What foods are important for women's health. What is good for women? Oats for energy

In any weather and at different times of the year, women strive to look good, beautiful and well-groomed. God alone knows how much work this beauty costs us. Not to mention the time spent on all sorts of procedures. Massage, epilation, peeling, manicure, pedicure, cleaning, and a lot more. But, you should remember about the right lifestyle and proper nutrition. After all, in which case, everything will instantly affect our face and figure. And if you don’t get enough sleep ... and there are huge black circles under your eyes. Let's take a closer look at what is useful for women from vitamins and food products that will help you stay young, beautiful, desirable for a long time and shine with a healthy blush on your cheeks.

Vitamins useful for women

  • What is good for women? Vitamin E has the best effect on the skin and helps it stay elastic. In addition, it helps cells renew themselves. Vitamin E is very effective in convulsions, breast diseases. It contains wheat germ and nuts. You can add a small amount of vitamin E to the cream, and apply on the face in the morning and evening. You will notice how small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Very well fights skin aging and vitamin retinol (vitamin A). All anti-aging creams contain it. Vitamin A can be obtained by eating eggs, red fruits and vegetables.
  • Remarkably helps to cope with periodic pain in women, vitamin D. It is found in eggs, fish, seafood. Vitamin D3 promotes the absorption of calcium in the body.
  • Vitamin C monitors healthy immunity. They are rich in: lemons, kiwi, apples, parsley.
  • Vitamin B is indispensable for muscle pain. It helps to restore the nervous system and nourishes the body with energy. It contains: asparagus, legumes and liver.

Useful products for women

  • A lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and vitamin B. Contains fish (mackerel, salmon, etc.).
  • As for calcium, it is part of all dairy products. Everyone knows that bones become fragile with age and need to be replenished. Especially if you suffer from osteoporosis. Add dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, sour cream) to your diet.
  • It is very important for the female body to get enough water. It helps to remove fat from the body, suppresses appetite. What is important, for those who want to lose weight.
  • Be sure to eat broccoli. It also contains vitamin B.
  • Our body also needs protein. Soy is very high in protein. Soy is useful for women suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, as well as overweight. Soy products are recommended for people who suffer from constipation, suffer from arthritis, arthrosis, and cholecystitis.
  • We also need iron. It is found in fish, carrots, apples, liver, lean meats.
  • Much attention is now paid to flax seeds. They have a lot of useful properties.

Scientists have proven that flax seeds prevent the formation of cancer cells, reduce the size of tumors, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, prevent blood clots, lower cholesterol, and help normalize blood pressure. They also regulate the digestive process and normalize stools, relieve inflammation in asthma, arthritis, and normalize blood sugar levels.

Vitamins useful for women are found in almost all fruits. Remember this. Eat more vegetables and fruits. They are much more useful than semi-finished products, which are preferred in our time.

Also, beta-carotene is very helpful. It is a pigment that colors red, orange, bright green, yellow, dark green fruits and vegetables. For example: lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, persimmon, pumpkin, carrot, etc.

Beta-carotene has a very important effect on the human body. Prevents aging, helps the body recover (at the cellular level), strengthens the immune system, helps to mitigate various harmful factors that also adversely affect it (radioactive and chemical pollution).

Many women know that our body needs folic acid extremely. This vitamin belongs to group B. It is especially often prescribed by doctors during pregnancy. Since it plays an important role in the process of formation and development of the fetus.

Our body needs fiber. It is found in legumes. It has the ability to prevent bowel cancer, which affects women more often than men.

Now you know what is good for women. It remains only to follow the rules of a healthy diet and you are not afraid of any diseases, and the skin is clean, soft and radiant, like a baby's. If you doubt, do not believe, and put masks on your face before going out, then we advise you to try changing your diet, at least for a month. And you will notice striking differences that will be noticeable if you compare the condition of the skin and the body, in general, before and after. We wish you success!

