Methods of scientific knowledge. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge A16. Human phagocytes are capable

Tasks with solutions

1. Formulating a hypothesis means

1. Gather available facts

2. Make a guess

3. Confirm the objectivity of the data obtained

4. Conduct an experiment

Explanation: hypothesis - an assumption or guess; a statement that requires proof, as opposed to axioms, postulates that do not require proof. A hypothesis is considered scientific if it satisfies the scientific method, such as Popper's criterion, that is, it can potentially be tested by a critical experiment. The correct answer is 2.

2. An example of the application of an experimental research method can be considered

1. Formulating a position based on the facts obtained

2. Formation of a conditioned reflex to a bell in a dog

3. Description in nature of a new species of organisms

4. Comparison of two microslides

Explanation: The use of the experimental method is very clearly illustrated by Pavlov's experiments with a dog. The correct answer is 2.

3. What is the name of the science that studies the heredity and variability of organisms?

1. Anatomy

2. Genetics

3. Cytology

4. Physiology

Explanation: Anatomy studies the structure of the body, cytology is the science of cells, physiology is the science of processes, but genetics studies heredity and variability. The correct answer is 2.

4. Which science classifies organisms based on their relatedness?

1. Ecology

2. Taxonomy

3. Morphology

4. Paleontology

Explanation: Taxonomy deals with the classification of organisms based on their relatedness. The correct answer is 2.

5. What method is used to study the movement of the common amoeba under a microscope?

1. Simulation

2. Observation

3. Comparison


Explanation: when we look at a common amoeba under a microscope, we observe its movement, a method called observation. The correct answer is 2.

6. Is there a method to determine the difference in heart rate during physical activity and at rest?

1. Observations

2. Experimental

3. Descriptive

4. Simulation

Explanation: To determine the difference in pulse in these two states, you need to conduct an appropriate experiment. The correct answer is 2.

7. You can accurately determine the degree of influence of fertilizers on plant growth using the method

1. Simulation

2. Comparisons

3. Observations

4. Experiment

Explanation: in this example, for example, it is possible to determine whether or not fertilizers will affect plants only by experiment. The correct answer is 4.

8. Merit of V.I. Vernadsky is that he

1. Formulated the doctrine of the biosphere

2. Created the doctrine of brain reflexes

3. Discovered viruses

4. Developed the basics of taxonomy

Explanation: IN AND. Vernadsky received recognition after formulating the doctrine of the biosphere (named after him) The correct answer is 1.

9. What science studies the effects of pollution on the environment?

1. Anatomy 2. Genetics 3. Botany 4. Ecology

Explanation: ecology studies not only the effect of pollution on the environment, but also the interaction of organisms with each other and with the environment. The correct answer is 4.

10. Studies the patterns of transmission of hereditary characteristics

1. Genetics

2. Taxonomy

3. Anthropology

4. Biochemistry

Explanation: patterns of transmission, as well as the manifestation of hereditary characteristics, are studied by genetics. The correct answer is 1.

Tasks for independent solution

1. The science that studies the patterns of heredity and variability is called

1. Physiology

2. Cytology

3. Taxonomy

4. Genetics

Answer: 4

2. Cytology is the science of

1. Plant structure

2. The structure of organic substances

3. Body functions

4. Cell structure and functions

Answer: 4

3. The mechanisms of protein biosynthesis in the body were discovered

1. Anatomists

2. Physiologists

3. Biochemists

4. Environmentalists

Answer: 3

4. The creator of the doctrine of evolution was

1. I.I. Mechnikov

2. L. Pasteur

3. Charles Darwin

4. I.P. Pavlov

Answer: 4

5. Science studies the fossil remains of organisms.

1. Paleontology

2. Geology

3. Archeology

4. Mycology

Answer: 1

6. Creation of diagrams, drawings, objects similar to natural ones refers to methods

1. Experimental

2. Observations

3. Theoretical

4. Simulation

Answer: 4

7. The main function of the theory is

1. Experimental confirmation of facts

2. Predicting the appearance of certain facts

3. Hypothesizing

4. Description of observations

Answer: 2

8. About which famous scientist could they say: “Not a single doctor has saved the lives of as many people as this man”? ABOUT

1. I.P. Pavlov

2. E. Jenner

3. K. Galene

4. A. Vesalius

Answer: 2 (developed the world's first vaccine - against smallpox)

