Buy a triple tortoise according to Feng Shui. Do you know exactly what the turtle mascot means? The turtle symbol: what it means for us

The turtle played a significant role in the theory of the world order among many peoples. Eastern peoples associated the beginning of the universe in general with it; Western European alchemists of the Middle Ages considered it a symbol and the root cause of physical matter.

The ancient Greeks argued that the turtle is the constancy of the cycles of physical processes in the world; in India she had the glory of the ancestor of all living things.

In China, the turtle is a symbol of cosmic order, a kind of harmony between yin and yang. It symbolizes wisdom, longevity, as well as persistent, tireless movement towards the goal.

The use of turtles in talismans

It is believed that the turtle likes loneliness. This means that even a figurine or image of a single turtle can already cope with any problem. However, since there is never too much of a good thing, the Chinese like to place turtles around the house without being shy about their number.

Turtles for use as Feng Shui talismans are made of metal, plaster, wood, ceramics and painted in different colors. They are painted on paintings, fans, panels, etc. A soft toy in the shape of a turtle can also act as a mascot.

In addition to a single turtle, Feng Shui uses systems of three turtles of different sizes (pyramids).

Of course, a real turtle is good. Therefore, an aquarium or pond with turtles is a wonderful Feng Shui talisman. However, if you are reluctant or don’t have the time to bother with live turtles, you can place a symbolic turtle in a container of water.

Placing a turtle in and around the house

First of all, the turtle in the house should appear in the north, in the quarry sector. This is a place of the water element, and a turtle, preferably painted black, is exactly what is needed here. In the north you can place an aquarium with a turtle, but certainly only one, since the number of the career sector is 1.

  • The turtle can also be used for family well-being. In this case, in the east they place a figurine of three turtles standing on top of each other in a pyramid.
  • A turtle may also appear in the wealth sector (southeast). But if this is not a real animal, but a figurine, then it should be wooden or painted golden - the color of gold coins.
  • In the northwest (teachers and assistants sector) you can place six turtles. This will bring the desired support of influential people.

This talisman is extremely desirable in the workplace. In this situation, he should position himself behind his back, providing a reliable rear and stability. If there is a wall or a cabinet wall behind the worker’s back, then the optimal solution is its image (panel, fan or picture). If, for example, there is a window or open shelves behind your back, then you can use a turtle figurine. It is not recommended to place an aquarium with a turtle behind you, since the water will wash away all your efforts to build a career.

Three turtles

Today it is hardly possible to find at least one person who has never heard of or encountered the magic of Feng Shui. And it is not surprising, because this Eastern teaching about energy flows and spaces is aimed at harmonizing various spheres of human life. Talismans occupy a special place in the teachings of Feng Shui - they are a kind of catalysts for various types of energy, magnets and indicators of what a person is striving for.

In Feng Shui, the turtle is the most powerful and ancient talisman: it belongs to one of the 4 celestial animals and represents wisdom, health and longevity. According to Feng Shui, a turtle must be present in every home, as it is its amulet and guardian.

The meaning of the talisman

Like its path in life, in Feng Shui the turtle symbolizes persistent progress. This celestial animal not only attracts good luck to the home, but also helps achieve your goals.

A turtle talisman is very important for the head of the family. Its strong, durable shell, symbolizing the sky, will always “protect” its owner, bring good luck, support in his affairs and endeavors and, as a result, provide financial well-being.

In Feng Shui, the turtle is popular not only in a single version, but also in a pyramid of 3 turtles. Such a talisman is a symbol of longevity and prosperity of several generations.

Myths and legends

Turtle Feng Shui

A turtle came to Feng Shui from ancient Chinese legends about the universe. In those distant times, people believed that the Earth stood on the shell of a huge sea turtle - an inhabitant of the World Ocean.

Another legend, which has Hindu roots, says that turtles were born from the shields of powerful giants who once challenged the gods.

There is another Chinese belief that the wooden columns of the Heavenly Temple in Beijing stand not on the ground, but on the backs of turtles. And thanks to the unusual abilities of these animals, the tree does not deteriorate or rot for centuries.

Throughout history, turtles have been credited with many superpowers and gifts. They recognized the future from the shells of turtles, made drawings and drawings on them, and made healing medicinal tinctures.
Based on these and many other facts, the belief that the turtle in Feng Shui is a celestial creature and a symbol of the Universe has become an axiom over time and is still relevant today.

