GSM solutions for smart home. WIFI GPRS GSM alarm system ALFA S1 Smart home Sensors of important indicators

I never set myself the task of creating a "smart" home, but since I was a prof. a developer of complex electronic systems, and you can’t just drink away skill, then, I think, I have already succeeded. And - not expensive, obedient and resistant. And my mind is enough ...
Naturally, he did not invent "bicycles" much and did not work with a soldering iron, but bought ready-made devices, well understanding what and why. Moreover, everything is relatively inexpensive and no frills such as motion sensors in each room, or centralized light control - is it too lazy to turn off the switch behind you?

The main thing is a reasonable combination centralized systems and autonomous. There are systems that should be centralized - information and security, for example, or a backup / autonomous power supply system. But very often, simple separate "helpers" are needed - light on motion sensors exclusively in special rooms, systems for turning on / off devices by separate ones (for example, in bio-sewerage, washing hoses and draining purified water), etc.
Also important is the competent redundancy of subsystems and the survivability of the entire system as a whole ("resilience").
As a result, in the house I have: 1. Two backup power systems - and (additional, less powerful - from its design a simple, well-thought-out system for providing economical automatic heating of the house in winter in the absence of people, including automatic switch on backup heating on electricity (in case of failure of the system gas heating and both PSAs). Without backup power, all automation is meaningless ...
2. Security-fire-information-management GSM system ().
From the phone he controls the start of the boiler and the three-way valve, and also transmits information to me from a dozen sensors (zones). Without knowing what is happening in the country in the absence of people, it is somehow dumb ...
3. Autonomous radio outlet (not GSM, but low-power, 450 MHz (1000 rubles set) for controlling the discharge of purified water from the bio-sewer at a convenient time for watering her garden (I use only biodegradable products for washing hands, head, dishes), and also in the same place - turning on the flushing of the system by a separate timer (300 rubles / piece) at a convenient time... Well, turning on the sewer compressor by timer - to save the compressor resource, and at the same time electricity.
4. A couple of autonomous motion sensors to turn on the light - on the stairs and in the kitchen (almost exclusively for night trips to the toilet).
5. Several (200 rubles / piece) with pre-laid antenna cables - for the ability to quickly transfer any of the 3 TVs and 2 receivers to a room convenient for people.
6. Protection of the supply network from lightning by SPDs, Czech, Hakel company (10 t.r.).
7. Innovation from the underground riser. I will duplicate it with a "winter automatic valve". Of course, the riser is insulated, however, understand and be confident that it will never freeze there is no possibility. All this is to "guarantee" the non-freezing of water in the riser when leaving the dacha for several days or weeks, or even (once - months). Two thousand rubles for such a guarantee - practically - mere pennies.
8. from frost in the presence of people.
Well, and a bunch of small useful things like systems that scare away mice / rats (just in case, so that they don’t even try to settle down for the winter) and ants on the site so that aphids do not breed on currants.
About tenacity:- In winter, in case of a network failure (in the absence of people), the PSA at home will provide energy to the boiler, bio-sewerage and security system for about 4 days, after which the PSA of the boiler enters into battle - it will "keep" the boiler and the security system for another 1-2 days.
By the time the battery is discharged in the PSA at home, I will receive a message on my phone about this.
- Further (if I don’t come and solve the problem), the house will cool down for at least a day until the water in the toilet freezes, which I have protected by a proven method and will never burst.
- Further, the water in the boiler, left in it since autumn and heated by the boiler to 50-60 ° C in normal mode, will begin to cool - until it freezes for several days. There is no water in the pipes (we only have water in summer).
- In the event of an accident in the heating system, but if there is a network, the bathroom will be heated by a fan heater according to the "Temperature alarm" signal from the thermostat.
- In the event of a PSA failure at home, but in the presence of a network, the PSA of the boiler works and is charged directly from the network.
- Emergency events for which I will receive a GSM notification on my phone (I switch the phone to a mode at night in which it rings only for messages from my house):
- PSA batteries at home are discharged up to 20%,
- the voltage at the output of the SRP at home is turned off,
- bathroom temperature alarm,
- an accident in the bio-sewer,
- water leak,
- smoke in the house,
- the temperature of the underground riser is below normal,
- signals from several security sensors.
Convenience: In winter, from "any" place on the planet, I can turn on the boiler to warm up the dacha before arrival.
Almost everything works automatically, the rest is very easy to explain to women (I set myself the goal of the simplest operation of the house by "unqualified personnel"). For example, in summer, if the water in the boiler has cooled down, then at 6 in the morning (so as not to add temperature during the day), the boiler will turn on for 25-40 minutes to heat it up (in winter it heats up anyway).
In the plans (in terms of automation and protection):- I make lightning protection - I welded a lightning rod to the casing pipe of the well, because it is an excellent grounding, I thought over almost the entire design of the external lightning protection (the internal one was made),
- autonomous (from buttons and a servo drive) opening-closing of the access hatch to the 2nd floor (to save heat and cold on the first floor, for example, at night and in the absence of people) - the only air conditioner in the house will be above the hatch, and the hatch will be limited or no flow of cold air down and warm (in winter) up,
- cellar (with temperature control at two points (Ksitalom) and possibly humidity),
- I'm getting close to the Bioxi bio-sewerage technology in the non-maintenance mode (full automation). Well, at least - increasing the service period at times.
In my opinion, all this is quite enough for a house that should not be smarter (and, most importantly, more expensive) than its owner. And therefore it is better to call him obedient, as someone on this forum very successfully suggested. And I will add - also persistent, like the famous Tin Soldier!

