DIY wall clock - step by step instructions with photo examples. How to make a watch with your own hands - ideas and a master class How to make a border for a homemade watch

Beautiful wall clocks are always not only a source of information about the time, but also decorate the apartment interior, give it a special charm.

And if you think that making a wall clock with your own hands is very difficult, then you are deeply mistaken. This is a very real task, which is within the power of almost everyone. After all, for such a watch you do not need to assemble the mechanism itself.

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It is taken from old watches or taken out of cheap Chinese alarm clocks. And already on this basis, you decorate them to your taste, taking into account the design of your apartment.

What are wall clocks made of?

If you decide to make a wall clock yourself or make a grandfather clock with your own hands, then you need to know that this can be done from almost any material. Of course, the most popular is wood. Due to its properties, wood clocks are made in a variety of shapes and serve for a long time.

Usually, not only wall clocks, but also floor clocks are independently made from this material. By the way, drawings for the manufacture of wall clocks are usually not required, but they may sometimes be needed for floor structures that have a more complex assembly.

Record clock

Plastic and other materials

Plastic watches are also popular. They are even more durable, but their manufacture is more complicated. The original clock can be made from cardboard, and the simplicity with which this can be done is surprising. As a material for wall clocks, you can use paper or, for example, records.


It is quite possible to make a clock for the kitchen from a tin can.

The additional material used mainly for the manufacture of arrows is also distinguished by a great variety. It can be tree branches, buttons, pencils or wire.

Cardboard clock

As we have already said, cardboard watches are made quite simply, so we will now tell you how to make a cardboard watch yourself. In order to carry out this venture, we need the following materials and tools:

  1. Clockwork. It can be pulled out of an old unnecessary watch.
  2. Piece of corrugated cardboard. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of your future product.
  3. Wooden disk.
  4. , PVA glue, kraft paper (special high-strength wrapping paper).
  5. (fine-grained and possibly coarse-grained), hook, decorative elements.

Paper clock

Main stages of execution

First you need to take a disk made of wood (the same goes for a wooden clock), and make a hole for the clockwork with a puncher. After that, we cut out two circles from cardboard and stick them on both sides, and in one of them we also make a hole for the clock mechanism.

Having made the base for the clock, you need to paste over the ends of the disk with cardboard, cutting out a piece with a width equal to the thickness of the disk and a length equal to its circumference. We fix it with PVA glue. Then you need to paste over the watch with craft paper and, on the reverse side, fix the hook with which we will hang our product on a carnation. By the way, a master class on making watches can be viewed below.

DIY wall clock video:

Final work

Now we need to color our disk black. It will be enough to do it from the front side. After the surface has dried, we make a hole for the arrows, using an awl for this. Now we need silver paint, which contrasts as well as possible with the black color of the disk and with its help we apply divisions and numbers on the dial. Paint the arrows with the same color. We finish our work with the installation of the clock mechanism and the decorative decoration of the ends and edges of the disk.


This can be done, for example, with rhinestones.

As can be seen from the presented instructions, the manufacture of watches from cardboard is within the power of almost any person.

Wood clock

Let's look at how quickly you can make a wooden clock. For their manufacture, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Wooden disc with a diameter of 330 mm.
  2. Wooden sticks and balls of small diameter in the amount of 12 pieces.
  3. Clockwork.
  4. Sandpaper, glue, .
  5. Nippers and perforator.
  6. Black cardboard and paint in two colors.
  7. Pencil, scissors, ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sand the disc and balls to a smooth surface and wipe them from dust.
  2. Cut wooden sticks to the same length. We choose the length.
  3. Using a perforator, make a hole in the center of the disk, intended for the arrows.
  4. Let's drill 12 holes on the end of the wooden disk. They will serve as grooves for sticks with balls. The distance between the disks must be the same. To do this, use a protractor and make marks every thirty degrees.
  5. Pour glue into the holes and fix wooden sticks in them.
  6. At this stage of making wooden watches, you need to treat the surface with a primer and, after drying, apply several layers of paint. The paint color, in our case, should be white.
  7. Now we need to color the balls in red (it is most suitable for a white disk). To make it convenient to do this, we need a piece of foam and the remains of our wooden sticks. We string balls on them and paint them, after which we insert them into a piece of foam and wait for them to dry. For painting, we use a spray, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to evenly paint with a brush.
  8. After drying, insert the balls into the sticks and “sit down” on the glue.
  1. The final step will be to install the clock mechanism on the back of the disk and fix the arrows to it. The arrows are made of thick cardboard, painted black.