The food you eat can make you smarter, leaner, stronger and still taste divine. Read the list of the most useful foods for women's health and act! At the beginning, we placed the 10 most useful products. This list is supplemented by 15 more, which you should also remember more often.

oily fish

Fish, especially red fish, ranks first in the list of the most useful foods for women. All this is due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids in it. Fatty fish not only ensures the health of the cardiovascular system, but is also responsible for the successful course of pregnancy. In addition, omega-3s improve mood, help fight depression, and may protect against Alzheimer's and cancer.

How many do you need A: Eat at least two servings of oily fish per week. If you are not sure that fresh fish is of good quality, then find good canned food: they are just as healthy as fresh fish. Just pay attention to the source of origin of the fish - farm-raised individuals may contain harmful substances in their meat.


If all berries are treasures, then blueberries for women's health get crown status. This is one of the most effective anti-aging products gifted to us by nature. Studies show that blueberries not only help prevent memory loss, but also improve motor skills and help lower blood pressure.

Another great reason to love blueberries is that they are high in antioxidants that help fight wrinkles. Another plus: low calorie content - only 80 calories per cup.

How many do you need: Your goal should be to get half a cup of any berries a day. However, eat blueberries as often as possible.


We all know that oats can help lower cholesterol levels. Scientists now say that oats are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which keeps you feeling full longer and helps you control your weight.

How to choose the type of oatmeal? You can also opt for cereal, but cooked oats contain significantly more fiber.

How many do you need: You need to eat about one medium serving of oatmeal per day to get your recommended daily fiber intake.


The chemicals in cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, may help prevent breast cancer by combating excess estrogen. Rich in vitamin C and a good source of vitamin A, this vegetable helps you feel full for a long time, and in the meantime contains only 30 calories per serving. Broccoli earns bonus points for its fiber, folic acid, calcium, iron, and potassium content. It is important that broccoli does not lose its nutritional value during heat treatment.

How many do you need: Eat at least two servings of broccoli per week.


Protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids…what more can I say? A handful of walnuts a day can help you lower cholesterol, boost mental performance, sleep better, manage stress, prevent heart disease, fight cancer, and more.

How many do you need: Every day you need to eat 12 halves of walnuts.


Yes, this fruit is high in fat. But in this case, it's not so bad. Monounsaturated fatty acids are essential for our body and are essential for heart health. In addition, it is these healthy fats that are responsible for using belly fat for energy, as well as solving some fertility problems.

Avocados are also high in potassium, magnesium, folic acid, protein, and vitamins B6, E, and K. Add to that the fiber and cholesterol-lowering ability, and you have an almost perfect health food.

How many do you need A: You only need to eat a quarter to a half of an avocado per day.

Red beans

Beans of any kind are good for women's health. However, it was red beans that made it to the top 10 of our list for several reasons: they are rich in antioxidants and protein, folic acid, minerals and fiber, including resistant starch. The latter is able to increase the body's ability to burn fat, which helps you feel full for a long time, it also controls blood sugar levels, and reduces the risk of cancer. Don't have time to cook beans? This is no reason to refuse it. Canned beans are also a good option.

How many do you need A: Just three cups of boiled beans per week.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium, which is essential for bone health. One serving of it contains almost a quarter of a woman's daily calcium requirement and twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Also, one serving of low-fat Greek yogurt is packed with probiotics, cultures that can help relieve irritable bowel syndrome, a condition that mostly affects women. In addition, some experts claim that probiotics help boost immunity.

How many do you need: You need to get at least those servings of dairy products per day. Opt for Greek yogurt over sour cream, which can raise your "bad" cholesterol levels.

Olive oil

No list of women's must-haves would be complete without this precious oil. It has long been cited as a major contributor to heart health and longevity. Among other things, olive oil protects against Alzheimer's disease, and also improves cognitive functions. The results of a study conducted in Spain in 2008 showed that the compounds in olive oil can fight some types of breast cancer. And that's not all: it keeps the skin and hair youthful. Many southern beauties call olive oil the main secret of their unfading beauty.

How many do you need: two tablespoons a day.

Dark chocolate

It is the food that you love and that loves you. Antioxidant-rich dark chocolate may help reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. It contains magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus and all the elements important for strengthening bones. Research shows chocolate can also help hydrate the skin, lower blood pressure, and hone thought processes. In addition, it provides irreplaceable sensual pleasure, which helps fight depression.

How many do you need: choose dark chocolate with more than 70% cocoa. You just need to eat 10 grams of chocolate a day.

Add these 15 more products!

Almond lowers cholesterol levels and can help you lose weight. In one study, volunteers who added almonds to their low-calorie diet lost weight more easily and, most importantly, maintained their gains.

Beef contains zinc, which is involved in strengthening the immune system, and a high iron content fights fatigue and iron deficiency anemia.

Eggs rich in high-quality protein, as well as vitamins D and A. They are low in saturated fat. Choline in their composition is of great importance for maintaining brain function. In addition, they are suppliers of two types of carotenoids necessary for healthy eyes.

Green tea help fight cancer and heart disease, and help prevent dementia, diabetes, and stroke. It also helps fight fatigue. Bonus: Drink four cups a day and you'll burn an additional 80 calories.

Kefir rich in calcium and protein, as well as probiotics, which help digestion and can solve problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Lentils is an excellent source of energy, protein, fiber and antioxidants.

Milk It is a rich source of protein, calcium and vitamin D.

Pumpkin seeds contain protein, zinc, magnesium and selenium. They help protect against depression and heart disease, and strengthen bones.

Quinoa rich in protein, as well as bone-healthy minerals such as copper, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Raisin A great “snack” with healthy carbs in addition to fiber, iron, and vitamin C.

Soya beans are excellent sources of protein. In moderation, soy can reduce the risk of breast cancer and keep bones strong after menopause.

Spinach rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as lutein, an essential nutrient for eye health.

Sweet potato"Packed" with antioxidants that effectively fight cancer, as well as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, manganese and potassium.

Cherries- one of the most antioxidant-rich foods that helps fight memory loss, heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

tomatoes- an irreplaceable source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can protect against cervical cancer and breast cancer. Lycopene acts like a sunscreen. Cook tomatoes with broccoli for even more benefits.

To do everything and remain beautiful, well-groomed, healthy and young at the same time is the ideal of a modern woman. Is it possible? Of course yes - if you do not forget that you need to take care of yourself. We are what we eat. This well-known saying is absolutely right: in order to remain a woman from head to toe until old age, you need to carefully watch your diet. And choose only useful for women's health. We often talk about proper nutrition on our website. Now we will talk about what to eat to maintain women's health.


Fish is very good for health. But women especially need it. Oily red fish contains just a huge amount of essential omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids keep blood vessels clean and elastic, protect against cardiovascular problems, cancer, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Fatty fish containing omega-3 acids is very useful for pregnant women - it helps to build the organs of the unborn child and at the same time does not allow the woman's body to be depleted. But most importantly, omega-3 acids nourish the brain, improve mood and help to cope with depression and apathy. Therefore, a portion of fish is required during the diet.

To maintain health, it is enough to eat fish twice a week. And you can eat not only fresh fish, although it is healthier. Canned fish provides a sufficient amount of fatty acids - even a can of mackerel is healthier than a pork steak.


Wild berries are a real storehouse of vitamins and biologically active substances. And the most expensive berry for a woman's health is blueberries. It has such a huge amount of antioxidants that it is considered a miracle berry.

According to the latest data, blueberries help maintain vision, lower blood pressure, improve heart function, and improve skin elasticity.

In the summer, you should try to eat blueberries as long as possible - as soon as the season of berries begins, you should eat half a glass of berries a day. Blueberries can be frozen for the winter and added to tea.


No less useful for women are black and red currants, which contain a huge amount of vitamin C, antioxidants, pectins. collagen is produced in the skin. And he is responsible for its elasticity and the absence of wrinkles!


