We learn to sing the kontakion glorification of Peter and Paul. Prayers to the Apostles Peter and Paul. Hagiography and scientific-historical literature about the Apostle Paul

Folk traditions of the day of Peter and Paul

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in the Peter and Paul Fortress

Fortress of Peter and Paul (Peter and Paul Fortress)

Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh: sermon on the day of Peter and Paul

The meaning of the name of the day of Peter and Paul

The Day of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul is a holiday celebrated on July 12 according to the new style. It is named after the apostles Peter and Paul, who preached Christianity around the world. Both apostles were martyred for their faith - with a difference of one year.

Apostle Peter

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today we celebrate the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. One of them, Peter, was an apostle among the Jews; Paul carried the gospel of Christ among the Gentiles. They represent, as it were, two poles of church activity of that time - the conversion of everyone: the Israeli people, in which Christ was born, and the rest of the world.

When we think of the saints, we always think of their greatness; they appear to us as giants, as heroes of the spirit. We may be inspired by their heroism, but often it seems to us that we are so far from them that we can in no way be like them. And, therefore, it is sometimes useful to remember that these saints, even the apostles, were people, such as other people: with weaknesses, made mistakes, turned out to be not at the height of what we see in them now, after they had already made all your earthly journey.

Think of the Apostle Paul: one of the greatest preachers of the gospel, who gave his whole life and his whole death, without a trace, to the preaching. But where did his life begin? He was on his way from Jerusalem to Damascus to begin the persecution of Christians there, which had already begun in Jerusalem. And on the way to Damascus, he met face to face with the resurrected Christ, worshiped Him, and became a believing Christian, and could never forget the two poles of his faith: the Cross and the Resurrection. The Cross, on which the Savior was crucified, and the Resurrection, which included him in the assembly of Christ's witnesses.

Consider the Apostle Peter. When Christ said that everyone would soon leave Him out of fear, Peter volunteered: No! If everyone leaves you, I won't leave you... Won't you leave me? Christ answered him. - Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times ... And before this happened - because it really happened - in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Christ expected His death and asked His three closest disciples:, and, to spend with Him Several hours of this internal struggle before his death, Peter, like the other two, defeated by longing, cold, fatigue, fell asleep at night. Three times Christ came in the hope that His friends would spend this terrible night with Him - three times He found them sleeping.

And later? Later, when they took Christ, when they dragged Him, Peter followed from afar and entered the courtyard of the bishop's house, where his Teacher, his Lord, was judged. And when they approached him with the question: Were you not with Him in the garden? - when they paid attention to the fact that he also speaks in the dialect of Galilee, from which the disciples came with the Savior, he repudiated the oath three times: I do not know this person - He is alien to me, He is nothing to me ...

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Holy See of the Apostles and teacher of the universe, pray to the Lord of all to grant the world peace and great mercy to our souls.

Teachers, the foremost of the apostles and the Universal Church, pray to the Lord of all the world to grant great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2

Solid and divine preachers, the top of your apostles, O Lord, thou hast received, for the enjoyment of thy good ones and peace: thou hast accepted sickness and death, more than any all-fruitfulness, the only known heart.

Unshakable and God-voiced preachers, the highest of Your Apostles, Lord, You accepted Your blessings and peace for the enjoyment of Your blessings, for You deigned to accept their suffering and death as a sacrifice, higher than any sacrifice, the One who knows our hearts.


We magnify you, the apostles of Christ Peter and Paul, who enlightened the whole world with your teachings and brought all the ends to Christ.

We glorify you, the apostles of Christ Peter and Paul, the whole world with your teaching enlightening and leading to Christ the peoples of the whole earth.

Prayer one

About the glorification of the apostles Peter and Paul, who betrayed their souls for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear the children of your prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Behold, we are overshadowed by lawlessness and for the sake of misfortunes, like clouds, we will be overlaid, barely a good life impoverished and we will not be able to resist a predatory wolf, who boldly strive to plunder the heritage of God. Oh strength! Bear our infirmities, do not be separated from us in spirit, may we not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us, for your prayers, may he destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins and may he be blessed with all the saints Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O holy apostles Peter and Paul, do not depart in spirit from us, sinful servants of God (names), may we not be completely separated from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers, may the handwriting of immeasurable sins be destroyed ours, and may he vouchsafe with all the saints the blessed Kingdom and the marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship forever and ever.

