Fire monitor. Portable gun barrel. Stationary fire monitor. What is a fire monitor, its equipment and scope Advantages when using fire equipment

In an emergency, much depends on the skills and abilities of people involved in extinguishing fires. Elimination of fire must be carried out quickly, smoothly and most importantly - effectively. That is why each piece of special equipment must meet all technical requirements, as well as be carefully checked and prepared.

The main criteria that must be met (performance characteristics, hereinafter referred to as the performance characteristics of fire monitors) are set out in the tables of special GOSTs, which are developed for almost every model. Types and performance characteristics of fire monitors can also be found on the page of each specific product on our website. There is no universal standard due to the fact that all models differ in performance, jet range, size, type, etc.

Technical characteristics of fire monitors mainly relate to the following parameters:

  • pressure (nominal and working);
  • flow rate of water or foam at nominal pressure;
  • foam ratio;
  • jet range by extreme drops (solid water, sprayed water, continuous foam);
  • barrel movement (horizontally and vertically);
  • angular velocity of rotation of the barrel (horizontally and vertically);
  • climatic performance;
  • power supply voltage;
  • dimensions and weight.

Fire monitor consumption

This is one of the determining parameters when choosing a model, since it characterizes the power of the product and allows you to predict its effectiveness for extinguishing a fire of one degree or another. The water flow rate of the fire monitor is usually indicated in the name, the number indicates the number of liters per second. For example, in the model this figure is 40 l / s.

Working pressure of fire monitors

The water supply to the fire monitor occurs under a certain hydraulic pressure. For most models, a pressure of 0.6 - 0.8 MPa is considered to be working.

Fire monitor nozzles

An important element in the design of the fire monitor is the nozzle. It can be removable, reclining and non-removable. Replaceable water and air-foam nozzles allow you to use different types of extinguishing agent. The diameter of the nozzle affects the consumption of the fire monitor and, consequently, its performance.

Adjustable nozzles are considered the most versatile, with the help of which the water jet can change from continuous to scattered. Switching between the extinguishing agent is also available - that is, the supply of air-mechanical foam instead of water, and changing the angle of the jet torch. The universal nozzle provides the ability to adjust the fluid flow according to the situation.

Requirements for nozzles for certain models of drugs are prescribed in the relevant GOSTs.

The performance of the fire monitor can be calculated on the basis of the main technical characteristics (jet compactness, nozzle diameter, pressure, water supply intensity, etc.). Also of great importance for the calculation is the fire extinguishing depth of the fire monitor, or, in other words, the radius of action. For the majority and drugs, it is 10 m (for manual fire nozzles, this figure is less). Based on all these parameters, using specially developed formulas, it is possible to calculate the extinguishing area covered by a particular piece of fire equipment, and, accordingly, correctly calculate the required number of extinguishing devices.

Taking into account the technical characteristics of fire monitors allows fire brigades to achieve high efficiency in eliminating fires of various sizes.

Other requirements for fire monitors

Requirements for fire monitors exist not only in terms of technical characteristics, but also in relation to the qualities of the materials from which the device is made. It is clear that all parts must be of high quality, reliable and proven. It is not allowed to use materials that do not comply with GOSTs and other regulatory documents.

The cast parts of the devices shall generally be made of stainless steel, but other materials may also be used if they do not differ in quality. Particular attention is paid to the anti-corrosion protection of all units and components, since the fire nozzle must remain operational with constant interaction with water and foam solutions. This is especially true for devices that are used in ports or in the navy. In such cases, the fire monitor coating must be additionally resistant to sea water.

Also, another point of the performance characteristics of fire monitors is the paintwork, which should be as resistant to detergents and lubricants as possible. It is also worth noting that absolutely all parts and assemblies must be replaceable.

Fire monitor trunks- these are barrels intended for the formation of continuous or continuous and sprayed jets of water with a variable angle of the torch, as well as jets of low expansion air-mechanical foam.


Combined fire monitors are divided into 3 main groups.

Depending on the type of transportation:

  • portable (P)– are transferred manually;
  • Transportable - mounted on a trailer (IN);
  • Stationary - mounted on a fire truck.




The portable fire monitor PLSP-P20 consists of a body (1), pressure nozzles (3), a receiving body (5), and a control handle (6).

The receiving body has a swivel check valve that allows you to connect and replace hose lines to the discharge pipe without stopping the operation of the shaft.

A four-bladed damper is installed inside the body (1) of the barrel pipe.

To supply the VMP for the formation of a water jet, the nozzles on the body are replaced with nozzles for the formation of medium expansion foam (2).

