Young fruit trees are eaten by a bug what to do. Cherry fly: methods of struggle. Rodents and hares - winter pests of fruit crops

Pests cause great damage to gardens. For example, aphids like to settle on viburnum.

Unfortunately, very often garden owners have to deal with various pests of fruit trees. You have to pick up a sprayer, plant "poison" and process trees until the pests have destroyed the entire crop. Processing has already been mentioned on the pages of this site. This article will attempt to describe garden pests and how to deal with them. Moreover, there are pests that do not make out which tree is in front of them, but settle on it and do their "dirty" work.

When treating trees with pesticides, it is very important to observe safety precautions and strictly follow the instructions for using the poison and meet the deadlines after which fruits can be eaten. Unfortunately, everyone knows this, but few do it. And this is our health.

For example, my neighbor, who has a large garden, sprays only in the evening, only when the weather is calm, and only with a gas mask, using a gasoline backpack garden sprayer. This is the ideal option.

So, the pests of our garden ...


Another name is leaflet. There are two varieties of this insect that are dangerous for fruit trees: apple leaf and pear leaf. The psyllids are sucking insects that feed on the juice of buds, leaves, pedicels and young shoots. During the season, the apple psyllid gives one generation, and the pear - 4-5 generations. Eggs are laid before winter, apple psyllid - on the shoots, and pear - in hollows, under fallen leaves, in the cracks of the bark. An external sign of damage to plants by psyllids is the release of a sweetish liquid, the so-called honey dew, with which psyllids cover the affected plant organs.

To combat apple and pear psyllids, rovikurt, karbofas, benzophosphate are used.


blood aphid so named because, when crushed, the larva exudes a red liquid. Refers to sucking insects, feeds on the juice of the trunk, branches, shoots and roots of the apple tree. Less commonly affects pear, quince, mountain ash. During the summer it gives 10 - 17 generations. The presence of this pest is determined by swelling and cracks on the damaged organs of the plant.

For the fight, karbofos, ravikurt are used, as a biological method, the entomophage of aphelinus is released.

green aphid- a sucking insect that feeds on the juice of the underside of the leaves and the bark of young shoots. A sign of damage is the twisting of the leaves. During the summer, green aphids produce 12-16 generations.

gray aphid. Another name is red gall. Also applies to sucking insects. It feeds on the juice of the underside of the leaves. A sign of damage is the twisting of the leaves and the presence of red formations on the leaves - a halo. During the summer gives 3 - 4 generations.

To combat all types of aphids, karbofos, trichlormetaphos, rovikurt are used. Processing should be done at the time of bud break and early summer.


For the fight, use the drug No. 30, oleocuprite.

For the fight, use the drug No. 30, nitrofen, karbofos, benzophosphate.


Ticks come in two varieties: eight-legged and four-legged. Of the eight-legged mites, fruit pests include





For the fight, karbofos, benzophosphate, oleocuprite, nitrofen are used.

Gray budworm


To fight using karbofos, entobakterin.

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

Apple flower beetle

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

American white butterfly

For the fight, entobacterin, karbofos, benzophosphate are used.


apple moth

To fight using entobacterin, karbofos.


For the fight use benzophosphate, entobacterin.

mining moth

To combat use benzophosphate, trichlormetaphose.

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

codling moth

Rovicurt, karbofos, benzophosphate are used to fight.

For the fight use benzophosphate, rovikurt.

For the fight use benzophosphate, rovikurt, karbofos.

The butterfly looks like a plum codling moth; it lays its eggs on the tender side of the leaves of stone fruit trees, on the upper side of the leaves and on young shoots of apple and quince. Caterpillars feed on shoots and fruits. The tops of the damaged fruits dry out together with the leaves to a length of up to 15 cm. One caterpillar destroys 5 shoots during the feeding period.

To fight using karbofos, benzophosphate.

For the fight use karbofos, trichlormetafos.


For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

Plum pachyderm

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos, rovikurt.


To fight using chlorophos, benzophosphate, karbofos.

cherry fly

For the fight they use rovikurt, karbofos.

Good luck with your pest control!

These are aphids, suckers (listobloshki), mites. The danger of this type of pest is that they suck the juice from the shoots and buds of trees, thereby preventing their development.

At the same time, the suckers also glue the buds with their secretions, which as a result die off. In gardens, apple and pear suckers are especially common, which can destroy up to fifty percent of the leaves and inflorescences on a tree.

Ticks (pear gall, red apple, brown fruit, and others) suck the juice from the leaves, which are damaged by this, turn brown or blacken and fall off.

Due to the defeat of the tree by aphids, the leaves are deformed and fall off, the shoots are bent, the tree becomes less frost-resistant, develops worse.

Leaf-eating pests of fruit trees

These are caterpillars, which include whites, volnyanka, cocoon weavers, and also moths.

Caterpillars gnaw through the leaves, forming cavities that are braided with cobwebs, which can damage both buds and buds. Caterpillars can eat the leaf cover completely, but such a tree will survive and begin to throw out new leaves, however, it will bear fruit much worse and generally weaken. Other pests, such as bark beetles, also settle on trees affected by leaf-eating pests.

The moths are called miners because they form mines in the leaf. The yield of trees affected by moths drops by 60 percent, the fruits are crushed, their nutritional value is reduced.

leaflet pests

Insects whose caterpillars live in rolled leaves and can also damage buds, ovaries, flowers and fruits. The caterpillars roll the leaf into a tube and braid it with cobwebs, such a leaf is no longer viable.

About 70 species of such insects are known, the most common are omnivorous, oak, bud, fruit changeable, reticulated leafworms. Caterpillars can damage plants from spring to late autumn and can destroy up to sixty percent of leaf cover, buds and inflorescences.

Pests of generative organs

Pests (buds and buds) are weevils, sawflies, codling moths, bronzes.

Weevils and bronzes gnaw out buds and buds, which is why fruits cannot be tied on trees. Weevils eat holes in the kidneys, similar to a needle prick, and lay their eggs in them. Weevil larvae feed on pistils and stamens, sticking them together with their excrement, which leads to wilting of buds.

Codling moths and fruit sawflies lay their eggs in flowers and buds, thereby damaging them, the buds fall off, the fruits cannot set. Sawfly caterpillars mine the ovary, and then make a move to the seed box and damage it - a cavity is formed inside the fruit. One such larva can spoil up to five fruits.

Sawflies and weevils can differ in their taste preferences, for example, the pear sawfly damages only pears. Fruits on a tree affected by such pests, as a rule, become infected with rot.

Trunk pests

These are scale insects, bark beetles, woodworms, woodworms, glass cases, peach aphids. These insects damage wood, eat away passages under the bark. In places affected by pests, the bark cracks and dies, as a result of which castings and even branches fall off.

Time when fruit trees are affected by pests

The harmful activity of insects dangerous for fruit trees is carried out at different times and coincides with different periods of tree development. During the period of bud swelling, active sap flow begins, pests such as aphid larvae and apple sucker, flower beetles, moth caterpillars, leafworms wake up.

During the period of exposure and loosening of the buds, mites, aphids, suckers, leafworms, moth caterpillars, and silkworms feed.

During the flowering period, codling moths appear.

We protect fruit trees from pests

Pests appear in the garden when agrotechnical requirements are not met.

To minimize the possibility of damage to fruit trees by pests, it is necessary to dig up tree trunks, loosen row spacing, remove weeds, water enough, remove dry branches and dead bark, collect carrion and burn fallen leaves in the fall.

To prevent damage to trees by rodents, you need to remove debris from the garden, and tie the trees.

In late July - early August, trapping belts made of burlap and special garden glue are applied to the trees to prevent pests from crawling from the ground onto the trunks and branches of trees.

Not always compliance with agrotechnical rules and taking precautions can save you from pest invasion. Only chemicals can really get rid of them.

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Unfortunately, very often garden owners have to deal with various pests of fruit trees. You have to pick up a sprayer, plant "poison" and process trees until the pests have destroyed the entire crop. The processing of apple, pear, quince and peach has already been mentioned on the pages of this site. This article will attempt to describe garden pests and how to deal with them. Moreover, there are pests that do not make out which tree is in front of them, but settle on it and do their "dirty" work.

When treating trees with pesticides, it is very important to observe safety precautions and strictly follow the instructions for using the poison and meet the deadlines after which fruits can be eaten. Unfortunately, everyone knows this, but few do it. And this is our health.

For example, my neighbor, who has a large garden, sprays only in the evening, only when the weather is calm, and only with a gas mask, using a gasoline backpack garden sprayer. This is the ideal option.

So, the pests of our garden ...


Another name is leaflet. There are two varieties of this insect that are dangerous for fruit trees: apple leaf and pear leaf. The psyllids are sucking insects that feed on the juice of buds, leaves, pedicels and young shoots. During the season, the apple psyllid gives one generation, and the pear - 4-5 generations. Eggs are laid before winter, apple psyllid - on the shoots, and pear - in hollows, under fallen leaves, in the cracks of the bark. An external sign of damage to plants by psyllids is the release of a sweetish liquid, the so-called honey dew, with which psyllids cover the affected plant organs.

To combat apple and pear psyllids, rovikurt, karbofas, and benzophosphate are used.


blood aphid so named because, when crushed, the larva exudes a red liquid. Refers to sucking insects, feeds on the juice of the trunk, branches, shoots and roots of the apple tree. Less commonly affects pear, quince, mountain ash. During the summer gives 10 - 17 generations. The presence of this pest is determined by swelling and cracks on the damaged organs of the plant.

For the fight, karbofos, ravikurt are used, as a biological method, the entomophage of aphelinus is released.

green aphid- a sucking insect that feeds on the juice of the underside of the leaves and the bark of young shoots. A sign of damage is the twisting of the leaves. Over the summer, green aphids give 12 - 16 generations.

gray aphid. Another name is red gall. Also applies to sucking insects. It feeds on the juice of the underside of the leaves. A sign of damage is the twisting of the leaves and the presence of red formations on the leaves - a halo. Over the summer gives 3 - 4 generations.

To combat all types of aphids, karbofos, trichlormetaphos, rovikurt are used. Processing should be done at the time of bud break and early summer.


For the fight, use the drug No. 30, oleocuprite.

For the fight, use the drug No. 30, nitrofen, karbofos, benzophosphate.


For the fight, karbofos, benzophosphate, oleocuprite, nitrofen are used.

Gray budworm


To fight using karbofos, entobakterin.

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

Apple flower beetle

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

American white butterfly

For the fight, entobacterin, karbofos, benzophosphate are used.


To fight using entobacterin, karbofos.

For the fight use benzophosphate, entobacterin.

mining moth

To combat use benzophosphate, trichlormetaphose.

leaf roller

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

codling moth

Rovicurt, karbofos, benzophosphate are used to fight.

For the fight use benzophosphate, rovikurt.

For the fight use benzophosphate, rovikurt, karbofos.

For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos, rovikurt.


There are two varieties - the apple fruit sawfly and the plum sawfly.

To fight using karbofos, benzophosphate.

For the fight use karbofos, trichlormetafos.


For the fight use benzophosphate, karbofos.

Prevention and control measures

Pests of the orchard: the processing of the orchard from pests is mainly carried out throughout the spring and all summer. But the main treatment (prevention) of plants should be carried out in the fall after the removal of the fruits. Since among the pests there are certain species that affect not only the buds, bouquets, foliage, but also the fruits, bark, and wood of the tree itself. Also, with stable warm weather, a part of insects re-emerges, which can significantly weaken the plant before wintering.

Pest of the orchard Apple flower beetle

Flower beetle: These insects lay their eggs in the flower bud, after which the hatched offspring feed from the inside, while secreting a sticky substance that prevents the flower from blooming.

Flower beetle and its larva

After the defeat, the bud turns brown and falls off.
Control measures
Installing glue traps before flowering, collecting fallen leaves and fruits, digging the soil around the plants in late autumn. Spring prevention in the form of spraying plants before blooming flower buds with insecticide solutions.

Orchard pests Aphids

Aphid: a small insect of green, black, sometimes pink color, lives in colonies. Plant damage occurs throughout the season.

Aphid breeding

During the first spring warming, it feeds on the juice of twigs and buds of plants. In summer, the aphid passes to feeding on the juice of the foliage of young shoots, after which they wither and take on an ugly appearance, and the secretions of the insect lead to the defeat of plants by a sooty fungus.
The fight against aphids is constant, since the insect produces several offspring per season.
Secure your garden; you can plant plants that repel insects with their smell - these are garlic, marigolds, yarrow, mustard.
You can spray with a solution of green soap, or oil-based preparations.
They also use biological preparations that cause disease and death of the colony, the disadvantage of such preparations is a long effect - up to 2 weeks.
In case of severe damage, spraying with systemic insecticides is carried out.

Burka orchard pests

Burka: in appearance, this pest is small in size, from 2 to 3 mm, the color of the beetle is bluish-green with a steel sheen.

Foliage damage by Burka beetle

Lays eggs are small, oval, 0.3 mm, milky. The hatched larvae have a curved shape, the body color is pale yellow. The size of the beetle in the pupal stage is 3-3.5 mm.
The beetle damages almost all fruit trees, but mainly Apple and Pear. Juveniles hibernate at a shallow depth in the soil.
The exit of the beetle occurs before the flowering of the trees. Burka feeds on buds, buds and foliage. In cold weather and at night, the beetles hide in cracks in the bark.
The life span of the Burok is approximately 2.5 to 3 months. As soon as flowering ends, the beetles mate. Females begin to lay eggs in the gnawed voids of the leaves or in the petioles.
In places of clutches, after the appearance of larvae, the leaf turns brown, becomes lethargic and falls off. Leaf fall occurs from May to June.
As soon as the larvae are full, they go into the soil to a depth of 8 to 15 cm, and go into the pupal phase, which lasts until August, after which the bulk of the hatched beetles remain in the soil for the winter, and some come out in the fall. Both the beetle itself and its larvae harm the trees. After damage to the kidneys, the foliage has an ugly shape. The beetles gnaw out the flower bud from the inside, after which it turns brown and falls off. With a large lesion, the number of fruits decreases and the winter hardiness of the plant decreases.
Control measures
Without waiting for autumn, collect fallen leaves, after which they must be taken out of the site or burned. Digging near-stem circles before frosts.
The treatment of the garden with insecticides in the summer is carried out in case of mass pest invasions. Prevention of the garden is carried out in autumn and with the onset of spring, before flowering. I also use glue traps mounted on trunks at a height of 40cm.

Orchard pest Weevil

this pest is dark in appearance, 2 to 3 mm long. The body of the beetle is elongated, and at the end expands slightly. Eggs 0.2-3 mm, light, transparent, sometimes have a yellowish tint.

Weevil and its larva

The weevil harms almost all fruit trees: Apple, Quince, Plum, Apricot, Cherry and Rowan.
The larvae hibernate after feeding in the tissues of the branches. The pupal phase occurs in this pest in May. Full development of pupae 2 weeks.

When emerging in mid-May, beetles feed first on young shoots, foliage, and later on fruit ovaries, gnawing holes in them. Egg laying occurs in small gnawed depressions in the bark, after which, after 8-9 days, larvae appear and deepen, making moves deep into the trunk.
In plants, branches damaged by the Weevil wither and dry up. The larvae feed for a month and remain until spring.
An effective method of struggle with Weevil does not exist. It is only possible to prevent further infection - this is the cutting of infected branches, after which they must be burned, and prevention in the form of spraying with systemic insecticides during the release of beetles.

Orchard pests Oakleaf silkworm

Oakleaf Silkworm: A common pest of Apple and Pear trees, a large butterfly with serrated wings. This butterfly got its name because of its resemblance to an oak leaf.

Oakleaf silkworm and its caterpillar

With a wingspan of 8.5 cm. The size of the caterpillar is 9-10cm. dark gray, sometimes brownish, the body is covered with long hairs.
These pests mainly affect the young leaves of the fruit tree.
Oakleaf silkworm caterpillars overwinter in cracks, hollows of plants. Pest activity occurs mainly at night, so it can not always be seen.
The first month of summer, the caterpillar finds a secluded place on a tree and takes the form of a cocoon. And by the end of July, a butterfly appears.
When caterpillars are found on plants they must be collected and burned. With a large number, it is worth spraying the plants with insecticides.
In autumn and spring, carry out preventive treatments with contact-systemic preparations to prevent the appearance of these pests.

Pests of the orchard Zabolotnik

Bogweed: This beetle is dark brown in appearance, the larva of the beetle is white with no legs.

Bogweed and its larva

Wetlands harm almost all trees, settling inside trunks and branches, the size of an adult insect does not exceed 4 mm.
The defeat occurs mainly on weakened trees, poorly overwintered or early damaged by other insects. The beetle hibernates in colonies under the bark of a tree.
The female Zabolotnik gnaws through the bark, tree trunk and lays eggs in the formed passages.
After the larvae hatch, they remain to winter inside the tree. It is easier to determine the lesion on stone fruits by the selected drops of resin in the places of lesions.
Control measures
In the spring, it is worth inspecting the trees, cut and burn the damaged branches. Those plants that died, uproot and also burn. During the release of insects, it is worth treating trunks and branches with contact insecticides. With a large lesion, repeat the treatment after 10-15 days.

Orchard pests Winter moth

Winter moth: in this butterfly (males) the color of the wings is light gray with orange spots in a span of up to 3 cm.

Winter moth and its caterpillar

The female has long legs and short wings, they do not fly. The size of females is only 1 cm. but the caterpillar is 3.5 cm long. yellow with a green tint. Butterflies appear already in autumn (September, October).

  • Harm almost all garden trees.
  • Moth eggs in winter are in the cracks of the shoots near the buds.
  • Wintering of moth eggs takes place in cracks in the bark and branches, near the buds.

The exit of the caterpillar itself occurs in the spring before the blooming of flower buds. The insect infects almost the entire tree from bud to foliage.
Signs of the appearance of a pest are the presence of leaves glued together with a web. As soon as flowering ends, the caterpillar hides in the ground to a depth of 8-10 cm, and with the advent of autumn, butterflies fly out.
Control measures.
Installing glue traps in autumn at a height of 30-40 cm, then the female will not be able to climb higher and will be forced to lay in the lower part of the trunk. After finding the clutches, it is worth spraying with Chlorophos.
If the garden is still struck by an insect, it is necessary, if possible, to collect the foliage along with the web and burn it.
After spraying with insecticides.

Pests of the fruit garden Goose

Goose: that beetle is small in size - only 6mm. It also harms plantings of fruit trees, damaging almost all plants.

Goose and damage

Goose hibernates in the ground, in the remains of foliage, bark. In spring, the beetle comes out and infects the bud and fruit of the trees. The lesion looks like small depressions. Female beetles, after the trees have faded, lay eggs in the fruits, sealing the entrance with their feces. After that, fruit rot infection occurs, the damaged fruits serve as food for the larvae. The larvae stay in the fruits for about two to three weeks, after which they go into the soil and pass into the pupal stage. In early autumn, some of the young beetles come out and damage the buds, feeding on them. The rest goes to wintering and can stay there for up to 2 years.
Control measures
In the spring, the garden is sprayed (with insecticides) before the flower buds bloom, the second treatment immediately after flowering, in the autumn the treatment is repeated and, with the onset of frost, they dig up the soil around the plants.

Pests of the orchard

Underbark leafworm: these are small butterflies, dark gray with a brown tint, about 15 mm long. The caterpillar itself is only 13mm, light green in color.

Undercut leaflet and damage

The difference between the Subcrust leafworm and other butterflies in the wings is that they are elongated in the shape of a triangle with black veins. Harm Leafworms cause mainly stone fruits, sometimes Apple trees. Resin appears at the feeding site and cracks form. The caterpillar hibernates under the bark, in May they take the form of a chrysalis, and at the beginning of summer the butterflies emerge.
Prevention and treatment
Inspection of tree trunks at a height of 40-50cm. in places of defeat, smudges of resin appear, the bark exfoliates. The exfoliated part of the bark must be cleaned and burned, the wounds treated with chlorophos. Severely affected trees must be uprooted and also burned.

Pests of the orchard moth.

Moth: Moth activity occurs mainly at night, but some flies out of hiding in the daytime.

