Konyukhov Fedor Filippovich. Russian traveler The famous Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov became the first person who managed to go around. Fedor Konyukhov interesting facts

Related project:“Members of the Russian Geographical Society. Fedor Konyukhov, an adventurer or a great traveler-record holder?

The project was prepared by:

8th class student

MOU GSOSH Kalyazin.


Marysheva N.A.

Geography teacher MOU GSOSH.

Project relevance

On the news, I increasingly began to hear: “Fyodor Konyukhov decided to set another record!”, “Fyodor Konyukhov. Pacific recluse.

Project Goals

  • Learn about this amazing person.
  • Learn about future and past projects.
  • To prove that Fedor-Konyukhov is a record-breaking traveler, and not an avid adventurer.

Project objectives

  • Track various sources of information about the traveler.
  • Explore past projects and learn more about future ones.

Someone will say that this is pure adventure. Yes! What's wrong with that? Adventure is a bold undertaking. We have never liked bold deeds. And I stepped over the bans, and let me be judged as they want. I did what no one in Russia has ever been able to do.

F. Konyukhov


Born December 12, 1951 (now 65 years old). Born and lived on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in the village of Chkalovo, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine.

Since childhood, Fedor went fishing with his father to the sea.

Patriarch of All Russia Kirill accepted the permission to erect Fyodor Konyukhov .

House-Museum of Fyodor Konyukhov


From the family archive. In the photo: husband and wife, three children and five grandchildren.


Philip Mikhailovich


Maria Efremovna

Traveler with a capital letter!

one . The first person in the world to reach the five poles of our planet.

2. The first Russian who managed to complete the Grand Slam program.

3. The first Russian who managed to complete the "7 Summits of the World" program - to climb the highest peak of each continent.

In his school years, Fedor showed the talent of an artist. His teachers were sure that his future should be connected with the fine arts. Everything is clear: drawing in childhood is not forbidden to anyone, but no parent will allow you to travel alone beyond the nearest village.


On thin ice. Sheet IV from the series "Friends by at risk "

TO THE POLE OF INaccessibility 1987

It is planned to start from Australia in June 2016. Flight route from west to east: Australia - Tasman Sea - New Zealand - Pacific Ocean - South America (Chile - Argentina) - Falkland Islands - Atlantic Ocean - Africa (South Africa, Cape of Good Hope) - Indian Ocean and finish in Australia.

President of Morton Group of Companies Alexander Ruchiev: “The planned balloon flight is a unique large-scale project that demonstrates the ability of Russia and the Russian people to make bright, beautiful and bold victories.


I believe that Fedor Konyukhov is a great traveler! It not only glorifies the name of our Motherland, but also sets new world records! Yes, he likes to get involved in various adventures, but what's wrong with that?! “A gamble is a daring undertaking. We have never liked bold deeds. And I stepped over the bans, and let them judge me as they want. It was these bans that inspired F. Konyukhov to set new records!

I can proudly call him the Goodwill Ambassador of the World!


https:// www.livelib.ru/author/185407/quotes

http:// konyukhov.ru/projects/expedition.html

http:// www.uznayvse.ru/znamenitosti/biografiya-fedor-konyuhov.html

Fyodor Filippovich Konyukhov

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Fyodor Filii ppovich Koi Nyukhov - Russian traveler, writer, artist, pilot of a free balloon, priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He made 5 voyages around the world, 17 times crossed the Atlantic, and once on a rowboat.

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The craving for travel, especially sea travel, lived in Fedor from early childhood. Standing at the helm of a fishing boat, Fedor peered into the Azov distance and dreamed of visiting the opposite bank of the Azov. At the age of fifteen, he made his first expedition - he crossed the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov in a rowing boat alone. I have been preparing for this for several years - I devoted almost all my free time to rowing, sailing and swimming. He was actively involved in football and athletics, and slept almost all seasons in the hayloft. And Fedor also loved to read and avidly "swallowed" the books of Jules Verne, Stanyukovich, Goncharov and other seascape writers and travelers.

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Fedor graduated from the Odessa Naval School and received the specialty of a ship mechanic. Then there was study at the polar school in Leningrad as a navigator-navigator. And after - service in the Baltic Fleet.

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The first serious expedition took place in 1977, when he sailed in the Pacific Ocean and repeated the route of Vitus Bering. Being a patriot, the pathfinder sought to reproduce all the conditions in which our compatriots more than three hundred years ago sailed on fragile boats, discovered islands and bays, explored America and founded settlements there.