Prayer three

About the supreme Apostle: Peter, the firm representative of the faith of Christ, and Paul, the gossip of the teaching of the Lord! We see you, like a multi-flowing river of the sayings of Christ's words, flowing from the true bowels of God and opening the whole depth of the well of God-revealed truths before us, thirsting for them. We see you, like luminaries, from heaven the currents of warmth of divine love explaining to us: we bless you, who have accepted labors and sweats, in the hedgehog of the teachings of divine seeds: we kiss your feet, flowing around the whole ends of the earth, and in awe of sin we see your heads, humbly bowed to to the most pure feet of the Lord: one by the way of the cross (by hanging) and the other by sword beheading. We tenderly ask you, holy Apostles, create us in a riot of sin bowed before our Teacher Lord, create the pride of our head with the beheading of God-revealed teaching: may the Lord quench our spiritual smoothness with a brush pointed from heaven itself, like Peter: - you, Paul, are God-saturated Christ's words, rush and raise us up to the third heaven with your unceasing prayers for us to the Lord, and there we will glorify with the faces of angels and apostles the wondrous Father of all in our saints and sent Him into the world to save and instruct to eternal life, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit consubstantial with Him. Amen.

Prayer Four

Holy Supreme Apostle Peter, the stone of faith, on Christ, the cornerstone, in the Church, by confession! Moth, yes, and even az, with smart thoughts and carnal lusts, always wavering, on the same Christ, the Living Stone, the chosen, the honest, by faith I have always been made with love in the spiritual temple, in the holy priesthood, offer spiritual sacrifices to God Jesus Christ. Holy supreme Apostle Paul, chosen vessel of Christ, full of the grace and glory of God! Pray to the Creator who has power over the creature, that I, now a vessel that has been destroyed, will create for Himself a vessel in honor, consecrated and usable, prepared for every good. Amen.

12 July - the memory of the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul is celebrated!

AT On this day, special prayers must be offered up to these great lamps of the faith of Christ, so that they will enlighten our hearts with the light of Orthodoxy, strengthening our faith on the immovable stone of the Commandments of Christ!

Prayers to the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul

Troparion, tone 4

BUT the apostles of the altar and the universal teacher, pray to the Lord of all to grant the world peace and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2

T faithful and divine preachers, the top of your apostles, O Lord, thou hast received, for the enjoyment of thy good ones and peace: thou hast accepted sickness and death, more than any all-fruitfulness, the only known heart.


AT We honor you, the apostles of Christ Peter and Paul, who enlightened the whole world with your teachings and brought all the ends to Christ.

Prayer one

O Glory to the apostles Peter and Paul, who betrayed their souls for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear the children of your prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Behold, we are overshadowed by lawlessness and for the sake of misfortunes, like clouds, we will be overlaid, barely a good life impoverished and we will not be able to resist a predatory wolf, who boldly strive to plunder the heritage of God. Oh strength! Bear our infirmities, do not be separated from us in spirit, may we not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us, for your prayers, may he destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins and may he be blessed with all the saints Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O holy apostles Peter and Paul, do not leave us in spirit, sinful servants of God (names), may we not be completely separated from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers, may we destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins and may he vouchsafe with all the saints the blessed Kingdom and the marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship forever and ever.

Prayer three

O the supreme Apostle: Peter, the firm image of the faith of Christ, and Paul, sweet-talking gusset of the teaching of the Lord! We see you, like a multi-flowing river of the sayings of Christ's words, flowing from the true bowels of God and opening the whole depth of the well of God-revealed truths before us, thirsting for them. We see you, like luminaries, from heaven the currents of warmth of divine love explaining to us: we bless you, who have accepted labors and sweats, in the hedgehog of the teachings of divine seeds: we kiss your feet, flowing around the whole ends of the earth, and in awe of sin we see your heads, humbly bowed to to the most pure feet of the Lord: one by the way of the cross (by hanging) and the other by sword beheading. We tenderly ask you, holy Apostles, create us in a riot of sin bowed before our Teacher Lord, create the pride of our head with the beheading of God-revealed teaching: may the Lord quench our spiritual smoothness with a brush pointed from heaven itself, like Peter: - you, Paul, are God-saturated Christ's words, rush and raise us up to the third heaven with your unceasing prayers for us to the Lord, and there we will glorify with the faces of angels and apostles the wondrous Father of all in our saints and sent Him into the world to save and instruct to eternal life, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit consubstantial with Him. Amen.

Prayer Four

With holy supreme Apostle Peter, the stone of faith, on Christ, the cornerstone, in the Church by confession! Moth, yes, and even az, with smart thoughts and carnal lusts, always wavering, on the same Christ, the Living Stone, the chosen, the honest, by faith I have always been made with love in the spiritual temple, in the holy priesthood, offer spiritual sacrifices to God Jesus Christ. Holy supreme Apostle Paul, chosen vessel of Christ, full of the grace and glory of God! Pray to the Creator who has power over the creature, that I, now a vessel that has been destroyed, will create for Himself a vessel in honor, consecrated and usable, prepared for every good. Amen.

The Apostles of the Mother See, / and the universal teacher, / pray to the Lord of all /
Grant peace to the universe / and great mercy to our souls.