This is interesting! do it yourself - master class

Paper clock

In order to make a clock out of paper, we need the following materials:

  1. Clock mechanism and hands.
  2. The dial is made of wood or other dense material.
  3. Decor paper and buttons.
  4. Decoupage glue (acts as glue, varnish and sealant), ordinary glue, paints.
  5. Small paper plate.
  6. Ruler, scissors, pencil, pen.
  7. Brush and foam brush.

plastic watch

Manufacturing steps

Let's look at how to make a watch with your own hands in stages.

  1. First, we cut the paper (choose the color that suits you), in the form of an elongated trapezoid, along the length of the dial. In this case, all pieces should be the same in size and shape. The total area of ​​the paper should be larger than the dial, so that later it will be possible to bend the ends. Then we fix the paper to the dial with decoupage glue and wait until it dries. After that, we bend and glue the hanging ends to the back of the dial.
  2. We apply decoupage glue to the surface of the dial in several layers. Each subsequent layer is applied to the previous one, but after complete drying. When properly applied, the surface of the dial will become glossy.
  3. We make the markup of the dial. It is convenient to do this with a paper plate. That is, first we mark all the points on the plate, then we apply it to the dial and put the points already on it. After that, in place of the numbers, we glue, for example, buttons or something else that your imagination is designed for.
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As a rule, watches are now an integral part of the external image. They not only help you keep track of time without the hassle, but also serve as a stylish accessory. Therefore, it is important not only the main purpose of the watch, but also their appearance. However, it is not always possible to find a suitable wrist accessory: either their appearance is not catchy, or the price is too high. What can be done in such a case? That's right, DIY wristwatch step by step tutorial! So you can create an original accessory that you will like externally and completely fit in size.

Master class on creating women's watches with their own hands

Necessary materials:
  • watches (old or new and inexpensive);
  • leather strap 70 cm long (must be the width of the belt from the original watch to the rework);
  • chain with decorative elements;
  • rivets;
  • hole puncher.

The necessary elements of the watch are already ready, you can get to work.


1) Take a new leather strap and cut it next to the last hole. If the belt is made of leatherette, then after cutting it is necessary to singe the edge.

2) Now we cut the belt in half so that we get two 35 cm straps, where one end has a clasp and the other has holes.

3) Using a hole punch, make holes.

4) Now we attach the rivets.

5) So, the clock itself is ready.

6) Let's move on to decorating. We take a chain with jewelry and attach it to the watch with clasps.

Everything, stylish and original, and most importantly - absolutely inexpensive watches are ready! Such an accessory will successfully complement any image and will favorably distinguish its creator.

But not only women can be interested in homemade watch making. What representative of the stronger sex does not like science fiction? And the opportunity to make a watch yourself, similar to the accessory of the hero of one of Jules Verne's adventure novels, is all the more delightful. And this idea is no longer a fantasy, but a really real opportunity to make yourself a steampunk wrist accessory.

How to create a stylish steampunk clock step by step

For the manufacture of such watches, you will need a number of accessories and materials that are unlikely to be found in one store. But the prospect of making homemade original watches will undoubtedly add strength and enthusiasm to search for the right items.

Necessary materials:
  • any wristwatch;
  • new brass case, which fits the watch in diameter;
  • round stainless steel disc;
  • old clocks or alarm clocks;
  • several leather belts or, if you want to save money, you can buy 2 leather wristbands.
  • 2 watch loops;
  • hole puncher.

After purchasing all the necessary accessories, you can begin to “assemble” a steampunk watch.


1) First, you need to take a wristwatch and not only cut off the straps, but also cut off the side “lugs” on which these straps were held. You can do this yourself, but if you are afraid of not being able to do it or ruining your watch, then it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist. It is best to immediately take the wrist accessory to a watchmaker and ask them to remove both the straps and the lugs.

