Instead of blood pressure pills, use your body's resources. Professor Bubnovsky. Useful Treatment methods of Professor Bubnovsky

Doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is the creator of a unique method of treating pathologies that arise in the musculoskeletal system. His technique allows you to restore a person’s ability to work and relieve pain.

Sergei Bubnovsky called his method kinesitherapy. With its help, hopeless patients can get back on their feet without surgery and without medications.


In the city of Surgut in the spring of 1955, the future doctor and professor of medical sciences Sergei Bubnovsky was born. The biography of this amazing man is very interesting to those who are his patients today. It all started during the army years. The driver of the car in which the soldiers were traveling fell asleep at the wheel. Many people were injured in this accident, including Sergei Bubnovsky. From that moment on, his biography changed radically. The result of the accident was a state of clinical death. After the doctors left the young man and Sergei Bubnovsky came to his senses, he realized that only his left leg was not affected in the accident.

Medical education

For many years, Sergei Bubnovsky could only move with the help of crutches. He came with them to take exams at the medical institute. Having become a student, the young man carefully studied the theory, using, in addition to lectures, various specialized literature. Sergei Bubnovsky practiced the acquired knowledge on himself. This gave him the opportunity to select the most effective methods for recovery.

While still a second-year student, the future professor began helping people. His method was so effective that queues began to form for young Bubnovsky from those who decided to regain their health without drugs and operations. Moreover, for many patients such help was the last hope.

Without parting with crutches, Sergei Mikhailovich was able to graduate from two higher educational institutions: in 1978 - MOPI named after. Krupskaya, and in 1985 - MMSI.

Start of medical practice

Bubnovsky's first job was in Kashchenko. There his patients were mentally unstable people. Next, Sergei Mikhailovich becomes the chief physician of the psychoneurological boarding school. After that, Bubnovsky got a job as a medic for the Russian national skiing team. All the knowledge gained over the years of medical practice helped the doctor in developing the technique that became the basis of kinesitherapy.

The principle of alternative recovery

Before the start of classes, Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky tries to convey to his patient that a person’s bones do not hurt. Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations occur in the adjacent muscles. This sets the patient up for a certain way of working. The patient is taught how to make the muscles function normally. Thus, the main concept of the Bubnovsky method lies in the combination of physical education and health exercises and medical consultation assistance to the patient. These two components merge into a single system. Its implementation is an effective method that allows you to treat the movement organs and prevent their pathologies.

The system developed by Bubnovsky allows people to manage their own health. In this they are helped by physical therapy, for which they use simulators created by the author. These sports equipment relieves stress on the spine and joints, while strengthening and building muscle mass. The method has been developed so carefully that it allows the doctor to determine for each patient his individual loads, taking into account age, health status and concomitant diseases.

An alternative way to get rid of ailments adheres to the basic postulate of kinesitherapy, which states that pain is treated with the correct movements of the person recovering. And in order for patients to understand and correctly perform this technique, Sergei Bubnovsky wrote books. In them, the author provides answers to all the readers’ questions.

Wellness centers

The principles of the unique system are implemented in practice. To receive help, the patient must contact the Sergei Bubnovsky Center, located near his place of residence. There are many such institutions in Russia. For example, in 2013 there were 79 of them.

All centers operate according to the same scheme. First, the patient must make an appointment with a doctor by appointment, who will conduct a fascial diagnosis of the patient. This is a procedure to assess the condition of a person’s joints and the motor function of his muscles. After the examination, the doctor fills out a medical history and draws up an individual patient’s recovery chart. This document is very important. During the course of treatment, the recovery map is constantly edited. This allows you to track a person.

In the centers created by Sergei Bubnovsky, books on a new alternative technique, written by a professor of medicine, can be purchased by anyone.

What is used in treatment?

An effective technique helps eliminate excruciating pain and restore ability to work. And this becomes possible thanks to exercises individually developed for each patient, which are practiced on Bubnovsky. These sports equipment help a person move faster along the path of recovery. Rehabilitation devices provide anti-gravity and decompression effects. This eliminates axial pressure on the joints and spine.

Patients are also taught proper breathing techniques, the implementation of which is a prerequisite for performing exercises. So, when performing power elements, exhalation should be done with the sound “ha”. This will reduce intra-abdominal pressure and increase vascular patency.

Kinesitherapy is carried out using hydrothermo- and cryotherapy. The first of these two terms implies the use of hydromassage and the thermal effects of water on the human body. Cryotherapy is cold treatment. The use of these two techniques improves tissue thermoregulation and eliminates pain in the affected areas.

Health-improving gymnastics

In order to rid the body of pathologies of movement systems, there are special exercises, the author of which is Sergei Bubnovsky. Gymnastics for beginners includes the simplest of them. Beginners should understand that not everything will work out right away. However, there is no need to despair. Perseverance and the desire to achieve your goal will definitely lead you to success.