Troparion to Peter (veneration of the honest chains of an. Peter)

Do not leave Rome, you came to us with honest chains, even you wore the apostles of the throne. / We bow down by faith, we pray: / your prayers to God /
grant us great mercy.

Addendum to the article: Feast of the Kasperovskaya Icon Mother of God.

The Kasperovskaya icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous image revered by the whole south of Russia, the main shrine of the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Odessa.
According to legend, the icon was brought from Transylvania to Russia in the 17th century. In 1809, Juliana Kasperova, the owner of the village of Novaya Ivanovka, not far from Chersonese, received her as a blessing from her parents. In February 1840, during a prayer, Juliana saw that the heavily darkened icon became light, that is, it was renewed in a supernatural way. A number of healings followed from the newly appeared miraculous face of the Mother of God, and she was placed in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Kasperovka.

On September 26 / October 9, 1855, during the Crimean military campaign, enemy ships appeared off the coast of Odessa, intending to shell the city. At first glance, Odessa was doomed, however, at the request of the inhabitants, prayers were tirelessly performed in front of the icon for a week, and on the day of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, the enemy fleet left Odessa without a single shot. It is also mentioned that there was a certain appearance of the Mother of God, who said that if you bring the icon to Sevastopol and perform a prayer service with it and procession, then the city will also be saved, but the authorities did not heed these words. The result was a shameful defeat ... .. The sailors called the Commander-in-Chief of all land and sea forces in the Crimea, Prince Alexander Sergeevich Menshikov, "Cheers", and people in the know directly stated that "the brightest is a Voltairian and an old Freemason." P. Kislinsky, a participant in the defense of Sevastopol, told N. Motovilov to “Serafimov’s acolyte” after the war: “Once I was with the Serene Highness ... The adjutant reports that there was a messenger from the Archbishop of Kherson Innokenty ...

Vladyka sent a report to Your Grace that he had arrived at Sevastopol with miraculous icon Kasperovskaya Mother of God and ordered to ask to meet her as it should, at the gates of Sevastopol. Vladyka ordered to say: behold the Queen of Heaven is coming to save Sevastopol.

I'm sorry, what? As you said? Repeat!

Behold the Queen of Heaven is coming to save Sevastopol!

BUT! So tell the archbishop that he bothered the Queen of Heaven in vain - we can do without Ney!

Under Archbishop Innokenty (Borisov), it was decided "to instruct posterity to make this event unforgettable" and to celebrate October 1/14. The icon was recognized by the Holy Synod as miraculous after investigating a number of miracles that glorified it in 1840.

The celebration of the Kasperovskaya Icon of the Mother of God takes place on July 12 (June 29, old style), October 14 (October 1, old style), and on Wednesday of Bright Week.

Events of the day.

The day before I was on duty, that is, on all-night vigil I was only mentally listening to what came from the temple. Interestingly, although Father Victor was present at the church, he did not participate in the service. Unlike in previous years, the all-night vigil was without lithium. However, proverbs were read, however, trying to look into the temple in order to listen to them. it turned out to be useless, because the local reader Sergius, who read them, read them literally under his breath, moreover, very quickly, quickly, rather, in order to observe the ritual, so I did not make out a single word ....


(Excerpts from the Epistle of the Apostle Peter).

1 Especially interesting are the words “the temptations of your faith are better than perishing gold…”, “it will turn into praise and honor and glory…”. And we lose heart at every sorrow).: Brethren, blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who by the many of His mercy give birth to us in the hope of the living resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for your sake, who by the power of God observe by faith, ready to appear at the last time for salvation. Rejoice in it now, now it is not enough, if it is absurd to eat, grieve in the past in various misfortunes: Yes, the temptation of your faith is more honorable than gold perishing, but tempted by fire, it will turn into praise and honor and glory, in the revelation of Jesus Christ, love Him who did not see, and on Worthless now it is not sighted, but believing, rejoice with unexpressed and glorified joy, accepting the end of your faith, the salvation of souls.

2: Beloved, having girded the loins of your thoughts, being sober, do not completely trust in the grace that is brought to you by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Like a child of obedience, not being transformed by the first ignorance of your lust, but according to the Holy One who called you, and wake up saints yourself in all your life. For it is written: wake up the saints, for I am holy. And if you call the Father without hypocrisy judging someone by the case, live with the fear of your life, live, leading, as if not with corrupted silver or gold, get rid of your vain life, the faithful father, but with honest blood, like a lamb, immaculate and pure Christ.

