Gorgeous hair how to achieve. Beautiful hair. For dessert, video: How to make hair thick and voluminous

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Beautiful, thick and well-groomed hair is not only the pride of a woman, but also an indicator of the state of health. In addition, men pay attention to long, shiny curls, so you need to know how to make your hair thick using simple tools. Just a few women's tricks will help you increase the amount of hair at home, without resorting to the help of beauty salon specialists.

Hair is not always thin and faded by nature, perhaps this is a consequence of improper care for them. To avoid this trouble, you should follow these simple tips:

  • Do not pour shampoo directly on your head. Pre-dilute it with a small amount of water in the palms of your hands, then evenly, with gentle movements, distribute through the hair.
  • Rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water shampoo and conditioner, because their particles can make curls heavier.
  • For rinsing, use pre-prepared decoctions of medicinal herbs or water diluted with vinegar (for 500 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar). This procedure is desirable to carry out after each shampooing.
  • It is not recommended to use hair care products that include silicones in their composition, because they not only take volume, but also lead to split ends.
  • Do not constantly use styling products.
  • During shampooing, apply shampoo 2 times.
  • Dry your hair naturally, use a hair dryer in the "cold air" mode.
  • Previously, our grandmothers had thick braids, thanks to the fact that they washed their hair with laundry soap. This method of care deserves respect, but those who have sensitive scalp cannot use it.

How to strengthen thin hair folk remedies

Not knowing how to make hair thicker and thicker at home, it is recommended to pay attention to the following folk remedies:

  • Honey mask.

Composition: 2 tbsp. l. melted honey, the same amount of milk (warm).

Application: all components are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. Stir until a thick creamy mass is formed, which is applied to clean strands. Put a cap or plastic bag on your head, leave for 30 minutes.

  • Oil compresses.

Ingredients: for a compress, use coconut, burdock or jojoba oil, because they have almost the same properties.

Application: take 1 tsp. one of the listed oils, using a cotton swab, apply to the roots, massage the scalp and hair, after 40-45 minutes, rinse your head with a mild shampoo.

  • Bread compress.

Ingredients: a small piece of the pulp of Borodino bread (only black) and a glass of water (hot).

Application: pour the pulp of bread with water, wait until the bread swells. After 15 minutes, apply a compress on the head, after which wrap the hair with a terry towel. Completely wash off the compress exactly one hour later with warm water, but only without shampoo.

  • Gelatin lamination.

Composition: 2 tbsp. l. edible gelatin and 5 tbsp. l. water (warm).

Indication: lamination can make curls thicker, shiny, strong and voluminous.

Application: dissolve gelatin in water, wait until the mixture swells. Then gently mix everything, adding 1 tbsp. l. any balm (mask). Leave the resulting composition for half an hour.

Burdock oil to increase hair density

Burdock oil is one of the most popular pharmaceutical preparations that has shown excellent results in hair care. How to make hair thicker with burdock oil? It is recommended to use only a pharmacy product - it is easily washed off and does not make the hair greasy.

  1. First you need to wash your hair well, apply oil.
  2. The oil is used in its pure form, or mixed with yolk, onion juice, honey, pepper tincture, egg, henna, mustard.
  3. To enhance the healing effect, after applying the oil to your hair, put on a plastic bag, warm your head with a towel.
  4. To achieve a therapeutic effect, such masks should be used for several months.

Homemade Vitamin Shampoo

To make hair thicker and thicker, use special vitamin shampoos. To prepare such a remedy, you will need:

  • burdock oil;
  • vitamin E and D;
  • rosemary tincture;
  • castor oil;
  • liquid base;
  • shampoo container.


  1. Take a container (250 ml) and pour the base (about 150 ml), add rosemary tincture (80 ml), castor oil (1 tsp).
  2. Add burdock oil (2 tsp), (5 drops) and E (1 capsule).
  3. The container is tightly closed and everything is thoroughly mixed (the vial is shaken for 1-2 minutes).

The resulting serum is used as a shampoo, it should not be very thick, it is used every other day.

Recipes for effective home masks

  • Mask with almonds and milk.

Ingredients: almonds (1/2 cup), milk.

Application: to make such a remedy, the almonds are thoroughly crushed, a little milk is added - the mass should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

Usage: the mixture is applied to clean hair, left for 2 hours, then washed off with plenty of water (warm, but not hot). To achieve the desired result, this treatment procedure must be carried out at least 4 times a month.

  • Mask with cognac, vodka and salt

Ingredients: it is necessary to take in equal quantities (½ st.) honey, cognac, salt (sea or table), vodka.

Application: everything is thoroughly mixed, poured into a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.