When changing the water nozzle, the consumption of fire monitors changes.

Fire monitor ML-P20

Designed to form and direct a direct compact or sprayed jet of water or a wetting agent solution.

The monitors have stepless adjustment of the spray jet angle from a direct compact jet to a protective curtain of 120 0, which is carried out by turning the handwheel of the nozzle.

  • Water consumption not less than 20 l/s.
  • The range of the water jet is not less than 70m.


Modern universal fire monitors have a more compact design with a system for supplying a spray jet of fire extinguishing agent. The design of curved hollow bodies of revolution allows you to freely manipulate the flow direction with a flow rate of 20 to 150 l / s at a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa (150 l / s - water supply to the entire city area).

Let's take a closer look: Let's pay attention to the appearance of these trunks, such a zigzag shape allows us to exclude (prevent) the effect of "jet thrust".

This effect occurs when the flow of water comes out of the trunk in a straight line, so there is such a thing for trunks with a large flow rate as a sub-stemer (a person who ensures the stability of the main stemmer).

The zigzag shape of the barrels makes it possible to refract the energy of the flow from the liquid and facilitate the manipulation of the barrel by its operator, which greatly simplifies the task during operation.

Since this is an advantage, most fire monitor manufacturers adhere to this technology.

At the end it has a nozzle, with the help of which it is possible to form both compact and sprayed jets when supplying fire extinguishing agents, as well as water curtains.

The name combined and universal makes us understand the possibility of using this type of barrels not only with water, but also when supplying foam.


The table shows the performance characteristics of fire monitors LS-S20U, LS-S30U, LS-S40U, LS-S50U, LS-S60U, such as foam ratio, foam concentrate solution consumption, water jet range (including continuous foam), weight, service life years.

Additional material:



The fire-fighting robot based on fire monitors is stationary, water-foam, universal, with software (remote) control, with a fire detection device, with a television camera is designed to form a stream of sprayed mass of fire extinguishing agent “JF” with a variable spray angle from a direct cumulative jet to a protective screen (90 deg.)

JF - JET FOG(flying fog effect) - there is a very strong spraying of the flow of fire extinguishing agent (cumulative jet). When extinguishing a fire, the larger the area where the interaction of the extinguishing agent occurs, the more effectively it is extinguished.

Marking decoding:

  • PR - fire robot;
  • LSD - fire monitor with remote control;
  • S40U - stationary with a flow rate of 40 l / s universal;
  • IR - with an infrared sensor for detecting the source of combustion;
  • TV - equipped with a TV camera.

The features of the barrels are that they are remotely controlled and are mainly used at especially fire hazardous facilities, to eliminate the likelihood of a threat to the life of the operator.

Additional material


  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123-FZ of August 7, 2008 "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".
  • GOST R 51115-1997 Fire fighting equipment. Trunks fire monitors combined. General technical requirements. Test methods.
  • Terebnev V.V. Handbook of the head of fire fighting. Tactical capabilities of fire departments. M. -2004
  • Youtube channel: Fire equipment.

- This is one of the main types of fire equipment. The fire barrel is a special device that is designed to form and further direct a jet of water and various fire extinguishing agents to the fire site. The fire nozzle consists of a body, a connecting fire head and a nozzle, which is responsible for the type of jet. The body of the fire barrel is made of aluminum, brass, sometimes plastic, and can be additionally equipped with a belt or braid on the body for ease of use of the barrel. The connecting head of the fire hose can be a coupling, sleeve or pin, it provides a quick and reliable connection of the fire hose with the fire hose. The fire nozzle is mounted at the end of the hose fire pressure line.

Additional materials:

Study questions:

  1. Classification of fire hoses. Their purpose, device, characteristics, application and operation.
  2. Familiarization with the rules of maintenance of fire nozzles.
  3. Requirements of technical regulations for fire hoses.
  4. Purpose, device and principle of operation of foam mixers, foam generators and air-foam barrels.

Types and types of fire nozzles

Various kinds and types are produced. Depending on what type of fire extinguishing agent will be used, fire nozzles are divided into water and water-foam, foam and air-foam, powder. Depending on whether it is possible to shut off the water supply or not, fire nozzles are divided into non-blocking and blocking ones. Fire nozzles are divided into manual and fire monitors according to their size and throughput.

Manual fire nozzles are available in the following types:

  • manual fire nozzle RS-50 and RS-70

Fire monitors are produced in the following types:

  • portable fire monitor
  • stationary fire monitor

The use of fire nozzles

Fire nozzles are included in the mandatory set of fire trucks, motor pumps and internal fire hydrants (PC) in residential and industrial buildings. Manual fire nozzles and portable fire monitors are mounted at the end of the hose fire pressure line, and stationary fire monitors are mounted on a support and connected directly to a fire hydrant or pumps on a fire truck. Fire nozzles, depending on the type of fire nozzle and the type of nozzles, can form a compact continuous jet and a spray jet.