The first exercise for beginners is push-ups. It allows you to work out the belt of the upper limbs. The purpose of this exercise is to restore blood circulation in the vertebral arteries, eliminate headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, fatigue and depression. At the same time, the muscle mass of the shoulder girdle increases.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to pay attention to the quality and quantity of movements performed. You need to start gymnastics lying on the floor, placing your hands with your palms down at chest level. The legs should be brought together and extended. When climbing, it is important not to arch your back and look only forward. At the same time, you exhale with the sound “ha”. Next, the arms are bent and the torso is lowered. This is done while inhaling. Unprepared people can start performing this exercise with a lightweight version, resting on their knees. The number of presses should be from five to ten.

The next stage of this exercise is to perform cleansing breathing. To do this, patients sit on their knees with support on their heels and raise their arms three times while inhaling and lower them down while exhaling with the sound “ha.” Simultaneously with your hands, you should rise on your knees and then lower yourself onto your heels.

Sergei Bubnovsky’s gymnastics also includes an exercise that develops the abdominal muscles. This allows you to improve the functioning of the gallbladder and eliminate the likelihood of its pathologies, as well as activate intestinal motility. This exercise also normalizes blood circulation in the thoracic and cervical spine due to maximum contraction and stretching of the intervertebral muscles.

The movements begin by lying on your back with your knees slightly bent. The arms should be extended along the head and pressed against it. The chin in its original position is on the chest. It is worth keeping in mind that in this way the head must be fixed in relation to the spine throughout the entire exercise.

When exhaling, the patient should lift his shoulder blades off the floor. You also need to raise your arms as an extension of your torso. All movements should be performed with maximum amplitude. The sound “ha” is pronounced at the highest point of tension. In this case, you need to tuck your stomach.

These exercises by Sergei Bubnovsky are performed either for 20-30 seconds or in an amount of 5-10 repetitions. A prerequisite for them is an empty stomach. And if you drink a glass of tea or water before starting classes, you can flush out your intestines. This process will be indicated by a rumbling stomach.

Another Bubnovsky exercise for beginners was developed by the author to strengthen the back. It should start from a lying position on your stomach and with your arms slightly extended and bent along the body. At the same time, your palms should rest on the floor at the level of your lower back, and your head should look forward. As you exhale, pronounce the sound “ha” and make twenty swings, first with one straight leg and then with the other. Then they are both raised at the same time. The number of times in this case will be limited by the patient’s capabilities.

The duration of such gymnastics should not be less than 20 minutes. After classes, Bubnovsky recommends water procedures. This could be a contrast or cold shower, sauna, swimming pool or rubbing with a damp towel.

For what pathologies is an alternative technique used?

What are the main causes of spinal diseases? These include:
- congenital diseases;
- systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteomyelitis, tuberculosis and tumors;
- dystrophic degenerative diseases (spinal hernia and osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis and osteoarthritis, as well as spinal canal stenosis).

The first two causes cannot be eliminated without multilateral medical treatment. In the third case, the patient’s health depends entirely on himself. Sergei Bubnovsky is sure of this. Osteochondrosis, hernia and other degenerative diseases, in his opinion, are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. In this regard, Bubnovsky’s technique sometimes becomes simply irreplaceable.

Efficiency of using simulators

Bubnovsky's technique is very effective. And the proof of this is the author himself. A doctor who walks with an implanted hip joint tests each of the created simulators on himself and then offers them to people. These rehabilitation sports equipment are capable of:
- eliminate pain in the back, the cause of which is muscle spasms;
- restore the flexibility of the spine and the mobility of its joints;
- stop the spread of scoliosis and hernia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and many other pathologies;
- restore the body after surgery to remove a herniated disc.

At the initial stage of treatment, adaptive gymnastics is performed. It is designed to rehabilitate patients and eliminate pain. At the next stage, Sergei Bubnovsky suggests treating joints. At the same time, mobility returns to them, and the spine acquires the ability to withstand significant loads.

Beginners should not cover the entire course at once. A person should perform exercises to the extent available to him throughout the day. Only gradually can the load be increased.

It is worth keeping in mind that all Bubnovsky exercises are safe. At the same time, they restore such properties of muscle tissue as elasticity, contractility and In addition, as a result of performing this gymnastics, self-regulation of articular cartilage and intervertebral disc occurs. And this happens without the intervention of a surgeon.