9. Merit of I.I. Mechnikov is that he discovered

1. The phenomenon of phagocytosis

2. Protein structure

3. DNA structure

4. Parietal digestion

Answer: 1

10. You can find out how the composition of air changes during breathing by

1. Observations

2. Descriptions

3. Experiment

4. Measurements

Answer: 3

11. An example of the application of an experimental research method is

1. Building a flower model

2. Study of seed germination conditions under different conditions

3. Measuring plant growth over time

4. Description of a new plant species

Answer: 2

12. The subject of study of ichthyologists are

1. Ichthyosaurs

2. Amphibians

3. Reptiles

4. Pisces

Answer: 4

13. A gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats organ diseases

1. Breathing

2. Discharge

3. Digestion

4. Blood circulation

Answer: 3

14. The theory of immunity was created and developed

1. I. Mechnikov and L. Pasteur

2. I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov

3. G. Mendel and T. Morgan

4. M. Schleiden and T. Schwann

Answer: 1

15. Established the structure and created a model of the DNA molecule

1. C. Darwin and A. Wallace

2. D. Watson and F. Crick

3. M. Schleiden and T. Schwann

4. G. Mendel and T. Morgan

Answer: 2

16. Cell theory was created

1. A.I. Oparin and J. Haldane

2. M. Schleiden and T. Schwann

3. R. Hooke and A. Leeuwenhoek

4. M. Lomonosov and Ch. Darwin

Answer: 2

17. The doctrine of the second signaling system in humans was created

1. I.M. Sechenov

2. I.P. Pavlov

3. W. Harvey

4. A. Vesalius

Answer: 2

18. The study of migrations of birds and the determination of their wintering places is carried out using the method

1. Experimental

2. Biochemical

3. Crossbreeding

4. Banding

Answer: 4

The tasks are taken from the book for preparing for the OGE for 2016, edited by V.S. Rokhlova, as well as the author G.I. Lerner.

(Answers at the end of the test)

A1. What science classifies organisms based on their relatedness?

1) ecology

2) taxonomy

3) morphology

4) paleontology

A2. What theory was formulated by the German scientists M. Schleiden and T. Schwann?

1) evolution

2) chromosomal

3) cellular

4) ontogeny

A3. The storage carbohydrate in an animal cell is

1) starch

2) glycogen

4) cellulose

A4. How many chromosomes are in the germ cells of the fruit fly Drosophila if its somatic cells contain 8 chromosomes?

A5. The integration of its nucleic acid into the DNA of the host cell is carried out

1) bacteriophages

2) chemotrophs

3) autotrophs

4) cyanobacteria

A6. Sexual reproduction of organisms is evolutionarily more progressive, since it

1) contributes to their wide distribution in nature

2) ensures a rapid increase in numbers

3) contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of genotypes

4) preserves the genetic stability of the species

A7. What is the name given to individuals that form one type of gametes and do not produce splitting characteristics into offspring?

1) mutant

2) heterotic

3) heterozygous

4) homozygous

A8. How are the genotypes of individuals designated during dihybrid crossing?

A9. All leaves of one plant have the same genotype, but may differ in

1) number of chromosomes

2) phenotype

3) gene pool

4) genetic code

A10. What bacteria improve nitrogen nutrition of plants?

1) fermentation

2) nodule

3) acetic acid

A11. An underground shoot differs from a root in that it has

2) growth zones

3) vessels

A12. Plants of the angiosperm division, unlike gymnosperms,

1) have a root, stem, leaves

2) have a flower and a fruit

3) reproduce by seeds

4) release oxygen into the atmosphere during photosynthesis

A13. In birds, unlike reptiles,

1) unstable body temperature

2) cover of horny substance

3) constant body temperature

4) reproduction by eggs

A14. Which group of tissues has the properties of excitability and contractility?

1) muscular

2) epithelial

3) nervous

4) connecting

A15. The main function of the kidneys in mammals and humans is to remove them from the body.

2) excess sugar

3) metabolic products

4) undigested residues

A16. Human phagocytes are capable

1) capture foreign bodies

2) produce hemoglobin

3) participate in blood clotting

4) transfer antigens

A17. Bundles of long processes of neurons, covered with a connective tissue membrane and located outside the central nervous system, form

2) cerebellum

3) spinal cord

4) cerebral cortex

A18. What vitamin should be included in a person's diet to prevent scurvy?

