The ruling planet and its influence on the character of a person. Ruling planets Consider retrograde and direct planets, what are their differences

Every country is under the influence of the planets. To one they promise prosperity, to others deprivation and a difficult path to success. In one point of the earth the influences of Mars are strong, in another Jupiter. Planets leave an imprint on the character of countries and nations. What is it, Russia, under the control of a strange, distant, wonderful and unusual planet Uranus.

Astrology, which arose many millennia ago, saw its main task as an opportunity to improve the life of the people, avoid disasters, diseases, and protect the nation from many dangers. This sacred knowledge was in the service of the state and considered the horoscope of the ruler as a person whose decisions hung the fate of other people, as well as the horoscope of the state as a whole. The personality of a simple man in the street, his fate was considered unobtrusive and not of great interest. Only after some time astrology became closer to every person. But in our horoscopes there are so-called higher planets. They point to power that is higher than any person, whether it be the state or higher powers. This is a kind of background against which our ordinary life is played out. For the horoscope of the state, on the contrary, the cycles of these higher slow planets are more important. Plus social planets: Jupiter and Saturn. And personal luminaries are pawns in this big game, where the stakes are bigger than a single human life.

Mundane astrology is one of the oldest branches of astrology. This is just the study of states, nations and large social groups. Each country, according to mundane astrology, is under the influence of one or another sign, these or those planets and has characteristics corresponding to them.
So America is ruled by Gemini, England is ruled by Libra, Ukraine by Taurus, Israel by Pluto, France by Leo. The sign of Russia is Aquarius.

What is he, Aquarius? Free, striking, extraordinary, interesting, magical, intriguing, because very unexpected. Not subject to logic, rebellious, shocking, explosive, living by his own rules and violating them. Not belonging to itself, destroying everything and, no one knows how, building up again. Funny, cheerful, a good friend, and sometimes inadequate, a rebel. Cold and ruthless, unadapted, divorced from reality, fantasizing and dreaming. Utopian.
You can continue for a very long time. But this is our whole Russian essence.
We also expect that there is not much more, and our country will raise its head. We will live better, we will be more successful. There will be time and they will equal us. So I want to be ahead, to be a guiding star, "Danko, with a burning heart."
But for now, we are a big country. Strange, distant and cold. A country with a unique flavor. With nesting dolls, big warm hats and bears. A country from which you do not know what to expect. Russia has proved its significance, greatness, its inhuman capabilities by stopping, for example, fascism. It's so powerful on the outside (it's scary to think what we have) and so unstable on the inside (you never know how we'll use it). Russia is the same as the planet Uranus which rules Aquarius. Although it is hardly worth expecting violence, suppression, terror or a thirst for absolute power on our part, because. Pluto is in exile in Aquarius. Rather, we are able to perform a miracle on Uranus, which we have done more than once, to surprise everyone with a breakthrough in science, in the creation of new technologies. Remember how many craftsmen of our vast country literally create unique things out of nothing. And how many great minds were born here. They cannot underestimate us, because we are able to strike when others only shrug.

Any Aquarius Uranian personality, basically, strives for heaven on earth, for peace and universal well-being. So Russia, at its core, has a desire for general prosperity. Another thing is that these aspirations are often false, illusory and ideas are blurred. Isn't that why nothing comes out of our stormy, ebullient subversion, since heaven on earth, on the planet, Neptune is not possible. But it is possible in the souls of people. Forgiveness, mercy, patience, spirituality can be the true goal, both for Russia and for each Aquarius, taken separately.

The planting of spirituality is a very difficult and dangerous business. And also often not very charitable. How many warriors, strife and hardships people endured for their moral convictions. And since Uranus is a cruel, merciless and impatient planet, in this direction we can rather destroy than create.

In any case, you should start with yourself, and then promote your ideas to the world. So far, Russia cannot boast of stability, strength and prosperity. We often look at Europe, trying to adopt and plant their experience on our soil. But the experience either does not take root, or it is so strongly transformed that the end result is far from the original. There is no Mercury at the basis of the sign of Aquarius, for learning and assimilation of information, there is no Jupiter, so that authority and great ambitions are very important for us, there is no Venus, so that material interest is a sweet bait. At its core, Aquarius is not someone who knows how to live by standards and cliches, he must find something of his own. So it is better for Russia to live by its own laws and rules.