Bubnovsky’s technique helps many. However, the exercises developed by Sergei Mikhailovich include various strength elements. In this regard, the Bubnovsky method should not be used:
- in the early postoperative period;
- for ruptures of tendons and ligaments;
- in case of detection of oncology;
- people in a pre-stroke or pre-infarction state.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) make a person’s life incomplete. It’s not for nothing that they say: as long as we move, we live. Problems with the spine deprive people of the opportunity to enjoy life, move and travel freely, and in the worst case, lead to complete disability and dependence. Dr. Bubnovsky has developed exercises for the spine based on a unique therapeutic technique based on kinesitherapy- the science of movement, combined with all the best non-drug methods previously invented by mankind:

  • massage
  • cold douches, rubbing, compresses and other cryoprocedures

Exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky

There are many causes of spinal diseases:

  1. Congenital pathologies
  2. Systemic diseases of the spine: osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, ankylosing spondylitis, tumors
  3. Degenerative dystrophic diseases: osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, spondylolisthesis, spinal canal stenosis

If in the first two cases multifaceted medical treatment is required, then in the third the cure depends entirely on the person himself. After all, all these diseases are primarily caused by inactivity of the joints of the spine due to too little movement in our lives. And here Bubnovsky’s technique is sometimes irreplaceable.

Bubnovsky simulators, adaptive and joint gymnastics

The best proof that the technique works is Bubnovsky himself, with an implanted artificial hip joint, mastering each new exercise machine on himself and then helping other people.

Multifunctional Bubnovsky simulators (MTB) allow you to:

  1. Relieve pain caused by muscle spasms
  2. Restore mobility of spinal joints and flexibility
  3. Stop the development of osteochondrosis, hernia, scoliosis, arthrosis and other diseases of the spine
  4. Recover after a complex operation with the help of exercises, especially indispensable after, which most often gives relapses

Adaptive gymnastics

  • used at the initial stage,
  • suitable for rehabilitation of patients
  • helps cope with pain

Joint gymnastics (second phase)

  • restores mobility to the joints of the spine and knee joints
  • trains the spine's ability to withstand heavy loads

Don't try to cover the entire course at once. In one day, a person should master the exercises available to him, gradually increasing the load.

After completing the complex, the patient can, if desired, purchase a simulator for training on it at home. If he does not have such an opportunity, then he is offered alternative gymnastics, consisting of exercises available at home.

Adaptive gymnastics with examples

Let us now consider examples of adaptive exercises of Bubnovsky’s alternative gymnastics, indispensable for treating pain at home:

  1. Crawling on all fours: we crawl around the room in long steps for 20-30 minutes, alternately stretching our arms far ahead of ourselves. This exercise is good to perform during an exacerbation of a hernia, when walking is very difficult.
  2. Lie on your back, placing an ice compress under your lower back, hands behind your head. We bend the torso in the thoracic region, trying to reach the knees with our elbows. We perform the exercise 20 - 30 times. At the same time, the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine is stretched, and the cold relieves swelling and pain - frequent companions
  3. Starting position, hands behind your head. We bend our knees alternately and reach towards them with the opposite elbow. Exercise improves blood circulation in the lumbar region
  4. The following exercise is performed for knee pain. It is advisable to perform it in knee pads or simply wrap your knees with something at hand - towels, scarves. We walk on our knees around the room for 20 minutes every day, overcoming the pain
  5. Lowering onto your heels: while kneeling, place a bolster on the back of your legs and sit on your heels. After some time, we give up the roller. At first, there may be pain in the area of ​​the front surface of the thigh, knee and lower leg associated with muscle strain. But then they will pass. You should try to sit on your heels for up to 5 minutes.
  6. Walking on the buttocks is an excellent exercise for strengthening the lumbar and gluteal muscles, and also for reducing weight. Walking on your buttocks for 20 minutes every day for two weeks can reduce your weight by 8 kg.
  7. Push-ups from the floor: can be performed from the knees and in the classic version, more preferable - resting on the toes. Your arms should be bent at the elbow joint by at least 90 degrees. You need to do push-ups at least 20-30 times, gradually the number of push-ups can be increased. Exercise improves blood circulation in the cervical spine and relieves headaches
  8. Stretching the calf muscle of the Achilles tendon: sitting on the floor, raise your leg and, holding your toe with your hand, tilt your foot towards you without bending your leg. The exercise is used to treat acute back pain

You can learn more about Dr. Bubnovsky’s adaptive gymnastics exercises from this video:

Contraindications to Bubnovsky gymnastics

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is a very effective technique. It contains many exercises that are indispensable for combating spinal diseases. By performing these exercises daily, you can overcome osteochondrosis, hernia, arthrosis and other ailments.

