Kyphotic deformity of the cervical lordosis: what is it and how to treat it? Kyphotic deformity of the spine - complications Kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine

Kyphosis is a backward concavity present in the cervical region in the form of a pathological curvature of the vertebral arch. Straightening the natural lordosis in the neck and turning it into kyphosis is a serious pathology that leads to the most negative consequences.

Cervical kyphosis is a pathological curvature of the vertebral arch, uncharacteristic of its physiological state. Similar bends in the thoracic and sacral regions are normal. The impact of negative factors of various etiologies, from congenital developmental anomalies to destructive external causes, leads to the appearance of an excess bend in the spine. A process that does not have characteristic age-related features can, progressing, lead to a violation of the structural structure of the spine and compression of individual segments.

Such a curvature is the physiological bending of the spinal column. The structure of the spine gives it stability in an upright position. The human spine has four physiological curves that balance and stabilize it in upright posture, for which there is no genetic predisposition.

Curvature in the thoracic and sacral, lordosis - in the cervical and lumbar, serve to regulate the loads that lie on the spinal column. Any other curvature indicates a violation of the natural state of the spine, the pathological processes occurring in it. A bulge in the neck is one of the most serious disorders, dangerous due to proximity to the brain and aggravated by structural features and functional loads of the neck.

Cervical kyphosis always develops as a pathological condition, regardless of the causes that cause it, and can transform into a more serious condition if left untreated. Such transformations include herniated intervertebral discs, disturbances in the activity of the visceral organs of the chest cavity, the formation of a specific hump, with concomitant bulging of the chest, and brain damage.

In the early stages, the treatment of initial manifestations gives tangible results. However, in a neglected state, there are very few grounds for optimistic forecasts. A timely appeal to an orthopedist will help maintain not only a beautiful posture, but also normal physical activity.

Causes of cervical kyphosis

Kyphotic deformity in the region of the cervical spine, regardless of the reasons for its appearance, indicates serious disorders in the vertebral structures. It can lead not only to failures in blood pressure and the appearance of a hump, but also to oxygen starvation of the brain, numbness of the limbs, visual and hearing impairments. Cervical kyphosis, progressing without proper medical intervention, can lead to a complete loss of mobility, disability and serious pathologies of internal organs.

In medicine, the causes of the appearance of such a deformation are divided into two conditional groups - congenital and acquired. Congenital defects include defects resulting from a genetic predisposition, anomalies obtained during gestation and the birth process, weakness of muscles and skeletal ligaments, which caused the development of a pathological curvature.

Acquired pathology manifests itself as a result of the impact of various negative factors:

  • injuries of the spine, its individual segments;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • tumors, neoplasms and metastasis;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • age-related changes;
  • lack of motor activity and deformities arising from a long stay of the body in the wrong position;
  • muscle spasms and muscle paralysis resulting from previous diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders in the region of the spine.

Treatment of deformity, regardless of the disorder that caused it, is impossible without an accurate diagnostic process, identification of a possible provocateur and, if possible, elimination of its destructive influence.

Pathological kyphosis is dangerous for a person not only with high or low blood pressure, but also with a significant deterioration in the functioning of the lungs and heart, destruction of the vertebral segments and failure of the normal blood supply to the brain.

Classification of pathology

The bulge of the neck is classified according to several criteria. Causal divide it into appeared:

  • as a result of a metabolic failure (degenerative-dystrophic);
  • due to a lack of vitamins during the formation of the bone skeleton (rachitic);
  • when exposed to infectious or inflammatory processes (infectious);
  • as a result of age-related changes (senile);
  • due to muscle failure or inactivity (paralytic).

According to the configuration and localization of the acquired concavity behind, the curvature is divided into angular and arcuate. With angular, there is an acute occipital angle in the area of ​​​​deformity. Arcuate involves arching the back of the back. The degrees of development of the neck disease are subdivided depending on the severity of the lesion into minimal, moderate and severe (1, 2, 3 degrees). In this case, the degree of severity is set depending on the angle of its curvature.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms in this pathology may vary depending on its degree, the involvement of individual segments of the spine, muscles and fascia, damage to the vertebral arteries, compression experienced by the nervous tissue and roots.

Treatment of pathological kyphosis begins only after determining the nature of its occurrence and studying the acquired deformities. Symptoms can be the formation of a hump, and the failure of the musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus, and malfunctions of the organs of vision and hearing, and even partial loss of mobility. Both diagnosis and treatment depend on symptoms.

How to treat kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine?

Indications for surgical intervention exist only if the development of pathology poses a serious threat to life. Treatment is carried out by a complex method, including medicines, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, orthotics, therapeutic massage, manual therapy, reflexology, it is aimed at eliminating the pathologies that provoked the development of neck deformity.

Spinal deformity can manifest itself in different ways: partially or completely, with various types of curvature, be congenital or acquired. Depending on the causes of the problem, the degree of complexity of the situation, the area of ​​damage, a correction is prescribed by conservative methods or surgical treatment.

Often, such changes lead to a curvature of the spine, displacement of the discs of the spine, and a violation of posture.

Types of deformation

There are such main types of curvature:

  • Lordosis;
  • Kyphosis;
  • Scoliosis.

Scoliotic deformity spine is expressed by the displacement of the vertebrae to the side. The most common is scoliotic deformity of the thoracic spine. Basically, this type of change manifests itself at school age. Scoliosis deformity can be s, z and c-shaped. The latter is much more common than others and is a right-sided or left-sided curvature.

Lordosis- deviation of the axis of the spine forward. The most common deformity of the cervical and lumbar, rarely combined with thoracic kyphosis. With lordosis of the lumbar spine, the mobility of the lower extremities may be limited. Curvature, especially strong, affect the functioning of internal organs: lungs, kidneys and heart.

Kyphosis characterized by a backward bend of the axis and has two variants of development. It is arched and angular. Kyphotic deformity of the cervical spine is extremely rare, since the natural direction of the bend in this part is lordosis.

Also different groups of changes in the shape of the spine can be combined, for example, kyphoscoliotic deformity of the spine. That is, the shift occurs in several directions at once. Curvature is often localized in the region of the sacral region, since the load on this segment of the spine is quite serious.

Another type of change in the normal shape of the spine is spondylosis. It is caused by the growth of bone tissue with the formation of processes, spikes, narrowing of the spinal canal.

Compression deformity of the spine occurs as a result of strong impacts and other loads. It mostly happens when you fall and hit your head. As a result, the length of the spinal column decreases, and compression of the dural sac of the cervical region may be added.


The sensations of patients are different and depend on the type, degree of curvature and its localization.

