your dessert plate, remember not to put too much - no more than ⅔ of the plate.

Fruits will be served with a dessert fork and a special knife - sharper than usual. After that, with the help of cutters, cut off the banana peel at both ends. While doing this, hold the banana with a fork, otherwise it may slip off the plate.

Step one. Cut off the peel around the edges of the banana

The next step is to remove the skin. To do this, make a longitudinal cut along the fruit, cut from the side, for your part, hold with a fork. Once done, open the banana by lifting up the peel. And voila, you're done! And then eat, with a knife and fork, cutting off in portions, piece by piece.

Step 2. Cut the Banana Lengthwise

Step 3: Cut into Pieces and Eat

Now you know how to eat a banana at Buckingham Palace!

Remember, practice is key here.

Text: Maria Korikova, training specialist in etiquette and international protocol, creator of the Maria Korikova School of Etiquette, author and teacher of a series of master classes and trainings

The editors of thank the Carbonara restaurant for the hospitality and the opportunity to shoot

How to eat fruits - etiquette rules

Eating fruits and berries is undoubtedly a pleasant process. At home, no one thinks about the rules of etiquette and how to eat fruit. If at home a banana skin or a peach pit can be put in a fruit bowl, then in a restaurant or at a party you should behave appropriately, that is, follow the rules of fruit and berry etiquette.

What is the right way to eat fruits?

Pears and apples are usually on the table in a common vase. They take the fruit with their left hand, and with the right hand, remove the skin with a knife. By the way, you need to start cleaning an apple or pear from the stem and in a spiral. Move the cut skin to the edge of the plate, and put the peeled fruit in its middle. Now gently wipe your left hand with a napkin, take a fork into it and cut the fruit into two halves with a knife. Remove the core of the fruit with a knife, hold it with a fork, and place it on the skin scraps. If you are at an official reception or in a restaurant, then slices of an apple or pear should be eaten with a fork.

Peaches also need to be peeled, but only the part where it can be easily removed. Move the cut skin to the edge of the plate and place the fruit in the middle. To remove the stone, the fruit is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle. After breaking the peach into two parts and removing the stone, they put it on a plate and cut it into pieces, sending it to the mouth. An apricot does not need to be cut into pieces, as the halves are much smaller than those of a peach.

As for the grapes, they are eaten with their hands - they hold the brush with the left, and the berries are torn off with the right in turn. According to table etiquette, grape berries should be eaten whole, that is, with seeds and peel. If you were served grape berries in a bowl, that is, you need them with a spoon. In this case, it is permissible to spit out the bones on the edge of the spoon, and then transfer them to a special plate.

For some reason, many of us are afraid of not being able to handle the peeling of an orange. Take the orange in your left hand, cut off the circle around the peduncle and make circular cuts vertically. Moreover, circular incisions should not reach the stem. Now put the fruit on a plate and open the skin along the cuts to the stalk to get a kind of flower with a whole fruit inside. Then, using a knife and fork, cut an orange slice and free it from the seeds, cutting it in half. You need to eat orange slices with a fork. But the use of mandarin does not require appliances.

Pineapple is eaten with a knife and fork. Typically, this exotic fruit served sliced ​​or in bowls, so you need to use it with a small spoon (dessert, teaspoon).

One banana contains 80-90 calories. According to the head of the trade community of Ecuador in our country, Carlos Lem Bonet, every Russian eats about 7 kg of bananas a year. Indeed, this culture benefits the body, since it has a number of undeniable advantages:

1. Banana contains fructose, sucrose, fiber and glucose. Together, these substances are able to provide us with energy for 1.5 hours of sports or active work (due to the calorie content, it is enough to eat two).

2. The presence of protein tryptophan. After eating a banana, it is modified into serotonin, which helps to relax, improves mood, and gives an unreasonable feeling of happiness.

3. It has a lot of potassium (348 mg per 100 grams). Strengthens muscles, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and heart, increases mental activity.