  • Kefir mask will help restore hair density

Is it possible to make hair thicker using kefir? Yes, and the following mask will help with this:

Ingredients: 1 glass of kefir.

Application: slightly warm and evenly apply the kefir mass over the entire length of the hair, intensively rubbing into the roots. Then the head is wrapped in polyethylene, covered with a towel. The mixture is washed off after about 40-45 minutes.

  • Onion

One of the most effective masks for thickening and strengthening hair is onion. Ingredients: onion (1 pc.), 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, honey, olive oil.

Application: it is necessary to peel the onion, grate, squeeze out the juice that has come out. Add honey, mayonnaise, olive oil. Apply a not very thick mixture to the hair, wrap the head with polyethylene, insulating it with a terry towel. An hour later, the mask is washed off, the hair is rinsed with any herbal decoction.

  • Herbal decoction

To give density to the hair, it is necessary to use decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs.

Ingredients: equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) of dried mint, sage, basil, rosemary, vinegar.

Application: thoroughly grind the components of the mask. Pour the herbal mixture with apple cider vinegar, leave for 2 weeks. After the specified time, the resulting product is necessarily filtered, for this 2 tbsp. l. dilute the tincture with 1 glass of water. Rub into the roots in a circular motion.

Hair is one of the main weapons in the arsenal of every woman. When they are beautiful and attractive, the appearance of the seductress becomes completely different. Beautiful strands can be casually scattered over the shoulders, stabbed, and made into an elegant hairstyle. In any case, every girl needs luxurious hair, with which she can attract the views of others, win hearts.

To help reveal all the beauty and attractiveness of the curls given to you by nature, you will have to try a little - find out what you need to do for this, and then apply the advice that stylists give in practice.

Secrets of attractive hair

Seeing the beautiful strands of a woman, other representatives of the weaker sex want to know what secrets of luxurious hair she knows. Most likely, they are hidden along with the use of styling products with the health of curls. To make them look chic, special care is needed.

What advice can you give to girls who want to have beautiful strands?

Home care

If you want to make your hair luxurious using various methods at home, do not forget that they must be nourished. Masks can saturate them with useful substances. It is desirable that they are made by hand, and they contain only natural ingredients.

For recovery

First of all, the strands need to be healed, especially if they have been exposed to the negative effects of heat styling tools and products containing chemicals for a long time.

Kefir. This product has long shown that it can heal curls much more efficiently and faster than many expensive masks from well-known manufacturers. The product should simply be applied to the hair at home before washing for about a third of an hour.

Eggs. They are also known as a good "healer" for strands. Break 2 eggs, stir, apply to curls, hold for a third of an hour, previously covered with a film or shower cap. Dilute lemon juice (1 l / 2 tablespoons) in water at room temperature and wash off the eggs with the resulting solution, first washing your hair with warm water.

These simple recipes have been used for many years, the cost of such care is low, and you will notice the result in the form of healthy strands very soon.

For hair growth

Perhaps every woman dreams of chic long and thick curls. Using special recipes, you can make them like that.

From red pepper. Combine the tincture of this product with castor oil in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. (to care for oily strands, you need to dilute it with 3 tablespoons of water) and balm (2 tablespoons). Instead of tincture, you can use ground red pepper. The mixture is applied to the scalp with a swab. Wrap your head and keep the mask for about 1 hour, then rinse off. You can use the product several times / week.

From mustard. This recipe is especially desirable for owners of fatty strands - mustard will help normalize the metabolism in the skin. We combine dry mustard powder, vegetable oil, hot water, sugar. All ingredients are taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. l., and water is added last. You can beat the egg yolk into the mixture. Such hair masks are also applied to the skin, you need to keep them from a third to 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. The frequency of doing procedures is 1-2 times / week.

From castor oil. The preparation is very simple. Warm the product with a steam bath, apply it on the skin, the roots of the strands. Wrap your head in a towel, keep the product for about a quarter of an hour, then rinse.

From a bow. The effectiveness of this tool has long been known, but it has one drawback - the strands will be saturated with the smell of onions. Grate it, mix with lemon juice and honey. All ingredients should be 1 tbsp. l. You need to keep the mask for about 1 hour, it is recommended to perform the procedure 1-2 times / week.

For volume

No matter how long they are, but if there is not enough hair volume, the strands will hardly look chic. Use the masks, the recipe of which is described below, to give it to curls.

Yeast. Connect 2 tbsp. l. dry product with milk in the amount of ¼ cup (its temperature should be at room temperature). Add sugar (1 tsp) to the mixture and let it brew for half an hour, choosing a warm place for this. Then add olive oil (1 tablespoon) there. Stir the mixture well, apply to the strands and roots. Keep the product for 40 minutes under a towel.

Honey. We combine liquid honey (2 tablespoons) with ground cinnamon (1 tablespoon) and castor oil in the same amount. If the honey is candied, it must be melted with a steam bath. We keep the mask for 40 minutes.

With cocoa. To make your luxurious hair not only long, but also voluminous, a mask with cocoa, which is prepared like this, will help. Combine cocoa powder (2 tablespoons) with ¼ cup of milk, heat the mixture until the cocoa dissolves. Add 1 egg and cognac (2 tablespoons). We keep the mask for about an hour.

For shine and silkiness

Of course, luxurious curls should shine like silk, causing a desire to touch them, play with them. Here are some masks to help you achieve this.

Egg. Combine the yolk of the 1st egg with olive oil (1 tablespoon), cognac (1 teaspoon), aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and honey (1 tablespoon). Warm the mixture a little and apply on the strands, scalp. With gentle movements, massage the skin, then hold the mask for half an hour and rinse.

Beautiful shiny hair- this is not only a reason for pride, but also an indicator of your well-being. Nature created them not only for beauty, but also for protection from cold and dampness. Therefore, in order for the hair to always remain beautiful, it is necessary to be able to properly care for them. French women believe that you can cheer yourself up simply by washing your hair and making yourself a simple hairstyle. The beauty and health of hair can be maintained with expensive products that can be bought at any store, but it is much cheaper and better to try to take care of them at home. I will tell you how to turn your lifeless strands into a mop of beautiful hair at home.

And believe me, you won't need a lot of work and effort. Firstly, a lot depends on the quality of the water you wash your hair with. Ordinary tap water is very hard and contains a lot of harmful substances for our hair, so it is advisable to boil the water before washing your hair, it is recommended to wash your hair with water not hotter than 40 degrees. Hair should be combed before washing. So I shared a few secrets, and now I will tell you a few recipes.

Homemade products:

Shampoo with ylang-ylang oil and egg yolk

Compound: 50 ml ylang-ylang oil, 30 ml castor oil, 5 ml myrrh oil, egg yolk.

Cooking: mix the beaten egg yolk with castor oil, pour in myrrh and ylang-ylang oil.

Application: wash your hair with a prepared shampoo, rubbing it thoroughly into your head. After 5-7 minutes, wash off the shampoo with warm boiled water.

Shampoo with camphor oil for oily hair

Compound: 10 ml of water, 1 egg yolk, 5 drops of camphor oil.

Cooking: beat the yolk, mix with water, then add camphor oil.

Application: wash your hair with the prepared mixture, like shampoo, thoroughly rubbing it into your hair. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Rinse with chamomile and honey for dry hair

Compound: 3 tablespoons of chamomile herb, 250 ml of water, 2 teaspoons of honey, 3 drops of rosemary oil.

Cooking: chop the grass, pour boiled water in a thermos. Insist 40 minutes. Strain the infusion and mix thoroughly with honey and rosemary oil.

Application: Moisten washed and slightly dried hair with plenty of the prepared composition, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse the composition with warm boiled water.

Shampoo for normal hair with tea tree oil

Compound: 250 ml baby shampoo, 15 ml tea tree oil.

Cooking: add tea tree oil to baby shampoo. To stir thoroughly.

Application: wash your hair with shampoo 2-3 times a week.

Means to accelerate hair growth:

Mix for hair growth with tamus and vodka
Compound: 500 ml of olive oil, 450 ml of vodka, 200 grams of the underground part of the common tamus.
Cooking: grate tamus on a fine grater, mix it with olive oil and vodka. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew for 15 days.
Application: Apply the prepared mixture to the hair, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse the hair with shampoo.

Burdock Root Hair Growth Blend
Compound: 125 g of burdock roots, 250 ml of olive oil.
Cooking: Rinse and chop the burdock roots, add olive oil to them. Mix everything thoroughly. Let it brew for
days. Then put it on a slow fire and cook for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting composition.
Apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair, lightly massaging the head. Leave for 5 hours, then wash off with shampoo.

Hair balm with lemon and carrot juice
Compound: 30 ml carrot juice, 30 ml lemon juice.
Cooking: mix carrot juice with lemon juice.
Application: rub the balm into the hair roots for 5-7 minutes. We carry out the procedure 2 hours before washing the head, 2 times a week.