It is believed that it was she who brought to humanity the knowledge of the teachings of Feng Shui, who discovered 9 sectors, so in the east there has always been, is and will be a special, respectful attitude towards her.

Mascot materials

Depending on a person’s goals and priorities, one should pay attention to the material of the turtle talisman.

According to Feng Shui, a metal turtle is well suited to assist in matters of work. This is explained by the fact that metal generates and supports water, and this creates a favorable environment for the turtle. The best option in this case would be a gold-plated or silver-plated turtle.

The presence of a ceramic turtle at home or at work will contribute to career growth, attracting financial benefits (earned exclusively through labor and diligence) and the accumulation of wisdom.

A turtle depicted in a painting, toy, live or made with your own hands is perfect as a mascot. To do this, simply cut out a turtle-shaped figurine from cardboard, decorate it and attach your photo to its shell. In this case, it will symbolize a gradual ascent and movement towards the set goal. All that is required of a person is to concentrate as much as possible on the latter, and for everything else you can safely rely on the turtle talisman.

It should be remembered that a turtle at home or in the workplace is certainly good, but acquiring a large number of talismans is not recommended, since the turtle is considered a loner and corresponds to the career zone in the Lo-shu square (number 1).

Turtle in Feng Shui: location

If we are talking about a house, then it is best to place the turtle talisman behind it. With this arrangement of things, the turtle will become a strong rear for the monastery. By placing the talisman on a hill (even an artificially piled one), the effect of the turtle will only intensify.

Turtle with aquarium

Inside the room, you must be guided by the fact that the turtle is the guardian of the North, so it is best to place it in the northern part of the house. It is good to place the turtle on a shelf, ideally located behind your back. A turtle can take up residence in the workplace. Feng Shui claims that in this case she will be aware of all matters, help with work, and promote career advancement. And her strong shell will always “cover” and “protect”.

You should also adhere to this “northern rule” when choosing the location of your office or workplace, since the career zone is located in the north.

The turtle is a fairly strong talisman and does not need additional activation, but if desired, you can enhance the effect by placing a plant (not a cactus) or a container of water nearby.

When placing a turtle mascot, it is important to remember that it does not belong in the bedroom.
Often, when choosing a turtle or any other talisman, it is not enough to simply listen to the advice of experts and connoisseurs, you must follow your intuition. It’s as easy as shelling pears to bring a turtle into your home or workplace, place it in a priority place, activate and enhance its effect. It is much more important to sincerely believe in your talisman, and then the feng shui turtle will fully bestow you with its “heavenly” benefits and gifts.

A turtle is, to put it mildly, not the fastest animal. However, Feng Shui masters greatly respect this symbol for persistently moving forward along the intended path and loyalty to the chosen goal. If you get this animal or buy a figurine, then a stable improvement in your financial situation awaits you. Here you will learn how to choose your faithful assistant from the multitude of these mysterious creatures and how to place houses according to the laws of Feng Shui to enhance the effect.

What does the symbol of a turtle mean in Feng Shui, legends

The turtle is considered one of the most popular symbols, including according to Feng Shui. According to this teaching, the symbol of this animal means health, longevity, wisdom, and patience. Every home should be protected by a reptile shell.

If such a souvenir is not in the house, then there should be a protective structure behind it. In ancient times in China, before building a home, people looked for areas where there were mountains and hills. Housing in open areas was considered unsuccessful, because it did not provide reliable shelter. So what does the turtle symbol mean in more detail? Let's look further.

Myths about the symbol

There are several legends and myths in which turtles play major roles:

  1. In ancient times, it was believed that the earth was supported by an elephant standing on a huge turtle. The main tasks of the animal were to maintain balance, not capsize the globe, and preserve the lives of all living beings. If any cataclysms occurred, it was believed that the animal moved in the oceans.
  2. There was a myth among Indian tribes that said that turtles were once large giants. They fought the gods, but lost the battle. True, those shields that the reptiles lost during the battles began to transform into turtles. They then spread throughout the planet.
  3. One legend says that in the capital of China there is a temple whose columns are mounted on turtle shells.
  4. Indian legends contain information about the sacred meaning of the shell. Its outer part denotes the heavenly world, the inner - the earthly one. The balance of the Universe is obtained due to the unification of the two worlds. Harmony in the world is maintained by the blue turtle - the symbol of the god Vishnu.

The turtle symbol can be found in almost any culture, as an image of fertility, strength, wisdom, and longevity. The turtle is a symbol of two energies balanced under the shell.