4. Vitamins: C (10 mg per 100 grams) - for colds, infections; B9 (10 mcg per 100 grams) - with brittle hair, carotene - protective therapy against cancer, E (0.4 mg per 100 grams) - rejuvenates the skin, antidepressant.

5. Removes toxins, reduces swelling of the limbs. The fibrous structure has a calming effect on the stomach even with gastritis.

6. Lower cholesterol, strengthen immunity. The body receives cholesterol from animal fats, but they are not in a banana. Therefore, this fruit strengthens blood vessels, minimizes the risk of atherosclerosis.

7. Relieve irritation of the stomach lining. They contain dopamine, serotomine, which are classified as catecholamines, which neutralize inflammatory processes in the mouth and help in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Effective for enteritis of various stages.

8. Bananas save you from insomnia, have a calming effect. Along with saffron, nutmeg and fenugreek extract, banana is an excellent natural "sleeping pill", moreover, more affordable than the above spices.

9. Reduces the impact of nicotine. B12, B6, as well as magnesium (40 mg) and potassium play a role in this.

10. The presence of micro and macro elements. Calcium (12 mg), iron (0.6 mg), copper (0.16 mg), phosphorus (28 mg). Strengthen bones, normalize muscle function.

Calorie content of different types of banana

It would seem: a banana and a banana, which is fresh, which is dried, but not everything is so simple. The calorie content of this fruit is affected by both the type and the degree of ripeness.

Kind of banana calories Characteristic
Fresh banana (yellow, dessert) 60-90 kcal. Fetus herbaceous plant, fragrant. It can be consumed fresh, and in national dishes it has a stewed, fried appearance, often served as a side dish for meat.
Overripe 100-120 kcal. Often with many small black dots. Preferred for high blood pressure, since it is effectively reduced. In some cases, they cause constipation.
unripe 108 kcal. With a pale yellow, slightly greenish, too hard skin; contain a lot of starch, which is fermented in the intestines and leads to bloating. May cause diarrhea.
Dried 96 kcal. Known as "banana figs"; satisfy hunger quickly and for a long time. As a rule, their drying takes place without chemical treatment. Perfect for a light snack to take to school or the office.
Banana mini 90 kcal. No more than 12 centimeters in length, the taste is richer than that of dessert, concentrated sweet with a clear aroma. There are breeding subspecies: red, green; however, they contain minerals in the same amount as yellow ones and are just as high in calories. They differ only in color.
Banana chips (100 grams) 480-500 kcal. Their minus is a high concentration of carbohydrates, as well as during production, the pieces are fried in palm oil, and this process is a source of unhealthy fats.
Platano 50-60 kcal Requires heat treatment. Hard, not at all sweet, they are characterized by a reddish or green rind. In Asian countries, they are used as livestock feed.

Store bananas properly

If the storage conditions change: it becomes too hot, very cold, or the banana lies for a long time and begins to rot, then its properties will also change. When looking at the calorie content of a banana, remember that optimal conditions for him, this is room temperature, shade or partial shade, but in no case a window sill flooded with sun. The temperature in the niche or corridor where bananas lie should be 13 - 18 degrees, this is ideal. + 20 and even + 25 degrees are acceptable for a room. The refrigerator will have the most detrimental effect: the peel will darken, the banana will rot.

When is the best time to eat bananas?

1. Vegetarians or those who follow a strict vegetable diet are allowed to consume in any quantity at any time of the day.

2. If meat and eggs are allowed in the diet, then ideally - before dinner. So they will be assimilated and help in digestion. If eaten after a meal, they can "ferment".

3. People with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis should not eat more than 1-2 bananas per day

4. People who do not limit themselves in the use of protein products such as fish and milk - before dinner, lunch or as a snack, but do not consume them in kilograms.

Bloating is a common occurrence in children (especially in newborns), this is associated with a difficult period of adaptation to extrauterine life, with a lack of digestive enzymes and beneficial microflora in the intestines, frequent feeding and overfeeding. Usually the baby's stomach swells after eating in the evening.

