What is an abbreviation? Decoding Ltd: concept, application of Abbreviations in our lives

When asking the question: “What is an abbreviation?”, it is worth paying attention to the interpretations given in dictionaries. The term is literally understood as an abbreviation, but in writing it occupies a certain place, namely, it represents the formation of a single, inextricable lexical structure from capital letters or the first syllables of a group of words. As a rule, this applies to the names of organizations, regulatory designations of documentation (including legal), but there are also abbreviations of colloquial expressions. The latter are often slang expressions or professionalisms that are typical for a small environment and therefore are not used officially.

Origins of the term

The word "abbreviation" is (which refers to morphology) "abbreviation". The term originates in Latin (brevis - briefly), but it acquired its usual sound in Italian. In modern literature, this concept includes all abbreviated words, but traditionally only complex abbreviated groups of words should be considered. Thus, an acronym is something that is publicly available and widely applicable. Particular cases of the formation of a morphological structure, adopted in individual publications or articles, are necessarily explained in the text to avoid distortion of meaning and confusion.

History of application

Abbreviations are found even in the most ancient written sources. A striking example is the abbreviations found in the documents of the ancient Romans and Greeks. It is known that they were one of the first elements used in cursive writing techniques. Another example of the use of the abbreviation was the inscriptions on coins.

After the widespread use of capital Latin and Greek letters in the Middle Ages, the first abbreviated expressions appeared and were used in everyday life. The method of contracture, in other words shortening individual words using initial letters and endings, was used in Greece to write sacred names. This system was subsequently borrowed by the Romans to denote various concepts. To understand, it is necessary to determine the context of its application.

Scope of use

Typically, in everyday situations, common simple abbreviations are used. They are formed from short phrases or abbreviated words. The essence of the first is to skip non-essential parts of speech, which are easily reproduced based on the context and connection with auxiliary verbs, parts of speech, etc.

In writing, they are used only when necessary, because in specific papers that are intended for use by third parties, especially when it comes to printed publications, readers may not know what the abbreviation means. Individual cases may serve as exceptions. Scientific works, as well as citations, technical documentation, bibliographic instructions, etc. must contain a minimum of abbreviations. Individual applications in the sciences are an urgent need.

Decoding the abbreviation

In fact, the same set of letters can mean completely different phrases. For example, how to decipher the abbreviation ASK? Firstly, it can be an abbreviation of one word. In particular, the scientific term for the fungal bursa is appropriate. In this case, the full version is the Greek word askos, which literally translates as “bag.”

Secondly, the word may be an abbreviation that is applicable in a particular environment as a slang expression. “Ascorutin” and ascetic can also be referred to as medicine and hermit in a wide circle, but groups of people faced with the need to use these words quite often may deliberately shorten them to speed up communicative interaction when speaking or for quick writing when it comes to private notes .

Thirdly, ACK can stand for:

  • College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • agricultural horticultural cooperative;
  • withdrawal syndrome in a smoker.

As you can see, in the latter case, the “y” is omitted when composing the abbreviation. Thus, the same abbreviation form is responsible for different concepts. This applies to the most common cases, but in particular cases the abbreviation may contain complex words and highly specialized terms.

Sometimes in speech there are words that consist of a set of letters or halves of words. It happens that the meaning of such words is unfamiliar. This is a whole group of lexemes that exist in our language. Let's talk about them. We will try to find the answer to this question in the article.

Compound word

The word means "reduction" in Italian. This is a special type that requires decoding. Most often used in official business documentation, typical for many languages.

To understand what an abbreviation is, it is enough to consider at least one example in detail. Let's take the floor Moscow State University. At first glance it is not clear to us. Just some set of letters. But a person who knows Russian at school level will immediately say that each letter stands for a word. Let's decipher them: M- Moscow, G- state, U- university.

Thus, knowing the decoding, you can determine what the abbreviation means.

Familiarity with the use of abbreviations in speech begins at school. For example, when studying biology you can come across the following abbreviations: DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid, HIV- human immunodeficiency virus, etc.

Methods of forming abbreviations

Complex abbreviated words sometimes mean things that are familiar and close to us. They may look different, but they have one thing in common: in order to correctly introduce such a word into your speech, it must be deciphered and correctly agreed in a sentence.

There are several ways to form such words. Let's take a closer look at them.

In addition, English abbreviations are widespread in our speech. They accompany the following areas: science, medicine, fiction. There are many abbreviations in specialized literature.