2) Then we take a stainless steel disk and cut it to the diameter of the existing case of the future watch. It will become the back cover of the watch. Afterwards you will need to make holes for fastening on all four sides of the disk.

3) You can, if desired, make an unusual engraving on the case, for example, a phrase in Latin. This, again, is best done by a specialist - an engraver.

4) The next step is to take the alarm clocks and clocks and start disassembling them. We disassemble the case and take out all the existing parts. Specifically, we are interested in gears of various shapes and sizes, but we can also select other interesting elements for the future dial.

5) Assemble the watch case. Place the body face down in front of you. We lay the glass, place gears, a dial, and again some mechanical parts on it in an unusual order. When finished, close the case with the back cover and attach it with screws.

6) Let's start with the strap. We cut out one wide belt (about 6 centimeters wide), and the length is guided by the width of our hand. Then we cut out two more identical narrow straps, to which we attach two belt loops on one side, and on the other we make holes with a hole punch. Before doing this, you should try on one strap on your hand and make marks for the holes, and only then make them with a hole punch. Now we make a “wristband” from the strap. We attach belt loops along the edges so that the product can be fastened on the arm.

7) Assembling the watch. We attach the dial to the narrow straps, and attach the resulting watch to the wide belt, so that the end result is a wide leather bracelet with a watch in the center.

So, the steampunk watch is ready for use. Such an original accessory will definitely attract the attention of others with its unusual appearance.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Don't stop there. In the collection of video tutorials below you can find new ideas for creating wrist jewelry. We wish you success in your work!

Clocks don't just tell the time and keep us from staying up late - they can also serve as impressive works of art to decorate our homes.

A beautiful and ornate watch may be too expensive, but there are many ways to make your own watch. All you need is a little time, creativity and motivation to get started, and you can create something completely different, something that no one else has, a thing that has no analogues in the world.

Floating wall clock

Gather all the necessary materials. To create a floating clock you will need the following tools:

  • adhesive putty;
  • wooden numbers from 1 to 12;
  • 4 different sheets of scrapbook paper;
  • glue;
  • knife;
  • set of clock mechanisms.

Wooden numbers can be purchased at a craft store, or you can cut them yourself. A set of clock mechanisms can be purchased in specialized stores; they are inexpensive. Search the Internet, you will find several of them. You can use a mechanism with hands from an old clock that you have in your house or gathering dust somewhere in the attic.

Wooden numbers will look more interesting in different fonts and sizes. You can varnish the wooden numbers or glue on scrapbooking paper and then varnish. An interesting effect can be achieved if you spray the numbers with metallic silver paint.

Set the clock. The clock will be about 60cm wide, so choose a location to mount it where you have plenty of space. Once you have chosen a location, use a ruler to determine the center of the spot. This is where you will hang the clock mechanism.

Secure the clock mechanism to the wall using adhesive putty. This piece looks great when placed above a mantel or low cabinet.

Decide where you will hang the numbers. Use a ruler to measure 30 centimeters directly from the top of the clock. Mark this spot with a pencil. This is where you will hang number 12. Measure 30 centimeters to the right of the clock and mark it with a pencil. This is where you will hang number 3. Measure 30 centimeters below your clock and mark it with a pencil. This is where you will hang number 6. Measure 30 centimeters to the left of the clock and mark it with a pencil. This is where you will hang number 9.

Hang the numbers and set the clock. Use adhesive putty to hang 12, 3, 6 and 9 onto the pre-designated pencil spots. You can then use a ruler and pencil in the space and mark where the rest of the numbers will remain.

Use adhesive putty to hang the remaining numbers. The adhesive putty is easy to remove, so if you need to customize the placement of the number, you can easily remove it from the wall and reinstall it in another location. Insert the batteries into the clock mechanism and set it to the correct time.

Watch “Rainbow”

Know that recycling old things is of great importance for preserving our nature. And if you learn to recycle things instead of throwing them away and polluting the environment, that will be great.

An additional bonus will be saving money and the opportunity to make a great gift for your loved ones. Try making this watch from recycled items. Let's look at how to make a wall clock with your own hands using popsicle sticks.

