What does an elephant with a trunk up mean. What does the symbol in the form of an elephant mean in various senses. Elephants in the culture of the peoples of Asia

IN Eastern countries, India and Africa the elephant is considered one of the most revered animals. He personifies wisdom, good nature, longevity and greatness. It is not surprising that the amulet figurine is a powerful talisman for protecting the house and fulfilling desires. Let us consider in more detail the features of the symbol and ways to activate its powerful power.

Different meanings of the Elephant Mascot in different cultures

Elephants have earned respect in different countries of the world and religions. In ancient times, it was believed that it was 3 elephants that supported the vault of heaven and the planet itself.

There is various interpretations talisman:

  1. Christianity. An elephant crushing a snake appears as a winner in the confrontation between light and darkness.
  2. Buddhism. Here the animal refers to the appearance of the Buddha. According to legend, the Mayan queen dreamed of a white elephant entering her right side. Astrologers prophesied to a woman the imminent appearance of a boy who would become a great ruler or enlightened. It is a symbol of wisdom, prudence, love and stability.
  3. Among the peoples of India. The animal is considered the king of animals, personifies longevity, invincible strength, health. The progenitor of all elephants is Airatva, a mythical creature that emerged from the world's oceans. The image of the elephant is associated with the god Ganesha.
  4. Chinese Feng Shui uses an amulet to bring prosperity. It is believed that a figurine of an animal with a long trunk can attract good luck to a person in the same way as an elephant does when drinking water.

Types of talismans

It is difficult to single out any one meaning of this talisman. His image is associated with many qualities and is used to achieve various goals.

Elephant with trunk down

Such amulets are extremely rare. Many people mistakenly believe that the trunk looking down brings sadness and depressive mood.

The talisman will bring constancy, peace, the joy of motherhood and family happiness to the house. The lowered trunk represents abundance and fertility, protects from evil spirits. It is desirable to place the figurine in the bedroom, nursery or living room.

With a raised trunk

Such an image of an animal is considered the most common. By bending its trunk, the elephant enjoys life and attracts positive energy.. If he does not give in to obstacles and does not lower his trunk, his owner should only hope for the best.

Such a figurine will become a magnet for money, good luck and all sorts of benefits. The talisman is placed only facing the window. This will make it possible to find a lucky star in the sky that will bring happiness to the house.

Number of figurines

Various figurines are available for sale. Each will have its own meaning and effect. The number of elephants has a big influence:

  • 1. Protects from negative energy and brings good luck to the house. Add attractiveness to your owner and increase self-esteem.
  • 2. Help to meet a loved one.
  • Elephant with a cub or a couple. This is a symbol of the appearance of offspring, the protection of children and the strengthening of family ties.

  • 3. Contribute to the appearance of the baby.

  • 4.0 Help the owner to get rich, and bring stability to the house.
  • 5. They will bring changes to life, help in new beginnings.

  • 6. Help in love and communication with the second half.
  • 7. A magic number, personifying the complete harmony of the good.
  • 8. They will protect you in difficult situations, help you find the right solution.
  • 9. Promote the development of mental abilities.
  • 10. Promise dramatic changes for the better.
  • 11. Give the owner health, strength and good spirits.

Attention! When purchasing a figurine, you should find out in advance its features and secret meaning.

Charm of family and harmony - 7 elephants

7 elephants are able to bring complete well-being in everything. The symbol was initially endowed with powerful power, as it combines the number 7, which is very significant for everyone.

The talisman is considered a model of harmony and balance, carries everything you need for a happy life.

Can I bet with other talismans?

In stores you can find a variety of figurines, complemented by different animals. You can often see a toad on an elephant. It is worth knowing that the elephant is an independent talisman. It is not worth connecting it with other amulets. If failures began in life, it is worth examining the apartment for the contradiction of different talismans.

Location selection

The location of the figurine determines its impact and the power it exerts..