However, gymnastics contains a lot of strength exercises and therefore this method may not be suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to the Bubnovsky method:

  1. Early postoperative period
  2. Ligament and tendon ruptures
  3. Oncological diseases
  4. Pre-infarction and pre-stroke conditions

Video of therapeutic gymnastics exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky

​ Cryoprocedures, that is, cryomassage, compresses (improves thermoregulation, relieves pain).​

New treatment method

​2. Without changing position, we bend our back: very slowly arch as we exhale and bend as we inhale (20 times).​

​S. Bubnovsky receives many letters of gratitude from patients who have undergone treatment using his method. Despite the fact that there are not very satisfied patients, there are still many more grateful and respected people. In order to cure a disease such as osteochondrosis, it is necessary first of all to identify the causes of the disease and try to correct the current situation. In order to emerge victorious in the fight against a doctor, you need to know by what laws he exists. As the author assures: “Any disease must first be treated with the mind, and not with drugs.” You need to choose your own strategy to combat the disease. In the case of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to create a program that will include corrective exercises for the cardiovascular system, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, as well as restoring confidence in one’s strength and in oneself as a whole.​ ​What the author offers provides topics for thought about own health and lifestyle. About how mobile and active the reader’s way of life is and what attitude the reader has towards his own health. In his book, Bubnovsky offers a set of exercises with photographs of their implementation.​

Foot exercises

​Performed lying on your back with your arms extended along your body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the floor as high as possible and while inhaling, lower it. Perform 10-30 times.​


  1. ​When performing an individually developed set of exercises according to Bubnovsky’s method, biochemical processes are normalized both in the intervertebral disc and in the muscles and ligaments surrounding it. Increased blood flow in the affected area helps restore the damaged disc, and even a herniated disc can gradually decrease until it disappears completely.
  2. ​Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is the creator of the field of alternative orthopedics and neurology. The main guideline in the treatment of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system for Bubnovsky and his followers is not drug treatment, but the internal reserves of the human body, understanding the body and its development.​
  3. ​Bend your legs. Straighten your left leg, turn your toe to the side and begin to pull towards you. Lift your left leg off the floor and begin to do small lifts. And so on 20 times per leg.​
  4. Lie on your back, arms and legs straight. Extend your big toe, then bend it towards you - everything to the maximum. Forward and backward – repeat 10 times.​
  5. ​Professor Bubnovsky: the main 10 exercises - millions of Russians have heard about this method of treating spinal diseases. In 30 years of his medical practice, this doctor has not written out a single prescription or prescribed a single pill to his patients. And at the same time, he put thousands of hopelessly ill patients on their feet, to whom official medicine could only offer drug or surgical treatment. How did Dr. Bubnovsky manage to achieve such amazing results? What are the tips and 10 exercises of Sergei Mikhailovich and what are gymnastics for the joints of Dr. Bubnovsky?​

Gymnastics for the spine

​3. In the same position: we sit on our left leg, then we stretch our right leg back, and we pull our left arm forward. The exercise is called a “stretching step” and is performed slowly, not abruptly. We alternate arms and legs, and repeat twenty times.​

​The author in his book recommends that you first of all think about your health and not forget that the body responds to how it is treated. It’s worth loving yourself, and then the body will function for a long time and without complications.​

  1. ​According to Dr. Bubnovsky’s theory, in order for the treatment to be productive, it is necessary to build a course on eliminating muscle failure. Such conclusions can be drawn based on the following considerations of the author, namely:​
  2. ​S. M. Bubnovsky says: “Osteochondrosis of the spine is not a disease. This is a punishment for an ugly attitude towards your body – the Temple of the Holy Spirit!”​
  3. ​Joint exercises restore coordination of movements, improve mobility and flexibility of the spine.​
  4. ​The exercise is performed in the “knees and palms” position. You should stretch your body forward as much as possible, while maintaining emphasis on your palms and knees.​
  5. ​Thus, kinesitherapy is an alternative to surgical treatment for spinal hernia.​
  6. The technique is called “kinesitherapy”. In addition to treatment, it includes diagnostics of the condition of the musculoskeletal system, spine and joints, that is, the so-called myofascial diagnosis, which makes it possible to determine the exact localization of the pathological process. Based on the diagnostic results, an individual treatment program is drawn up for the patient, based on the characteristics of the underlying disease and concomitant pathology.​
  7. Straighten your legs in front of you. Perform small lifts of approximately 45° on each leg alternately. And so on 5 times.​
  8. ​Alternately bring your big toes together and spread them as far apart as possible. When mixing, you should try to place them on the surface of the bed.​
  9. ​While still serving in the army, the author of the method himself was in a terrible accident: the driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into another car, and doctors eventually had to piece together his passenger literally piece by piece. The future scientific luminary could have remained disabled if the patient had not taken care of his health himself. Bubnovsky entered medical school and, while still studying, began to create his own health restoration system.​

​4. We get into the “palms and knees” position: we stretch our body forward as much as possible, without lifting our palms and knees from the floor. At the same time, we do not bend in the lower back. This exercise is called “pumping.”

A set of Bubnovsky exercises for treating the spine

​Today, many methods of treating spinal diseases are used, the list of which is constantly updated with new, innovative techniques. They are all useful in their own way, they all have their positive and negative sides, their contraindications... therefore, they should be prescribed only by a doctor and carried out under the supervision of qualified medical specialists. One of these modern and, as many claim, effective methods of treating spinal diseases is considered to be the technique developed by S.M. Bubnovsky, which also causes controversial reviews and ambiguous opinions of doctors. Let's look at it.​

About Bubnovsky's method

​The correctness and regularity of performing exercises to the extent necessary for the patient. For each person, a set of exercises is calculated individually based on the breathing rhythm and how much the muscles are atrophied.​

​Bubnovsky assures that the methods of treating osteochondrosis primarily depend not on the doctor who treats it, but on the psychology of the patient himself. The main misconception of a person with any pain syndrome, be it pain in the back, joints or heart, is to immediately make a self-diagnosis and assume that this is some kind of serious disease. But in reality, everything is not quite like that. Everything is in a person’s subconscious, and a person invents most diseases for himself.​


​When performing the exercise, do not bend at the lower back.​

MTB trainer

​For scoliosis, exercises are selected aimed at restoring the harmonious functioning of the back muscles that support the spine in the correct position. This is especially useful for children with undeveloped muscle corset.​

Kinesitherapy and back pain

​Bend your legs in front of you. Raise your right leg straight and move it to the side. At the same time, move your left leg bent at the knee to the left. Do 8 repetitions for each.​

Spine treatment

​Squeeze your toes, and then also open them as much as possible.​

​Later he would call it kinesitherapy. Literally this means movement therapy.​

​5. We do not change the position: we bend our elbows and, as we exhale, lower ourselves to the floor, then slowly inhale. Next, as you exhale, straighten your arms, lower your pelvis onto your heels and stretch your lumbar muscles. Repeat 6 times. This way the entire back is stretched.

Bubnovsky’s set of exercises for the spine, relieving pain

  • ​Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is the creator of one of the areas of alternative neurology and orthopedics. The basis of his therapy is to use the internal reserves of the human body, in search of the human body’s ability to fight diseases on its own, without the use of drug treatment. It's called kinesitherapy. This Bubnovsky technique (see video) provides not only the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also the diagnosis of the entire musculoskeletal system, the condition of the joints, and the spine. Thanks to this myofascial examination, it is possible to determine the exact location of the disease and, accordingly, prescribe the correct and most effective treatment according to Bubnovsky.​

​Properly selected gymnastics can activate and normalize the sympathoadrenal system, thereby enhancing the hormone of joy. This action will lead to a decline in depression and anxiety.​

  • ​A real disease, according to the author, is a state of the body that is in a stressful situation not of its own free will. This stress makes you feel worse. According to Bubnovsky’s reasoning, illness is the retribution of the physical body for its improper use.​

​Cryoprocedures (cryocompresses, cryomassage) help improve thermoregulation and provide pain relief without drugs.​

  • ​Back stretch.​

​Relaxation of the back.​

  • ​The program is a set of special exercises, also developed by Dr. Bubnovsky. Performing these exercises leads to complete restoration of all functions of the spine and joints. In addition, the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body indirectly improves.​

​Bend your legs at the knees, lean on your hands. Pull the first ones towards you, lower your back as close to the floor as possible. Bend your arms and simultaneously straighten your raised legs. Do 15 reps.​

​This is an exercise for the joints, primarily the knees: bend and straighten your legs at the knees in turn, while sliding your soles along the bed. When bending your leg, touch your buttocks with your heel.​

  • ​Thanks to this unique technique, not only Bubnovsky himself, but also thousands of his followers will get rid of crutches.​

​6. Lie on your back: bend your legs at the knees, hands behind your head. We press our chin to our chest, then bend our torso as we exhale so that our shoulder blades come off the floor and our elbows touch our knees. When performing, a burning sensation should appear in the stomach. This exercise is called abdominal stretching.​

​As for the treatment of the spine itself, special exercises are used here, which were developed by Professor S.M. Bubnovsky. on one's own. Their regular implementation helps restore the functions of the joints and spine, relieve pain, improves the functioning of all body systems, all internal organs, strengthens the immune system and sets the body up for a full recovery. At the same time, such exercises are prescribed for each patient individually, according to the severity of the disease, the nature of the pain, and the location of the pain.​

  • ​Thanks to constant exercise, strength is restored, muscles become more elastic, appetite is restored and body weight is normalized.​

The spine is the frame of the human body. It can be compared to the foundation of a house, on which all further existence depends. If there is no good “foundation”, then the house will be fragile and will soon fall apart. Despite the fact that in no medical source the spine is associated with either the limbs or the vessels, and is not considered as one whole, it has a lot in common.​

  • ​Official website of the Doctor Bubnovsky Center -​

​The starting position is the same. Bend your arms at the elbow joints and, as you exhale, lower your body to the floor, inhale. Then, from this position, straighten your arms as you exhale, simultaneously lowering your pelvis onto your heels and stretching your lumbar muscles.​