  • When the breach has just begun, and there are no changes in well-being, it can be determined by stoop, raised shoulder, different heights of the shoulder blades. This is the first degree of curvature.
  • second degree the formation of an angle of 10 to 25 degrees between the vertebrae is considered. At the same time, there is a difference in muscle tone on the back, pain appears and physical activity begins to bring discomfort.
  • The next degree is the third- accompanied by an increase in the angle of curvature up to 50 degrees. Such a deformation is visible to the naked eye, it is noticeable in the photo when a person is in tight clothes. With such a curvature, even the smallest loads cause serious discomfort, discomfort and pain do not stop even at rest.
  • Quadruple degree- the heaviest. It brings not only pain, but also has a sharply negative effect on the functioning of internal organs. The lungs, stomach, liver and heart cannot function normally, and the body is under severe stress.

Depending on the localization of the changes, the symptoms also change. If the cervical region is curved, this leads to headaches. The lumbar region affects the functions of the reproductive system, motor and sensory disorders in the legs.

If the patient suffers from wedge-shaped deformity, this change is accompanied by severe pain, shortness of breath, a decrease in lung volume, high fatigue, and headaches.

Why are vertebral deformities dangerous?

When distortions appear, measures should be taken to eliminate them. Otherwise, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. Over time, hernias may appear, knee and other joints may suffer. In addition, the more serious the degree of curvature, the stronger the pain, discomfort during movement and at rest.

Also, a curved spine has a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs and the body as a whole. The chest often becomes smaller in volume, constricting the heart and lungs. In addition, disorders can affect breathing, provoke congestion in the lungs, pneumonia and bronchitis of varying severity.

The genitourinary and digestive systems suffer from curvature. In women, this can be expressed in infertility and all kinds of neoplasms. In men - in a decrease in sexual function and other unpleasant changes.

It is also worth noting the emergence of psychological barriers and even depression due to the changing appearance and the inability to communicate with the world as before.

Diagnostic methods

At the initial examination. Next, the patient is sent for an x-ray, and after that the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis by determining the localization and severity of the change in the spine. If necessary, an examination with the help of MRI and ultrasound of the internal organs can be prescribed.

Treatment Methods

Treatment usually takes time and patience. Individually and in combination, different therapeutic options can be used. Usually these are combinations of medication, physiotherapy and manual treatment. If conservative methods are powerless, the problem is eliminated by surgery.

With curvature of the first and second degree, it is usually possible to do without surgery. Patients exercise, wear corsets, eat a healthy diet. Effective training in the pool. Exercise therapy and the pool are also excellent prevention of spinal diseases.

Surgery is needed for changes of the third and fourth degree.


You can learn more about the cost of treatment by visiting a specialist. Only after making an accurate diagnosis and determining the course of treatment can we talk about its cost. In order not to harm your health, you should contact only well-established specialists. Otherwise, even small violations can develop into irreparable health problems.

Book an appointment with a specialist

In order for the treatment to be successful and give the expected effect, opt for professional doctors of a reputable clinic. It is the Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow that has an excellent reputation. Vertebrologists of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences successfully restore the health of many patients with various forms of diseases.

The spine is the most important center of the body, on which health, longevity, the ability to live a full life free from pain and discomfort completely depend. If you value your health, do not delay your visit to the doctor. Call the numbers listed on the site, make an appointment online. Take a step towards excellent well-being now!

To prevent the development of kyphosis of the spine, as well as its other diseases, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, exercise, spend more time in the fresh air, eat right while maintaining normal body weight, exclude prolonged sitting and work in an incline.

Additional instrumental studies are needed to determine the degree of kyphosis and identify associated pathologies. These include:​

Classification and causes of the disease

  • ​: taking medications (antidepressants, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that improve blood circulation and relieve muscle spasms), physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy procedures and wearing a special corset.
  • (first) if the angle of curvature is not more than 30 degrees.​

First of all, you need to pay attention to the proportions of your body. If one shoulder is lower than the other, medical attention is needed. When signs of a stooped posture are found, an orthopedist will help.

Manual treatment techniques are actively used in the fight against curvature of the back. Lumbar kyphosis can be treated with a special massage. This procedure is done by an experienced massage therapist. Treatment consists in relaxing the muscles of the spine and joints, restoring the work of receptors and restoring the tone of muscle tissue. Treatment is carried out with the use of vibratory massagers, sometimes stretching is used. Such procedures help improve blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolism.​

  1. A severe back injury can lead to a curvature of the spine and provoke the development of scoliosis, kyphosis. If a person is constantly in an unnatural position and stoops, then he is at risk. Kyphosis of the cervical region is often provoked by inflammatory or infectious processes in the body, and sometimes by tuberculous changes in the vertebrae. The defeat of the cervical spine can occur as a result of the formation of a tumor in the muscles near the vertebrae.
  2. Starting position as in the previous exercise. Rise up on your toes, and slowly raise your arms up in a circular motion through the sides. As you exhale, return to the starting position;
  3. Due to kyphosis are divided into:

Cervical kyphosis is a concept that is somewhat unusual for a doctor's hearing. Anatomically, in the cervical spine there is lordosis - forward concavity. The term "kyphosis" means a backward concavity that physiologically exists in the thoracic and sacral regions.

  • X-ray of the interested spine in two projections. The doctor determines the degree of kyphotic deformity on a lateral radiograph by calculating the angle of inclination of the spine;
  • To avoid kyphosis, you need to monitor your posture and posture while working at the computer, do not slouch.

Good results are achieved with manual therapy.


In the early stages, the problem can be eliminated with the help of exercise therapy. ​

  • Therapeutic gymnastics occupies an important place in the treatment of curvature of the back. It is important to complete the full course of exercise regularly and under the supervision of an experienced physician. He will be able to exclude from the course elements that are difficult for you to complete and tell you what to pay attention to. Such exercises will strengthen the muscles of the back and help them keep the correct shape of the spine.
  • The symptoms of the disease are quite severe. The patient experiences severe pain, constant muscle spasms, discomfort in the upper back. Often, the affected area loses sensation, and its motor ability is reduced. A secondary symptom of the disease may be a headache. This symptom is manifested due to the fact that nerves and blood vessels can be squeezed due to spinal deformity. In addition, the patient may periodically feel dizzy, lower blood pressure.
  • Take a gymnastic stick and place it under the shoulder blades, fixing it with the elbow joints. As you inhale, stretch your arms forward and take your head back. We return to the starting position on the exhale;
  • Extravertebral symptoms
  • Paralytic - violations of muscle contractility with brain damage (for example, with cerebral palsy);

Symptoms and degrees of pathology

Strong straightening and hyperextension of the cervical concavity in the opposite direction is rare and is accompanied by serious clinical symptoms. If this pathology appears in children after birth, congenital anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae can be suspected. In adolescence, pathology can form as a result of Scheuermann-Mau disease (pathological formation of the vertebral hump in the thoracic region due to wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebrae).

