Organic Dessert: Chia Seed Pudding. How to Consume Chia Seeds for Weight Loss, Cleansing and Overall Health Improvement Chia Berry Dessert Recipes

Our regular columnist Calgary Avansino shares the basics and recipes for making a healthy and delicious dessert - a sweet pudding made from newfangled chia seeds, tested many times on himself and household members.

In one of my first articles, I already talked about the fantastic benefits of chia seeds - no wonder why they have become so popular. One way to consume chia is to make dessert pudding for breakfast. It won't be difficult to prepare it.

Step one
The pudding is based on a combination of chia seeds and any kind of milk. In my opinion, coconut and almonds make the best desserts. The main thing is to remember the proportions: 3 tablespoons of chia seeds per 1 cup of liquid. For example, if you're making 4 servings (which is a great option considering the pudding stays fresh for several days), you'll need ¾ cup chia seeds and 4 cups milk. Combine the ingredients together and mix thoroughly.

step two
This is where the fun begins: you can fantasize about the dessert as much as you like and add any useful ingredients. For example, dried coconut, raisins, cocoa powder, pomegranate seeds, mango pieces, walnuts, almonds or pistachios. Try any combination! Add them to the milk with chia seeds, mix and refrigerate the mixture overnight, and if there is no time, at least 20 minutes.

Step Three
Stir the finished pudding, add some milk and garnish with blueberries, raspberries, maple syrup, agave, or honey if you like sweeter desserts. Below are the recipes I usually use:

Chia pudding with cinnamon
2 cups almond milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon ginger
2 tablespoons chopped dates
2 tablespoons dried cranberries

Vanilla coconut pudding with almonds
2 cups coconut milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons chopped almonds
Topping with blueberries and raspberries

Chia seed chocolate pudding
2 cups almond milk
2/3 cup chia seeds
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons coconut flakes
½ tablespoon maple syrup

All the necessary products for preparing recipes can be purchased at the Biostoria organic food store.

Chia seeds are a great helper in gaining beauty, health, and longevity. They have been used since ancient times, but they are experiencing the peak of their popularity right now, becoming famous all over the world. The product helps to improve well-being, saturates with energy, helps fight various health problems, strengthens the immune system, helps to lose weight. For the human body, it is of significant value, but only if it is used correctly. Therefore, it is important to know how to take chia seeds.

First you need to figure out how to purchase and store this product. Now you can buy seeds in pharmacies, specialized health food stores, order online. Of course, the offline purchase method is preferable, since in this case it can visually evaluate its appearance, smell and other characteristics. Quality seeds should have the following characteristics:

  • Color. The color should be heterogeneous, there are blotches and a marble pattern, different shades of brown. You can also find white seeds.
  • Shape and size. Chia seeds are small, rounded, similar to small quail eggs.
  • Taste. The taste will be insipid, characteristic of raw seeds, slightly similar to a walnut.
  • No smell, although a slight aroma of flour or grain is possible.
  • The documents. Regardless of the method of sale, the seller must have documents confirming the quality of the seeds.

On sale, most often you can find seeds for human consumption and use for medicinal purposes. However, you can also find seeds for planting. They have less value, since the degree of maturity on the plant has already been reached. You can distinguish them externally by the color and size of the package. Planting material is packed in small bags. And food seeds in such can be found extremely rarely.

Having bought the seeds, immediately pour them into an airtight jar. Store in a dark place with a temperature up to 25 degrees. The product must be protected from sunlight, as they lead to the destruction of a number of useful substances. When moisture enters the seed, it deteriorates and swells.

Preparation and use of seeds

Before consuming chia seeds, be sure to rinse them, and it is important to do this immediately before use. Seeds absorb 12 times more water than they themselves. If you have already wetted them, you need to use them in the next day, otherwise they will simply disappear.