Fire nozzles, which form a compact continuous jet of water and various fire extinguishing agents, are used to extinguish a fire at a long distance and to extinguish a fire in hard-to-reach places. Fire nozzles, which form a spray of water and various fire extinguishing agents, are used to extinguish a fire at close range and to extinguish a fire in large areas, as well as a water curtain to protect people from fire.

Also, when choosing fire nozzles, it is necessary to take into account the main technical characteristics of the fire nozzle, such as working pressure, water flow, spray jet supply range, compact jet supply range and nozzle outlet diameter. Our specialists will help you choose the most suitable type and type of fire nozzles for your facility.

Familiarization with the content rules


  1. It is not allowed to operate the barrels at a working pressure higher than the maximum specified.
  2. It is forbidden to use barrels near open power lines located within the radius of the jet.
  3. When testing the barrel with a hydraulic pressure of 0.9 + 0.1 MPa (9 + 1 kgf / cm2), it is necessary to completely bleed the air from the internal cavity before the start of pressure increase.
  4. When testing the barrel in order to determine the flow rate of water, the range of the jet and its quality, it is necessary to securely fix it in the grip of the stand before the water is released into the hose line. During testing, the front end of the barrel should be directed to the side where people are excluded.

1. It is forbidden to use barrels near open power lines located within the radius of action of a continuous jet.

2. It is forbidden to wear the shoulder strap of the barrel attached to the hose line when lifting and working at height. By the time the water is started, the barrel must be securely kept working.

Fire monitor barrel combined portable SLK-P20 (PLS-20P)

When working with the barrel, the following safety precautions must be observed: it is strictly forbidden to use the barrel to extinguish the fire of electrical installations, equipment, units, drives, and cables under voltage, as well as to use the barrel near open power lines located within the radius of action of the compact part of the jet.

Technical regulation requirements

1. The design of fire nozzles (manual and fire monitors) must provide:

1) formation of a continuous or sprayed jet of fire extinguishing agents (including air-mechanical low expansion foam) at the outlet of the nozzle;

2) uniform distribution of fire extinguishing agents over the cone of the spray jet;

3) stepless change in the type of jet from continuous to sprayed;

4) change in the consumption of fire extinguishing agents (for trunks of a universal type) without stopping their supply;

5) the strength of the barrel, the tightness of the joints and shut-off devices at operating pressure;

6) fixing the position of fire monitors at given angles in the vertical plane;

7) the possibility of manual and remote control of the mechanisms for turning fire monitors in the horizontal and vertical planes from a hydraulic or electric drive.

2. Construction foam generatorsshould provide:

1) formation of a flow of air-mechanical foam of medium and high expansion;

2) the strength of the barrel, the tightness of the joints and shut-off devices at operating pressure.

3. Foam mixers (with fixed and adjustable dosing) must provide:

1) obtaining an aqueous solution of a foaming agent with a given concentration to obtain foam of a certain ratio in air-foam barrels and foam generators.

Purpose, device and principle of operation of foam generators and air-foam barrels.

Air-foam barrels designed to produce air-mechanical foam of low expansion (up to 20) from an aqueous solution of a foaming agent and supply it to the fire.

Trunks fire manual SVPE and SVP have the same device, differ only in size, as well as an ejector device designed to suck the foam concentrate directly at the barrel from a knapsack tank or other container.

The trunk of the SVPE consists of:

From the body, on which, on the one hand, the connecting head 7 is fixed for connecting the fire hose, and on the other hand, the casing 5, in which the foaming solution is mixed with air and. foam is formed. There are three chambers in the barrel body: inlet 6, vacuum 3 and outlet 4. A nipple 2 with a diameter of 16 mm is located on the vacuum chamber for connecting hose 1 through which the foaming agent is sucked.

The principle of operation of GPS generators:

It is fed through the sleeves to the foam generator sprayer, in which the flow is crushed into separate drops. The conglomerate of droplets of the solution, when moving from the atomizer to the grid, sucks air from the external environment into the diffuser of the generator housing. A mixture of droplets of foaming solution and air falls on the mesh package. On the grids, deformed drops form a system of stretched films, which, closing in limited volumes, first form elementary (individual bubbles) and then bulk foam. The energy of newly arriving droplets and air pushes the mass of foam out of the foam generator.

