Celtic flower horoscope. Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

The flower horoscope originated thanks to the Celts. They noticed that plants have their own special energy that affects a person, and that each time period has a patron plant. It gives people born in a particular period its healing power and influences their character traits.

The healing properties of plants have been known since ancient times. People used herbs and flowers in different ways:

  • collected, washed, dried and prepared decoctions;
  • hung at the threshold to protect the house from dark forces;
  • carried with them in special amulets or sachets, to protect against ailments and evil.

The creators of the first flower horoscopes were the Druids, they determined their own flowers-talismans for each person. The Slavs and the Mayan tribe believed that if a flower is picked, dried and always carried with you, it will protect from the evil eye and troubles.

The knowledge of the Celts, Druids and other civilizations has come down to our days: today you can easily find out your personal horoscope of flowers by zodiac signs and date of birth.

Flower according to the horoscope

Each zodiac sign has:

  • your constellation;
  • unique flower.

Here are the plants corresponding to each of the representatives of the zodiac circle:

  • Aries - Pomegranate, Azalea, Geranium, Begonia.
  • Taurus - Gloxinia, Violet, Cyclomen.
  • Gemini - Asparagus, Cirrus palms, Fern, Ivy, Tradescantia.
  • Cancer - Agave, Aloe, Mason's Begonia, Peperomia, Fuchsia.
  • Leo - Balsam, China rose, Camellia, Calla, Geranium.
  • Virgo - Astra, Aukuba, Asparagus, Birch, Dracaena, Philodendron.
  • Libra - white Azalea, Hydrangea, Croton, small-colored Chrysanthemum, Capsicum, Schlumbergera.
  • Scorpio - Dracaena Dragon, Oleander, Desert Cactus.
  • Capricorn - Money Tree, Fragrant Dracaena, Rubber Ficus, Elephant Yucca.
  • Aquarius - Euphorbia, indoor Maple, tricolor Maranta.
  • Pisces - Fragrant Geranium, Magnolia, Umbrella, Orchid.
  • Sagittarius - Bonsai, Lemon, Sacred Ficus, Mother-in-law's tongue.

Patron plant by date of birth

In addition to the fact that each zodiac sign has its own patron flowers, there are also mascot plants by date of birth:

Each plant has its own character and virtues, which it gives to a person born under its patronage.

From gentian to mimosa

Gentian Yellow symbolizes the sun and warmth, characterizes a person as stubbornly achieving his goal thanks to perseverance and diligence. As a rule, bosses like such people. A person of this sign is characterized by: responsiveness, diligence, modesty and shyness. He does not like noisy companies, he is a little secretive and withdrawn, he does not know how to gossip at all and willingly lends. This is a wonderful friend, a faithful husband or wife, a loving father (mother).

The thistle is active. These are big talkers and very fussy, constantly demanding attention, and only true friends will be able to appreciate them, seeing in them kindness and self-sacrifice, because not everyone is destined to understand their fiery activity. Sometimes they are aggressive, but behind this aggression lies a vulnerable and trouble-free nature. These are the best friends, devoted parents and spouses and responsible workers.

People of the immortelle sign do not like excesses, they always follow their health and fashion, they go in for sports. Very elegant, their appearance often provokes the envy of others, while this only helps them to defeat their ill-wishers and strengthen their own spirit. These are people who can start from scratch and achieve great success, survive in the most difficult situations and not lose heart. The marriage of Immortelle is distinguished by its strength, while it requires constant mutual understanding and common interests.

The owners of the mistletoe plant are mysterious and very charming, their nature is refined and requires only the best. They like to relax and do not bother themselves with work, they are interesting, enjoy the attention of the opposite sex and have many admirers and admirers, they are rarely alone, they are capable of any deeds in the name of love.

People born under the sign of Beauty have a beautiful appearance, which is combined with their inner beauty. Their ability to understand people in the first minutes of communication indicates the presence of a subtle mind, however, out of self-esteem, they do not converge with all people, but if they become friends, they do not leave friends; hardworking, conscientious, easily make a career.

Mimosa is a very delicate flower, therefore its owner is a vulnerable and touchy person, characterized by increased sensitivity, accustomed to sacrificing himself. This is a hardworking and responsible worker who does not know sick leave and holidays, expecting praise and encouragement from the boss; capable of depression, which he used to console with alcohol. To maintain morale requires attention and admiration from others.

From poppy to dahlia

Mac's beauty is intoxicating, people of the opposite sex are easily caught in his net, and sometimes it is impossible to get out of these nets. This is an unpretentious and very bright person in every sense of the word, able to win the minds of people and acquire like-minded people. In the team, he does not stand out much, but he knows how to set the tone for everything and resolve any conflict, not to strive for family life and delays marriage as far as possible, thereby risking being left alone in old age.

Lily is a lunar flower. This is a man with a secret, which can only be solved on a full moon. He is characterized by deceit, masquerade and flirting, however, he knows how to be happy. Lilia has a difficult relationship with relatives and friends, it is impossible to force this person to do anything. If you fulfill all his desires, he will sit on his neck and begin to command. Sometimes it is better to put such a person in his place, and then be with him “on an equal footing”, because this is the only way to improve relations.

Despite the fact that the foxglove is a nondescript and pale flower, people related to it are determined. One of their appearance in the team is enough and the atmosphere will be heated to the limit, and everyone around them will be charged with crazy energy. It is difficult for such people to create a family because of the constant desire to lead, but if a couple is made up of a person who gives in to this, the family will be strong.

Magnolia people are ambitious, stubborn and always want to be first. However, due to the unwillingness to listen to other people, relationships with others do not add up. Magnolia knows her own price, she treats expensive things as the closest and most necessary, she is selective in her choice of friends and communicates only with the right people.

The owners of the Hydrangea flower are generous and generous people who love to gather guests and spend time in a festive atmosphere. They are pleasant in communication and if they make a kind gesture towards someone, they do not demand anything in return. In a series of friendly parties, they can forget about work and their duties, they hear from spouses that they spend too much and risk losing a partner due to constant absence from home.

Dahlia is very demanding both to himself and to others, he is an esthete in everything, he spends a lot of time in the theater, at concerts and exhibitions. Many consider such a person to be a bore, which is why he does not have much success in communicating with others. Getting on a losing streak, the owner of the flower shows his not the best qualities and is capable of cynicism, often relies on chance and does not control the situation. It is difficult for such a person to achieve what he wants, because he is overly emotional and forgets about self-control in anger; may be married several times.

From lily of the valley to tulip

People of the Lily of the Valley sign consist of some virtues: modest beauty, a generous heart and an inexperienced mind. They often do charity work, live modestly, love children. These are the most affectionate parents and loving spouses, however, they cannot forgive betrayal, they are so sensitive.

With the owners of Purslane, life is often treated unfairly; a person knows that he deserves a lot, but he is unlucky in life. This is a closed, cautious, a little boring and distrustful of others, a loser who is waiting for a dirty trick from everywhere. It is difficult to build relationships with Portulac both at home and at work, he demands to be protected and appreciated, even when he fails, but if you prove his devotion to him, he will carry his passion in his arms, and good and he will give the last shirt to a just man.

Chamomile owners are distinguished by a complex character: they show themselves honest and open, but in fact they hide the true "I". They are cunning, capable of meanness and using information for personal purposes; they seek to inspire trust in the interlocutor, in this way calling him to frankness, they attract the partner with a certain charm and elusiveness. In a relationship, love is either present or not; if not, the lack of love will not prevent living with an unloved person for a long time, if the owner of the flower is constantly cherished and groomed.

The bell is always looking for support in life and welcomes the reliability of relationships. Family is the most precious thing he has. These are people who do not like change, are ready to build a house and live in it for a long time as a happy big family, however, everything should be according to their rules; they love comfort and welcome manual work more than the work of technology; they are monogamous, therefore, in case of separation from their lover, they risk being left alone.

The "carrier" of Daisy is a homebody and quiet. He is observant, does not differ in courage and romanticism, loves to gossip and cannot find a mate in any way. However, he does not want to change anything in his life, he is ready to communicate with neighbors and school friends for years; has a beautiful appearance; in a critical situation is ready to make a bold act.

If Tulip is a man, he is the most romantic Don Juan, if a woman is an energetic lady with great doubts, who requires attention and deeds. In a general sense, the owners of this flower are truthful and open people who know the price of freedom. These are wonderful parents who first build a career and then start a family, so their children, as a rule, are late.

From water lily to delphinium

People born under the sign of the Water Lily have very diverse characteristics. Their interests are diverse, they have a wide social circle. Friendly and tolerant, respect the opinion of each person, try to understand the most difficult situation; at work, they easily become leaders, but they do not like to command people. The purpose of their life is a family and many children, and they are ready to give all their warmth and care to this.