3 (Very useful words about obedience to authorities, especially useful topics who loves to blaze the authorities with or without reason, calling for "persecution of such rulers". like evildoers, having seen from good deeds, they will glorify God on the day of visitation. Obey, therefore, to every human being the creation of the Lord for the sake of: if it be a king, as if it prevails: if it is a prince, as if sent from Him, for revenge, then a villain, for praise, a benefactor. As if this is the will of God, who do good to curb insane people ignorance: as free, and not as a cover for those who have malice, freedom, but as servants of God. Honor everyone, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. Slaves, obey in all fear the masters, not only the good and meek, but also the obstinate. This is what is pleasing before God, but for the sake of God's conscience someone endures sorrows, suffering without truth. What more praise, if you endure sinning torments? But if you endure good and suffering, this is pleasing before God, for this reason, and call quickly: for Christ suffered for us, leave an image for us, so that we follow His steps: Even if you do not commit sin, nor find flattery in His mouth: Even we rebuke do not rebuke against, do not stop suffering, but betray to the one who judges righteously: Even our sins You Himself bore on Your body on the tree, but from sin, we will live in righteousness.

Gospel at the All-Night Vigil: 1 After that Jesus again appeared to His disciples at the Sea of ​​Tiberias. And so he appeared: 2 Simon Peter was together, and Thomas, who is called the Twin, and Nathanael of Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples.

3 Simon Peter says to them, I am going to fish. They say to him: we go with you. We went and immediately got into the boat, and caught nothing that night.

4 And when it was already morning, Jesus stood on the shore; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

5 Jesus says to them: Children! do you have any food? They answered Him: no.

6 And he said to them, Throw the net on the right side of the boat, and you will catch it. They threw, and could no longer pull out networks from many fish.

7 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, This is the Lord. Simon Peter, hearing that it was the Lord, girded himself with his robe, for he was naked, and threw himself into the sea.

8 And the other disciples sailed in the boat, for they were not far from the land, about two hundred cubits, dragging a net with fish.

9 And when they came out on the ground, they saw a kindled fire, and on it lay fish and bread.

10 Jesus says to them: Bring the fish that you have now caught.

11 Simon Peter went and pulled out a net full of big fish, which was one hundred fifty three; and with such a multitude, the network did not break.

12 Jesus says to them, Come, have dinner. None of the disciples dared to ask him: who are you? knowing that it is the Lord.

13 Jesus comes, takes the bread and gives them, also the fish.

14 This was the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection from the dead.

15 While they were eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon of Jonas! do you love me more than they do? Peter Jesus says to him, feed my lambs.

16 Again he says to him another time, Simon of Jonas! do you love me? Peter He says to Him: Yes, Lord! You know I love you. Jesus He says to him, feed my sheep.

17 Says to him a third time: Simon of Jonas! do you love me? Peter was sad that he asked him for the third time: do you love me? and said to Him: Lord! You know everything; You know I love you. Jesus says to him, feed my sheep.

18 Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you wanted to; a

Prayer one

About the glorification of the apostles Peter and Paul, who betrayed their souls for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear the children of your prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Behold, we are overshadowed by lawlessness and for the sake of misfortunes, like clouds, we will be overlaid, barely a good life impoverished and we will not be able to resist a predatory wolf, who boldly strive to plunder the heritage of God.
Oh strength! Bear our infirmities, do not be separated from us in spirit, may we not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us, for your prayers, may he destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins and may he be blessed with all the saints Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O holy apostles Peter and Paul, do not depart in spirit from us, sinful servants of God (names), may we not be completely separated from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers, may the handwriting of immeasurable sins be destroyed ours, and may he vouchsafe with all the saints the blessed Kingdom and the marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship forever and ever.

Prayer three

About the supreme Apostle: Peter, the firm representative of the faith of Christ, and Paul, the gossip of the teaching of the Lord! We see you, like a multi-flowing river of the sayings of Christ's words, flowing from the true bowels of God and opening the whole depth of the well of God-revealed truths before us, thirsting for them. We see you, like luminaries, from heaven the currents of warmth of divine love explaining to us: we bless you, who have accepted labors and sweats, in the hedgehog of the teachings of divine seeds: we kiss your feet, flowing around the whole ends of the earth, and in awe of sin we see your heads, humbly bowed to to the most pure feet of the Lord: one by the way of the cross (by hanging) and the other by sword beheading. We tenderly ask you, holy Apostles, create us in a riot of sinful bowing before our Teacher Lord, create the pride of our head with the beheading of the divinely revealed teaching: may the Lord quench our spiritual smoothness with a brush pointed from heaven itself, like Peter: - you, Paul, are God-saturated Christ's words, rush and raise us up to the third heaven with your unceasing prayers for us to the Lord, and there we will glorify with the faces of angels and apostles the wondrous Father of all in our saints and sent Him into the world to save and instruct to eternal life, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit consubstantial with Him. Amen.