A19. What species criterion should be used to classify the area of ​​distribution of reindeer in the tundra?

1) environmental

2) genetic

3) morphological

4) geographical

A20. An example of interspecies struggle for existence is the relationship between

1) an adult frog and a tadpole

2) a cabbage butterfly and its caterpillar

3) song thrush and fieldfare thrush

4) wolves of the same pack

A21. The tiered arrangement of plants in the forest serves as an adaptation to

1) cross pollination

2) wind protection

3) use of light energy

4) reducing water evaporation

A22. Which of the factors of human evolution is of a social nature?

1) articulate speech

2) variability

3) natural selection

4) heredity

A23. What is the nature of the relationships between organisms of different species that need the same food resources?

1) predator - prey

3) competition

4) mutual assistance

A24. In the biogeocenosis of a water meadow, decomposers include

1) cereals, sedges

2) bacteria and fungi

3) mouse-like rodents

4) herbivorous insects

A25. Can lead to global changes in the biosphere

1) increase in the number of individual species

2) desertification of territories

3) heavy rainfall

4) replacement of one community by another

A26. What percentage of nucleotides containing cytosine does DNA contain if the proportion of its adenine nucleotides is 10% of the total?

A27. Select the correct sequence of information transfer during the process of protein synthesis in the cell.

1) DNA → messenger RNA → protein

2) DNA → transfer RNA → protein

3) ribosomal RNA → transfer RNA → protein

4) ribosomal RNA → DNA → transfer RNA → protein

A28. With dihybrid crossing and independent inheritance of traits in parents with genotypes AABb and aabb, a split in the ratio is observed in the offspring

A29. In plant breeding, pure lines are obtained by

1) cross pollination

2) self-pollination

3) experimental mutagenesis

4) interspecific hybridization

A30. Reptiles are considered true terrestrial vertebrates because they

1) breathe atmospheric oxygen

2) reproduce on land

3) lay eggs

4) have lungs

A31. Carbohydrates in the human body are stored in

1) liver and muscles

2) subcutaneous tissue

3) pancreas

4) intestinal walls

A32. The secretion of saliva, which occurs when the receptors of the oral cavity are irritated, is a reflex

1) conditional, requiring reinforcement

2) unconditional, inherited

3) arising during the life of humans and animals

4) individual for each person

A33. Among the listed examples, aromorphosis is

1) flat body shape of the stingray

2) protective coloration in a grasshopper

3) four-chambered heart in birds

A34. The biosphere is an open ecosystem because it

1) consists of many diverse ecosystems

2) is influenced by the anthropogenic factor

3) includes all spheres of the earth

4) constantly uses solar energy

The answer to the tasks in this part (B1–B8) is a sequence of letters or numbers.

In tasks B1–B3, choose three correct answers out of six, write down the selected numbers in the table.

IN 1. The biological significance of meiosis is

1) preventing the doubling of the number of chromosomes in the new generation

2) the formation of male and female gametes

3) formation of somatic cells

4) creating opportunities for the emergence of new gene combinations

5) increasing the number of cells in the body

6) multiple increase in the set of chromosomes

AT 2. What is the role of the pancreas in the human body?

1) participates in immune reactions

2) forms blood cells

3) is a mixed secretion gland

4) forms hormones

5) secretes bile

6) secretes digestive enzymes

AT 3. Factors of evolution include

1) crossing over

2) mutation process

3) modification variability

4) insulation

5) variety of species

6) natural selection

When completing tasks B4-B6, establish a correspondence between the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the plant trait and the department for which it is characteristic.

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the structural and functional features of the human brain and its department.

AT 6. Establish a correspondence between the nature of the mutation and its type.

When completing tasks B7–B8, establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, and practical actions. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 7. Establish the sequence of processes occurring in an interphase cell.

A) mRNA is synthesized on one of the DNA strands

B) a section of the DNA molecule is split into two chains under the influence of enzymes

B) mRNA moves into the cytoplasm

D) protein synthesis occurs on mRNA, which serves as a template.

AT 8. Establish the chronological sequence in which the main groups of plants appeared on Earth.