Violet loves everyone around her, is capricious, spoiled and demanding of herself. These are the owners of a beautiful appearance who believe that working all their lives is a big stupidity; good friends and devoted spouses, but relations with relatives want the best, especially there is a misunderstanding with the mother.

It is not for nothing that Rosehip has another name - “wild rose”. The owner of this flower is very obstinate and constantly protects himself and people close to him from ill-wishers and evil; he is brave and courageous, kind and sincere, his family lives in abundance and does not know problems. This is a good husband (wife), an avid traveler and an excellent negotiator.

The owners of the Sunflower flower are hardworking and persistent, make a career early and if they have already reached the desired position, they will never give it up; failures are painful, they are capable of being in deep despair, but they know how to deal with them. Sunflower has many friends, a cozy house where many people constantly gather, because he is the most friendly and hospitable host.

Rose is the queen of all flowers, she is used to being the first in everything and is too demanding of herself. It is difficult to understand the owners of this flower, but the opposite sex loves them, because they are ready to give everything they have for love; they have many envious people and constantly become a victim of rumors, they know how to deal with troubles and will not let their family be offended.

The owners of the Delphinium flower are modest and completely undemanding, but only to themselves; they are accustomed to doing everything with their own hands, kind and trusting. It is easy for them to sit down "on the neck", however, they are very sensitive and if they have already exposed insincerity, they will reward them with a bad attitude for the rest of their lives. It is useless to argue with them, they do not understand the arguments and arguments; able to make a marriage happy, despite the fact that it is very difficult for them to find a soul mate.

From carnation to freesia

The owner of the Carnation is a fighter for the truth, sometimes to his own detriment, he protects all the insulted and humiliated, he is ready to go into battle as soon as an opportunity arises and woe to those who stand in his way. This is the undisputed leader and hard worker, strict in the family, not afraid of change and difficulties.

People born under the sign of Astra are great optimists. They look forward with confidence and go to the goal; they know how to lead a team, have a cheerful disposition and charge the atmosphere with their sparkling energy. In their house it is always joyful and cozy; they are caring and cherish harmonious and trusting relationships with others for a long time.

The owners of the Heather flower are distinguished by sophistication. These are experts in their field, have the ability to exact sciences and know the value of their skills; want to achieve excellence in almost all areas. These are irreplaceable friends, good interlocutors and wonderful family men.

The owners of the Camellia flower are organized, they do not stop halfway and do not pay attention to obstacles, they take many risks, but carefully consider their actions and consider the consequences. They feel the taste of life and surround themselves with their loved ones with exquisite things, they try to choose a partner according to their interests, which is why employees at work often become their wives (husbands).

Lilac is a symbol of youth and freshness. People of this sign are young at heart and are able to turn the head of a fan (fan), no matter how old they are. They adore the state of being in love, but they have been looking for love for years; rarely happy in marriage, they hate lies, they are friends with people of different ages.

The owner of the Freesia flower is afraid that he will not have time to do a lot of important things and is ready to work from morning until late in the evening; enjoys sympathy with others, but is in no hurry to choose a relatively serious relationship, given that he spends a lot of time at work, he is ready to have an affair with an employee (employee).

From orchid to edelweiss

The owners of the Orchid are mysterious and mysterious, patient, they can wait a long time, but they will definitely take what is rightfully theirs; with a partner are ready to maintain a close relationship for several years and not rush to register a marriage. Orchid wants to live for himself, so he is in no hurry with marriage.

Peony is too talkative, will reveal all his plans and will not be afraid of ill-wishers. This is a flexible, calm person who loves to work and enjoy his own achievements; those around him marvel at his stamina. The owner of this sign is an excellent athlete, always keeps fit, believes in himself, is condescending to people and promiscuous.

The owners of the Gladiolus flower are very executive and able to achieve a lot in life. There are no obvious geniuses among them, since they take one thing at a time, then another, they are constantly looking for themselves; romantics, dreamers, make decisions with difficulty and completely trust their soul mate.

The owners of Dandelion can't live without the attention of others, they are constantly in the circle of friends, easy to communicate with, always fashionably dressed. They are able to express interesting ideas and make decisions without coordinating them with management, with confidence in their own rightness and literacy. These are frank and straightforward people who can surrender to feelings without thinking about the consequences; appreciate people and do not forgive betrayal.

Lotus is a symbol of purity and faith. The owner of this flower is neat, loves the classics, thinks progressively, is internally organized, is executive in everything, and is a little conservative in the family.

The owner of Edelweiss is a good friend who can always be relied upon. This is a reliable person with a calm temperament who monitors the “weather” in relationships, is sometimes unbalanced, loves freedom, always thinks soberly and realistically assesses the situation; he speaks the truth to his face and learns all his life love and correctness.

Flower or Celtic horoscope of flowers connects the date of birth with the patron flower, which, according to the beliefs of the ancient healers, should accompany a person all his life, protecting him from the evil eye and troubles.

At the heart of the flower horoscope are observations of flowers and the transfer of their qualities - characters, abilities to evoke feelings, charm - to people. Such a connection - "flower-man" - leads to the vision of human nature as part of a beautiful world.

Unlike the usual zodiac horoscope, consisting of 12 signs, in the flower horoscope 36 signs! But it is not difficult to find yourself or your friends in it. The signs of the flower horoscope divide months into decades. In accordance with the date of birth of interest, we find our flower, which, if desired, can be planted in a flower bed, used in bouquets or stored as a dried talisman.

So, below is the horoscope of flowers! Search yourself by date of birth and find out who are you according to the horoscope of flowers!

Like this sunny flower, symbolizing summer warmth, people born under its patronage are characterized as true friends and life partners, as well as loving parents who know how to sacrifice themselves.

They can be a little shy, but they are always responsive, decent and efficient. Their world is home comfort, a circle of close friends.

Weaknesses - legs and throat, which must be protected from cold and moisture.

Famous Gentians Yellow Cast: Isaac Newton, Raisa Gorbacheva, Joan of Arc.

Under the frightening name "Thistle" and the outward aggressiveness of people born during this period, in fact, the most good-natured qualities are hidden - a sensitive heart, a reliable character, readiness for self-sacrifice (but all this is reserved only for the closest people).

The irrepressible zeal in affairs, often simply overwhelming, can lead to the development of hypertension in the Thistle, so the task of others is to remind him more often that it is time to pause and rest.

The thistle is not only a symbol of Scotland, but also the emblem of the knightly Order of the Thistle, whose motto was the words "Nemo me impune lacessit (No one will touch me with impunity)".

Famous Thistles Cast: Jack London, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Al Capone.

Modesty and elegance naturally combine in this sign.

He is an example for others and the object of universal envy.

The spiritual strength of this sign is the basis of its vitality in the most difficult situations, as well as brilliant victories over enemies and envious people.

An immortelle needs to strictly monitor his mental state and nervous system.

Famous Immortals Cast: George Byron, Vladimir Vysotsky, Mozart, Anton Chekhov, Vanga.

Refined love for comfort and all the best is the driving force behind this sign.

Rest, fun in large companies and surrounded by enthusiastic admirers is a favorite pastime for those who are patronized by Omela.

To all of the above, add recklessness and desperate acts of love, which produce a charming effect on the opposite sex and remove all rivals and rivals from the path!
It is prudent to direct such a pressure of energy into sports. In this case, tennis, bodybuilding or karate can be suitable types. In addition, playing sports will help to avoid the development of bad habits, to which people of this sign are easily inclined.

Famous Mistletoe People: Boris Yeltsin, Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Dmitri Mendeleev, Boris Pasternak.

February 11 - February 19 Beauty (Belladonna)

A subtle understanding of other people and a high degree of self-esteem are the main features of this sign.
The industriousness of Belladonna people is often crowned with an easy career, material wealth, life achievements, and the favor of good luck.

Legibility in the choice of friends and a long period of addiction lead them to true friendship for life.

However, in the pursuit of material wealth, they can forget about loved ones and even the most destroy strong family ties.

Women of this sign are distinguished by modesty and beauty, combined with some inaccessibility. Therefore, having decided to court such a beauty, you should not expect quick and easy victories.

People of this sign need to monitor the health of the intestinal tract.

Famous Belles Cast: Lyubov Orlova, Abraham Lincoln, Fyodor Chaliapin, Anna German.

Mimosa gives a person capriciousness, the need to be in the spotlight, to feel indispensable and the admiring glances of others.

The success of Mimosa is usually bright and memorable, although it can also be of a short-term nature.

Sacrifice, combined with easy fatigue, as well as the neglect of vacations and sick days, leads people of this sign to depression. And in search of ways to cheer up, they may develop bad habits, including alcohol addiction.

The heart and stomach are the main organs that should be given the most attention.