The Chinese say that you need to talk to your talismans from time to time: consult with them, lay out your grievances, problems, this greatly eases the soul, gives you self-confidence and, of course, helps you make the right decision. According to Feng Shui, turtles cannot stand company, not that they are lonely, but they prefer loneliness, so there is no need to display several identical talismans in one house: one is enough.

The Chinese nicknamed the turtle “black warrior”, which symbolizes life itself and immortality. It is not surprising, because this animal can live up to 300 years under favorable conditions. The record holder for longevity among turtles has been officially registered. It turned out to be a Marion tortoise that lived 152 years.

A person who chooses a turtle as his talisman will acquire all the positive qualities of this animal - wisdom, consistency in actions, self-confidence, perseverance, thoughtful decisions, slowness in judgment. In addition, the turtle will give him excellent health and financial well-being.

What does the symbol mean in the East?

The turtle is a symbol common in religion, mythology, and culture of different nations. The signs that can be seen on the shell were deciphered as mysterious hieroglyphs carrying a secret meaning.

The image of this reptile symbolizes strength, regularity, stability, stability. Some peoples have a belief that a figurine can impart wisdom, provide energy and give protection.

Residents of China believe that the animal is content with little during its life; it has patience and hard work. It may not eat or drink for several thousand years.

Animal is movement. It has found its path and is moving towards its ultimate goal. The symbol is also valued because, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the turtle is a talisman of good luck. If there is one in the house, then the home is under the protection of a strong talisman.

According to the legend, a person who brings an animal into the house and leaves it to live does the best for himself and his family. By the way, you don’t have to have a living creature for this. The turtle figurine also carries the same meaning.

The feng shui meanings of a turtle can also be as follows:

  • she helps in family matters,
  • brings stability, evenness to relationships,
  • prosperity grows with it,
  • it indicates reliability,
  • gives good luck.

It is clear that if you simply install a figurine of a turtle in your home, everything will not come by itself. A reptile is not capable of immediately changing its entire life. But she will reward you with wisdom that will be directed in the right direction.

Yes, a turtle cannot move quickly, but it is difficult to force it to abandon some goal. When in danger, the animal will hide its head in its shell. But this does not mean that the reptile abandoned its plan. She's just waiting out bad moments.

Eastern sages placed the meaning of the turtle symbol along with the dragon, tiger, and phoenix. In some cities, on New Year's Day it is customary to eat sweets in the shape of reptiles as an offering to the gods.

Chinese mythology

In the countries of the East, the tortoise was endowed with the gift of providence; there were customs of fortune-telling using the lines decorating its shell. The number of plates along its edge was 24, which exactly corresponded to the number of points of the agricultural calendar. The animal was considered a symbol of the water element, strength and endurance. Thanks to its vitality, the turtle personified longevity and order.

In Chinese mythology, she is one of the 4 heavenly animal guardians (phoenix, dragon, turtle and unicorn) who are needed to protect the home. The animal is represented by the element of water and corresponds to the number 1 and the north direction of the compass.

When the Chinese army set out on a military campaign, the soldiers always carried a banner with images of a dragon and a turtle. In mythology, these animals always fought with each other, but were never able to win. Therefore, the turtle has become a symbol of protection from war and fire for the people.

According to ancient beliefs, the Heavenly Temple in Beijing is located not on the ground, but on the backs of turtles, thanks to which its wooden structures have not deteriorated for several centuries. Chinese literature of the Middle Ages often used the character of the large sea turtle Ao, who personified the achievements of learning.

One of the ancient Chinese teachings is Feng Shui, which is based on the theory of the harmonious movement of energy flows that influence a person’s entire life. In Feng Shui, the turtle is the animal with which the formation of the Universe began, its support. It symbolizes maintaining the balance of 2 types of energy. Its upper shell is compared to the sky (Yang energy), its torso is compared to a person and the earth, the lower part of its shell is compared to water (Yin energy).

According to Chinese legends, a turtle shell helped open the magic square of Lo Shu, consisting of 9 sectors oriented to the cardinal points. Lo Shu became the prototype of the Bagua grid in the teachings of Feng Shui and contributed to the emergence of the Chinese philosophy of Taoism.

The animal, in accordance with this teaching, symbolizes the beginning of creation, longevity, persistent advancement, protection, good health and fertility, attracts good luck, reliability and stability, and helps to increase material well-being.

Therefore, the turtle symbol should be in every home, attracting good luck to its owners, helping to achieve their life goals.

Why do you need a live turtle in your home according to Feng Shui?

The best and most effective talisman, according to Chinese teaching, is the presence of a live turtle in the house. A mandatory addition is a small container of water or an aquarium, which can accommodate several animals.

In any form or image, the turtle is considered a prototype of the cosmos, symbolizing the harmony of the elements Yin and Yang. After all, according to Chinese legends, she passed on to people the knowledge of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Therefore, a figurine or talisman with her image will definitely bring longevity and health to the house, protection for its inhabitants, and perseverance in achieving their goals. It will add wisdom and health to the owners, attract financial success and prosperity to the family.


Types of talismans according to Feng Shui

If you want a turtle to become your magical companion, pay attention to these types of talismans.

Metal turtle

The metal turtle is one of the most effective and powerful Feng Shui talismans. It is best for such a figurine to be covered with a layer of gold or silver. The metal from which it is made can be any.

It is believed that the strength of the talisman directly depends on the weight of the turtle - the larger it is, the more effective the talisman will be.

Turtles in the form of a pyramid

This talisman is a pyramid of three turtles standing on top of each other and is considered very popular and effective in Feng Shui. It symbolizes the change of generations and will give your family health and longevity, good luck and material wealth.

Black turtle

This talisman has a special impact on career areas and achievements. The black turtle is considered the patroness of the North, so such a figurine should be placed on the north side.

In addition, there is only one mistress of the North, so there is no need to surround her with other talismans. In principle, a turtle can be any color, but according to Feng Shui, black is considered the most favorable for career, material wealth and longevity.

dragon turtle

This magical creature has the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon. It has the power of two Heavenly animals - a turtle and a dragon, so such a talisman is considered very powerful in Feng Shui.

The owner of the talisman will always be under the reliable protection and patronage of these creatures. The dragon turtle should be positioned in such a way that its gaze is directed to the West. It is believed that it is from the western side that all troubles and troubles come to people.

Turtle on a handful of coins

One of the most popular Feng Shui amulets, the meaning of which is easy to guess. A turtle on coins will help in solving financial problems and will attract material flows into your home.


Compositions from figurines

Various compositions can be made with the symbol. For example, you can set 3 animals one on top of the other. Or the symbol may have a dragon's head. What does this all mean? You should consult Feng Shui. According to it, it turns out that 3 turtles, placed one on top of the other, mean the cohesion of generations. But the symbol of an animal with a dragon's head gives great opportunities.

Legend has it that the dragon turtle is a human protector from the wrath of Prince Tai-Sui. It should be placed so that the head of the symbol faces the West, where the prince’s home is located. It is believed that if the talisman tracks the actions of the prince, it will not bring misfortune. In addition to protection, the owner of the figurine will also receive longevity and good luck. A black pendant helps you advance in your career.

Manufacturing materials

Turtle talismans are made from stone, metal, and matter, the meaning of which has already been described above. Each material has its own characteristics:

  • metal has a beneficial effect on work, makes a person persistent and hardworking. It is desirable that the figurine be covered with a layer of silver, gold,
  • ceramic turtles bring financial well-being, impart wisdom, and help in the development of talents.

In addition to these materials, natural raw materials can be used:

Jade turtles can also be found in China. This stone and the talisman itself are closely related. The fact is that jade is considered a symbol of healing, mysticism, and wisdom. The mineral can be in water without losing its qualities.

If you decide to place a jade turtle in your house, then it should be immersed in water several times a month. The symbol can be placed in any part of the apartment. The amulet goes well with green, blue, and white flowers. The pendant can be worn around the neck.

Feng allows you to make your own talisman from scrap materials. The choice of raw materials for the symbol, its decoration and use are the independent decisions of the owner. The figures can be attached to a child’s stroller or clothes.

The figure can also be cut out from a photograph. You should add a blue or cyan background and your own photo to the image. Such an exposure can be located on a desktop. It will help with work and direct the owner’s energy in the right direction. The main thing is to install the talisman correctly. The animal's head should look up. For a child, the talisman can be made in the form of a soft toy. A keychain will also work.

You need to consult with your talismans, tell them about your grievances, worries, problems. This not only brings inner relief, but also gives confidence and helps to make the right choice.

According to Feng Shii, the turtle is an animal that does not like society and prefers solitude. Therefore, it is advisable to keep only one talisman in one house.

Where is it better to place it in the house?

The most important place to place a turtle in the house is the northern part, i.e. Career sector. This part is the place of the water element. To strengthen this sector, you should purchase or draw a black turtle. An aquarium with a turtle placed in the north gives powerful power, but only a single one, since 1 is the number of the career sector.

Don’t forget about the wealth sector - this is the southeast, there should also be a turtle according to Feng Shui. In this case, you can use a real animal, a golden or wooden figurine. But best of all, painted in the color of gold coins.

If you want to acquire powerful patrons, you can place six turtles in the north-west. This will undoubtedly bring support from influential people.

A turtle mascot on your desktop is very important. She should stand behind her, providing stability and a reliable rear.

If there is a closet or a wall behind your back, then it is better to hang a fan, picture or panel. If there is a window, then you can put a turtle figurine on the windowsill. But you cannot place an aquarium with a live turtle behind your back, since water, in the literal sense of the word, will wash away all your efforts and aspirations to build a career.

In a private house, you can place an animal in a pond. The most important thing is to make sure that this turtle house is not to the right or behind the house. Ideally, the tortoise should live north of the home. According to Feng Shui, a turtle always brings good luck and protects its owner.

The turtle mascot has an ancient history and is associated primarily with the culture of China. The turtle symbol is of great importance for the philosophy of Feng Shui, which is extremely popular not only in the east, but also in our country. A figurine or image of a turtle is one of the main feng shui talismans. According to this science, it should be present in every home and workplace. Let's take a closer look at what the turtle symbolizes, what magical properties it has and what benefits it brings to its owners.

Symbol meaning

First of all, the turtle is an ancient symbol of the world order and world order. It is not for nothing that legends believe that it is this animal that supports the earth and everything that is on it. The turtle is a symbol of the basis, foundation, stability. She emphasizes that in order to successfully move through life, a person needs to rely on knowledge of the laws of the world order, spiritual principles, fundamental and inviolable truths. This basis is like a turtle’s shell, protecting from dangers, providing shelter and rest.


The basic principle of this creature is: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” This does not mean slowness, but balanced decisions and wisdom, which make it possible to follow the flow of life. Everything goes on as usual - there is nowhere to rush, you just need to tenaciously keep the main goal in sight. The turtle also symbolizes wise flexibility and adaptability, since it can live in two elements - on earth and in water.


The turtle is also considered a symbol of perseverance, determination and hard work. Although not particularly mobile, turtles nevertheless always reach their desired destination, stubbornly overcoming obstacles and difficulties along the way. This animal is a symbol of diligent work, which is never fruitless or in vain. In addition, the work symbolized by the turtle is always well organized and thought out to the smallest detail, as a result of which it is successful.

Health and longevity

The turtle is a symbol of long life and good health. Besides the fact that most of these amphibians are long-lived, their species appeared in nature millions of years ago and has not changed much since then. The measured “lifestyle” of turtles suggests the correct regime and routine, which are inseparable from good health. A strong shell symbolizes immunity, protecting against diseases and external damage.


In China, the turtle is a symbol of wealth and abundance as it usually lays many eggs. However, this does not mean the kind of wealth that falls “from heaven,” but the prosperity and well-being that accompany honest work and a pious life. A persistent turtle helps to achieve career advancement, and therefore an increase in wealth. In addition, her shell is a talisman of stability and already achieved prosperity.

How to choose a talisman

How to choose a turtle mascot for yourself or for your home? First of all, rely on instinct and intuition - choose the figurine, decoration or painting that you like best. And if you just can’t wait to have a live turtle at home, do it by first finding out how to care for it (in order to translate its magical properties into reality, the turtle must be healthy, cheerful and happy with life). However, you can also use some recommendations from Eastern experts and Feng Shui philosophy for choosing and placing a talisman.

What could be a talisman

A figurine, a photograph, a drawing, a piece of jewelry - all this has the meaning of a talisman, as does a real living turtle. Most often, one medium-sized figurine or painting is placed in the house, and one small figurine in the office at the workplace. As a personal amulet, you can wear a keychain or pendant in the shape of a turtle, a charm (pendant) for a Pandora-style bracelet, a ring, a piercing earring or an earring in one ear. It is not advisable to purchase paired earrings, since the singular turtle is considered a talisman and amulet.

Material of manufacture

Most often, talisman figures are made from natural stone. The classic version is the jade turtle - this stone is a symbol of wisdom and health. Oriental craftsmen also often use agate (or onyx), aquamarine, topazes, and rock crystal. An amulet in the form of a decoration with a stone is set in gold or silver (it seems that silver is more suitable for a magical amulet, however, the gold metal as a symbol of longevity and prosperity is also relevant for making a turtle). If you decide to make an amulet figurine yourself, you can use any natural material available for processing, for example, wood or clay.

Where to place

For a turtle mascot, proper placement is important. According to the science of Feng Shui, this symbol should be placed in the northern part of the house - in the career area. A very good option would be to put a figurine or hang a picture behind your back - this way it will protect your “rear”. If your goal is family well-being, Feng Shui advises placing a turtle in the eastern part of the room. A special talisman is suitable for this place - three turtles placed on top of each other.

Where in the house should you place the turtle to achieve financial prosperity? Feng Shui recommends the southeast side of the room, where the wealth zone is located. Here you can put a golden-colored talisman or one made of wood. You can also place it in the northwest if you want to gain the patronage of the powers that be (in addition to the eastern side, where you can place three turtles, this is the second exception place, where it is recommended to “house” not one, but six turtles at once).

Other mascot options

Chinese symbolism can combine the turtle and the dragon into one creature, creating a powerful amulet to enhance a person's energy levels. If you look at the fantastic creature more closely, you can also find elements of other animals (tiger, phoenix) in it. The talisman, standing firmly on the dragon's paws, denotes strength, confidence and protection - placed in the house, it successfully resists internal conflicts and negative influences from the outside. It is recommended to place it in the same areas as a regular turtle.

Talisman "Turtle"

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Souvenir Three Turtles

Often you can see a small turtle on the back of the turtle dragon, which means the talisman is aimed at relationships with children. Such a figurine is placed in the children’s area to harmonize their relationships with their parents and increase overall well-being. A turtle dragon sitting on gold coins or holding a coin in its mouth is for the wealth zone. Sometimes you can see a turtle with a snake on its shell - this is a symbol of wisdom and heavenly protection.

  1. A talisman ring with a turtle image is worn in two ways, depending on the purpose being pursued. If you are in the mood for active communication with others, put on the ring with the turtle tail towards you and the head outward. The talisman will help effective and fruitful interaction. And if you have a not very pleasant communication (a reprimand, litigation, trial, conflict situation, etc.), turn the turtle’s head towards you - the talisman will protect you from negativity.
  2. When choosing a souvenir or gift with meaning, choose a turtle - you can’t go wrong. This is a universal talisman that serves both career, family, and material well-being of a person. If you want to give something more practical (wallet, bag, clothes, etc.), you can choose something with a “tortoiseshell” pattern - a pattern similar to how a turtle’s shell is decorated. This pattern with “eyes” tends to protect its owner from the evil eye.
  3. If you are worried about a feeling of guilt in relation to a situation that can no longer be corrected, a black turtle made of stone will help you. Place it in the western part of the house and wash it with running water once a month.
  4. If you have nightmares in your sleep, place a jade turtle figurine under your pillow. A talisman made from this stone also needs water - dip it in a container of water a couple of times a month.
  5. If, when fortune telling, you saw the outline of a turtle on coffee grounds or on the ashes of a burning splinter, this means that the main thing in your business is not haste, but a focus on success. If the question concerned the fulfillment of a wish, the plan will come true, but one should not rush things.
  6. According to the Zoroastrian calendar, for people born in 1946, 1978 and 2010, the turtle is a totem - a special fateful creature that endows a person with its properties. If you were born in any of these years, be sure to buy yourself a turtle talisman to enhance the positive influence of the totem.
  7. Of all the cardinal directions, the turtle prefers the north, and according to the calendar, it is assigned the cold winter months. Don’t put aside your talismans and jewelry amulets in winter - wear them more often, wash off the dust, put them in water, talk and share your emotions. The turtle will help you stay healthy and prosperous, no matter how cold it is raging outside.

In this article you will learn:

Since ancient times, this animal has been considered a powerful talisman with positive energy. Therefore, figurines and drawings of turtles can be found not only in cafes, but also in residential premises. A story about who a turtle is, what it is a symbol of in various religions, how to properly place it in the house according to Feng Shui will help to optimally use its effect on a person.

What does the turtle symbolize?

In ancient times, the image of a lying turtle appeared in combination with 3 elephants who supported it with their bodies from below. Such a composition symbolized something strong and fundamental, personifying the structure of the world and planet Earth, which was then considered flat. The durable shell of an animal seemed to ancient people as a symbol of the foundation and structure of the world.

Particular attention was paid to this animal in Eastern religions. The universal or cosmic turtle is one of the main symbols of Tibetan astrology. In ancient legends about the creation of the Universe, we talk about the origin of the world from 5 such animals: first, the first turtle appears, wind arises from its breath, water arises from the liquid flowing out of its mouth, and mountains and earth are formed from its body and muscles.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a turtle signifies wisdom, good health, longevity and helps protect a person and the space around him. It is believed that her image should be present in every home to protect it from the influence of negative energy. If there is no turtle inside the dwelling, behind each building there must be some hill or structure that symbolizes it. Therefore, before building any house in Ancient China, the required area with the presence of a hill or mountain was carefully selected.

According to Feng Shui, a turtle shell symbolizes a force field that is necessary to protect human habitation. If a house is built in an open area, then it is considered unsuccessful, unable to provide reliable shelter for the people living in it.

In recent decades, this Eastern teaching has become increasingly popular in Russia and other European countries. Therefore, knowing what the turtle is a symbol of will help you correctly use its image in your living space in order to protect it as much as possible and bring prosperity and prosperity to your home.

Ancient theories

The graphic representation of our planet in the form of a flat disk or hemisphere resting on the backs of 4 elephants, which stand on the back of a turtle, takes its roots from Indian mythology. At the same time, the turtle itself swims along the boundless Ocean, from which it draws Knowledge and information about the absolute Truth. The ocean symbolized energy, which could be concentrated in various manifestations, and the turtle personified worldview.

This model of the structure of the world has been accepted in many teachings about the structure of the Earth. For many centuries in the East it was considered the only correct and true one. All ancient theories are based on the erroneous idea that the Earth is flat and not a sphere, as was later proven by science.

Different peoples attached different mythological meanings to the turtle. The Slavs classified it as evil spirits or “reptiles,” like most representatives of amphibians and reptiles. In Christian literature, this animal is interpreted as evil, a symbol of sensual pleasures and sin. However, it also denotes the decent behavior of a woman who is married and lives in solitude (as in a shell).

In many Asian countries (Iran, etc.), the turtle symbolizes fertility and the underworld. Among the Mongols, this animal helped explain the structure of the Earth: it was an image of a water animal holding the world mountain, its paws pointing to the 4 cardinal directions.

In ancient times, Europeans considered the turtle a symbol of fertility due to the large clutch of eggs that the animals laid. She personified moral love and longevity. The protective functions of its shell were often used when performing magical rituals, and turtle eyes framed in gold served as an amulet or talisman to help protect against the evil eye.

In the myths of the ancient Greeks and Romans, there are musical instruments made from its shell, as well as the transformation of the heroes themselves into a turtle. The animal was often ranked as part of the underworld of the gods: one of the names of which, Tartarus, comes from the name of the turtle (tartaruga).

In Tibet, her image was considered a living model of the Universe. On it, the animal’s head faces south, its tail faces north, and its paws face east and west, respectively. According to Tibetan mythology, certain creatures (theurangs) were born from the fat of turtles, which personified atmospheric phenomena (storm, storm, rain, hail, etc.).

Chinese mythology

In the countries of the East, the tortoise was endowed with the gift of providence; there were customs of fortune-telling using the lines decorating its shell. The number of plates along its edge was 24, which exactly corresponded to the number of points of the agricultural calendar. The animal was considered a symbol of the water element, strength and endurance. Thanks to its vitality, the turtle personified longevity and order.

In Chinese mythology, she is one of the 4 heavenly animal guardians (phoenix, dragon, turtle and unicorn) who are needed to protect the home. The animal is represented by the element of water and corresponds to the number 1 and the north direction of the compass.

When the Chinese army set out on a military campaign, the soldiers always carried a banner with images of a dragon and a turtle. In mythology, these animals always fought with each other, but were never able to win. Therefore, the turtle has become a symbol of protection from war and fire for the people.

According to ancient beliefs, the Heavenly Temple in Beijing is located not on the ground, but on the backs of turtles, thanks to which its wooden structures have not deteriorated for several centuries. Chinese literature of the Middle Ages often used the character of the large sea turtle Ao, who personified the achievements of learning.

One of the ancient Chinese teachings is Feng Shui, which is based on the theory of the harmonious movement of energy flows that influence a person’s entire life. In Feng Shui, the turtle is the animal with which the formation of the Universe began, its support. It symbolizes maintaining the balance of 2 types of energy. Its upper shell is compared to the sky (Yang energy), its torso is compared to a person and the earth, the lower part of its shell is compared to water (Yin energy).