A) green algae
B) horsetails
B) seed ferns
D) rhiniophytes
D) gymnosperms





Unified State Exam 2005
A1. The science that classifies organisms based on their relatedness is
1) ecology
2) taxonomy
3) morphology
4) paleontology
A2. From the given formulations, indicate the position of the cell theory.
1) Fertilization is the process of fusion of male and female gametes.
2) Ontogenesis repeats the history of the development of its species.
3) Daughter cells are formed as a result of division of the mother cell.
4) Sex cells are formed during the process of meiosis.
A3. A substance that consists of a nitrogenous base, deoxyribose and a phosphoric acid residue is
1) amino acid
2) transfer RNA
3) adenosine triphosphate
4) nucleotide
A4. What structure is shown in the picture?
1) chromosome
2) endoplasmic reticulum
3) Golgi complex
4) microtubule
A5. In chloroplasts, during the light phase of photosynthesis, the energy of sunlight is used to synthesize molecules
1) lipids 2) proteins 3) nucleic acids 4) ATP
A6. Reduction of the number of chromosomes by half, formation of cells with a haploid set
chromosomes occurs in the process
1) mitosis 2) meiosis 3) cleavage 4) fertilization
A7. Non-cellular forms that can reproduce only after penetrating the target cell are
1) viruses 2) bacteria 3) protozoa 4) lichens
A8. Increased viability of offspring occurs as a result of reproduction
1) disputes
2) budding
3) rhizome
4) seeds
A9. Paired genes located on homologous chromosomes and controlling the manifestation of the same trait are called
1) allelic
2) dominant
3) recessive
4) linked
A10. Determine in the figure the genotype of the hybrid offspring of a guinea pig obtained from crossing homozygous parental forms (black (A) and shaggy (B) wool dominates

1) AABb
2) AaBB
3) AaBb
4) aaBb
A11. Changes in fur color in an ermine rabbit under the influence of environmental temperature - an example of variability
1) modification
2) genotypic
3) correlative
4) combinative
A12. Polyploidy is used in breeding
1) pets
2) cultivated plants
3) cap mushrooms
4) mold fungi
A13. What is the role of bacteria and fungi in the cycle of substances?
1) producers of organic substances
2) consumers of organic substances
3) destroyers of organic substances
4) destroyers of inorganic substances
A14. The part of the cell through which connections between organelles are established is indicated in the figure by the letter

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
A15. In mammals, gas exchange occurs in
1) trachea
2) bronchi
3) bronchioles
4) pulmonary vesicles
A16. The curvatures of the human spine are associated with
1) upright posture
2) work activity
3) formation of the chest
4) development of the thumb
A17. The human body is supplied with vitamins, as a rule, in the process
1) energy metabolism
2) intake of plant and animal food
3) oxidation of organic substances in body cells
4) transformation of insoluble organic substances into soluble ones
A18. Hormone function
1) formation of enzymes
2) providing the body with energy
3) participation in the formation of unconditioned reflexes
4) regulation of metabolic processes, growth and development of the body
A19. The final analysis of the height, strength and character of the sound occurs in
1) eardrum
2) auditory nerve
3) auditory cortex zone
4) inner ear
A20. With anemia, the amount decreases
1) hemoglobin
2) leukocytes
3) lymphocytes
4) antibodies
A21. A species is a group of individuals
1) living in a common territory
2) appeared as a result of evolution
3) interbreeding and producing fertile offspring
4) created by man based on selection
A22. Traits formed in individuals through the process of natural selection are useful
1) person
2) mind
3) biocenosis
4) environment
A23. What serves as the material for natural selection, the prerequisite for evolutionary changes in the organic world?
1) fitness
2) mutations
3) modifications
4) heredity
A24. The adaptation of plants to pollination by insects is characterized by
1) the formation of a large amount of pollen
2) the presence of light non-sticky pollen
3) flowering before the leaves bloom
4) the presence of nectar in flowers, a bright corolla
A25. Among fossil animals, transitional forms are considered
1) ichthyosaurs
2) stegocephals
3) dinosaurs
4) tailless amphibians
A26. In human ancestors, upright walking contributed to the formation
1) arched foot
2) five-fingered limb
3) brain part of the skull
4) shoulder girdle
A27. Most species of plants and animals do not have adaptations to anthropogenic factors due to the fact that their impact
1) appears constantly
2) depends on climatic conditions
3) is random
4) is rhythmic in nature
A28. In a biogeocenosis, a large variety of plant and animal species, branched food connections are the reasons for its
1) shifts
2) development
3) self-regulation
4) stability
A29. The greatest role of man in the biogenic migration of atoms is
1) involvement of chemical elements in the biological cycle
2) increasing the speed of the water cycle
3) regulation of the number of plants and animals
4) regulation of the number of microorganisms
A30. Agrocenosis is called
1) the geological shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms
2) territory temporarily withdrawn from economic use
3) an area allocated for collecting mushrooms, nuts, berries and medicinal plants
4) an artificial ecosystem resulting from human agricultural activities
A31. Biogenic migration in the biosphere is the cycle of constituent organisms
1) energy reserves
2) chemical elements
3) organic substances
4) inorganic substances
A32. A necessary condition for maintaining balance in the biosphere is
1) constancy of climatic conditions
2) closed circulation of substances and energy conversion
3) strengthening agricultural activities
4) evolution of the organic world
A33. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanine is 10% of the total number. How many nucleotides with adenine are in this molecule?
1) 10% 2) 20% 3) 40% 4) 90%
A34. When a monohybrid crossing of a heterozygous individual with a homozygous recessive individual occurs in their offspring, the characteristics are split according to the phenotype in the ratio
1) 3:1 2) 9:3:3:1 3) 1:1 4)1:2:1
A35. What effect does feather cover with a layer of air between the feathers have on the volume and average body density of birds?
1) does not have a big effect on these characteristics of birds
2) helps to increase body volume and reduce its average density
3) causes an increase in body volume and its average density
4) leads to a decrease in the volume of the bird’s body and an increase in its average density
A36. In the human stomach, it increases the activity of enzymes and destroys bacteria
1) mucus 2) insulin 3) bile 4) hydrochloric acid
A37. One of the proofs of the relationship between coelenterates and protozoa is
1) arrangement of cells in two layers
2) the presence of stinging cells
3) development of an organism from one cell
4) extracellular digestion
Q1.What structural components are included in the nucleotides of a DNA molecule?
A) nitrogenous base: A, T, G, C
B) various amino acids
B) lipoproteins
D) deoxyribose carbohydrate
D) nitric acid
E) phosphoric acid
(Write the corresponding letters in alphabetical order.)
AT 2. Bacteria as opposed to plants
A) prenuclear organisms
B) contain ribosomes
B) only single-celled organisms
D) reproduce by mitosis
D) chemosynthetics and heterotrophs
E) have a cellular structure
AT 3. Humans as opposed to vertebrates
A) has five parts of the brain
B) forms different natural populations
B) has a second signaling system
D) can create an artificial habitat
D) has a first signaling system
E) can create and use tools
AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the plant trait and the department for which it is characteristic.
A) Ferns
B) Gymnosperms
1) most are herbaceous plants
2) trees and shrubs predominate
3) reproduce by spores
4) reproduce by seeds
5) fertilization is not associated with the aquatic environment
AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the structure of muscle tissue and its type.
1) cells reach a size of 10-12 cm
2) has transverse striations
3) the cells are spindle-shaped
4) multinucleate cells
5) innervated by the autonomic nervous system
A) smooth
B) skeletal striated
AT 6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the mutation and its type
1) inclusion of two extra nucleotides in a DNA molecule
2) a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell
3) violation of the amino acid sequence in the protein molecule
4) rotation of a chromosome section by 180°
5) change in the number of chromosomes in individual pairs
6) doubling of nucleotides in DNA
A) chromosomal
B) genetic
B) genomic
AT 7. Establish the sequence of processes occurring on the ribosome.
A) tRNA breaks off from RNA and is pushed out of the ribosome
B) the ribosome is strung on mRNA, it contains two triplets
B) two complementary tRNA triplets are attached to two triplets; with amino acids, the ribosome moves to the adjacent triplet, to which the tRNA delivers a new amino acid
D) adjacent amino acids on the ribosome interact to form a peptide bond
C1. What are the causes of humid smog in large cities?
C2. Make a food chain using all of the following objects: humus, cross spider, hawk, great tit, housefly. Identify the third-order consumer in the constructed chain.
C3. What main processes occur during the dark phase of photosynthesis?
C4. What are the features of the biosphere as the shell of the Earth?
C5. A healthy mother, who is not a carrier of the hemophilia gene, and a father with hemophilia (recessive trait - h) gave birth to two daughters and two sons. Determine the genotypes of the parents, genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring, if the blood clotting trait is sex-linked.
C6. To combat insect pests, people use chemicals. Explain how the life of an oak forest may change if all herbivorous insects are chemically destroyed.