Decoding compound words

Having studied the theoretical material, it is not difficult to understand what an abbreviation is. The main thing here is to learn how to correctly apply them in your speech. To do this, you need to know how such a complex abbreviated word is deciphered and then correctly agree it in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence " After the repair of the nuclear power plant, electricity output increased"The verb ends in A. To write it correctly, you must first decipher the word. NPP - nuclear power plant. The main word is “station”, it is feminine.

Abbreviations with decoding will help you construct your speech correctly and competently. They also allow you to expand your vocabulary, since such decoding introduces you to new words.

In addition, abbreviations are constantly heard in our speech. It is necessary to know them, otherwise you can be considered an uneducated person. In addition, knowing such words will make life easier.

For example, in order to know where this sign leads, you need to decipher it. LEMZ - This is the Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant.

Foreign abbreviations

Most foreign compound words - English abbreviations. These are abbreviations of English words. Among them there are simple, quickly remembered ones, and there are also complex ones. You need to know them. They can be useful at work, while traveling, in business correspondence, and in other areas of human life.

Here are some English abbreviations. They can be divided into groups:

If you are interested in the full version of English abbreviations and translate them, this will contribute to the study of the English language. Such abbreviations with decoding also add to the lexicon.

Abbreviations in our life

Abbreviation words accompany us through life, starting from birth in the maternity hospital (maternity hospital), which is registered in the registry office (civil registry office). After visiting a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution), we still go through an eleven-year journey to MOKU SOSH (municipal educational institution, secondary school), where we attend lessons, sports sections (sports sections), drama clubs (drama clubs), etc. Then we enter to a university (higher education institution) or college, obtain a specialty and work in a research institute (research institute) or LLC (limited liability company). Someone opens a private enterprise (private enterprise) and becomes an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). We go to department stores (department stores), housing office (housing maintenance office), visit sports complexes (sports complexes), recreation centers (cultural centers), work on a PC (personal computer). And at this time, serious passions are boiling in the EU (European Union), OSCE APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)...

This is just a small part of the examples demonstrating what an abbreviation is. It’s impossible to list everything. But we come across them at every step.

The best

Origin the most common The English abbreviation OK has many variants: it is associated with the name of American biscuits, with the telegraph operator's term "open key", with the initials of one of the US presidents, with the affirmative answer of the Indians.

The longest the abbreviation in Russia consists of 55 characters - NIIOMTPLABOPARMBETZHELBETRABSBORMONIMONKONOTDTEHSTROYMONT (Research Laboratory of Operations for Concrete Reinforcement and Reinforced Concrete Works for the Construction of Prefabricated Monolithic and Monolithic Structures, Department of Technology of Construction and Installation Administration of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR).


The most ridiculous abbreviation is MUDO (Municipal Institution of Additional Education).

If you look at the very meaning of the word abbreviation, you can understand that this is an abbreviated name for a word or an entire group of several words. Also very often this name means an abbreviated phrase or just a word. Let's try to understand in more detail what an abbreviation is. Very often, when reading a literary text, we see that abbreviations are written only in capital letters. This is exactly how they should be written, according to the basic rules.

Types of abbreviations

There are several types of abbreviations.

  • Initial abbreviation. It is called a word that is formed from the names of the first letters of words or from the first sounds of words that make up a given phrase. An example is ODE, which stands for ordinary differential equations.
  • The second type of abbreviation is alphabetic. Letter abbreviations consist of alphabetical designations of the first letters of words, which are the basis of a given phrase. A striking example of this is the short name of our country - the Russian Federation (Russian Federation).
  • There is also such a variety of abbreviations as letter-sound ones. It consists partly of the letter part of the words in a phrase and partly of the sounds of the same words. For example, CDSA, which stands for Central House of the Soviet Army (pronounced Tse-de-sa).
  • The next type of abbreviation is sound. It is formed from the first letters of the initial phrase, just like the others, but is pronounced not by letters, but by sounds. For example, a hydroelectric power station is a hydroelectric power station, a university is a higher education institution. Sound abbreviations, unlike letter abbreviations, sound like a single word.
  • Another type of abbreviation is recursive. Their peculiarity is that the decoding also includes the name of the abbreviation itself. Examples include the following names: GNU (GNU's Not Unix), PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), ALT (ALT Linux Team), and ATTA (ATTA Creative Technology Agency).

