Character of a person by date of birth and year. Free test. How to determine the character of a person by date of birth. We pass a free test and determine the character of a person by date of birth


Most people living on our planet prefer to use logic and common sense in their lives. It is difficult for them to understand those who seek and find answers to questions that defy logical explanations. Even in ancient times, it was believed that moles and birthmarks are marks by which one can tell about the fate of a person. The main thing is to know how to do this and correctly interpret the drawing. However, thunder was also called the "voice of God."

Knowing from historical sources about each stage of the development and formation of civilization, from the height of modern knowledge and technology, we still cannot explain the appearance on the planet of such structures as the Egyptian pyramids or Stonehenge.

Numerology and human character

The science that will help answer the question of how to determine the character of a person by date of birth is called numerology. Based on the numbers, which are inextricably linked with the period of a person's birth, a lot can be said about character and temperament. In the time of the pharaohs, the attitude towards numerology was very respectful. In those days, this was considered not entertainment, but a serious occupation that required labor and.

The date of our birth is coded information that can be deciphered using certain laws and knowledge.

Character and fate by date of birth

In order to start the calculations, you need to get the sum of all the numbers that are in your date of birth. For example, you were born on February 22, 1972. Add up:

2+2+0+2+1+9+7+2 = 25.

The number twenty-five, resulting from the addition, is added again:

2+5 = 7.

We've got a number 7 . If at this stage the number remained two-digit, it would be necessary to add it up again.

After that, you can proceed to decryption:

"1" or one- militant, temperamental, aggressive, denying other people's influence and.

"2" or deuce- persistent and courageous, proud and independent, at the same time, extremely sensitive and gentle.

"3" or three- sociable, loving, good-natured and sociable personalities.

"4" or four- ossified conservatives and cynics with an analytical mindset.

"5" or five- ambiguous, restless and quick-tempered natures, falling into the most confusing situations.

"6" or six- people living with emotions and creative impulses.

"7" or seven- loners who value intelligence, patience and restraint.

"8" or eight- who know how to lead people.

"9" or nine- ambiguous, creative and prone to reflection nature.


If as a result of the calculations you have made a unit, you are the leader. You are a business person who is very difficult to confuse. These people have the ability to lead the masses, and win in any dispute. In their desire to be the first in everything, they sweep away all obstacles on the way, sometimes without thinking about what they are going "over their heads." They are characterized by exactingness towards themselves and others, and. They are respected in society, and try not to be alone.

A couple can arise if there is a meeting of the same "unit" on the path of life.

The number two indicates that you are a dual nature, striving for a compromise in everything. You are an indecisive and doubtful person. However, a 2 is not that far from a 1, so your prospects are enticing. With some effort, you can easily. Your dreams and desires are quite real, so go for it! You have a wonderful advantage: you are a wonderful family man and a wonderful person. Frequent mood swings prevent the "twos" from resting on the laurels of their carelessness and satisfaction with the world around them. To create a couple, these individuals are looking for a more stable and self-confident partner. Units are suitable for this role.

If the sum of all the numbers of the date is three, you are the very sociability and cordiality. Such people can find a common language with everyone. They, therefore, no troubles and problems can prevent them from achieving what they want. These people just like to live, love, be loved. They love themselves and the whole world around them. These are great orators who can convince the masses to follow them by the power of words. In the team they are respected, they are admired. They find positive aspects in everything, they are comfortable everywhere. However, from the very birth, militancy is inherent in these people, which is expressed in the indispensable achievement of the goals set. Remarkably establish contacts with the "sixes" and "fives".


The people of the "four" are cautious, rational and prudent. They are characterized by an extreme degree of industriousness and well-developed logical thinking. They never act spontaneously, trying to find benefit and meaning in everything. It is difficult for these people to reach the top, because they are used to calculating every step and foreseeing everything. Fours get along well with any type of digital model of human characteristics.


People, in the sum of the numbers of the date of birth of which the number "five" turned out, are born travelers and explorers. They are activists and enthusiasts who see in all their endeavors the path to excellence and harmony. They have no desire and intentions to plan something in life. Their entire existence is a continuous series of surprises and surprises. Fives are good interlocutors, organizers and diplomats. They try to see the qualities of nature characteristic of them in the people around them. Appreciate reciprocity and understanding. Fruitful alliances can arise with everyone except "ones", "twos" and "nines".


The number six characterizes a person as a creative person. In addition, these people have an innate heightened sense of justice.

These are charming people with a well-developed intuition. They are romantics and adventurous.

People "six" are able to deeply feel and empathize with someone else's grief. Moreover, help is not limited only to words, they know how to take someone else's problem to heart, and. Despite the fact that these people have an extreme degree of responsibility, they lack a business streak. They do not know how to earn and save money. “Threes” and “nines” can help in achieving the peaks of prosperity. A strong marriage union is guaranteed with "twos".


People-philosophers, far from reality, living in their feelings and experiences. They are closed off from the world, living like snails in their shell. They are difficult to understand because they do not allow themselves to open up for fear of becoming vulnerable and weak. These are loners who are used to living for themselves and with themselves. You will never be able to just chat with such a person; you need a special approach to him. However, if you succeed with it, you will never regret it. This is one of those few people who know how to be friends. Endowed with natural tact and a sense of humor, they are excellent interlocutors and intellectuals. The family will be strong if the "seven" finds its "two".


Energetic, - "eights" are endowed with a natural talent for a businessman. These are strong-willed individuals who clearly know every step that they will take in the next moment. A cold mind, strict rules and clearly formulated intentions are their life position. . They live only by cold calculation. Rarely what kind of misfortune can "unsettle them", they are able to suppress all emotions, wisely assessing the destructiveness and consequences of events. One of the positive characteristics of the G8 is that it does not like to break off relations with people. Even after the breakup of the marriage union, these people maintain a good relationship with their spouse. Union can be built with "ones" and "nines".


People, the sum of the digits of the date in addition gives nine - subtle and vulnerable personalities. They refer to those who like to "make molehills out of molehills." Their utopian ideas, few people still come up with a head. They are prone to nervous breakdowns and. It is difficult for these people to be aware of the realities of the surrounding reality. Faced with another problem, they experience. With considerable effort, they get out of these situations, and continue to amaze the world with their originality and eccentricity. However, the distinctive quality of the “nines” is not to complete the work begun. With "twos" there will be an ideal union.

Name and date of birth - how are they related?

The numbers found in the date of birth determine not only the character of a person, but also the era in which he lives.

The utopian and advanced views of the "nines", which were numerous in the dates of birth of people of the last century, also determined the leap in scientific and technological progress. Scientists conducted research, as a result of which it turned out that people who lived in the distant past, and who had the number “9” in their date of birth, were extraordinary personalities, the mindset and inventions of which were incomprehensible and surprising to their contemporaries. However, on the same day and hour when a great man was born, many less outstanding people were born. So, not everything depends only on numbers. Their first and last names were different.


Convinced supporters of numerology are confident in the influence of the date of birth on the character of a person. In addition, in numerology it is believed that the number of the date of birth should not exceed the number of letters in the person's name. Otherwise, the individual is not able to overcome his innate defects. Otherwise, it helps develop ambition, striving for excellence, and a sense of purpose. In this case, a person does not rely on the vicissitudes of fate, he sets a condition for himself - and does not deviate from what was planned a single step.

Those individuals whose date of birth matches the number of letters in their name have distinctive characteristics. These are wise and pleasant people. Their life goes on without dizzying ups and downs. They always have an equal attitude towards themselves and others. Each new business does not cause fear in them, they easily take on any task, remaining completely confident in themselves, and not losing their composure.

March 29, 2014, 17:38 Free test. How to determine the character of a person by date of birth

How well do you understand people? Do you want to test this and determine the character of another person, his natural talents, weaknesses and strengths, and also better understand yourself? Or do you think that you know yourself, your loved one, “as flaky”?

Try using numerology to reveal the magical properties of numbers, calculate a numerological number and learn from a free test the main character traits by date of birth.