The causes of flatulence in children are of several types:

  • Digestive is a digestive disorder due to enzyme deficiency. Food is not completely digested, bacteria process it, while producing gas. The abdomen begins to burst, forming swelling.
  • Dysbiotic is a violation of the healthy balance of microflora. For example, after taking antibacterial drugs and tablets, the presence of pathogenic flora in the intestine increases (diarrhea is possible), thereby fermentation is provoked, so the child passes gases after eating, belching occurs.
  • Dynamic is a decrease in the motor system of the intestine (more often with abnormal development of the intestine). Food after ingestion accumulates in the intestinal tract, bacteria process it much longer. In this case, the discharge of gases slows down (they accumulate), so the child begins to seethe in the stomach.
  • Alimentary is the digestion of food, which, after processing by bacteria, produces gas.

Causes of flatulence in pregnant women:

Firstly, pregnant women have high levels of the hormone progesterone, which reduces muscle tone. internal organs, as a result, there may be: bloating, constipation, pain in the abdomen.

Secondly, one of the reasons is that the fetus (especially after 5 months of bearing a child) puts pressure on the stomach and intestines, thereby causing seething and discomfort in the stomach.

Thirdly, a pregnant woman is often in nervous excitement, this contributes to the development of gas formation (bloating), as well as constipation.

traditional medicine

There are drugs (tablets) that are produced to treat bloating, relieve flatulence and promote the natural removal of gases from the intestines:

  • Antifoam preparations (suspensions, tablets), they make it difficult for the appearance of gases, while destroying gas bubbles in the intestines (Espumizan).
  • Containing enterosorbents that remove toxins and gases from the body (activated carbon, Smecta, Holestipol).
  • Improving intestinal motility, increase the peristalsis of the intestinal tract as a whole, increase the excretion of gases (for example, Laktiol, Duphalac, Motilium).
  • Herbal preparations based on herbs.

Why should you see a doctor?

If after the normalization of nutrition, the selection of an appropriate diet and lifestyle in general, the symptoms of bloating after eating do not go away, then you should undergo an examination in a medical institution:

  • laboratory tests;
  • bacteriological examination of microflora;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • endoscopy and radiography of the colon.

The doctor should prescribe a systemic treatment for the disease, which includes:

2. Mandatory treatment of the underlying disease, which was the cause of the swelling.

3. The causes of dysbacteriosis are eliminated.

4. Drugs that suppress gas formation (tablets) are selected.

Folk methods

1. The most common and popular remedy for flatulence is dill, because it removes gases from the body well.

You can prepare medicines for bloating from dill (herb and seeds):

  • decoction (dill water). You should do this: 1 teaspoon of dill seeds, 200 g of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 15 minutes. Then strain the broth, take before meals, in the morning and in the evening ( great option bloating in infants and children);
  • infusion: for 500 g of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds and infuse for 3-4 hours, drink for adults before meals 3 times a day, 150 grams, give children 1 tsp, 3 times a day;
  • dill oil: 7 drops drip on a teaspoon of sugar (belching disappears if you use this remedy). Or 1 teaspoon of oil, 50 ml of water, make a solution and take 15 ml, 3 times a day.

2. Treatment is possible with ginger root (it is better to introduce it into the diet). To do this, you need to take ¼ teaspoon of the root and dissolve it as long as possible. Ginger is an excellent remedy for belching, it helps to activate digestion, eliminates pathogenic intestinal flora (constipation and diarrhea). After treatment, gas formation decreases, the work of the stomach as a whole improves.

3. To treat flatulence and get rid of gas formation, a mixture of herbs is made. To do this, you need to take 2 teaspoons of peppermint and valerian root and 1 part of fennel. 2 teaspoons of the resulting mixture pour 200 g of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. The infusion should be filtered and taken ½ cup in the morning and evening.