Again, they contain omega-3 fatty acids and a lot of useful substances that help lower cholesterol levels without any drugs. In order to feel the benefits, one handful of nuts a day is enough.

Chocolate and cocoa

They say that healthy is not tasty. Chocolate and cocoa refute this sad statement. The cocoa butter and powder that make up the chocolate contains B vitamins, vitamins E, PP, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Such a rich composition explains the beneficial effects of chocolate. It reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Manganese, calcium, zinc, copper contained in chocolate improve the condition of bones and joints. For women whose risk of developing osteoporosis increases every year, especially during menopause, chocolate is simply an indispensable thing. It's nice to take medicine, which is also delicious!

Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the brain, improves thought processes, reduces blood pressure and improves mood, as it promotes the production of serotonin. And one more important quality of cocoa and chocolate: they moisturize the skin and make it supple. Therefore, cocoa is considered one of the most important "female" products. Just keep in mind that only real black (dark) chocolate has useful qualities. But there is no benefit from milk chocolate, since there is very little cocoa in it.


Avocados are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help protect the heart and at the same time help lower cholesterol levels. Substances contained in avocados improve fertility (the ability to conceive), have a positive effect on reproductive health and help maintain normal hormonal levels. Avocados contain a lot of magnesium, potassium, vitamins K, E, group B, folic acid. It is these substances that are important for women's health more than anyone else.

Avocado inside and out makes the skin hydrated and beautiful. To do this, it is enough to eat only half the fruit per day.


Beans contain antioxidants, folic acid, many minerals and starch. What's good about starch? It gives a long feeling of satiety. Therefore, bean dishes saturate well and for a long time, while not overloading the body with fats. Beans are an ideal food for those who decide to lose weight and limit themselves in food. By supplying vitamins, nutrients, and sugars, beans help keep the body running smoothly. Scientists have proven that beans lower blood sugar levels. At the same time, canned beans also have useful properties.

To achieve results, it is enough to eat 300 g of beans per week.

Dairy products

Yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir are rich in calcium and the most valuable substances that are indispensable for bone health. Also, fermented milk products contain lacto- and bifidobacteria, which our intestines need, as they help maintain a balance of beneficial bacteria in it and prevent the development of dysbacteriosis. Normally, in a healthy intestine, the final absorption of nutrients, the synthesis of a number of vitamins takes place. And dairy products help the intestines in this matter. A healthy gut is the key to a strong immune system.

For health, you need to drink at least one glass of fermented milk products daily. If you drink a glass of kefir at night, then what you eat during the day will not be deposited on your sides in the form of excess fat.

Olive oil

Again, this is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The composition of the oil includes many useful substances, which explains its benefits. Recently, Spanish scientists have proven that olive oil helps fight breast cancer - those who consume it regularly are less likely to suffer from this disease. And one more thing: olive oil is very similar in composition to the lipids of human skin, therefore, for skin elasticity and hair health, it is simply necessary to use oil.

Just two tablespoons a day is enough.


In addition to antioxidants, tomatoes contain lycopene, which helps maintain heart health. And tomatoes, according to the latest data, help protect against cervical and breast cancer and normalize metabolism. Tomatoes are indispensable if you want to lose weight - thanks to them, the body receives all the necessary substances.


Cabbage is generally called the most "feminine" product. It is absolutely non-caloric, and eating it, it is impossible to gain weight. At the same time, it contains a lot of useful substances. Lutein improves vision, calcium strengthens bones, vitamin K saves from osteoporosis, vitamin A helps maintain the beauty of skin, hair, nails and visual acuity.

Recent studies have shown that cabbage contains the substance sulforaphane, which helps block the growth of cancer cells. Beginners think that all the machines that are in the Vulcan hall are the same. In fact, this is not so, all devices have their own distinctive features, since they are produced by different companies. For example, the Igrosoft company develops universal slots that are designed for both the younger generation and the more mature one. In such models, there are several levels and a jackpot. All machines have a clear storyline and main characters. According to numerous studies, the use of white cabbage in large quantities leads to a stop in the development of breast cancer.

But most importantly, cabbage perfectly removes toxins and toxins from the body, cleanses it.


In fact, the most "feminine" meat is beef. Only the use of this meat helps to provide the body with iron and normalizes blood formation. Beef protects the female body from iron deficiency and anemia, which often threatens women due to monthly blood loss. Doctors strongly advise to eat 300-400 g of beef per week - then anemia will not be terrible. And it's especially important to eat beef on menstrual days, when blood loss occurs and the risk of anemia increases.

During pregnancy, when the need for iron rises sharply, beef must be eaten.

sea ​​kale

Seaweed contains a lot of natural iodine. It allows you to keep the thyroid gland in order and provides prevention of iodine deficiency. And it is known that the thyroid gland is the conductor in the orchestra of endocrine organs. A healthy thyroid gland ensures the proper functioning of the gonads.

Seaweed helps to normalize hormonal levels, cope with PMS symptoms, reduce weight and normalize metabolism.


Stevia helps cleanse the body and activate metabolism. It should be added little by little to tea.


Surprisingly, for a long time it was considered the number one enemy to health. Well, these are fats that should be avoided by all means. Until now, many women are firmly convinced that butter and a healthy diet are incompatible. However, you should not be so categorical.

In fact, butter has less fat than vegetable oil! The fact is that vegetable oil is one hundred percent vegetable fat. Butter, in addition to animal fats, also contains water, so there is less fat in it. But it contains vitamin A, which is extremely important for women's health. Butter allows you to keep the ovaries in a healthy state and protects against early premature menopause.

For the benefit of the body, it is enough to eat just one sandwich with butter per day.


It's just a storehouse of beta-carotene. And beta-carotene is good for heart and brain health, helps prevent age-related changes, stroke and heart attack, especially during menopause. In addition, in carrots and other biologically active substances. Carrots are very useful for skin condition - it is believed that if you drink a glass of carrot juice every day (ideally freshly squeezed), you can delay the appearance of wrinkles for a long time!

Carrots also cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and help prevent bowel cancer.

This is not a complete list of products useful for women's health. You can not discount seafood, citrus fruits, apples, cranberries, beets, germinated wheat grains. But the most important thing is a balanced and varied diet. Do not get carried away with one thing, even very useful. It is better to introduce several healthy foods into the diet every day. Then the body will always have "at hand" the necessary substances to build itself - healthy and strong.


The best part is that these products are easy to get at almost any store or market, and it will take you no more than 15 minutes to cook delicious dishes from them.

1. Broccoli

Broccoli is virtually unrivaled in cancer-protective foods. Useful herbal supplements, which are in it, help neutralize the action of carcinogens, and this cabbage also stimulates the production of special enzymes that help the body get rid of cancer-causing and other disease-causing toxins. Indole-3-carbinol, another component of broccoli, is especially beneficial for women. Studies have shown that it is able to protect against breast and uterine cancer, as well as prevent the spread of an existing disease. Also, this healthy green product is richest in comparison with other products. flavonoid kaempferol which reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Moreover, broccoli is rich folate, a B vitamin that is essential for DNA formation and protection, blood production, new cell formation, and protein synthesis. Folate also reduces the risk of some types of cancer in adults.

There are several reasons why this nutrient is especially beneficial for women. First, folate is one of the main substances that pregnant women need.. It supports the proper development of the fetal nervous system and protects against damage to the neural tubes. Secondly, studies have shown that women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men, and folate deficiency leads to depression. The good news is that if you raise your folate levels in your body, it will increase your levels. serotonin and relieve symptoms of depression.

Broccoli is a natural diuretic. It helps to get rid of bloating and swelling that can be associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Broccoli is a great source of fiber and vitamins C, K, and A, and is high in manganese, tryptophan, potassium, B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, and protein. Broccoli also contains calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin E. Many of these nutrients work together: vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, vitamin K strengthens bones, and fiber helps all the nutrients to be well absorbed.

