Churikova showed her breasts at Leshchenko's birthday party. Anniversary concert of Lev Leshchenko at the State Kremlin Palace (03/11/2018) Anniversary evening of Lev Leshchenko 75 years

The guests of the concert noted that the smart, slender and stylish hero of the day looks much younger than his years. After each song, the audience, who packed the hall to capacity, bathed Lev Leshchenko in deafening applause and showered him with bouquets.


Journalists followed the cheerful birthday man on his heels and asked him several times during the evening how old he felt. After the first branch, the performer laughed it off: "To all 80!" When the concert ended, Leshchenko threw himself another ten years: "For all 90!" However, even though the artist was tired, he still shone with happiness.

Lev Valeryanovich was congratulated on his 75th birthday by his colleagues: Grigory Leps, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Nikolai Baskov, Stas Mikhailov, Jasmine, Lolita, Alexander Marshal, Alexander Buinov, the ensemble "Yalla", "Turetsky Choir", "New Gems" , Philip Kirkorov, Valery Meladze and dozens of other wonderful artists, as well as Leshchenko's bosom friends - Gennady Khazanov and Vladimir Vinokur.

Shone on stage and Yana Churikova. The sexy TV presenter literally riveted the views of the audience. She chose a bold dress with an extreme neckline for a concert in the Kremlin. It is for such beautiful forms that designers create their masterpieces.

Surprised with her stylish outfit and singer Lolita. The stylist was clearly in a great mood when he chose a bright red dress for the singer, which emphasized only the dignity of the star. And the neckline, and the folds in the abdomen, and the mesh on the face - everything looked appropriate and stylish. Feather Sharks gave Lolita a perfect score for her outfit.

“I have known Lev Leshchenko for 20 years, but I became a fan of him 45 years ago,” said smiling Milyavskaya. “I remember how my grandmother and mother were in love with him. This is a stunningly handsome man even now, but then his appearance was perceived as real miracle. He's really sexy. After all, sex is a smile, it's a walk, it's a voice. He still manages to drive you crazy!"

Valery Meladze did not spare compliments for a friend. "I had the honor of not only performing together, but also relaxing together. Leo is the real soul of the company, a real man. To be honest, our gatherings are not always sober, but Lev Valeryanovich never loses his human dignity, for which I have infinite respect!" – admitted the singer.

Summing up the evening, the hero of the day shared the secret of happiness. "Remember! Form without content does not ring! Find your place, engage in socially useful work and become happy!" Leshchenko advised.

In the final, Lev Valeryanovich heartily performed the all-time hit "Victory Day" - a song from which Russians have tears in their eyes. The audience gave the artist a standing ovation. Even when the blue velvet curtain fell and the stage was empty, the composition continued to sound. The crowd, slowly leaving the Kremlin, continued to sing "Victory Day", and eyewitnesses were surprised at the solidarity of people who had really enjoyed the evening. The TV version of the concert, organized by MS Production, will soon be shown on the First Channel.

And believing in this figure is not easy. The master looks great, takes part in all the main concerts, tours actively, in general, he will give odds even to young singers. Today, the musician, poet, producer will receive congratulations on the stage of the Kremlin, where he will perform songs that played a key role in his life. He spoke about them our correspondent Ekaterina Ivanova.

More than half a century on the stage. The whole country knows this bass-baritone. Today Lev Leshchenko has an anniversary concert in the Kremlin. The maestro will be honored by the most famous artists. And he is worried about everything - how the audience will accept it.

“I haven’t slept at night for a month now - I’m thinking about the program, who will be behind whom, with whom I will sing duets, what will be the script, what design.”

The son of a career officer never followed in his father's footsteps. He served in the tank unit for only six months. A talented private was taken as a soloist in a song and dance ensemble. But Leshchenko entered GITIS only on the second attempt. So I had to work hard as a mechanic at the factory, and as a stage worker at the Bolshoi. In the main theater of the country, he learned the entire classical repertoire. However, the stage was much closer.

Glory fell on Leshchenko after performing in the program "Song-71". The mailboxes were filled with letters from fans. The most zealous spent the night right under the door of the artist's apartment.

Lev Leshchenko, People's Artist of Russia:“One woman always wanted to give me some kind of ring, and in the end she left it in the mailbox. I didn't know how to get her back. And when a year and a half or two passed, she said - since you do not reciprocate, return my ring back. And I didn't know where. I left it to the concierge, she handed it over safely.