Prayer Four

Holy Supreme Apostle Peter, the stone of faith, on Christ, the cornerstone, in the Church, by confession! Moth, yes, and even az, with smart thoughts and carnal lusts, always wavering, on the same Christ, the Living Stone, the chosen, the honest, by faith I have always been made with love in the spiritual temple, in the holy priesthood, offer spiritual sacrifices to God Jesus Christ.
Holy supreme Apostle Paul, chosen vessel of Christ, full of the grace and glory of God! Pray to the Creator, who has power over the creature, that I, now a ruined vessel, will create for Himself a vessel in honor, consecrated and usable, prepared for every good. Amen.


Kondak 1

Ikos 1

Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 2

Seeing you, Apostle Peter, on the Sea of ​​Galilee, together with Andrew, your brother, sweeping up nets, the Lord said to you: She is coming after Me, and I will make you a fisherman. And Abieh, left the mrezha, according to Him idost. The same, the beauty of the Church of the Ecumenical, create us as your intercession to be quick to do the commandments of God, but inert to sin, yes, with malice of infancy, we will all reach the measure of the age of a perfect husband, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Illuminate the Divine mind, Paul, the chosen vessel of God, when, jealous of the traditions of the fathers, you marched to Damascus to persecute the Church of Christ. Then suddenly the radiance of the Glory of the Lord shrouded you and a voice came from Heaven: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? But you, if you were darkened with carnal vision, but in spirit you saw the Strength and Glory of Christ crucified, enlightening the darkness and building His Church with love, and for this reason you were captivated by the spirit, carrying repentance and obedience and saying: “Lord, what will I do?”. Therefore, let us receive the lot of the apostleship from the hand of the Lord and the baptism with water and the Spirit from Ananias the most blessed, thou hast appeared, pre-eminently, a chosen vessel of grace and a silent witness of our Savior, from Worthless and we, enlightening, sing to you with a skillful chin:
Rejoice, lordship of the church, from the Light of the Inexpressible on the way wonderfully kindled into the revelation of tongues;
Rejoice, miraculously manifesting the signs of the Power of God in your life and blocking those rebellious lips forever. Rejoice, chosen vessel, the least from the apostle and the first from the sinner to himself contritely called;
Rejoice, as the Cherubim is a secret seer, even up to the third Heaven by faith and love ascended.
Rejoice, like a fiery Seraphim, constantly consumed and melted by zeal for Bose;
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, loud trumpet gospels, the foundations of the old world, like Jericho the second crusher.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High, known in weakness, poured out on thee, Paul, the adamant of faith, grace upon grace, thou didst not falsely confess: I can do everything about Jesus strengthening me. And you truly preached the Gospel in the manifestation of the Spirit and power, creating great and indescribable, glorious and terrible, as if ignorant of God I would learn theology, hardened hearts with the oil of mercy, soldered and all the sheep wasted in the fence of the One Shepherd flocked from everywhere, and learned to sing according to him: Alleluia .

Ikos 3

Having a bold love for the Lord, you walked, O Peter, on the waters raised, as if on dry land. But even if by drowning you were frightened and overwhelmed with doubt, you didn’t drown in the abyss, you stretched out your hand and eyes to the Savior, crying out to Him from the depths of your heart: Lord, save me. And in that hour you received a helping hand from Christ, our Redeemer. So we are in this earthly vale, terrifying with troubles and drowning with waves of passions, looking at your course, instructing us to a quiet haven of good, we thankfully sing to this song:
Rejoice, precious stone of faith, chosen and approved from the Cornerstone;
Rejoice, temple of the Holy Spirit, richly decorated with various gifts from Him.
Rejoice, uncomplicated fisherman, filled with the wisdom of God, whom no one can resist from;
Rejoice, self-evident of the greatness of God, more than kings and glorious lands from the Lord for all eternity glorified. Rejoice, spiritualized charter, inscribed in fiery writings the word of God,
Rejoice, with Paul the Apostle shone equally honorable and unstoppable.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 4

A storm of fierce temptations was raised up in ancient times by a murderer, from time immemorial, consume the Church of God and the disciples of the Savior, like wheat, scatter: but the Lord pray for you, Peter, that your faith not be impoverished. And so, from the Savior we enlighten and from Him we strengthen in weakness, truly you crushed the jaws of the enemy and, turning, confirmed your brethren, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing, Paul the Wise, about your wondrous election, in a hedgehog to proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus by the people and the king and the son of Israel, and seeing you in word, in life, in love, in soul, in faith, in purity, like light with the tongue for their salvation set, unfaithful faith enlightened, faithful, jubilantly, glorify the Lord. The same and we, having received the commandment to rejoice, bring the voice of joy as follows: Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ, all glorious of the world, like rubbish and dust, imputing and enslaving everyone to Christ for the sake of the Gospel;
Rejoice, good warrior of Christ, clothed in all the weapons of God and subduing all tongues in the obedience of Christ.
Rejoice, most pleasing sacrifice, sharing with Christ, for the sake of Christ, accustomed to die all the days; Rejoice, sower of many tears, glorious prisoner and confessor, joyfully wearing the wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ on your body.
Rejoice, glory and praise to the Church of the Ecumenical, the disgrace of the world's former, smoothness, thirst, nakedness, beating and reproach for Christ many times endured;
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, adornment of the apostles, evangelist of the world, affirmation of the Church.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 5

