After Peter's College. Selection committee. College Petrovsky: reviews

Is Petrovsky College. According to educational portals, this college is in the top ten most popular educational institutions in the region.

It is in this educational institution that those who do not wish to receive a complete secondary education at school can continue their education. The college trains highly qualified specialists in the technological field, who can later get a job both in our country and abroad. The educational institution has a rich history and is in no way inferior to universities in terms of the level of knowledge received by its students.

History of Petrovsky College: the era of the USSR

The educational institution was founded in a difficult year for the Soviet Union - in 1944. Then it was called the Industrial College of Labor Reserves, it was supposed to train specialists for training in railway and vocational schools, as well as factory training schools.

On October 1, 1944, the technical school began its work, 200 students were accepted. In parallel with the training, the workshops produced products that were later sold in the country's subsidiary farms devastated by the war. In 1946, new specialties of the pedagogical type were opened at the technical school, a year later the evening department began its work.

In 1953, a college was established at the technical school, which lasted 29 years. The department produced specialists capable of working with technology Since 1983, the technical school has been preparing personnel for foreign countries, foreign students are allowed to participate in all types of educational and extracurricular activities.

Petrovsky College after perestroika

Shortly before the events of 1991, the technical school became known as the Leningrad Industrial and Pedagogical College. Completely different requirements began to be presented to the educational institution, the material and technical base was improved in it. In 1992, a social and legal department was created, whose students can work as lawyers and customs officers.

In the 1990s, the training of specialists in the field of social pedagogy and physical culture, students of these two departments actively cooperate with the leading universities of the northern capital. In 1992, the IPC became the spokesperson for the renowned City & Guilds Council in the UK.

In 1997, the IPK received its current name - Petrovsky College. In the early 2000s, new specialties and departments were opened. Faculties of aesthetics and hairdressing and technical support of computers. Additional specialties have been opened, the college actively cooperates with foreign colleagues and participates in joint projects with them.

College Petrovsky: reviews

On the official website of the educational institution, students and parents can leave their feedback and wishes about the work of the college. Mostly the reviews are positive, students like the system by which the training is carried out. After college, the majority express a desire to continue their education in universities.

Of course, there are those who do not like Petrovsky College, the reviews are direct proof of this. Some students express dissatisfaction with the bureaucratic costs of education, in particular, this is observed in the evening and correspondence departments. However, this does not affect the immediate learning process too much.

Petrovsky College and International Cooperation

Petrovsky College is famous for its international projects, in which not only teachers, but also students are allowed to participate. The most famous of them for last years became Healthy Urban Life and Taitaja-2013. The first project was implemented jointly with students from Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and students and teachers from the French city of Lyon took part in the implementation of the second.

Every year, new projects draw attention to the college, which is already known far beyond the borders of Russia. Students from the educational institution periodically participate in the exchange program, according to which they change with their colleagues from Hamburg, a city that is twinned with St. Petersburg.

How to enter an educational institution?

Petrovsky College (St. Petersburg) has a number of requirements for all its potential students. In particular, it is necessary to submit a whole package of documents to the commission. It's about about a photocopy of the passport, a certificate of primary secondary education, a medical certificate in the form 086-y, as well as 4 photographs sized 3 x 4.

Among other things, you will need to submit a photocopy of the passport of one of the parents if the applicant has not reached the age of majority. Acceptance of documents from such applicants is carried out only in the presence of legal representatives, they are required to sign the relevant documents on admission.

After submitting all the necessary papers to the Petrovsky College, the admissions committee must calculate the average score on the certificate of the future student, and then enter it into the register of all applicants. Specialists add up the grades for all available subjects, after which the resulting number is divided by the number of disciplines. Next, the ranking of applicants takes place, after which lists of those recommended for enrollment are formed.

The work of the selection committee

In early March, the official website of the college publishes information about current specialties for which applicants will be recruited in the next academic year. Admissions officers also publish data on admission rules, documents on entrance examinations, information on programs according to which training will be carried out.

Reception of documents begins in mid-June and lasts for two months. In the same period, applicants have to take entrance exams. After August 14, those who enter only according to the results of the ranking of certificates will not be able to submit documents, after July 31 - those who enter only according to the results of exams. The deadline for accepting documents for the correspondence department is from July 1 to September 20.

Do they provide hostel?

Petrovsky College, whose hostel is provided not only to non-resident students, but also to students living in St. Petersburg, is open from September to June. To obtain a place in a hostel, you will need to report the need for it when submitting documents to the college, then the admissions staff will be able to submit the appropriate application.

