Horoscope for March Gemini is the most accurate

The first month of spring will be successful and fruitful for representatives of this sign. In March, Geminis will overcome problems with ease. You will have many unusual ideas, implementing which you will achieve stunning results and thereby strengthen your financial condition. This month you will become more independent and decisive. You will stop depending on the opinions of others. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve your goals.

In the first ten days of the month, Gemini will experience many pleasant meetings and events. The priority will be family and relationships with relatives. All single representatives of this sign will be absorbed in thoughts about romantic relationships, which will rapidly gain momentum from the first days of March. The stars advise during this period of time to carefully observe numerous admirers and possible partners, due to the fact that among them there is exactly the one you were looking for. Family representatives of this sign can expect a significant improvement in their relationships with their other half.

The second ten days of the first spring month will be very difficult and eventful for Gemini. In the middle of the month, you will have to resolve a lot of issues on which your career will depend. Many Geminis will easily resolve their affairs and meet possible financial partners. And those who work in large organizations will be able to gain the favor of management and establish themselves as qualified workers. Such an expression of professional qualities cannot go unnoticed, and in the near future Gemini can expect a good salary increase or promotion. It’s just important to remember that all this will require a lot of effort.

In the last days of March, representatives of the sign will have to deal with accumulated affairs, solve current problems and restore order in their lives. In the professional field, you must deal with all the papers, plan upcoming meetings, and think about plans for the near future.

At home, you also need to get rid of all the junk. Try to understand yourself, correct what does not suit you. Be impartial and try to accept others as they are. This tactic will make your life much easier.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for March 2019

The first month of spring will be very emotional for the fairer sex. However, this will not harm your position in society, professionally or in the family.

The stars advise not to dwell on troubles, stress less and try to relax. Women of this sign should be patient with family issues, because most of the habits of their significant other may begin to irritate them in the new year.

If emotions break out, which can lead to frequent discord, then do not worry - every quarrel will be followed by a speedy reconciliation. This is especially true for those who are in long-term relationships. Such quarrels will help you better understand your partner, thereby making you even better for your other half in all respects.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for March 2019

The first month of spring will bring many colorful moments and sensations to representatives of the stronger sex. This month you can give free rein to your own feelings, but do not expect that all this will end without quarrels and jealousy. The stars recommend immediately making it clear to the opposite sex that you are not ready for a serious relationship.

For those representatives who prefer serious relationships, there will also be many positive moments in the new year. If you already have a soulmate, then your relationship will move to a new, more serious level. Give your beloved attention, affection and care, and believe me, it will come back to you in double.

Gemini men who are married, the stars recommend that you give primacy to your other half and let her decide family issues. Regarding the professional field, everything will be given to you without much effort.

Gemini will greet March 2018 with great enthusiasm. You will really enjoy watching how the world comes to life after prolonged cold, and how the feelings of each individual person come to life along with it. Like an artist, you will greedily absorb this general spring blossom, assigning yourself rather passive roles in it, in this blossom. You will not rush to actively change your personal life, and the March volcanoes of passions will not affect you. At the same time, for your colleagues and friends who have become “victims” of this general spring aggravation, you will become a wise mentor and adviser, ready to rush to help at any time of the day. In general, in March 2018 you will get the honorable role of a psychologist (matchmaker, pickup coach - you can call this role whatever you want, designed to help people of the opposite sex communicate productively with each other).

What about your own personal life? And she, dear Gemini, in March 2018 will develop neither shaky nor sluggish. In principle, this will be quite expected for you, because it is for stability within your own being that you will care more than anything else. If you have a regular partner, not once in March 2018 will a “black cat” pass between you. You will diligently hush up every minor conflict that threatened to flare up due to unwashed dishes, a burnt dinner or other everyday troubles, and fortunately, there will be no other, more serious and weighty topics for conflicts in your couple. But at the beginning of this spring there will be a lot of guests in your house, and all these people will expect only one thing from you - moral help and support. By the way, your regular partner, like you, will turn into a universal guru who has already quite happily built his personal life and is ready to help with practical advice to everyone who turns to him.