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When Fyodor Konyukhov was a youth, his grandfather Mikhail, a lieutenant colonel in the tsarist army, said that he served in the same garrison with senior lieutenant Georgy Sedov, the famous Russian polar explorer. And he left a pectoral cross to Mikhail Konyukhov with a request to give it to the strongest and most courageous of children who could get to the pole ... Sedov's will had a chance to fulfill Fyodor Konyukhov. In 1990, Konyukhov set off on skis to his cherished goal. Despite the difficulties, with Sedov's cross around his neck, Fedor Konyukhov steadily approached the North Pole and reached it 72 days later, becoming the first person in the world to

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The next goal of Fedor Konyukhov was the South Pole. In 1995, the brave explorer went on a solo expedition to Antarctica, eventually reaching the extreme southern point of the planet on the 59th day of the trip and hoisting the Russian flag there. As a result of the expedition, Fedor Konyukhov wrote several scientific papers that made an invaluable contribution to the development of polar science. For research activities and scientific works after this expedition, Konyukhov was accepted as an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society.

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Sea voyages occupy the largest part of Konyukhov's research activities. Fedor made more than forty unique sea expeditions, 17 times crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone, and once - on a rowboat offline in 46 days, setting an absolute world record. Fedor traveled around the world six times. One of these trips on the yacht went non-stop, non-stop.

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There were other routes in the biography of Fedor Konyukhov. He became the first Russian to complete the Grand Slam program, that is, to conquer the North, South Pole and Everest. Previously, in 1992, he climbed Mount Everest alone, in January 1996, Mount Aconcagua, and in 1997, Mount Kilimanjaro.

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In 2002, Fedor Konyukhov organized the first caravan expedition on camels in the history of Russia, following the footsteps of the Great Silk Road in the territory of Kalmykia, Dagestan, Astrakhan, Volgograd regions and Stavropol Territory. In 2009, the expedition was continued - the second stage of research along the route Kalmykia - Mongolia.

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In July 2016, Fedor Konyukhov set a new record by flying around the planet in a balloon in 11 days 4 hours and 20 minutes or 268 hours and 20 minutes. He beat the previous record holder, Steve Fossett, by 2 days.

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In 2017, the absolute world record for the duration of a hot air balloon flight was set - 55 hours 10 minutes.

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During his travels, Fedor Konyukhov is engaged in research and creativity. He paints pictures and books. In total, the traveler created almost 3 thousand paintings, published nine books. In his works, Fedor Konyukhov shares his life experience, travel events. He is an active member of the Union of Journalists, the Union of Artists and Sculptors, the Union of Writers of Russia.

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On May 22, 2010, Fedor Konyukhov received the rank of subdeacon of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. After accepting the rank, Fedor began to devote less time to travel and expeditions, but did not stop this activity completely. In December 2010, Konyukhov, who by that time had graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, was ordained a priest in Zaporozhye and sent to serve in the Zaporozhye diocese.

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Traveler, artist, writer, cyclist, climber, navigator, pilot of a free balloon priest - this is all about Fyodor Filippovich Konyukhov.

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List of illustration sources:  http://rusvesna.su/news/1454231891 http://www.aif.ru/society/fedor_konyuhov_ni_na_kakie_carstva_ya_rossiyu_ne_promenyayu http://birdymag.ru/all/snow/fedor-konyukhov http: //rustur.ru/zelenaya-planeta-fedora-konyuxova http://konyukhov.ru/projects/expedition/polet-na-vozdushnom-sha re-vokrug-sveta.html http://www.sgutv.ru /fedor_konyukhov_pacific_ocean_2014.html http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/news/267572/ http://konyukhov.ru/ https://ria.ru/spravka/20111212/511459632.html http://rusk .ru/newsdata.php?idar=45630

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Reference list: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0% BD%D1%8E%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0% A4%D1%91%D0%B4 %D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0 %BF%D0%BE%D0%B2% D0%B8%D1%87 http://konyukhov.ru/biography.html https://24smi.org/celebrity/2753-fedor-koniukhov.html http://www.uznayvse.ru/znamenitosti/ biografiya-fedor-konyuhov. html

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"Fernand Magellan" - Tierra del Fuego. Maggelan was born in 1480 in Portugal. Western path. Travels of Ferdinand Magellan. Death of Magellan. Magellan left the port of the city of Seville. Magellanic clouds. The name of the Pacific Ocean was given by Magellan. The journey was difficult. spectacle. Great Portuguese traveler. Victoria.

