The direct and inverted meaning of the rune of odin

Before moving on to the meaning of the Odin rune in divination, it is important to note that none of the Old Germanic and Old Norse Futharks and Utharks had such a rune. The rune of Odin is also called the rune of fate or simply an empty rune, since we are talking about the twenty-fifth element of the rune set, which does not have a graphic image.

The empty rune was proposed by the American rune researcher Ralph Bloom, who also gave it the now established name - Odin's Rune. He determined the meaning of this rune by the need to introduce an uncertainty factor into the fortune-telling futhark, a certain universe, a superhuman will that can radically change any situation.

The interpretation of the empty rune is twofold - on the one hand, we can talk about the fact that a higher power enters the situation, in the sense of a power that you cannot influence and about the existence of which you probably don’t even know (or didn’t know until the current moment in time ).

On the other hand, the meaning of the rune of Odin often comes down to the phrase “everything is in your hands”, and this means that, in relation to your situation, the circumstances have developed in such a way that you are able to shake the scales with any of your actions, even the most insignificant and even more so intentional. in the direction you want.

The rune of Odin in a relationship can indicate that you do not know something just because you really should not know it. This is not necessarily about some kind of negative information, but the knowledge hidden by the meaning of an empty rune can radically change the situation and you simply cannot cope or do not come to terms with this change. Think - maybe bliss is really in ignorance? ..

The rune of Odin in love often says that even if you do not understand the background of what is happening, you should definitely contribute in every possible way to the development of the situation. After all, this also happens - dreams come true, suddenly, unexpectedly, and this can be shocking. An empty rune in a close relationship indicates that if you slow down the situation, the outcome will definitely not satisfy you. Neither you nor the other participant(s) of the situation.

The rune of fate in business or everyday life may indicate karma. Perhaps current events are only a reflection or rather a consequence of your actions committed in the distant past (who knows - maybe even in a past life). The difficulty lies in the fact that the interpretation of the Odin rune always leaves uncertainty.

You may not understand who helps or hinders you, why he does this and what awaits you in the end. But changes are evident and you are not able to resist them at the moment. Or, as already noted, the meaning of the Odin rune can be completely opposite for you, and then you will have to think hard, because each step can become fateful, and not only (and not even so much) for you.

Please note that the meaning of the rune of Odin does not change depending on its position, simply because its position is always the same, there is neither a direct nor an inverted aspect. In fact, many practitioners do not use an empty rune in divination, and it can hardly be argued that this makes their predictions and definitions of the situation less accurate.

Summarizing all of the above, we note that an empty rune in divination can give two diametrically opposed advice. First, show courage and take a step forward into the darkness, into the unknown. Second - show humility and submit to circumstances, now is not the time to fight. An empty rune in relationships, business and other situations can have an unlimited number of aspects, so it is more difficult to understand it than in the case of any other rune.

The use of the rune of Odin outside the divinatory context

Given the rather peculiar meaning of the Odin rune, it is not recommended to use it in rituals and meditations, to put it mildly. Otherwise, a situation will arise when you will operate with forces and aspects that you do not know and do not understand, and it may turn out that you simply cannot control them.

For this reason, there is not a single esoteric practice (except divination) for the use of the rune of Fate. It is likely that such practices simply do not exist. This moment is connected with the basic postulate of the runic craft - it is forbidden to influence one's fate with anything other than one's own actions.

Rune of Odin as a manifesto of faith through knowledge

K. Meadows defines the meaning of the empty rune (it was he who first called it the rune of fate) as a creative force that lies beyond the ordered. In relation to the Old Norse mythological system, we can talk about Utgard, a reality that lies beyond the worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree. This is a kind of transcendental space, external to everyone, including the Aesir and the Vanir.

If an empty rune fell out in the layout, it always speaks of surprise. Many runologists (including the already mentioned R. Blum and K. Meadows) tend to believe that the essence of the interpretation of the situation lies not in determining the contextual meaning of the rune of Odin, but in the reaction that occurs in a person under specific circumstances. In other words - you react to the situation, instinctively, on the basis of a priori knowledge, and only then ask questions - what led to this situation, what is its essence, what are the consequences? The rune of Odin focuses attention on the primary reaction, in it are all the answers.