Also, in addition to abbreviations, there are complex abbreviated words that obey all the basic rules of abbreviation. Such a word consists of the initial syllables of two words and is read as one. Kolkhoz is the most famous such abbreviation. Examples of such abbreviations can be found everywhere: television network, maternity hospital, etc.

There is also a commonly used mixed abbreviation that no one mistakes for an abbreviation, for example tk. - because.

Mixed abbreviation is the last type of abbreviation. An example is RosNII (Russian Scientific Research Institute).

The most famous abbreviation is USSR. The decoding of the abbreviation USSR consists of the following words - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The main task that abbreviations perform is to reduce the amount of space taken up on a sheet of paper. The pronunciation of such words is on average five times shorter, which also saves time for those talking.


Composed of the alphabetical names of the initial letters of the words that form the original phrase.

  • KGB (ka-ge-be) - State Security Committee (USSR, Belarus, other countries and union republics)
  • junior researcher (em-en-es) - junior researcher
  • RSFSR (er-es-ef-es-er) - Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
  • TFKP (te-ef-ka-pe) - theory of functions of a complex variable (complex analysis)

As part of Russian letter abbreviations, the reading of some letter names may not coincide with their generally accepted names in the alphabet.

Thus, the letter “F” (“ef”) can be pronounced as “fe”:

  • FBI [fe-be-er] - F federal b juro R research
  • Exercise therapy [el-fe-ka] - l educational f physical To culture
  • RFF [er-fe-fe] - R audio f physical f faculty

The letters “S” (“es”) and “Ш” (“sha”) as “se” and “she”:

  • USA - United States of America

Meanwhile, in accordance with the norms of the Russian language, such a reading is still considered incorrect, despite the frequent commission of such errors by officials and media representatives.

Sonic (acronym)

Formed from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase. Unlike a letter abbreviation, it is pronounced as a single word, and not letter by letter (“GUM” as gum, not GeUeM).

  • TASS - Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (today ITAR-TASS)
  • DDL - data description language


Formed partly from the names of the initial letters, partly from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase

  • CDSA (tse-de-sa) - Central House of the Soviet Army
  • DOBDD (do-be-de-de) - Department of Road Safety (formerly State Traffic Safety Inspectorate)
  • State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (gi-be-de-de) - State Road Safety Inspectorate


An abbreviation based on an existing word. In this case, a backronym can both explain the original meaning of a word and give a new meaning to the word.

  • Spam - Seriously Pissing-off Advertising Mail (Russian) Seriously Boring Advertising Mail ). (The transcript gives new meaning to the word Spam. Initially, this word was the name of the SPAM brand of cheap canned meat with extremely aggressive advertising.)
  • CASCO - Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Except Liability. It is also actually a decoding of the Spanish word casco (framework, body), which is the name for this type of insurance.

A backronym can also be a humorous decoding of an existing abbreviation.

  • VKP(b) - All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
  • Life Safety - Society of Pregnant Women ( option: Protection of Pregnant Women), Society of Homeless Wives

Recursive (recursive acronym)

The decoding includes the abbreviation itself.

  • PHP - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Wine - Wine Is Not an Emulator

There is also a recursive acronym that refers to itself indirectly, the acronym HURD. Here the letter H stands for the abbreviation HIRD, in which the letter H in turn stands for the original acronym HURD. Moreover, the words "Hurd" and "Hird" in English are spellings of "Herd" ("Herd"), thereby adding another play on words to the decoding.

Compound words (syllabic abbreviation)

Adding the initial parts of two or more words

  • collective farm - collective farm;
  • Komsomol - communist youth union;
  • obkom - regional committee;
  • partykom - party committee;
  • prodmag - grocery store.
  • Rosglavstankoinstrumentsnabsbyt - Main Directorate for Supply and Sales of Forging Equipment, Tools and Abrasive Products under the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR

Adding the beginning of one word with another word of the phrase

  • maternity hospital - maternity hospital
  • drama club - drama club
  • television network - television network
  • spare part - spare part
  • terrorist attack - terrorist attack

Adding the initial part of a word with the oblique case form of a noun

  • head of the department - head of the department
  • earplugs - “take care of your ears” (the name of earplugs)

Adding the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second or only with the end of the second

  • moped - mo(tocycle)+(bicycle)ped

Graphic abbreviation

  • "T. d." - etc;
  • "T. e." - that is;
  • "T. To." - because;
  • "T. n." - so-called;
  • "T. O." - Thus;
  • "T. P." - the like;
  • "T. With." - so to speak;
  • “n/a” - no data.