C1: Smog - severe air pollution in industrial centers and large cities, caused by a combination of fog and impurities of breath and gaseous industrial waste: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, dissolved in droplets of fog to form acid, causing the destruction of metals and structures, harmful to human health and animals.

C2: humus, lump fly, spider, titmouse, hawk. 3rd order consumer - tit.

C3: the close phase occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts. Associated with carbon fixation, the formation of trioses, intermediate unstable hexoses and glucose.

C4: biosphere - the living shell of the Earth according to V. Vernadsky. It has a mosaic structure, because consists of ecosystems (according to Tensley). It is an ecosystem of a planetary scale and an open type, because requires solar energy. Characterized by biogeochemical cycle and energy flow. The degree of reproduction of cycles is 98%, and part of the substance accumulates (reserved) in sedimentary areas, the atomsphere, the gyrosphere, and living organisms. The biosphere is able to quickly increase the mass of matter, multiply intensively and develop all living space, is capable of movement under the influence of gravity, is stable throughout life, but quickly decomposes, adapts to conditions, has a high reaction rate. The basis of the biosphere is living matter, which captures and redistributes inanimate matter, creating bioinert matter, etc.

C5: parents - X D X D - building. female, XdY - hemophiliac

children: girls - 2ХDXd - carriers; boys - 2ХDY - healthy.

C6: the destruction of herbivorous insects will lead to an environmental disaster: there will be no one to pollinate flowering plants, distribute seeds, lack of food for insectivorous birds, etc.

1. Which of the following processes is characteristic only of animals?

1) the formation of organic substances from inorganic substances in the light

2) perception of irritations from the environment and their transformation into nerve impulses

3) the entry of substances into the body, their transformation and removal of final waste products

4) absorption of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide during respiration

2. What property of organisms ensures the continuity of life on Earth?

1) metabolism

2) irritability

3) reproduction

4) variability

3.Indicate a feature that is characteristic only of the animal kingdom.

1) breathe, feed, reproduce

2) consist of a variety of fabrics

3) have irritability

4) have nervous tissue

4. Russian biologist D.I. Ivanovsky, while studying tobacco leaf disease, discovered

1) viruses

2) protozoa

3) bacteria

5. Science studies the development of the animal’s body from the moment of zygote formation to birth.

1) genetics

2) physiology

3) morphology

4) embryology

6. Science studies the structure and distribution of ancient ferns

1) plant physiology

2) plant ecology

3) paleontology

4) selection

7. What science studies the diversity of organisms and groups them into groups based on kinship?

1) morphology

2) taxonomy

3) ecology

4) physiology

8. To study the structure of polysaccharide molecules and their role in the cell, the method is used

1) biochemical

2) electron microscopy

3) cytogenetic

4) light microscopy

9.The body’s ability to respond to environmental influences is called

1) playback

2) evolution

3) irritability

4) reaction norm

10. Genealogical method is used by science

1) morphology

2) biochemistry

3) genetics

4) embryology

11. The study of varietal and species diversity of plants is the task of science

1) paleontology

2) biogeography

3) ecology

4) selection

12.What level of organization of living things serves as the main object of study of cytology?