For the mascot, you can choose the following places:

  1. Two figures opposite the entrance to the dwelling will protect from unexpected guests and negativity.
  2. Sharp corners carry negative Sha energy. Figures turned by the trunk to the corners will protect from harmful effects.
  3. Northwest side of the house. The talisman will support the head of the family and normalize relations.
  4. Southeast. The figurine will bring stability and will contribute to financial growth.
  5. East side of the house. The owner will become stronger or more resilient.
  6. The figurine on the desktop will increase efficiency and help in new endeavors.
  7. In the children's room, the figurine helps the child to fall in love with knowledge, become more diligent and patient.

Reference! To achieve harmony, you should not put the figurine in dark corners and on unkempt shelves.


A popular talisman with an elephant and a baby elephant inside of sandalwood.

Rubber toys and posters work well. Only the symbol itself matters, so the amulet can be made with your own hands.

Talisman activation

This amulet, unlike others, does not need special activation. His magical power works without rituals. It is important to love the elephant and appease him well. To do this, you can hang a precious metal chain on the figurine, and decorate the picture with sparkles or other decor. Only ivory jewelry can anger an animal.

Elephants are inherently endowed with unique characteristics. They are loved and respected different countries. Knowing how to use the figurine correctly, you can dramatically improve your life.

In the countries of the East, India and Africa, the elephant is one of the most revered animals. In Indian epics, he is presented as the King of beasts, and in Christianity, as the winner of Ancient Evil. Even the vault of heaven and the earth itself was once supported by a trinity of these huge animals. It is not surprising that the elephant amulet is one of the most powerful symbols for protecting the home and gaining what you want.

In this thread:

After all, elephants are naturally endowed with exceptional characteristics. For all their strength and impressive size, they are graceful and slow, kind and patient. To this are added such traits as peacefulness, moderation, wisdom and longevity. That is, everything that a person essentially aspires to.

Variety of meanings

In fact, it is difficult to single out any single meaning of the elephant talisman. His image includes too many qualities, and therefore is considered universal and is used for various purposes.

Basically it depends on what exactly you want to get from the talisman. For example, an amulet in the form of an elephant gives its owners good health and long life. But again, it doesn't magically happen. It's all about moderation, which the elephant reminds of.

The same property applies to the attitude towards money and its spending. The elephant calls for abandoning squandering, spending money thoughtfully and economically. This is what most often helps to achieve the desired wealth and wealth. According to some reports, the elephant favors the conception of children, as it is a symbol of fertility and productivity.

By the way, the image of an elephant is very common in heraldry, which is not surprising at all. This animal is endowed with great wisdom and prudence in making decisions, goodwill towards the world and at the same time decisiveness in achieving the goal. Moreover, the drawing of an elephant on banners, coats of arms and insignia not only informs others about all these qualities, but also helps the owner to acquire them.

Talisman options

In fact, it all depends on the features of the amulet that you decide to choose. For example, to attract money, all sorts of benefits and good luck, the elephant talisman with its trunk raised up is ideal. But you need to put it exclusively "face" to the window. According to the old rules, the elephant himself will find your lucky star in the night sky, which will bring everything you want into the house.

If the elephant's trunk is lowered on the talisman, it symbolizes abundance and fertility, protects from evil spirits and the negative influence of the surrounding world. Best of all, such an elephant amulet works in rooms designed for relaxation and direct living (bedroom, nursery, living room).

Motherhood and family values ​​are personified by a pair of elephants or an elephant with a baby elephant. It is believed that the last talisman helps childless couples to have a baby. If there are already children, then the same amulet will improve relations between generations.

Important! Apart from universal application various images of elephants also have a narrowly focused effect. And this must be taken into account when choosing them for a specific purpose.

Symbol of harmony

Another most common amulet consists of 7 elephants. This symbol was originally endowed with incredible strength and power, as it combines the number 7, which in itself is very significant.