Mixed reduction

The initial part of the word is connected to the abbreviation

  • RosNII - Russian Scientific Research Institute
  • BelAZ - Belarusian Automobile Plant

Tautological abbreviation

Set phrases in which an abbreviation (usually of foreign origin) is used simultaneously with a word (usually a translation of the last word) that is included in this abbreviation

  • HIV virus
  • -protocol
  • SMS message
  • VIP person
  • GIS system
  • AvtoVAZ - Volzhsky Automobile Plant
  • BTA bank - Bank Turan Alem bank

Borrowed words that were originally abbreviations in the native language

  • spam - from English. spam - S holder of P ork and h A.M.(“pork shoulders and hams”), and according to other sources, from English. SP iced h A.M. (An interesting fact is that in the literature on the creation of network protocols, services and other things, SPAM stands for System Post Automatic Mail, which means Automatic Mail Distribution System. By the way, this decoding is more suitable both in meaning and in principle).
  • laser - from English. laser, abbreviation for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
  • quasar - from English. quasar, abbreviation for QUASi stellAR radio source- “quasi-stellar radio source”.
  • Internet - from English. Internet, abbreviation for Interconnected Networks- United networks.
  • bum is a colloquial word used in Russian journalism and everyday vocabulary, which arose from the abbreviation characteristic of official documents of the Soviet police - “BOMZH”. This abbreviation denoted persons without a specific place of residence.

Abbreviations-words (semantic)

The initial letters are a common word

  • SMILES - English Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification
  • SMART - English Smiles ARbitrary Target Specification, System Management Arts

History of origin

Abbreviations, or abbreviations, have long been used in writing by all peoples who have a written language. The purpose of the abbreviations was to save space on the textual information medium (birch bark, ceramic tablets, parchment, etc.) and to quickly write frequently used words and expressions. Abbreviations were among the first to appear in ancient inscriptions, and later became widespread in manuscripts. With the help of the so-called suspensions, that is, using the initial letters of words, the Romans first abbreviated proper names (C. - Gaius, Q. - Quintus), and later other words (cos. - consul, v. c. - vir clarissimus, “most serene husband”) . The repetition of the same letter denoted sets, number (coss.- consules, vv. cc.- viri clarissimi). Similar abbreviations appear in Greek cursive papyri and coin inscriptions. Abbreviations were also used to shorten units of measure and weight. Roman jurists so often resorted to suspension that codes of abbreviations (Notae iuris) and systems (rules) of abbreviations of letters were compiled, which subsequently reached the Middle Ages. One of such systems was the system of “Tironian badges” - which are the basis of Roman tachygraphy (quick writing). The ancient Roman abbreviations, or Tirotan marks, passed along with the Latin language into the Middle Ages, where they are found primarily in inscriptions and on coins, and then in manuscripts, especially from the 11th century, also in charters, from which they do not disappear until XVI century inclusive. Abbreviations found in later Latin manuscripts and charters usually consist of omissions, and even more often - of combinations of letters.

Since capital Greek and Latin letters came into use, true contractile signs have appeared for syllables, double consonants, double vowels, and whole words. In Greek manuscripts there are many similar signs, partly transferred to the printed editions of Greek writers, from which they completely disappeared only in modern times. Therefore, in ancient Greek grammars you can find a list of the most commonly used abbreviations. The method of contracture, that is, shortening a word using its initial letters and ending, was first used by the Greeks to shorten the so-called Nomina sacra (“sacred names”), for example θς instead of θεός (“god”). The Romans borrowed this system and used it to denote ordinary concepts (frs - fratres, brother, gra - gratia, gratitude). The symbol for abbreviation, a line above the abbreviation, replaced the previously usual dot around the 3rd century AD. Abbreviations were also borrowed from cursive writing, for example = “esse” (“to be”), - “est” (“is”).

Already in late Roman italics almost all types of abbreviations were used. During the Middle Ages, abbreviations became more common, especially in legal, medical, and theological texts.


In everyday life, when saving space and time is required, one is content with using simple abbreviations. The latter consist either of shortening phrases or shortening words. Abbreviations of phrases, consisting in the omission of non-essential parts of speech, which can be easily reproduced from its general connection (auxiliary verbs, individual particles of speech, etc.) Abbreviations of words consist partly in the omission of individual letters and syllables and the omission of a significant part or even the entire word, with the exception of the initial letters, partly in certain signs, replacing words.