There are several ways to eat chia seeds:

  • Generally dry. You can simply consume them with water or drinks, add them to dishes.
  • Dry ground. Seed powder is added to drinks, dishes, mixed with honey or syrups.
  • In hammered form. The seeds are crushed and soaked in liquid beforehand, to release mucus.
  • boiled. Kissels, cereals and other dishes that require cooking are enriched with seeds.
  • in baking. In ground form, the seeds can be added to the dough for pancakes, pancakes, muffins and other products.
  • The seeds are also used in the form of oil. Chia seed oil is mostly used in cosmetics.

Regardless of how you use the seeds, it's important to remember to drink water. Having used the seeds, again, in any form, be sure to drink water. Otherwise, they will not be able to swell and will take fluid from the body, and this can provoke dehydration, constipation, intestinal obstruction.

The use of seeds for general health improvement and prevention

You can consume chia seeds every day for the rest of your life. They will help improve well-being, strengthen the body's defenses, boost immunity, prevent weight gain, slow down the aging process, and improve skin condition. The drug provokes an allergy extremely rarely, it can be used by children older than three years. By the way, the product is also very useful for children, as it helps to improve mental activity.

Chia seeds are eaten as follows:

  • In the form of a kissel. A teaspoon of seeds is poured into a glass of hot water, covered and left in this form for an hour. If there is not enough time, you can boil the mixture for two minutes, cool it and drink it.
  • In the form of porridge. A spoonful of seeds (whole or crushed) should be poured into a glass of boiling milk, boil for two minutes, add spices to taste.
  • With honey. Combine 1-2 teaspoons of honey and seeds, eat with tea or milk.
  • Cocktail. Pour 1-2 teaspoons with a glass of kefir or yogurt and let it brew for two hours. Can be left overnight in the refrigerator.

Also you can add seeds to fresh salads and soups, main dishes, cereals, cereal dishes, muesli, pastries. They are mixed with nuts, added to ice cream, creams, used to sprinkle the cake. In any case, they only bring benefits.

Consume no more than 1-2 teaspoons of seeds per day. Remember that an overdose of useful substances is harmful, as well as their lack.

How to use chia seeds for weight loss

Chia seeds can be an assistant for those who are struggling for a perfect figure. They contain a large amount of fiber, secrete mucus, help control hunger, perfectly saturate, prevent overeating, and also help to avoid stretch marks, sagging skin and other consequences of losing weight.

For weight loss, chia seeds can be consumed as follows:

  • Kissel. The easiest way to cook chia seeds is jelly. Only water is required. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of hot water and leave to infuse for an hour. If the product is crushed, 15 minutes is enough. They drink such jelly half an hour before meals three times or when they feel hungry as a snack.
  • Dry seeds. You can eat 5 g of seeds 20-30 minutes before meals with a glass of water.
  • Porridge. Mix a tablespoon of chia and two tablespoons of oatmeal, pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, cover and let it steep for an hour. You can use this porridge for breakfast.

You can also arrange fasting days on chia seeds and kefir. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with a liter of fermented milk drink and place in the refrigerator. During the day, consume 200 ml of the mixture every 2-3 hours. You should also drink at least two liters of water a day.

For bowel cleansing

Chia seeds help cleanse the intestines, normalize stools, improve peristalsis and the internal microflora of this organ. Mucus protects the walls. Usually the course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.

Regardless of the recipe, it is again important to drink plenty of water.

Recipe with kefir

You will need: a tablespoon of seeds, 200 ml of kefir, honey to taste.

Combine kefir with ground or whole chia seeds, let it brew for at least two hours. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to taste, stir to dissolve. You need to drink the remedy one hour before meals. Can be cooked in the evening and consumed on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Cleansing cocktail

Helps cleanse the intestines and fights constipation.

You need to take a tablespoon of honey and chia seeds, 200 ml of water, 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 4 pieces of prunes.

Pour the washed seeds with water in the evening and leave them to swell. In the morning, add the rest of the ingredients, beat with a blender. Consume on an empty stomach, have breakfast after two hours. Can use for a single dose or a course of two weeks.