In ancient legends, it is associated with the 7 main Chinese gods, 7 metals, 7 planets, etc. At its core, the seven elephant talisman is an example of universal harmony and balance. Therefore, the sign helps to gain health, luck, prosperity, trust and everything that a person needs for a happy life.

Self-sufficiency of the amulet

By the way, today on the counters of souvenir shops you can find figurines of elephants, complemented by other significant symbols (for example, a toad).

However, the elephant as a talisman is considered self-sufficient, and you should not combine it with other equally strong elements. If, after acquiring such a thing, a losing streak began, this only means that the main symbols came into opposition.

It is believed that the talisman of an elephant with a raised trunk contributes to the acquisition and accumulation of positive energies. Whereas the figurine or image of an elephant with a lowered proboscis rather preserves and multiplies what was previously acquired. And besides, it clears the space of negative energy.

And although not of great importance, where exactly to put the elephant amulet, you should still follow some recommendations:

  • The universal place for the amulet is the southeastern and northwestern parts of the room.
  • An elephant with a raised trunk works best directly on the windowsill. Here he is much closer to the stars and can draw in and then direct the flow of positive energy into the house.
  • If you need to protect yourself from unkind people and negativity coming from outside, then the talisman should be placed as close as possible to front door.
  • In addition, the elephant amulet neutralizes the negative energy that enters our world from certain places (for example, sharp corners). To do this, you need to install the figure (or drawing) so that it looks just in the direction of the unfavorable area.
  • If you want to get an influential patron, then the baby elephant should stand strictly in the northwestern part of the room. In the same place, the talisman has a favorable effect on the head of the family, supports him and gives good luck.
  • To gain financial stability, elephants are best located in the southeast sector.
  • If you put a couple of elephants on the bedside table, they will help the married couple find harmonious relationships, keep love and fidelity.
  • In order for a child to fall in love with knowledge, become more patient and diligent, there must be an elephant amulet in his room.
  • And of course, you can not do without this all-powerful amulet in the workplace. Moreover, you can even use a simple drawing, postcard or picture.

Material for manufacturing

What should the elephant talisman be made of so that it brings the greatest benefit? There are no strict recommendations on this issue. Moreover, the elephant can be made of almost any material, from metal to wood, ceramics, wood.

Even soft and rubber toys, images of elephants in photographs and paintings work effectively. In fact, only the symbol itself matters. Therefore, a working amulet can be made with your own hands even from a piece of fabric.

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it and observe the measure. The abundance of various elephants will violate the harmony of the Universe, and it will not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Activation Features

The elephant talisman works flawlessly and does not need any activation. Its magical power does not need to be increased at all with the help of any rituals or ceremonies. But it is desirable to appease the elephant.

What is needed for this? You can hang a small precious metal chain on the figurine, decorate a frame for a photo or a picture with rhinestones, shiny beads, and a cute home-made decor. The only thing to avoid is ivory jewelry. They can make the elephant angry, and instead of good, you will get a lot of problems, illness and failure.

The elephant occupies a very large place in the culture of India, and this is due not only to the fact that it is the largest animal, but also to its intellectual qualities and character traits, and the excellent memory of elephants has become a proverb.

Elephant as a symbol

The elephant for India is first of all a symbol of the wisdom of kindness, it is very auspicious symbol Therefore, images of elephants can also be found as an element of decoration in temples, in house decorations, beloved by tourists - the sandalwood elephant also brings good luck. And of course elephants are depicted on clothes, the elephant motif is one of the favorite ornaments of the Indians, you can see it on printed fabrics and in embroideries.

But the elephant is also the personification of strength, power and royalty, it was in this capacity that they were used by the rulers, and for this reason elephants are quite often depicted in palaces.

