A decoction of oatmeal benefits and harms. Oat decoction - medicinal properties and contraindications. Whole oats are rich in antioxidants, including aventhramide

Many were convinced of the usefulness of medicinal oatmeal infusion. This healing drink was actively used by our ancestors. Whole unpeeled grains - it is from this raw material that we will prepare the infusion of oats. The benefits and harms, as well as the popular recipe for this drink, will be discussed in the article.

Oat infusion recipe

Option number 1

The generally accepted recipe, which is used by many today, is that 200 grams of unpeeled oats are poured into 1 liter of boiled water. High quality milk can be used instead of water.

In the boiling mode, continue cooking for 2 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, squeezing out the grains.

It is optimal to take 1 glass three times a day. It is better to drink the infusion 30 minutes before a meal. It is unacceptable to add sugar to the drink, but honey is great for it.

Option number 2

According to information from individual sources, it is not the infusion described above that is more effective, but a long-preparing decoction. To prepare the decoction, unpeeled oats are taken in a volume of 200 grams and 1 liter of water. The only difference is that in this option it is required to continue cooking for a maximum of 3 hours. The cooled broth is stored in a refrigerator and taken according to the same scheme - before eating, drink 1 glass without sugar and continue like this for 60 days.

Option number 3

We suggest preparing oatmeal water for washing. In a convenient container, put 3 large spoons of unpeeled oats and pour 0.5 liters of water. After waiting for the boil, it is necessary to reduce the fire to a minimum and continue cooking for 3 minutes.

We advise you to wash your face with the resulting decoction. Thanks to the constant feeding of oatmeal water with vitamin B, the skin of the face is moisturized and saturated with the necessary elements. The face looks young and smooth due to the stabilization of collagen fibers with magnesium.

has several cooking options and a lot of useful properties, it is necessary to use it with caution in reasonable doses

The use of infusion of oats

The benefits of oatmeal

It is believed that an infusion or decoction of oats is very useful for the body, what specific changes in our body can be expected, we will list below.

  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system. This useful property is used to effectively restore the body with hepatitis, gastritis or pancreatitis. Recovery comes faster due to the rapid removal of harmful substances, dangerous cholesterol and accumulated toxins. Gastritis and ulcerative formations in the digestive tract are also treatable.
  • It is known about the use of this natural remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Oats contain a number of trace elements that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reception of oat infusion or decoction is best reflected in the functioning of the nervous system. Sleep gradually returns to normal, the overall tone of the body improves. This happens against the background of saturation of the body with vital B vitamins.
  • To keep the infusion warm, it is prepared in a thermos. The use of this liquid is relevant in the treatment of colds or for its prevention. For the effective destruction of viruses, the elimination of fever, the normal excretion of sputum and the reduction of cough, we recommend adding onion juice to the infusion, a few drops are enough. From the use of the drink, the release of sweat noticeably increases, which is useful for colds.
  • You can relieve the ailments that accompany diabetes. When eating oats, it is easier to maintain a normal level of sugar.
  • Taking oat infusion or decoction saturates our body with a sufficient amount of useful substances, while normal burning of excess fat becomes possible. With sufficient use of oatmeal drinks, the painful feeling of hunger is excluded and the body is cleansed. The tool is recommended to use with diets.
  • Decoctions and infusions based on oats help people with nicotine addiction overcome pathological cravings for this common and dangerous drug.

Possible harm from infusion of oats

Please note that not everyone and not always can take an infusion of oats, the benefits and harms can be obtained by drinking this drink. Consider in which cases it is unacceptable to use drinks based on unpeeled oats.

  • Oat drinks win against the background of drugs due to the absence of contraindications, although individual intolerance can lead to a lot of trouble and ailments.
  • Doctors prohibit the use of oatmeal drink for serious diseases of the gallbladder.
  • You can provoke undesirable consequences by taking oatmeal infusion if the kidneys work abnormally.
  • You will have to abandon home treatment with oats if you are concerned about increased acidity in the stomach.

So, we found out what properties characterize the infusion of oats. The benefits and harms of this drink were discussed in the article. But you should not completely rely on intuition and independently prescribe treatment with such drinks. We recommend that you consult a specialist, analyze the expected effect of eating oats, use it correctly and with caution.

Numerous medicinal properties and ease of preparation are the main characteristics due to which the popularity of oatmeal decoction is growing. The benefits and harms of the drink mainly depend on the correctness of its preparation, but many people forget about it. The result of a neglectful attitude to the rules of brewing the healing mass can be serious side effects and a complete lack of therapeutic effects on the body. In order for a drink that has great potential to do no harm, you need to remember just a few recommendations.

Contraindications to the use of decoction of oats

Some supporters of traditional medicine argue that a decoction of oats can be taken by everyone without exception. The practical application of the composition nevertheless made it possible to identify several contraindications to such therapy. Under the following conditions, it is better to refuse the product or at least drink the product with caution:

  • Gallstones, no gallbladder.
  • Renal or cardiovascular failure.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.
  • Serious liver pathology.

In these cases, the risks of developing side effects are too high, so you should consult with your doctor before starting treatment. Individual intolerance to the components of the drink is extremely rare, but still, before starting the course, you need to make sure that it is absent.