Auxiliary methods of treating the spine using the Bubnovsky method

  • ​The exercise is performed standing on all fours. Relax your back.​
  • ​Treatment of the spine using the Bubnovsky method is carried out on an outpatient basis in a mode convenient for the patient.​
  • ​Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Place one hand under the back of your head, straighten the other. With a bent leg, reach towards your head and knee with the opposite hand. Straighten your leg and reach with your straight leg towards the opposite hand. Do 15 times on one leg.​

​In his clinics throughout Russia, for the treatment of the spine, the doctor suggests using a special MBT device - the Bubnovsky multifunctional simulator. The doctor developed it himself. Exercises using MBT can relieve pain, improve the condition of joints, and work deep muscles. Spinal hernias are gradually decreasing.​

​It allows you to overcome diseases that many seem incurable: arthrosis and other joint pathologies, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, spinal hernias. And although official medicine insists that patients with these ailments need to take care of themselves and avoid any stress on their back, the author of the unique therapy is confident of the opposite: diseases are cured by physical activity and movement.​

​7. We lie on our back, stretch our arms along the body: as we exhale, we raise our pelvis on the floor, as high as possible, and lower ourselves as we inhale. We repeat this exercise 25 times, its name is pelvic lift.

​In addition to creating the treatment method, Bubnovsky designed a special simulator for its implementation. Exercises on the Bubnovsky simulator restore the tone of the deep muscles of our back, strengthen its muscular frame, promote the full functioning of the joints, improve biochemical processes, blood circulation, blood supply to the vertebrae, eliminate pain syndromes, muscle spasms, and prevent the development of spinal diseases. That is why Bubnovsky’s exercises and multifunctional simulator began to be widely used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, intervertebral disc herniation (spinal herniation decreases until it completely disappears!), correction of scoliosis, and even to strengthen the back muscle corset in children. In addition, they are very useful during the period of rehabilitation and recovery of the body after surgical treatment. Modern medical specialists believe that Bubnovsky kinesitherapy is an excellent alternative to surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia. With its help, you can avoid surgery, cure the disease, and strengthen your immune system!​

​After performing the exercises as prescribed by the kinesitherapist, the patient’s fear of the disease disappears and confidence in overcoming it appears.​

The spine consists of muscles, discs, blood vessels, nerve endings and ligaments. All this is controlled by the central nervous system, which runs through the spine.​

​Sergei Mikhailovich’s book “Osteochondrosis is not a death sentence!” provided to a wide readership and is very popular among them. Bubnovsky is a doctor who independently returned to normal life after a serious car accident. The basis of the treatment and the subsequent book was the method of kinesitherapy, or as it is also called treatment with movement. Throughout Russia and beyond its borders, many centers have been opened under the name of Bubnovsky, which offer treatment using the method of the same name.​


​Perform 5-6 repetitions.​

​Bending of the back.​

There are 700 muscles in the body - why so many?

​In addition to the technique, Dr. Bubnovsky invented a multifunctional simulator, exercises on which help restore the tone of the deep back muscles and the functional activity of the joints. They relieve muscle spasms and eliminate pain. Special exercises have also been developed for training on the simulator, and an individual course is developed for each patient, which can be completed in a special center.​

​Lie on the floor, put your hands under the back of your head, bend your knees, turn them to the right. Do lifts of the upper back and head. Repeat the exercise 15 times.​

Usually, a set of exercises (which includes not only the ten main ones, but also additional ones) is developed individually for each patient. At home, the MBT can be replaced with an expander. But there are tips and 10 exercises from Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky that can be performed without any additional equipment. It was they who gained great fame and helped restore health to thousands of people across the country. Here are these 10 Bubnovsky exercises:​

Professor Bubnovsky usually likes to repeat to patients: bones cannot hurt, but pain in the back and joints arises from damaged muscles and nerves. The nutrition of the spine, which consists of an osteochondral base, is again provided by them - the deep muscles. In addition, not everyone knows that the condition of the main pillar of our body seriously depends on the joints of the lower extremities, which play the role of a shock-absorbing system. Therefore, it is important to do exercises in the morning not only on the spine, but also on the joints of the legs. A weakened and poorly trained foot can lead to pain not only in the spine, but also to headaches. After all, on the foot there are points connected to the brain.​

Muscles work together

​In addition to exercises and a simulator, the Bubnovsky system uses some other treatment methods, such as:​

We eradicate the enemy

​The use of the Bubnovsky simulator increased the effectiveness of the exercises several times, accelerated recovery and returned patients to their normal lifestyle.​

​Doctor Sergei Bubnovsky assures that osteochondrosis is not a death sentence for a person and there is no need to panic prematurely. The entire body can be called one large system, which has its own brain, lungs, heart, spine and blood vessels. Each of the components functions separately, but this is what determines how the “system” works as a whole. Only with the synchronicity and mutual assistance of all organs is it possible for an organism to exist for quite a long time.​

