DIY ashtray decor. Ashtray decoration. The easiest way

Greetings to all. Today we will make a men's metal ashtray for the workshop. There is not much work, and in the end we will have an original thing, instead of an old boring ashtray from a bent vinyl record.

Necessary tools and consumables.

1. Welding inverter.
2. Angle grinder.
3. Industrial hair dryer.
4. Gas burner.
5. Sharpening machine.
6. Welding electrodes.
7. Cutting wheels for angle grinders.
8. Black, heat-resistant enamel.
9. Paint imitating bronze.
10. Hammer.

Donors who participated in the creation.

1. Steel pipe, diameter 100mm.
2. Sheet metal, 1 mm thick.
3. Old bicycle chain.
4. Broken, rear bike sprocket.
5. Two unnecessary open-end wrenches.

To begin with, we measure the height of the bicycle chain and multiply by 3. We measure the resulting size on the pipe and cut it off.

Irregularities are ground on a grinding machine.

We mark the diameter of the pipe on the sheet metal.

Using the utmost care, cut out the circle with a grinder.

We clean the burrs and bumps.

We wrap the bicycle chain around the pipe, measure the size and cut off three pieces.

The preparatory part is over, let's move on to welding. We weld the bottom of the future ashtray to the pipe trim.

We clean the joints.

We grab the chain scraps to the pipe.

The lower segment can also be grabbed to the bottom, the rest only along the end.

We hide the place of joining of the chains by grabbing two more segments across.

For decor, we weld a bicycle star to the bottom of the ashtray.

Now we need two obsolete wrenches.

We heat one key with a gas burner and bend it a little with hammer blows.

We weld this key to the ashtray. This part has two functions, to fix the upper segment of the chain and to serve as a holder for a cigarette.

The second key is welded to the top of the ashtray. It also serves as a chain lock and serves as a stand for a lighter.

We get rid of dirt and grease residues by burning the product with a burner.

We paint the product with heat-resistant enamel.

After drying, we heat it with an industrial hair dryer to bake the enamel.

With the help of paint imitating bronze, we give a finished look to our ashtray.

Option one.
One of the most popular is some kind of empty jar.
Small coffee cans are ideal. You just need to remove the cover.

2 step

But even this simple device can be conveniently improved.
Most cans are made of not very durable material. Therefore, we pick up a knife and make two parallel cuts in the edge of the can. It is necessary that the distance between them is approximately equal to the diameter of your cigarette.
It is very easy to calculate it - by bringing a cigarette to the jar and making marks along the edges of the cigarette.
After that, you need to bend the resulting “cutouts” outward at an angle slightly less than 90 degrees, i.e. almost perpendicular to the bank. You will get a convenient holder for a cigarette, which, moreover, will not fall out and will not go out as quickly as simply lowered into a jar.

3 step

Option two.
Plastic bottle. Suitable for any size.
Cut off the neck in a circle, trying to make smooth edges.
Next - we make convenient holders according to the same principle as with a can of coffee.
And be sure to pour water into the bottle so that the plastic does not melt.

4 step

Option three.
Hastily. You can use glasses, cups, mugs.
It may not be too aesthetically pleasing, but it will be difficult for you to burn through the mug and easy to wash.

5 step

Option four.
Empty pack of cigarettes. Not everyone could sometimes guess such a simple solution.
But in my opinion it is more convenient to first make the structure more stable, because. the pack in its original form sometimes closes, it can easily fall.
To do this, you just need to carefully tear off the lid and insert it into the pack in such a way that there is one slot (extra wide) on the top side.

6 step

Option five.
"Traveling". If you need to move (for example, on a walk), and shake off the ashes on the ground, and even more so, throwing cigarette butts disgusts you, and besides, there are no urns nearby.
A simple paper bag can save you. But you need to fold it from several dense sheets, so that it is not easy to burn them. The edges should be folded several times so that they turn out denser and you can safely put out cigarettes on them.
Fighters for the purity of nature will rejoice.

7 step

If, nevertheless, you find these methods inconvenient, then make it easier - buy a few ashtrays and take them with you if necessary.
This will help keep the area around you clean.

An ashtray can be a good gift for dad, provided, of course, that he smokes. On sale you can find many different ashtrays, but if the thing is made by hand, then this is already an exclusive gift.

You can not make an ashtray from scratch, but take an ordinary glass ashtray and decorate it with an original pattern. Simple shaped glass ashtrays are a great base option, they hold the pattern well and look good. You can also use ceramic products or clay.

To make an ashtray with your own hands, you need to prepare: the actual glass ashtray (preferably white glass), alcohol for degreasing the glass surface, a printout of the selected pattern, acrylic varnish, primer and acrylic paints.

The pattern for decorating the ashtray can be chosen based on the hobbies of the man for whom the gift is being prepared, for example, on the theme of hunting or fishing. In this case, the lighthouse pattern is chosen - the marine theme is always in fashion.

How to make an ashtray with your own hands

    1. The ashtray is decorated with decoupage. To begin with, the glass surface of the ashtray is degreased with alcohol.
    2. The selected drawing is printed on plain A4 paper. The pattern should fit in size, that is, be of the same diameter as the bottom of the ashtray.
    3. Cover the drawing with a layer of acrylic varnish and dry.
    4. Cut out the pattern according to the diameter of the bottom of the ashtray.

  1. A little water is poured into a shallow container and the printed pattern is soaked there for one minute (no more) so that it gets wet. Then the image is taken out of the water and gently dried with a towel.
  2. The reverse side of the ashtray is sprayed with varnish (it is better to use an aerosol varnish). The pattern is placed on the bottom of the ashtray with the image down and carefully smoothed out with your fingers. For a tighter fit, you can walk the roller over the pattern. Let the painting dry well.
  3. A special primer for decoupage or white paint is applied to the image.
  4. The entire ashtray is covered with acrylic paint of the chosen color (dark shades look good), and then with metallic bronze paint. Paints are applied with wet movements of the brush.
  5. The next layer of paint should be purple, it is also applied with wet brush strokes, and the third layer again goes with bronze metallic. After all layers of paint have dried, the ashtray is covered with three layers of glossy varnish, which protects the paint surface from damage.