The harm of oatmeal and how to eliminate it

Oats contain growth inhibitors in their composition, due to which the germination of grains in adverse conditions is impossible. They are represented by phytic acid and its salts. These substances are not unique, they are present in many types of grains, nuts, seeds and beans. When entering the human body, chemical compounds can trigger the following processes:

  • There is a binding and excretion of valuable minerals (zinc, calcium, iron, copper) from the body. These elements are no longer absorbed in the right amount, which is why deficient states develop.

Tip: Today, oatmeal is available at health food stores. If this is done with a preventive purpose, you can try. If necessary, it is better to carry out treatment on your own. There is no guarantee that a particular establishment sells a properly boiled composition.

  • The action of enzymes is suppressed, which negatively affects the quality of food digestion. In particular, it disrupts protein metabolism.
  • Phytic acid prevents the absorption of phosphorus, which is necessary to maintain bone strength.

In fact, phytic acid itself is a valuable source of phosphorus, but it is absorbed only under the influence of the phytase enzyme. Fortunately, scientists have found ways to start the synthesis of this substance in the body. Before you start preparing a decoction of oats, you need to subject the main ingredient to one of the following types of processing:

  • Soak (with or without further fermentation).
  • germinate.
  • Fry. True, this approach is usually applied only to chocolate and coffee beans.

If a decoction of oats is prepared according to all the rules, the potential risks of drinking will be minimized. Violation of the liquid production technology, at best, will lead to a useless product, at worst, a variant of the development of the scenarios described above is possible.

The benefits of oatmeal and its medicinal properties

A healing decoction or prepared on its basis has several types of positive effects on the human body at once. In general, it is much easier to list diseases from which the product does not save. Here, for example, are the most striking properties of the drink:

  • Soluble fiber in the composition of the decoction has enveloping properties. After entering the stomach, it passes into a state of a substance similar to jelly. This mass covers the walls of the organ, reducing the irritating effect of food on the mucous membrane. Regular use of the composition significantly alleviates the condition of people with gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Due to the presence in the composition, drinking reduces the likelihood of spikes in blood sugar.
  • Narcologists recommend a decoction and infusion of oats to people who are trying to overcome nicotine, drug and alcohol addiction.
  • The use of the product has a calming effect. Large amounts of B vitamins help improve sleep and eliminate signs of depression.
  • The healing broth contains tryptophan, which stimulates the growth of muscle tissue. This property of the drink allows it to be included in the nutrition of athletes.
  • The positive effect of oatmeal is noticeable with colds, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and coughs. But in this case, you should use a composition prepared in milk, and not in water.

  • The abundance of soluble fiber helps to cleanse the body. Toxins and salts of heavy metals are removed from the body. This property of the product can be used for poisoning, after chemotherapy.
  • A decoction of oats cleans the blood of bad cholesterol, which has a positive effect on the functionality of the cardiovascular system.
  • The product rich in trace elements removes excess fluid from the body, which helps to cope with edema.
  • A natural remedy contributes to the normalization of metabolism, so it can be used for weight loss. You just need to remember that they include it in diets to reduce appetite, and not to burn fat.
  • Do not forget about the anti-aging properties of the composition. Its components stimulate the processes of cell division, against which active tissue regeneration occurs.

One of the added benefits of oats is the fact that they are gluten-free. It can be safely introduced into your diet by people with intolerance to the substance.

Rules and recipes for making a decoction of oats

A useful and safe decoction of oats can only be obtained if phytin is split. For this purpose, you can use the option of soaking the workpiece, but nutritionists consider it not the most successful. Studies have shown that even after 12 hours of soaking, the cereal still contains about 75% phytin. It is better to resort to the fermentation of the product or its germination.

The preparation of oatmeal from fermented grains will look like this:

  • We take a glass of oats along with the husk, fill it with whey, which remains after boiling the cottage cheese. The liquid should be 2 times larger than the thick part in volume, because the grains will swell.

Tip: You can use more than just whey to ferment oats. If the composition is not at hand, use a solution of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. For their preparation, 1 teaspoon of the product is used per 1 liter of water.

  • The workpiece must be kept for about 12-14 hours in a warm place until the grains swell. This is a signal that you can start preparing the broth.
  • Drain the liquid, wash the grains in a colander. We act carefully, trying not to wash off the husk. All this is poured into 1 liter of water and put on fire.
  • After 2 hours of languishing on low heat, the liquid must be drained and diluted with drinking or boiled water. The result should be 1 liter of oatmeal broth. It is recommended to drink it in a couple of days.

To prepare a decoction of oats from sprouted grains, you need to do the following:

  • Soak the grains of oats in water for 12 hours, after which the liquid is drained.
  • We lay the blanks on a damp gauze and place in a warm place. You need to wait until the grains hatch. Do not keep oats until sprouts form.
  • We transfer the hatched grains to a blender, fill it with water so that it only slightly covers the mass. For taste, you can add a little honey.
  • The mass must be crushed. It should become smooth, smoothie-like. The product prepared in this way should be drunk during the day, it is not stored longer.

It is generally incorrect to call a drink prepared according to the latter method a decoction, because oats are not subjected to heat treatment. It is in the course of such an impact that it is possible to obtain the most useful folk remedy.

In cases where a decoction of oats is planned to be taken in order to obtain a therapeutic effect, the dosage, schedule and duration of the course should be agreed with the specialized doctor. If this is done for prevention or general strengthening of the body, the composition can be drunk like regular tea. Standard rules recommend consuming a mass of 100 ml half an hour before a meal.