Aquarius is a good, honest and sincere friend, a sign of social assistance. We are really friendly. Providing first aid to those suffering from a natural disaster is not only an opportunity to show their status, it is a matter of principle for Aquarius. We are ready to give the last, despite the fact that "there is nothing in our family." Aquarius habit: not to notice small things for the sake of an idea.
Aquarians are hard to establish their way of life. It's just not interesting and too mundane for them. It is better to be passionate about interesting ideas and projects. In Russia, there are eternal problems with the economy. A huge amount of uncultivated land. Constant some reorganization of the national economy and hope for success. We are interested in everything new.
Perhaps that is why our people still cannot straighten up to their full height. There is not enough care of the state about their wards, about their people. How Aquarius does not want to see his unfortunate Moon.

Separately, I would like to say about what is an invariable attribute of Russian life - vodka. Like a German without beer, like a Chinese without sake, so a Russian is associated with vodka. Vodka is not bad. Drunkenness in our state has long become a national problem and looks like someone's malicious intent. One has only to look obliquely at the statistics of alcohol addiction in Russia and it becomes really scary. People degrade, grow dumb, die early, sick and mentally retarded children are born. Where? What is our future?!

Under Uranus you can not drink, Uranus does not tolerate alcohol. Our people have always become inadequate under the influence of strong drinks. Therefore, there are so many murders, violence, accidents, suicides, arson, broken families and other troubles that take human lives.
And Neptune, in the exaltation of Aquarius, so draws us to the divine, to dreams, to joy. And it is so hard and painful when dreams do not come true, so what else is left to do but resort to intoxicating drinks. Neptune is responsible for alcoholism and drug addiction. A kind of Neptunian libation. And the latter, in turn, grow from lack of spirituality. Apparently the fear of God and Christianity in Russia had a restraining, frightening power. Faith mattered more than it does now. And many people, even with a bitter and difficult fate, found support and a core in this. Now Russia cannot be called a country of faith. The people are free to choose what is closer to them.

From all this it turns out that a Russian person needs an idea, a path to a bright future, like any Aquarius. We are able to accomplish a feat, especially if others need it. If the goal is more than the pursuit of personal gain. What should be our ruler? The whip is out of place here. Any oppression will sooner or later be overthrown by our people if it is not supported by an idea. Therefore, the ruler must give the people direction, to what and where to move. To support religion as a support for the Russian people, drowning in illusions and drunkenness. And since Uranus is still very strong, the development of new technologies, technologies of the future, electronics, aircraft and auto construction should develop, because. this can and should be our strength.
Many are serious work on the study of the horoscope of our country. By the way, just like unstable Uranus, our country is drastically changing its borders, statuses, names. Therefore, what to take as a basis for such a horoscope? This is a question. One thing is felt for sure: Russia is under the control of higher planets that do not obey the laws and what is assigned to us in the future, what role - time will tell. So far, many are talking about the fateful role of our country in the world. She will be able to reveal herself and become great in 10-20 years. But to become “great” later, you need to start now. It may well be that Russia will again be greatly transformed, change and become “great”, but under the leadership of completely different people, another nation.

(Other astro schools may have other rulers.)

The rulers (Almutens) of the houses give information about the interaction of the houses of the horoscope. Rulers of houses divided into day and night. Birth is considered daytime if the Sun was above the horizon (7th - 12th house), nightly if below the horizon (1st - 6th house).

This system of rulers is used:

Sergei Shestopalov

and other astrologers. In Western astrology, rulers may differ.




For those who have not yet memorized all the symbols:

Ruler of Aries - day Pluto, night Mars

Ruler of Taurus - daytime Chiron, nighttime Venus

Ruler of Gemini - day Proserpina, night Mercury

Ruler of Cancer - Moon

Leo's ruler is the Sun

Ruler of Virgo - daytime Mercury, nighttime Proserpine

Ruler of Libra - daytime Venus, nighttime Chiron

Ruler of Scorpio - daytime Mars, nighttime Pluto

Ruler of Sagittarius - day Neptune, night Jupiter

Ruler of Capricorn - daytime Uranus, nighttime Saturn

Ruler of Aquarius - day Saturn, night Uranus

Ruler of Pisces - day Jupiter, night Neptune

We write down the signs of the Zodiac in order, dividing them into zones.

Cancer and Leo have one ruler each, they are the easiest to remember, this will be the starting point. (We write daytime at the top, nighttime at the bottom.)

Now remember the order of the planets.

The list of planets is superimposed on the list of the Zodiac, starting from the sun, for daytime rulers. And for the third zone, day / night change places.

Night rulers go in reverse order starting from the Moon.

How to determine the ruler of the house?

In different systems of houses, the ruler is determined in different ways.


  1. Please note that the definition of the ruler on the corner houses is different from the rest of the houses!
  2. You also need to remember that there are major and minor rulers.

The rulers of the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) are determined by their position in the sign, regardless of the position of the cusp. For example, if the cusp of the tenth house is at 28 degrees Capricorn, then we look at the almutens of Capricorn.

Consider the example in the picture below. The sun is above the horizon, so we will take almutens of day birth. The cusp of the tenth house is in Capricorn, so the ruler (almuten) of the tenth house will be Uranus.

All other houses may have a co-ruler (secondary), it must also be taken into account.

Globa's book "Rulers of the Houses of the Horoscope" says that the ruler is determined by the middle part of the house, and the co-ruler by the cusp. In the example below (daytime), the eleventh house has the ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus.

According to my observations, I can say that the ruler, determined by the cusp (in any house) has a greater or equivalent influence than the ruler, determined by the middle part of the house. By the middle part of the domo, it is good to determine the ruler when the time of birth is not entirely accurate and we cannot be sure where it will fall. It is also possible to determine the approximate boundaries of houses by including in another system of houses, for example, Koch.

Determination of the ruler in the Koch house system.

This system of houses is used by many astrologers, followers of Vronsky and Shestopalov.

In this house system, the almuten of a house is determined by the cusp of the house. No co-rulers. (How to determine the ruler by the cupsid, see the first example.)

In astrology, each planet, and traditionally the Sun and Moon are also considered planets, governs a different sign of the zodiac. This means that the ruling planet manifests itself in such a way that its impact on the human personality completely coincides with all the constellations of the Zodiac.

For example, the zodiac sign Aries expresses the struggle and dynamic qualities that result from the influence of the constellations of the corresponding segment of the ecliptic. Cosmic radiation from this part of the ecliptic, called Aries, predetermines personality traits corresponding to the qualities of the Zodiac sign Aries.

The characteristics of Mars are similar to, but not identical. Therefore, when Mars enters Aries, there is no contradiction or disharmony between their qualities. The result is favorable. The individual is distinguished by the integration of his features. Since ancient times, in this case, it was believed that Mars was the ruling planet of the zodiac sign Aries.

The table below summarizes the data on the planetary control of individual signs of the Zodiac day and night. Mars rules Aries by day and Scorpio by night. Venus Taurus - during the day, and Libra at night. A question mark (?) marks the ruling planet of the zodiac sign, for which the author of the article does not have enough data. Although many astrologers believe that the rest of the planets rule their zodiac signs around the clock.

▲ ♆ and ☿ are also classified as diurnal planets if they are in the east.

The influence of the ruling planets on the character of a person

We detail personal qualities in relation to those cases when the Sun, Moon and planets are, in the signs of the Zodiac controlled by them:

The sun

Depending on the astrological house, the individual inherits the following personality traits: variability of mood (gets angry easily and quickly departs), forgetting good and bad, noble heart, eloquence, impulsiveness, moderation, ambitiousness, independence, good luck in financial affairs and in other areas, including including in healthcare, tourism and careers in general; does not complain about the lack of friends. Read about meaning.


Depending on the house of the horoscope, the following are inherited: good memory, coldness, emotionality, romantic imagination, a penchant for new things and changes, good luck in all areas determined by the house, craving for adventure, new ideas; in the career of an individual, women are of great importance, in the circle of friends he is tactful, diplomatic, depending on the circumstances, benevolent. Read about meaning.




Depending on the astrological house, overflowing energy, masculinity, strong ambitions, impulsiveness, ardor and malevolence are inherited. Expressive and quick in dealing with people, happy only in work, in which he is distinguished by quick decisions and actions, strives for the highest position, hurries to overtake others, can be a good military man. Read about meaning



Depending on the astrological house, the following are inherited: coldness, neutrality, insecurity, internal complexes, trust in others, lack of cordiality, emotionality, a tendency to imaginary connections with other people, often musicality or love of music, idealism. The individual is lazy to do anything, but he is attracted to detective work, is closed with friends, mysterious, often brings on himself some kind of misfortune or event. Read about the meaning of the planet.