Famous mimosas Cast: George Washington, Fedor Ushakov, Alexander Rowe, Victor Hugo, Elizabeth Taylor.

Surrounded by like-minded people, people born during this period are informal leaders. Their mere presence is able to resolve any conflicts, and their natural tact sets the tone for the entire community.

At the same time, deepening into their shortcomings and disbelief in their own strengths can become the main obstacles for them to achieve success in life. And the inner desire for life's pleasures can develop a passion for gambling.

Marrying and starting a family for the Macs is a difficult decision, often delayed for years in search of the perfect partner. Such selectivity can eventually end in lonely old age.

One of the sources of positive emotions for this sign can be a vegetarian diet.

famous poppies Cast: Andrei Mironov, Yuri Gagarin, Justin Bieber, Mikhail Gorbachev, Michelangelo, Chuck Norris, Sharon Stone.

For people of this sign, the question "How to become happy?" not at all rhetorical. In pursuit of this state, Lilia surrounds herself with luxury and power, not shunning deceit and behind-the-scenes intrigues.

Mysteriousness, secrecy and isolation help her in creating the image of a person from high society. To charm, bring closer and then part - there is nothing easier, and making unrealistic promises to a partner is a cute flirtation.

He always knows what he wants and acts only in accordance with his desires. The one who falls under her spell becomes a slave, whom she will gladly command and drive.

Allergic reactions of the body can be satellites of this sign.

Famous Lilies Cast: Liza Minnelli, Albert Einstein, Alexei Yagudin, Bruce Willis, Valery Leontiev.

Mind, talent, creativity, standing up for one's opinion, resourcefulness, energy and the ability to charge others with one's energy are the main features of a person born under the sign of Digitalis.

There are no unsolvable problems and hopeless situations for him.

However, if the path for career growth or the development of his own business is open to him, then starting a family can be a daunting task. After all, not everyone can live with a commander.

Being ahead of everyone is the main goal of his life!

Attempts to lead him or put him in his place will lead to the fact that he will simply leave.

People of this sign should pay more attention to the nervous system, preventing the development of hypertension and depression.

Famous foxgloves Cast: Ronaldinho, Wladimir Klitschko, Elton John, Harry Houdini, Quentin Tarantino, Lady Gaga, Raphael, Maxim Gorky, Van Gogh.

Ambition, combined with a reluctance to listen to other people's opinions, can lead to a precarious position in the leadership positions of people of the Magnolia sign.

Everything in their life is weighed and has its price: their own person, expensive things, necessary acquaintances. There are no obstacles on the way to the desired, and the goal is achieved, regardless of its cost.

Comfort in the home, relationships, a successful career - everything is thought out in advance and is achieved in the shortest way, without exchanging for nothing.

Their own industriousness and high demands on others make them good leaders, sometimes turning to high tones in an attempt to "put their subordinates in their place."

As compensation for life's failures, Magnolias can become passionate sweet tooth. And their love of cooking delicious meals often creates problems with being overweight.

Famous Magnolias Cast: Nikolai Gogol, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Giacomo Casanova, Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, Nikas Safronov, Jean-Paul Belmondo.

Impatience and inconstancy are the only drawbacks of people of this sign. But what!

Gortesian breadth of soul and the ability to make beautiful gestures are eventually crossed out by the inability to have long-term relationships. And this applies not only to love, but also to friendship. As a result, there are many friends, but no real friends, and serious attempts to start a family are made only after 30 years, when emotions calm down a bit.

The desire for an eternal holiday in such people can lead to a disregard for work and family responsibilities, as well as excessive spending.
The good health of the "Hortensians" can be shaken by vision problems.

Famous Hydrangeas Cast: Montserrat Caballe, Catherine de Medici, Tatiana Navka, Alla Pugaeva, Leonardo da Vinci, Nikita Khrushchev, Charlie Chaplin, Maria Sharapova, Adolf Hitler.

Belief in fate and good luck drive the decisions of the Dahlia people. Hence their love of lottery games and frequent winnings, as well as letting the situation take its course, refusing responsibility and inability to assess their strengths.

Some tediousness and cynicism are traits that are born in them from life failures, and can become a source of rejection from others around them.

It is very important for this sign to learn to control their life situations and emotions. After all, a complete position on fate can lead to a series of unsuccessful marriages.
Particular attention should be paid to the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

Famous Dahlias People: Catherine II, Immanuel Kant, Lenin, Shakespeare, Stas Mikhailov, Philip Kirkorov.

Family, children, partners, work are the driving forces of this sign.

Especially the Lily of the Valley woman needs a strong protector, which, for example, the Thistle man can become for her.

Their high standards of fidelity in family relationships lead to the fact that they never accept or forgive betrayals.
Lilies of the valley should take care of the joints.

Famous Lilies of the Valley Cast: David Beckham, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Enrique Iglesias, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Marina Vlady.

The sensitive heart of Portulak is able to empathize with someone else's grief, but on the other hand, it causes distrust, fears, complexes, isolation not only in relation to strangers, but also to their relatives. Therefore, others should patiently prove to him their good feelings, carefully guarding his vulnerable heart.

And in return for patient love, he will give you devotion, generosity and faithful service for life.

People of this sign need to control their weight and the presence of sugar in the blood.

Famous Purslane Cast: Salvador Dali, Alina Kabaeva, Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri Shevchuk, Sher, Omar Khayyam.

The elusive magical attraction attracts others to the representatives of this sign. But the external simplicity of Chamomile can become a deceptive shell for achieving personal goals bypassing someone.

People born during this period can enter into a marriage of convenience and without mutual love.

However, loneliness is not their way. The presence of fans and admirers in their environment is a mandatory norm.

Famous Daisies Cast: Arthur Conan Doyle, Christina Orbakaite, Anzhelika Varum, John F. Kennedy, Natasha Koroleva.

Family, family and once again family - this is the alpha and omega of the life of the Bells!

And all this strong family, together with a good house - everything is under his complete control. The conservatism of this flower comes straight to the English standards - no changes without his knowledge and everything is subject to strictly established rules.

If someone from the household takes it into his head to show self-will and change his image without the permission of the Bell-mom or the Bell-dad, he will have to listen to their grumbling ringing about this for a long time, which can periodically be replaced by many days of silent grievances.

And their love for old things is just a classic! After all, everything can someday come in handy ... At the same time, the order in the house should be perfect.

Of course, building such foundations requires a lot of time and effort, so loyalty to a partner remains for life, and in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, there may not be a second attempt.

Tendency to colds, sore throats and bronchitis.

Famous Bells People: Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Alexander Pushkin, Daria Dontsova, Peter the Great.

Stability, homeliness, peace, television series and concerts create a favorite habitat for Daisy people.

Starting a family can be a problem for them due to their reluctance to leave the house to meet a partner. And besides, our quiet and homebody is not distinguished by courage and romanticism. So it turns out as a result of a bachelor's life, because sitting on the couch you will not find a husband or wife.

Even with a love of communication, the main circle of their interlocutors is neighbors or school friends. And they rarely go out into the world and always in the company of friends.

However, despite the dislike of change, in the case of a strong desire, people of this sign easily achieve their goal.

Problems with excess weight in Daisies are the result of quiet domestic joys with sandwiches and sweets in front of the TV screen.

Famous Daisies Cast: George Bush, Maxim Galkin, Paul McCartney, Nicole Kidman, Viktor Tsoi.

Freedom, courage, determination, careerism, openness are the main features of Tulip people.

Hence all the ensuing consequences - adultery, late marriages or stubborn unwillingness to start a family.

Not many people can ride such an independent partner, because there are legends about their love for freedom.

And in the ability to cut the truth of the uterus with a shoulder, they have no equal.

The lack of adrenaline is filled in the most extreme ways, and everything forbidden attracts them more than anything else. And besides, courage, pressure, luck and iron health, which can weaken only in old age, help them in this.

famous tulips Cast: Meryl Streep, Valery Meladze, Zinedine Zidane, Alsou, Soso Pavliashvili, Ralph Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Princess Diana.

Like the patroness of the sign, living in three environments - water, earth and air, the Water Lily man can adapt to any situation.

Tolerance, benevolence, respect for people, the ability to understand another person, as well as versatile interests form around him a wide circle of friends of different characters and hobbies.

With such a peaceful attitude towards people, they often become bosses, although they do not specifically strive to achieve leadership.

Life problems cannot break the people of this sign, they come out of any trouble revived like the mythical Phoenix bird.

In family, children and partnerships, they find the meaning of life, treating them with patience and love. And mutual love becomes the foundation of a long-lasting marriage.

The musculoskeletal system, and especially the spine, are the weak areas of the Water Lily people.