Why does K. Meadows reduce the meaning of the Odin rune to the concept of faith? Because faith is knowledge (this statement is closely connected with a number of myths about how Odin gained his wisdom bit by bit). But this is not received, but reflexive knowledge, primordial, underlying any event and phenomenon of the surrounding world, including the person himself. Such a definition takes time to understand, but to make it easier, the meaning of an empty rune can be defined by the phrase "I believe because I know."

P.S. Contrary to the sometimes occurring statement, the Odin rune is in no way connected with the Odal rune and related symbols. It is also incorrect to define it as a rune that does not have a negative meaning.

In modern runological treatises, the twenty-fifth Futhark rune can be found. The rune of Odin is a remake, it is not found in historical sources, but it fits well into the reconstruction of the divination process. It is also called "Wird" or "empty rune". This emptiness, however, does not account for stupidity or absurdity. What is the true meaning of this rune: the rune of Odin marks the liberation, healing from the shackles of the "old" in the name of the birth of a pure, bright "new". The runic energy of Wyrd helps to renounce the painful influence of old mistakes, complete oppressive relationships and strive for the “new”.

The twenty-fifth rune is an invention of modern researchers, but it fits so well into the Elder Futhark system that it is perceived by many as historically existing.

The birth of a new one is always associated with pure, bright energy. The interpretation of an empty rune is inextricably linked with the awakening of rainbow events in human life: it brings happiness and good luck in new achievements. We all know that energy in nature does not come from anywhere, this is stated by the Law of Conservation of Energy. So it is in this case: it is important to remember that a favorable "new" can arise only in the place of a painful "old". You should free yourself from everything that is oppressive so that the runic energy will bring positive changes into your life.

The meaning of the empty rune indicates the unity of the dictates of fate, as it links your position in the past, present and future.

A brief interpretation of the meaning of the rune

What does an empty rune mean - consider all possible options:

  • End sign. Healing followed by well-being. The Force directly leads the healed person to a happy future and at the same time gives a feeling of lightness, a feeling of a weight that has been lifted from the shoulders.
  • Merge value. Teaming up with others to achieve greater results, empowering a group of people to perform a wider range of tasks.
  • Sometimes the rune is credited with the sign of the present. Today, now, at this moment, and never again in the future.
  • The meaning of life, the search for one's own vocation, the right path. Magical power instructs a person on the right, only for him, individual life path. Shows the path leading to happiness.
  • Glyph of death (rarely used). Breaking old, aggravating ties; avoidance of undesirable, negative circumstances; the death of all problems that are a heavy burden and hinder the progress, achievement of goals; liberation from destructive thoughts, attitudes.

What does work with the rune of Odin include

When meditating and working with any rune in life, changes occur, and the empty rune of Odin is no exception.

The energy of the runes is so strong that sometimes a person is not ready for the significant changes that they bring to his life. Sometimes they encourage him to look into the past, which can be painful and unpleasant. However, all this is only aimed at your success in the future, this is how runes work - An empty rune has the following features:

  1. Be ready to plunge into the past in order to get out of there, perhaps the most unpleasant, hidden under seven locks, hurting or frightening: your fears, resentments. It is very important to realize that the more we do not want some event, the more likely it is to happen. With our fear, strong fear, we only attract trouble. It is imperative that you work through your fears.
  2. Self-giving is the main criterion for the action of the rune of Odina. You need to be decisive and fearless in making decisions that will help you on the path to a happy future. A very important criterion for obtaining what you want is the fulfillment of the instructions received during fortune-telling.
  3. It is necessary to wake up the inner voice, to coordinate the soul and mind in order to make a decision: is the prediction true or not? It is you who is responsible for making this decision, so take it with due care.
  4. You have to be ready to make a drastic, perhaps uncomfortable, act that will take you out of your comfort zone. However, in return, expect real changes that will surely please you.