1) cellular

2) population-species

3) biogeocenotic

4) biosphere

13.Metabolism is typical for

1) bodies of inanimate nature

2) bacteriophages

3) influenza viruses

4) algae

14. At what level of organization does the implementation of hereditary information take place?

1) biosphere

2) ecosystem

3) population

4) organismal

15.Science that classifies organisms based on their relatedness -

1) ecology

2) taxonomy

3) morphology

4) paleontology

16.The highest level of organization of life is

1) organism

2) ecosystem

3) biosphere

4) population

17. Gene mutations occur at the level of organization of living things

1) organismal

2) population

3) species

4) molecular

18. Science deals with the production of high-yielding polyploid plants

1) selection

2) genetics

3) physiology

4) botany

19. Science is involved in breeding new highly productive strains of microorganisms

1) genetics

2) biochemistry

3) cytology

4) selection

20. What methods are used to study the structure and functions of cells?

1) genetic engineering

2) microscopy

3) cytogenetic analysis

4) cell and tissue cultures

5) centrifugation

6) hybridization

21. Science is developing methods for breeding new breeds of animals.

1) genetics

2) microbiology

3) selection

4) animal physiology

22. Genetics is of great importance for medicine, since it

1) establishes the causes of hereditary diseases

2) creates medicines to treat patients

3) fights epidemics

4) protects the environment from pollution by mutagens

23. The main sign of a living thing is

1) movement

2) increase in mass

3) metabolism

4) transformation of substances

24. The method allows one to study the structure of cell organelles

1) light microscopy

2) electron microscopy

3) centrifugation

4) tissue culture

25. Science studies the processes of ecological and geographical speciation

1) genetics

2) selection

3) about evolution

4) taxonomy

26. Science studies the effects of pollution on the environment.

1) physiology

2) ecology

3) biogeography

4) selection

27. By what characteristics do living organisms differ from inanimate bodies?

1. unity of chemical composition (C, H.O, N – 98%, form proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids

2. cellular principle of organization (a cell is a structural and functional unit of a living thing. The exception is viruses that do not have a cellular structure, but are not capable of reproducing outside the cell)

3. energy dependence


5. metabolism (respiration, nutrition, excretion)

6. irritability (taxis in protozoa, tropisms and nasties in plants, reflexes in animals)

7. self-regulation

8. heredity (the ability to transmit characteristics from ancestors to descendants)

9. variability (the ability to acquire new characteristics)

10. Growth (quantitative changes)

11. development (qualitative changes). Ontogenesis – individual development. Phylogeny – historical development

12. rhythmicity (photoperiodism)

13. discreteness (the ability to consist of separate parts that are interconnected and form a single whole)

28. In cytology they use the method

1) hybridological analysis

2) artificial selection

3) electron microscopy

4) twin

29. Red clover, occupying a certain area, represents the level of organization of living nature

1) organismic

2) biocenotic

3) biosphere

4) population-species

30. Embryology is a science that studies

1) fossil remains of organisms

2) causes of mutations

3) laws of heredity

4) embryonic development of organisms

31. What science studies the structure and functions of cells in organisms of different kingdoms of living nature?

1) ecology

2) genetics

3) selection

4) cytology

31.The main task of taxonomy is the study

1) stages of historical development of organisms

2) relationships between organisms and the environment

3) adaptability of organisms to living conditions

4) organisms and combining them into groups based on kinship

33. At what level of organization of living things does the cycle of substances occur in nature?

1) cellular

2) organismal

3) population-species

4) biosphere

34. Increase in body weight and size in human ontogenesis –

1) reproduction

2) development

3) growth

4) evolution

35. For living objects of nature, in contrast to inanimate bodies, it is characteristic

1) weight loss

2) movement in space

3) breathing

4) dissolution of substances in water

36. To identify changes occurring in a living cell during the process of mitosis, the method is used

1) microscopy

2) gene transplantation

3) gene design

4) centrifugation

37. Science studies fossil remains of organisms

1) biogeography

2) embryology

3) comparative anatomy

4) paleontology

38. The science of the diversity of organisms and their distribution into related groups -

1) cytology

2) selection

3) taxonomy

4) biogeography

39.Which microscope can be used to see the internal structure of chloroplasts?

1) school

2) light

3) binocular

4) electronic

40. One of the signs of the difference between living and nonliving things is the ability to

1) resizing

2) self-reproduction

3) destruction

41. The study of the structure of the smallest cell organelles and large molecules became possible after the invention of 1) a hand-held magnifying glass

2) electron microscope

3) tripod magnifier

4) light microscope

42. Science that studies the similarities and differences of vertebrate embryos -

1) biotechnology

2) genetics

3) anatomy

4) embryology

43. The twin method is used in science

1) selection

2) genetics

3) physiology

4) cytology

44.The formation of new species of organisms occurs at the level of organization of living things

1) organismal

2) population-species

3) biogeocenotic

4) biosphere

45.What science deals with the problems of the relationship between organisms and their environment?