Hair strengthening products:

Herbal hair mask
Compound: 1 dessert spoon of heather herb, 1 dessert spoon of nettle leaves, 1 dessert spoon of minced burdock root,
1 dessert spoon of hop herb, 2 dessert spoons of honey, 800 ml of water.
Cooking: mix all the herbs thoroughly and pour boiling water. Put on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes.
Then add honey, mix everything and boil for 10 minutes. Let's brew for 20 minutes.
Application: Apply the mask along the entire length of the hair 15 minutes before shampooing. The procedure can be carried out every other day.

Hair compress with onions
Compound: 1 onion of medium size.
Cooking: grate the onion on a fine grater.
Application: Rub 3-4 tablespoons of the onion mixture into the scalp for 3-5 minutes, then wrap your head with a terry towel.
Wash your hair with shampoo after an hour. We carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Hair balm with lemon juice
Compound: 5 ml of burdock oil, 5 ml of castor oil, 5 ml of lemon juice.
Cooking: mix burdock and castor oil, add lemon juice and mix.
rub the balm into the scalp in small portions 15 minutes before shampooing. The procedure can be carried out daily.

Split ends mask
Compound: 3 potato tubers, 1 egg yolk, 1 dessert spoon of honey.
Cooking: rub the potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze through gauze, add the yolk and honey. We mix everything.
Application: Apply the mask to clean hair. Rub with massaging movements into the scalp. Leave on the head for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm
water. We do not use shampoo. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a week.

Mask with cognac and pine oil
Compound: 130 ml brandy, 2 eggs, 125 ml water, 5 drops of pine oil.
Cooking: cognac thoroughly mixed with boiled water. Beat the yolks and add coniferous oil to them, add the cognac mixture to them.
We mix everything thoroughly.
Application: rub into the scalp for 3-4 minutes, distribute along the entire length of the hair, leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Of course, luxurious celebrity hair is the concern of numerous stylists, and most likely it was they who told the stars how to properly care for their hair. And popular beauties shared these secrets with us.

Angelina Jolie: ask the stylist to highlight a few strands

Look, some strands of Angelina are a little lighter than the rest of her hair. Thus, the color looks more natural, and the curls look more voluminous. Just remember: this is not highlighting, but only light toning.

Amanda Seyfried: Try Argan Oil for Hair Ends

To make the ends less split, always use special argan oil. This miracle product contains omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which make our hair soft, silky and shiny. Apply a small amount of oil to dried hair after each shampoo.

Jennifer Lopez: layered haircuts make you look younger and fresher

Jennifer advises to pay attention to layered haircuts. Hair that lies in several layers seems voluminous, alive, healthy, thick. Moreover, many stylists claim that multi-layered hairstyles look younger.

Offers from the portal "I Buy":

Jennifer aniston: do not comb wet hair and cut with hot scissors

What is the secret of the actress, whose simple haircut many girls around the world have fallen in love with? In fact, Jennifer does not know any innovative beauty tricks for hair care, but calls to always follow the old and proven advice of stylists: firstly, do not comb wet hair, and secondly, cut split ends in time with hot scissors.

Catherine Zeta-Jones: use beer and honey

Of course, the stars do not neglect home care. The owner of luxurious brown hair Catherine Zeta-Jones admits that from time to time she makes a mask from honey and beer. Both components contain a huge amount of vitamins, proteins and beneficial elements that nourish the hair and give it extra shine.

Blake Lively: Get your curls done without a flat iron or curling iron

Of course, we won't believe that the beautiful Blake Lively (or her stylist) never uses a curling iron or flat iron. The actress herself claims that during the absence of filming and outside the red carpet, she makes seductive careless curls using the proven method with small flagella.

It's simple: wash your hair, dry it slightly and wrap thin strands in bundles. Secure the flagella with hairpins and wait until the hair is completely dry. Dissolve and, voila, natural curls without harm to the hair are ready!

Rihanna: permanent moisturizing and aroma combing

Rihanna's main beauty secret is weekly hair moisturizing with professional cosmetics: masks, balms, conditioners. However, almost all stars can boast of this. What else? The pop diva recommends aroma combing: a little oil (burdock, castor, argan, olive) is applied to a simple wooden comb, and then the hair is simply gently combed.

Attention: there should be quite a bit of oil, otherwise the hair will have to be washed! This simple procedure will give your curls strength, softness and shine.

Kate Moss: use organic shampoos

Supermodel Kate Moss opposes chemistry and washes her hair only with special organic shampoos that do not contain parabens, silicones and other artificial substances. The star only recognizes ingredients of plant origin - organic extracts and oils.

Scarlett Johansson: rinse your hair with lemon juice for the perfect blonde

Tip for eternal blondes: To make blonde hair easy to comb and beautifully shine, rinse it with water and lemon juice after each shampoo. You will see, the hair will stop fading, and the color will remain saturated and expressive for a long time.