Moth and its caterpillars

The caterpillar of these pests has a body color similar to the bark and foliage, which makes it difficult to immediately detect them.
Moth caterpillars mainly feed on young foliage, but sometimes also damage apple and pear fruits.
Control measures
Digging the soil around plants before frost and early spring. Installation of glue traps on trunks. Spraying plants (insecticides) in spring after flowering and in autumn after harvest.

Pests of the orchard Scoop-blue head

Scoop-blue head: butterfly up to 4cm. gray in color with whitish spots on the surface of the wing.

Blue-headed scoop and its caterpillar

The caterpillar itself is green, with yellow stripes on the side and a blue head. The Blue-headed Owl Caterpillar gnaws on foliage and buds, causing damage to almost all plants. In winter, egg layings are found in cracks in the bark of trees and shrubs.
The appearance of caterpillars occurs during the blooming of the buds of plants, which are their food. At the beginning of summer, the caterpillars take the form of a chrysalis, and by the end of September, their years and the laying of new eggs take place.
Control measures and prevention
Inspect the plants, if pests are found, they must be shaken off the plants, and then collected and destroyed. With a large amount, spray the garden with insecticides.

Apple trees are garden trees that require close attention throughout the year. Most gardeners have several varieties of apple trees that differ in terms of fruiting and protective properties.

Garden pests can infect apple trees, regardless of cultivar, which always negatively affects the quality of the crop and its size. Knowledge about the main pests of apple trees, the timing of their activity and effective methods of protection against them contribute to the preservation of productivity.

The main pests of the apple tree

Before starting the mass destruction of the pests that appeared on the apple tree, it should be clarified which species settled on the fruit tree. It is on this that the choice of the method of struggle, its effectiveness and the final result will depend.

Brown fruit mite

It can damage any fruit trees, but the main fodder plant is the apple tree. The body of an adult is brown in color and is 0.5 mm long. The tick moves with four pairs of legs. Lays very miniature and round red eggs. The active period of oviposition occurs in summer and autumn. The larvae hatch during bud break. Five generations develop per year.

Larvae and adults feed on the juice of buds and foliage, which, as a result, become covered with a dirty white coating and completely stop developing.

The main methods of control are spraying: in early spring with 1.5% DNOK, and during the growing season -0.2% karbofos.

leaf eaters

Significant damage is caused by caterpillars and beetles that eat the green mass of horticultural crops. They can feed on buds, ovaries, foliage, buds and flowers. This type of pests includes suckers, hawthorn, leafworms, golden tail, as well as the larval stage and caterpillars of the winter moth, ringed silkworm, apple broom and apple moth.

This pest is a small black-brown bug. It has light stripes and an arched proboscis. The wintering place of this weevil is the folds of tree bark and fallen leaves. With the beginning of spring, the flower beetle moves to a tree, where it begins to actively feed on buds. Females lay eggs directly into flower buds. The hatching larvae destroy the bud completely.

Flowers on an apple tree turn into dark caps glued together with excrement, which do not open and bloom.

If you want to enjoy a rich harvest of carrots, then you need to know how to protect the plant from pests. To do this, we recommend reading the material at the link.

This pest destroys mainly the fruits of the apple tree. Females immediately after flowering perform oviposition. It takes about two weeks for the caterpillars to hatch, after which it takes root in the center of the fruit and gradually moves to the next fruit. Adult caterpillars hibernate in cocoons. The most dangerous are the second and third generations of pests. Butterflies appear before flowering, and the period of active flight can stretch for two months.

To destroy the apple codling moth, it is necessary to process apple trees of summer varieties twice a season, and spray winter varieties at least three times. The first treatment is carried out immediately after flowering, and the second - after two weeks. A good effect is achieved by using 80% chlorophos.

For me, there has always been only one apple pest, this is a worm. It happened in childhood you bite off an apple, and from there an indignant worm looks. Always joked, so the apple is delicious. This, of course, may be so, but it is really a pity if many fruits still on the branches really die. Only I thought that one spraying was enough, but it turns out that everything depends on the variety of apples.

Hello, in our garden plot, I also encountered pests of apple trees, or rather, glass butterflies. I noticed that they mainly affect the bark of trees. This is reflected, not in the best way, on the fruits of the apple tree. Tell me, what is the best time for processing apple trees? And what drugs are the most effective in the fight against glass butterflies?