The divine star appeared to you, Paul, when your course is brightly begun from Damascus, even to Rome you extended it and as before the star from the east, teach the Magi to bow to the Sun of Truth, and you, God-wise, showed the way to Christ to everyone who wants to achieve salvation, crying out with boldness to many: be imitators of me, as I am also to Christ. He also taught us to sing with one mouth: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing on Mount Favorstei the Glory of the Only Begotten from the Father, clothed with Light, like a robe, wanting to put on a robe of reproach for us, he said, Peter, Jesus, seeing the unspeakable Glory of the redeemed by the Blood of the Immaculate Lamb of Christ: Lord, it is good for us to be here. For this sake, we, who give birth to distant ones, are deprived of luminous purity, if not worthy of being, both with your angelic voice calling to an incorruptible, pure, unfading heritage, observed in Heaven, as if a companion who wants to be revealed to Glory, we sing to this site:
Rejoice, blessed, from the Eternal Truth worthy of the "blessed" named; Rejoice, kind beads, found from the Lord at the lake and illuminated with light from the Light.
Rejoice, sent from Samago the Redeemer of the human race to preach the Gospel;
Rejoice, truly the fisher of men appearing, for you, as before, by grace draw the souls darkened into the wonderful Light of Christ God.
Rejoice, life-giving source, from the Source of eternal life flowing and from the wealth of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, thirsty souls;
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, like Seraphim of the six-crowned, soaring at the Throne of the King of Glory and accepting the Mysteries of God into the light.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 6

The preacher is not silent, and after your death, Peter the God-bearing, you appeared, from the sky of the mind, like a mysterious thunder, you remind us of the title of Christians in many ways. But we, leading your love to never fall away and prayer for us unceasingly at the Throne of God to God, we sing with a touched heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou didst shine, great name Paul, signs and wonders soon, the Holy Spirit in Antioch commanded that the great ministry of the Apostle of Tongues should begin: the same, you reached Cyprus, Elima the sorcerer's vision darkened you and Sergius the proconsul illuminated you with the light of truth. Vouchsafe us, who partake of this light, to glorify your wondrous deeds in spiritual songs and singing and sing to you this:
Rejoice, in the light of the hearts of the meek and reasonable, even, like a milker, you warm and nurse with your God-inspired writings;
Rejoice, wand of punishment, crush the vessels of lies and flattery to the end, and lift hearts crushed to the immovable Stone of Faith.
Rejoice, incarnating the Gospel of Christ in yourself and for this sake, exalted and glorified beyond the visible;
Rejoice, mouth of honey, proclaiming much joy to the apostle and the faithful, as if the Lord had opened the door of salvation to you with all your tongue.
Rejoice, zealot for God, new Elijah, do not build on an alien foundation and flow around distant countries with your jealousy;
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, who have divided the whole world between you, in a hedgehog to be an apostle of tongues, but to another to preach to the chosen people.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 7

Although you affirm the truth and protect the world of the Church, you came, Paul, the champion of truth, to the holy city, in which at the meeting of the saints the apostle and the faithful testified, together with Peter and Barnabas, that the Holy Spirit breathes, where he wants, bestowing His grace on the unenviously Judeo and the Greeks circumcised and saving all by faith, and not the deadly deeds of the old law. And thus, truly, all the faithful, who have received freedom and peace, are bound by a union of love, gratefully sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The new Archangel, the herald of the mystery, from the hidden age, having chosen thee, the Apostle Peter, Lord, always ask Your disciples: who do you say to be Me? But you, from the Heavenly Father, we enlighten, proclaimed the undoubted foundation of our faith, saying to the Savior: you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. For this sake, we, honoring you, as if having openly confessed the Hope of our salvation, cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, new Sinai, clearly demonstrating the tablet of salvation to people and proclaiming freedom in Christ; Rejoice, first-placed from the Architecton of Heaven to the stone of faith and confession, on which the Church of Christ is irresistibly founded.
Rejoice, first-placed gatekeeper of the entrance of paradise, to whom the Lord first promised to give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, righteous judge, who judges with the rest the apostles of the ten tribes of Israel.
Rejoice, as the eyes and rocks of your blessed Christ our Savior, He is seen by the prophets with fiery desire, in the flesh, being on earth, seeing and hearing;
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, who have the most beautiful feet of the Gospel and sanctified hearts;
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 8