Present tense

In writing they are used only for private or personal needs in cursive writing; but in those papers that are intended for reading by others, especially printed ones, they try to avoid them. Only in certain cases are exceptions allowed:

  1. in scientific works, with quotations, bibliographical notes, technical documentation, etc., abbreviations cannot be avoided;
  2. in individual sciences, such as mathematics, computer science (programming languages, databases, CAD), astronomy, physics, chemistry, natural history, grammar, music. abbreviations and even drawings are caused by necessity;
  3. for SI and GHS units of measurement;
  4. to indicate coins;
  5. in special reference publications - calendars, lexicons, bibliographies;
  6. Finally, in some literary works, especially English ones, out of old habit, abbreviations of certain words that are constantly used are retained.


Letter abbreviations perceived as masculine words are inflected with an apostrophe: BAK resolution, in our housing office, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported, regardless of the gender of the core word of the decoding: ZhEK - “housing maintenance office” (feminine).

In Russian legislation, it is customary to distribute land plots into categories. Each category provides for its own procedure for using the site, especially when it comes to developing the territory. There are areas that, by law, cannot be developed or used in a certain way.

Today we will present in the article a decoding of the abbreviation and concept of SNT, and will also tell you what rules for the use of SNT lands are provided for by current legislation.

The Land Code states that SNT is an abbreviation that hides a term such as a gardening non-profit partnership. In other words, this is a community that is formed by citizens joining it on a voluntary basis. The main purpose of the partnership is the distribution of land plots and the solution of all economic and social problems that arise along the way.

The Gardening Union is a legal entity officially registered with the tax office, but the activities of the partnership extend only to a specific land area. Each plot transferred for use to citizens can only be located on the territory of the partnership, and the area itself must have an agricultural purpose.

What areas can be included in the partnership?

A few words should be said about what a SNT site is and what associations it may belong to. The fact is that all partnerships can be divided into several groups, taking into account what property they own. Here we are talking about plots that can be used by citizens who have joined the community.

Based on this parameter, horticultural unions differ:

  1. Legal entities that manage all property, including land plots, and transfer them to citizens for temporary use.
  2. Communities in which separate infrastructure has been created, and areas are simply assigned to citizens as private property. The basis for this is the official decrees of the administration. All lands must have official registration.

Since the garden partnership is a legal entity, it is required to have all the required statutory documents. In particular, we are talking about the SNT charter and tax certificates. The charter prescribes the procedure for transferring land plots to citizens and the conditions for their use.

What is the difference between SNT and DNP?

It is important to understand the difference between lands of different categories. The population has especially many questions regarding such groups of land plots as SNT and DNP. The abbreviation DNP stands for dacha non-profit partnership.

In fact, the community also acts as a legal entity, and the main purpose of its use is the formation of a dacha settlement and timely service to citizens. Such organizations have the right to resolve issues related to the construction of various structures and the further operation of sites. For example, the community leadership assumes responsibility for removing garbage, organizing security for the village, and ensuring the operation of important communications.

The differences between SNT and DNP are minor, but they exist. For example, in a partnership, land is provided exclusively for planting a vegetable garden or establishing a garden.

In a dacha partnership, in addition to conducting agricultural activities, a citizen has the right to build a dacha and in the future transfer this building to private ownership. In other words, buildings can only be erected on a summer cottage plot, but a garden plot can be used exclusively for agricultural activities.

Who can become a member of SNT?

Any citizen who has reached the age of majority can apply to join the SNT. In addition to age, the main condition for entry is the availability of a plot of land located within the partnership and suitable for farming. Relatives or heirs of a citizen who acts as the owner of the land also have the right to membership in the SNT. Persons who do not have Russian citizenship can become members of the union.

The founders of the union are considered officially accepted immediately after the SNT has been established and officially registered. The procedure for citizens to join the community involves organizing a general meeting of union participants. After joining, a new member of the partnership receives a membership book and subsequently makes public contributions in the prescribed manner.

To withdraw from the union, it is necessary to draw up a corresponding application in two copies and submit it to an authorized person. The procedure provides for withdrawal solely on a voluntary basis, and in this case there is no provision for holding a general meeting.


A gardening partnership is an association that a citizen who owns a plot in the area suitable for farming can join.

The community has the status of an official legal entity and is created to ensure order and proper maintenance of the common territory. All rules for accepting and leaving a partnership are specified in the organization’s charter and are also regulated by the Land Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts.