Purification meditation on the waning moon. Full Moon Meditation Collection of Meditations for Transformation

Lunar practices

I started working with the energies of the Moon a long time ago, more than 7 years ago.

I started conducting Women's Circles of Power and new meditations began to be born from them, which we did with women, this happened for more than 5 years, twice a month - on the New Moon and Full Moon.

And a few years ago, when I was conducting Lunar practices on the shores of the Indian Ocean on the island of Bali, I heard the call of the Moon and realized that I could get closer to her.

I approached her with my soul and went inside her - it was a little dark and very quiet, as if there had once been life here, but then something happened and she froze.

And the Moon told me that once upon a time there was no night on Earth and there were 2 luminaries - Sun and moon.

Moon (MA energy) carried female maternal lunar energy and balanced all the processes of the beloved child - the Earth, and Sun (RA energy) gave impetus to life and creation of all living things, birth and creation.

And there was harmony everywhere. But then various events happened and the Moon lost its luminosity, its energy was reduced to a minimum and clogged with external dark energies. And people began to fear the Moon, they forgot its essence and also forgot the feminine essence, they forgot what the Woman who creates harmony and love carries within herself.

And now the time has come for awakening. Everything is waking up - the Earth, the Moon, people, everything is starting to wake up. Like in the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty))))

And we worked for a long time, every month, with the purification of the energies of the Moon and it began to shine more and more brightly and more and more joyfully.

And now it happened - the main one moon crystal her strength and her soul were cleansed and shone!

Women's Circles of Power on the Full Moon are held on the ocean shore on the island of Bali every year, these journeys to the ocean, the Moon and your true Feminine Essence and your Soul!

And today you can do Full Moon Meditation and direct the flow of lunar energy to realize your most cherished dreams!

And then, below you can read about the Lunar Temples and how our members of the Women’s Circle activate the lunar living energies in themselves, these are amazing stories that touch the soul and leave in it their sounds of living vibration, memories of the feminine essence...

Full moon!

Divine feminine power is clearly manifested and fills a Woman with the original memory of who you are...

Who you were in the beginning... What gift you had... What power, what Light, what brightness to light the stars and illuminate the Path... you will remember EVERYTHING!
and the memory of the Soul will open, and clear vision will be restored and your heart will be filled with the light of Love, the Light of the Creator-Sun RA and the Light of the Mother Goddess Moon MA - their divine union in love gives birth to a miracle - the Goddess, a wonderful girl who grows up to be a beautiful Woman!
Maybe it is you?
We have already remembered ourselves!
We have restored our memory and our strength, soon you will too...

Women's Circle of Power on the Full Moon

Meditation 1.

Meditation 2.

When you complete the meditation, be sure to share with us what you saw in the comments below)

The Full Moon also happens during a Lunar Eclipse, and then this is a great time to shape your path and give it energy and impetus for implementation, for all your plans, dreams and goals. Although we usually form intentions during the New Moon, there is often such a portal to a lunar eclipse:

On the full moon, everything secret becomes clear, and your talents and capabilities are worthy of being shown into the world!

For example, you can tell yourself:

“I easily and freely show my talents and capabilities this year!

I realize my power to live, create and create the best for myself!

I manifest the impulse of Love in my heart and pour this love into my world, my home, my family, my affairs, my work, relationships, my Body and I am filled right now with the endless light of Love and this light overflows into my strength and pours out of me into world!

I say yes!" every dream, every business, every step!

I deserve the best life for me and accept all the gifts and opportunities from the world and joyfully greet every day!

Let it be so!".

And I already wrote about the Moon earlier in the article “How the Moon really influences a Woman”

I made the energy that came in more powerful and the impulse more powerful, and directed it further to the 8th place, I don’t know how long it was, but when the hall was cleared and completely illuminated, an energy ring was created, even through places where there were no girls yet, they slept frozen in crystals, the energy still went strong and bright. It's like we started the Heart and now it can beat on its own. But this was just one detail out of several that would allow the Moon to be completely cleansed and gain its power.

We helped bring LIGHT into the central hall. And how the birds fluttered and flew back to Earth, carrying in their hearts the amazing, magical and unique lunar energy.
On the way home, it became clear that lunar energy also brings abundance for women.

…. A story from the past: I remembered how I fell from her, how she threw us out, saving us, I felt that she really needed us, but she forbade us to stay, Marianna reminded me of this, and I remembered that in this life I had dreamed about this more than once a dream but I didn’t understand it. And now my mother missed us and was glad to see us, and I was glad to return home...
I just felt that the full moon is not bad, it is joy, and when Marianna asked about this and it came that the Sun is the father, the Moon is the mother, the Earth is their daughter, and on the full moon the moon, as if playing, transfers balls of joy and energy to the Earth your mother's love."


and a little from the history of our sessions on working with the energy of the Moon:

« History of the Moon.

With the question of whether there is information in the depths of my “Higher Self” about my connection with lunar energy, I looked into another light cell of information about the experience of my Soul and it pulled me in, revealing the space of the history of my experiences.

to be continued…

We are waiting for you at our Lunar practices, which regularly take place in our Women's Circle of Power in different cities, in St. Petersburg and on the island of Bali, 2 times a year - in March and November

Women's Circle “Joy of Life” in Bali

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If you want to bring what you want to life, meditation on the waxing Moon will help you with this. It will tune your thoughts to the desired wavelength and increase the energy of the body, opening the way to the materialization of your dreams.

There are many rituals to make dreams come true. Their task is the same as our meditation, but the mechanism of action is completely different. The ritual activates natural energy, which charges you with luck, and meditation changes the course of your thoughts, making luck come from yourself, changing reality in the future. That is why such techniques for manifesting what they want are used by more and more people around the world.

Preparing for Meditation

Many will ask: “Why the growing Moon?” The thing is that when the Moon is in a state of growth, its energy gradually increases. She shares this energy with us, but you need to be able to organize and control the energy, otherwise you can say nasty things to someone or commit an impulsive act that you will regret in the future.

You can go to the gym, go to the pool or choose other physical activities, or you can work with your thoughts. In this case, meditation is perfect. It is best to imagine the fulfillment of a desire on the waxing Moon, so that its energy is reincarnated and works for you. If you do this at another time, you will not get a similar effect, although, of course, nothing bad will happen.

An excellent addition to this meditation would be affirmations for wish fulfillment. They also work to transform your thoughts, but they do this through the sound of your voice, through autosuggestion. By repeating special phrases to yourself every day, you form attitudes that are the basis of correct positive and orderly energy. Use them during the waning of the Moon, and during the waxing you can use meditation, alternating techniques.

Meditation on the waxing moon

Wait until it is night or evening. Visibility of the Moon is not a requirement. According to the lunar calendar, it will be necessary to track before this so that the Moon grows.

Sit in a chair or lie on the sofa, but closer to the window. Relax. Your body becomes heavier. He is being pulled down. Close your eyes and clear your thoughts. As your brain and consciousness are cleared of unnecessary thoughts, you become lighter. At a certain point you become lighter than air, so you begin to rise. You don’t feel it, but the incredible lightness lets you know about it. Now you are ready to travel to the Moon.

Looking around, you realize that you find yourself in weightlessness. Somewhere in the distance you can see stars that shine very dimly. Only the Moon is in front of you. It's bright and looks like it's much closer than it actually is. You begin to move towards it with the power of thought. You don't feel the wind, but you understand that forward movement is happening. You need to get to the moon to find something. Something nice.

You move for about five minutes and only then realize that you are starting to get closer to the moon. You go around it in orbit and realize that the other side is dark. You move very slowly, so you can see every crater on the surface of the Moon. When you find yourself on the other side, you realize that there is almost no light. All that is visible on the surface of the Moon is a black sea of ​​emptiness. After a short observation, you notice that a faint light is burning on the surface. Your thoughts and sixth sense tell you that this is what you need. You need to go there. You slowly continue your calm movement, but now towards the surface of the Moon. Slowly, gradually, you begin to distinguish different mountains and depressions on the surface, but you still cannot understand what this dim light is.

Having descended to the surface of the Moon, you begin to walk towards this light. Slowly and deliberately you approach him. When you get close enough, you realize that this light is coming from the house. This is a small wooden house. You can touch it and feel the door. When you find it, it will open on its own with a barely audible creak. Come inside, don't be afraid.

Entering the house, you see a small corridor in front of you and only one room to your right, from which there is a light. You slowly approach the turn into the room, look inside and realize that in the small room there is a table, a chair, and a candle on the table. It was its light that you saw on the approach to the Moon and on the approach to the house. You come up, sit down and start looking at the candle fire. He calms you down. You feel like you are alone in the entire Universe. You well. The light of a candle is your dream, its personification. You found her. Take the candle in your hands.

Its light begins to slowly intensify, absorbing everything around it, including you. You have become part of this world. You have become part of your dream. Now you are one step closer to it. When the light becomes unbearably bright, open your eyes. Your dream should stay with you. It is not bright enough now, but every day until the Full Moon it will grow. The moon represents the very deepest desire that you have. Imagine that it comes true more often, then you will become happier, and a miracle will knock on your home. Meditation is complete.

The main rule of a happy person is positivity. In our world, it can be very difficult to remain calm. There are many techniques that can relieve you of negative thoughts. Each of them has the power to give you a drop of luck, without which a happy life is impossible. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

If you want to realize what you want, then meditation on the growing Moon will help you with this. It will tune your thoughts to the desired wavelength and increase the energy of the body, opening the way to the materialization of your dreams.

There are many rituals to make dreams come true. Their task is the same as our meditation, but the mechanism of action is completely different. The ritual activates natural energy, which charges you with good luck, and meditation changes the course of your thoughts by doing so. That luck comes from within yourself, changing reality in the future. That is why such techniques for manifesting what they want are used by more and more people around the world.

Preparing for Meditation

Many will ask: “Why the growing Moon?” The thing is that when the Moon is in a state of growth, its energy gradually increases. She shares this energy with us, but we need to be able to organize and control it, otherwise you can say nasty things to someone or commit an impulsive act that you will regret in the future.

You can go to the gym, go to the pool or choose other physical activities, or you can work with your thoughts. In this case, meditation is perfect. It is best to imagine the fulfillment of a desire on the waxing Moon, so that its energy is reincarnated and works for you. If you do this at another time, you will not get a similar effect, although, of course, nothing bad will happen. You will not need to be careful, because such meditations will always work for you.

An excellent addition to this meditation would be affirmations for wish fulfillment. They also work to transform your thoughts, but they do this through the sound of your voice, through autosuggestion. By repeating special phrases to yourself every day, you form attitudes that are the basis of correct positive and orderly energy. Use them during the waning moon. During growth, you can use meditation, alternating techniques.

Meditation on the waxing moon

Wait until it is night or evening and the Moon is visible. Visibility of the Moon is not a requirement. According to the lunar calendar, it will be necessary to track before this so that the Moon grows.

Sit in a chair or lie on the sofa, but closer to the window. Relax. Your body becomes heavier. He is being pulled down. Close your eyes and clear your thoughts. As your brain and consciousness are cleared of unnecessary thoughts, you become lighter. At a certain point you become lighter than air, so you begin to rise. You don’t feel it, but the incredible lightness lets you know about it. Now you are ready to travel to the moon.

Looking around, you realize that you find yourself in weightlessness. Somewhere in the distance you can see stars that shine very dimly. Only the Moon is in front of you. It's bright and looks like it's much closer than it actually is. You begin to move towards it with the power of thought. You don't feel the wind, but you understand that forward movement is happening. You need to get to the moon to find something. Something nice.

You move for about five minutes and only then realize that you are starting to get closer to the moon. You go around it in orbit and realize that the other side is dark. You move very slowly, so you can see every crater on the surface of the Moon. When you find yourself on the other side, you realize that there is almost no light. All that is visible on the surface of the Moon is a black sea of ​​emptiness. After a short observation, you notice that a faint light is burning on the surface. Your thoughts and sixth sense tell you that this is what you need. You need to go there. You slowly continue your calm movement, but now towards the surface of the Moon. Slowly, gradually, you begin to distinguish different mountains and depressions on the surface, but you still cannot understand what this dim light is.

Having descended to the surface of the Moon, you begin to walk towards this light. Slowly and deliberately you approach him. When you get close enough, you realize that this light is coming from the house. This is a small wooden house. You can touch it and feel the door. When you find it, it will open on its own with a barely audible creak. Come inside, don't be afraid.

Entering the house, you see a small corridor in front of you and only one room to your right, from which there is a light. You slowly approach the turn into the room, look inside and realize that in the small room there is a table, a chair, and a candle on the table. It was its light that you saw on the approach to the Moon and on the approach to the house. You come up, sit down and start looking at the candle fire. He calms you down. You feel like you are alone in the entire Universe. You well. The light of a candle is your dream, its personification. You found her. Take the candle in your hands.

Its light begins to slowly intensify, absorbing everything around it, including you. You have become part of this light. You have become part of your dream. Now you are one step closer to it. When the light becomes unbearably bright, open your eyes. Your dream should stay with you. It is not bright enough now, but every day until the full moon it will grow. The moon represents the very deepest desire that you have. Imagine that it comes true more often, then you will become happier and a miracle will knock on your home. Meditation is complete.

The main rule of a happy person is positivity. In our world, it can be very difficult to remain calm. There are many techniques that can relieve you of negative thoughts. Each of them can give you a drop of luck, without which a happy life is impossible.

According to ancient Indian ideas, set out in special treatises, the human head corresponds to the moon, and the solar plexus to the sun. “Nectar” flows from the moon, and the sun devours it. As a result, a person grows old. If the moon and sun are swapped, aging will stop, and a person will become physically immortal. One special meditative exercise, revealed by the Soviet yoga master Anatoly Ivanov in one of his public lectures, helps reduce aging.

Meditation technique:

Sit up straight so that your spine and weight press on the base of the spinal column. It is better to sit in the lotus position or in any other position with crossed legs; however, it is also possible in a Western manner. The main thing is that the spine remains straight throughout the entire duration of the exercise. The steps of the exercise are as follows:

1. close your eyes, feeling a state of complete stillness. Say to yourself several times, “I am Calm, I am Still as a Rock, and Nothing Can Shake My Calm,” say it slowly and clearly several times.

2. With your eyes closed, imagine yourself sitting on a plane, empty to the very horizon. Overhead is a black sky, like a dome. In the center of the dome is the moon, whose bright cold light reaches you, and this cold silver disk of the moon illuminates everything around.

3. At the very top of the head, a bright, silvery-white dot lights up - a ball, i.e. a many times smaller copy of the moon. It is clearly formed in the consciousness and is constantly “Fixed” by the inner gaze. We lower this point, shaped like a ball, smoothly, slowly and softly, as if into a thick liquid, down the spinal canal, without resistance, like a knife entering butter.

4. The point descends down to the level of the solar plexus, remains there and continues to glow with cold moonlight. There is emptiness all around, a boundless desert to the very horizon.

5. The black sky gradually begins to become warm, summer, clean, clear, cloudless, bright blue. The bright, hot, hot sun shines at its zenith.

6. The same sun, but small, lights up at the top of our heads. It smoothly falls into the middle of the head.

7. Now the bright, hot, shining sun shines in the head, and in the spine at the level of the solar plexus there is still a bright, cold, motionless moon, stable in its cold flickering.

8. The picture created in the imagination gradually dissolves. Mental images, light, sun and moon gradually disappear, as in the morning haze. Eyes open. At the end of the exercise, take a deep breath and exhale deeply, and again take a deep breath and exhale deeply.

Effect: the exercise promotes individual healing for everyone. Consciousness becomes stable and open. After the exercise, it is useful to remain silent, allowing the healing processes to occur on their own. It is also useful to walk through the body with an inner ray of attention from the tips of the toes and above, to the knees, stomach, chest and head. The thinking is cleared, the head becomes clean, clear and fresh.