Oatmeal broth can be given to children not only for colds. The healing agent copes with the manifestations of diathesis and food allergies. With these diagnoses, the duration of treatment should be 1 month. The schedule will depend on the age of the small patient:

  • From 6 to 12 months, 1 teaspoon is enough in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bedtime.
  • Up to 2 years, you can give your baby already 1 tablespoon twice a day.
  • Up to 5 years, the daily portion is a third of a glass in two divided doses per day.
  • Up to 10 years, the daily portion is already half a glass in two divided doses per day.

The natural remedy does not cause addiction, therefore, if desired, it can be taken regularly, taking breaks only from time to time. A decoction of oats is not recommended to be combined with coffee or black tea. These drinks reduce the quality of assimilation of a number of substances in the composition of the medicinal product. Ready-made broth is best drunk a little warm, and it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days.

A decoction of oats, as an "ambulance" for pancreatitis

Many people have personally appreciated the effectiveness of oatmeal in the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis. Of course, it is enough just to drink the liquid according to the described scheme, but it is better to carry out a whole range of therapeutic measures.

  1. On the first day, you should refuse to eat. With a strong attack, there is still no desire.
  2. Drink warm water throughout the day.
  3. Instead of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to use a decoction of oats and an infusion of flaxseeds.
  4. It is better to replace tea with an infusion of St. John's wort with the addition of a small amount of honey.
  5. The second and third day the diet is repeated. Only oatmeal porridge infused with water (and not boiled with milk) is added to oatmeal broth and flaxseed infusion.
  6. All this time, it is recommended to additionally drink phytocomplexes in consultation with the doctor.
  7. From the fourth day, other foods can be introduced into the diet, but decoctions and infusions should be continued to be drunk for 10 days. Oatmeal broth is allowed to be consumed up to 30 days, i.e. until full recovery.

Oatmeal broth will only become healthier and tastier if flavor enhancers such as rosehip infusion or honey are added during its manufacture. By replacing boiling water with milk, we get an excellent remedy for colds, which is allowed to be taken even in childhood.

oats For centuries, it has been used to treat various diseases, lose weight, cleanse the body, improve the liver. In folk medicine, the healing properties of decoction, infusion, oat kvass are used for overwork, insomnia, to improve the general condition of the body.

Oats and its beneficial properties

Oatmeal is especially useful for weakened people who have suffered a serious illness. Such porridge helps to quickly restore strength.

No less useful is oat soup, which is useful for children with urinary problems. The same soup helps to restore strength after such a serious illness as tuberculosis.

With the same purpose (to restore strength after a serious illness), a decoction of oats, sweetened with honey, also helps. A decoction of oats has a diuretic property, helps to normalize metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system.

Oats help relieve pain in urolithiasis. For this purpose, a decoction of straw was prepared and applied as a compress to the kidney area. Such compresses not only reduce pain, but also contribute to the painless and gentle removal of stones from the kidneys.

Oat dishes are used in dietary clinical nutrition, as oats help to remove excess cholesterol from the body and blood. Oats contain special substances and fiber involved in this process.

Oat dishes are also useful for people suffering from high blood pressure.

An oatmeal diet is prescribed for people with fractures, or metabolic disorders in the bones, since oats contain a sufficient amount of substances such as calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Oats contain a substance called magnesium. Magnesium is a very necessary substance for the body; without it, the normal functioning of the heart muscle is impossible. But besides this, magnesium is also very necessary for the liver, as it stimulates the secretion of bile. Therefore, oats are used for liver diseases and, in particular, for cholecystitis.

Magnesium is also unique in that it prevents the formation of blood clots, helps cleanse blood vessels, so oats must be included in the diet of patients suffering from atherosclerosis, coronary disease, hypertension, thrombophlebitis.

Be sure to include oat dishes for people who have undergone heart surgery.

In the process of cooking oatmeal on water, a protein-starch mucous mass is formed, which has unique healing properties. Such a mass, entering the stomach, does not irritate its walls, on the contrary, it envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting it from the harmful effects of harmful substances that also enter the body.

The value of this mucus also lies in the fact that, enveloping the walls of the stomach, it does not let harmful substances into the body, but at the same time, oatmeal itself is easily absorbed by the body.

In the course of research, it was found that oatmeal helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body, for example, one of these metals is lead, which is very difficult for the body to get rid of.

Oatmeal dishes are also useful for older people who often suffer from heart disease. Joints, liver, pancreas, etc.

Today, among the many diseases, constipation is the scourge. Oatmeal mucus helps to easily cope with this trouble. Moreover, it normalizes bowel function both with constipation and diarrhea.

There are serious diseases of the stomach, in which almost everything is forbidden to eat. These diseases include peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. So, with these diseases, dishes and medicines from oats are simply irreplaceable.

Do not lose sight of the anti-aging properties of oats. For example, this cereal contains a high content of silicon. And silicon is involved in the production of collagen, thanks to which the skin remains young, supple and toned.

In addition, silicon retains water in the cells, preventing dehydration. The lack of water in the skin cells leads to its rapid withering, it becomes dry and flabby.

Silicon is also involved in many other processes. Thanks to silicon, the body easily absorbs elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and others.