The sign of the Zodiac, opposite to the ruled of this planet, weakens the effectiveness of the planet. She is considered in exile. For the same Mars in Libra, formally, strength or effectiveness falls in a gross manifestation, but it is spent on satisfying the need for agreement of cooperation, i.e. Mars shows more subtle identification qualities - a higher level.

The imaginary contradiction or overlapping of some personality traits by several governing planets reflects a certain divergence of opinion depending on belonging to a certain period in the development of astrology or astrological schools, mainly American or Western European. This also applies to the identification of planets. However, this discrepancy is rather minor.

In the foreseeable historical process, the foundations for managing humanity were laid back in the days of Ancient Egypt by a caste of priests. Managing people and keeping them in obedience was carried out through the dosed distribution of knowledge to various strata of society and the concealment of their entirety.
At the current level of development of society, the methods of managing it have changed little. This management system is most fully set forth in the Concept of Public Security, provided by the Non-Governmental Institution of Additional Education "Institute of Conceptual Analytics" in the form of a crowd-"elitist" model of society.

The "World Government" (or the Global Predictor, so named by conceptual analysts) formed two virtual pyramids. One is the structure of society, the other is the knowledge represented by each of these structures.

At the top of the pyramid of knowledge, which has an inverted view (point down), is the entirety of the knowledge that people have and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. In the middle - fragmentary, partial knowledge, which is obtained by specialists. And at the bottom of the pyramid are pieces of knowledge for people to perform individual operations. If you are a mechanic, then know your vise with a file and that's it.

This approach ensured the formation of another pyramid - the pyramid of the structure of society (having the appearance of an edge up). Those who knew more than others, found themselves on higher levels. And who knew less - on the lower ones. As a result, the whole society broke up into three parts (in relation to knowledge).

At the top of the pyramid - the priesthood ("World Government")

It possessed the fullness of known knowledge (factology) and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. As in ancient Egypt, the “World Government” supposedly consists of 22 hierophants (top clan financial families of the world): Guy de Rothschild, Montefière, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Goldschmidt, Bleichrode, Mendel, Wallenberg, Warburg, Sassoon, Morgan, Dupont, Stern, Heine, Krup, Mellon, Cohen, Flip, Ford, Schultz, Roose and Evelyn de Rothschild.

These names are practically not highlighted by the media either as the richest (in Forbes magazine) or as heads of any states. They are always in the shade.

Corporate clans of financial families

The “World Government” has at its disposal a hereditary supranational Corporation of clan financial families: Zaxes, Deutsches, Lebs, Kuns, Cannes, Teiners, Weiners, Meyers, Ostriches, Sulpis, Baruchs, Limens, Lazars, Paynels, Scythians, Fishers, Warbergs, Mordokhs, Boyers, Schiffs, Abrahams, Kalmans, Goldmans, Broazers, Lazaruses, Balushteins, Guggenheims, Seligmans, Kaufmans, Harrimans, Dreyfuses, Morgenthows, Weinbergs, Blumenthals and so on (total 358 clan families).

Direct control is carried out by the supranational transnational unified leadership of the planet - the conferences of millionaires (executive committee), which is subordinate to: the Coordinating Council of Jewish Organizations (located in Washington - USA) and the Advisory Council of Jewish Organizations (located in New York - USA). All of them manage the so-called "System" which includes:
one). "World Zionist Organization" (WZO) (founded in 1897, the highest body is the World Zionist Congress (WSC), which elects the World Zionist Council (WSC), the executive committee of the WCO is located in New York, and the branch is in Jerusalem);
2). Jewish Agency for Israel (EADI - Sokhnut) (founded in 1929, branches exist in all countries of the world, the EADI executive committee operates under the auspices of the WZO);
3). World Jewish Congress (WJC) (founded in 1936, active in 67 countries).