Famous Water Lilies Cast: Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone, Ringo Starr, Zhanna Aguzarova, John Rockefeller, Dmitry Pevtsov, Zhanna Friske, Leah Akhedzhakova, Armani.

Even without classical beauty, Violet people are in the center of everyone's attention.

Finding a rich patron is their intuitive desire. After all, as they believe, it is impossible to think of the greatest stupidity than working all your life.

People of this sign have valuable qualities that attract other people to them - the ability to keep their secrets and listen to their spiritual outpourings. To achieve their goals, they can use their friends, of which they have many.

To live in the shadow of a man whom Violet faithfully serves and sacrifices herself for his good is a natural expression of her feelings. However, in her heart she knows what she is worth and is always ready to step out of the shadows and take what she deserves. And then…

Cardiovascular disease can be the cause of her ailments.

Famous Violets Cast: Mikhail Pugovkin, Grigory Leps, Leonid Agutin, Vitali Klitschko, Sergei Zverev, Mikhail Zadornov, Ivan Okhlobystin.

“Flying gait through life” - this is how the Rosehip people can be most briefly described.

Travel, wealth, harmonious partnerships, self-control, responsibility, as well as mutual understanding and correctness in relations with relatives and colleagues - this is their main interests and strength.

The work in their hands is on fire. They defend their point of view with precise arguments and evidence - the thorns do not allow taking Rosehip with bare hands.

The started cases are brought to the end, even if they do not find the favor of Fortune in them.

The successes of their family members are treated with great pride, and in case of their failures they are never reproached or criticized, firmly believing in their future victories.

Rosehips have very good health.

Famous Rose Hips Cast: Yves Saint Laurent, Jennifer Lopez, Vasily Shukshin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Igor Krutoy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Edita Pieha, JK Rowling.

To take a position in society in accordance with their plans - to win their place under the sun - is the main task that Sunflowers solve throughout their lives. For the sake of this, any sacrifices are made on the scales.

Their fortitude and stubborn overcoming of difficulties is an example of a firm life position for those around them - many friends and, as a rule, several children.

People born under the sign of the Sunflower are reformers, lovers of all the most modern, fans of the latest trends in science, fashion, and politics.

Warm air and rest on the seashore in hot countries is the key to their well-being. It is favorable for them to spend the weekend in the bathhouse or by the fireplace.

Famous Sunflowers Cast: Barack Obama, Ilya Repin, Mata Hari, Sofia Rotaru, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Elena Blavatsky.

Fate favors people born under the auspices of the Queen of Flowers. If desired, they easily reach great heights in work, and in love, their beloved ones happily carry their Roses in their arms, and those, in turn, endow them with their love, creating a world of beauty and harmony around them.

Roses need to monitor the timely recovery of strength, as they are prone to overwork. Only in the family do they find their protection and in an atmosphere of care from close people again flourish with full power. And for the sake of saving her family, Rosa is ready to sacrifice everything.

Famous Roses Cast: Alfred Hitchcock, Fidel Castro, Napoleon I Bonaparte, Walter Scott, Pierre Richard, Oleg Tabakov, Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel, Bill Clinton, Marat Basharov.

"I myself" is the motto of the people of the Delphinium sign.

They don't need the help of others. Therefore, they can imperceptibly turn into a locomotive, pulling a long train of hangers-on, ready to ride on other people's shoulders. However, if they suddenly realize that they are being used, forgiveness from them will never be expected. Even with the complete correction of the offending person.

The asceticism of Delphinium people extends not only to their own lives, but also to those around them, which can become a stumbling block in relationships with loved ones. And their meticulous conservatism leads to the fact that arguing with them is just wasting time, they absolutely do not accept other people's opinions and arguments.

It is not easy for such people to find a partner for marriage, and even more difficult to achieve happiness in family life.

susceptible to the development of sclerosis.

Famous Delphiniums Cast: Ivan the Terrible, Mother Teresa, Faina Ranevskaya, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Arkady Strugatsky, Michael Jackson, Isaac Levitan, Valentin Gaft, Evgeny Leonov, Keanu Reeves.

Straightforwardness and readiness to join the battle at any moment distinguish people of this sign. And, although friends trust them, in this trust lies the fear of hearing unexpected unpleasant expressions addressed to them. And the enemies will get such that it certainly won’t seem enough!
Gvozdik's leadership in the family is undeniable. In marriage, marital fidelity is most valued, in response to which they tremblingly protect their soul mate from life's difficulties. And their relationship with children is built on strictness and strict obedience.

There are legends about the efficiency of Gvozdik - work in three shifts at different enterprises - oh, this suits them very well! In cardinal changes and overcoming life's difficulties, they find a certain drive.

People of this period should catch colds less often, take care of their backs, and also control weight.

Famous Carnations Cast: Ferdinand Porsche, Freddie Mercury, Yura Shatunov, Richard I the Lionheart, Cardinal Richelieu, Leo Tolstoy, Larisa Dolina, Karl Lagerfeld.

Bright and cheerful people who came to Earth under the cover of Astra are the soul of any company. They are not frivolous, but, on the contrary, perfectly control their behavior. And not lazy, but very executive and collected.

Their passion for convenience and order gives them a reason to easily get rid of unnecessary trash and not keep trinkets dear to the heart. As for memories, here they live according to the principle: out of sight, out of mind. Therefore, friendly relations with former lovers and enemies are not uncommon among people of this sign.

Ironically, with their cheerful disposition, they attract melancholic friends who are often misunderstood.

In caring for loved ones, they can be intrusive, making endless attempts to stir up a loved one and getting on his nerves. And that's where their feelings come in. Therefore, they need to learn to penetrate into the essence of other people in order to understand the motives of their actions and desires.

Famous Asters Cast: Agatha Christie, Evgeny Petrosyan, Mickey Rourke, David Copperfield, Mikhail Kutuzov, Ronaldo, Sophia Loren, Stephen King.

Abilities for the exact sciences, an analytical mindset and golden hands make people of the Veresk sign of universal specialists striving for perfection in everything.

With equal zeal, they monitor their appearance and the purity of their inner world, expressing Chekhov's ideal of beauty, according to which "everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts."

People of this sign readily come to the aid of a friend in trouble, and in a normal situation they give sincere valuable advice. Hospitality is also one of their great qualities.

In relationships with partners, they are faithful and caring. They know the true value of love, but if they do not find it, they do not fall into despair. In general, life's difficulties, failures and disappointments are not able to break their stamina.

A weak stomach can be the cause of their ailments.

Famous Heathers Cast: Dmitri Shostakovich, Brigitte Bardot, Sting, Sergei Yesenin.

"Risk is a noble cause" - the firm belief of the Camellia people. However, their willingness to rush into the pool with his head only at first glance may seem like madness. In fact, this risk is always justified and calculated.

No obstacles and barriers will stop them halfway, and dangers, on the contrary, can further inflame their excitement.

They have an unusually developed taste for life, and the outside world, according to their ideas, should be so refined that for the sake of its construction they are ready for incessant work.

The desire to leave an indelible impression in the memory of others calls them to the stage of life, forcing them to work forever for the public.

Despite early marriages, their marital relationship is strong and long-term. At the same time, while experiencing sincere love for their children, they do not seek to make self-sacrifices for them.

The nervous system of Camellias can sometimes fail.

Famous camellias Cast: Vladimir Putin, Marina Tsvetaeva, John Lennon, Giuseppe Verdi, Margaret Thatcher, Valentin Yudashkin.

To enjoy life is the main goal of people born under the sign of Lilac. At the same time, they are confident in themselves, they clearly know what they want and how to achieve it, and they also firmly believe in their luck. Nevertheless, others get the impression of their inconstancy, windiness and frivolity, along with eternal youth and innocence.

In love at first sight, they are ready to see eternal love, and their experiences from love disappointments are short-lived. Thus, the chain of enjoyment of life in all its manifestations is almost never interrupted, and sufferings are swept out of the heart almost immediately after their appearance.

Filling a long-term marriage with pleasure is not an easy task, so they rarely find happiness in marriage.

Unbending optimism helps them overcome all life's adversities and attract many friends, in relations with whom they do not accept lies and betrayal. Surrounded by acquaintances and friends, they do not notice enemies.

Their lifestyle can cause bad relations with relatives who want to change it.

Predisposed to diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Famous Lilacs Cast: Valentin Yudashkin, Nikolai Baskov, Mikhail Lermontov, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, Sergei Bezrukov, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Kim Kardashian, Nikita Mikhalkov, Alfred Nobel, Catherine Deneuve.

Stubbornness, perseverance and the ability to manipulate others allow people of the Freesia sign to achieve their goals. At the same time, to prove their own innocence, they can hurt not only others, but also themselves.

Their arguments in the dispute are very straightforward and can often wear a shade of absurdity, but it is impossible to resist them, so their confidence in victory over others is unshakable.

For the sake of a career and striving to be the first, they can neglect personal life and friendship. Among the people whom they honor with their attention at work are those who do not obstruct or harm them. To achieve their favor, you need to have a high degree of kindness, tact and diplomacy.

These inveterate workaholics do not know how to relax and rest, although insights visit them precisely in moments of relaxation.

In prolonged reflection on the tasks of life, they miss their luck and may subsequently feel unlucky and worry about what they can’t return for a long time.

Early marriages are not typical for people of this sign. Their decision to start a family is often based on a lot of life experience and is therefore rarely wrong. Children in such families appear late.

They should not overwork in order to avoid nervous breakdowns. And smoking can cause dangerous lung problems.

Famous Freesias Cast: Roman Abramovich, Pablo Picasso, Mikhail Galustyan, Hillary Clinton, Nikolai Karachentsov, Niccolo Paganini, Vanessa May, James Cook, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Queen Marie Antoinette.

The sensitivity of people of this sign to the mood and thoughts of others leads to the fact that they carefully keep their own experiences a secret or present them in an unrealistically beautiful shell.

They do not talk about their plans, fearing the evil eye. And their belief in signs and omens outwardly looks like an absurd superstition.

When solving life problems, they act in accordance with a personal view, without taking other people's advice. And listening to an outside opinion, they nod in agreement, but always act in their own way. Authorities and other people's experience do not exist for Orchids - they learn only from their mistakes, not regretting in case of a wrong choice. But gradually a feeling of despair accumulates in their soul.

Creating their image on the basis of mystery, mysticism, predictions of the future, they attract the opposite sex, maintaining long-term relationships in the form of a mystery man. Such behavior can subsequently lead to the disappointment of a partner who sees in this only a subtle acting game, and under a beautiful shell - an ordinary person. In addition, this invented image does not allow Orchids to be frank even with the closest people.

Their patience and endurance are amazing, however, in a state of prolonged ignorance, they make every effort to clarify the situation.

Skirmishes with others are the result of their internal doubts.

Famous Orchids Cast: Evgeni Plushenko, Igor Talkov, Vivien Leigh, Joe Dassin, Ksenia Sobchak, Tina Kandelaki, Demi Moore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Physical strength, outstanding endurance and phenomenal health allow representatives of this sign to endure extreme loads and rise to the sports Olympus.

However, they do not suffer from industriousness, but, on the contrary, more often tend to frivolous joys.

Peonies do not shine with superintelligence, but they practically follow the advice of others and deftly avoid problems. Despite the fact that their multilateral interests are superficial, the ability to listen to others makes them excellent conversationalists.

Gossip and intrigue do not interest people of this sign, which causes them respect from others.

Simplicity, constancy and awkwardness in the manifestation of feelings influence the choice of a life partner for Peony, who can be a rather undemanding person.

The gullibility and openness of these people can lead to obstacles in the implementation of their plans on the part of enemies.

Famous Peonies Cast: Whoopi Goldberg, Claude Monet, Lolita Milyavskaya, Danny DeVito, Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Maya Plisetskaya.

"Know yourself!" - literal words about the meaning of life of people born under the shadow of Gladiolus.

Their passion for knowledge and new experiences makes them eternal students who are attracted to one thing or the other. And their ability to break away from a cozy nest in search of a lost Paradise is driven by sublime romanticism and dreaminess.

Boasting and posturing is alien to them, and the main qualities that attract many friends to them are goodwill, simplicity, optimism and responsiveness. They do not demand too much from their friends and partners and see only good features in them. Grievances quickly melt in their hearts, leaving almost no trace.

Among them, pioneers are rarely found. And they reach the pinnacle of success in life under the guidance of an experienced guru, applying their own diligence, perseverance and perseverance to it.

Optimism plays a cruel joke with them: not learning from your own mistakes and repeatedly stepping on the same rake is a common occurrence among Gladiolus.

Usually they deserve high authority in the family, allowing their family to make fun of their weaknesses and creating an atmosphere of calm and friendship in their home.

They need to protect their teeth from the development of caries.

Famous Gladiolus Cast: Alexander Maslyakov, Nonna Mordyukova, Tina Turner, Bruce Lee, Vladimir Mashkov, Boris Grebenshchikov, Yulia Timoshenko, Alexander Blok, Mark Twain, Woody Allen, Georgy Zhukov, Garik Sukachev, Britney Spears, Gianni Versace.

The sun, heat and a breath of wind pull people of this sign outside the cities, into the bosom of nature, in communication with which they desperately need. But be sure to be surrounded by friends! And it is in the presence of these two factors that the spiritual harmony of Dandelions lies.

Their serious attitude to work is strangely combined with the search for unconventional solutions and the generation of ideas even in the most ordinary issues. At the same time, an action plan is adopted at lightning speed, and then a lot of time is spent on correcting its consequences. To their credit, it should be noted that shifting responsibility for their mistakes to others is not characteristic of them, although they never refuse timely assistance.

The love of Dandelions for extravagant and even provocative outfits is dictated by a simple desire to have fun and amuse others.

They value comfort and coziness, but they themselves are too lazy to create it.

They fall in love easily and can do the most incredible and romantic things to express their feelings. Their openness in relationships always requires reciprocity, and unrequited love does not exist in their minds, because they will never believe that someone can remain indifferent to them. With straightforwardness and without omissions, they indulge in their passion, without thinking about the consequences. And the necessary addition to marriage - children - grow up in the rays of the sunny love of their parents-Oduvanichkov.

They enjoy the trust of others, who often turn to them for advice, because when choosing a controversial decision, they are driven by an extraordinary instinct that leads to the achievement of the goal. Although, at first glance, their choice may seem unexpected and wrong.

The innate sense of harmony allows them to gratefully accept small joys and look into the essence of things, separating the main from the secondary.

Their own path and efforts can lead them to the heights of life without third-party patronage.

Their affairs are close to perfection with minimal effort. Order always reigns in their house, and there is time for loved ones. The actions of people of the Edelweiss sign are driven by love for freedom and swiftness. Any manifestation of the routine causes their desire to change their lives, and confidence in a favorable outcome supports the implementation of their plans.

No prohibitions can stop them from impulses to action. And the desire to experience everything does not stop either disapproval or condemnation of others.

It is not surprising that such courage attracts insecure people, for whom he becomes the ideal of freethinking.

However, if you look closely, it becomes obvious that these movements "on the razor's edge" are dictated by amazing sanity and the ability to get away with it.

The tail of envious people, ill-wishers and enemies is a natural decoration of Edelweiss, but they are opposed by an equally spectacular train of admirers and supporters with admiring glances fixed on our hero.

In marital relations, Edelweiss, although he himself is not a symbol of fidelity, is jealous of his partner. He craves romance, but is also sharp in judgment and can be tactless, hurting a loved one, though not intentionally.

The natural tendency of this sign is headaches and hypertension.

Famous Edelweiss Cast: Ricky Martin, Dima Bilan, Konstantin Kinchev, Mikhail Boyarsky, Mao Zedong, Marlene Dietrich, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Gerard Depardieu, Rudyard Kipling, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Henri Matisse.

We hope that you have studied your flower horoscope and now partially or completely begin to follow its recommendations. All the best!

Celtic flower horoscope created by the ancient Celts on the basis of the division of the zodiacal circle into decades (into 36 parts). The Celts believed that people born in a certain decade correspond to their own patron flower similar in character.

Celtic flower horoscope allows you to determine by date of birth a plant that suits a person according to the qualities of character (quality of energy) and can become a talisman for him.

By dividing the 360 ​​degrees of the zodiac circle into 36 parts, we get zones of 10 degrees, which are called decades. Each decan is ruled by two planets ruling the sign of the Zodiac and the decan, in accordance with the classical Star of the Chaldean Magi.

Celtic flower horoscope

A mysterious flower growing in mountain meadows. Gives the character some mystery, mostly external, although this is often due to the usual shyness, which causes secrecy and isolation.

People born under this sign usually achieve their life goals.

Thistle Man suffers from a lack of attention given to him. He often comes up with activities beyond his abilities, which, having convinced himself of their impracticability, he can refuse at any moment, without bothering to search for an excuse for his own recklessness. Therefore, sometimes it gives the impression of an optional and irresponsible person.

But the Thistle also has positive qualities - he is, as a rule, a good friend and a hardworking person. If the task is feasible, then he can work all the way.

This is a person who does not have money in his wallet, if he has one at all. Therefore, he dresses modestly, although he tries to keep up with fashion as much as possible. His elegance and sense of style are often the envy of others. He has quite enough abilities and energy to overcome all difficulties and all ill-wishers.