The meaning of the runes of Odin in magical layouts

Interpretation of meaning in combinations

If you got the rune of Odin, the meaning of this symbol is inextricably linked with the rest of the runes in the layout:

  • A rune falling out alone means that your issue must be resolved on your own - only you are responsible for your actions, so rely on your own strength, your own mind, and then everything will work out.
  • The fall of the rune in the center of the layout means the approach of significant changes in your life. You will enter a new, previously unknown, road. Do not be afraid: the new path leads only to good, so have the courage to walk proudly along this road! And the rune will make sure that everything goes well.
  • If your interest is directed to another person, his actions and behavior, then the meaning of the Odin rune in a relationship suggests that this information cannot be disclosed by you. Do not try to delve into the secrets and understand any secrets: this can only harm you and others.
  • The loss of the Odin rune in combination with the runes of love means that you will soon come to the end of your relationship. However, expect that in a very short time, truly your person, your true soul mate, will enter your life. There has never been such happiness in your life before, accept it with gratitude.
  • The fall of the rune at the end of the layout indicates that you will not be able to influence your real relationship. The situation will resolve itself, you should not influence it on your own. Intervention can lead to irreversible consequences that adversely affect later.


In any fortune-telling, it is important to connect the inner voice, harmonize the soul and mind, apply interpretations personally to your situation, and you will understand whether they are correct. For example, if you often get an empty twenty-fifth rune, this may mean that you are a creative person. So, you are impulsive, sometimes irritable, highly emotional. All this adds passion, "light" to your relationship, your life is full of emotional "shakes". But even without discord, strong conflicts can not do here. Frequent "explosions" are constant companions of your life. But you always come out of them with a new life experience.

Historically, the writing of the ancient Germanic tribes was called runes. Each sign had a graphic style, name, pronunciation and translation. According to myths, the god Odin first knew the runes when he was on the World Tree for nine nights and the same number of days. The first signs were inscribed with a spear with the blood of the great Scandinavian god. Odin's sacrifice helped him gain wisdom, and people - useful skills.

The appearance of the rune of Odin

In the classical rune alphabet, with the help of which fortune-telling and amulets are created in modern times, the rune of Odin is not indicated. The reason for this is the unusual appearance of the sign - emptiness. In the literal sense, the sign does not represent anything externally. In divination systems, the rune of Odin means a clean tablet, stone or map. Emptiness, the image of Nothing - this is the symbol of one of the most mysterious runes.

The image of this sign is metaphorical, marks the end and the beginning of everything, mystery, mystery, higher wisdom and the incomprehensible nature of secret knowledge.

Symbol meaning

The rune of Odin or the Pure rune does not distinguish between a direct and an inverted position. The interpretation of this sign should be considered holistically, in a complex. The key concept of the symbol is Emptiness and the Unknowable.

Most often, this sign is used in divination, it reflects the will and intervention of mystical higher powers. If, when trying to find out the fate or ask an important question, the rune of Odin falls out, this means that the answer is denied. Signs not only cannot give an answer, but also "do not want to." Most likely, the topic covered is too far from the world of people and cannot be correctly understood with simple fortune-telling. It is also possible that a person encroaches on higher substances that are not subject to the mortal mind.

The rune of Odin clearly indicates that there are things that a person should not know. Perhaps you have a spiritual patron who protects you from “extra” knowledge, because sometimes fear of the future makes a person make mistakes in small things. Excessive fuss can lead to negative consequences.

Do not be discouraged, the appearance of the Pure Rune does not portend a test of fate. Such a development of the situation is possible, but the rune of Odin is not a direct sign for this. Remember how many lucky accidents there were in your life, how many times a happy accident helped to get out of the water dry, not to get into trouble? How would you act, knowing about the future? Are you sure that you would maintain composure and clarity of mind, knowing about all the difficulties in advance?

A pure rune is a kind of amulet against "extra" knowledge. Remember the mythical Cassandra. The soothsayer knew about future events, but no one believed her. Was she happy? The refusal of fate to answer the question can be taken as a blessing. Fate keeps you from worries and rash acts.

Know the Unknowable

Instead of a direct and inverted position, the rune of Odin distinguishes two deep meanings. The first, Emptiness, is expressed through good ignorance. The second interpretation is more complex and mystical - the Unknowable. The description of the sign should be understood more intuitively than the meanings of the classic signs of the Scandinavian alphabet.

If a Pure rune appears during a fortune-telling on a situation, in the case when you are trying to figure out life's conflicts and are looking for advice, the sign says one thing - the Unknowable has come into motion in your life. You have lost the primacy, now you are taken by the hands and led forward by karmic ties, laws that a person cannot comprehend.