What you need:

  • 12 ice cream sticks;
  • Watch mechanism;
  • Styrofoam;
  • 1 sheet of plywood;
  • fabric or acrylic paints;
  • glue.


  • Paint popsicle sticks rainbow colors. Line them up on the wall and mark the line with a ruler. This is done to determine how much space you need to insert the numbers.
  • Cut a circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters from foam. Draw numbers on it with a pencil. Then you need to paint the circles with acrylic paints.

  • Shape the face of the clock. Make a circle out of a sheet of plywood and paint it with white paint. Take a ruler and divide the circle into 12 parts. Drill a hole (you can use a large nail if you don't have a drill).
  • Apply glue. Lightly spread glue along the line on the right side of the clock and stick.

  • Now all you have to do is stick the numbers on. Add a clock mechanism and you're done!

Instead of popsicle sticks, you can use buttons and barbecue sticks or felt that you can cut out flowers from. Use any available material - it could be fragments of broken children's toys, etc. Remember that you can create a masterpiece from garbage and help nature.

Clock from photographs

Quite an original idea to make a watch with your own hands from portraits of loved ones, which can become a true decoration of your interior.

To make this original watch, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 sheets of 18x24 newsprint or poster paper;
  • scotch;
  • pencil;
  • 12 photo frames size 2x3;
  • 12 photographs, size 2x3;
  • Watch mechanism;
  • ruler;
  • sheet of cardboard size 8.5 x11;
  • scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • hammer;
  • nails.

Lay out the hours. Place two sheets of newsprint or poster paper on the floor, then attach them to each other with tape. Place the clock mechanism kit in the center of the sheets and then place the photo frames around the clock mechanism.

Experiment with frames, placing some horizontally and some vertically. Play with the layout until you find a design that works best for you.

When you are satisfied with the result, use a pencil to draw the outlines of the photo frames on a piece of paper.

Insert photos into frames. Choose the best photos for this project. Try to come up with a theme and choose twelve paintings that fit that theme. For example, choose pictures of twelve of your vacation spots. Or choose twelve different photos from key events in your life or relationship with your partner.

Attach the clock mechanism. Use a pencil, ruler and scissors to cut the cardstock into a square or rectangle. It should be large enough to cover the clock mechanism.

If the clock mechanism is small, cut cardboard to size 3.25 x 3.75 - the same size as the picture frames. Cut a hole in the center of the cardboard. The metal part of the watch mechanism will be located here, attach it. Use a piece of cardboard instead of a "dial".

Find an empty wall where you can hang a wall clock. Attach your paper blanks to the wall with tape and nail the photo frames. Make sure they match the pattern of the dial.

After you finish hammering, remove the newsprint from the wall. The nails should stay in place and the paper should slide out easily.

Button watch

Such a clock will look quite original and give the room more comfort. Take a hoop, buttons, don’t forget about the clock mechanism, stock up on braid and fabric in the colors you need.

The fabric should be well secured to the hoop, the edges should be trimmed so that they do not protrude beyond the mold. This will be your dial, naturally you need to make numbers for it. To do this, sew the buttons in the order in which the numbers are located on the dial.

Make a hole in the center so you can attach the clock mechanism. And for the clock to hang beautifully on the wall, you need to hang it. To do this, take a ribbon, attach it to a hoop, and then hang it on a nail on the wall.

Other creative ideas

As you can see, you can create a lot of interesting things from scrap materials. You can use halves of a globe or wooden spools for winding cables. Needlewomen can create this piece of furniture from a lace napkin or knit a cover with threads.

Children will be interested in having a clock made of lollipops or candies in their room. A product made from vinyl records will fit perfectly into an interior in the Art Nouveau style. The shape of a vinyl record can be easily changed by heating it. You can also paint a vinyl disc with acrylic paint and then your product will take on an absolutely incredible shape.

And if you take a sawn wooden circle as a dial, you can place a wooden clock in any room.

A great idea is a cardboard clock in the form of a picture or map of the area or a grandfather clock. You can also take old unnecessary mechanisms and make a clock for your kitchen, decorating it with scrapbooking paper or coffee beans. Even if you don't have anything in the house, you can buy a cutting board for your kitchen and use it to create a clock. And the decoupage technique will help you decorate the board and turn it into a true masterpiece.