To ensure the stable and smooth operation of all systems in the house, the controller will help smart home. This device is designed to control household appliances, lamps and other elements. All programs are stored in the controller's memory, thanks to which the equipment performs its functions. Another of the tasks of the smart home controller is to synchronize all smart home systems with mobile device the owner of the premises, office, home and others.

What can the product do, and what are its capabilities?

All modern smart home control and management devices are equipped with sensors. With their help, you can analyze the state of health of systems. He also decides how to complete a given task at the lowest cost.

This product has a lot of features. With it, you can adjust the brightness of lamps and other light sources, run a shower or take a bath, turn on a toaster or kettle. Also, the smart home control controller can:

  • Control the operation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Start and turn off heating sources (column, heaters).
  • Block windows and doors.
  • Adjust blinds and shutters.
  • Turn on multimedia systems and other settings.

An important step in the selection of devices is the definition of product requirements. They are usually divided into two groups: with the expansion option and multifunctional. It is possible to transfer information from one device to another and to the controller via the Internet or wireless connections.

Installation of such elements of a smart home is carried out by professionals. There are no difficulties with installation. In case of failure, repair and service is easy to do.


The main advantage is the quick completion of tasks. Also, the advantages include work without the participation of the owner. You can program appliances to turn on when you arrive home, or turn on the heating when you are at home and turn it off when the house is empty. This saves power consumption.

You can buy a smart home controller in a Rusmarta specialized store. We offer favorable terms of purchase, a guarantee for goods and low prices. Terms of payment and delivery will suit every buyer. You can pay upon receipt or pay in advance. Delivery is carried out in all regions of Russia.

You can always buy a set of smart home Guard from us at a bargain price from the manufacturer.

What is the most important thing in any home? Definitely safety. Our home is our fortress, but this is possible only if we feel protected in it. And the systems, or GSM modules for the "smart home", will help in this, in a wide range presented in our online store:

    Integrated management. It is carried out using a central control unit. Allows you to monitor temperature, control sensors for water leakage, gas, movement, mains voltage, lighting and others. In case of any emergency, they will notify you by phone about the problem. You can also submit your own request. Through the unit, you can control all the sensors installed in the house, regardless of their number.

    Magnetic key. With this device, you can automatically arm and disarm the security system.

    Light and sound annunciator. This device will instantly inform you about any abnormal situation. It is enough just to set it up in advance and indicate in which situations it should work.

We offer GSM modules for "smart home" from leading manufacturing companies - EctoControl, E-Robot, Strazh.

Sensors of important indicators

In the "smart home" you can install just an unthinkable number of sensors. Our online store has a wide selection, so you will surely find what you need with us.

We are offering to you:

    Temperature sensors, natural gas leaks, water leaks, liquid levels in various tanks. They monitor the set parameters and will inform you in case of any failure.

    AC contactors. Allows remote control of electrical equipment.

We draw your attention to smart room control systems. These are the integrated control blocks:

    monitor the leakage of water, gas, smoke, etc. and instantly signal this by phone or via SMS;

    have a room temperature sensor;

    perform a security function using a motion sensor - they react to the opening of doors, gates, etc.

In any non-standard situation, the system will notify you by phone or SMS.

Our range of GSM modules for "smart home" can be found on the pages of the sites, and to find out more detailed information about a particular product, please call. Our managers will give you comprehensive advice, comparative analysis systems and help you make the right choice.