Men born under this sign have to bet on sports in order to gain physical fitness worthy of popularity with the opposite sex, which not only makes them attractive, but also keeps them healthy for a long time.

Women are distinguished by curiosity, extravagance, a penchant for adventure and ease of behavior on the verge of risk, which allows them to charm the most impregnable man.

Women of this sign are full of modesty and beauty, as well as inner dignity, they are able to stand up for themselves and fight back the most active claims. However, they are able to quickly thaw if the right key is selected for them.

Men have undoubted dignity - they know how to earn according to the invested forces and means.

Such a person has increased sensitivity and is extremely painful if his work is not appreciated. After all, it is in his blood to give all of himself to the cause, doing the assigned work as best as possible, and therefore he is counting on a well-deserved encouragement.

Poppy's beauty is intoxicating like opium. It is easy to fall into its networks, but it is extremely difficult to get out of them. The path of a person of this sign is strewn with thorns. It remains for him to firmly believe in his strength and stubbornly go towards the goal, only in this case he can achieve success in life.

This refined nature has an inexplicable, magical charm. It is a flower full of mystery. A person born under the sign of Lily loves hoaxes, practical jokes, intrigues, behind-the-scenes games, a secret life, flirting, and for all that, he knows well what happiness is and how to find it.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by determination and the ability to find the right way out of even the most complicated life situation - thanks to clarity of thinking, iron logic, the ability to negotiate and a systematic approach to any phenomenon or problem.

The desire to always and in everything to be the first and the best, high self-esteem and ambition are integral features of a person of the Magnolia sign. His position in society, as a rule, is very fragile due to the unwillingness to listen and follow the advice of others, relying only on his own mind and his own strength.

She is generous, generous, not practical, not averse to having fun in a warm company, no matter at whose expense. However, such a breadth of her soul often irritates people close to her, who expect this sign of concrete help, seriousness and responsibility from a person.

A luxurious Dahlia should try to adhere to the golden mean, because its inherent maximalism can become an obstacle in achieving its goal. People of this sign should more carefully calculate their strength, not relying entirely on luck and luck. This applies both to the personal and to all other spheres of life of those who were born in the last ten days of April.

The generous and open heart of the Lily of the Valley is the reason why it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or simply a lover of a delicate aroma. A woman of this sign needs a reliable protector who would direct her energy in the right direction, because the excessive zeal of people born in the first decade of May sometimes does not affect their bosses in the best way.

A cautious, distrustful nature, always waiting for a dirty trick, even from a loved one. Contact with people of this sign is always difficult both within the walls of the house and in the work team, and even more so in love affairs. Due to the vulnerability of his nature, such a person needs sensitivity and especially careful handling.

With Chamomile you always have to guess: loves - does not love. It will beckon to itself, it will push it away, itself not knowing what it wants. Unpredictable. Despite her attractive appearance, she is able to sit in the service of employees, not just for the sake of self-interest, but purely out of sports interest, not realizing that digging another hole can fall into it herself.

The person of this sign is a typical conservative, who is afraid and plunges into despair any change. His salvation and protection is a reliable family, home?fortress, true friends and partners. Although he is not distinguished by loyalty to his family.

Nature, about which they say: from a timid dozen. A mundane personality, a gray mouse, quiet and inconspicuous, watches everything that happens from his secluded corner. Homebody to the core. He measures seven times before he cuts. Do not mind gossiping among your own kind. Gradually, quietly, but he achieves his goal in life.

Men born under this sign are from the tribe of Don Juan and duelists.

Women, as a rule, think too much of themselves, and in order to achieve their love and recognition, you just need not to lay a carpet under their feet. Energetic - nowhere else, in the family - bosses, and their husbands - unfortunate henpecked.

This is an emotional, rather ambitious person, who feels equally good in completely different elements, quickly adapts to any team and is able to successfully carry out everything that she will be entrusted with. Good performer.

A person who attracts everyone's attention. For the time being, she is modest, but at the right moment she is transformed before her eyes and will not miss what, as she thinks, should belong to her by right. Then nothing can restrain such a person in his desire to achieve his goal at all costs.

A prickly personality whose thorns are a way of protecting against encroachments on her independence and freedom. A person born at this time has difficulties in communication, because by nature he is wild and closed, but with skillful handling, Rosehip can give useful fruits, and in abundance.

A person of this sign holds his head high in any life circumstances, not too deceived by successes and not discouraged by failures. A bright person who absorbed the energy of the Sun and firmly took root in the earth.

The Rose Queen of Flowers causes understandable envy among the rest. Intrigues are woven against her, they want to survive from the team, to deprive her of her bonus, but this is not so easy. It is difficult for a person of this sign to constantly be at the height of the situation, at times he just needs to thoroughly relax in order to avoid extreme overwork.

An ascetic person, unpretentious in relation to himself, but demanding when communicating with others, which sometimes turns into undesirable consequences for him. Most often, it is he who turns out to be the scapegoat, not finding the strength to repulse the machinations of ill-wishers.

A person with such a direct character as Gvozdika's has to be looked for. Such a property is far from liking his surroundings.

A person of this sign is stubborn, persistent, will stand his ground in any case if he believes that he is right. Even if the force is clearly not on his side.

As the stars in the night dispel the hopeless darkness or Asters brighten up the sadness of the autumn season with their dim beauty, so the person of this sign with his cheerful disposition drives out boredom and despondency wherever he appears - this is his vocation, his lifestyle, what is given to him from nature. For this quality, he is recognized and appreciated by all his close people.

People born during this period are distinguished by sophistication and subtlety. These are irreplaceable workers, jacks of all trades. Happy is the one who has such a person as a friend or comrade, for he is reliable, punctual, accurate and keeps his word, no matter what circumstances prevent this.

People born under the sign of Camellia, as a rule, have a pleasant appearance in all respects, somewhat refined, but you should not be deceived about them, because by nature they are courageous and fearless personalities. Although one way or another in their behavior there is artistry and childlike spontaneity.

Those born at this time retain the unfading aroma of freshness and youth for a long time, perhaps due to the fact that they are always ready to provide disinterested support to others, not particularly worrying about the greater luck of their peers. Diligence and determination simply do not allow people of the Lilac sign to wither, envying other people's successes.

Persistence and fearlessness are combined in these people with stubbornness, which prevents them from realizing the first two qualities. A person born during this period is alien to diplomacy and tends to go ahead. He often achieves significant success in his career, as he inspires the trust of his superiors with his high professional qualities and great efficiency.

A rare type of character of these people is distinguished by the mystery of the inner world and the mystery of the motives of their behavior. Difficult in communication, closed, they suffer, being misunderstood and underestimated by others, and yet they go to their goal, with patience and perseverance bringing their life success closer.

People born during this period are blessed with good health. If they say “two-core” about someone, then this is a Peony person who can work for two, or at several jobs. The main thing is that it should not be worn out and within reason. Such people should be more restrained and not talk about their plans, following the common truth: my tongue is my enemy.

Those who happened to be born at the indicated time have enviable diligence, patience and diligence. And if there are no other abilities, then thanks to diligence and perseverance, they are able to achieve significant success.

A heat-loving personality, like no one in need of the attention of others, new acquaintances, going out and public recognition. In these aspirations, he sometimes goes too far with extravagant, defiant behavior that goes beyond all boundaries of what is permitted, not to mention a good tone. In business affairs, he is not averse to insuring himself so as not to provoke the fire of criticism or the wrath of his superiors.

Personality self-deep, immersed in his inner world, full of fantasies. The originality of thinking and behavior causes such people, on the one hand, curiosity and interest, and on the other, alienation and rejection. Therefore, they should open their eyes and pay attention to the phenomena of the outside world in order to establish closer contact with it.

This flower, growing high in the mountains, leaves a special imprint on people born under the sign of Edelweiss. Outwardly fragile, gentle in his soul, this person becomes more severe in life's trials, tempering his character and gaining stamina. This is a good friend, a reliable executive worker, who does not neglect any work and does not lose his presence of mind under any circumstances.

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure out money for magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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It will help you choose only your flower.

The Celts believed that a born person received character traits, habits, behavior of any animal, plant or tree.

Each flower evokes different feelings in us, has only its own, unique charm and character. A list of thirty-six beautiful images of flowers will give you the opportunity to recognize yourself or your friends in a symbolic description of psychological types.

Gentian yellow (from January 1 - January 10)

The bright yellow flowers of Gentian bloom in July-August, greedily absorbing the heat of the sun. A proud plant with a thick stem about a meter high can most often be seen in the alpine meadows of southern Europe.

Those born under this sign are responsive, with a special need to take care of the weak. Sometimes people around may consider Gentian people closed and secretive, not suspecting that these qualities are completely not inherent in them. Their timidity and shyness are usually mistaken for unsociableness and closeness. However, timidity does not prevent Gentian from achieving her intended goal. People of this flower build plans, projects with the wisdom of a skilled strategist, effectively using all their resources.