The product is very useful for lowering cholesterol, as well as for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. In these cases, the seeds can be cooked and used in any way, making porridge or jelly. You can also add them to regular meals. Divide a tablespoon of the product into 3-5 parts, depending on how many times a day you eat, and add to each dish, both cold and hot.

Chia seed oil

Chia seed oil is very fond of cosmetology. It is used both internally and externally. You can combine it with other vegetable oils, apply to the skin.

This tool perfectly moisturizes dry skin, prevents dermatitis, has a positive effect on hair growth and fights their section. It is also consumed internally - simply added to ordinary dishes.

Chia Seed Recipes

There are many recipes with chia seeds. They can be used to prepare almost any dish. Consider a few simple recipes, which may include this component.

Porridge with dried fruits


  • 100 grams of oatmeal;
  • 70 g of chia seeds;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • cinnamon and vanilla to taste;
  • dried fruits.

Bring the milk to a boil, add the rest of the ingredients, cook for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove, let it brew for 20 minutes. Now you can eat porridge. When serving, you can add fresh fruits or berries to it.

Chia seed pudding

To prepare a delicious and healthy pudding, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds;
  • 150 g of berries to taste;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml of yogurt;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • sweeteners.

Mix milk and grains to form a thick mass. Leave it for 20 minutes until completely swollen. Then add the rest of the ingredients one by one, mixing gently. Place on a deep plate and refrigerate for 10 minutes. A delicious and healthy dessert is ready.

Fruit salad

To prepare it, you need the following:

  • three tablespoons of chia seeds in the form of a gel (to prepare it, you need to fill the seeds with water and let it brew);
  • a bunch of spinach;
  • two kiwis;
  • one avocado;
  • lemon juice;
  • ginger (to taste)

Cut fruit into cubes, add lemon juice and chia gel. Garnish with ginger and spinach before serving.

Orange dessert with chia seeds

There are a large number of dessert recipes that include chia seeds. For example, a delicious orange dessert, for the preparation of which you will need the following ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • a cup of vegetable milk (optional);
  • half a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • zest of one orange;
  • a couple tablespoons of honey or maple syrup;
  • a quarter cup of chia seeds;
  • coconut flakes, nuts, pieces of any frozen berries, orange for decoration.

Stir in milk, orange zest and juice, honey or maple syrup. Add chia seeds and mix thoroughly. Arrange in containers and leave for five minutes, then mix well again, and place in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Decorate before serving.

There are other recipes that include chia seeds. This component makes dishes much healthier, having a beneficial effect on our beauty and health, so you can add it to your diet.

Recipes with chia seeds on video

Chia seeds are not only very healthy, but also a great helper in the fight against excess weight, as they not only provide a feeling of satiety for a long time, but also prevent the appearance of localized fat.

With proper and regular consumption of chia seeds, you can prevent the onset of dangerous cardiovascular diseases, control the development of diabetes, normalize cholesterol levels, and also minimize the likelihood of cellulite, and of course, strengthen the body's defense system.

Top Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds Every Day

  1. Chia seeds promote weight loss. These small seeds are able to absorb up to 12 times their own weight in volume after they come into contact with stomach fluid. Thanks to this effect, a feeling of satiety appears, the desire for frequent snacks disappears, due to which all excess calories go away, while the functioning of the digestive system also improves.
  2. Chia seeds contain a fairly large amount of valuable antioxidants, while their concentration is several times greater than in blueberries or blueberries. The most valuable antioxidants in the winter season, thanks to which an optimal level of health is maintained. At the same time, it is antioxidants that help to conduct an excellent wellness course and look much younger.
  3. Chia seeds contain a large amount of omega-6 and omega-3 acids, which must be included in the daily diet without fail. These acids play an important role in heart health, and also contribute to the intensive and safe reduction of blood cholesterol levels. It is believed that through regular consumption of food, you can significantly reduce the pain in arthritis.
  4. Chia seeds contain a large amount of calcium and protein, as well as potassium, the number of which exceeds that of any cereals and milk, bananas. Thanks to the daily consumption of chia seeds, additional energy appears, brain function improves and a full course of recovery is carried out for one's own body.
  5. Chia seeds contain unique substances, thanks to which you can not only reduce high blood pressure, but also normalize blood sugar levels. Scientists have conducted studies in which, after three months of regular consumption of these seeds, diabetics have several times decreased their tendency to form blood clots, the blood becomes less viscous, and high blood pressure is also significantly reduced.