MRI, CT - shown for a more detailed diagnosis, they visualize the bone structure of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligamentous apparatus;

  1. We must not forget about doing daily morning exercises, sufficient physical activity, walking in the fresh air.
  2. In severe cases, only helps
  3. (second) - curvature from 30 to 60 degrees.

The angle of the scapula sticks out when standing straight - this is the first symptom of a curvature of the spine. The deforming factor can be eliminated, but only with the help of a specialist. Frequent back pain, spasms, numbness of the extremities indicate a pinched nerve endings in the vertebrae.

Vertebral and extravertebral symptoms

Treatment includes mobilization, which is aimed at kneading the joints and improving their work. After a full course of procedures, the patient's movements cease to be constrained, and he can move normally. Treatment consists in the fact that the doctor makes the same translational movements, kneading the joint. Such movements must be performed by the patient independently. This method of treatment is used in cases where manipulation is contraindicated for the patient. Patients sometimes experience temporary hearing and vision impairment. Kyphotic deformity can provoke numbness of the occipital part of the head and jaw. Lean on your knees and hands, standing on all fours. Raise your head up, move your elbows to the sides, bend your chest down. In this position, crawl to the end of the room and back;

With cervical kyphosis, they are characterized by a loss of the flexion-extensor reflex in the elbow joint. The defeat of the trigeminal nerve on the affected side of the spinal cord is accompanied by weakness of the eye muscles and lack of skin sensitivity.

Rachitic - due to a violation of the formation of the bone structure with an insufficient content of vitamin D in the body; Pathological kyphosis in the neck can be: Angiography (examination of blood vessels) - relevant for cervical kyphosis.

Kyphosis is a serious disease that not only restricts movement, but can also lead to complete immobilization.

surgical intervention


Compression myelopathy

As a rule, strong pathologies can be seen with the naked eye: shoulders, shoulder blades are asymmetrical.

​Manipulation treatment is a series of sharp jolts given by the doctor. He acts on the affected area of ​​the back with his hands, correcting the vertebrae and kneading the joints. Initially, all the muscles of the patient relax in order to make it easier to form the correct arrangement of the vertebrae. It is necessary to attend such procedures regularly. If the disease is advanced, an additional course of therapy may be needed.

There are various types of this form of the disease. Postural kyphosis is a back disorder that can be caused by poor posture. Such kyphosis of the thoracic spine occurs mainly in people from 30 to 40 years old who are forced to stay in one position at the workplace for a long time. As a result of the fact that a person constantly stoops and does not allow the muscles to rest normally, hyperkyphosis of the thoracic region may develop. This type of disease is not particularly dangerous. It is enough to perform simple gymnastic exercises daily or wear a light corset in order for the curvature to pass quickly.

Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your torso. Bend the spine in the cervical region while inhaling. At the same time, try to lean on the back of the head and elbows. As you exhale, return to the starting position;

With severe compression of the nerve roots in the cervical region, urination disorders, as well as central and peripheral paralysis (immobilization), may develop.

Degenerative-dystrophic - in violation of biochemical metabolism and blood supply to the spine;

Treatment of kyphotic curvature of the neck


Conservative treatment is carried out in children when the spinal deformity is not yet fixed, or in adults in the absence of indications for surgery.

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear,

  • Or prosthetics of metal plates, which are removed after some time.
  • (Third) - the angle of curvature reaches 60 degrees.
  • The degree of deformation is easily felt by palpation. To do this, you need to ask one of the relatives to run a hand along the ridge from the neck to the coccyx.
  • To correct the curvature, special bandages are used, which are aimed at fixing the back in the desired position and correcting the patient's posture. A doctor should select such a bandage. Its model and strength of fixation will depend on the degree of neglect of the back injury.​
  • Lying on your stomach, lean on your forearm and lift your chest up. Return to the starting position on the exhale;
  • Treatment of neurological disorders against the background of spinal cord compression should be carried out under the supervision of a neurosurgeon, since in most cases it is impossible to eliminate them without surgery.
  • Infectious - due to deformation of the vertebrae with tuberculosis, spondylitis (inflammation of the vertebrae);


Symptoms and treatment of kyphosis of the spine

Medical therapy. For back pain, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Celebrex, Nise, Arcoxia, Movalis). They relieve pain, swelling of the vertebral soft tissues. urgent need to see a doctor Of great importance in the treatment of kyphosis is exercise therapy, which consists of 8 simple exercises:

Cervical lesion

A specialist, in order to diagnose cervical kyphosis and determine the degree of the disease, prescribes an X-ray of the spine in frontal and lateral projections.

  1. So, spinal deformity is quite common. This problem is especially common in children and adolescents, since their musculoskeletal system is not yet completely strong.
  2. In addition, standard medical methods of treatment are used, which are aimed at relieving pain and relaxing muscles.

Scheuermann-Mau disease is a type of thoracic curvature. The disease affects several vertebrae at once and partially deforms them. It is very difficult to determine the cause of the onset of the disease, but most often it is hereditary. Injury to the thoracic spine can also provoke the appearance of kyphosis. Severe spinal injury contributes to the development of a progressive form of the disease. In this case, a compressed nerve, which is pinched as a result of a change in the position of the vertebrae, can provoke a painful syndrome. Treatment for this form of the disease depends on the severity of the injury.

Take a knee-wrist position. Bend your arms at the elbows, lower your chest to the floor and move your body forward. Slowly return to the starting position;​

Syndrome of spinal cord injury in the lower cervical spine

Senile - in older people, spinal deformities occur due to involution of the spinal column and the presence of many concomitant diseases. Cervical kyphosis in this case is part of the "senile back" symptom complex.

Congenital kyphosis is rare. It can form with weakness of the neck muscles and anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae (non-fusion of the arches between themselves, defective atlantoaxial articulation (between C1, C2 and the back of the head)).

Kyphosis of the thoracic spine

Manual therapy - should be performed after undergoing an MRI, allows you to restore the function of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the spine.

, undergo an examination and begin complex treatment. To get rid of kyphosis, doctors use conservative methods of treatment and surgery, the choice depends on the patient's health condition and the degree of the disease.​

To perform the first exercise, you will need a gymnastic stick. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place the stick behind your back and lift it as high as possible so that it is at the level of the shoulder blades. Make sure your back is straight. Gently sit down and inhale, then exhale and return to the starting position.​

To determine the infringement of blood vessels and nerves, it is carried out

Adults are also susceptible to this disease. Don't neglect your health. As soon as the problem of ridge deformation has been identified, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since a minor pathology can harm the entire body.

The selection of drugs occurs individually, depending on the cause of the disease.

Lumbar spine injury

Thoracic kyphosis may be congenital. This means that the skeleton was incorrectly formed in the child in the womb. Anomalies include not only the incorrect location of the vertebrae, but also their partial absence. In some cases, kyphosis of the thoracic spine can cause paralysis. Often, the presence of this disease negatively affects the functioning of the genitourinary system. Treatment of this form of the disease is often possible only through surgical intervention.