Those born under this flower sign know how to appreciate the family hearth, to be faithful. However, Gentian will not tolerate humiliation in the family, and if attempts to correct the situation do not bear fruit, then she will be able to leave with dignity, even if it costs her nightly tears in her pillow and experiences alone.

Thistle (January 11 - January 20)

Growing up to two meters, the Thistle has many varieties and names. Burdock, milk thistle, tartar, mordovnik, giant artichoke - it's hard to list everything. And a person born under the sign of the Thistle, like a plant, as it were, generalizes in several basic properties all the diversity of his incarnations.

Proud, able to stand up for himself and strong - this can be said about the plant, and about the Thistle man. No wonder the famous Scottish Order of the Thistle had a motto: "Nemo me impune lacessit" - "No one can harm me with impunity." It is honor and dignity that are the fundamental features of the people of this sign.

Thistle is a modest, pungent plant, but with beautiful bright purple inflorescences that bloom all summer; a mercilessly destroyed weed, but with excellent medicinal properties from roots to flowers. Similarly, people of this sign are contradictory natures. They can be decent and at the same time caustic, not reaching into their pocket for a word; modest, but able to look "a million", with a sense of proportion and taste.

In addition, the Thistle is a magical plant, believed to scare away devils. He is a symbol of Scotland and a widely used symbol of martyrdom in Christianity. A certain magic is also present in some representatives of the Thistle sign - they can resist "evil forces" with the strength and fortitude of the spirit. We can say that the Thistle man is too tough for black magic.

But he also has vulnerabilities - he does not calculate his strength well when he takes up work. He can reassure a friend by taking on the solution of his problems, and then not fulfill his promise.

Immortal (January 21 - January 31)

Immortelle is not such a simple plant as it seems. Dim flowers, small, unpretentious oblong leaves, located in a queue that is pleasing to the eye - this is just ostentatious restraint. In fact, lemon-yellow flower baskets are unusually beautiful, smell pleasant and do not lose their charm for a very long time, do not fade even in a bouquet on the table.

Immortal people are usually moderate in their requests, they know what they need from life. Immortelle loves to save, but does it wisely. His economy is not a “survival school”, but proper planning of expenses, in which the main thing is not hoarding, but the desire to make your life and the lives of your relatives convenient and comfortable.

This flower sign is quite restrained in expressing feelings, but nevertheless knows how to sympathize with others, and will always help those in need in difficult times. And if the Immortelle himself has a difficult period, difficulties in relationships, then he does not whine and does not complain, does not share his problems with anyone, but experiences them inside himself.

Mistletoe (February 1 - February 10)

The evergreen mistletoe grows on trees that have to share water and minerals with the bush. Mistletoe blooms in spring with yellowish flowers, and fruits, dense white (sometimes yellowish or red) balls, adorn the tree in winter. Many European peoples consider mistletoe to be a miraculous plant. This evergreen bush was especially revered by the Celtic Druids.

Those born under the sign of Mistletoe are charming and suave seducers. They always look very good. The secret of their attractiveness is simple - they know how to painstakingly take care of their appearance and do not miss a single fashion trend.

The Mistletoe Woman has incredible success with the opposite sex. She easily gets acquainted, easily communicates, easily charms and easily conquers. But victory is not important to her, because she does not try to make a man fall in love with her - he falls in love himself. But if Omela falls in love with someone, then she will not give up her beloved to anyone, she will fight for him with all her might and will definitely win.

The Mistletoe man is also charming and, as a rule, well-groomed, athletic. Just like the mistletoe woman, he knows how to please the opposite sex - eloquence, good breeding, elegance, manners.

You can think as much as you like about what curiosity is - a vice or a virtue; or about how curiosity differs from inquisitiveness, but never understand the essence of this character trait. There is a duality in curiosity: it can be both a good quality of a person and a bad one. People born under the sign of Mistletoe can be both idly curious and inquisitive - it depends only on them how they will use this property of human nature.

Beauty (February 11 - February 19)

Belladonna (belladonna, wolfberry) is a tall plant with bell-shaped purple flowers that appear in June and bloom until late autumn. The fruits are shiny black berries. The roots of the Beauty are strong, branched. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous.

A man born under the sign of Beauty is unusually energetic and hardworking. Sometimes his passion for his favorite work develops into a psychological addiction. Dependent on work, he puts it above all else. If you know a person of this sign who does not match the above description, it means that he simply did not find a suitable occupation. Men of this sign experience euphoria only from what they love, and the pursuit of pleasure, the effect of the work done is their goal. Belles, as a rule, achieve amazing success in their careers, again if they do what they like.

Beauty Woman is modest and generous. She knows how, without offending a person, to point out his wrong, and will never be silent, noticing injustice. Beauty makes high demands on love, she carefully chooses her betrothed, referring to her feelings. Representatives of this sign are responsible for the family, for raising children. Krasavka's family is strong and friendly.

The belladonna is a very poisonous plant. And if the poisonousness of a woman of this sign as a whole is not characteristic, then a man can be reproached for mockery and causticity. This offends some, although the representative of the sign of the poisonous Beauty does not at all think of insulting the interlocutor.

Mimosa (February 20 - February 28)

Mimosa lives mainly in South America. The most famous is Mimosa bashful. Branches with yellow balls, which we usually give on March 8, are not Mimosa, but silver acacia. Mimosa is a small bush with small oblong leaves, on which sensitive hairs are located. With a light touch, she immediately folds them, and lowers the branches down.

People born under the sign of Mimosa are as sensitive and touching as this unusual plant. It can be quite difficult with such people in everyday life: they themselves are unusually delicate and expect others to treat themselves in exactly the same way. If their expectations are not met, then people of this sign suffer desperately.

Among Mimosas, quite impressionable personalities are often found. If Mimosa walks down the street and hears laughter behind her, then she immediately takes it at her own expense - it seems to her that passers-by are making fun of her. Any sideways glance can throw her off balance. Impressive representatives of this sign can burst into tears from sad music, from self-pity, they can begin to feel sorry for themselves, just imagining what could happen to them.

Mimosas are romantics. A dinner by the light of flickering candles, an enthusiastic declaration of love on the shores of the night sea, an unexpected trip to the end of the world and other elegant adventures attract people of this sign like a magnet.