The most common cause of flatulence (bloating):

1. all legumes (peas, beans);

2. pastries, which include yeast (bread, buns, pies);

3. products with starch;

4. carbonated drinks (with high sugar content);

5. alcoholic drinks(especially beer, carbonated cocktails);

6. soy (sausage, Tofu cheese);

7. dairy products, especially whole milk (for people with lactose intolerance);

8. fruits: bananas, grapes, apples, pears;

9. vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, radish;

10. all existing species nuts;

11. boiled eggs (especially hard-boiled ones);

12. all sugar substitutes.

Foods to prevent bloating after eating:

  • it is better to choose bread from wholemeal flour, with the addition of bran, you should not eat fresh and hot bread (you can do this: dry the bread naturally or in the oven);
  • vegetables should be eaten stewed or steamed;
  • it is better to choose dietary meat (veal, poultry) for nutrition;
  • useful boiled, stewed fish;
  • be sure to include greens in the diet: parsley, dill;
  • spices: Bay leaf, cumin (good for the stomach);
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir), after taking, the work of the stomach improves;
  • black (eliminates the appearance of diarrhea, for this you need to make the tea stronger), especially after taking green tea, the level of gas formation decreases.

Apples, plums, bananas for pancreatitis: is it possible or not?

Apple, plum, banana with pancreatitis - can they be eaten? To dispel doubts once and for all, we present to your attention first-hand recommendations of experts. We will talk about the features of the consumption of the aforementioned fruits during the period of exacerbation of the disease and the remission phase. How else, in addition to fresh fruits, you can eat them without danger to health.

Is it possible to have apples with pancreatitis: proven tips

Useful properties of apples have been known since ancient times. Doctors have proven that people diagnosed with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) need to include this miracle fruit in their diet without fail. However, when eating apples, a number of certain conditions must be observed.

So, is it possible to eat apples with acute pancreatitis and what are the nuances:

  • Not earlier than on the third day after an acute attack, it is permissible to drink Apple juice with little pulp.
  • Juice must certainly be prepared at home by chopping fruits and squeezing. Ready store-bought is strictly prohibited, due to the presence of preservatives and additives (sorbic and citric acid, sodium benzoate, etc.) that can provoke a deterioration in the condition.
  • Fruits must have minimal acidity, which means, firstly, to be ripe, and, secondly, to be representatives of sweet varieties (Golden Delicious, Saffron, etc.).
  • After the seventh day from the moment of the attack, it is allowed to eat one medium apple in a pureed form.

Baked apples with pancreatitis can be eaten as a phase acute inflammation, and upon reaching remission. Patients with chronic pancreatitis can easily eat not only apples, but also mashed potatoes, mousses, compotes, jelly prepared on their basis. At the same time, jam or jam should be refrained from in mind. a large number Sahara.

Is it possible to eat plums with pancreatitis: reviews of doctors and patients

Ripe juicy plums are categorically unacceptable in the acute form of the disease. The fact is that they contain numerous acids (ascorbic, citric, salicylic, oxalic, malic, etc.), which enhance the synthesis of enzymes, swelling and pain.

Plums with pancreatitis can be returned to the diet only after ten days from the onset of remission. The greatest threat lies in the skin of the fruit, so be sure to remove it from the plums before use. In addition to fresh pulp, we recommend preparing compotes from chopped dried fruits, as well as including prunes in the menu.

Is it possible to bananas with pancreatitis: medical recommendations

As for bananas, after the removal of an acute attack, doctors are allowed to eat one ripe banana a day in a pureed or baked state. But it is undesirable to buy banana juice in the supermarket, because in addition to the promised vitamins, in the box you will find flavors, food colors and preservatives - all of them negatively affect the inflamed gland.

Is it possible to eat bananas with pancreatitis by adding them to sour-milk drinks? Doctors assure that it is safe and even useful. By mixing half of the fruit chopped in a blender with yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk, you will get a delicious dessert. Pay special attention to the expiration date of products. The only thing is to completely refuse the mix with milk, due to the poor digestibility of the latter.