It’s a paradox, but Gemini, who do not yet have a significant other, in March will be no less enthusiastic in distributing advice to those who want to fall in love and achieve reciprocity! From the outside it will look quite strange (and how can a person who is not able to figure out his own life advise anything?). But no! None of the people who come to you for moral support will ever doubt your authority and competence in such matters. This is how this March will go for you. First, you will listen carefully to someone, encourage him, help him change his wardrobe and study all the intricacies of the character of his long-time sweetheart, and then you will calmly watch how these people build love, not forgetting to periodically say words of sincere gratitude to you. All this spring poetry will bypass you. You will voluntarily close your heart from all ardent passions, and the object of these ardent passions will not yet appear next to you.

Now a few words about another important point that you, dear Gemini, will deal with more zealously than with your personal life. Let's talk about the main thing straight away. In March 2018, your income will increase significantly, which will not happen by luck, but thanks to your amazing foresight. You decide to take on some tedious and unpromising project, and it is this project that will open the doors to career growth for you. If you are a businessman, a real golden Eldorado for you will be cooperation with a small enterprise, the potential of which will not leave you in the slightest doubt. This will be a strong, far-reaching tandem, thanks to which you will significantly increase sales volumes and the overall profitability of your enterprise.

Attention, the Gemini horoscope for the month of March 2018 has been published in a shortened form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2018, the Yellow Dog should make a personal forecast for 2018 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The horoscope for March 2018 advises Gemini to abandon completely unrealistic plans and set themselves only achievable tasks. At this time, the position of the stars may provoke you to take rash steps, and your task is to maintain common sense and not succumb to any provocations. To achieve the best result, Gemini will have to make every effort.

At work, you will be multitasking, but this should not scare you. Representatives of your zodiac sign cope with this task very well. Gemini's ability to solve any problem will be useful to them many times this month. The most important thing is that under no circumstances should you lose heart. Striving for the absolute ideal can serve you badly.

Talismans for Gemini in March:

Stone: Sapphire

Number: 8

Color: White

Animal: Canary

Mascot: Ring

Name: Tatiana, Arkady

Symbol: Anchor

Plant: Tea

Geminis must understand that there is nothing ideal in the world around them. According to the horoscope, in the month of March some Geminis will be close to a nervous breakdown, but the ability to control themselves will help them get rid of this destructive condition. In the first month of spring, Gemini will have a chance to prove themselves in the workplace as an innovator, which will help them move up the career ladder.

Horoscope of love and family

It is in vain that they say about Geminis that they do not experience affection. In fact, these are very sensitive people suffering from loneliness and unrequited love. As soon as nature begins to come to life after the winter cold, single Geminis have a passionate desire to love. From the beginning of the month you will be able to feel anxious excitement and a desire for love adventures. At the same time, astrologers advise you not to lose your head, so as not to “break the woods.” Mid-March is a time when the state of affairs on the personal front depends entirely on you. Perhaps it’s time for you to legalize your relationship with a loved one?

For Geminis who are already married, family relationships will develop dynamically with minor nuances that are simply impossible to do without. You have long gone through your not the best times, quarrels and discord. So you can consider March 2018 a period of calm and prosperity. The stars say that all worries will be forgotten, all insults will be forgiven, and you can live calmly, love and be loved.

Work, career, finances

Gemini's career horoscope for March 2018 is very positive. But for material well-being, you need to try to be collected and disciplined, and learn to adapt to the situation. In this case, you can prove to the whole world that you are a professional who has no equal! You have high intelligence, a sharp mind and outstanding eloquence. Your ability to come up with original ideas simply amazes everyone around you.

Immediately after March 8, begin to take the initiative, but do not forget about practicality and foresight. Try to be in the center of all the most important events. Express your ideas at trainings and work meetings. They will definitely be supported by your colleagues, and then by management.