If you want to lose weight, then oatmeal will be indispensable in this regard. After all, it is silicon that is responsible for fat metabolism. Without this substance, the breakdown of adipose tissue is impossible.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to list all the useful and medicinal properties of oats in one article. But to be brief, oats help to cope with many diseases.

What diseases does oats help cure?

  • constipation
  • diarrhea
    Bronchial diseases, cough
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Scrofula
  • Urinary retention
  • Tuberculosis
  • Heart disease
  • Asthenia
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • Neurasthenia, depression, fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Joint diseases, radiculitis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve
  • For skin diseases (lichen, eczema, diathesis)
  • Diabetes (lowers blood sugar)
  • throat cancer
  • Dyspnea
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels
  • Normalizes metabolic processes
  • It is used for liver diseases, cholecystitis
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Oats are used in cosmetology

For the treatment of diseases, a decoction of oats is most often used, jelly, kvass are also prepared from it, and then I will tell you more about this, how to cook, how to take.

Benefit and harm

Since oat decoction is most often used for medicinal purposes, I will talk about its use, how to cook and how to drink.

A decoction of oats is used in a variety of cases. This is an excellent tool. Helping cleanse the body. If you are engaged in cleansing the body, then in the process, decay products, toxins, toxins and much more come out of all tissues and organs into the blood.

As a result, a person's well-being worsens, weakness, dizziness appear. To avoid unpleasant symptoms and drink a decoction of oats. For the same purpose, a decoction of oats is taken to treat allergies.

Oatmeal also helps to get rid of liver stones and many liver diseases.

This drug improves metabolism, removes salts of heavy metals, toxins.

What else I liked is that oat decoction helps to cope with both tobacco and drug addiction.

There are many recipes for making a decoction of oats. I will give a few simple ones, and you can choose whichever one you like best.

The easiest oatmeal recipe

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp ground grain
  • 500 ml. water

Pour oats with warm boiled (40C) water and leave overnight. In the morning, put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil and steam for 5-10 minutes. Then, let the broth cool down a bit, strain and drink like tea, sweetened with honey. Such a recipe can be prepared as a general tonic.

Standard recipe for oatmeal decoction

We prepare a decoction based on:

  • 1 liter of oats
  • 5 liters of water

Pour the oats with water and put on a large fire. When the liquid boils, reduce the fire and simmer for 30 minutes. Allow the broth to cool, then strain and drink.

On the day you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of this decoction. This recipe is used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Taking such a decoction regularly, you can get rid of salt deposits in the joints, cleanse the vessels of cholesterol and plaques, get rid of kidney and liver stones. Also, a decoction helps to get rid of chronic fatigue, increase immunity, improve memory and increase efficiency.

With gastrointestinal disease

How to steam oats for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

This recipe helps to get rid of such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as ulcers, gastritis, colitis, treats the pancreas and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

With these diseases, preparing a decoction is a little time consuming, therefore, you need to be patient.

Take products in proportion:

  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 liter of water

Pour oats with water and leave overnight. In the morning, put the mixture on fire and boil for about 30 minutes. After that, wrap the container with the broth in a warm blanket and leave to infuse for another 12 hours. Take a decoction three times a day, 0.5 cups before meals.

But if you do not want to bother with making a decoction for the treatment of stomach diseases for a long time, then there is an easier recipe. In this version, oats can be steamed in a thermos. Despite the fact that the decoction is prepared very simply, it is in no way inferior in its action.

To prepare a decoction, you need to make oatmeal. You can make as much flour as you like. To do this, wash and dry the oats well. Grind dried oats in a coffee grinder. Store in a tightly closed glass jar.

For steaming, take 2 tbsp. oatmeal, pour boiling water in a thermos and close the thermos. The broth must be allowed to brew for at least 5 hours. You can prepare it in the evening for the night, and in the morning you can start taking the medicine. This decoction is taken before each meal for 20 minutes.

How to steam a decoction of oats in milk

This recipe helps to restore strength after a serious illness in adults and children.

A decoction is prepared from the calculation

  • 5 cups oats
  • 2 liters. milk

First we need to boil the milk and only after that we pour the prepared oats into it. It is better to take the dishes so that they can withstand the temperature in the oven, so as not to mess around a lot with transfusions and washing dishes.

Then, put the container with the medicine to languish in the oven for 2 hours. Take the medicine at bedtime for 1 glass (the dose is reduced for the child). On the basis of such a decoction, you can cook many healthy desserts that any child will really like.

This decoction helps to get rid of cough with bronchitis and shortness of breath.

Nervous exhaustion tincture

To prepare the tincture, you need to take young, green stalks of oats and grind them in a meat grinder. For 2 glasses of vodka you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed stems. Stems pour vodka, mix, close the lid and put in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. After that, strain the tincture and take 20 drops daily in the morning and evening before meals.

Tincture helps not only cope with nervous exhaustion. It is taken for mental and physical fatigue. It also helps to get rid of insomnia.

But these are not all its useful properties. The tincture can be used for urolithiasis. It has a diuretic, diaphoretic property. It has a tincture and antipyretic properties, so it can be taken during colds.

To prepare the infusion, take 30 grams of green oat stalks (you can take straw), pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain the finished infusion and take 0.5 cup three times a day.