What to cook with chia seeds?

Today, there is simply a huge number of a wide variety of dishes with the addition, which are not only very tasty, but also contribute to the burning of body fat.

Chocolate pudding

To prepare such a pudding, you will need to take the following components:

  • chia seeds (4 tablespoons);
  • vanilla (1 tablespoon of extract or 1 pod);
  • (1 table spoon);
  • honey (3 tablespoons, if desired, can be replaced with syrup);
  • thawed or fresh raspberries (3/4 cup);
  • water (1 tbsp.);
  • (1/2 cup).

All components are transferred to the bowl of the food processor, the only exception is chia seeds. Everything mixes well at high speed. It is advisable to spread the raspberries on the bottom, and lastly add the nuts.

As soon as all the ingredients are mixed and acquire a uniform consistency, the mass is poured into the bowl with the seeds and everything is intensively mixed with a spoon.

The container is covered with a film or a saucer on top and placed in the refrigerator. The pudding should stand in the refrigerator for at least one hour, after which it can be eaten. During the stay in the refrigerator, the seeds will swell and absorb moisture.

Chocolate pudding with chia seeds and raspberries will be just the perfect breakfast option not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for children, as the seeds are rich in valuable vitamins and minerals.

Salmon with chia seeds

To prepare this dish, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • boiled rice (1 tbsp.);
  • salt (a little, to taste);
  • lemon zest (a little, to taste);
  • (1 teaspoon);
  • (1 teaspoon);
  • (2 tbsp.);
  • (1/4 st.);
  • chia seeds (1/2 cup);
  • salmon fillet, peeled (about 400 grams).

All ingredients are mixed with chia and sesame seeds, after which the pre-cleaned salmon carcass is sprinkled with the resulting mixture. It is important that the salmon is completely sprinkled in the resulting mixture.

Then the salmon carcass is laid out in the oven on the grate, baked for 12 minutes (on each side). Rice with spinach is prepared separately.

Chia seed crackers

To make crackers according to this recipe, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt (a little, to taste);
  • liquid honey (1 tablespoon);
  • (2 tablespoons);
  • (20-30 grams);
  • dried (1/2 cup);
  • chia seeds (1 tbsp.).

Chia seeds are soaked in filtered water and left for exactly 8 hours. It is necessary to use a lot of water, as the seeds swell strongly and absorb a large amount of liquid.

Then all the components are transferred to the blender bowl and thoroughly ground. The resulting mixture is transferred to dehydration sheets, while the thickness of the dough layer should be no more than 5 mm.

The mixture dries for 16 hours, and in order to make the crackers more flexible, you can add a small amount of olive oil.

Vitamin cocktail with chia seeds

To prepare this healthy and tasty cocktail, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • (2 tablespoons);
  • chia seeds (2 tablespoons);
  • (1 PC.);
  • (1 PC.);
  • (1 PC.);
  • orange (1 pc.)

Chia seeds are soaked in juice for 10 minutes. At this time, you need to start preparing fruits that are washed, peeled and cut into not very large pieces, after which they are mixed with soaked seeds.

If desired, to make the cocktail sweeter, you can add a small amount of grape sugar or honey.

Chia Seed Energy Shake

To prepare an energy cocktail, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • water (2 tbsp.);
  • liquid honey (4 tablespoons);
  • (2 tablespoons);
  • chia seeds (2 tablespoons).