For Gemini businessmen, this month will be favorable financially. The income will be sufficient and stable, and funds will come from additional sources for business development. This month it is not recommended to invest large sums in new enterprises, and do not try to purchase bitcoins. The time for this has not yet come.

Well-being horoscope in March

In March 2018, Gemini will feel more or less tolerable; you will not be in danger of any serious illnesses. Winter with its ice and piercing winds has already passed and you must start moving. Start with walking, and then, if your health allows, move on to easy running. Visit the gym and pool at least once a week. If you do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and have no other contraindications, do not forget about the bath. It relieves stress perfectly. Drink freshly squeezed juices and eat more vegetables and fruits. Beware of drafts and dress appropriately for the weather.

Favorable days in March for Gemini: 3, 14, 21, 29

Unfavorable days in March for Gemini: 5, 11, 17, 24

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In the first month of spring 2018, Gemini should step back a little from business and look at the situation objectively. It is quite possible that you will find easy solutions to your tasks and problems that seemed unsolvable. When making important decisions, Geminis should think carefully and weigh everything. Try not to jump to conclusions. Spring with its arrival will bring many pleasant moments and new impressions. All the doors that you previously knocked diligently on will be open to the representatives of your zodiac sign.

In March, Gemini's energy will be unstable, so they need to take care of their health. Moreover, this period may be accompanied by conflicts, unpleasant explanations, and rumors. This is an unfavorable moment for meetings, negotiations, starting new relationships or recruiting personnel. Many Geminis will be prone to hasty decisions and conclusions, which is why unverified rumors can quickly reach their goal, damaging friendships and business relationships, especially in the first decade. The second decade is a more interesting time for love, creativity, helping others and charity. But in the third decade, conflicts with others are possible, which can flare up against the backdrop of financial injustice. In addition, it is possible that Gemini will have to help one of their friends or relatives out of trouble.

Horoscope for March 2018 for Gemini women

March 2018 always mobilizes ambitious Gemini women to achieve important goals. For some it is a career, and for others it is a personal life. A favorable aspect between Venus and Mars speaks of success in personal relationships, but Mars in its weak sign of Libra indicates that not everything one dreams about can come true.

  • The talisman of the month is an image of a flying arrow or bow with a taut string.
  • Favorable days: March 2, 7, 18, 23, 27.
  • Unfavorable days: March 1, 14, 20.
  • Priority of interests: achieving a cherished goal, striving for success, successfully fighting competitors.

Love horoscope

You will have an irresistible urge to flirt with someone at work. Especially if your boss is an attractive man. And the moment will be convenient, the holiday is March 8, your attention to the boss will be appropriate. But be careful, otherwise your enthusiasm for your male colleagues will diminish somewhat - you will suddenly realize that you won’t be able to play like this for long.

Family Gemini will be a little upset, because they expected more from the holiday at work - attention, congratulations, romance. However, you will have the opportunity to make a great impression on the men around you. The end of the month is a good period for flirting and romance. You may end up with a very hesitant but touching admirer. Most likely, it will be your work colleague.

Health horoscope

Beware of hypothermia, pay attention to clothing - your feet should be warm. This period is especially unpleasant for girls who adore mini and thin tights - take care of yourself. The end of the second week of March may bring seasonal colds. Drink cranberry juice, take vitamin C. If that doesn't help, well, you'll have to be a little sick, you need rest. When working, it is better not to overstrain the body with labor activity. But do Geminis listen to anyone? You can catch a cold at endless parties. By the end of the month, improvement in mood and well-being will occur simultaneously. You will feel how much you are needed by everyone, and this will fill you with new strength.

Horoscope of work and finances

You will have a chance to increase your income thanks to the loyalty of your superiors. Your charm will not escape the attention of the boss, and there is a chance you will receive a bonus. At the end of the first ten days, you will have a fight with a competitor. Act carefully. Mid-March brings great opportunities. Congratulate your clients, communicate, and win them over. Reap the first fruits of your business activity at the end of March - new orders and profitable partnerships are likely.