Elephants in the life and history of India

Airavata is the progenitor of all the elephants in the world, and there are 2 legends about his own birth. The first says that when the gods and asuras churned the world, 9 jewels began to rise from it, one of which was a white elephant. This origin is also indicated by his name Airavata, which means "son of Iravanti", and "iravant" means "drink", "ocean" (BL Smirnov's dictionary to the Bhagavad Gita). The second myth says that Airavata and 7 more elephants were born from the shell of the world egg of Brahma, and they became the guardians of 8 cardinal directions.

The most famous deity of Hindu mythology associated with elephants is the Hindu god Ganesh, he has the head of an elephant, but please do not believe that Ganesha is an elephant, it is not. Legend has it that the little boy Ganesha was guarding his mother's quarters when he came, who did not know of his existence. In general, Shiva cut off the head of the child, and when it turned out who was who, I had to urgently attach the head of another creature to the body, so they attached the head of a little elephant, I posted a short cartoon on the topic of this myth. Otherwise, Ganesha is a completely anthropomorphic god, and he is also the god of wisdom and knowledge, he is often depicted at his feet.

Feng Shui is the practice of organizing the surrounding space, the main concept of which is the existence of Qi (heavenly happiness) - energy flows that do not depend on a person and time. Changing the Earth itself, its movement can introduce energy imbalance, causing difficulties and diseases. The balance of energy flows can be achieved over time or under the influence of positive energy, which a person in a difficult situation seeks in spiritual or physical practices. Talismans and amulets, as the personification of positive energy, help to activate Qi flows, thereby bringing health, good luck and happiness. One of the most powerful and striking symbols is the elephant.

Since ancient times, the elephant has been a sacred animal in Eastern culture; its image is present on the emblems of some African and Asian countries.

So, in India, the god of happiness Ganesha is represented as a man with the head of an elephant, in addition, in Indian culture, Dinnags (cosmic elephants) are the keepers of the world, holding the Universe on their tusks. And as long as the animals are calm, nothing threatens humanity.

In China, Africa and Thailand, the elephant is a symbol of supreme power, protects from evil spirits and symbolizes wisdom, stability, strength, knowledge, longevity and prosperity.

In the practice of Feng Shui, the elephant symbol has a very strong energy. It activates and strengthens Qi and brings health, peace of mind, harmony and good luck to the house, just put the figurine in a prominent place.

The talisman can be made from any material. Plastic, bronze, fabric or metal - it doesn't matter at all. It is forbidden to use only figurines made of ivory.

The number of elephants is of no small importance:

A single white elephant figurine enhances the flow of Qi and ensures family well-being.

Man, Earth and Sky, their unity is personified by three figurines. They will allow you to find physical and spiritual harmony, to achieve balance and harmony in the house.

The seven elephants symbolize the completed cycle of the moon. In practice, the number seven itself means completeness. Figurines will increase positive energy and activate one or another sector.

In addition to the number of figurines, their symbolism may vary depending on the position of the animal's trunk.

trunk up

The figurine of an elephant with its trunk raised up symbolizes material wealth, stability and prosperity. A stream of financial well-being and positive energy will pour on the owner of this figurine. It is recommended to give it to the head of the family or leader.

In addition, the sound made by the animal means a victory cry. Therefore, an elephant with its trunk raised up will bring good luck in business and victory in the professional field.

Trunk lowered

It is customary to give a figurine with a lowered trunk, as well as an elephant with a baby elephant, to women. They symbolize motherhood, fertility, family well-being, protect from troubles and quarrels. In addition, the animal will become a talisman not only for the mother, but also for her children.

According to some reports, a single figurine in the form of an elephant with a lowered trunk will lead to the development of depression and despondency. Therefore, to activate positive energy, it must be installed in the bedroom. In addition, there is an opinion that such a figurine at the head of the bed can contribute to the replenishment in the family of those who have problems with conception.