Celtic, Flower horoscope Did you know that flowers, these charming and reverent creations of Mother Nature, like the planets, patronize us throughout our lives - The fact that flowers, like people, have their own characters, was noticed in antiquity . Each person resembles a particular flower, so these wonderful plants can tell a lot about us. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, the flower under the sign of which you were born must be picked, dried and always carried with you. Then he, like a guardian angel, will protect you from misfortunes, troubles and the evil eye. You can simply put your flower in a vase, grow it in a garden plot or in a flower pot - let it protect and protect you on the path of life. Gentian yellow - January 1-January 10 Thistle - January 11-January 20. Immortelle - January 21-January 31. Mistletoe - February 1-February 10. Beauty - February 11-February 19. Mimosa - February 20-February 28. Poppy - March 1-March 10. Lily - March 11-March 20. Digitalis - March 21-March 31. Magnolia - April 1-April 10. Hydrangea - April 11-April 20. Dahlia - April 21-April 30. Lily of the valley - May 1-May 10. Purslane - May 11-May 21. Chamomile - May 22-May 31. Bell - June 1-June 11. Daisy - June 12-June 21. Tulip - June 22-July 1. Water lily - July 2-July 12. Violet - July 13-July 23. Rosehip - July 24-August 2. Sunflower - August 3-August 12. Rose - August 13-August 23. Delphinium - August 24-September 2. Carnation - September 3-September 11. Astra - September 12-September 22. Heather - September 23-October 3. Camellia - October 4-October 13. Lilac - October 14-October 23. Freesia - October 24-November 2. Orchid - November 3-November 12. Peony - November 13 - November 22. Gladiolus - November 23-December 2. Dandelion - December 3-December 12. Lotus - December 13-December 22. Edelweiss - December 23-December 31. Gentian yellow (January 1-January 10) This mysterious flower growing in mountain meadows symbolizes summer warmth. A person born under this sign achieves his intended goal through perseverance and hard work. He is responsive and efficient, so he is always very appreciated by the management. Many consider him secretive and withdrawn, but in reality he is just shy and modest. He does not like big companies - he is much more comfortable at home, in front of the TV. He does not know how to gossip at all, he never speaks badly about people. A wonderful friend who will always come to the rescue, even ready to make a sacrifice. People of this sign become faithful wives and husbands, loving and caring parents. Gentian yellow is afraid of the cold, so a person born under this sign should be wary of cold and rainy weather, take care of the throat and keep the feet warm. Thistle (January 11-January 20) A person born under this sign is incredibly active, one might even say fussy. He is constantly trying to get attention. Often he takes on unbearable obligations, from which he is then ready to refuse under any pretext. These qualities irritate and revolt those around him, but they cannot always discern his main feature - kindness. Yes, it’s not easy with a Thistle man, but his real friends know that he is ready for self-sacrifice when it comes to friendship, which is very important to him. Friends understand that a sensitive, vulnerable heart is hidden under the mask of aggression. Thistle is sacredly devoted to the family, for him it is a safe haven where he can rest his soul. By the way, he should rest more often, since his exorbitant activity and labor zeal can lead to early hypertension. Immortelle (January 21-January 31) A person born under the sign of Immortelle can be safely called an unmercenary. He is very elegant - he follows fashion and tries to follow it. He keeps modestly, but still causes the envy of others. It is good that he has enough energy to defeat ill-wishers and, in general, overcome all difficulties. Mistletoe (February 1-February 10) Mistletoe has long been called the "witch" flower. Apparently, therefore, in people born under her sign, there is some kind of devilry. The Mistletoe Woman is very curious and frivolous. She is always ready to take risks, because she knows that she will be able to charm even the most impregnable man. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are also endowed with extraordinary attractiveness. They take care of themselves: they are actively involved in sports, have excellent health and a toned figure, so it is not surprising that they are very popular with women. Beauty (February 11-February 19) A woman born under the sign of Beauty is charming and modest. Winning her heart is not so easy - she is always ready to give a proper rebuff. But there is no need to give up - maybe on the second or third attempt you will be able to earn the favor of an impregnable beauty. You can’t call a man of this sign handsome, but he is distinguished by incredible hard work, thanks to which he always succeeds in life. Mimosa (February 20-February 28 (29)) Anyone who was born under the sign of Mimosa (whether a man or a woman) is himself like a flower. They are highly sensitive and take everything to heart. Mimosa cannot be overloaded and scolded - she will be very hurt. After all, she is always ready to sacrifice herself in order to complete the work entrusted to her. For her, it is important not so much material reward as recognition and praise. Take care of her, do not make her nervous, otherwise she is threatened with a heart attack or a stomach ulcer. Poppy (March 1-March 10) The beauty of a person born under this sign intoxicates like opium. It is easy to get caught in his net, but much harder to get out. Mack himself in life is not too easy, one might even say that his path is littered with thorns. In order to overcome all obstacles, Mack needs to believe in himself - otherwise success cannot be achieved. In order to improve health, Mack needs to eat as many vegetables as possible, which are a source of vitamins, and as little meat as possible. Lily (March 11-March 20) Lily can be called a moon flower - She has a refined nature and discreet charm. The secret of Lily can only be unraveled on a full moon. However, one should not think that a person born under this sign is particularly timid and shy - Lily knows how to be happy and fight for her happiness. Foxglove (March 21-March 31) Digitalis is a rather nondescript flower. But people born under this sign, on the contrary, are bright and determined. They think clearly and quickly, like a computer, and find the right way out of any, even the most confusing life situation. They do not succumb to difficulties, but this does not mean that they have iron nerves. People of this sign sometimes experience nervous breakdowns and headaches. Magnolia (April 1-April 10) People born under the sign of Magnolia are very ambitious. They strive to always and everywhere be the first. The trouble is that they do not want to listen to the advice of others, and therefore make many mistakes and cannot win their proper position in society. Hydrangea (April 11-April 20) Those born under the sign of Hortensia are characterized by generosity, generosity, which manifests itself in the desire to revel. However, people usually do not expect such a manifestation of generosity, but specific help, so the merchant scope of the Hortense man annoys them more than pleases them. Dahlia (April 21-April 30) Representatives of the Dahlia sign can be recognized by their youthful maximalism, which pretty much interferes with them in life. These people need to learn how to make informed decisions, objectively assess their strengths and stick to the golden mean. Neither in work, nor in personal life, they should not rely only on luck - a lot depends on themselves. Lily of the Valley (May 1-May 10) Lily of the valley has a generous, open heart. This property of his is often used, so he needs at least some kind of protection. For example, a Lily of the Valley woman will feel good next to a Thistle man - he will become her reliable support. At work, Lily of the Valley usually does well. He only needs to slightly moderate his zeal so as not to get on the nerves of his superiors. Purslane (May 11-May 21) The person of this sign is very distrustful. He expects a dirty trick from everyone, even from a loved one. It is difficult with him both in work and in love - in the latter case especially. Chamomile (May 22-May 31) Someone born under the sign of Chamomile is not easy to understand. He loves - he does not love - But he beckons to himself - definitely. Appearance is attractive, but do not put a finger in your mouth - for the sake of a career or just out of interest, he will eliminate any opponent, not disdaining any methods. Bluebell (June 1-June 11) Bluebell - conservative. He is afraid of any changes - they bring him to despair. A person born under this sign needs a good, friendly family - then he will feel protected. Any business trips are contraindicated for him - no need to irritate him. Daisy (June 12-June 21) People of this sign prefer to observe rather than act. They are shy and unromantic. Quiet, homebodies and reinsurers - and yet they can get their way. Maybe because of his ability to collect gossip. Tulip (June 22-July 1) The man of this sign is a typical Don Juan. A woman is an energetic person with great conceit. In order to achieve its location, you need to make a lot of effort. The husband of such a woman is not a very happy person. Water lily (July 2-July 12) Nature is very versatile - it feels good in any element. Easily overcomes small obstacles encountered on the path of life. Violet (July 13-July 23) A person of this sign usually hides in the shade, but is always ready to go out into the sun and take what is due to him. Perhaps that is why others are wary of him. Rosehip (July 24-August 2) You can’t take it with your bare hands - it’s painfully prickly. But if you get to know him better, you will understand that the thorns are just protection. So do not be afraid to prick - get to know him better. Sunflower (August 3-August 12) A person born under the sign of the Sunflower will always find his place under the sun. He will move forward towards the intended goal, and no obstacles will stop him. Rose (August 13-August 23) The rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. She is majestic and impregnable. Of course, many people envy her. There are always intrigues around her. Often she has a very difficult time among envious people. She should take care of her health and not overwork. Delphinium (August 24-September 2) A person of this sign leads a fairly modest lifestyle and often becomes a scapegoat. He needs to learn to resist ill-wishers. Carnation (September 3-September 11) Those born under the sign of Carnation have a very direct character. It is clear that others do not like it at all. But Gvozdika stubbornly stands her ground, because the main thing for her is to achieve justice and defend the truth. Astra (September 12-September 22) Astra has an incredibly cheerful disposition. A person of this sign is able at one moment to dispel longing and sadness. Astra's fun comes not from frivolity, but quite consciously. Such a person is loved and appreciated by everyone - both bosses and subordinates. Heather (September 23-October 3) Outstanding people are born under the sign of Heather. They become indispensable generalists. They know their worth, but do not become arrogant. On the contrary, they are good friends who will never betray or leave you in trouble. Camellia (October 4-October 13) Camellia has a pleasant appearance. But for all her sophistication, she has a very courageous character. The Camellia man is artistic, there is a lot of childishness in his behavior. Lilac (October 14-October 23) Lilac symbolizes flowering, freshness, youth. People of this sign are diligent and purposeful. Lilac is happy to help others. She should not pay attention to envious colleagues. Freesia (October 24-November 2) Freesia is fearless, persistent and stubborn. Moreover, stubbornness often harms her. In general, people of this sign usually evoke sympathy and are successfully promoted. They just need to learn to be more diplomatic. Orchid (November 3-November 12) A person born under the sign of the Orchid is distinguished by mystery and mystery. He constantly doubts something, which leads to conflicts with others and friction with superiors. Peony (November 13-November 22) Peony Man can not be afraid for his health. He only needs to take occasional breaks in his work, and he will endure everything. And it is also desirable to be more restrained and not to devote everyone to your plans. Gladiolus (November 23-December 2) A person born under this sign does not differ in special talents. However, he is very hardworking, diligent and, under skillful guidance, can achieve a lot in life. Dandelion (December 3-December 12) The Dandelion Man cannot be without the attention of others. Trying to attract attention to himself, he becomes too extravagant. Sometimes it even crosses all boundaries of taste and social norms. Criticism of colleagues and superiors is indifferent to him - he will always protect himself, because he does his job perfectly. Lotus (December 13-December 22) Lotus is a symbol of purity. People of this sign are extraordinary both in their way of thinking and in behavior. Lotus gets away with a lot, but still he should be more flexible in relation to people. Edelweiss (December 23-December 31) A person born under this sign is very reliable - both in friendship and in love. He has a calm disposition, but at times he still loses patience.