Buying a lot of summer accessories involves serious waste, but today we are learning to save money and making some of them with our own hands. Garbage cans, trash cans and ashtrays for giving from improvised means - it's not as difficult as it might seem!

Of course, many are already accustomed to using an old bucket instead of an urn, and a small glass jar instead of an ashtray. It is quite real that it is convenient and inexpensive, but only such devices do not have any form, more precisely, they spoil many of our merits in design and decoration with their too simple appearance. That is why we decided to find a way to remedy the situation and tried on ourselves some kind of hand-made, thereby learning how to make trash cans and ashtrays for summer cottages with our own hands. Everything is very simple, and now we will tell you how to do such interesting things on your own without spending a lot of money and time.

Garbage can from plastic bottles

You can make a trash can for use in the country from a variety of improvised materials, but we were most interested in the production of plastic bottles, which can be considered a free building component. That's right, because there are plenty of bottles in every dacha, they remain after water and drinks, after large gatherings, and you should not throw them away.

The first thing we need for production is a metal frame, which can be made from wire, aluminum plates and even a metal profile for drywall. By and large, we need only 2-3 identical oval, round or rectangular elements to build the base, the top of the tank and the middle jumper from them. Having adjusted all the sizes and shapes, you can proceed to the next step.

To do this, we need 2-4 pieces of reinforcement or the profile mentioned earlier. These metal elements are necessary to fasten the main parts together and make racks. You can choose reinforcement and tie it with ovals or circles with wire, or you can bend the U-shaped drywall profile into one plane, and connect the profile racks with the main parts with clamps or even rivets.

When the frame of a homemade trash can is ready, we proceed to the final stage - we build the walls of the tank from plastic bottles.

So, for this we need steel wire, a nail, a mounting knife and pliers. First of all, we measure the pieces of wire along the height of the tank and cut them, taking into account the attachment to the upper, middle and lower parts of the structure. The length of each piece should be 20-30 cm more than the height of the future tank.

Next, with pliers we clamp the wire on the bottom of the tank, throwing a few turns on the frame, put 1-2 bottles on the wire, making a hole in them with a nail, make several turns of fastening on the middle part of the frame, again a couple of bottles and now fastening to the top.

It is highly desirable to think over the size, shape and color of the bottles in advance so that chaos does not result. You can define a uniform pattern using bottles of the same size and color, or you can change the craft a little by choosing bright bottles.

Consistent fastening of bottles and good wire tension, tight fit of bottles to one another vertically and in rows will ensure the high quality of a home-made trash can. Of course, after production, it is worth remembering that it is not intended for heavy waste and burning debris.

These bins can be made with or without a bottom, but today most of these bins and bins are made without a bottom so they don't have to be turned over during cleaning. It will be enough just to lift them up.

Small urn from an old bucket or barrel

Tanks for liquid and bulk products that have served their purpose should not be immediately taken to a landfill, because they can also serve well in the perimeter of a summer cottage. As an example, we would like to cite old buckets and barrels that can be easily converted into trash cans and small trash cans.

Any old bucket that isn't too dilapidated, or a barrel that isn't rotten, can become a trash can in the gazebo, near the summer kitchen, and so on. To do this, we do not have to modernize much, but only adjust the size of the tank, perhaps patch up the old holes a little, repaint it in a cheerful color and install it where necessary.

Buckets can serve almost immediately, but barrels often have to be trimmed a little, as they are too large. After carrying out the simplest reconstruction work, it is possible to upholster the tank with building materials - plastic, wood, thick cardboard, after applying patches of tin or aluminum sheet. Everything, now just painting in the desired color or a bright pattern in the style of the location.

Do-it-yourself country ashtrays

Ashtrays in the country can be of two types - desktop and floor.

Making a desktop ashtray

Each craftsman makes desktop ashtrays in the country in his own way - he pours them out of gypsum, clay and other materials, cuts them out of wood or bamboo, cooks or rivets out of metal. We offer the simplest, almost minute option, which many people already know about. It's a beer can ashtray.

To make it, you will need an empty and clean can of beer or soda. Its top should be carefully cut off with a knife, then, also gently, but with scissors, dissolve the jar vertically into a certain number of strips, leaving a little depth in the lower part, only a few centimeters. Now you need to wrap the strips down, rolling them into a kind of roll, and that's it - the desktop ashtray is ready.

Making a floor ashtray

With a floor ashtray for giving, things are a little more complicated, but not so much. You can use an old milk can or even a cut of a large-diameter stainless steel ventilation pipe for its manufacture. It’s a little easier with a can, because it’s only worth throwing a removable fine mesh over it, say, from an old construction sieve, and that’s it. Further, only a kind of decor, and the ashtray goes to its workplace. You will have to tinker with the pipe, since it will need to attach the bottom. But here also ingenuity comes to the rescue, and we simply put inside an old bucket or its neatly cut bottom, which, resting its edges against the inner circumference of the pipe, becomes the bottom. Now mesh on the top and decorative embellishments.

When working with metal molds and parts that need to be cut, we recommend that you be extremely careful and take all necessary safety measures, as unpleasant injuries are possible.

How to make an ashtray for a summer residence with your own hands (video)

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the manufacture of such accessories, and therefore, as soon as there is a free minute or an urgent need for an urn, trash can or ashtray in the country, you can immediately start manufacturing and complete the project within an hour or two.