Calculate your numerological number and find out its meaning. Get a one-digit number by adding the digits that make up your date of birth (day and month): For example: your birthday is June 22nd. 22+06= 28 is 2+8= 10 - 1+0= 1. So your numerological number is 1.

Do not be discouraged if you are suddenly upset by the resulting characteristic. Be confident in your originality and uniqueness.

Be sure to take into account the fact that the characters of such a large number of people cannot be explained by the 9 figures given.

We pass a free test and determine the character of a person by date of birth

Number 1


This person has an impulsive, active character. Freedom-loving, does not tolerate encroachments on his freedom. He is inclined to impose his opinion on others, shows attempts to suppress a partner, an extrovert. Realist and individualist, not used to making concessions and compromises. The person is unusual, very creative, unique and talented. Shows a bold and innovative approach to problem solving. Possesses great abilities, energetic, great original, always rushing forward to the unknown. A born leader who relies on his own mind to stand up for himself. Possesses strength and determination. Goes straight ahead to the goal. He puts his own interests above all, showing irritability and despotism if the situation is not subject to his control. Demanding in relation to himself, strives to be in the center of events of interest, does not tolerate submission. He is accompanied by good luck, his own ambitions make him strive for the satisfaction of his desires, professional growth and well-being in everything. Selfishness, vanity, aggressiveness and unbridled anger can slip in his behavior. It can be irritable, both to one's own and other people's mistakes. In his work, he is demanding, both to himself and to others.

Number 2


A person with a balanced, but at the same time passive and indecisive character. Easily becomes dependent on other people. Very influenced by external factors. Non-confrontational and communicative. Has a large supply of energy
good intuition and hidden inner potential, which he himself may not be aware of. Such an energy potential has a duality: it gives strength and emotional instability. Sometimes it closes in on itself. He has good abilities, but is not sure of himself, which is why he is prone to stress and depression. A person who stands out from the environment, but is internally lonely, does not fit into the general framework. Possesses good organizational skills and logical thinking. Inventive and a great inventor. Self-critical. Often feels frustrated because of high demands on himself.

Number 3


Has an independent, open and sociable character. Doesn't like being alone. Reaches for entertainment. The nature is active, creative, takes the initiative in any business. Lacks patience and self-discipline, sometimes careless about work. Endowed with artistic abilities, likes to be in the spotlight, the "soul" of any campaign. In actions spontaneous and unpredictable. He has a sharp mind and is fluent in words. An optimist, not afraid to overcome setbacks and difficulties to achieve his goal. Vulnerable, his frustration hides silence. Emotional, his bad mood can splash out on others in the form of irritable and cynical remarks that can hurt. Magnanimous to other people's mistakes. He is very popular among others, inspires people with his positive energy. Careless about money.

Number 4


The main feature of his character is stability. He is conservative, prefers to live according to established rules and does not like a quick change of events, this unbalances him. Well organized and carefully thinks through every step. Disciplined, pedantic and accurate in everything. Since not everyone can keep up with the pace they set, this can lead to swagger and rudeness towards others. Rational and practical approach to problem solving. Manages money wisely. Persistent, stubborn, punctual. He is not afraid of difficulties. He is looking for a solid ground for a career or his business, so he is ready to work long and hard. He has a firm idea of ​​good and bad, rigidly adheres to his own ideals. Really looks at the world. In business, he likes order and control, acts systematically and decisively. Fair and honest. Indulgent towards people he loves. A good family man, responsible and loving parent.

Number 5


Fireman. It has a dynamic, independent and freedom-loving character. Values ​​freedom above all else. Adventurous and adventurous by nature, loves change and new things. Due to his impulsiveness, he is prone to rash acts, first doing something, and then thinking. Has the ability to lead. Smart, sociable, friendly, knows how to find an approach to others. Strives for equal communication and meetings with new people. Curious. He likes to do several things at once, but does not always bring the work he has started to the end. Knows how to inspire people. Endowed with oratory skills. Interests are varied. Liberated in front of the audience. Sensitive. Close relationships are hard to come by. It is not easy to find new friends, but he will never betray them. Not collected, does not like discipline and order.


This man is a real romantic dreamer. About such people they usually say "Soul wide open." Sentimental and indecisive in action. Idealizes relationships, so it can often be disappointed in people. A kind and compassionate person, always ready to help. In any environment, it is able to create warmth, comfort and maintain harmony. Ready to make concessions and compromises. Nature is emotional and creative. Has the ability to predict the future. Intuition is well developed, thanks to which it is easy to find the right path for business development and distinguish good from evil. Responsible, balanced, modest, generous. An important role for him is played by relationships in marriage, an excellent family man and a good parent who understands children. Ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of saving and healing people, always on the side of the weak. Caring for parents. Possesses artistic and musical talents.

Number 7


Magic number 7 - accompanies him as a number of luck. A person with an independent and restrained character does not like to show his feelings. Introvert, mood person. Likes to be alone and work alone. Excessive "closeness" can cause cynicism and suspicion. Analyzing his experiences, he is prone to self-discipline. Most often, he directs his interests to the spiritual sphere. Talented from birth, endowed with extraordinary creative abilities and a good sense of humor, he loves to demonstrate his own erudition. It has good potential for creative growth and success in life. He lacks simple and open relationships with others. Can envy people who, as it seems to him, are free and liberated. Sometimes feels empty and self-judgmental due to the unsatisfaction of his need to connect with other people and build close relationships.

Number 8


An extraordinary and talented individual. A person with a full range of leadership qualities and the character of a winner who always tries to keep the governing power in his hands. He is very energetic, initiative and full of ambition, if he makes an effort, he will be accompanied by material well-being. A good organizer, strong in spirit, independent, does not tolerate restrictions or dependence. A materialist, rather restrainedly shows his feelings. He is characterized by balance and wisdom in making decisions, but such qualities as stubbornness, intolerance and importance can also appear. Being authoritarian can lead to arrogance and oppression of others. Succeeds in business and financial transactions. He has good intuition, knows how to bring his financial projects to life. Independent. He overcomes any life changes stoically, even after a fall, he is ready to carry out successful projects again. A good psychologist and this quality helps to understand human characters, but a mistake is likely when choosing a spouse.

Number 9


A person with a vulnerable and restless character. Romantic, dreamer and idealist, but brave and courageous. He has a very rich creative imagination, logical thinking is developed, he is full of original thoughts, capable of original actions. Unpredictable, hardly accepts a life position different from his own. He measures all people by his own yardstick and evaluates according to the criterion of suitability for the implementation of his grandiose plans. Effortlessly attracts people who can become his like-minded people. He is not adapted to independent life and with difficulty solves everyday problems. Often frustrated when confronted with reality. A man of mood, only his own inspiration gives him an incentive to work, but he is able to complete his undertakings. It is important for him to establish harmonious relations with himself, so he, worrying about the fate of mankind and, as a compassionate person, strives to implement his utopian projects. This person feels the need to donate, so he gets satisfaction from charity. Sometimes the unwillingness to objectively assess the situation and accept one's own strengths and weaknesses can cause despondency and indecision. Has a sense of beauty and balance.

Numerology will help to predict successes and prevent failures, reveal talents and determine character by date of birth very quickly. You can find out the number of life paths with the help of simple calculations.

What will numerology tell

The fateful figure helps to find out:

  • how compatible are you with your chosen one;
  • what shortcomings you need to change in yourself;
  • about creative abilities;
  • What is your character;
  • What is stopping you from progressing in your life?

After you learn how to predict situations by your date of birth, you will immediately notice how everything is getting better. You can trust your partner, you will calmly build relationships with him.

Many people hide their shortcomings, and personal characteristics and numerology make it possible to learn about them earlier. To do this, you only need to know the date of birth.

How to calculate character number

This is a leader number, a person always considers himself a winner. It is difficult for him to achieve everything, but he does not stop there. People with the number 1 lead the team. In love, open, true. With them, the second half is easy, they will always listen, give valuable advice.

In family life, they easily achieve the location of their chosen one, become the best in bed, completely conquer. The characteristics of those born on the first number are as follows:

  • they speak beautifully;
  • are able to persuade;
  • quickly cope with any work;
  • get along with numbers.

Such people have many different successful projects and ideas in their heads. If parents properly motivate their child, he will become successful.

People whose number is 2 are creative individuals. Secular life is not for them, they need to retire. It is difficult for creative people in society, others consider them strange, unbalanced. Therefore, deuces love to hide and create. Some people have been looking for themselves for a long time. Some find themselves in cooking, others in architecture. The meaning of their life is to find themselves. But sitting in the office for such people does not work.

In family life, these people are ideal loving partners who will always stay at home, if necessary, help with the housework.

It is difficult to find a common language with people born on the 2nd, they are closed, it is difficult to make contact.

The characteristic of these people is similar to the characteristic of people whose number is two. They have leadership qualities. Purposefulness and ambition help to achieve career goals.

In the personal life of triplets, everything is going smoothly. At some stage in life, fleeting partners disappear, only love remains. Many have to fight for their fame, popularity, success. If you can achieve what you want, then the plan is fully implemented. But if something does not work out, there is a feeling of disappointment. Threes find it difficult to deal with him, so they become depressed. What can help:

  • new business;
  • support of relatives;
  • a change of scenery;
  • rest;
  • travel.

This type is able to make different decisions at high speed. The four always have ready plans of action in their heads. They concern not only work, but also personal, family life.

A negative character trait is an obsession with the opposite sex. It is very difficult to choose a single partner, throughout their lives the fours are looking for an ideal, so they are not distinguished by fidelity.

In a career, people with the number 4 have several features:

  • constantly self-confident;
  • the best motivation for them is praise;
  • spiritually strong, active, love to communicate with people.

Impulsive, smart, determined people. They have a strong grasp, intellectually strong, live in abundance, quickly earn money. They easily find new contacts, emerge victorious from any situation. All their decisions are thoughtless, spontaneous. But such people quickly overcome difficulties, get back on their feet.

From birth, such people cannot be lonely, so there are always many friends around them. Sixes are vulnerable, they take everything to heart. For them, society is the main source of development. They prefer late walks with friends, they do not like to stay at home.

Some are in a fictitious marriage, then quickly divorced. They are late at work because no one is waiting for them at home. Number 6 people do not hold money, they quickly spend it, acquiring new things, walking in nightclubs.

People are quite mysterious, have a bright personality, love to travel. They live positively, they are not at all afraid of change. For sevens, money does not matter, the main thing is independence, self-realization.

Some sevens are endowed with psychic abilities. They are interested in the secret, the unknown.

For eights, the main thing is the struggle in life. They achieve a high position, the location of impregnable people. The goal is interesting to them as long as it remains incomprehensible, then they begin to look for something new.

Who can become eights:

  • freedom fighters;
  • leaders of radical parties;
  • politicians.

In personal life, it is difficult for a partner to find a common language with them, therefore, eights are often lonely, they spend energy not on a family, but on a career.

Philosophical, angelic, divine figure. People who are born under the nine are unusual personalities. In numerology, they are sure that angels lead them through life. Children whose number is 9 are often considered Indigo Children. They bring something important to the world. Some do not even know how to behave properly, but always build an interesting future for themselves. Nines have a straight path. Everything you need happens quickly. Many do not understand people with the number 9, they consider it a mystery.

Determining our place in life, we are often in constant search of ourselves and our position in it. Units manage to comprehend this knowledge and at the same time have enough time to use it. Wanting to get answers to their questions as soon as possible, people often turn to mysticism and other non-traditional methods, such as numerology. This science is able to tell not only how to determine the character of a person by date of birth, but also tell him the right path in order to follow his destiny.

Numerology uses the term "Character Number" to define what a person is. With its help, it is often possible to determine not only the nature of the child by date of birth, but also the characteristics of the personality of an adult.

Numerology calculates it like this: you need to add the numbers of the birthday until a number from 1 to 9, or 11, 22 comes out. In this case, zeros are not taken into account. The resulting figure will be your Character Number.

Example: the 21st day of the month is 2+1=3, and the 11th day of the month is 11.

And now about how numerology deciphers the meanings of these numbers.


Under this number, people are often born who are endowed with purposefulness and strength, they tirelessly go towards their goals, they look optimistically ahead. They are characterized by stubbornness and arrogance, ambition and aggressiveness. The reason for aggression is often the desire of someone from the side to "teach life" or someone who is on the way to the goal. They spend all their energy on defending freedom and their opinion.

They have an excellent memory, they know how to organize everything, they are able to do some things at the same time due to the ability to selectively concentrate their attention. They devoted their lives to the search for something new, they strive to be leaders. However, they rarely listen to other people's opinions. It is very difficult to work side by side with them, because they are self-centered, they prefer an authoritarian type of management in power.


Recognizing the "deuce" is quite simple: she knows how to maneuver among various interests, shows gentleness and tact. This is where the Character Number rewards the skills of a real woman. Such people compromise, being afraid to offend anyone, and do their best to create peace and harmony. Having advantages, they prefer not to use them, choosing often peaceful cooperation instead of aggressive war.

Leadership is alien to them, because submission is in their blood. Such people are characterized by shyness, secrecy and indecision, they are accustomed to relieve themselves of all responsibility. It is difficult for them to have their own opinions and their own thoughts, they are used to thinking and planning. "Twos" often suffer from depression.


A distinctive feature of the "triples" is their great sense of humor, groovy character. They are lucky in life, they have talent, are diversified, have a large supply of energy, and therefore lead an active life. Such people know how to part with money, show generosity and benevolence.

Their creative nature requires an exit, and their rich imagination and natural talent make such an “exit” bright and unforgettable. They feel best in the world of art, because they have a penchant for it. Troikas are eloquent, love to communicate, and often act as ringleaders among friends.

The negative traits of their personality can be called pride, high conceit, selfish and independent nature. They are characterized by manifestations of ambition, dominance, arrogance and outright rudeness. They can often waste energy in vain, they are too frivolous about everything. Such carelessness sometimes becomes a hindrance to the manifestation of genius.


People who have the Number of Character "4" are distinguished by their strong will, great endurance, and perseverance in achieving goals. They owe their success to hard work, which, however, does not stop them on the way to the goal. Rationality, practicality and diligence are inherent in them, they are deprived of a rich imagination. They are not characterized by creative impulses, but they are excellent at managing people. Organizational skills and the ability to direct talent in the right direction make them excellent administrators.

Fate endowed them with a sense of duty, a love of justice. For them, the material side of life occupies an important place, along with the desire to make their lives stable and self-sufficient.

The negative features of such people include narrowness of thinking, frequent stress, fussiness and nervousness, frequent periods of boredom and blues. Luck does not spoil them much, and often they meet with failures and misfortunes. However, patience and work help to overcome any obstacles.


Activity, anxiety, restlessness, intelligence and impatience - these are the main features of people of the number of Character 5. They love to travel very much, they always want to learn and see something new, unusual. Such people cannot live without communication. And in order for life to be comfortable, they need constant changes in the environment, because they tend to fall into boredom, fatigue and longing. They are characterized by ambition, irascibility and sexuality. It is difficult for such people to be faithful family men, as they are more attracted to scandals and moments of misunderstanding. Restlessness and poor concentration lead to the fact that they can simultaneously take on several cases and, without completing them, immediately quit. They do not like to work, preferring to learn everything they need at once.

Men with the number of Character 5 often have a love of gambling, betting, speculation, they need risks and adventures. But women are more circumspect, but with a strong interest they can forget about caution. This behavior often gets them into trouble. It is difficult for them to work in one place, so they often change jobs. They perform routine duties poorly. You have to be careful with these people, because they love to lie, cheat, lead a dissolute lifestyle. But it is pleasant to communicate with them, because they are attracted by gaiety and carelessness, which, however, can disappear due to self-pity (which often happens with them).


People with the number of Character 6 are easily recognizable by their absolute balance, good nature, and reliability. They value their loved ones very much, they have many friends. They have such traits as loyalty, honesty, conscientiousness, romance and gentleness. They like harmony and tranquility, and they smooth out conflicts. They know how to share warmth, money and everything you need. They are characterized by some conservatism, so they do not much like relaxed, tactless people. They choose to avoid the problem instead of solving it. They are ready to work, but they do not strive to reach heights, since they do not have a business streak. Becoming a leader, they can show arrogance and vanity.


"Sevens" are often introverts, tend to be alone, immerse themselves in their own thoughts, choosing contemplation over contact with people.

The number of Character "7" endowed such people with the ability of deep analysis, insight, the ability to reveal secrets, the ability to notice little things that are often hidden from others.

In communicating with them, one feels coldness and alienation, with the help of which they try to maintain their inner balance.

Eloquence is not given to them, which leads to difficulties with the expression of thoughts. It is easier for them to describe everything on paper. Disputes and disputes they bypass. The disadvantages here may be an increased tendency to "bad" thoughts, frequent depression, disappointment in one's existence, suicidal tendencies, isolation, gloomy sarcasm. But success, even small, especially when such a person receives recognition, can inspire.


These men and women have great energy, abilities and the ability to collect all forces at one point, which helps to achieve the goal. Often it becomes the success that they achieve thanks to a practical, prudent and tenacious mind. All their concentration is directed to the material, which helps them with little effort to find a solution for the right investment.

All thoughts of such people often revolve around money, growth and development of their business. The qualities that they value in others are the ability to fight, the ability to get out of difficult situations, the gift to find a loophole and at the same time achieve success. People are judged by their position in society. They themselves show caution and prudence, not taking risky actions, not taking a step without looking back.

The negative traits of people with the number of Character 8 can be ruthlessness, aggressiveness, stubbornness, cruelty, self-centeredness, the use of any means, despotism, contempt for those who have not achieved success. Outwardly, they can be described as gloomy and withdrawn, while passion and greed consume their soul.


Idealistic and dreamy "nines" often tend to generalize everything, they are able to "take off from the ground." They are characterized by romance, impulsiveness, passion, charm, tenderness and love of love. They show respect and care for loved ones, but their cherished dream is to serve for the benefit of humanity. And such an impulse is natural for them, and therefore disinterested. They often meet with misunderstanding, and therefore they can only be appreciated when there are no such people.

Those whose Character Number is “9” make excellent teachers and artists, people of science. They are characterized by willpower, masculinity, the ability to inspire other people's impulses, the ability to inspire. They are not adapted for life, because they do not think about themselves, they show excessive honesty, they depend on many conventions. They easily fall under the influence of others, they can quickly inflame with passion and cool just as quickly. They have a fear of old age and poverty. Their inconsistency, arrogance and harshness are frightening, so they often remain without a family and are carried away by the world of mysticism.


People with a Character number of 11 are often stigmatized as "strange", and they really do not look like others. Their mission is to bring novelty to this world or to make some kind of revolution. They are given the possession of a developed intuition, extraordinary energy. They carry orders from above to the masses. Here you can often meet both a genius and a madman who often calls himself a preacher or soothsayer. Their ability to convince, courage, determination and self-righteousness attracts the masses. But the desire to sacrifice everything for the sake of the mission makes it difficult to create a family, so they often live alone.

Twenty two

Such people are bestowed with all the most beautiful features that humanity has. The number of Character "22" endowed them with energy, the ability to be a leader, poise and sensitivity, creativity, flexibility and harmony, strong concentration, business acumen, the possibility of spiritual development, charisma. These people make excellent leaders or great representatives of the learned and mystical world.

A significant part of humanity relies only on its own strength, believes only in common sense and logic, but there are those who prefer to believe in supernatural powers. Faith in a miracle is present in each of us, it's just that some of us recognize it, while others refuse to believe in it. Ancient people believed that the signs on the human body (moles, scars, tell about what fate is in store for this or that person. On the other hand, they believed that lightning was the wrath of Zeus.

Recognizing the limitations in certain issues of ancient civilizations, we still cannot explain the construction of many monuments, for example, the Egyptian pyramids. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the beliefs of our ancestors, their research, which laid the foundation for many modern sciences, is not nonsense and pseudoscience, as we used to think.