Management "elite"

Below is the managerial "elite". It includes: various parties, Zionist organizations, religious organizations, Masonic lodges, various movements, transnational banks (the largest TNB in ​​total is about 250), foundations (Rockefeller, Soros, Thatcher, Joyge, World Laboratory, Initiative Fund, "Center for Applied Research", after 1991 - the Gorbachev Foundation and others), transnational corporations (there are about 800 largest TNCs in the world: General Motors (USA), Ford Motors (USA), Exxon (USA), Royal Dutch Shell (England) , General Electric (USA), British Petroleum (England), IBM (USA), Siemens (Germany), Dipon de Nemours (USA) and others), international organizations and unions (UN, UNESCO, GATT, EBRD, CSCE, IMF, NATO, ILO, etc.)
The managerial "elite" does not possess the fullness of knowledge. The priesthood gave her knowledge (factology) in the part that concerned her, but did not give the whole, complete knowledge. As a result, the "elite" does not see integrity and does not understand who and why forms integrity. At the same time, the priesthood maintained among the "elite" a sense of superiority over the rest of the people. They were told that they were the “chosen ones”, they were the “most intelligent”, “the most gifted”, that they were entitled to a “special” position in society. This allowed the priests to unstructuredly manage the "elite", and the dosed distribution of knowledge to them made it possible to keep them in obedience. In order to manage society in a sustainable way and to prevent the "elite" from guessing how it is being managed, the "World Government" updated it from time to time. Using any suitable slogan for the occasion (“Orange” revolution, “Rose” revolution, “Tulip” revolution, etc.), it pushed the “crowd” to revolutions, coups and pogroms. And after the old "elite" was destroyed, they set up a new one, prepared in advance. It is only the “elite” who thinks to herself that she is the “top” of society, but in fact she is no different from the “crowd”, which is at the very bottom, at the base.


The priests gave even less knowledge to the “crowd” than to the “elite”. This knowledge was supposed to ensure the quality work of the "crowd" for the benefit of the "elite" and "priests"

The existing education system still provides this crowd-“elitist” model of society with “cadres”. In secondary schools they form a "kaleidoscopic idiocy" - they prepare a "crowd". If you were born in the family of a turner, then be a turner! "Every cricket know your hearth!" And in "spec. schools” whisper to children: “You are gifted”, “You are smart”, “You study in an “elite school”, - they are preparing an “elite”. This is how the principle “Divide and Conquer!” is implemented today.

It is noteworthy that in 1952, in the work “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR”, I.V. Stalin wrote that for real socialism, labor productivity must increase so much that the working day could be reduced to 5-6 hours, and people could use their free time to receive a versatile education. A versatile education is necessary, since it alone can break the chains by which a person is chained all his life to his profession in the established union of labor.

Thus the priesthood formed two crowds. One crowd is the “crowd”, the other crowd is the “elite”. Only one of the crowds is lured, privileged (and terribly afraid of "falling" down). And the other crowd - the poor, the destitute, who brought up the desire to break through "to the top" of society in order to live well, satisfyingly and at the same time, as it seemed to them, did nothing special.

Various political parties are fighting for power, their leaders strive to take a place in the "elite", rise above the "crowd" in the State Duma, government, other large commercial companies, etc. Get your piece. They do not understand that all of them are TOLPARI and are doomed to another "circumcision", despite today's "fat content" of this piece.

"Management" and "confrontation" are closely related

When looking at the life of society (hundreds or more years), one can see that there are ways to influence society, the meaningful use of which allows you to manage its life and death. We are talking about the priorities (levels of significance) of the confrontation between two different systems.

Conceptual analysts in the Concept of Public Security provide us with 6 priorities. The level (priority) number reflects the power, significance of each type of weapon. 4, 5, and 6 priorities are material weapons, and 1, 2, and 3 are informational weapons.

One country can be conquered by another by force of arms. If now in Novosibirsk, at the crossroads of streets, patrols of "Fritz" in helmets with machine guns are placed, then everyone will understand that they live in an occupied country, although the current state of Russia is also an occupation. This is how the ordinary consciousness of people perceives the concept of "occupation". "Hot" wars are waged with the help of machine guns, tanks and planes.

Management priorities

Military priority number 6. Once upon a time, the "ancient extremists" realized that as quickly as they conquered a country on priority 6, they could also get an answer quickly. In this case, there is the possibility of dying yourself. In addition, it turned out that the slaves in the conquered country work poorly, without "enthusiasm". Therefore, the "extremists of antiquity" began to improve the methods of aggression without changing their goals: the seizure of the resources of other countries.

Thus was “invented” the 5th priority: the weapon of silent genocide. Means of genocide, affecting not only the living, but also future generations. They destroy the genetically determined potential for the development and development of the descendants of the cultural heritage of their ancestors. These include: nuclear blackmail - the threat of use, alcohol, tobacco and other drug genocide, food additives, all environmental pollutants, some medicines, genetic engineering and biotechnology.