Horoscope for March 2018 Gemini man

Gemini men always have a lot of friends, and these friends have a lot of problems. Sociable Geminis will want, if not to help, then at least to discuss all the difficulties and find the right solution. A favorable aspect between the Sun and Venus in the first half of the month will push Gemini men to flirt and provoke in friendly relations with familiar ladies.

  • Talisman of the month image of seal, signet ring
  • Favorable days: March 2, 13, 17, 26, 28.
  • Unfavorable days: March 1, 8, 15, 16.
  • Priority of interests: receiving a well-deserved award, recognition, increasing popularity among friends and colleagues.

Love horoscope

You are as actively interested in the love lives of many friends as you are in your own. Or rather, you don’t separate one from the other. You can learn many useful love lessons this week.

On the New Moon, March 17, unpleasant surprises in love are likely. It may turn out that you have a rival or your lady successfully hid the presence of a husband and children. You will not experience a love failure for long - the new lunar month will quickly remove your apathy. After all, there are still many girls who are not indifferent to you.

In the third ten days of March, you will not only be at your best in flirting and courtship, but will also gain the reputation of a real Casanova among your male friends.

Health horoscope

Geminis always resist infections to the last. After all, communicating with friends is much better than being sick alone. Your activity and enthusiasm will defeat harmful bacilli. You have an impressive list of planned things to do. Therefore, illnesses can wait. As a last resort, take some healing remedy “on the run.” But even if the disease can take its toll, you should not be treated with just anything. It's time to take your health seriously. And you will get better quickly. To recover faster, drink juices.

Horoscope of work and finances

At work, more than once the need for an ideal “negotiator” will arise. And this person is you! After March 10, a frivolous attitude towards business responsibilities may have a bad effect on your reputation. Don't leave things to chance. There will be a lot of unexpected things this week. You will do everything possible and impossible to save the situation. Just remember to reflect this in the report. In the second half of the month, good news awaits you. Geminis are no strangers to change. You will experience an irresistible urge to “strike while the iron is hot.” A few great deals will prove you right.

Children's horoscope for Gemini for March 2018

Your Gemini baby may be upset by the fact that someone is starting to boss him around. A new leader may appear in his circle. Geminis can usually give tough rebuff to those who want to argue. It will happen this time too. In the second half of March, a quarrel over a beautiful lady may be added to this problem. Your boy will certainly intervene, even if his feelings are not so deep. Don't take this seriously - he's just honing his skills as an orator, his opponent will be in trouble.

Gemini girls are not only sociable, but also very impressionable. This should be especially remembered. Harsh words, raised voices, nagging remarks from the teacher - all this can undermine the child’s sensitive nervous system. Follow her regime, let's get enough sleep. Do not overload her - Geminis can withstand a lot physically, but at the same time break down mentally. Read good books to your child, discuss what you read, and instill moral values ​​in your family.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of March for Gemini

The first ten days of March 2018 will be a favorable time for restoring justice and creating comfort in your home nest. Emotions will prevail, but you should be guided only by the voice of reason and sober judgment. Be a little more restrained in expressing your feelings, and fate will present you with a wonderful chance to change your life for the better. At the beginning of March, you will set specific goals for yourself and clearly draw up an action plan to achieve them. Throughout this period, you will be in a great mood and desire to create, and new ideas will be born continuously.

The main thing at this time is not to be afraid to take the initiative and bring your thoughts to public attention. It is possible that your ideas will be an excellent way to get rich and rise to the top of fame and universal recognition. Don't miss the opportunity to achieve more and improve the quality of your life.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of March for Gemini

In the second ten days of March 2018, the location of Saturn will have the most favorable effect on the achievements of Gemini. You can expect a lot of new acquaintances with potential partners and investors who will show a desire to finance one of your ideas. Most likely, in mid-March you will have a lot of things to do, the responsibility for which will fall on your shoulders. Don't be afraid that you won't cope and don't doubt your own abilities. Your star time has come. Pull yourself together and move forward stubbornly. This will increase your chances of getting a promotion or salary increase. Businessmen during this period need to show more courage and perseverance to expand the scale of their business. And those who have been looking for a suitable job for a long time will have the opportunity to get a well-paid position.