Put your hands on the back of your head. Raise your arms up and spread them apart as you inhale. Return to the starting position as you exhale. The number of repetitions is 10-12.​

The most dangerous compression myelopathy, which develops when the vertebral artery is compressed. It passes in the transverse processes of the vertebrae, begins at the level of the brachial plexus and flows into the basilar basin of the brain. The artery supplies blood to about 25% of brain structures.

The symptoms of pathology significantly depend on the severity of the disease. It should be noted that kyphosis in the cervical spine is always pathological, since physiologically there is lordosis in this part of the spinal column.

C1 and C2 - the first and second cervical vertebrae. Anatomically, to indicate their belonging to a particular department, the vertebrae are usually marked with the following letters:

Massage. The first days a sparing effect is shown, since an exacerbation is possible due to the involvement of muscles in the work. Massage for kyphosis normalizes muscle tone, eliminates painful spasms in them, improves posture.

Thoracic kyphosis is the most common. It can be considered pathological if the curvature exceeds 31 degrees. Depending on the severity of the bend, 4 degrees of thoracic kyphosis are distinguished:

curvature treatment

Starting position as in the first exercise. Slowly raise your arms out to your sides and stand on your toes. Exhale and return to the starting position.​

MRI of the cervical region

Fatigue and weakness.

The human musculoskeletal system is subjected to heavy loads, so spinal deformity is a fairly common occurrence in medicine. What do you need to know about this problem in order to protect yourself? Can a curvature of the back be cured?​

Breast deformity may occur after surgery. Such kyphosis is usually provoked by poor fixation or non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation regime. It is important to understand that the treatment of kyphosis of the cervical spine is based on the treatment of the underlying cause of the pathology. Without its elimination, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and conservative methods will not bring the desired result.

The symptoms of compressive myelopathy increase gradually, but constantly progress. Initially, a person complains of pain in the neck, a feeling of numbness or cold in the upper limbs. Over time, muscle weakness and twitching of the fasciae develop. These signs are associated with damage to the peripheral motor neurons of the upper limbs (part of the nerve fibers localized in the shoulder girdle and upper limbs).

Types of spinal deformities, their signs and treatment

Due to the fact that the cervical region is overextended in the opposite direction, pronounced clinical symptoms of the pathology are formed, which can be divided into:

What is a deformation?

C - cervical;

The most common problems and methods of their treatment

Physiotherapy. Its effects are diverse - anti-inflammatory, improves blood flow, analgesic.

1st degree - angle of inclination from 31 to 40 degrees;

Put the gymnastic stick behind your back and fix it in your elbows. While inhaling, take your head back, stretch your arms forward.

and computed tomography.

Doctors divide all the symptoms of kyphosis into:

The curvature of the spine has quite different manifestations: partial, simple, with a lateral arch, complete - when the entire spine is deformed. In addition, it can be fixed, the so-called scoliosis. It is customary to separate acquired and congenital deformities. Acquired: curvature of rheumatic, rachitic, paralytic origin, on the basis of poor posture acquired in childhood. Congenital pathologies are mainly characterized by various deformities of the thoracic spine, neck region.

Degenerative changes in the vertebrae can also cause the development of the disease. With such a change in the thoracic spine, therapeutic exercises will help strengthen the muscles and ligaments that support the vertebrae.

How to identify violations yourself?

Kyphosis of the spine is a curvature that is provoked by various factors. There are cervical and thoracic curvature of the spine. Violations of pain and temperature sensitivity accompany cervical kyphosis in the initial stages. With compression of the spinal nerves passing at the level of C1 and C2, there may be no sensitivity on the face (Zelder zones), as the trigeminal nerve is affected. Extravertebral;

Th - chest;

Reflexology (acupuncture).

A few words as a conclusion

2nd - 41–50 degrees;

Get on all fours, bend your chest and take your elbows to the sides. Crawl in this position until you get tired.​

Kyphosis of the cervical spine: causes, classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

  • Before starting treatment, the doctor finds out the cause of kyphosis, the patient's condition and the structure of his body.


  1. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature. Most often observed in children from 6 to 16 years. It can cause pain, deform internal organs, provoke the appearance of an intervertebral hernia, sciatica, osteochondrosis. The cause of this disease can be called underdeveloped vertebrae and muscle tissue. Treatment in the early stages is carried out with massages. It is very important to have regular check-ups with your doctor. It is able to detect early deformity, which is the easiest to treat. The lumbar spine withstands a very strong daily load. But it can also weaken under negative influence from outside. As a result, the patient may develop kyphosis and lordosis. Lordosis is a deformity of the back in which the patient's spine bends strongly forward.​
  2. In the photo you can see a human spine deformed by kyphosis.
  3. In specialized literature, you can find the phenomenon of Lermitte's pain (a symptom of "electric current"), in which any movement of the head is accompanied by a "passage of electric current" in both arms, neck and along the spine. Such paresthesias occur when the posterior cords of the spinal cord are damaged (see figure). Their treatment requires surgical intervention to eliminate spinal cord compression. Myofascial;

Degrees of the disease

L - lumbar;

  • Swimming is a type of physical activity that completely eliminates the axial effect on the spine, which is very important for kyphosis. 3rd - 51–70 degrees;
  • Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Raise your chin and arch your body, leaning on your elbows and chin. Additionally, a specialist may prescribe an examination of internal organs that may suffer due to a disease of the cervical region: lungs, heart, etc.
  • ​: weakness of the eye muscles, decreased skin sensitivity. With strong compression of the nerve roots, kyphosis can lead to central or peripheral paralysis, urination disorders. In medicine, there is a classification of such a disease as scoliotic deformity: damage to the thoracic spine, cervicothoracic, lumbar, sacral deformity and total. In addition, the deformation is divided into unilateral, when the ridge bulges in an arc in one direction, and multilateral - bulging in different directions, which is observed in severe forms.


In addition to this disease, there are other ailments that can have a destructive effect on the human spine: scoliosis, lordosis. When the cervical spine is overextended, the spinal cord is often compressed. Its unilateral compression is accompanied by twitching of the muscles of the arm on the side of the lesion, lack of skin sensitivity in the limb. Compression myelopathy.


Treatment by position (laying on the stomach with a solid wedge-shaped support under the chest, sleeping on an orthopedic hard mattress, maintaining correct posture at the table).

4th - 71 degrees or more.

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Lean on your forearms and raise your chest as high as possible off the floor. As you exhale, lower yourself and relax.


MRI is one of the most modern and effective methods for diagnosing diseases of the cervical spine.

Compression myelopathy occurs when the vertebral artery is compressed. Symptoms increase gradually: coldness and numbness in the limbs, muscle weakness, lack of facial sensation. Especially common is the lesion of the cervical spine, which is difficult to notice. The first thing they do in clinics is to eliminate the displacement of the vertebrae, give an anatomical shape to the ribs. Further, with the help of massage, the functions of the motor part of the ridge are restored. In the treatment of 3-4 degrees of the disease, massage can do little to help. Surgical intervention and the use of orthopedic devices for posture correction (corsets, preventers, special boards) are necessary. The disease can be both acquired and congenital. Quite often, such a curvature can be caused by a dislocation of the hip joint. In this case, the lower part of the body is strongly arched forward, as a result of which the back is deformed. If a person has lordosis, kyphosis can develop in parallel. Often the patient's overweight or constant stoop can become a provocateur of the disease.

Patients of all ages are at risk. Kyphosis of the cervical spine can develop both in children and in the elderly. There can be many reasons for the appearance of the disease. The reason may be weak back muscles that are not able to support the vertebrae or damage to the bone tissue. In this case, the bones become very fragile and weak. The causes of the disease are divided into 2 groups:

Syndrome of spinal cord injury in the upper cervical region pictures before and after treatment Acquired posterior concavity in the cervical region, depending on the structure, is classified into:

Therapeutic exercise. This is an integral part of the treatment of kyphosis, aimed at strengthening the muscles that hold posture, improving blood flow in the tissues. Exercise should be done daily. An approximate set of exercises: - straighten your shoulders and tilt your torso parallel to the floor, straighten up, repeat 10-15 times; - hang on the horizontal bar until pain occurs; - while standing, tilt the torso to the side (in the presence of scoliosis, lean towards the shoulder girdle, which is higher), 10 -15 times; - lying on your back, alternately raise your legs up 10-15 times with each leg; - lie on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides, taking light dumbbells, tear off the upper part of the chest from the floor, stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.​

  1. True kyphosis should be distinguished from kyphotic posture associated with muscle weakness. With her, in the supine position on a hard surface, the back is leveled. Pathological thoracic kyphosis is more common in boys from 10 to 16 years old, when there is intensive growth, but it can also form in adults, often in elderly and senile people. At first, the strengthening of this bend is noticeable only to the orthopedist during examination, but later becomes visible to others and the child himself. The back looks stooped, humpbacked. The shoulders protrude forward, the chest is sunken. Lumbar lordosis increases compensatory. Gradually, persistent muscle spasm is formed. The back begins to hurt, the pains can be aching, stabbing, burning, girdle the chest, intensify with a deep breath. Thoracic kyphosis is dangerous because, as it progresses, it leads to a decrease in the volume of the chest, deformation of the vertebrae, degenerative changes in the discs, hernias of the vertebral bodies. The work of the heart, lungs, liver, stomach is disturbed. Accordingly, the risk of lung infections, cholecystitis, duodenitis increases. Due to kyphosis in the knee joints, in order to compensate, overextension occurs, which leads to tension in the capsular-ligamentous apparatus, degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue.
  2. Get on all fours, lean on your knees and elbows. Move your body forward.​
  3. This method is not traumatic and does not require the use of contrast chemicals, it is completely safe.
  4. Vertebral
  5. Kyphotic deformity is also quite common. It is characterized by a bend in the upper part of the ridge. Manifestations of this problem can be noticed as early as 12-15 years. Signs of kyphosis are: muscle weakness, fatigue by the end of the day, a desire to take a horizontal position. The disease proceeds without pain, but is characterized by severe muscle fatigue. In medicine, the causes of kyphosis are determined by the type of disease.
  6. Kyphosis and lordosis are fairly easy to identify. People with this curvature of the back constantly stretch their neck and shoulders forward, and push their knees apart. This position leads to disruption of the muscles and ligaments as a result of their constant overstrain. Kyphotic deformity of the spine provokes pain and disruption of the work of many internal organs of a person. In some cases, metabolism, blood circulation is disturbed. Patients with this disease get tired faster and often complain of feeling unwell.
  7. Congenital.
  8. Treatment of kyphotic curvature of the neck requires the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease. If it develops against the background of osteochondrosis (damage to the intervertebral discs with a decrease in the segmental fissure of the spine), anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, voltaren, ketorolac) are prescribed. This can only achieve the elimination of the pain syndrome.
Arcuate; Wearing corsets is indicated for back pain to relieve the condition when walking or sitting for a long time, the wearing time per day should be
Cervical kyphosis is a pathological curvature of the cervical spine. It is dangerous by a violation of cerebral blood flow and congestion in the vessels of the brain due to a violation of the anatomy of the spine in the cervical region. Also, kyphosis in the cervical region leads to arterial hypertension, intervertebral hernia, headache. Often this pathology occurs in newborns as a result of birth trauma.


Stand up, put your hands on the back of your head, inhale spread them apart and lift them up.

Treatment of kyphosis is a long process that will take a single week.

: impaired mobility of the neck, a characteristic "crunch" when turning the head.

Kyphosis of posture is common among teenagers, occurs more in girls than in boys. There are several diseases that can cause kyphosis in adults: osteoporosis, arthritis, tuberculosis, cancer that affects the segments of the spine. In the treatment of mild forms of kyphosis, the following methods are used: exercise therapy, pharmaceuticals, massage, wearing a modeling corset. In osteoporosis, a complex of hormonal therapy and physical exercises, physiotherapy is used. When severe forms of the disease are observed - severe pain, compression of the internal organs, which is caused by a curvature - an operation is necessary. Pathological kyphosis and lordosis are often provoked by spondylolisthesis. Inflammatory processes in the back or tumors are less likely to become disease provocateurs. Lack of proteins, vitamins and microelements, injuries and any other damage can provoke the development of the disease. Lordosis of the lumbar spine can be physiological or pathological. Acquired.

Thoracic kyphosis

The main treatment of pathology is based on wearing a corrective cervical corset and therapeutic exercises designed to strengthen the cervical muscles and prevent the progression of pathological curvature.

  • Vertebral symptoms
  • Angular.
  • no more than 4 hours
  • Lumbar kyphosis usually affects the upper two lumbar vertebrae. The lumbar region becomes rounded, the spine loses its flexibility, the body is tilted forward. Degenerative changes occur in the intervertebral discs and joints. The depreciation properties of the lumbar region are significantly impaired, shocks when walking and running are not absorbed.

Each exercise should be performed 10-12 times.

cervical kyphosis

In most cases, the doctor uses

Lumbar kyphosis

There are three degrees of cervical kyphosis:

Diagnosis of kyphosis

Severe curvature in the lumbar region is lordosis. It is characterized by a strong forward deflection along the entire length of the ridge. Can deform elements of the cervical spine. Causes of appearance: bruises, fractures, obesity, muscle imbalance, flat feet. If a person has a flat chest, the head and shoulders are pushed forward, and the knees are pulled apart when walking, this may indicate lordosis. Manifested by back pain, chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders. When eliminating this problem, an integrated approach is used.​

The physiological form of the disease develops mainly in young children under 1 year of age. Pathological lordosis has 2 forms. The primary form of the disease is provoked by inflammatory processes that occur in the body. The secondary form is closely related to the functioning of the hip joints.