Determination of character by date of birth

Numerology reveals the magical influence of numbers on a person's life. Numbers are of great importance in the fate of each of us, they are a kind of clues, codes, deciphering which we can make our life easier.

Date of birth and are closely related. And if for most of us the study of a digital horoscope is entertainment, then in ancient times such things were taken very seriously. Who knows, maybe our ancestors were more intelligent...

If you are interested in how the date of birth and character are related, then we suggest conducting your own mini-research. You will need a sheet of paper, a pen, and computing ability (or a calculator). So, we determine the character by date of birth. We need to write down the numbers representing the day, month and year you were born and add up all the numbers until you get one digit (from 1 to 9).

Suppose your date of birth is May 28, 1989. We carry out computational operations:

  • 2+8= 10;
  • 0+5= 5;
  • 1+9+8+9= 27;
  • 10+5+27= 42 →4+2=6.

Having received the number of birth, we read its characteristics.

Character by date of birth: a brief description

  • "units" - natures are hot, temperamental, proud, rational, independent;
  • "twos" - courageous natures, while they are distinguished by increased sensitivity;
  • “troikas” are distinguished by sociability and good nature;
  • the "fours" are analysts and staunch conservatives;
  • "fives" - capricious and extravagant natures, such people are adventurers by nature;
  • "sixes" - emotional creative natures;
  • "sevens" prefer loneliness, they are restrained and patient people;
  • "eights" - leaders;
  • “nines” are deep, insightful natures, they are true thinkers.

Character by date of birth: detailed description

People - "units" have leadership strong personalities who like to be in the spotlight. These are impulsive, enthusiastic, businesslike natures. They are characterized by pride, generosity, craving for creation, spirituality, willpower, desire for power, initiative, justice. The “units” usually do well, but it is important not to limit yourself to your own perception, not to separate yourself from society. They get along well with all people, but most of all they are in contact with their type (with “ones”).

"Twos" are emotional natures. Such people easily adapt to circumstances, when solving conflicts they go around sharp corners, following the voice of intuition. Diplomacy is their forte, but they prefer to resolve issues themselves, not giving others the opportunity to resolve them. "Deuces" are subject to frequent mood swings, so they are looking for a stronger partner. These are domestic people for whom family values ​​are in the first place. Good compatibility with "units".

"Threes" are people-warriors from birth. Any disagreement causes them anger and resistance. At the same time, the “troikas” are courageous, have a solid, and therefore they often succeed. Their impulsiveness and pride often become an obstacle in a relationship. These are ruthless and unceremonious leaders. They are in good contact with "triples", "fives" and "sixes".

"Fours" are distinguished by a lively mind and initiative. They often seek to try their hand at different areas of life, faced with failures, for some time they fixate on them. Not very economic people, but others appreciate the company of "fours". The best relationships are tied with their own kind (“fours”), but they get along well with other types.

"Fives" are true optimists, they have high intelligence, give people love and care, but in return they expect respect for their kindness and responsiveness. These are responsible natures who constantly improve themselves, their positive attracts happiness and harmony. Excellent relationships connect "fives" with "threes", "fives" and "sixes".

"Sixes" are sensitive, emotional natures, almost all of them are dearly loved. Often these are outwardly very beautiful people, their charm helps to get out of difficult situations. Everything is easy for them, they often find a wealthy partner, but they must be very careful with money. Good relationships connect them with "threes", "fives" and "sixes".

"Sevens" rarely find understanding among others, their joy is in solitude. Behind the external alienation lies a warm open soul. "Sevens" are pragmatic, punctual, prudent and persistent. Good partnerships develop with "deuces" and "nines".

"Eights" are wayward, stubborn natures that do not recognize norms and restrictions. These are independent people who always have many friends. Even after the breakup, they maintain warm relations with the former. Converge with "ones", "twos" and "nines".

"Nines" are true philosophers. They are compliant, rarely bring what they started to the end. Often they have financial difficulties. These people are humane, merciful, but indecisive - they make decisions with great difficulty. The ideal partners of the "nines" are people whose birth number is two.

This is how you can determine the character by date of birth. I don't know about you, but I seem to be...