  1. ​Human anatomy has over 700 muscles in the body, and these are just the unpaired muscles (besides the facial muscles). The question arises: why does a person need such an amount, if even during physical activity no more than 40% of the total amount is used? Everything is quite simple. Thanks to the muscles that are in the body, the entire body and internal organs are controlled.​
  2. ​Despite the fact that there are contradictions, both among doctors and among patients regarding this technique, those who want to correct their illness do not become less numerous. Despite the fact that many were satisfied with Bubnovsky’s technique and left their grateful responses on the clinic’s websites, there are also those who were dissatisfied with such treatment. But, despite the negative reviews about the technique, it cannot be said that this method has become ineffective due to the professionalism of the developer himself. Perhaps the patient himself did not adhere to all the recommended prescriptions, or the qualifications of the doctor leading the patient did not quite meet all the requirements.​
  3. ​Stretching the abdomen.​
  4. ​The exercise is performed while standing on all fours, and you should slowly arch your back as you exhale and bend as you inhale. Repeat the movement 20 times.

​Exercises performed on this simulator allow you to quickly restore the muscular frame and mobility of all joints of our body, which contributes to the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, herniated disc, scoliosis, arthrosis, arthritis and other pathologies. These classes are also useful in the rehabilitation program after surgical treatment.​

The illusion of osteochondrosis

​Lie on the floor, raise your arms straight above your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time and bring them together. Repeat 20 times.​

​Sit on the floor, straighten your legs, rest your hands on the floor. Then raise your arms and walk on your buttocks. Then lift your legs off the floor and continue walking on your buttocks.​

​Here are the exercises for the foot, developed by Professor Sergei Bubnovsky:​

​ massage (activates blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the back),​

Treatment of the spine with Bubnovsky exercises!

​Bubnovsky developed separate exercises for training on the simulator (see video). They are selected individually for each patient and formed into therapeutic exercise complexes. You can complete this set of classes in a special center using Bubnovsky simulators and under the supervision of qualified specialists. Without fail, patients are taught the rules for performing exercises, the process of implementation is monitored, and the set of exercises is adjusted (changed) according to the results obtained.​

Doctor Bubnovsky's healing technique

​Very often, people involved in sports believe that osteochondrosis does not threaten them. But this is a wrong opinion. Even those who have been involved in sports for many years can develop this disease. Even if constant training is carried out and stress on the body, osteochondrosis will strike at the most inopportune moment. But the most important thing is that osteochondrosis is treated much faster in athletes than in people who do not play sports.​

​From the author’s point of view, if you do not take human anatomy into account, then the restoration of the spine in diseases depends on the patient himself. First, it is necessary to conduct research on osteochondrosis, and this applies not only to X-ray and tomographic procedures. It is necessary to conduct a complete examination of all muscle groups, including joints. Thanks to such studies, it is possible to identify symptoms that at first glance may not at all relate to a disease such as osteochondrosis or back disease in general. But in the end, they can indirectly affect the condition of the spine.​

Bubnovsky simulator

​First of all, to use this technique for treating osteochondrosis, you need to read the book by Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky. If the proposed technique suits you in all respects, you can use it, but only after consulting with your doctor.​

​Performed lying on your back, with your legs bent at the knees and your hands behind your head. The chin is pressed to the chest and at the exit, the torso is bent, trying to lift the shoulder blades off the floor and touch the knees with the elbows. When performing, try to achieve a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles.​

​Stretching step.​

Bubnovsky’s exercises for the spine, relieving pain

For back pain, each patient, depending on the severity of the disease, is given an individual set of exercises, which also includes movements that relieve pain in the spine. Patients are taught to perform all exercises correctly, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on this. During the treatment process, this complex is constantly adjusted depending on the results obtained.​

​Tips and 10 exercises by Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky help to significantly improve the condition of the spine. And Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for joints not only ensures the prevention of arthrosis and osteochondrosis, but also contributes to the patient’s recovery.​

​Sit on the floor, bring your legs into a bent state and lean on your hands. Raise your leg 20 times, then do the same on your straight leg. Do the same exercise for the second leg.​

​Move your foot clockwise and counterclockwise. Watch your thumbs while doing this.

​joint gymnastics by Dr. Bubnovsky (improves flexibility, mobility of the spinal column),​

​1. We get on all fours and relax our back.​

​Doctor Bubnovsky assures that all diseases are in the patients’ heads. All the exercises given in the book will help not only improve your posture and get rid of osteochondrosis, but also give you self-confidence and get rid of negative thoughts. Naturally, at first the body will resist, and pain is possible, but this will only happen until the body gets used to the exercises and the subconscious is cleared of thoughts about the disease. The author offers several options for classes designed for different age categories. The set of exercises includes both gymnastic and strength exercises. It is necessary to carry out the entire complex systematically, without missing classes. Moreover, they do not take much time. You need to accept your body and try to bring it to perfection.​