Faced with the rune of Odin, a person can do only one thing - submit. Do not fight, assist the forces that have taken over your life. Be prepared internally for everything: good and bad. Remember humility, do not grumble at fate, do not interfere with karma.

Love and relationships

When a Pure rune appears in a layout for love, the fortuneteller should look deep into himself, listen to his own heart. Mystical forces seem to protect a person from knowledge. Believe me, a blindfolded person will be much more confident walking along the edge of the abyss, without feeling anxiety and fear. Reliable railings and the people who surround you will not allow you to fall.

Everything around is in motion. Events will soon happen that will help you soberly assess the situation and make the right choice. Do not insist, do not be upset and do not worry once again. The symbols warn you - refrain from inappropriate questions. Doesn't this mean that some higher power protects you from sadness and anxiety, slander and troubles that you yourself can incur by negligence?

Work and career

A person who asks about business and receives the rune of Odin in response is certainly at a difficult crossroads in life. This sign smooths out the meaning of all the signs that appeared in the scenario, their omens cannot be called inevitable.

Unfortunately, there will be no specific answer in the layout. Fate is preparing something special for you, and the question asked threatens to spoil the whole “surprise”. Would a commander be so bold if he knew in advance all the twists and turns of life? Remember - not only good things happen, but also bad ones. Fear of possible mistakes can lead to real mistakes that would not have happened without fear. It is ignorance that keeps you from being insecure.

Be courageous, don't bend. Luck is the reward of the brave. Rely on your own strength and go forward, no matter what. Soon the period of the Unknowable will end and the answer to the question asked will come to your mind by itself.

The rune of Odin is one of the most open to dialogue signs. He makes it clear to a person that knowledge is inaccessible, deliberately hidden by higher powers. Please note that the Pure Rune appears during divination solely for the protection of a person, protects from unnecessary unrest and from fatal mistakes.

The sign advises: do not fight, do not grumble, do not encroach on spheres inaccessible to understanding. Despite the fact that there will be no clear answer to the specific question asked, the rune of Odin makes it clear: be able to accept everything that fate has in store for you. Tune in to the fact that you will need to show courage and humility to higher powers. Ignorance in this case is a blessing. This must be remembered.

Magical use of the rune of Odin

In total, there are three possible options for using the rune - magic, divination, and as a letter. Magic is either applying a symbol to objects to give them a sacred meaning, or creating amulets.

Due to the somewhat unusual appearance of the Odin rune, this symbol cannot be applied to anything. On the other hand, the Pure Rune can be used as a talisman, this option will be discussed in the next section.

It is more common to use the Odin rune in divination. If a Pure rune falls out in the layout, this means that there will be no specific answer to the question. When the sign falls out twice, fortune-telling should be stopped immediately, today there will be no answer.

You can repeat your question the next day. Keep in mind, runes do not like a careless attitude. Obvious questions, pranks and jokes will lead to the fact that the fortune-telling system will completely “refuse” to interact with you and you will have to purchase a new deck of cards, stones or planks with the Scandinavian alphabet.

Talismans and amulets

The talisman from the rune of Odin has a specific appearance and sacred meaning. The essence of this sign of the Void is the intervention of higher powers, a reminder of the wisdom and sacrifice of the Scandinavian god Odin himself.

The creation of a talisman from a Pure rune has a spiritual connotation, and the one who creates it gives meaning to the amulet. Outwardly, the talisman may look like a stone or medallion made of wood, clay or other natural material. There are no images on the object, only ornaments around the perimeter are possible. Such an incarnation of the Pure Rune is akin to the expression "I know that I know nothing." This symbol is a subtle indication that the wearer recognizes the Unknowable of the world, the vastness of Knowledge, is trying to comprehend his own role in the Universe.

The meaning of the rune as a tattoo

Emptiness, a symbol that does not exist, a sign of absurdity. Trying to depict the rune of Odin on his own body, a person seems to be trying to declare that there is nothing but himself and the Unknowable. It is impossible to capture the symbol of the Pure Rune by itself, since it does not have a graphic embodiment. As an idea for a tattoo, you can use a stylized image of an empty card, page, plate.

The meaning of such a tattoo is purity, a white field, endless aspirations. Your life is an empty sheet on which you can draw any rune, any sign. You yourself indicate your vector of movement.