During operation, special attention is paid to the condition of the grid package, protecting them from corrosion and mechanical damage.

Safety requirements when working with equipment for obtaining air-mechanical foam.

Only specialists who have been trained and instructed in working with foam extinguishing apparatuses are allowed to work on installations and maintenance. It is forbidden to use the devices near energized open transmission lines located within the radius of the compact jet.

Daily maintenance (when changing the guard).

To maintain constant technical serviceability, the following types of maintenance are carried out.

Daily maintenance (when changing the guard):

  • make an external inspection of the installations (grids, handles, nozzles);
  • check the cleanliness of the outlets, nozzles and screen cassette;
  • check the integrity of the mesh cassette;
  • check the condition of the fasteners and tighten if necessary;
  • in the presence of rotation units, check the free movement of the unit in the horizontal and vertical planes, if necessary, spray the rotation units through the grease nipples with grease.

Maintenance during work and at the end of work:

  • Control the pressure of the working fluid in the installation by the pressure gauge on the pump;
  • At the end of the work, rinse the installation from the foam concentrate and clean it from dirt;
  • Check the frequency of outlets, injectors and mesh cassettes;
  • Remove water from installations (especially in winter);
  • After returning to the unit, wipe the installations dry, eliminate the malfunctions found during operation.


  1. Technical regulation on fire safety requirements (as amended at the time of publication of the article).
  2. Passport barrel manual RS-70, RSP-50,
  3. Passport barrel fire monitor combined portable LSKP-20.
  4. Educational and methodical manual: "Design of water and foam automatic fire extinguishing installations", under the general editorship of N.P. Kopylova, Moscow 2002.
  5. NPB 59-97. Automatic water and foam fire extinguishing installations. Fire foam mixers and dispensers. Nomenclature of indicators. General technical requirements. Test methods.

fire monitor- This is an important type of equipment that is designed to extinguish fires. A special device that generates a powerful jet of water or low expansion foam, which is directed by the operator to the fire.

An obsolete name is the term "fire hose". The main feature of the fire fire monitor that distinguishes it from manual is the easel basis. It is on it that the barrel is attached, into which water is supplied under high pressure. A person is simply not able to hold modern hoses in his hand.

Fire monitors not to be confused with medium to high expansion foam jet devices called foam generators.

Types of fire monitors

Fire monitor barrel- This is a stationary device designed for repeated use, can be placed indoors or outdoors. Provides water supply to large areas. In addition to direct fire extinguishing, they can be used in man-made accidents for the deposition of gas clouds, cooling tanks, building structures, etc.

Structurally, they are divided into the following types of fire monitors:

  • Stationary monitors. - They are mounted on special platforms or towers.
  • Transportable fire monitors- mounted on trailers.
  • Portable fire monitors- they can be transported in a special compartment of a fire brigade vehicle and quickly deployed by fighters.

The fire monitor can have manual or mechanical control, it must be provided with mobility both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane. The maximum rotation angles depend on the specific device model. The material for the manufacture of drugs are metals - steel or aluminum.

Marking according to GOST

The marking contains a letter indicating the type of design fire monitor:

  • "C" - stationary (can be fixed directly on the fire truck).
  • "B" - transportable, (transported on a special trailer).
  • "P" - portable fire monitor (PLS)

Also in the marking there are numbers that determine the rate of water flow in liters per second and the letters of the drug (that is, the fire monitor).

Additional designations:

  • "U" - adjustable angle of the torch.
  • "D" - with remote control.
  • "O" - open, not blocked, with variable water flow.

For example, LS-S20 (15)U - fire monitor, stationary, with a controlled torch.

Stationary fire monitors

Recommended by the fire brigade at all facilities, a variant of the installation of fire-fighting equipment, which localizes and suppresses the source of fire as quickly and efficiently as possible. Stationary fire monitor must be firmly and securely fastened and always ready for use. The serviceability and readiness of these devices are monitored by specially appointed persons responsible for fire safety at the facility or enterprise.

This model of fire equipment is a device for generating and directing a water stream or foam material to extinguish large-scale fires. On stationary fire monitor a flange clamp is provided for connecting the trunk itself and the pipeline riser. A special branching is necessary to increase and decrease the angle of the receiver installation. The switch is needed to change the operating modes of the equipment, depending on the material being fed: “V” or “P” (water or foam). The locking mechanism is designed to secure the monitor assembly in a certain vertical position. The stem tube generates a stream of foam or water at the outlet, and the air-foam casing is the "foam jet generator".