Cervical kyphosis may appear due to an anomaly that has developed in a child in the womb. Children under 1 year of age who suffer from rickets are susceptible to this disease. They have very weak back muscles and a weak spine, which is prone to deformation. The defeat of the cervical spine can also be hereditary and transmitted to relatives.

  • An approximate set of exercises that is prescribed for cervical kyphosis:
  • With this pathology, they are usually not accompanied by the absence of a musculo-articular reflex (Brown-Sekarsky symptom). An obligatory sign of vertebral syndrome in this pathology is a violation of mobility in the neck. At the same time, the person complains of a “crunch when turning the head.”
  • With an arcuate type, the back of the back becomes arched, as pathological cervical kyphosis is combined with physiological thoracic bulge.

Kyphosis treatment

. A corset is selected individually for each patient.​

  1. A thorough examination of the back reveals even the initial kyphosis of the spine.
  2. ​conservative methods​
  3. ​Minimum​
  4. The doctor must identify the exact cause, as well as diseases that accompany the progression of lordosis. Such a disease is treated with the help of a special wellness massage, manual therapy, exercise therapy, swimming, stretching, ointments. The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of lordosis.
  5. In some cases, the disease can lead to complete immobilization of the patient.
  6. Acquired causes include changes that occur in the structure of the spine. This factor most often provokes cervical kyphosis in the elderly. Other diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis) can provoke the development of the disease.
  7. Starting position with feet shoulder width apart. Get a gymnastic stick behind your back, lift it to your shoulder blades and straighten your back. Sit down on an inhale and return to the starting position on an exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times;​
  8. Cerebral symptoms in this pathology occur when the vertebral artery is infringed. They are accompanied by pain in the occipital region, decreased vision, hearing, and impaired coordination of movements with damage to the vestibular apparatus. When turning the head, the symptoms increase. The angular type is characterized by the presence of an acute angle in the region of the curvature apex. With severe curvature, severe pain, neurological manifestations, disruption of the internal organs, as well as for cosmetic purposes (with thoracic kyphosis), and only after the growth of the spine is completed, surgical treatment is possible. Surgical intervention is carried out in two stages: first, the surgeon eliminates the defect, and then corrects the spine using a metal structure. The transpedicular construction consists of rods and screws. The surgeon always correlates the risk of surgical complications and the benefits of the intervention.​

The patient must undress to their swimming trunks. When viewed from the front and profile, one can note an increase in any of the vertebral bends, protrusion of the shoulders, a hollow chest, and an incorrect position of the shoulder blades. Then you need to ask the subject to lean forward and touch the floor with hands with straight legs. In moderate to severe thoracic kyphosis, this test cannot be performed. Mandatory examination in the prone position on the couch.​

An important condition in the treatment of kyphosis is to find out the cause of the appearance of this disease. If it is not eliminated, no treatment methods will help.

The spine is our internal framework. It performs supporting, motor, depreciation, protective functions. Violation of these functions occurs with spinal deformities. To get them back, you need to engage in the prevention and timely treatment of curvature of the spine. Pathology is handled by an orthopedist, vertebrologist and neurologist. It all depends on the cause of the curvature and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Normally, it has several bends in each of its departments, which are located in the sagittal plane (when viewed from the side).

Physiological curvature of the spinal column

  • Cervical and lumbar lordosis. They are formed in the process of the physical development of the child, when his motor abilities expand (begins to hold his head and sit). They are the bulge of the spine anteriorly.
  • Thoracic and sacral kyphosis are formed in utero, the baby is already born with them. Represented by a bulge at the back.

In the frontal plane, the line of the spine runs along the median axis of the body. Active and correct retention of the body in space is posture. Deformation of the spine leads to the development of pathological posture and vice versa.

Types of disease

What are the types of spinal deformities? What most often worries modern man? Scoliosis develops in the frontal plane. This is a curvature of the spinal column relative to the midline to the right or left. In the sagittal plane, there is an increase in the arc of physiological bends (hyperlordosis, hyperkyphosis), the disappearance or decrease in bends (flat back) and combined curvatures that combine two directions (lordoscoliosis, kyphoscoliosis).

Why does curvature occur?

Causes of spinal deformity can be congenital or acquired. Congenital etiology is associated with the pathology of the vertebrae:

  • Underdevelopment of structural components.
  • Additional elements.
  • Fusion of adjacent vertebral bodies.
  • Nonclosure of arcs.
  • wedge shape.

The causes of acquired spinal deformity can be:

  • Consistently bad posture.
  • Rickets (the balance of calcium in the body is disturbed, the bones become brittle).
  • Polio.
  • Osteochondrosis and osteodystrophy.
  • Injuries, hernias and tumors of the spine.
  • Pleurisy is a pathology of the respiratory system with severe pain. Usually one side on which the patient lies is affected. The load on the thoracic region is uneven, a curvature occurs.
  • Shortening of one of the lower limbs - the load is distributed unevenly.
  • The absence of one arm or leg and, as a result, an imbalance.
  • Weak muscle mass, which is not able to withstand the curvature of the spine.
  • Mental disorders (depression, when the shoulders and head are constantly lowered).

The curvature of the spinal column can affect any of its departments.

Cervical spine deformity

  • Torticollis - a pathology in which there is simultaneously a tilt of the head to one side and a turn of the neck to the other.
  • Kyphosis - posterior. This is a rare occurrence.
  • Lordosis - increased physiological bending. The neck is stretched forward, the shoulders are rounded, stoop develops.

Causes of congenital torticollis:

  • incorrect intrauterine position of the fetus;
  • birth trauma;
  • spasm or shortening of the neck muscles;
  • congenital pathology of the cervical vertebrae (Klippel-Feil disease);
  • rotational subluxation of the 1st cervical vertebra.

Causes of acquired deformity of the cervical spine:

  • adjusting torticollis - when the child takes the wrong position in the crib for a long time;
  • compensatory - with inflammatory diseases of the ear, purulent processes in the neck (the child spares the sick side and tilts his head to the healthy one);
  • fracture, dislocation or subluxation of the first cervical vertebra;
  • osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, tertiary syphilis - the vertebrae are destroyed, axial deformation of the skeleton occurs.

Torticollis treatment

Conservative Methods:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • position treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • water procedures in the pool using a circle for newborns;
  • wearing a collar that fixes the cervical spine in the correct position.

Surgical treatment is performed in the absence of the effect of conservative:

  • myotomy - dissection of the neck muscle;
  • plastic (muscle lengthening).