According to existing rules, each faculty is provided with a certain number of allocated places. At the same time, the hostel is not provided for all specialties of the college, detailed information on the number of available places at the faculties is published in early July.

College branches: Petrozavodsk


The choice of a profession is one of the main life choices made by a person at a young age. It's a choice life path. This choice is very important both for the individual and for society. And the right choice allows you to avoid disappointment, to protect yourself from uncertainty about the future.

College "PetroStroyService" recruits applicants

based on 8th, 9th and 11th grades.

ACCEPTANCE OF DOCUMENTS college is carried out from 03/01/20 to 08/15/2020.

You need to provide the original document on education (for those who pass through the lists) before August 15, 2020 by 16-30, and you must also provide all other necessary documents for admission.


  • Pass exams at school and get a certificate;
  • Collect all necessary documents;
  • Bring the entire package of documents to the college;
  • Write an application, submit all prepared documents;
  • Closely monitor the course of the selection committee.


  • State Diploma;
  • College admission without entrance exams;
  • Free education;
  • Scholarship;
  • Hot food;
  • Reduced travel ticket;
  • Postponement from conscription into the army;
  • Help in finding a job.


  • Admission to study at the college "PetroStroyService" is made on a personal application (download) and on the basis of documents required for admission for citizens of the Russian Federation:
  • Document on education: certificate (grade 9, 11) / personal file (grade 8
  • Copy of passport (2 pcs.) (2.3 pages of passport + page with valid registration on one side of the sheet)
  • Copy of birth certificate (provided if applicant is under 18)
  • 6 photos (3x4)

When applying for admission to the college, Foreign citizens and stateless persons, including Compatriots living abroad, present:

  • Original identity document and duly notarized translation into Russian of this document;
  • Original birth certificate and duly notarized translation into Russian of this document (provided if the applicant is under 18 years old)
  • The original document on education, annexes to it and a notarized translation into Russian of these documents in accordance with the established procedure;
  • 6 photos (3x4)

Additional documents FOR ALL APPLICANTS:

  • SNILS (copy)
  • TIN (copy)
  • Registration information:

f-9 (permanent registration - original) or

f-3 temporary registration - copy)

  • Attributed from the RVC (for boys over 16 years old, copy of pages 1, 2, 3, 8)

Medical documents (in original):

  • Vaccination Certificate
  • Form 086-u (in the conclusion of the certificate, professional suitability for the profession that the applicant has chosen to enter the college must be indicated)
  • Form 063 (Vaccination Statement)
  • Copy of medical policy (1 pc.)
  • Certificates from tuberculosis, neuropsychiatric, and narcological dispensaries.
  • Additional list of documents for enrollment of persons from among orphans
  • Additional list of documents for enrollment of persons from among children from large families



Specialty code


Admission Plan

Based on 11 classes


Applied geodesy


43.01.09 Cook, confectioner 25

Based on 9 classes


Applied geodesy


Construction and operation of buildings and structures


Information systems (by industry)


Cooking and confectionery


Chef confectioner


Master of finishing construction and decorative works


Welder (manual and partially mechanized welding (surfacing)


Auto Mechanic


Master of carpentry and furniture production

Based on 8 classes





For graduates correctional schools I, II type


Cook, confectioner

For graduates of correctional schools of the VIII type









Contact phone numbers:

1st platform 393-41-88

2nd platform 534-17-49

In the section Applicants/ Selection committee/ Check admission

When submitting documents, the average score of the certificate is calculated.A rating is compiled in accordance with the scores (from highest to lowest).
After the completion of the acceptance of documents August 15, 2020 until 16.30 and providing the original document on education (for those who went through the lists) on August 16 until 16.30, the lists of applicants recommended for enrollment and who provided the original documents on education will be posted on the official website of the college.
Enrollment on August 20-25, 2020 is carried out if the College Admissions Office has the original state document on education and other documents required for admission.
There are no specific passing scores for admission. Everyone has the right to apply for admission.
The passing score will be known at the end of the admission and will depend on the number of applications submitted and the average score of applicants' certificates.


1 site - Primorsky district
197227, St. Petersburg, Sizova Ave., 17.
Phone: 393-41-88
m. "Pionerskaya", m. "Komendantsky prospect"
Bus: 127, 184, 79, 170, 171;
Trolleybus: 25, 50;
Tram: 47, 55.