Liver treatment

This recipe is used as a choleretic agent. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 1 glass of grains, pour 1 liter of water and put on fire and simmer over low heat until the mass is reduced by 2 times. Take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

A decoction of oats from sciatica

A decoction made from oat straw helps to get rid of the pain that occurs during exacerbation of sciatica. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction, for this you need to take 2 kg. straw, pour 5 liters of water, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.

Allow the finished broth to cool slightly, strain and pour into the bath. The temperature of the bath should be no higher than 38C. Bath time is 10-15 minutes. In total, 20 procedures need to be done. Between procedures you need to take a break of 2-3 days.

Oatmeal for depression

I know from my own experience that depression is a very unpleasant condition that must be dealt with and overcome. You can't do without the help of a specialist. Along with this, for a better result, you can take a decoction of oat straw.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 3 tbsp. chopped straw, pour 400 ml. boiling water and let it brew. Drink during the day in several doses.

Getting rid of tobacco addiction

Helps decoction of oats to get rid of tobacco addiction. To do this, you need to prepare a soda solution (dissolve 1 tsp of soda in 1 liter) and pour 100 grams of oat seeds with this solution. Leave for 4 hours. Then, put the mass on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour. Allow to cool slightly, strain and take the resulting liquid 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Diabetes treatment

To lower blood sugar levels and reduce the consequences of this terrible disease, you need to take 100 grams of oats, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, the liquid is drained and taken three times a day for 0.5 cups.

As for contraindications, they are very few, but they are.

The first contraindication is product intolerance. Although rare, it does happen. The same goes for allergies.

Despite the fact that oats are so beneficial for the body, you should not consume them in unlimited quantities. Everywhere you need to comply with the norm. Avoid excessive consumption of this drink.

And of course, keep an eye on your condition. During treatment, listen to your body. If something goes wrong, you feel worse, then it is better to stop eating oats.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about oats, about what its benefits are, what healing properties it has on the body. As you can see, this is a unique and priceless product that must be present on your table, if not in the form of infusions, decoctions, but in the form of cereals.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/4.jpg" alt=" Decoction of oats medicinal properties and contraindications" width="300" height="287" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C287&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Сегодня расскажу, !} how a decoction of oats saved me from pancreatitis after the holidays and allowed the body to quickly return to normal.

A decoction of oats with medicinal properties and contraindications will help many - often instead of medicines for any ailments.

I share my experience and knowledge, I will tell you what harm and benefit this drink can bring, how to prepare it correctly.

After the New Year and Christmas holidays, during which the food was more fatty than I take every day, and there was also a lot more of it and I wanted to try everything, my body sent me hello in the form of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

The first call was a month ago, when I sprained my leg badly, but I ignored it and simply relieved the pain and swelling, and then it was necessary to help my pancreas return to normal functioning.

Now I had to take emergency measures, since all the delights of exacerbating the functions of the pancreas were on the face.

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Therefore, I want to immediately warn everyone:

If you sprained your leg, especially in your left ankle- we immediately begin to deal with our pancreas, so as not to aggravate the process. This is one of the sure signs of a violation of its work.

What did I do? Below I will describe my personal experience. A decoction of oats helped me a lot. Therefore, I will sing a song to him now!

Medicinal properties and contraindications of oat decoction, how to properly prepare oat decoction, benefits and harms

A decoction of oats has excellent medicinal properties and minor contraindications. But it can also harm the body ...
I want to immediately emphasize - if it is wrong to prepare a decoction of oats, then it will not bring benefits- at best, and at worst - will harm the body. And although many say that there are no contraindications and harm in the use of aqueous oat extracts, I will allow myself to disagree and give specific arguments in this article.


There are practically no obvious and strict contraindications. You just need to be careful when using it if you experience:

  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder
  • removed gall bladder
  • cardiovascular failure
  • kidney failure
  • increased acidity of the stomach
  • individual intolerance to the components
  • serious liver disease

It is necessary to refrain from using the decoction until consulting a specialist. Infusion or decoction in these cases can only be used at recommended doses by a herbalist or gastroenterologist. The risk of self-medication is high.

The harm of oatmeal drink due to the content of phytin

The presence of phytin in the grain brings the greatest harm to the body. Most people don't know about it at all. This growth inhibitors, which do not allow the grain to grow under adverse conditions. They are represented by phytic acid and its salts - phytates.

Phytin is found in grains (especially in bran), nuts, legumes, seeds.
What harm do phytates and phytic acid cause:

  • phytic acid binds and removes important trace elements from the body- calcium, zinc, copper and iron, which enter the body with food, that is, it can be the cause of mineral deficiency
  • she inhibits the action of enzymes, food is poorly digested or not digested at all. This is especially true for pepsin and trypsin, that is, enzymes for the breakdown of proteins.
  • prevents absorption of phosphorus, so necessary for the construction of bone tissue, which is in a bound state and it is he who is part of phytic acid in large quantities

Phytic acid is a storehouse of phosphorus in plants, which is absorbed only by ruminants. A person cannot absorb phosphorus from plants without first treating phytic acid with the enzyme phytase, which breaks it down. That is, in order for any grain, including oats, to bring benefits, not harm, it is necessary to create all conditions for the activation of the phytase enzyme.