Kyphosis and lordosis are treated with conservative methods (exercise therapy, massage, drug anesthesia, muscle spasm relief).

Thoracic Disorders

Kyphosis is accompanied by deformation in the form of increased physiological bending. There is a pathological posterior bend with the formation of a round back. Acquired kyphotic deformity of the spine is more common.

Causes of thoracic kyphosis:

  • Weakness of the muscular corset, which does not have time to form after the accelerated growth of the child.
  • Early rickets (up to 1 year) - the thoracic and lumbar regions are affected. The deformity disappears in the supine position (non-fixed curvature). The severity of the pathological bend is aggravated when the child sits down and stands on his legs.
  • Late rickets (5-6 years) - fixed kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis develop.
  • Osteochondropathy is observed at the age of 12-17 years. Boys are more often affected. In the medical world, it is called Scheuermann-Mau disease. Dystrophic changes develop in the vertebral bodies and a fixed wedge-shaped deformity of the spine is formed.

Treatment of thoracic kyphosis

Rachitic deformity is treated conservatively: swimming, vitamin therapy, exercise therapy, coniferous baths, massage, wearing a special three-point corset. The disease may disappear without a trace.

Juvenile kyphosis is treated in a complex way: massage, special exercises to strengthen the muscular corset, drug improvement of the trophism of the osteoarticular system. Often it is necessary to use surgical methods of therapy: various types of instrumental fixation of the spine.

Lumbar deformity

Lordosis - curvature of the spinal column with the formation of a bulge in front. Therapy is based on the fight against the disease that caused the curvature. They use traction, special patient styling, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and general strengthening massage courses.

Causes of lumbar lordosis:

  • deformation to compensate for rachitic and tuberculous kyphosis;
  • hip dislocations that arose during childbirth;
  • contractures of the hip joints.


Scoliotic deformity of the spine can affect any level of the spine and affect several departments, causing S-shaped curvatures. Prepubertal girls are more susceptible to the disease.

  • Congenital scoliosis is associated with the presence of fusion of several vertebrae, the presence of additional vertebrae, an anomaly in the structural components of the vertebra. It occurs in babies under the age of 1 year. It progresses slowly, the lines of bends are not pronounced.
  • is formed with the pathological development of the lumbosacral region. It is found at the age of 9-11 years and progresses rapidly. The line of curvature is observed in the lumbar region.
  • Scoliosis of a neurogenic nature develops as a result of poliomyelitis, syringomyelia, myopathies. The mechanism of development is associated with damage to the motor roots of the spinal cord. Functional insufficiency of muscles develops. In parallel, dystrophic changes in the spine occur.
  • Rachitic scoliosis. Due to a violation of calcium metabolism, the bone tissue becomes soft. Under static loads, there is an increase in physiological bends. With the wrong position of the body in space, scoliosis quickly forms.
  • This is the most common spinal deformity. It is a multifactorial disease: a violation of the growth rate of the spine, neuromuscular insufficiency, an active period of growth in children and an increase in physiological stress on the skeleton. There is a violation of endochondral bone formation in the vertebrae with the subsequent development of osteoporosis and disorders of the spine.

In 1965, V. D. Chaklin radiologically identified 4 degrees of spinal deformity in scoliosis:

  • 1st degree - 5-10 degrees;
  • 2nd degree - 11-30;
  • 3rd degree - 31-60;
  • 4th degree - more than 61 degrees.

Clinical manifestations of scoliosis:

  • At the 1st degree in the standing position, there is weakness of the muscular corset of the back and abdominal wall, a different level of the shoulders, the angles of the shoulder blades are located at different levels, the asymmetry of the triangles of the waist. In the thoracic region, a curvature is noticeable, in the lumbar region, on the opposite side, there is a muscular seal, which is also visible when the body is tilted forward. There are no signs of rotation of the vertebrae on the x-ray. The pelvis is located in a horizontal plane. In the supine position, weakness of the abdominal muscles is noted.
  • At the 2nd degree, the S-shaped curvature of the spine is visually determined. There are rotations of the thoracic vertebrae, there is a deformation of the chest. The tilt test shows the protrusion of the ribs on one side or the muscles of the lower back. Progression goes on as the child grows.
  • At the 3rd degree, a pronounced deformation of the skeleton is determined. The costal hump is clearly visible and the line of the shoulders coincides with the line of the pelvis. The venous plexus of the spine is compressed. There may be disturbances in the respiratory system.
  • At the 4th degree, a severe degree of deformation of the entire body is observed. Growth stops, the relationship of internal organs is disturbed. Compression of the spinal cord leads to the development of paresis. The radiograph reveals wedge-shaped vertebrae.

Scoliosis is a serious disease that can lead to permanent disability (disability).

Scoliosis treatment

Spinal deformities in children should be detected in the initial stages. In such cases, you only need posture correction, physical exercises, swimming, organizing the right workspace, maintaining an adequate work and rest regime, and proper nutrition.

Non-surgical treatment is aimed at fixing the spine in the correct position by wearing corrective corsets, training the muscles of the back and abdominals. The child's room should have a special bed with a hard mattress and an orthopedic pillow.

The second degree is treated conservatively, with the progression of the process, children are sent to specialized sanatoriums. A planned course of non-surgical treatment is being carried out in the departments of orthopedics. Use the traction method using lateral traction. This treatment lasts 2-4 months. Traction is often a preoperative preparation for the 3rd and 4th stages. The achieved level of correction is fixed promptly with the help of special tools.

Indications for surgical treatment

  • An aesthetic defect that worries an adult or parents of a small patient.
  • The angle of curvature is more than 40 degrees, but with incomplete growth.
  • Any deformation greater than 50 degrees.
  • Persistent neurological complications and pain syndrome.
  • Deformations accompanied by a violation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Types of surgical treatment

There are 3 ways: operations with anterior access, with posterior and combined. The essence of operations is the introduction of metal structures into the spine, which can be static and mobile. The advantages of a dynamic implant: it can be adjusted to ensure the correct growth of the child, and allows you to play sports. The design is not externally visible and can be used in the treatment of severe spinal deformities in adults. It allows you to fix the curvature and stop its progress.

Prevention of curvature of the spine

  • Early detection of congenital curvature of the spinal column (examination by an orthopedist in the maternity hospital is carried out at 1, 3, 6 months and a year) and their correction.
  • Identification of acquired deformities in preschool and school age at medical examinations and the application of appropriate measures to correct them.
  • Control over your posture. Children should be taught from childhood to keep their back straight. Schools should have desks with adjustable table and chair heights. During work, it is necessary to take small breaks from walking to avoid static load on the spine.
  • Timely detection of rickets, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Preventive courses of general massage for passive strengthening of the muscular corset.
  • Doing sports to strengthen the muscles of the back and abs.
  • Swimming.
  • In the absence of limbs, it is necessary to resolve the issue of prosthetics.
  • Wearing orthopedic shoes with different leg lengths.
  • When lifting weights, it is necessary to evenly distribute the load on both halves of the body.