Secretary of the Admissions Committee - Anachka Yulia Sergeevna

2 playground - Kalininsky district

195220, St. Petersburg, Nepokorennykh Ave., 13/7.
Phone: 534-17-49; 534-17-53.
m. "Square of Courage"
Bus: 40, 80, 123;
Trolleybus: 4, 6, 31.

Secretary of the admission committee - Fedulova Ninel Viktorovna


Monday - Friday from 10.00 to 17.00

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

We are in the social networks:

Dear applicants!

The Admissions Committee has selected the most popular of your questions and is happy to publish the answers to them. We hope that our answers will be complete and useful for you! Before dialing the phone number of the Admissions Committee, we suggest that you carefully read the information on our website. In the "Applicant" section you can find any information you are interested in: admission plan, list of specialties, terms of study and much more.

When applying for admission to the College, you must provide:

  • Passport and a photocopy of the passport (2, 3 pages and a page with a valid registration);
  • Education document;
  • 4 photos size 3x4
  • Medical certificate 086-y (For the current year) + photocopy
  • Have the data of the passport of one of the parents (legal representatives) with you;

When submitting documents by Russian Post:

  • A photocopy of the passport (2, 3 pages and a page with a valid registration);
  • A photocopy of the document on education - certified in accordance with the law;
  • 4 photos size 3x4
  • Photocopy of medical certificate 086-u (For the current year)
  • Completed consent to the processing of personal data

Acceptance of documents from applicants under the age of 18 and acceptance of documents for training with full reimbursement of costs (commercial training) is carried out only in the presence of parents (legal representatives). (Art. 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 55 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation "dated December 29, 2012 No. 273)

Copies of documents do not need to be certified if you present the original document of education in person at the Admissions Committee. In this case, the Admissions Committee employee certifies the copy on his own. An uncertified copy of the document on education (without presenting the original) will not be accepted for consideration by the Admissions Committee. In the absence of the original certificate, when submitting documents, a notarized copy of the document on education is provided.

When submitting documents, only a copy of the certificate of form 086-y is needed. Applicants enrolled for training by order of enrollment, in accordance with the schedule of individual interviews (usually from 08.22 to 08.28), must provide the original medical certificate 086-u, a certificate of preventive vaccinations and a certificate from the TB dispensary with fluorography for the current year to the educational unit . Students of preferential categories additionally need to provide documents confirming the availability of benefits.

You send a completed application, consent to the processing of personal data and documents according to the list by registered mail with a description of the investment and notification to the address of the Admission Committee: 198095, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Baltiyskaya, d.35.

You must have a second copy of the inventory and receipt. Please note that the documents must be received by the Admissions Committee before the date indicated in the Admission Rules.

Please note that in order to enroll in training, the original document of education must be submitted in person to the admissions committee before August 14.

  1. When submitting documents, the average score of the applicant's certificate is calculated. Calculation of the average score of the certificate: all grades in subjects are added up, and the resulting amount is divided by the number of subjects.
  2. In accordance with the average score of the certificate, applicants are distributed according to the ranking (according to the list from the highest average score to the lowest)
  3. Rating lists are published on the website during the entire period of acceptance of documents.
  4. After the end of admission (August 14), applicants are submitted for enrollment who have provided the original certificate and are included in the number corresponding to the admission control numbers in the specialty

In accordance with the law "On military duty and military service" dated 28.03.1998. No. 53-ФЗ the right to deferment from conscription for military service is granted to persons studying full-time:

« IN the period of mastering professional educational programs, but not more than the terms for obtaining secondary vocational education specified by federal state educational standards. (Article 24, paragraph 2, paragraph a, as amended by the Federal Law of October 14, 2014 No. 302-FZ)

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in Russian Federation» for persons entering colleges and technical schools, defines the principle of universal access to education. The concepts of “the right to preferential admission”, “preferential categories” do not exist. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2014 No. 36 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to training in educational programs secondary vocational education” all categories of citizens enter on equal terms, admission to college is publicly available.

To participate in the competition, you can submit a certified copy of the document of education, but admission to the college is carried out solely on the basis of the original document of education. The original certificate must be submitted to the selection committee no later than August 14.

Educational building No. 1 (main building) - St. Petersburg, Baltiyskaya street, house 35;

Educational building No. 2 - St. Petersburg, Okhotnichiy lane 7;

Educational building No. 3 - St. Petersburg, Baltiyskaya street 26;

Educational building No. 4 - St. Petersburg, Shvetsova street 22;

Educational building No. 5 - St. Petersburg, Kurlyandskaya street 39;

Educational building No. 6 - St. Petersburg, Mokhovaya street 6;

Well, it's time for my confession)

I will express myself as correctly as possible, but I hope you understand my message.