Impeccable taste and ability to feel musical material. Leshchenko always knew what he was singing about and for whom. And because the song "Victory Day" immediately sunk into the soul. It was banned from broadcasting. The Arts Council decided that it was painfully lightweight. Then the artist went for broke. He performed it at a concert dedicated to the day of the police. And I wasn't wrong.

Lev Leshchenko, People's Artist of Russia:“I persuaded one of the deputy ministers to listen to her at a rehearsal. He was terribly delighted and said: you must sing it. I say: well, it's not listed here, it's on the shelves, it's not being aired. He says - this is our holiday, I allow it.

At the Olympics-80, the whole country was already crying to the song "Goodbye, Moscow." According to rumors, among the candidates considered - Kobzon, Antonov and even Leontiev. But it was Leshchenko's penetrating timbre that was destined to become a symbol of an entire era. And then came the hungry nineties. Many artists are out of work. Leshchenko's fans also subsided. I even thought about retirement. Went to teach.

And then I decided to experiment anyway. I started to get interested in modern music. So there were works with many young performers. The People's Artist still writes today. He says about two dozen songs are born a year. Something goes to the basket, something sounds at concerts. But without hits, of course, not a single performance can do. The viewer does not let go.

Lev Leshchenko, People's Artist of Russia:“You see, when you sing the song Nightingale Grove 1256 times, of course, you get fed up. As one of our friends said: when I go up to the subsonic and hear my voice, I feel sick.

Tired, the artist admits, and from endless parodies. However, for the sake of his best friend - Vladimir Vinokur - sometimes you can endure. This is all revenge for the prank on the part of Leshchenko himself - the humorist retorts. He will never forget how a graduate of GITIS tried to take entrance exams from him, an applicant.

Vladimir Vinokur, People's Artist of the RSFSR:“I didn’t watch the movie“ come tomorrow ”, I believed him, went to the audience, for some reason some other young guys gathered there. I think maybe they are also members of the commission. I sang, danced, told them. He told me that I have a chance. Tomorrow so that I won't be late for the exam."

The hero of the day admits that he is an absolutely happy person. However, there is still one dream - to live to be 100 years old and go on stage again.

Ignorance and stupidity.

After the army, yesterday's soldier came to GITIS. By that time, the exams had already ended, but Leo was given a chance, because he was remembered. Leshchenko sang the aria, but the artist's data did not make any impression on the selection committee. The army feuilleton, which the future artist read, only caused laughter. The feuilleton was recognized as mediocre, but they were accepted to the university for "denseness."
However, the study of Lev Leshchenko transformed. A year later, no one doubted that a real artist was studying on the course. As a sophomore, Lev Leshchenko went to work at the Operetta Theater. His first role was as a sinner in a production of Orpheus in Hell. The artist had to say only two words: "Let me warm up." As Lev Valeryanovich himself says, he studied with Pokrovsky, Goncharov, Anisimov, Efros and Zavadsky.
At the same time, work began at the Mosconcert. Then Lev Leshchenko was in the trainee group of the Operetta. And during the summer holidays, the artist traditionally went on tour around the USSR with concert teams.

In 1966, Lev Leshchenko became an artist of the Moscow Operetta Theater. And five years later, already a soloist-vocalist of the USSR State Radio and Television. In the spring of 1970, the artist became the winner - laureate of the fourth All-Union competition of variety artists. Two years later, Lev Valeryanovich is already a laureate of competitions in Sopot (Poland) and "Golden Orpheus" (Bulgaria). In 1977, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, a year later he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. In 1980, Lev Leshchenko became the owner of the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and three years later he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR for outstanding services. In 1985, the Order of the Badge of Honor appeared in the artist's piggy bank. In 1990, Lev Leshchenko became the head of the theater of variety performances "Musical Agency".
Two years later, the theater was given the status of a state theater. The Temple of Art is mainly engaged in organizing tour and concert events, presentations and creative evenings. "Musical Agency" today unites several teams and collaborates with most pop stars in Russia and neighboring countries. Over the years of its existence, the theater has staged and filmed the musical film “Military Romance”, the anniversary program “On the Wave of My Memory” by David Tukhmanov and the video film “Anniversary ... Anniversary ... Anniversary ...”, in addition, the program “10 Years of the Russian Emergencies Ministry” was released, as well as the musical show "STAR and young" was presented. For more than ten years, Lev Leshchenko has been working as a teacher at the Gnessin Musical and Pedagogical Institute. His students became quite famous on the stage. These are Marina Khlebnikova, Olga Arefieva, Katya Lel, Varvara and others. In his creative life, Lev Leshchenko has released more than 10 records, magnetic albums and CDs. These are “Lev Leshchenko”, “Attraction of the Earth”, “Lev Leshchenko and the Spektr group”, “In the circle of friends”, “Something for the soul”, “White bird cherry”, “The best songs of Lev Leshchenko”, “Not a minute peace”, “Scent of Love”, “Memories”, “World of Dreams” and “Simple Motif”. The artist has released more than ten minions. Lev Leshchenko performs dozens of songs on author's and composite records of composers. On the Square of Stars of the concert hall "Russia" in 1999, the nominal star of Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was laid. In 2001, a book by Lev Leshchenko entitled "Apology of Memory" was published. In it, the artist talks about his contemporaries and about his life. In the winter of 2002, Lev Leshchenko received another medal. This time he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth degree.