Producer of fire monitors LLC "Pozhtekhspas". Site:

Portable fire monitors

According to the fire safety rules, it is allowed to use portable fire monitors at less dangerous fire hazardous objects. This makes it possible to achieve some cost savings, since portable shafts will be required less to protect a territory comparable in area than installed stationary devices. However, it should be borne in mind that the deployment of the FLS will take several minutes of precious time, which can be decisive during a fire.

Portable fire monitors used in situations where a specific flow pattern of water or foam is required. Depending on the target, portable fire monitor It can deliver a solid water jet or a spray at an angle that can be easily adjusted. Also, this barrel can produce air-mechanical foam material with a low proportion of expansion. Such equipment is essential for extinguishing fires, lowering the temperature inside architectural and engineering structures, as well as for processing places where clouds of gases, vapors and dust settle, which have a toxic or radioactive effect on the environment.

Some design features portable fire monitors:

  • relatively small size and, as a result, a small mass;
  • the ability to quickly change the types of flow: continuous and sprayed;
  • the presence of stability supports for installation on the surface;
  • the presence of a manometer;
  • removable nozzle with control of the amount of extinguishing agent dispensed.

Fire monitors (water cannons) are a device that shoots a high-speed stream of water. As a rule, trunks can pass a large volume of water, often tens of meters. Such barrels are used in firefighting, vehicle washes, riot control and mining. Most water cannons fall under the category of fire monitors.

Fire monitors are high-capacity water jet control devices used for manual fire extinguishing or automatic fire protection systems.

Fire monitors can be divided into two broad ranges of applications. The first category is fixed fire monitors, usually made of brass or stainless steel, for use in industrial fire protection systems in locations such as oil and chemical refineries. The second - the main category of trunks is designed for use in fire engines. They are made from lighter weight materials, usually aluminum alloys, to help reduce overall vehicle weight.

In Russia, LLC "POZHTEHSPAS" guarantees the lowest prices for fire monitors of its own production. You can check this by comparing prices on their website You can leave your thoughts on prices in the comments below the article.

Types of fire monitors

Roof monitors are often installed on fireboats, tug boats, and most fire engines for use in manual firefighting, where they can deliver a targeted stream of water or foam to a single firefighter while out of fire danger range. Powder barrels are sometimes installed in fixed fire protection systems to protect high risk sites such as aircraft hangars and helicopter landing pads. Similarly, facilities with flammable materials such as oil refineries have fixed fire monitors. Most fire monitors can be directed by a single firefighter, compared to a standard fire hose, which usually requires several. Portable barrel options allow the firefighter to mount a gun to supply water to the flame while he or she can take care of other tasks.

Performance and consumption

Fire monitors can fire 7,600 liters per minute or more. Standard barrels used by the US Fire Department have a flow rate of 1300 liters per minute or more. The trunk is often found at the end of telescopic ladders. The high pressure they require makes them unsuitable for manual use.

Control types

Control options should not be viewed simply as personal preference, but as an integral part of the Efficiency and Safety Department's operational goals.

Most are familiar with manual control, however, there are some other indicators for manual fire monitors. The most important of these is to provide ergonomic and safe operating conditions. The two most common manual barrel control configurations are 1) tiller and 2) geared wheel. Tiller steering allows the stem to be set up very quickly, but may require more manpower compared to geared wheel steering.

Electronic controls

They provide a significant security advantage. Typically, the setpoint for the electronic monitor is located on the pump control panel. When using electronic control, the firefighter must not rise above the apparatus to operate it. The National Fire Protection Association of the United States of America, in its gun carriage guidelines, recommends the use of remote-operated barrels "without the need for a person to climb to the top of the apparatus." Electrical control also allows control from multiple locations.

Hydraulic and pneumatic controls

They provide pretty much the same benefits as electronic controls and were indeed the earliest options. With the ever-increasing flexibility of electrical control, hydraulics and pneumatics, little can justify their cost and demanding maintenance.

Wireless control

Like almost everything else, wirelessly controlled fire monitors are now also available. Wireless control essentially provides all the benefits of electronic control while allowing the operator to be completely removed from the device. The firefighter can better direct the jet from the barrel while remaining in a safer and less congested area and performing other firefighting tasks. In many cases, control over a wireless network can be economically justified. In the case of antennas and multiple control points, where long paths can raise the cost of a traditional wired control system, wireless monitors are not expensive.

Risks of use

Barrels bring with them many risks when used in urban environments. The jet should never be launched into a building with people inside, because the force of the stream can knock down a supporting wall in the building structure, after which collapse and blockage of people is possible. In addition, the steam generated by the large volume of water supplied can cause oxygen to be expelled from the enclosed area, creating a risk of asphyxiation.