You can eat bananas with pancreatitis in the morning, for example, for breakfast. Since they contain complex carbohydrates, your body will have time to digest them before the evening. Remember that one fetus per day is the optimal amount, which is not recommended to be exceeded.

Is it possible to eat bananas with pancreatitis?

In recent decades, pancreatitis has become more common worldwide - there are 4 cases of this disease per 10 thousand people. An unbalanced diet and alcohol consumption play an important role in the development of the disease.

How to eat with pancreatitis? What products are allowed? Is it possible to eat bananas with pancreatitis? We will answer these questions below.

General characteristics of pancreatitis

In the medical literature about this disease, the following concept has appeared: chronic pancreatitis is recurring attacks of acute pancreatitis. Moreover, after each exacerbation, foci of inflammation and fibrosis are formed in the pancreas, which are not restored. Normal cells after each attack are replaced by connective tissue that cannot perform its function. As a result, functional pancreatic insufficiency develops over the years. This is expressed in the fact that the body cannot produce hormones and enzymes in required quantity. As a result, with pancreatitis, the digestion process is disrupted, and the whole body suffers.

Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary pancreatitis. The cause of the secondary form is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And gallstone disease occupies a leading place among them. Cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, peptic ulcer and gastritis are also associated with the onset of the disease. If acute pancreatitis is not properly treated, it can become chronic.

With a running form, the pancreas swells. Treatment for acute pancreatitis is based on 3 pillars - cold, hunger and rest for several days. Doctors give injections of atropine to keep the gland from making enzymes. To unload the organ, they put a dropper with Trasilol. Painkillers are also used. And so that the infection does not attack the weakened organ, antibiotics are used.

If these measures are not enough, with acute pancreatitis, surgery is necessary. Surgeons open the capsules of the gland, make novocaine blockade and drainage. Therefore, acute pancreatitis must be treated in a timely manner, and then the patient recovers in 1-2 weeks. And the situation is quite different when chronic pancreatitis. To prevent seizures, dieting is a prerequisite.

The principle of therapeutic nutrition in chronic pancreatitis

In the complex treatment of the chronic form of the disease without exacerbation, doctors prescribe treatment table No. 5 P. Diets recognized by official medicine for various diseases, developed by Professor Pevzner. Target diet food- normalization of pancreatic function, prevention of fatty infiltration of the organ.

The principle of diet number 5 P is reduced to mechanical and chemical sparing of the stomach and intestines, reducing the excitability of the gallbladder. The composition and caloric content of diet food:

  1. Protein 110-120 g, half of which is animal.
  2. Carbohydrates 350–400 g, of which sugar 30–40 g.
  3. Fats 80 g, 20% of which are vegetable.
  4. The total calorie content is 2600–2700 kcal.

Nutrition for pancreatitis without exacerbation has a number of features:

With pancreatitis, the diet must be observed for a long time - up to a year or more. This is the only way to keep the pancreas healthy.

How can you eat a banana with pancreatitis

As can be seen from the Pevzner diet, fiber is replenished through vegetables, fruits and cereals. But vegetables can be eaten boiled and baked. Raw fruits should be eaten raw. The principle of a sparing regimen is precisely the grinding of foods rich in fiber. The menu includes:

  • pumpkin;
  • potato;
  • green pea;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower.

Fruits can be eaten ripe and soft, but not sour. You need to use them in a mashed form. Apples and pears are preferably baked in the oven.

Bananas for pancreatitis, although not prohibited, can only be eaten in a pureed form in order to reduce the amount of coarse fiber. A mechanically processed banana stays in the stomach for less time. And this means that for its processing you will need less pancreatic enzymes and gastric juice. This avoids its functional overload. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the daily amount of bananas. With pancreatitis, you can not eat more than one banana per day.