A strange miracle and inconveniently understood appeared to you, Peter, to the wise earthly, as if the Lord is ignorant of the world and humbled by the chosen Lord, and shamed the wise, conquered the kingdoms, brought the hosts of the darkened to the Light of Truth, and until now, like a pillar of fire, illumine all the earthly, indicating the undoubted path to the blessed fatherland. For this sake, marveling at the wealth of grace in you, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Thou wast everything, Paul, embracing everyone with love, attaining the word of salvation far and near, overcoming everything by faith: in the sky and in Philippeh, preaching peace, and even with beaten clubs you were fierce and thrown into prison in shackles, but you sang there together with By the power of a wondrous song of praise and thanksgiving to God, Izhe and thundered by His great coward servant, as if the foundations of the prison were shaken and the doors were opened. But we, seeing thee, wiser, illuminating the darkness of the prison with the light of the knowledge of God, and giving freedom in Christ to the prisoner, we sing the same:
Rejoice, prisoner of Christ, turning the dungeon into a temple and letting people loose the chains of demons with your bonds; Rejoice, mighty one, bearing the infirmities of the weak, not to yourself, but to please your neighbors.
Rejoice, miraculous, boasting with bonds and sorrows, rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep;
Rejoice, dead to sin, but ever-living God, for you are Christ's life and gain death.
Rejoice, in the image of vigilant work, forget the back, stretch to the front and with all your thoughts to the honor of the high calling;
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, even to death you served the Lord as a martyr and sow, like a crown, the feat of your crowned.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 9

Leading all to Christ, you proclaimed, Paul, in Athens to those who think wise to be Wisdom, descending from above, yes, leading vanity, from here they will lead God, invisible to them, and touch Him, in Him we live and move and we are. The same and we, by the grace of the inexpressible mind of the truth, perceiving and with the heart not false, as if the Lord is good, having comprehended, we sing to Him with firm faith, as with a finger from Thomas, tangible: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

You can’t branch out the tongue of a man, when the Lord the Forces has washed his servant with His servant and wiped it with a lazy one. But you, Petre, are conquered by fear, if you proclaimed: do not wash my foot forever, but all of you were converted into obedience, when you heard the word spoken from the Lord: if I do not wash you, do not have part with me. And so with all your heart you cried out: Lord, not only my feet, but also my hand and my head. We, leading you in these, like gold into the fires of temptation, are cleansed and knowing from humility to obedience your ascent, worshiping the mystery of God's Providence, we sing to you with a humble heart:
Rejoice, Petre, eye of an eagle, in the image you have seen the Sun of Truth - Christ God, who washed the nose of Judas and from him with a kiss of a crafty devotee;
Rejoice, for ever ignorant of Christ, you are more, the Immaculate Lamb, like a lamb, following, until your slaughter, you kept faithfulness.
Rejoice, inextinguishable coal, unceasingly embraced by the fire of Divine love from the altar of Heaven; rejoice, burn and shine with the lamp, illuminate the births of the births with the light of truth.
Rejoice, rich bunch of Christ's grapes, returned to the joy of the much-sorrowful world; Rejoice, Peter and Paul, who truly imagined Christ God in yourself.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 10

Salvation in Christ, the unsearchable abyss and repentance, you showed a lot of power in yourself, Peter, when you thrice rejected the Lord according to what was foretold: we do not know this Man! When you swore and swore in the courtyard of the bishop, but Abie, remembering the word of Jesus, you flowed outside, crying bitterly. But we, tenderly looking at this most luminous image of contrition, given to the teaching and denunciation of our hard-hearted hearts, we sing to the Lord, who marvelously exalted thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You were an invincible wall and weapon, Paul, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, as if you crushed their kingdom in Corinth, Ephesus and other cities of the universe, dispersing the darkness of polytheism and affirming the mind of truth. You did not appear falsely if you were a servant of God in patience, in sorrows, troubles, in crowds, in wounds, dungeons, in disorder, labor, vigils, in fasting, as if our mind would be perplexed to utter the wealth of your kindness, day-night feats with many tears . For this sake, seeing the sea of ​​your love, we boldly pray: hear us, wretched sinners, with the mouth of the saying:
Rejoice, dead to sin, the gospel of the invincible, as if you defeated the old man in you first, you were crucified with Christ;
Rejoice, multi-fruited teacher and detractor of predatory wolves, as if you showed the image to the faithful, always awake and teaching everything purely: in word and life according to the word.
Rejoice, enricher of all, as if, having first become impoverished and worthless, you supported everything;
Rejoice, ardent zealot of Christians, betrothed to Christ, as a pure virgin bride. Rejoice, the womb of the much-painful former about your children in the throes of birth, until Christ is imagined in them;
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, in the unity of the Soul united in one city, faithfulness to Christ sealed with blood.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 11