The enzyme is activated in three cases:

  1. soak with or without further fermentation
  2. roasting(this is how phytates are removed from coffee and chocolate beans)
  3. germination- the most efficient way

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Why do I write so many letters?
So that you understand that in many recipes that are on the Internet, it is recommended soak whole oats in water(that is, those that contain phytin) for several hours and then boil them in the same liquid. And rightly so - drain this liquid and rinse the grains! And for cooking and languishing fill with fresh water.

Medicinal properties and benefits of decoction

The broth and jelly prepared on its basis were used even in the times of the Vikings. The effect on the body is very versatile and the benefits are beyond doubt. I will briefly list the benefits of using the decoction and in which diseases its therapeutic effect is most pronounced:

  1. enveloping properties. Oatmeal contains beta-glucan or soluble fiber. After the decoction enters the stomach, it changes its structure and turns into a jelly-like substance that covers the mucous membrane with a thin layer, alleviating the condition of patients with gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  2. Prevents sugar spikes in patients with diabetes. Contains inulin- a substance that replaces sugar in diabetes.
  3. Reduces drug addiction thanks to the content scopoletine. The benefit is manifested in the fact that using the decoction for a long time, it helps to quit smoking, drinking and get rid of drug addiction, causing disgust for them.
  4. Calms the nervous system and improves sleep due to the high content of B vitamins. Relieves depression.
  5. Restores muscles. The presence of tryptophan in the decoction helps in building muscle tissue and due to this, oatmeal decoction is included in the nutrition of athletes.
  6. Diaphoretic and antipyretic action for acute respiratory infections and colds, pneumonia and coughs. In this case, the decoction is prepared not on water, but on milk, and honey with raisins is added to it.
  7. Cleanses the body thanks to soluble fiber, it removes salts of heavy metals and any toxins. The cleansing function of the drink is used for many diseases:
    • with food and other body poisoning
    • when restoring functions liver and pancreas weakened by toxins glands
    • in oncology, especially after chemotherapy - to restore the normal functioning of almost all organ systems poisoned by chemicals in large doses

    There are reports on the Internet about studying the influence beta-glucan to inhibit the development of cancer cells.

  8. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Thanks to beta-glucan (soluble fiber), oat decoction removes low-density cholesterol from the body, improving the condition of blood vessels and heart function.
  9. Relieves swelling. A decoction is useful for edema and urolithiasis - it removes excess fluid from the body.
  10. Oats are gluten free(unlike all cereals), and therefore it can be introduced into the diet by those people who avoid foods containing gluten in their diet.
  11. Actively rejuvenates the body stimulating tissue regeneration. Oatmeal is called the elixir of youth - there is a fact in history that it was the regular use of this drink that helped the French doctor Jean de Saint-Catherine live to be 120 years old.
  12. Useful for weight loss. An oat drink contains all the substances necessary for the body - even soluble proteins with rare amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, vitamins and minerals. An oatmeal drink nourishes the cells with the necessary substances and thanks to this, cellular starvation is removed during diets, which means - reduces appetite. I hope you understand that it is included in diets to reduce appetite, not to burn fat. To burn fat, you will have to give physical activity to the body, and if someone promises you otherwise, do not believe it!
  13. Source of protein for vegetarians. An oatmeal drink with a vegetarian diet supplies the body with vegetable proteins soluble in broth.

We have considered the main useful properties of oatmeal decoction and its benefits. Now let's move on to the preparation of the drink itself.

How to make a decoction, recipes

The most important thing that we need to do in order to prepare a decoction - split the phytin. This is possible during soaking, fermentation or long-term heat treatment - languishing. For many grains soaking for two hours in water is enough to activate phytase- an enzyme that breaks down phytin and releases the bound phosphorus in phytic acid for its further assimilation.

But there are two cereals that contain a certain amount of phytase and she in them hardly activated when soaked in water are oats and corn. The graph shows that after 12 hours of soaking corn and oats, the phytin content is 75% of the amount of phytin before soaking, while wheat and rye do not contain phytin after two hours of soaking. That is, soaking oats and corn in water does not remove phytin.

What are we going to do with oats so that they get rid of the phytin before preparing the decoction? There are several ways:

  • whey fermentation overnight
  • germination of oat grains

Oat decoction recipes

1. Common Recipe, which is described everywhere (it has a fitin). Soak overnight 1 cup of whole oats with husks. For 12 hours of soaking, oats will lose 25% of phytin. In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse the oats well and pour 1 liter of water. We put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the oats for 4-6 hours (I set it overnight). With prolonged languor, part of the fitin will also disintegrate. Turn off the heat and leave the broth to infuse until it cools completely. After that, drain the liquid, add water to a volume of 1 liter. Once again bring to a boil and drink the prepared amount of drink in two days.

2. Decoction of fermented oats. In the evening, pour 1 glass of oats with whey husks after boiling the cottage cheese so that it covers it well. It must be taken into account that the grain will swell and increase in volume, so whey should always be twice as much in volume as the grain. If there is no serum, we make a weak solution with apple cider vinegar (one teaspoon per liter of water) or lemon juice. We put in a warm place for the night or for 12-14 hours. An indicator that you can start making a decoction is a swollen grain.

In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse the grains through a strainer so as not to wash off the husk. Fill with water in a volume of 1 liter and put on the stove for 2 hours to languish. After cooling we separate the brewed drink from oat grains, bring water to a volume of 1 liter and drink 100 ml 4-5 times before meals. Let's drink to two days.

