As it is called vendace soup in Karelian. Ear made from vendace. Fried vendace dish

Today it is impossible to imagine the human diet without fish dishes. This is right. Fish contains many substances beneficial to the human body. Freshwater fish vendace is considered universal in cooking.

In appearance it looks like a herring. It has large scales, silvery sides and a light blue back. Its abdomen is white and its fins are gray. The body is strongly compressed from the sides. This is a relatively small fish, but in the photo it looks like a real queen.

Previously, vendace fish was called the royal herring. It was included in the royal dinner menu. And today the festive table can be perfectly decorated with vendace. The photo of this royal herring is proof of this.

Vendace is a low-calorie product. Contains many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial to health. But it deteriorates very quickly. It must be prepared immediately. Fresh fish can only be stored for a day. For transportation, vendace is frozen using a special technology, which preserves all its beneficial properties for the body.

There are many options for dishes prepared from this product. There are almost no bones in it. It can be salted and boiled, fried, baked and steamed. The caviar of this fish is also used for food. Any dish based on it will not only have excellent taste, but also look great, as can be seen in the photo.

There are multiple ways to prepare vendace. But the most common are the following:

In the oven:

It cooks perfectly in the oven. In addition to this, you will need several peeled potatoes, an onion, salt to taste and a few spoons of sour cream. Suitable spices include bay leaves and black pepper. The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • The fish must be washed, gutted, and heads removed. Cut the peeled vegetables into rings;
  • Place a layer of fish on the bottom of a heated baking sheet and sprinkle with spices. On it - a layer of potatoes and a layer of onions, sour cream. Place the remaining vegetables on top as well;
  • The baking sheet must remain in the oven for at least 40 minutes. Temperature – 180 degrees;
  • The finished dish is consumed hot.

How to pickle vendace

It also has excellent taste when salted. Pickling recipe very simple:

  1. Wash and rub the fish in your hands to remove the skin.
  2. Place in a container, scald and cook, stirring gently.
  3. Place the boiled vendace in a colander.
  4. Prepare the dressing: add horseradish, salt, vinegar and bay leaf to boiling water.
  5. Transfer the fish to another container, sprinkle with dill and ground pepper and pour in the dressing. Leave for three days.
  6. Next, press the fish under pressure, after 15 days it will be ready for consumption.

You can also prepare other popular dishes from this delicious fish.

Fried vendace dish

From fried vendace makes a great dish, in which everything healthy and tasty is preserved. The recipe is as follows:

Vendace soup

You can prepare fish soup quite simply. She ready in half an hour according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour water into a container and boil.
  2. Drop in three diced potatoes. The water should boil again.
  3. Add chopped fish and onions. Cook for another 20 minutes.
  4. 6 minutes before the end of the cooking process, add any pepper and salt. You also need to add 3 bay leaves.
  5. Place fresh herbs on plates before serving.

The pie-pie will have an exquisite taste with this fish. It is recommended to serve it to the ear.

Dried vendace

It is very tasty smoked and salted. But the dried vendace looks elegant and appetizing in the photo. You can dry it at home according to the following recipe:

Vendace is able to provide adequate nutrition to brain cells, muscles and heart. Magnesium and histidine are elements that stimulate the functioning of not only the immune system, but also the nervous system. The nutritional and beneficial properties of fish are not lost during any processing.

Vendace is one of the Finns' favorite fish products. Fish dishes are always placed on the festive table. And for street celebrations they fry on Finnish olive or rapeseed oil, having previously rolled the fish in flour.

It has no contraindications for use. But people who are prone to allergic reactions to food need to be careful.

Vendace fish and delicious recipes from it

Today, almost every person's diet includes fish dishes. And this is not surprising, since they contain fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that the human body needs for its normal development. Vendace is considered truly universal in cooking - it is salted and smoked, boiled and fried, steamed, baked, and so on. This product makes excellent soups, main courses and even baked goods. It is vendace that is part of the famous Finnish pie, which is famous throughout the world. But let’s find out what it is.

Description of vendace

Vendace is a fish that belongs to the whitefish. Outwardly, it looks like a herring, since its body is slightly compressed on the sides, the upper jaw is somewhat shorter than the lower one. The belly of the fish is white, the sides are blue, and the back is grayish. Vendace usually does not reach more than twenty centimeters in length, but there are individuals whose size is thirty-five centimeters.

This freshwater fish is found in Russian lakes, sometimes in rivers, as well as in the bays of the Baltic Sea. In addition, it can be found in Germany, Scotland, Finland, Belarus and Denmark.

Vendace has a very low calorie content. Fish (we already know where it is found) is extremely beneficial for the human body. Its meat contains a lot of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as other useful substances, vitamins and elements. It also contains a huge amount of magnesium, which helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system. However, it tends to spoil quickly, so it is recommended to cook it immediately. Let's look at several simple recipes for preparing vendace.

How to pickle vendace at home

The fish is washed thoroughly, rubbing with your hands so that the skin comes off. Then it is placed in a large bowl and scalded with boiling water, cooked, stirring gently. The cooked fish is placed in a colander and cooled. Meanwhile, prepare the dressing. To do this, boil water, where vinegar, bay leaf, chopped horseradish root and salt are first added. The vendace is placed in another container in layers, alternating with a mixture of dill, bay leaf and ground pepper. Then the container is filled with dressing and left to infuse for three days. During this time, all the fish should be soaked in vinegar. Then a pressure is placed on top and left for two weeks, and then the container is sealed.

Let's consider other, no less popular, vendace dishes.

Baked vendace in Siberian style

Ingredients: five hundred grams of fish, five potatoes, one carrot, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, two hundred grams of mayonnaise, one spoon of chopped dill, one onion, salt and spices to taste.


First of all, the vendace must be cleaned and washed. The fish is then put aside and they begin to work on vegetables. So, the potatoes are peeled and cut into slices, mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise (one hundred grams), sprinkled with spices to taste. The onion is cut into half rings, the carrots are grated. All this is placed in a greased form, vendace is placed on top, smeared with mayonnaise, sprinkled with various spices. The form is sent to the oven for forty minutes. The finished fish is served cooled.

Kalakukko, or Finnish vendace pie

“Kalakukko” is a national dish that cannot be found in restaurants, since it is prepared at home. The filling is vendace fish, a photo of which is attached. The pie looks like a regular loaf of bread, but the filling inside it is very tasty.

Ingredients: four glasses of wheat flour, four glasses of rye flour, three glasses of water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, two tablespoons of salt.

For filling: seven hundred grams of peeled fish, one hundred and fifty grams of bacon, one spoon of rice, one spoon of salt.


First, knead the dough: pour water into a bowl, add vegetable oil, salt, and flour. The finished dough is rolled out, making the edges thin. Long rice is poured into the middle of the cake, vendace (fish), the recipes for which we are studying today, is laid out on top, sprinkled with salt, then bacon cut into slices is placed and also salted. Then the free spaces on the cake are greased with water, an “envelope” is made, folding the ends from the sides, and then from the top and bottom. The boundaries of the joints are carefully straightened using a knife moistened with water. The top of the pie is sprinkled with flour, placed on a lined baking sheet and baked for forty minutes. During this time it should brown.

The finished pie is greased with butter, wrapped in paper and then in foil and put back in the oven for four hours to bake over low heat. During this time, the vendace (the fish inside the pie) will steam well, its bones will become very soft, so the pie can be safely given to children.

Breaded vendace

Ingredients: one kilogram of cleaned fish.

For breading: one hundred and fifty grams of crispbread, one and a half tablespoons of salt, half a spoon of ground white pepper, butter for frying.


The bread is ground well using a blender. Or you can place them between towels and run a rolling pin on top so that they turn into crumbs. Salt and spices are added to this crumb. Vendace (the fish whose recipes we are considering) prepared in advance is breaded and fried in butter. The finished fish is cooled and served with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam.

Vendace in Ural style

Ingredients: four spoons of wheat flour, one spoon of curry, eight hundred grams of fresh frozen vendace, one spoon of dry dill, half an onion, one kilogram of potatoes, one spoon of dry paprika, one spoon of salt.


Do you want to know how to cook vendace in the Ural style? To begin with, of course, you need to defrost it, then peel, rinse, dry and roll in salt and flour. Then the fish is fried in oil.

Peeled potatoes are cut into large slices and fried. The onion is cut into rings and dipped in various colorful spices. The cooled fish is placed on a dish, potatoes and onions are placed next to it and served.

Vendace soup

Ingredients: one and a half liters of water, three potatoes, half an onion, one fish, salt and spices to taste.


Ukha is very tasty when it is made from a product such as vendace (fish). First, bring the water to a boil, then add the diced potatoes. When the water boils again, put the fish and onions cut into pieces into it and cook for fifteen minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, salt the fish soup and add spices. The finished dish is poured into plates, pieces of fish are placed, and decorated with herbs if desired.

"Tender" vendace

Ingredients: five hundred grams of fish, two carrots, one onion, two hundred grams of low-fat sour cream, dill and ground black pepper.


Remove the tail and head from the cleaned fish, wash it well, setting aside the caviar, if any. The vendace is salted and peppered, mixed, rolled in flour and fried in oil for two minutes on each side. Place the finished fish on a plate and set aside.

Place sour cream, dill and caviar, salt and spices in a bowl, add a small amount of water or fish broth and mix well. Place chopped onions and carrots on top of the fish, pour sour cream over everything, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with dill and served.

A few words about vendace

Fishermen clean vendace in their own way. It has long been customary to remove the gills with the finger of the right hand and pull out the entrails in one motion. Then the fish is washed in lake water. This experience is passed on in fishermen's families from generation to generation. Vendace is a fairly tasty fish, and it is prepared in different ways. You can roll it in breadcrumbs and fry it in oil. This is how vendace is cooked over an open fire. It is interesting that the meat of this fish contains much more magnesium than other types of fish, which is why it is so valued in cooking. What is especially valuable is that magnesium combines well with histidine, which is also present in vendace. They contribute to strong stimulation of the nervous and immune systems of the human body. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce into your diet such a valuable product as fish called vendace, especially since preparing it is not difficult.

From vendace, as from many other types of fish, you can prepare an excellent fish soup, both over a fire in camping conditions and in a saucepan in a regular kitchen. The fish soup from this wonderful small fish is prepared very simply, and the only difficulty during cooking for you may be the question: “To gut or not to gut vendace?”

I never gut vendace and do this for several reasons, which I have already written about in other recipes for this fish. The first reason is that vendace contains practically no bones, as well as entrails, which can spoil the taste of the finished dish. The second reason is the presence of tasty caviar, which is simply a shame to throw away after gutting. Well, the last reason is that vendace is a very tender fish and, when gutted, falls apart, making the broth cloudy. These are my personal preferences for preparing vendace fish soup, and you can do it as you see fit. So let's get started!

To prepare vendace fish soup, you will need directly fresh or freshly frozen vendace and a few more ingredients from the list.

Remove scales from vendace (they come off very easily), wash and cover with cold water. Add bay leaf and black peppercorns. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Then remove the fish from the broth (peppercorns can also be removed) and carefully use a knife and fork to separate the meat from the bones and heads. If you don’t want to waste extra time, you can leave the fish whole and then add it to the plate in portions. Personally, I always separate the meat to make it easier to eat!

Cut the carrots into cubes. Cut the onion into small pieces. Add to broth. Add salt to taste. You can add a couple of pinches of sugar.

Add diced potatoes there too.

Pour in vodka, add herbs to taste (I used dried dill) and cook until the potatoes and carrots are fully cooked.

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add the cut fish to your fish soup.

The vendace soup is ready! Serve the dish hot. Bon appetit!