Peti and appease your bonds and sufferings, Pavel is long-suffering, it is worthy to eat, as if only in patience, but with joy you were foretold by Agabus the prophet, you accepted the bonds, and you testified to the Church of Caesarea: I am ready to be ready for the name of the Lord Jesus . To him, and we, marvelous in His saints, sing the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Thou, Peter, was the light of inexpressible joy and divine love, when the Lord, after the resurrection, was the first apostle to appear to you, who grieved. In the same way, appear again, Lord of life, ask you three times: Simone Ionin, do you love Me? But you, with the fire of Divine love, we scorch, you answered warmly: Lord, You know how much I love You. For this reason, we, impoverished in spirit, remembering the abundant currents of tears and your love, for the sake of which the Lord has called on the former degree of apostleship, we reverently cry out to you:
Rejoice, teacher of repentance, with bitter tears acquiring the height of humility and resurrected from the grave to joy unspeakable forever;
Rejoice, depth of wisdom, high humility of wisdom, flame of love, revealing the way of life to all those who are faithful to themselves.
Rejoice, friend of the Lord Jesus, zealously bearing the yoke of the gospel, not willing to rule over the heritage of God, but teaching obedience with power;
Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, combining the wisdom of the serpent and the purity of the dove in yourself and showing extreme humility of wisdom in the way of your death on the cross.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord, multiplying the talent given to you and entering into the joy of the Lord;
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, whose hearts are not cramped, who have embraced the whole world with love and enlightened the ends of the universe.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 12

The grace of the Spirit of the Comforter, poured out on the heads of the faithful in the form of tongues of fire, soon poured out of your mouth, Peter, with a fiery verb, in a hedgehog with the power of many Christ crucified not only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but also to the pagans of the barren church, may this God also bear fruit imperishable krin of purity and repentance. Ask us, blessed apostle, the mercy of the Lord, who works great and wonderful with you, resurrecting the dead with your hand and inflaming our deadly love by your death on the cross, let us unceasingly sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your most bright memory, Paul, we worthily appease the inexpressible deeds, illnesses and labors, even in vigils, in hunger and thirst, in fasting, in winter and nakedness you suffered. Who will count your wounds, sorrows and troubles in cities, in deserts, in the sea, troubles from a robber, troubles from relatives, troubles from a tongue and false brotherhood? Who is like you? Thou hast labored more than all the apostle. The same we pray: do not disdain us, sinners, praying to you, but as if you were everything, and now hear with a weak voice the yew offering:
Rejoice, prisoner of Christ, spreading light from prison, laboring a lot in word and message in bonds, for truly the word of God does not fit;
Rejoice, unsearchable abyss of love, according to your brethren, be excommunicated from Christ sincerely lustful. Rejoice, ascetic ascetic, laboring a good feat, completing the course and decorating the Church with your blood;
Rejoice, exude a sea of ​​​​miracles, as if your heads and ubrusses healed your ailments and chased away the demons.
Rejoice, inseparable partaker of God's love, philosophizing on the mountain, and not earthly, for it will also be resolved from the flesh and wished to be with Christ;
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, Christian planters of the faith, piety with water to drink and guides to the haven of eternal faithfulness.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 13

O all-praise evangelists Peter and Paul! Listen to the sighing of our hearts, praying for us, the prayer of the righteous before God can do much more: take care and now remember us about the heavenly calling and Christians’ end of our lives, draw us to the sweetness of the gospel truth, bind us with the bonds of Christ’s love, yes we all, rejecting ungodliness and worldly lusts, let us enter into the joy of our Lord, singing to Him from the angels and from the faces of the saints: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Ikos 1

The angels of the evangelist appeared on earth, the apostles to Peter and Paul of blessedness, for from Samago the culprit of our salvation for doing your calling, the breadth of the whole earth was around, by Jews and Greeks Christ crucified, God's Power and God's Wisdom preaching. In the same way, we, with the light of your teachings, illuminate, with heart and mouth we cry out to you:
Rejoice, shining stars, shining from the east and showing all people the way to Christ;
Rejoice, affirmation of the Church of Christ and pillars of steadfastness.
Rejoice, you who have received the power to bind and solve our sins from Christ;
Rejoice, in your holy writings to faith and hope in God, all of us calling.
Rejoice, in your life the images of conversion to sinners appeared;
Rejoice, having shown us the height of true love in word and deed.
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.

Kondak 1

Election of the preacher of the Immaculate Lamb, slain for us, Christ God, glorified the Apostles Peter and Paul! As if by the knowledge of God the ends of the world have been illumined and abundantly given streams of grace to drink, and now look with love on those who diligently honor your memory. Fill us with the spirit of wisdom, affirm our hearts with faith, but we sing incessantly thankful to you, calling with tenderness:
Rejoice, holy chief apostles Peter and Paul.