When choosing a place for an elephant figurine, you must be guided by the desired effect. In the practice of Feng Shui, the location of symbols in certain sectors is of great importance:

  1. It is believed that if you install paired figures at the door leading to the house, facing the incoming person, then you can not be afraid of the visits of people with negative energy. Elephants will reliably protect the home and neutralize negative messages.
  2. To attract good luck, you need to place the figurine on the windowsill so that the elephant faces the street. Then the animal will draw good luck and positive energy from the outside and bring it to its owners, and if you turn it with its trunk inward, it is believed that the elephant will preserve and increase the existing success and luck.
  3. Southeast in the practice of Feng Shui is the sector of Wealth. Therefore, if an elephant with a raised trunk has found a place in this zone, then he will bring financial well-being. For the greatest effect you need to decorate it with decorations. Or purchase a figurine of a wooden elephant in red or green color, standing on coins. An elephant with a toad or a monkey sitting on its back is also considered a powerful talisman that brings material benefits.
  4. The southern sector is the zone of Glory. In it you need to put a red elephant figurine.
  5. Paired statuettes, located in the southwest direction and having yellow hues, will attract love, family well-being to your home, strengthen marriage, save you from betrayal, or allow single people to find their soul mate.
  6. A beige elephant in the northeast will bring wisdom, knowledge and academic success.
  7. The northern zone in the practice of Feng Shui has the greatest influence on the owner, his authority and career. Therefore, the installed blue or black elephant in this sector will help the head of the family in business.
  8. The northwest is the zone of the mentor or assistant, so a white metal elephant talisman set in it will help attract a powerful patron.
  9. The East is the sector of the family. The figurine located in it will improve family relationships, reduce disagreements. In this zone, it is better to place a figurine made of wood and painted green.
  10. The white metal elephant, located in the west, will avoid difficulties in communicating with children and develop creativity.
  11. In the central zone, it is necessary to place figures with yellow or orange hues. They contribute to longevity and health.
  12. The desktop area is also important. The elephant located on it will help strengthen the position and move up the career ladder.

How to activate the talisman?

In order for your talisman to start working, you need to activate it, wake it up. To do this, you need to perform some simple manipulations:

  1. The figurine must be placed in a lighted place. If it is in the Wealth zone, then money is placed under the figurine - bills or coins. In other areas, you need to put a colorful rug or napkin under the elephant's feet, decorate with flowers or jewelry: beads, earrings, pendants.
  2. Positive vibrations also contribute to the activation of the talisman. Talk to the animal, praise, admire it.
  3. Keep figurines free of dust, dirt or cobwebs. Clean them periodically.

In addition to figurines, any images of an animal can become a talisman: paintings, embroideries, appliqués, as well as soft toys. You can wear rings, pendants and others Jewelry in the form of elephants.

To attract positive vibration into the house, it is important not only the presence of talismans and amulets. It is also necessary to get rid of old unnecessary things that carry the energy of stagnation, and keep the housing clean.

The elephant is one of the most significant symbols of the Feng Shui teachings. In Asian countries, this wise, hardworking animal is still revered. In Buddhism, the elephant is one of the sacred animals. And not in vain. After all, an elephant figurine located in the house is able to change the life of its owner for the better. So what are the properties endowed with an elephant figurine, and where is it better to install it to bring good luck to the house?

The meaning of the figurine of an elephant in Feng Shui

What does the elephant in the house symbolize? Many qualities are attributed to the elephant, here are the main ones:

  • Wisdom, long-suffering, kindness, strength, striving for peace.
  • Stability, reliability, as well as well-being in all areas of life.
  • Luck, endurance, longevity.

In addition to the qualities listed above, the figurine of an elephant can literally attract good luck to the house, just as a real live elephant draws water with the help of a trunk.

Even a small elephant is able to bring trust, love, harmony and warmth to the house. In addition, such a figurine contributes to the influx of positive energy, which in the teachings of Feng Shui is called Qi energy.

An elephant placed in a prominent place in your home is able to protect household members from negative energy, eliminate problems and conflicts that exist in the family. In addition, this feng shui symbol is a literal generator of good luck and stability.