  • Eat right, food should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Avoid overeating and gaining excess weight, which serves as an additional factor in the development of spinal deformities.
  • Avoid a long position in one position, arrange physical exercises.
  • Organize the right sleep schedule. The bed should be hard, and it is better to buy an orthopedic pillow in a special salon.
  • In case of visual impairment, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist (with reduced vision, a person can take a forced position, stretch his neck and aggravate cervical lordosis).
  • Fight depression and apathy.
  • Observe safety precautions to prevent injury.
  • Timely treat hernias, osteochondrosis, tumors of the spine.

Timely treatment can completely get rid of spinal deformity.

Natalia Ostrovski

Kyphosis in the cervical spine

Curvature of the cervical spine - is quite rare. A pathological change in the cervical region is called lordosis and it looks like an anterior concavity of the vertebrae of the neck. Kyphosis, on the other hand, has a completely different clinical picture. The spine in the cervical region has such a deformity in which its curvature is directed backward. More often, such deformities can form in the thoracic spine or in the sacrum.

Reasons for the appearance of deformations

Curvature of the spinal column in the cervical region in the wrong direction is an uncommon and even rare phenomenon. At the same time, such a pathology gives a serious clinical picture, in which severe pain appears in the neck area, spreading beyond the neck. Often, clinical manifestations are presented in the form of headaches, migraines, or even numbness of the hands. Kyphosis of the cervical region can be either acquired with age or congenital, present in combination with other pathologies of the spine. Due to various reasons leading to the appearance of kyphosis in this particular area of ​​the spinal column, the following classification has appeared in medical practice:

  • A paralytic type of kyphosis, which appears when there is a violation of the work of muscle tissues, accompanied by damage to the brain.
  • Impaired formation of bone structures due to rickets resulting from an acute lack of vitamin D.
  • Violation of blood circulation or metabolism in the spine can lead to the development of kyphosis.
  • Inflammatory processes of the cervical region, which are the result of severe infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and spondylitis, may well provoke the appearance of kyphosis.
  • Throughout life, our cervical vertebrae are subject to both daily stress and various diseases. Due to these adverse influences, similar deformities may appear in the elderly.
  • Traumatic kyphosis develops after an injury and subsequent disorders in the spine.

There are two types of cervical kyphosis:

  • angular, manifested by a clearly defined angle at the very top of the curvature of the vertebrae;
  • arched.

See also:

Severe symptoms of the disease appear in every person, regardless of the cause of cervical kyphosis. If they are present, you should immediately seek medical help, otherwise the problems will become more significant.

Symptoms of cervical kyphosis

Due to the fact that the vertebrae in the zone of kyphotic curvature do not have a natural position, there are strong pain sensations that can spread to other parts of the body. Clinical manifestations of kyphosis of the neck are divided into three types:

  • vertebral and extravertebral view;
  • myelopathy;
  • myofascial manifestation.

In general, one of the most basic and clearly manifesting symptoms is the incomplete mobility of the cervical region and the entire spine.

Impaired mobility of the neck and / or the appearance of a crunch during a turn or any movement of the head is a pronounced vertebral symptom. In this case, the musculo-articular reflex is not disturbed. Lack of skin sensitivity, weakness of the muscles of the eye, or abnormalities in the work of the elbow joints are a clear manifestation of an extravertebral symptom.

If arteries are compressed in the area of ​​the cervical spine, this manifestation is called cerebral. Such violations are accompanied by headaches, unpleasant sensations of heaviness or squeezing in the back of the head. Infrequently, but still, manifestations such as hearing, vision and vestibular apparatus disorders can occur.

During the deformation of the spine in the neck area, a change occurs in the spaces between the vertebral discs, which leads to compression of the nerve roots of the spinal canal. Patients with these disorders may develop flaccid paralysis and/or urinary problems.

Compression myelopathy is a dangerous manifestation of cervical kyphosis. In this situation, the vertebral artery, which supplies 25% of all brain structures, is infringed. With such a violation, all unpleasant symptoms increase over time. At the initial stage, patients experience numbness of certain parts of the neck or shoulder, after which a severe pain syndrome appears.

Due to the fact that cervical kyphosis can occur due to various reasons, its appearance can affect absolutely any person. If any of the above symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Neglect of such manifestations can aggravate the situation and cause severe complications in the spinal column.


Such a pathology of the cervical region as kyphosis can be considered not a disease of the spine, but a symptom. It is his appearance that can become that “fertile” soil on which other, more serious diseases will develop later. It is very unsafe to ignore the initial symptoms and manifestations of kyphotic curvature. Due to inattentive and irresponsible attitude towards yourself, you can get a lot of complications and problems. Consider the most common consequences of the development of kyphosis of the cervical spine:

  • The curvature of posture can be triggered by deformities that have occurred in the cervical region;
  • The pathology of the cervical region of the spine can provoke some deformities of the chest, namely the incorrect location of the ribs. In such cases, people suffer from discomfort even when making habitual movements or tilting the torso;
  • Due to the incorrect location of the weber resulting from cervical kyphosis, pulmonary insufficiency may develop. This pathology is provoked by constant squeezing of the lungs.

Delaying the start of treatment will result in the appearance of serious complications in the patient's body. The vertebrae of the cervical region can compress the nerve roots emerging from the spinal canal of the spine, which will lead to malfunctions of the musculoskeletal system or numbness of the upper extremities.

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Treatment of cervical kyphosis

The occurrence of any of the above symptoms should be a reason for urgent medical attention. Thanks to modern diagnostic techniques and new techniques that are used in the treatment of such diseases, a problem such as cervical kyphosis can be cured.

Kyphotic deformities in the cervical regions can occur for various reasons. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked it. In the presence of such symptoms in combination with pain, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They not only eliminate pain, but also reduce the inflammatory process, which can cause pain.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Thanks to modern diagnostic devices and new methods of treatment, such a disease as cervical kyphosis can be eliminated.

The main method of getting rid of cervical kyphosis is wearing a special corset. Thanks to them, you can strengthen the muscles in the neck, and the vertebrae, thanks to him, will gradually fall into place.

Exercise therapy will help you heal much faster and more efficiently. Since no corset can help in the presence of weakened muscles in this area. A special set of exercises is designed specifically for people suffering from cervical kyphosis.

Classes with any physical therapy, including with kyphosis of the cervical region, can be started only after the complete elimination of pain symptoms. Before starting classes, it is necessary to consult the attending physician and an instructor in physiotherapy exercises. Only they will be able to choose the right exercises that can bring the patient closer to recovery as soon as possible, give good results and do not harm health. And do not forget that daily exercise is one of the preventive measures against the development of many diseases, which can temper and save you from many troubles!"\u003e