Feel like a real designer, create your own projects, decorate the space of your home and bring joy to your friends!

To create a cozy home, you need to think through many details. First of all, this applies to interior and decorative elements, such as curtains, lamps, clocks and pillows. Today we propose to consider how to make a watch with your own hands. Anyone can make them. The main task is to install a large working mechanism; it is usually bought in a specialized store. Having an old watch will greatly simplify the task, because you can use its mechanism. Everything else depends on your skill and imagination.

Wall clock using decoupage technique (MK)

You can make a clock for the kitchen with your own hands from scrap materials. But, if you want to create an original product, then the decoupage style will be the ideal solution.. These watches look elegant and will become a unique decoration for your home interior. We offer an interesting master class that will help you create your own wall clock at minimal cost.

You also need to prepare:

  • clockwork hands;
  • wooden base (round or square);
  • napkins and ready-made patterns on paper;
  • acrylic paints;
  • tassels;
  • sponges and varnish.

Making a watch with your own hands in decoupage style is carried out in a certain sequence:

1. The workpiece is being processed . The base of the future product must be sanded using sandpaper and coated three times with white acrylic paint, it will serve as a primer.

2. When the paint has dried, retreat a couple of centimeters from the edge of the workpiece and outline the future framework .

We outline the frame

3. The base is given texture , choose a paint color that best suits the interior. The paint is diluted and applied with a sponge in a chaotic manner to age the product.

Apply a second coat of paint

4. The frame of the future watch stands out more dark color, brown paint is ideal for this.

Painting the frame

5. From prepared rice paper pattern is cut out and applied to the workpiece . If a napkin is used, then it is soaked in water and applied to the selected place on the dial. Glue is applied over the image.

Glue the image

6. Now you need to use your imagination and make sure that the drawing fits organically into the surface. Paints of appropriate tones and a sponge will help here. With their help a smooth transition is created from the pattern to the surface of the dial. It is important to be extremely careful; if you cope with this task, then you are a great master.

Making a smooth transition

7. At this stage the product needs to be aged , to do this, apply a two-component cracking agent to the surface with a dry brush (you can buy it at a store that sells craft supplies).

Apply a layer of craquelure

8. After the craquelure dries, cracks will appear on the product, which will give it elegance. The workpiece is varnished as a protective layer.


At the end, all that remains is to install the arrows, the mechanism and glue the numbers (the latter can be drawn according to the template). Now the clock has a completed look; it can be used as decor for the kitchen, bedroom, or living room.

The finished result

On video: making wall clocks using decoupage technique

Cardboard clock (MK)

Some needlewomen make their own kitchen clocks from cardboard.. Such a decorative item can become not just useful, but also an exclusive item. Before answering the question of how to make a clock out of cardboard, you need to make sure you have the appropriate materials.

To work you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • multi-colored caps or buttons;
  • operating mechanism and arrows;
  • compass;
  • PVA glue.

To make your own wall clock, follow these steps:

1. Using a compass, make a circle on cardboard and then cut it out.

Cut out a circle from cardboard

2. Using glue, caps or buttons are glued in appropriate places.

Glue the lids to the cardboard

3. Numbers are depicted on the caps (use a marker or acrylic paint, depending on the material from which the parts are made).

Drawing numbers

4. A hole is made in the center of the intended circle to install the mechanism and hands.

Making a hole

5. The last step is to install the arrow mechanism. A battery is also inserted to operate the clock.

As you can see, you can make a clock out of cardboard very quickly and you don’t need any special skills, but such a decoration will complement the interior of the chosen room.

Quilling style product(MK)

A good option would be to make a watch in the quilling style. This type of arts and crafts uses paper strips of different widths and lengths.. They are twisted into patterns and a composition is formed. You can make a similar clock according to this scheme:

  • The basis for the watch will be thick cardboard or plywood. Black paper is glued to the body. To create contrast, decorative elements are mainly created from white or light-colored paper. When choosing a color, take into account the interior of the room where the clock will be installed. They should fit harmoniously.