Not all people who want to decorate the body with a tattoo delve into the study of all shades of the meaning of the runes. Such an artistic solution is possible, when the signs are depicted in ornamental frames in the form of a magic phrase. An empty frame will represent a Pure rune.

Be careful, the rune of Odin can "overlap" the powers of other symbols and make them surreal, insignificant. A corrupted magic formula can be distorted, drain strength from you, or turn into other negative consequences. Do not depict anything thoughtlessly on your skin.

Rune Odin appeared in the Scandinavian runic alphabet later than all. It cannot be used in runic inscriptions, because it does not have a visual image, however, in layouts it is used along with the rest of the Futhark runes. And besides this, such an empty rune is an ideal object for meditation.

In general, Odin represents fate, fate, karma. The first of these interpretations - fate - means the impossibility of personal and direct penetration into one's own life. The second - fate - requires an understanding that not every action can have a reaction. After all, if we are talking about a cosmic force - neutral, impassive, objective - then it is pointless to resist it or take offense at it, because the emotional or moral categories familiar to a person are inapplicable to it. The third interpretation of the rune is karma. It means that no one can be relieved of responsibility for their actions, both good and bad.

It is Odin that portends the questioner extraordinary events - unusual or unexpected. Well, the sign of what is happening here will depend on how correctly the person behaved in the past, because the causal relationship in this case is a fundamental aspect.

In combination with Ansuz, the rune Odin prescribes to get yourself a wise adviser, with Kenaz - not to lose heart. And the Vunyo rune that turned out to be nearby clearly indicates that the transition from the dark side of life to the white one has already taken place.

Love and relationships

In this case, Odin would be most correct to interpret as follows: you cannot escape fate. And she also makes it clear that the person they are guessing at did not accidentally appear in life. If you have to part with him, then you can be sure that the “trace” of his presence in fate will remain for many years.

Rune One is often perceived as a formidable, fatal event. But such an interpretation is based only on the fear of the unknown and the unknown. Meanwhile, not everything unknown is bad and certainly carries negativity, right?

Among other things, in the layouts for love, the rune One is also interesting in that if the partner or new acquaintance of the questioner is a worthy person, then his influence on the life and character of the questioner will definitely be, moreover, it will turn out to be creative and progressive. Well, when this is not the case, then we can safely talk about acquiring useful experience that will allow us to better understand people in the future.

On the other hand, Odin may indicate that a person does not see the true essence of his partner. This means that either the latter has something to hide, and he does it quite skillfully, or the questioner himself is not a particularly good psychologist and does not try to analyze the words and actions of his chosen one (chosen one).

Paired with Gebo, Odin says that a great feeling will enter a person’s life, and with Uruz, that the time has come to act quickly and decisively, because this will lead to fateful and extremely positive changes in personal life.


In career spreads, Odin symbolizes forces that go beyond the capabilities of the asker. It is especially dangerous at the same time to consider yourself the master of your own life, to insist on the personal ability to solve all problems without the participation of others.

In a certain sense, this rune should be taken as advice to abandon self-confidence and arrogance and at least wait for a more opportune moment for their activities. Certainly some of the circumstances are now in the hands of Rock. And it is very important to figure out through whom or through what this manifests itself, so as not to end up in a common situation when a person tries to break through a wall with his forehead instead of trying to find a hole in it, bypass it, etc.

The combination of Odin and Feu indicates a good combination of circumstances for a person, thanks to which he will be able to profitably invest or get a higher profit than he expected. Together with Turisaz, the rune warns of the need to act with caution, because otherwise the luck streak may end faster than it seems.

It is known that ignorance of the law does not eliminate responsibility for its violation. That is what Odin is talking about; you can think about the consequences of your words and actions or not, but sooner or later you will still have to answer for them. If you keep this in mind, you will be able to avoid many problems in the future.

Rune Wyrd, or an empty rune, is one of the most controversial elements of runic divination. This applies both to the interpretation of this die, and the direct recognition of the rune of fate, as part of a fortune-telling set. What do famous runologists and researchers of Nordic traditions say about her?

In the article:

Runa Wyrd - the history of its occurrence

Historically, there was no evidence of the use of an empty rune in divination, and, moreover, its use in magic did not exist. The Wyrd rune is not mentioned in any of the three known rune poems. She was not depicted on many amulets and runestones, because she does not have any image. However, now it is included in almost every set of divination runes and is used by many magicians who practice rune divination.