Dried bananas are also not forbidden to eat with pancreatitis. You can make compote from them. In a small amount, bananas can be added to cereals. Raw bananas can be mixed with curdled milk, fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir. To prepare bananas with dairy products, you can mix half a fruit with two glasses of kefir or ryazhenka with a blender. Bananas can also be mixed with other fruits that are allowed for pancreatitis. To do this, grind bananas with strawberries or raspberries with a blender. Steamed bananas are useful for normalizing digestion.

Benefits of a banana

Bananas in hot countries are called the second bread. They also fell in love in Russia for their pleasant taste and nutritional value. Banana is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are good for health. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • 100 grams of the product contains 1.5 g of proteins;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • complex of vitamins of group B;
  • vitamins A, E, C and PP;
  • a large amount of potassium; 100 grams of banana contains 348 g of this element, which is necessary for cardiac activity;
  • macronutrients magnesium, calcium, phosphorus are necessary for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • iron takes part in hematopoiesis;
  • trace elements selenium, zinc and manganese are essential for maintaining the immune system.

Bananas do not contain fat and do not have acidity. Therefore, banana lovers suffering from pancreatitis think that they can be consumed in unlimited quantities. This misconception can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. They can be eaten, but not more than one piece, regardless of whether it is mashed or baked.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


The birthplace of bananas is Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Bananas undoubtedly benefit our body. In addition, they are an export product and carry financial well-being India, China and South America.

Consider how they are useful, which of them are the most delicious, and whether they have contraindications.

Where do bananas come from to Russia, and which ones are the most delicious and healthy?

Bananas arrive on the shelves of Russian stores from Ecuador and Colombia. In total there are about 500 varieties.

The most common, tasty and healthy of them:

  • Finger

They are very sweet and smell good. They are only 7.5 cm long. They are bright yellow in color and have creamy flesh. They are brought to Russia from South America. Baby bananas are the healthiest of all.

  • Cavendish

This variety is the most common. It has a bright yellow color and green spots. When overripe, the 15-25 cm fruit turns black, and the pulp is very tasty and sweet.

  • Red

This fruit has the most beta-carotene and vitamin C. It is much more pleasant and sweeter. The red banana has a burgundy or purple skin and pink flesh with a raspberry flavor.

  • Manzano or apple bananas

These fruits are small and have a strawberry-apple flavor. They are tasty and ripe when their peel is completely blackened.

  • Barro

Bananas of this variety are square in shape and have a lemon flavor. When ripe, their peel is yellow with black spots, and the flesh is creamy, white in color.

Composition and nutritional value of banana

One banana weighs approximately 217 grams, while the weight of the pulp is 130 g.

In general, a banana is very high in calories, because:

  • 100 g of fresh banana contains 96 kcal.
  • In the same amount of candied bananas, there are 297 kcal.
  • And 100 g of frozen banana is 117 kcal.

In a banana, of course, are useful material.

Nutritional value of 100 g banana:

  • Proteins -1.5 g.
  • Fats - 0.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 21 g.
  • Water - 74 g.
  • Dietary fiber, including fiber - 1.7 g.
  • Organic acids - 0.4 g.

The banana also contains many vitamins:

  • Beta-carotene - 0.12 mg.
  • A - 20 mcg.
  • C - 10 mg.
  • E - 0.4 mg.
  • K - 0.5 µg.
  • B vitamins: thiamine (B1) - 0.04 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 0.05 mg, B5 - 0.3 mg, B6 - 0.4 mg, B9 - 10 mcg.
  • PP - 0.6 mg.
  • Choline - 9.8 mg.

It also contains useful micro and macro elements:

  • Calcium - 8 mg.
  • Potassium - 348 mg.
  • Magnesium - 42 mg.
  • Sodium - 31 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 28 mg.
  • Ash - 0.9 mg.
  • Iron - 0.6 mg.
  • Fluorine - 2.2 mcg.
  • Zinc -0.15 mg.
  • Manganese - 0.27 mg.
  • Selenium - 1 mcg.