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"Great Journeys" - Marco Polo. Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklukho-Maclay. England. Robert Scott. M.P. Lazarev. Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern. Fridtjof Nansen. Ferdinand Magellan. Christopher Columbus. Russia. Great travels. Discoveries of H. Columbus and F. Magellan.

"Columbus" - Maritime powers. New story. Navigator. Part of the Atlantic coast. Exit of Western European Christian civilization beyond the borders of Europe. Islands of the Caribbean. Place of Birth. Expedition to China. Contribution to the development of navigation. Pacific Ocean. Eastern countries. Portuguese. Huge distances.

Kotzebue - In 1815-18, Kotzebue led a round-the-world research expedition on the brig Rurik. Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue (1788-1846). A bay in the Chukchi Sea, off the western coast of Alaska, is named after Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue. Frederic von Essen. Otto Kotzebue married twenty-year-old beauty Amalia Zweig.

Fedor Konyukhov biography briefly and interesting facts from the life of a Russian traveler - extreme, artist, journalist, yacht captain, priest are set out in this article.

Fedor Konyukhov short biography

Konyukhov Fedor Filippovich was born on December 12, 1951 in the village of Chkalovo, which is located on the shores of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. His father was a hereditary fisherman from the Arkhangelsk province.

Konyukhov studied at the Odessa Naval School and the Leningrad Polar School, the Bobruisk Art School, specializing in wood carving.

After that, in 1970 he studied at the Leningrad Seminary. He served in the army, staying in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Vietnam. Fedor also served as a sailor on the ships of the Baltic rescue fleet and on trawlers, fishing in the Pacific Ocean.

Ever since childhood, Konyukhov showed a love of travel. For 20 years he, as a tester of the ultimate capabilities of man, took part in expeditions to the South and North Poles.

Fedor describes all his vivid impressions from perfect travels in pictures and books. He is the author of more than 3,000 paintings, a participant in international and Russian art exhibitions. Many of his works are currently in private collections and museums. In 1983, Konyukhov was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR, and in 1996 he became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists in the sections "Graphics" and "Sculpture" (since 2001). In addition, Fedor Konyukhov has the titles of the winner of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.

He is the author of 9 books under the titles - "Fyodor Konyukhov's diaries about the sailboat race" Around Alone "," And I saw a new sky and a new earth "," My spirit on the deck of "Karaana", "Under scarlet sails", "Rower in the ocean ”, “Road without a bottom”, “All birds, all winged”, “The ocean is my abode”.

In 1998, the traveler headed the laboratory of distance learning in extreme conditions at the Humanitarian Academy. A year later, he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports, the UN Global-500 Environmental Prize, the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR, and the UNESCO Prize for Fair Play.

In 2010, Fedor Konyukhov became a subdeacon, and on May 23 of the same year he was ordained a priest in St. Nicholas Church in Zaporozhye.

Today, Father Fyodor does not get tired of traveling, however, not as a scientist or athlete, but as a missionary.

As for his personal life, he is married for the second time. His first wife was Love, who now lives in the USA. And the second and last wife of Konyukhov was Irina, professor and doctor of law. They bring up two children from a previous marriage and one common child - sons Oscar, Nikolai and daughter Tatiana.

Fedor Konyukhov interesting facts

  • He made his first expedition at the age of 15. Fedor crossed the Sea of ​​Azov in a rowboat. In total, he carried out more than 50 expeditions, participating in dog sled races and traveling around the world four times.
  • He is the first Russian who completed the Grand Slam program (bypassing the South Pole, North Pole, Everest). And he was the first traveler to reach the 5 poles of the planet - the South Geographic, the North Geographic, the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, the Pole of Height (Everest) and the Pole of Yachtsmen (Cape Horn).
  • In addition to the fact that Konyukhov is engaged in writing, he also writes poetry and music for organ performance.
  • He also draws well - his paintings are exhibited at home and abroad.
  • In 1983 he was admitted to the Union of Artists. In this organization, he was the youngest member of this organization.
  • In 2010, Fedor Konyukhov was ordained a priest in his homeland, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church awarded him an order for his labors for the good.