3. . The most useful and correct preparation of a drink from sprouted oats. It is not boiled. The process will be lengthy:
Soak oat grains for 12 hours with water. We drain the water. We spread the swollen grains on filter paper or gauze in a thin ball and keep warm until most of them hatch (no need to wait for sprouts!).

We collect grains from gauze in a blender, add water so that it covers the grains. You can add 1 tablespoon of honey. Thoroughly grind the mixture. It's like a smoothie drink. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach half a glass of drink. The rest is during the day. We don't leave it on the second day. There is no need to boil anything here.

The main thing is that in the swollen whole grain, enzymatic hydrolysis (splitting) of all nutrients occurs so that the germ has the strength and building material for rapid germination. AND we use this power and a huge amount of biologically active substances for our body.

In terms of nutritional value (especially with honey), it has no equal. Fast restores strength, boosts immunity seriously ill in the postoperative, postpartum periods, after nervous and physical exhaustion, after chemotherapy.

Personally, I'm too lazy to do sprouting every day. I did this with an exacerbation of pancreatitis. And for every day I use sprouted grains of oats, barley, wheat and corn, prepared according to a special technique developed by Ukrainian scientists. I think that my parents lived to this age with their sores due to their fantastic effect on cell regeneration and rejuvenation.

Any of the listed basic recipes can be improved, adding other medicinal plants or their fruits.

For example, adding raisins in the same amount as oat grain, we get an excellent remedy for colds, SARS or flu. For children, we replace boiling water with milk.

You can strengthen the decoction of oats by mixing it with rosehip infusion in a thermos and enriched with a high content of vitamin C. How Right to make a rosehip infusion in a thermos, see the article "" and do not think that you are doing it right - I also poured boiling water over it ... Good to drink during flu season to boost immunity.

For heart disease can be cooked separately a decoction of the roots of elecampane and oats and ready-made infused liquids combine about add a spoonful of honey. Or you can pour the crushed elecampane root (a tablespoon) with 0.5 liters of oatmeal and bring to a boil, turn it off, wrap it for 2 hours or pour it into a thermos, strain after infusion and add honey to the not hot mixture. Drink morning and evening 0.5 cups half an hour before meals.

When mixing infusion of hawthorn and oatmeal drink take the mixture at high pressure.

If done decoction on a mixture of grains of oats, rye, barley and millet and take it regularly reduced cravings for tobacco and easier to quit smoking. A ready-made set of sprouted cereals, which I spoke about above, also works, despite a slightly different composition. At least he helped me get rid of this habit. By the way, so does my brother.

How to take a decoction of oats

If the decoction is properly prepared and there is no special dosage from your doctor for certain diseases, then the question of how to drink a decoction can be safely answered - as tea or instead of tea. In most cases, it is recommended to drink a decoction of 100 ml half an hour before meals. If there is no special scheme - until complete recovery.

Oats are useful and children, especially with persistent colds, he can also cope with allergies and childhood diathesis.

Children should consume the decoction within a month in such quantities (depending on age):

  • from 6 months to a year, one teaspoon in the morning and evening
  • from one to two years - one dining room in the morning and in the evening
  • from two years to five years, 1/3 cup once a day (divide the serving into two doses)
  • from 5 years to 10 from 1/2 cup once a day (divided into two doses)

There is no addiction of the body to natural preparations!

It is believed that at this time it is necessary to reduce or even abandon black coffee and tea, as they do not allow many substances from the broth to be absorbed.

It makes no sense to use alcohol and oatmeal at the same time, since then the cleansing function, support for the liver and pancreas does not make sense. That is, for the period of treatment or prevention with a decoction of oats, it is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

The decoction is taken warm. It must be stored in the refrigerator. A decoction is prepared for a maximum of two days, as it quickly deteriorates.

How I managed to stop the exacerbation of pancreatitis. Personal experience

In an article about, I promised to tell my personal experience with an exacerbation of pancreatitis. And now I share it - what I did and in what order.
I had to immediately apply a fairly large complex of both folk remedies and food restrictions. I'll tell you in order.

  1. One day I didn’t eat at all - the body simply didn’t want to categorically.
  2. I drank a lot of water - warm.
  3. Taken in the morning, afternoon and evening a decoction of oat grains and a cold infusion of flax grains.
  4. I made an infusion of herbs in a thermos Hypericum and drank instead of tea (1 teaspoon of St. John's wort per 1 liter of boiling water). Sugarless. With a little honey.
  5. The second and third days I ate only oatmeal porridge mixed with flax infusion.
  6. All the days I took the F. Active phytocomplex to support the pancreas, which relieved bloating (there was a lot of gas) and heaviness in the abdomen, as well as pain just above the navel. Now I continue to take it, although everything has already recovered since the course is 30 days.

Three days later, thanks to the above measures, the feeling of bitterness in the morning in the throat and slight nausea disappeared, a stool formed and an appetite appeared. Now I eat small and often. I continue to drink oatmeal and linseed drink - I liked them and the minimum of taking it is 10 days, and for complete stabilization - 60.

So I can confirm from my own experience that if you immediately help the body and take all the measures recommended above, you can remove the exacerbation of pancreatitis using folk methods.

If the pain is sharp and severe, you do not know your diagnoses - do not self-medicate, consult a doctor so as not to bring acute pancreatitis to an attack.