Don’t hesitate to ask friends and acquaintances about possible vacancies. Most likely, you will find the best option through one of your old friends. Be bolder and more relaxed. Show your best side at work, demonstrate your diligence and punctuality. This approach will open up completely new opportunities for you that you could only dream of before. Your financial situation will begin to improve rapidly, so now you will have the opportunity to save money for something you have long wanted to buy. Avoid dubious offers to keep things on track.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of March for Gemini

In the third decade of March 2018, everything will become clearer in the personal life of Gemini. The positive influence of the aspects of Mars and Venus will help representatives of your zodiac sign set priorities and reconsider their life principles. Finally, from the crowd of fans, you will choose the one person with whom you would like to connect your destiny. It will seem that you are in seventh heaven, but still maintain prudence and do not commit rash acts. For those who have already tied the knot in their lives, you should be a little more attentive to your soulmate, she will now need your support. But don’t try to go out of your way to help in any way; if your participation is needed, they will definitely let you know about it.

Don't forget to visit your family and parents. Better yet, invite them to your place for a gala family dinner. This will bring your family together and add variety to your everyday life. Joint housework will also strengthen the relationship between spouses. Rearrange or change the interior. A new design in your home will fill your life with new sensations and harmony. Try to do everything to make you and your family and loved ones comfortable both physically and mentally.

In the first month of spring, the planet of love, Venus, is in a favorable position for you, which not only inspires hopes, but also helps them come true.

Venus's position in Gemini's house of friendship emphasizes the role of social activity in developing relationships. Communication enhances harmony in a couple, and attending events that bring a lot of people together can be a good way to start a relationship if that's what you want. Most likely, in the relationship with your soulmate there will be less emotion and passion, but there will be more spiritual unity and mutual understanding. To strengthen the union of loving hearts, set common goals and work together to achieve them.

Until March 17, 2018, dynamic Mars remains in the house of Gemini’s partner. An interesting time awaits you, full of various events. Single representatives of your sign may meet new love.

On March 23, 2018, Mercury, the ruler of the sign Gemini, goes into retrograde motion. It's time to analyze your relationship and determine your priorities in love. Retro Mercury often makes past circumstances relevant. Issues that you did not resolve in a timely manner may come back. If you want to renew lost relationships in the past, you can try to do this, the time is quite right. But if a new love affair begins, it is unlikely to live up to your expectations.

Gemini career and financial horoscope for March 2018

You set yourself difficult tasks, but your ambitions are great and luck is on your side. In the first and second decades of the month, the Sun, a symbol of power, status and prestige, is located in the house of career, which portends significant achievements in work and business. Moreover, you can count on the support and protection of your superiors.

You are most successful when working as part of a group. By becoming part of a team that has common interests, you are more likely to achieve your goals. You may find new business partners or meet friendly people who will help your career development.

Despite the fact that astrological factors for Gemini are generally harmonious, there are also contradictory points. Neptune in the career sector is capable of creating illusions, so you need to be more careful not to be deceived. Beware of dishonesty and carefully vet those with whom you intend to enter into a partnership.

As for money, the month is generous, but requires more restraint in spending in the second and third decades. You are capable of earning a lot of money, on the other hand, it can easily go away. Planetary influences emphasize everything related to taxes, loans, and banks. Many of you will be attracted to investments, especially in real estate.


In the first and second ten days of the month, you are in good physical shape and full of optimism. During this period, your health status will not cause concern. After March 23, 2018, when Mercury becomes retrograde, the situation is not so favorable. You should take care of yourself and not take risks. It would be better to avoid fatigue and overexertion. To recharge yourself with positive energy, the stars advise you to take part in cultural and social events, and to be in friendly companies.

Try not to communicate with people who simply waste your time and suck all your energy by complaining about difficulties in life. Don't be afraid to refuse someone if they ask for something that goes against your interests.