To begin with, this college seems to be the largest in St. Petersburg. Or, anyway, it's pretty big. And this is one of its troubles "advantages". We know a lot of examples from life (and history) when a huge clumsy colossus is created ...

Well, the repair is nothing like that. True, except for the building on Okhotnichey Lane (it's scary there).

It is located, in principle, conveniently - a maximum of 10 minutes from Narva (to Kurlyandskaya 20). The road, however, is not very scenic.


So. The departments themselves are also quite large, there are many groups. In the training section, only helping pets are expected, we do not want to see the rest. And we love to raise our voice. So we got the experience of communicating with the authorities ... (at least in the first department, so).

I'll tell you about the departments: the first thing is ... how to say ... the atmosphere there is like in some district executive committee. In terms of work and employee relations. How many times WE found ourselves to blame for it is not at all clear what (well, that's true, well, it wasn't our jambs ... you know, whose). In other departments, the situation seemed to be better. No, but what, we have a department of finance, economics and law ...

At OIPTIS (department of designers, hairdressers), the guys were really well trained in craftsmanship, participated in various competitions. Many went their own way. Technical guys too. They all enjoyed learning. Everyone took the college in stride.


I’ll tell you right away about the hitch: oh, sobsna, after the release, who are we? Specialists in land and property relations. What do we want? Work! Where? In Rosreestr for 15 thousand!

Here. Such not very bright prospects, and even then they may not be taken. The opportunity is high if you are lucky enough to have an internship in the desired place. Of the options:

  • Rosreestr
  • City exchange
  • Real estate agencies
  • Construction companies
  • Surveying firms (this would be a good option)

It seems like everything. Well, of course, everyone decides for himself. But most of the girls are now doing completely different things, a la nails and make-up, the boys somehow didn’t really like it either. And without a tower and connections, the prospects are not very good.

That is, at the end you are not a cadastral officer, not a surveyor, not an appraiser. It is not clear who. A little bit of everything.


The first year in the building on Kurlyandskaya is a fairy tale. All I can say. After the first course, not so good.

Frankly, there are strict teachers (for example, geodesy), but after them something definitely remains in the brain. There are professors who can't organize their time AT ALL. Well, that is, in pairs, a complete random - you don’t know what to expect. And this takes on a completely negative character and causes the bombing of the entire group. I will not name names, who knows, he will understand;)


And here, so to speak, the highlight of the program.


What? How do you not understand?!

You will just give 1500 a month. All 4 years.

"You will have more hours of English for this! Plus, we analyzed the stories of students from previous years and added new additional disciplines so that you become the best specialists with a wide coverage!"

Spoiler: these courses could not have been useful to us in any way - they were simply not the topic. Not all, but many. English was standard once a week. Draw your own conclusions. If you don't want to pay, they will force you.


We saw a lot there. The college is not bad, but I don't like the OFEP department.

In college we:

  • learned how to print a huge pile of reports
  • spent a lot of nerves
  • wasted a lot of time (very often doing nothing / doing nonsense)
  • got some knowledge
  • spent money

The situation, in principle, is not supernatural - it is so almost everywhere. I hope my review helps someone.

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education `Petrovsky College`

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At the moment, the College of Food Technology has trained over 20 thousand skilled workers, and also formed a team of engineering and teaching staff, largely consisting of graduates; developed their own traditions of training workers; a high level of professional excellence has been achieved in working with students and trainees from the masters of industrial training and teachers. Currently, our graduates are competitive in the labor market and have the opportunity to choose a place of work, or they can continue their studies at higher educational institutions.

St. Petersburg College of Architecture and Civil Engineering was founded on November 29, 1908 by civil engineer Mikhail Alekseevich Schummer. Today the college employs 85 highly qualified teachers. Over the years of work, the college has trained more than 32 thousand specialists who successfully work in design and construction organizations, architectural workshops and design studios in St. Petersburg, Russia and other countries.

St. Petersburg Medical and Technical College of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad, thanks to its teachers and students - experienced and highly qualified specialists. Until recently, the college remained the only one, and on this moment is the leading secondary special education in Russia educational institution for the training of specialists in medical optics. Nonresident students have the opportunity to live in a comfortable student hostel, which is located in one of the most famous and beautiful suburbs of St. Petersburg - in Peterhof.