In the article we have covered:

medicinal and beneficial properties of oatmeal drink
find out what benefits and harms it can bring
what are the contraindications for its use
how to cook it right
how to take decoction
learned my personal experience of its application

Watch the video, how most people prepare a decoction of oats - fitins are preserved in it, oats are not fermented, soaked and languishing, and you already know that this must be done:

I wish you to be healthy, but even then prophylactically strengthen the body with this wonderful drink!

Oats are a very useful cereal that has served people as both food and medicine since ancient times. A decoction of oat grains is a natural remedy that is used as an addition to the main therapy for serious diseases. It is useful for the functioning of the body, as it has a general strengthening effect and helps to cleanse it of toxins.

The benefits of decoction of oats are difficult to overestimate, and this remedy is practically incapable of harming health: it can be taken even during pregnancy, and it is safe for children. What treats a decoction of oats, how to make it and how to take it correctly.

14 Health Benefits of Oat Decoction

  1. Cleanses the body

  2. Improves the functioning of the digestive system

    The wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect of oats helps to restore damaged mucosa, which is useful for the stomach and intestines with gastritis and peptic ulcer. Means from oats also stimulate peristalsis and help eliminate constipation.

  3. Stimulates metabolism

    Practically all micro and macro elements that make up unrefined oats are necessary for normal energy metabolism. The same function is performed by B and F vitamins, which promote fat burning and accelerate the processing of complex carbohydrates.

  4. Accelerates the excretion of fluid

  5. Increases immunity

    Iron zinc, F vitamins and various amino acids that make up oats stimulate the immune system, stop inflammation in the body and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues. The presence of silver is also important to increase immunity, which is a natural antibiotic and can destroy more than 600 types of bacteria.

  6. Reduces blood sugar levels

    Vitamins of group B affect the stabilization of sugar levels. In combination with magnesium, they prevent the development of complications in diabetes, and a complex of micro and macro elements is useful for the work of the pancreas and thyroid glands responsible for the production of insulin.

  7. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Proteins and iron increase the level of hemoglobin, improving the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, while magnesium and F vitamins improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, removing unnecessary stress from the heart muscle. An important role in this is played by elements that prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and promote the rapid healing of vessel walls.

  8. Strengthens the nervous system

    A decoction of oats helps with stress, neurosis, depression, has a sedative effect and helps to normalize sleep. All of its rich chemical composition contributes to this, but copper and zinc are especially important: they are necessary for the formation of nerve sheaths, the destruction of which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

  9. Restores liver cells

    Helping the body to get rid of accumulated toxins and normalizing metabolism, organic compounds and enzymes contained in oats facilitate the work of the liver, also providing it with building material for the regeneration of damaged cells. These beneficial properties of oats are used to improve the condition of hepatitis.

  10. Reduces the risk of cancer

  11. Improves appearance

    The general strengthening effect of oat decoction on the body helps to improve the condition of the outer shells: hair, skin, nails. The immuno-enhancing and anti-inflammatory properties of oats play an important role in this, since skin problems often occur against the background of inflammatory processes and the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

  12. Improves the functioning of the upper respiratory tract

    A decoction of oats is used for coughs and asthma due to its enveloping and expectorant properties. In the case of a cold cough, remedies from this plant help eliminate its very cause, helping the body fight the disease. Its decoctions and infusions are also indicated for "smoker's cough" caused by irritation of the respiratory mucosa.

  13. Normalizes the work of the endocrine system

    Vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, micro and macro elements contained in oats normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands. At the same time, the hormonal balance is restored and the functioning of all body systems improves. These medicinal properties of oats are used for pancreatitis.

  14. Improves the functions of the reproductive system

    Oats are rich in substances useful for the reproductive function of men and women. It contains arginine and vitamin F, which improve spermogenesis, as well as magnesium and zinc, necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, preventing miscarriages and preeclampsia. It is very useful for pregnant women due to the presence of chromium, which prevents the development of diabetes during the period of bearing a child.

How to prepare a medicinal decoction of oats, 5 recipes

In folk medicine, since ancient times, they have known about the benefits of oat decoction and use it to improve the condition of the whole organism. There are many ways to properly process oats to make a decoction to solve a particular problem:

How to drink, instructions for use

There is a misconception that the more decoction of oats you use in herbal medicine, the more useful it is. However, even for such a safe remedy, which has received a lot of positive feedback from doctors and representatives of traditional medicine, there are rules for use:

    To cleanse the liver, take 2 tablespoons of decoction daily before meals for a month.

    For the kidneys, they begin to drink a decoction in a glass a day, dividing the portion into two parts. Gradually increase the dosage to 3-4 glasses.

    With pancreatitis, it is necessary to drink half a glass of decoction for a month three times a day before meals.

    For prevention, the decoction is drunk three times a day, 100 ml for a month.

Children can be given a decoction with honey before meals, but only with the permission of the pediatrician. Remember that in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the hypochondrium may occur.

Contraindications and restrictions

Decoction treatment is safe, and the only absolute contraindication to its use is individual intolerance. In case of an overdose, the remedy can cause headaches, therefore, before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable prescription.

Starting treatment with a decoction of oats, you need to get expert advice when:

    heart failure;

    renal failure;

    stones in the gallbladder.