Since the elephant is a stable animal, the elephant figurine is able to create a solid foundation for a sustainable lifestyle.

In addition to the above, it is believed that the mascot elephant is able to help its owner refrain from immoderate, thoughtless spending.

It is believed that an elephant with its trunk up and bent up promises wealth, and with it down, motherhood.

You can install one or more figurines in the house. What does the different number of elephants mean?

Of course, you can install more figurines, but it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation.

What are the figurines of elephants

If you have looked at Feng Shui stores at least once, you could see for yourself that there are many options for elephant figurines. How do they differ from each other, and which one is better to buy?

How to make the elephant figurine work

It's no secret that in order for the figurine to start serving its owner properly, it must be activated, that is, made to start working. What are the ways to do this?

  • Hang some jewelry around the elephant's neck. For example, a chain or beads. Elephants are very fond of jewelry, and they will definitely thank their owner for decorating them.
  • Put the elephant figurine on a bright, catchy napkin or rug. The ideal option is when you sew a rug or knit a napkin yourself. First, elephants love everything bright. Secondly, a hand-made product will be literally saturated with your energy, which will allow the elephant to feel your desires and needs.
  • Talk to the elephant figurine. From time to time, being alone at home, you can talk to the figurine, wiping dust from it, for example. Share your problems with the elephant, express your desires aloud, and then the figurine will respond to your requests faster.

Where to put an elephant figurine

Where you install the purchased figurine also depends on what aspects of your life it will have the most impact on.

  • In the event that you want to bring good luck and prosperity to your home, install an elephant on the windowsill, with its trunk facing the street. In this case, the elephant, as it were, will gain good luck from the outside with its trunk and give it to you. However, keep in mind, as soon as you feel the beneficial effects of the figurine, you should immediately turn the elephant with its trunk inside your home. In this way, you will keep the auspicious energy attracted by the elephant inside your home.
  • If you are afraid of unpleasant visitors who bring negativity into your home, install two figurines of elephants in front of the front door so that they look at the incoming ones. Thus, you can protect your home from negative energy.
  • If your home has many sharp corners, your home may be filled with a lot of negative energy - Sha. To neutralize such an action of sharp corners, place an elephant figure in front of them. And all the negative energy will be broken on the figures.
  • In the event that you want, with the help of an elephant, to find a stable financial position, it is worth "settling" an elephant in the southeastern part of your apartment.
  • To support the head of the family or to attract a powerful patron to the family, install an elephant figurine in the northwestern part of your home.
  • In order to strengthen family relationships, add love to them and strengthen fidelity, place two elephant figurines on your bedside dresser in your bedroom. Change won't take long!
  • Having installed an elephant figurine in your office on the table, you will immediately notice that you have begun to achieve much greater success in all your endeavors and projects. In addition, the elephant on the desktop is able to protect its owner from negative energy from colleagues and superiors.
  • In order to increase the efficiency of the child, to attract good luck to him, install an elephant figurine in the children's room. It is best to put it on the table where the child is engaged.
  • To improve the health of the household, place an elephant figurine in the eastern part of your home.
  • If there are places in your house or apartment where a large number of things accumulate, it is likely that there is an accumulation a large number negative Sha energy. In order to neutralize its impact on your family members, install an elephant figurine in this place.
  • If you want your elephant to always “work” for your benefit, bring only good luck, success, health and material well-being, and do not carry negative energy, do not install the figurine in dark corners and dark places, in ugly places, next to torn wallpaper, broken sockets, etc. In addition, there should not be any non-working items in need of repair next to the elephant. All these things carry negative energy that can drown out the positive energy of Qi.

Once you have studied all the information provided, you have probably decided why you need the elephant figurine, for what purposes you will purchase it, and in which part of your home you will install it. Do not forget to activate it, and clean it from dust in a timely manner. Then the elephant will truly bring all the blessings that exist in the world! Good luck and prosperity!