Then they invented weapons of the 4th priority - economic. It gives even more stable results over time. From the “needle” the leader can “jump off”, and from the “binge” - “get out”. He may die from an overdose.

Then the aggressor has to deal with the new leader. And then he gave a loan to the “leader” today, and the children and grandchildren of the “leader” will pay for this debt with the resources of their country, their people. And no bloodshed! Everything is quite "cultural". Therefore, such aggression began to be called "cultural cooperation".

It is possible to break away from the “needle”, but it is impossible to repay the debt, since the credit and financial system is arranged by the “ancient extremists” in such a way that you will not “break loose”. Its basis is the usurious loan interest. Applied to entire countries and peoples on a global scale by the global Zionist-Nazi mafia, this credit and financial system, in principle, does not allow you to get out of bondage.

3rd priority - ideological. So that the people do not figure out what is being done to them on the 6th, 5th and 4th priorities, the "ancient extremists" create different ideologies. With their help, people's consciousness is processed, they are fooled. In ancient times, "extremists" adapted people's faith in God for their own interests - religions became such an instrument. Then “secular ideologies” appeared, just as “no ideology” is also an ideology. All of this is experienced by each of us. How? And here is how: “everyone needs to repent for the sins of their ancestors, otherwise you won’t save Russia ... pray and repent ...”, “money makes money”, “wine in small quantities is very useful”, “marijuana is not a drug”, “who smokes Marlboro, he cowboy”, etc. etc.

And finally, about the highest priorities

2 priority - chronological, historical information. Who owns this information, he can see from the position of priority 1 the direction of all processes, the direction of the "general course of things", the trend of this or that process.

Hence the furious attempts to distort the history of even the next few years (World War II: its heroes and anti-heroes, the winners and those present).
These priorities can be used individually or in combination with each other. Obviously, only having information on priorities 1 and 2, you can see and make the right decisions, as well as give advice to others or call for something.

Now you can see on what priority this or that politician, party, movement "works". From this we can conclude what can be expected from some “leader” and his party, whether this party will be able to win if it wants to achieve everything only by force (6th priority) or “economic” reforms (4th priority), or "spiritual rebirth" (3rd priority). The answer is obvious. The one who owns a higher priority, sooner or later, will always win over the one who "works" only on lower priorities.

Using priorities 1, 2 and 3, the "World Government" conducts the so-called "information wars". An information war is a war aimed at capturing raw materials, energy, and human resources of countries that are not controlled by the “World Government”. It is carried out using such an influence on the minds of people in the field of ideology, religion, politics, history, philosophy, science, when such false ideas about what is happening in society, in the lives of people are purposefully introduced to the people of the country-victim of aggression, which allow the aggressor to freely manipulate both the government and the people of that country and seize resources with little to no resistance, i.e. without armed intervention.

Information wars have been waged between several centers of human civilization for centuries, only sometimes turning into "hot wars". Over the past 3.5 thousand years, information aggression against the peoples of the Earth has been carried out by the heirs of the rabid ancient Egyptian priesthood, who imagine themselves to be the rulers of the world - the secret "World Government"

Aggression is carried out by the method of "cultural cooperation", through the governing "elite" of the country-victim of aggression, which, to the extent of its understanding, thinks (maybe even sincerely) that it works for its people, and to the extent of misunderstanding of the general course of things, it is, in fact, a puppet in the hands of the aggressor, carrying out his plans.

The instrument of aggression (the "army") is the so-called "agents of influence" who massively infiltrate the victim country. An agent of influence is not just a spy. Its mission is much broader. Through him (sometimes these people themselves do not fully know the depth of their role and the tasks assigned to them by their supreme leadership), there is an indirect control of the heads of state and their entourage, the commanding staff at all levels, economic, political and social processes. The influence occurs both directly and through close and distant relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.

As a result of aggression among the victim people:

The holistic perception of the surrounding world, everything that happens around (including in public life) is destroyed, the connection with the surrounding Nature is broken and a fragmentary, partial, kaleidoscopic consciousness is being formed, which is easily manipulated from the outside, through the subconscious;

Historical self-consciousness collapses, the real history of the people is replaced by false myths, the integral historical process is torn into parts that are opposed to each other;

Connection with God. Nature is replaced by faith in idealistic or materialistic "holy scriptures" that collide with each other and lead an age-old, irreconcilable struggle - "Divide and conquer!";

Generally speaking, the people are being imposed an alien concept of life order, which leads them to degradation and destruction.