Madonna: eat right

Banal advice, but unfortunately, 50% (or maybe more) of girls do not follow it. The condition of the hair depends not only on external care, but also on the "internal" impact. Hair needs proteins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. And if you want really beautiful, healthy, strong hair, then add fish, eggs, nuts and yellow pepper to your daily menu.

Officially, I consider the anniversary not June 22 - the date of registration on XM, but July 26 - the day when I cut off ~ 15 cm of the ends. This was the starting point of my growth.

I already wrote a post about how my care changed, gave advice to beginner hairmaniacs. My hair has not changed much in length. I hope that on the next anniversary I will please you with just such a post. I cut a lot.
Therefore, it was decided to devote this topic to the topic of the cut

A little preface...
A year ago, I dyed my hair with fukortsin, trying to achieve a pink color. It turned out great for me and I went with a beautiful raspberry ombre for about a week.

painting "Hay on the hay"

Then, I realized that I wanted more color. Only this time it's green. It was decided to buy several bottles of brilliant green and bang them on the hair, as in the recent October 2017. However, this time the color washed off in a week instead of 3 months.

Alas, I do not remember exactly at what point I decided to grow my hair. I only remember how I caught fire with the manic idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"to grow long hair." Then, I started googling. Googling a lot. And finally, I came across our favorite Hairmaniac

I saw what hair can be with proper care. How girls grow their hair out over the years. How they cherish and cherish them. At that moment, something clicked and I realized that I wanted not just long, but beautiful, thick and silky hair.

1 - Haircut

Trite? Alas, this is an integral part in growing hair.
The tips are the oldest part of the length. They (and the front strands) are most subject to friction. The reason for the appearance of dry and split ends is a violation of the structure of the hair due to:
  1. Temperature changes
  2. hard tap water
  3. Chlorinated pool water
  4. hot styling
  5. Sun, sea, etc.
There are a huge number of reasons that will lead your ends, and hair in general, to a miserable lifeless look. Only a haircut can fix the situation.
At one time, I had a full set of "Ruthless Tip Killing".
When I first started taking care of my hair, I took the first photo of my hair, I was horrified by their condition and decided “At the first opportunity, cut it.”
And so, on July 20, I was sitting in a chair and the hairdresser asked me “How much?”. I said "Everything is dead". She replied that there was ~20 cm to cut, I nodded and she took the scissors. The hairdresser touched my hair again and said, “Well, maybe a little less.”
Oh no, I agreed. It was necessary to immediately cut off everything and not suffer. Later, I cut off all the dead hair anyway.

When choosing a cut edge, I prefer a straight or semicircle. My ends curl up so the last one fits better.

2 - Hydration Nutrition Protection🏼

You cut off all the dead ends, and then ..? Will you score on them with the words “Well, I cut everything off, let them grow healthy now”? place.
If you really want to grow your hair, then you need to maintain a balance of Moisture-Nourishment-Repair/Protect.
You yourself determine the share of each, for me, for example, like this:

Moisturizing in any case should be in the first place, because dehydration leads to dryness, section and brittleness.

I have prepared a small selection of products that I myself use to moisturize, nourish and protect:


I get the most luxurious hydration with the help of the Kaaral brand. I especially love the SPA ritual with Restructure ampoule and Hydra mask or HairVital mask for dry and damaged hair.

The Kaaral Maraes mask perfectly nourishes the hair.
Lighter nourishment can be obtained with the Elseve Luxury 6 oils mask.
Closer to autumn, I want to resume oil masks, they are also able to nourish the hair.

For protection and repair, I use silicone-based products that envelop the hair and create a protective film.

3 - Careful attitude

You can cut off all the dead hair, maintain a balance of Moisturizing-Nutrition-Protection, but if you treat your hair carelessly, you will not succeed.
What do I mean by "careless attitude"?
  • Use of thermal devices without thermal protection;
  • The use of thermal devices at high temperatures;
  • Lack of headgear in the cold / hot season;
  • Pulling hair out from under a hat in the cold season;
And this is only a small part. Just keep in mind that the cold season is different for everyone. If you pull out your hair at -5 °, then there will be no particular harm, but if I pull it out at -60 °, then death is inevitable


Now, let me summarize a bit:
  • Get haircuts as needed. Do not spare the dead ends - they cannot be restored. If the hair has thinned a lot, then you should not try to save it either.
  • Choose care keeping the balance Moisturizing-Nutrition-Restoration/Protection. Don't forget regularity.
  • Take good care of your hair. Collect them in hairstyles, put on hats, caps, scarves - it's not difficult, and even more so, this is how you protect your hair.