Ralph Bloom

The ancestor of this tradition was one of the leading runologists of the twentieth century - Ralph Bloom. This American magician first turned his attention to the treasures of the Scandinavian and German tradition, which were considered forbidden after the Nazi rule. It was Ralph Blum who breathed new life into these symbols and finally dispelled their connection with Hitler's propaganda. In his research, the magician noted that the runes indicate any possible events too unambiguously and accurately, leaving practically no space for the volitional actions of the person himself or fate. He suggested using an empty plate in divination, calling it Wird - in direct translation it means "fate".

He also started calling the Wyrd rune the rune Odin which, given deeper and more modern research, is an absolute mistake. Bloom believed that in this way he gives Odin the right to decide the fate of a person when an empty rune falls out. However, Odin was already dedicated in antiquity. And the ancient tradition is a much more significant source than the assumptions and reflections of a modern magician, even if he knows a lot about runes.

The followers of the ideas about the empty rune are also many domestic authors of books about runes. The most famous of them is Sergey Batyushkov. And the most popular foreign modern writer, who considers the empty rune to exist, is Kenneth Meadows. But this opinion has a large number of opponents.

Other notable authors exploring the Nordic tradition such as Edred Thorsson or Freya Asvinn, do not believe that Wyrd had a place in Scandinavian culture. In their opinion, the complete absence of archaeological sources is direct evidence that this rune is just a modern invention. Proponents of the existence of the Wyrd rune in the past say that there simply cannot be evidence for what symbolizes emptiness, or that any gap and empty space on runic archaeological finds is such evidence.

Empty rune - its meaning and interpretation during divination

If you get an empty rune during divination, it can seriously affect any alignment, drastically changing its meaning or completely nulling the value of any other runes that fell out with it. You can read more about the meaning of Wyrd in conjunction with other symbols in a separate article on rune combinations on our website. Here we will consider situations when this die falls out on its own during various fortune-telling on the same die. Very often, such fortune-telling is enough to get the necessary answers to any possible questions. Since there is no symbol on the plate, there is no separate meaning for the inverted Wyrd rune.

When divining the situation, Wyrd reports that now everything is only in your own hands. No one will affect your fate, and now is the best moment to make any important decisions. Your entire future will depend on them. The same can be said when you ask the ancient sacred symbols for advice - forget about the opinions of outsiders and any interference in your life. Ancient signs say that you can direct your destiny where you need it. But the responsibility for your decisions will lie solely with you, and not with the Higher Forces or any other people.

In a relationship, the Wyrd rune only says that their fate is in your hands, and no one else can give you advice, interfere or help you achieve your goals. Wyrd symbolizes the Universal Void, in which there is a place for everything, and there is no place for anything at the same time. Her answer says neither "yes" nor "no" - the final result and the relationship depends only on you.

In general, in divination, the Wyrd rune is a direct call to action. Its interpretation is quite simple and understandable. However, since she does not give any direct clues, it can be quite difficult to accept her appearance in the layout. As well as getting the desired answer.

Is it worth using an empty rune in divination

It is up to you to decide whether to add an empty rune to your rune set or not. There is no direct evidence of her presence in the series. Elder Futhark and, as a result, in the ancient magical tradition. And if you want to use the most ancient developments, proven for thousands of years, then this rune will obviously be an extra element for you. Opponents of the use of this element believe that it simply deprives a person of the answers he needs, without providing anything in return or even giving false hope.

But just as there is no evidence for the existence of this sign in antiquity, so there are no unequivocal refutations of its presence. Supporters of the use of this die are many practicing magicians and authors of numerous books on runic magic. Their opinion is confirmed by fortunetellers around the world, so you should not underestimate the value of an empty rune either. Supporters of the use of the Wyrd rune believe that it provides people with a chance to radically influence their destiny and is proof that not everything in this life can be predetermined.

However, what both supporters of the use of Wyrd and opponents agree on is that it has no use in runic talismans. It cannot be entered into a composition or script. And in its meaning, it cannot in any way provide any kind of influence on the Universe in a certain way. In general, Wyrd is the most controversial of all runes. There are many opinions regarding its meaning, but it is up to you to decide whether it is worth using it for fortune-telling.