To begin with, chia seeds must be poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and left overnight, and by morning a jelly should form.

Then all the components are transferred to the blender bowl and thoroughly mixed. It is worth remembering that the less the mixture is mixed, the better the structure of the cocktail will be.

The mixture should resemble a simple jelly, which is prepared on starch. In order for the finished cocktail to acquire a more interesting taste, it is recommended to soak chia seeds with dried apricots or prunes. After that, everything will be grinded together. It is recommended to drink such a drink before sports, as it gives the necessary boost of energy and vivacity.

Chia seed drink

To prepare such a drink, you will need to take chia grains and lightly fry, then pour water over it, the result should be a rather thick mass of a homogeneous consistency. The volume of the resulting mixture should be several times greater than the original.

Then a small amount of sugar is added (to taste). The result should be a semi-liquid cocktail, which the Indians appreciated for its nutritional value and benefits. It was this drink that helped them overcome long passages through the desert.

Delicious drink with chia seeds

To prepare such a drink, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • water (2.5 liters);
  • dark brown sugar (1 tbsp.);
  • fresh lemon juice (100 grams);
  • chia seeds (1 tbsp.).

Chia seeds must first be washed with water, then strained. If desired, instead of brown sugar, you can use plain sugar or replace it with sweeteners.

500 ml. prepared chia seeds are poured into water and left for exactly one hour. Lemon juice and sugar are diluted in the remaining 2 liters of water, after which the resulting solution is mixed with seeds and placed in the refrigerator, left for 2 hours.

Immediately before drinking, the finished drink must be thoroughly mixed with a spoon, as the seeds should be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the drink.

Such a drink with the addition of ice and mint turns out to be very tasty. The result is a wonderful and healthy refreshing drink that does not contain alcohol, while it is rich in vitamin C, which is part of lemon juice. Such a cocktail is very nutritious and supplies the body with the necessary amount of valuable vitamins and minerals.

Milk pudding with chia seeds

The pudding prepared according to this recipe is very tasty and healthy. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • any sweetener (a little, to taste);
  • salt (a little, on the tip of a knife);
  • (2 cups);
  • chia seeds (1/2 cup)

To prepare this pudding, you can use absolutely any milk - almond, goat, cow, coconut, soy. As a sweetener, simple white sugar, stevia, honey or agave syrup is just perfect.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting mass is laid out in small portion molds and left for about one hour. Such a pudding can be prepared in large quantities and stored in the refrigerator, but not more than five days.

Energy breakfast with chia seeds

To prepare such a breakfast, you will need the following components:

  • any berries and fruits;
  • (you can take the mixture either separately, almonds);
  • maple syrup (about 1.5 tablespoons, you can take a little more or less, it all depends on your own taste preferences);
  • chia seeds (1/2 cup);
  • almond milk (2 cups).

First you need to combine almond milk with chia seeds, add syrup. Everything is mixed well, after which the container is tightly closed and left for about 8 hours (it is very convenient to leave it all night).

All nuts are chopped into rather large pieces, while the berries and fruits are washed and finely cut, after which they are added to the finished pudding and everything is mixed well.

Mango-coconut pudding with chia seeds

To make this pudding recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar or honey (a little, to taste);
  • sweetened grated coconut (1 tablespoon);
  • ripe pulp, cut into small pieces (3/4 cup);
  • unsweetened almond milk (1/2 cup)
  • (1/2 cup);
  • chia seeds (2 tablespoons).

All the ingredients are mixed in a large container, after which it is tightly closed with a lid and left for about 8 hours in the refrigerator.

The resulting mixture is transferred to a cup or jar, after which the container is tightly covered with a lid (if there is no lid, you can also use cling film) and placed in the refrigerator overnight. Mix well just before serving.