To whom are bananas shown, and how many can you eat?

Banana is a nutritious food. It is better to use it in the first half of the day, then all the calories consumed will be able to be digested in a day, and the nutrients will have time to be absorbed.

Doctors advise eating no more than two bananas a day, before meals, as they are digested for a long time - within 4 hours.

They should be used not only by adults, but also by children. In rare cases, they cause allergies, mainly in babies.

Also bananas:

  1. Increase the body's immune function. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, they are able to cure colds, sore throats and other viral diseases.
  2. Improve memory and attention.
  3. suppress stressful conditions, help resist irritability, fight insomnia and improve performance.
  4. Prevent cardiovascular disease.
  5. Reduce blood pressure.
  6. Normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves constipation.
  7. Helps get rid of PMS and reduces bleeding during the menstrual period.

To whom are bananas contraindicated?

Doctors advise against eating bananas for the following people:

  • Suffering from thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, increased blood clotting, varicose veins. Also for diabetics.
  • Those who are overweight.
  • Under the age of 3 years. Banana can cause allergies digestive system the child will not stand heavy food.
  • Nursing.
  • Suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Bananas in the diet of infants, nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetics with allergies - we answer all questions

We will answer the main questions that many people have when eating this tropical fruit.

From how many months can a banana be given to a baby?

  • It is not necessary to give a banana to a baby. His digestive system will not be able to digest such a heavy fruit.
  • Besides, the immune system may have a severe allergic reaction.
  • But, if you still want to take a chance, then make complementary foods at the age of 6-8 months.

How many bananas can you give a child a day?

  • Note that up to 3 years bananas are contraindicated.
  • Nutritionists advise older children to give 1-2 bananas a day. The daily requirement for potassium in children is 1 gram, and in 1 banana it is almost 3.50.

Can diabetics eat bananas?

  • At diabetes bananas are forbidden to eat, as they have an average glycemic index of 65. Bananas sharply increase blood sugar levels.

Can pregnant women eat bananas?

  • Pregnant women can eat bananas, as they save from heartburn and help to cope with loose stools.
  • Doctors recommend that pregnant women eat 2-3 bananas.

Bananas in the diet of lactating women

  • At breastfeeding it is better to refuse this nutritious fruit. It can cause allergies in babies.

Can a banana cause allergies?

  • Certainly. If you want to pamper your child, it is worth introducing this product into the diet in small doses, gradually increasing the dose.

Bananas for diseases of the digestive tract

  • Bananas are a great food for constipation. It normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
  • But it is forbidden to eat a banana for gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers.

Bananas on our menu

Bananas are mostly eaten fresh.

Here are some delicious recipes healthy meals from bananas:

  • Curd with apples and bananas
  • Banana coctail
  • banana chips
  • fried banana
  • Smoothie with banana
  • Banana porridge
  • banana cake
  • banana mousse
  • Pancakes with banana
  • Banana fritters
  • banana cupcake

How to buy bananas?

  • Before you buy bananas, pay attention to the peel. It should be golden yellow in color.
  • It is better not to buy green bananas, they have starch that is not absorbed by our body.
  • Perhaps there will be brown dots on bananas, it's okay, some varieties form them when ripe.
  • Select bananas with brushes.

How to store bananas correctly - useful tips

  • Don't put them in the refrigerator. At low temperatures, their peel will turn black faster.
  • Store at room temperature.
  • Do not store in a bag, as they will rot faster.
  • Add an apple to unripe bananas. It will help the fruit ripen.
  • Overripe fruits should be stored in the refrigerator.

Banana in diets for weight loss and muscle gain

Banana is very high in calories and nutritious. Nutritionists advise sticking to special banana diets if you really need it. Eating three bananas a day and drinking liters of water will help you lose weight, but it can also harm your body. After all, everyone's digestive process is different.

Banana is great for gaining muscle mass those who are interested in it. It should be consumed in the morning, you can replace them with a portion of oatmeal.