1) paleontology

2) embryology

3) ecology

4) selection

46.What level of organization of living things is characterized by chromosomal mutations?

1) organismal

2) species

3) cellular

4) population

47.You can see in a light microscope

1) cell division

2) protein biosynthesis

3) ribosomes

4) ATP molecules

48. Primary, secondary, tertiary protein structures are studied at the level of organization of living things

1) fabric

2) molecular

3) organismal

4) cellular

49. The reasons for combinative variability are being studied

1) genetics

2) paleontologists

3) ecologists

4) embryologists

50.What research method is used in cytology?

1) hybridological

2) centrifugation

3) genealogical

4) inbreeding

51.What sign of life is characteristic of viruses?

1) irritability

2) excitability

3) metabolism

4) playback

52. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in humans are studied using the method

1) cytogenetic

2) genealogical

3) experimental

4) biochemical

53. Science studies the features of ontogenesis processes

1) taxonomy

2) selection

3) embryology

4) paleontology

54. The use of modern research methods in cytology made it possible to study the structure and functions

1) plant organism

2) animal organs

3) cell organelles

4) organ systems

55.What organelles were discovered in the cell using an electron microscope?

1) ribosomes

3) chloroplasts

4) vacuoles

56. The separation of organoids by centrifugation is based on their differences in

1) size and weight

2) structure and composition

3) functions performed

4) location in the cytoplasm

57. Deals with the creation of new individuals from combined cells

1) cytology

2) microbiology

3) cell engineering

4) genetic engineering

58. Science that studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism -

1) genetics

2) selection

3) organic chemistry

4) molecular biology

59. Science studies the initial stages of ontogenesis of vertebrates

1) morphology

2) genetics

3) embryology

Test work on the topic “Organism”

1 option

Part A.

For each of the tasks A1-A10 there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. Write down the number of this answer in your notebook.

A1. What science classifies organisms based on their relatedness?

1) ecology

2) taxonomy

3) morphology

4) paleontology

A2. How many chromosomes are in the germ cells of the fruit fly Drosophila if its somatic cells contain 8 chromosomes?

1) 12

2) 10

3) 8

4) 4

A3. Sexual reproduction of organisms is evolutionarily more progressive, since it

1) contributes to their wide distribution in nature

2) ensures a rapid increase in numbers

3) contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of genotypes

4) preserves the genetic stability of the species

A4. Which phase of cell division follows anaphase?

1) prophase

2) metaphase

3) anaphase

4) telophase

A5. Which part of the sperm contains the father's chromosomes? 1) in the cytoplasm 2) in ribosomes 3) in the nucleus 4) in mitochondria

A6. Plastic metabolism in the cell is characterized

1) the breakdown of organic substances with the release of energy2) the formation of organic substances with the accumulation of energy in them 3) the absorption of nutrients into the blood 4) the transformation of food with the formation of soluble substances

A7. Internal fertilization is typical for

1) bony fish

2) tailless amphibians

3) tailed amphibians

4) reptiles

A8. During the process of photosynthesis occurs

1) synthesis of carbohydrates and release of oxygen

2) evaporation of water and absorption of oxygen

3) gas exchange and fat assimilation

4) release of carbon dioxide and assimilation of proteins

A9. The energy necessary for the circulation of substances is drawn from space

1) putrefactive bacteria

2) plants in the process of photosynthesis

3) nodule bacteria

4) heterotrophic organisms

A10. The process of energy metabolism begins with

1) glucose synthesis

2) breakdown of polysaccharides

3) fructose synthesis

4) oxidation of pyruvic acid

Part B

B1. Choose three correct answers out of six.

The biological significance of meiosis is

1) preventing the doubling of the number of chromosomes in the new generation2) the formation of male and female gametes 3) the formation of somatic cells 4) the creation of opportunities for the emergence of new gene combinations 5) an increase in the number of cells in the body 6) a multiple increase in the set of chromosomes

B2. Establish the sequence of processes occurring in an interphase cell.

A) mRNA is synthesized on one of the DNA strands B) a section of the DNA molecule is split into two chains under the influence of enzymes C) mRNA moves into the cytoplasm D) protein synthesis occurs on mRNA, which serves as a template

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the feeding habits of organisms and their methods.


1) capture food by A) autotrophy

phagocytosis B) heterotrophs

2) use energy released during the oxidation of inorganic substances