Adviсe: For best results, steam the broccoli for no more than 5 minutes, or until the kale is bright green. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt to taste.

2. Bow

Onions have many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and onions are a natural anti-clotting agent. Onions are rich in chromium, vitamin C, and fiber, as well as manganese, vitamin B6, tryptophan, folate, and potassium.

This bulbous vegetable is used to fight cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis, as well as help fight infections, colds, improve overall health, and is also believed to be able to lower blood pressure and blood levels. triglycerides.

Onions are undoubtedly a very healthy food, but they are especially useful for women, who have a four times higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men. The risk of this disease is increased in postmenopausal women. Onion prevents bone loss by destroying osteoclasts- bone tissue cells that break down bones. In fact, the bow works the same as bisphosphonates, medicines that are prescribed to treat or prevent bone disease. Unlike these powerful drugs, onions are able to destroy osteoclasts without any side effects. Like broccoli, onions have the ability to protect the body from developing cancer. Studies have shown that eating onions in large quantities reduces the development of breast cancer by 25 percent, and ovarian cancer by 73 percent!

Adviсe: Fresh onions will be a great addition to your sandwiches or salads, they can be quickly fried and added to fish, meat, cereals, soups.

3. Cabbage and green salad

Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, watercress, turnip greens, brauncol, and arugula have similar nutrient content, including vitamins K, A, and C, calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, manganese, folate, iron, and fiber.

One well-known study of 66,940 women showed that the risk of developing ovarian cancer fell by 40 percent in those who ate more foods rich in kaempferol. Like broccoli, the flavonoid kamphelol is found in high amounts in kale, Brussels sprouts, and greens. It also helps protect against heart disease.

Spinach is very rich in iron, which protects the immune system and helps the body produce energy.. This is especially important for pregnant women and during menstruation, because it is during this period that the body needs iron. Iron deficiency has a particularly serious effect on the female body. It causes anemia, weakness, does not allow cells to be supplied with oxygen. Iron is found in almost all greens, but it is especially abundant in chard, young mustard leaves, and romaine lettuce.

Dark leaves such as beetroot, spinach, seaweed and turnip leaves are high in magnesium, which plays an important role in various body processes. This magical mineral has a lot of positive aspects: it lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, bones, promotes good sleep, relaxes muscles, relieves stress and anxiety.

There are other reasons to eat more magnesium-rich foods. Studies have shown that about 29.5 million Americans suffer from migraines, of which approximately 75 percent are women. Magnesium helps relieve migraine symptoms and also helps prevent severe headaches. Studies have also shown that magnesium supplementation has helped relieve urinary incontinence problems in women with overactive bladder. Magnesium promotes calcium absorption, which greatly helps prevent osteoporosis and also maintains bone density.

According to medical organizations in the world a huge number of people suffer from depression, only in the US 12 million women each year seek medical help in connection with clinical depression. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. This disease is associated with a deficiency of calcium and magnesium, so often the appearance of this disease is not surprising. The researchers compared the bone mass of depressed women of childbearing age with women without depression and found that the former had lower bone mass and thinner pelvic bones, so they had a significantly higher risk of fractures.

Many leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E, which helps prevent hot flashes in women who are going through menopause. Vitamin E is sufficient in mustard, turnip and beetroot leaves, as well as in spinach, kale and brauncol. Like broccoli, these vegetables help get rid of bloating and puffiness.

Swiss chard and spinach are the most calcium-rich foods in the world. Calcium is an especially important component for women, it helps to strengthen bones and prevents bone loss after menopause. Women who eat plenty of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D are the least likely to develop type 2 diabetes and PMS. Calcium not only helps strengthen bones and teeth, it also plays a role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, and regulation of heart rate.