Pumpkin chia cookies

To prepare this delicious and healthy cookie, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • coconut oil (2 tablespoons);
  • any sweetener (1/4 cup)
  • nutmeg (1/4 cup);
  • ground cloves (a little, on the tip of a knife);
  • ground ginger (1/4 teaspoon);
  • (1 teaspoon with a slide);
  • baking powder (1 teaspoon);
  • soda (1/2 teaspoon);
  • chia seeds (2 tablespoons);
  • pulp of peeled pumpkin (25 grams);
  • banana (1 pc.).

As a sweetener, you can use cane sugar, agave or stevia. The oven preheats to 180 degrees.

All dry ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl. In a blender, a banana is whipped until the mass reaches the consistency of a mousse.

A banana is added to the dry mixture, pumpkin and oil are introduced. Everything together is thoroughly whipped in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained, but at the same time it should not be too sticky.

The baking tray is covered with parchment paper, after which the finished dough is laid out and rolled out until its thickness is about 1 cm, and then cut into not very large portioned pieces.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven and left for about 20 minutes, until fully cooked. To check the readiness of the cookies, it will be necessary to pierce it with a simple toothpick, if the dough does not stick, then the cookies are completely ready.

Omelet with chia seeds

Such an omelette is not only tasty, but also healthy, while it is just perfect for breakfast.

To prepare this dish, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • ground black pepper (a little, to taste);
  • spinach (50 grams);
  • salt (a little, to taste);
  • vegetable or butter (a little, for frying);
  • milk (1 tablespoon);
  • onions (1 pc.);
  • white chia seeds (1 tablespoon);
  • (1 PC.).

The egg is beaten well with the milk, after which the chia seeds are added and the mixture is left for about 15 minutes.

At this time, the onion is peeled and cut into not very thick half rings, lightly fried in hot oil in a pan until it acquires a pleasant golden hue.

Milk-egg mixture and spinach are poured into the pan to the onion. The frying pan is covered with a lid, and the omelette is fried until fully cooked over minimal heat. Almost at the very end of cooking, the omelette should be seasoned with a little salt and ground black pepper.

Chia seeds or Spanish sage is of high value for healing the body, losing weight or normalizing the digestive system.

According to numerous reviews of users who have already tried this healing set of vitamins and microelements on themselves, they proudly declare the positive qualities of the product and very rarely indicate the side effects of chia grains.

The question arises whether there are persons of Spanish sage or harm, and if so, what is important to pay attention to in the first place.

Chia seeds. Harm from misuse

What to look out for in your daily diet:

    Chia seed quality

    Alas, in our country, there is such a negative trend that with the growing popularity of a particular product, the number of counterfeit or defective low-quality products is growing. To avoid this, you do not need to seek a compromise between price and quality, trusting dubious and unscrupulous sellers. Your best bet is to shop on iHerb. Here only certified products from leading manufacturers with a worldwide reputation are presented, which have already managed to win the respect and love of customers in different parts of the world. In addition, the prices for chia seeds here are quite affordable and profitable, even taking into account shipping from the USA.

    Today there are several types of chia seeds. Their main difference is the color, for example,

    or ).

    Nutritionists say that regardless of the color, the beneficial properties do not differ. The color of the seeds depends on the growing area. Blacks are found in Central America, whites in South America and Mexico. At the same time, white seeds are recommended to pay attention to people who suffer from frequent allergic reactions and hormonal imbalances. The black variety is suitable for people with high cholesterol and diabetes.

    Correct daily dosage.

    In order not to protect yourself from undesirable consequences after taking such exotic products, it is important to understand that the correct norm will guarantee excellent health and the usefulness of the constituent elements.

    The generally accepted norm per day for an adult is 2 tbsp. l., and for children half as much.

    Consultation with a doctor.

    Before taking a new ingredient, it is important to consult a specialist in order to identify specific contraindications and set an individual rate according to the performance of internal organs.