According to Chinese legends, a turtle shell helped open the magic square Lo Shu, consisting of 9 sectors oriented to the cardinal points. Lo Shu became the prototype of the Bagua grid in the teachings of Feng Shui and contributed to the emergence of the Chinese philosophy of Taoism.

The animal, in accordance with this teaching, symbolizes the beginning of creation, longevity, persistent advancement, protection, good health and fertility, attracts good luck, reliability and stability, and helps to increase material well-being. Therefore, the turtle symbol should be in every home, attracting good luck to its owners, helping to achieve their life goals.

Where to place it in the house

The turtle can be used as a sculpture, figurine, or even live in an aquarium. In order for its effect in a house or apartment to be as favorable as possible, to create a strong protective field you need to know the rules for the location of the talisman:

  • a black turtle (sculpture or live) should be placed in the northern part of the apartment or house, in the Career sector;
  • It is recommended to place a wooden talisman or a gilded figurine in the southeast, in the Wealth sector;
  • to improve family relationships and increase the well-being of the home, a turtle figurine is placed on the eastern part of the home;
  • when placed in the office, the optimal place for the talisman is behind the owner’s back, which will help create reliable protection from the rear;
  • Only one figurine can be placed in each separate room.

One of the reliable symbols used to protect a person or his home is the Universal Turtle. A poster or talisman with such an image, in accordance with Tibetan astrology, helps to protect the room or its owner from the influence of spirits, find harmony in time and space, and avoid various obstacles in life.

Compositions from figurines

The sculpture of a turtle in Feng Shui is used not only in a single version, but also in the form of a composition made up of 3 animals of different sizes. The three turtles in the pyramid are called Family; they have an even more positive effect on the house and its owner. Such a talisman is best placed in the northeastern zone of the home, which is responsible for family relationships.

The sculpture attracts good luck and prosperity for 3 generations of one family, so the symbol is more often used when children, their parents, and grandparents live in the house at the same time. It is better to place such a composition in a vessel with water or in an aquarium, because... The water element helps enhance its positive energy.

If there is a need to acquire a more powerful patron, then you can place figurines of 6 turtles in the northwestern sector of the house, which will help attract the support of influential and necessary people.

The black turtle in Feng Shui symbolizes hard work that brings good results and rewards. Therefore, it is recommended to place it in a service or workplace on the north side of the building. It is also used as an image patronizing the northern countries, which includes Russia.

Manufacturing materials

To make a home talisman, it is recommended to use only natural materials, because... handmade adds positive energy and strength to the figure. The best is considered to be a turtle made of metal as the heaviest material, decorated with gold or silver on top, which will attract financial well-being to the house.

A turtle stone, especially black, helps neutralize negative emotions in the home and family relationships, and brings stability and reliability to the home. A ceramic figurine helps preserve health and well-being.

When choosing a gift or souvenir in the shape of a turtle for another person, you should know in advance about its possible effect. Depending on what material is used to make turtle mascots, its properties and effect on humans may change.

Thus, an onyx turtle amulet helps improve memory and promotes the acquisition of knowledge. Products made from moonstone are often given to women, because... they add tenderness and softness to the owner. A souvenir made of malachite or carnelian helps protect the owner from injury and add physical strength to him. The crystal turtle gives a person protection from negative forces and helps to demonstrate his oratory abilities.

If desired, you can use plasticine or polymer clay to make a talisman. You can make drawings, posters, paintings, embroidery with the image of a turtle, and soft toys are suitable for children.

Activation methods

In Feng Shui, a turtle is considered a fairly strong talisman that does not require an activation procedure. To enhance its effect, you can place a green indoor plant or a container of water nearby; less often, a drawn blue triangle (symbol of the water element) is used.

The turtle figurine itself can be placed in water; it is recommended to wash or wipe it more often on days when a person especially needs support and protection.

Why do you need a live turtle in your home according to Feng Shui?

The best and most effective talisman, according to Chinese teaching, is the presence of a live turtle in the house. A mandatory addition is a small container of water or an aquarium, which can accommodate several animals.

In any form or image, the turtle is considered a prototype of the cosmos, symbolizing the harmony of the elements Yin and Yang. After all, according to Chinese legends, she passed on to people the knowledge of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Therefore, a figurine or talisman with her image will definitely bring longevity and health to the house, protection for its inhabitants, and perseverance in achieving their goals. It will add wisdom and health to the owners, attract financial success and prosperity to the family.