Magnesium and calcium are not the only nutrients that promote bone health. Vitamin K is also essential for bones and plays a critical role in preventing osteoporosis. Even if you consume enough calcium, this does not mean that it will be properly absorbed - vitamin K helps in this. It helps calcium cling to bone tissue and helps it to be absorbed. In fact, without the right portion of vitamin K, calcium will be deposited on its own in the joints and muscles, creating painful sensations. Calcium deposition in soft tissues is especially common in women, so they need to monitor their vitamin K intake. This vitamin is found in high amounts in leafy vegetables, especially spinach, kale, and beet leaves.

Adviсe: In order for the nutrients from leafy vegetables to be better absorbed, they should be consumed along with healthy fats, such as coconut or olive oil. You can also make a salad with the addition of golden raisins or raw pine nuts.

4. Beans

No matter which bean you choose, all varieties contain beneficial nutrients. Legumes are high in folate, fiber, tryptophan, protein, iron, magnesium, and potassium, which help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and breast cancer.

Legumes are a good source of fiber, with one cup of boiled pinto beans containing about 15 grams of fiber, as well as many health benefits. Fiber helps you feel full faster, regulates digestion, lowers bad cholesterol, prevents weight gain, and protects against diabetes and heart disease. The risk of developing heart disease especially increases in women after the onset of menopause.

Potassium is a vital nutrient for every cell in your body. A large amount of this mineral is found in lima and common beans, pinto beans. Potassium plays an important role in strengthening bones, the functioning of muscles and nerves. Numerous studies have shown that there is an association between intake of potassium-rich foods and bone density in pre- and post-menopausal women. One of the studies, which lasted 12 years, involved 91,731 women. Those participants who ate foods rich in potassium were 65 percent less likely to suffer from kidney stones compared to those who ate little of these foods.

tryptophan It is an essential amino acid that performs several important functions. One of them is the ability to increase serotonin levels in the brain. For this reason, beans and other tryptophan-rich foods help regulate appetite, improve sleep, and elevate mood.

Like other legumes, soy is an excellent source of fiber. One cup of cooked soy contains 29 grams of protein. Moreover, studies have shown that isoflavones, which are found in soybeans, increase bone density in postmenopausal women who previously had low bone density. Scientists believe that these components significantly reduce the risk of fractures. Soy isoflavones also relieve women from feeling hot during menopause.

Adviсe: While dried beans are the healthiest because they contain no salt, canned beans are also a good choice if drained before eating them. To prepare a delicious oriental hummus dish, you need to take a glass of chickpeas or beans, a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and tahini sesame paste, half a teaspoon of cumin and a pinch of pepper and salt. Mix everything in a blender until a thick paste is formed.

5. Salmon

This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and iron, and it also has enough protein. Independent studies have shown that farm-raised salmon meat has significantly less protein and healthy fatty acids than wild salmon meat. Farmed fish also have significantly more carcinogens and other toxins, as well as more harmful omega-6 fats. If you have a choice, it's best to eat wild-caught fish.

Salmon is one of the foods with the highest content of vitamin D, which is required by the body for better absorption of calcium, it helps to maintain adequate levels of calcium in the blood and promotes normal bone growth. Because of this, vitamin D plays an important role in preventing the development of osteoporosis. Red salmon is the richest source of vitamin D.

Health experts recognize that vitamin D not only has a positive effect on bones, but also on the health of the body as a whole. Unfortunately, vitamin B deficiency is quite common today, and it leads to depression and multiple sclerosis. Women are more likely to suffer from these diseases than men. Researchers have also linked vitamin D deficiency to obesity and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Our body does not produce essential fatty acids, so we must get them from food. Wild salmon is especially rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against inflammation, reduce the risk of strokes, increase good cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and prevent heart disease. Not only do they slow down your digestive processes, which means you'll feel full longer, but they can also help you shed belly fat! Several studies have shown that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids is associated with minimal belly fat. Also, these acids help protect against breast cancer and improve brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids help in the treatment of depression, however, more studies are planned to confirm this.

Adviсe: Sprinkle the salmon fillet with fresh rosemary and pepper, place lemon wedges on top and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Baked salmon is delicious even when cold. You can add it to salads, sandwiches or scrambled eggs.