  1. Set a goal for yourself, to achieve which you need to take chia seeds. If you decide to just try this product on the advice of a neighbor, then it is important to understand that for this it will be enough to cook one or two dishes in order to enjoy the aroma and get a certain portion of vitamins for the body. If you are needed for weight loss or restoration of the digestive or cardiovascular systems, then only a regular planned diet based on the grains of an exotic plant will benefit your body. Be careful, because this product is not recommended to be taken for longer than 12 weeks, then a break of 1-2 months is required and only then you can resume the use of seeds of an exotic chia plant.
  2. Individual characteristics of the state of health

    Each organism is individual, and if your girlfriend uses it in her daily diet with pleasure and health benefits, this does not mean that you should rush headlong to the store, buy Spanish sage and take it with spoons.

    This product is considered high-calorie, it is forbidden to introduce it into food in case of violations of the digestive tract or acute diarrhea. Grains have the ability to swell in the stomach and cause a feeling of satiety for quite a long time.

    If you suspect food poisoning, observing discomfort in the intestines, nausea, dizziness, chia seeds should be discarded immediately, rinse the esophagus and consult a specialist in order to identify the cause of such a reaction of the body to the seed.

    Another harm to chia seeds that can occur is various allergic reactions and your own intolerance to the product can become indicators for a ban on taking sage grains.

    Through various studies, American nutritionists have not yet come to a general conclusion on whether pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should take chia seeds, which means that they should refrain from eating exotic sage.

    With an increased level of triglycerides, it would be imprudent to introduce chia grains into the diet, since they contain a high level of this element.

So, to eat - or not to eat, is purely your personal decision, necessarily based on the instructions of a nutritionist and general health! Be careful and do not self-medicate!

Chia seeds are an excellent product with which you can lose weight well and correct your figure. The seeds can be consumed raw, simply washed down with water. Also, the seeds can be filled with water, in this case, they swell 10-12 times. Thus, by taking quite a few seeds, you will have a feeling of satiety, which is definitely a positive feedback. Seeds can be added to cereals, meat and salads, and dairy products.

The seeds are tasteless, so they go well with various foods and dishes. However, if you have a strong desire to lose weight, you must follow some rules.

How to use chia seeds?

It is better to use the seeds on an empty stomach, mixing with dairy products. In this case, the cleansing properties of these seeds will be used to the maximum. A cocktail or smoothie with the addition of chia seeds will help to ensure that the feeling of satiety will be present until lunch, the intestines will be cleansed of toxins that adversely affect the digestion process.

To give up eating or snacking in the evening, you need to dine with a salad that will be filled with seed gel. They swell in the stomach, the feeling of hunger disappears.

How to take chia seeds correctly?

If you are wondering how to properly take chia seeds in order to get the maximum benefit, then you just need to stick to the rules.

An adult should eat no more than 1-2 tablespoons of seeds per day.

You can eat them dry, add to various dishes, pour water, juice, yogurt. Grinding chia seeds, you will get a healthy flour.

How to prepare chia seeds?

Bay chia with hot milk, after 15 minutes you can eat porridge, which will be tasty, nutritious, and healthy.

By grinding the seeds, you will get flour, which is an excellent option for baking bread, diet cookies and pancakes.

The seeds can be made into a delicious and nutritious drink using seeds 100 grams, brown sugar 100 grams, water 2.5 liters, and lemon juice 100 ml. Seeds must be poured with 500 ml of water and left for an hour and a half. Mix the remaining water with lemon juice, add sugar to this mixture and mix well. Next, mix the seeds with the resulting mixture and leave to infuse overnight.

Chia seeds - reviews

People who took chia seeds were satisfied with the result and speak only of positive feedback, as their well-being and health improved. Seeds affect the improvement of the functioning of the whole organism, so people with various diseases could be convinced of the beneficial properties of seeds.

Women who took the seeds in order to lose weight, put their figure in order, also achieved good results, began to look better.

Thousands of people claim that chia seeds are really necessary for the body, because they contain a lot of essential substances and vitamins, thanks to which the well-being and condition of the body improves.