This is what the finished product looks like
  • Numbers are made from prepared strips of paper. To do this, use short strips. At the same time, decorative elements are twisted. Various compositions are used for decoration. These could be flowers or just patterns. It is better to draw a sketch in advance, which will allow you to evaluate the appearance of the future product.

We twist paper strips into patterns and numbers

3. The created numbers and decorative elements are glued to the selected places using PVA glue.

Glue the finished elements to the base

4. A hole is made in the center of the base and a mechanism with arrows is installed.

Installing the clock mechanism

Ideas for creating wall clocks vary. Focus on the materials that you have available, but there may be a lot of them. It is allowed to use additional elements, be it lace, satin ribbons, beads, rhinestones or even stickers. A kitchen wall clock made of paper or other materials will allow you to always know the time. And a decorative element made with your own hands will please the eye.

As an idea, you can try to make a wristwatch, but in this case everything is much more complicated. This is due to their small size. The best option here would be to experiment with straps. Combining chains of different thicknesses will allow you to create an original watch for your wrist. Also, zippers, elastic bands, and beads can serve as a decorative strap.

Clock made of paper and CD (2 videos)

Options for homemade watches (35 photos)

Watch dial model. Master class with step-by-step photos

Natalya Viktorovna Suslova, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, primary school teachers, educators, and parents.
Purpose: didactic material for mathematics lessons, interior decoration.
Target: making a watch dial.
Tasks:- strengthen the ability to work with paper;
- develop children's creativity, imagination, and fantasy;
- develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue and a needle;
- cultivate patience and confidence in your affairs.

A man who wastes time
He himself doesn’t notice how old he is.
E Schwartz
Even in ancient times, people knew how to navigate in time and space:
according to the stars, according to the sun, even then the first sundial was invented.
Man has invented all sorts of clocks throughout his existence: lunar, water, candle, sand, oil.
Such an ingenious invention could not fail to find universal application. Many of the first watches served humanity long and faithfully, but over time, more modern and convenient watch models appeared.
In today’s dynamic world, you have to appreciate every minute, as the saying “time is money” becomes more relevant every year. In order to control yourself, you simply need to have a good sense of time.
Teaching a child to navigate a clock correctly is a real art. This kind of activity requires a lot of time to be spent explaining the different names for the same designation. The main thing is patience and the ability to wait, and not immediately demand skills and abilities from the child.
The first and best tool is a home clock with hands, which we will make today.

They go all the time.
Not a person. (watch)
We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock. (watch)
I have no legs, but I walk
I have no mouth, but I will say,
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work. (watch)
Here's a hut with arrows,
And inside there sits a cuckoo

And shouts: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!
I guard the minutes!" (clock)
When to go to bed and get up
When should we start a game?
When to sit down for a lesson
When there is a pie with raspberries -
The clock will tell us everything exactly,
So that the question: “What time is it?” -
You could answer every time.
A watch is a mystical gift.
It's not time that has power over you,
And you are above him - let him be bright
Yours every day and every hour!
The clock does not tolerate inattention,
And in happiness, be sensitive to the clock.
They are wealth and recognition
They bring it to us at the appointed time.

colored cardboard,
colored paper (landscape sheet),
thread, needle,
small flat button
hole puncher.


Step-by-step description of the work:
To work we need templates.

1. Making a dial. Trace the outline of the dial on the back of the colored cardboard.

Trace the inner circle on a landscape sheet.

Cut out the details.

Place the parts on top of each other and glue them.

Fold a landscape sheet like an accordion into 12 pieces, draw circles (other geometric shapes) for the numbers.

Cut out the details.

Glue the parts to the dial and decorate the numbers with a felt-tip pen. The dial is ready!

2. Making arrows. Make 2 holes on the back of the dark cardboard with a hole punch.

Align the holes with the template holes. Trace the arrow patterns.

Cut out the arrows.

3. Assembling the dial model. Place the arrows on top of each other, align the holes of the arrows, and place them on the center of the circle.

Place a flat button on top and sew to the dial.

Reverse side of the dial.

Use a felt-tip pen to mark the minutes.

Dial models are ready in different design options.

Creative success!