Lev Leshchenko has a voluminous, soft, low baritone. At the same time, a courageous velvety timbre. Due to his voice, and thanks to his appearance, in his youth and middle age, the artist was highly popular. At the same time, the singer always had a good figure, a kind and charming smile, a modest and sometimes shy demeanor in public. His image always contrasts with the assertive, harsh, grotesque demeanor on stage of Vladimir Vinokur. It is with him that the singer often performs in tandem.
In 2011, the artist participated in the TV project "The Phantom of the Opera" on Channel One.

Interesting Facts.
The artist is fond of basketball, tennis, swimming. He acts not only as a fan, but also as the honorary president of the basketball club of the city of Lyubertsy "Triumph". The singer himself is also actively involved in sports.

Personal life.
Since 1978, Lev Leshchenko has been married. His wife is Irina Pavlovna Leshchenko, born in 1954. She graduated from the University of Budapest.

According to Forbes, Lev Leshchenko is the oil giant's corporate poet. It was he who wrote the verses for the corporate anthem: “We walked along the highway, climbed right through, Digged into the ground, froze in the tundra, Fate tested us for a break, And then life did not seem like paradise to us.”

On February 1, the legend of the national stage celebrates its anniversary. In 2017, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation turns 75, of which he devoted 55 years to musical creativity. Traditionally, Leshchenko will celebrate his anniversary on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, where dozens of stars of Russian show business will perform.

A photo

On his 75th birthday, Lev Leshchenko invited many friends who happily agreed to perform at the artist's anniversary concert. According to him, several dozen numbers will be presented on the stage, which will be performed by the "Gems" ensemble and many other Russian pop stars. Also, composers and poets David Tukhmanov, and will take part in the anniversary of Lev Leshchenko.

Lev Leshchenko was born in 1942 in Moscow into a military family. He was half an orphan at the age of one when his mother died. As a result, Lev Valeryanovich was brought up by the "son of the regiment" - his father often took him to a military unit, where he gradually grew up next to the soldiers. Leshchenko began to dream of a creative career as a child. He listened to songs and dreamed of a big stage.

From adolescence, the "vociferous" Lev Leshchenko conquered the city scenes during various kinds of competitions, after which he decided to enter GITIS. From the first attempt, the artist failed to become a student of a prestigious university - he failed the exams and went to serve in the army. But in 1964, after the end of the service, Lev Valeryanovich still managed to pass the examination competition, at which the teachers marked him as a promising performer.

The creative career of Lev Leshchenko started in 1966 - then he first appeared on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater, with which he actively toured the USSR in the following years. By the end of the 70s, Lev Valeryanovich had earned a number of prestigious awards and was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. By that time, the artist already had his own solo program, which included the legendary hits "Thank you for the silence", "Earth attraction", "Nightingale Grove", "We Can't Live Without Each Other", "Parents' House" and many others.

In 1990, Lev Leshchenko created the Musical Agency Theater, which a year later received the status of the State Theater. Today, the "brainchild" of Leshchenko unites several large teams, and also collaborates with almost all pop stars, not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. For his contribution to the development of the music industry in Russia in 1999, the nominal star of Lev Leshchenko was opened on the Star Square of the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.

For his creative biography, Lev Leshchenko recorded more than 10 records and albums, performed dozens of author's songs. In 2001, a book by Lev Leshchenko called "Apology of Memory" was published - in it the artist spoke about his contemporaries and revealed the secrets of his personal life. In the winter of 2002, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth degree.

Today, Lev Leshchenko is full of strength and energy, he does not even allow farewell to the audience in his thoughts - the artist continues to rise to new creative heights, because even at 75 he has not a moment of peace.