The question arises: is osteochondrosis a disease of the spine or a general disease of the body? A person who does not work on his body and muscles in particular can end up with muscle atrophy and weakening. During atrophy, the muscles begin to shrink and, accordingly, all nerve endings and blood flows are pinched, worsening the general condition of the body in general. Because of this, a person who looks completely healthy on the outside may feel severe pain and, most importantly, the spine will suffer, since it is the basis of the whole body. To keep the body in an alert state and to keep the muscles in good shape, it is necessary to perform basic strength exercises. Exercises may be the simplest, but they can also keep the body in full health.​

  • ​At the very beginning of the book, the author makes it clear to all readers that a person must take full responsibility for osteochondrosis with all the consequences that may appear in the future. The main idea of ​​the book is that medicine, its level, heredity and all other factors in no way affect the course of the disease, everything depends only on the person himself.​
  • ​Pelvic lift.​
  • ​The exercise is performed standing on all fours. First you need to sit on your left leg and stretch your right leg back. And at the same time pull your left hand forward. Alternate legs and arms when moving. Repeat 20 times, excluding sudden movements.​

  1. For joint stiffness.

Predicted results

  • pain syndrome decreases;


  • with ankylosis;
  • for acute arthritis;

Health to you! In this video, Dr. Bubnovsky talks about morning exercises for joints, the regular implementation of which will help get rid of pain:

Doctor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is rightfully considered one of the progressive doctors of our time. His kinesitherapy center has branches in various countries.

Treatment of joints according to Bubnovsky

For arthrosis, the Bubnovskys give various advice on how to prevent osteoarthritis and how to cure post-traumatic syndrome of joint diseases. The uniqueness of gymnastics is walking on your knees. For people with symptoms of arthrosis, exercise is initially excruciating and very painful. Bubnovsky suggested doing the exercises while exhaling the exclamation “Ha!” As the doctor says: “The disease must be exhaled.” When you exhale, the pain dulls and the exercise is easier to perform.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky

Some doctors do not approve of Bubnovsky’s technique and consider it a cruel test for patients. But, having studied the positive statistics, we can say that the system works and really helps.

At present, a single way to combat arthrosis of the knee joint has not yet been found. Experts are constantly conducting this search. It is worth paying attention to treatment according to Bubnovsky, because Sergei Mikhailovich put himself on his feet, overcoming his disability.

It is necessary to understand the essence of the technique and understand the recommendations given by an honored specialist in kinesitherapy. His exercises are a great substitute for medications. Seriously ill patients were saved with the help of Bubnovsky’s multifunctional simulator and his set of exercises. With a superficial understanding and application of the technique, you can harm yourself! Dr. Bubnovsky’s centers, a wide branch network, as well as Sergei Mikhailovich’s website will give all the necessary advice and recommendations.

Exercises for treating joints according to Bubnovsky

  1. It is necessary to wrap the crushed ice in a cloth and wrap it around your knees. Lean on chairs, carefully kneel down and walk around as much as possible. At first it is very painful, you need to take at least two steps, and over time increase the number to 15 steps in one approach.
  2. You need to kneel and sit on your heels, holding onto the supports with your hands. This task can cause severe pain. Hold for 5-20 seconds. When you lower yourself onto your heels, you need to pronounce the sound “HA!”, as if you are exhaling the disease from the joint. It will be difficult at first, place a cushion under your knees. Increase the duration of the exercise daily, up to five minutes.
  3. We sit on the floor, stretching our legs, take our big toes and pull them towards us. With this exercise we stretch the muscles and ligaments on and below the knee. Blood supply and nutrition to the joint tissues improve, the knee will move better.

After mastering these three exercises, you can move on to more complicated ones.

  1. You need to stand up, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and grab a support with your hands (you can grab a door handle). We squat so that our knees are at an angle of 90 degrees, keeping our back straight. First you need to perform 20 squats in one approach, over time we bring it to one hundred squats per day. Then let's try to do the exercise without support.
  2. We lie on our stomachs, grab our feet with our hands and pull them onto our buttocks. This exercise helps to stretch the front of the thigh.
  3. We kneel down, stretch our arms in front of us, and as we exhale, smoothly lower ourselves to the floor between our feet.
  4. We lie on our backs, spreading our legs slightly. Bend one leg, while not lifting the heel off the floor. Gently move the foot towards the buttocks, helping ourselves with our hands. We fixate for 4-6 seconds.

At the end of the exercises, a contrast shower. Perform movements smoothly; after exercise, it is forbidden to heat the joints.

My knees hurt, what should I do? Bubnovsky's exercises

Any diseases of the joints - inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic - do not go unnoticed by a person. They are manifested by two main symptoms - pain and impaired movement.

The joint may swell and become inflamed, the subchondral bone may become deformed, and calcifications may be deposited in the ligaments. But these manifestations are most often secondary and do not cause so much inconvenience to a person. It is stiffness and pain that make people look for ways to solve this problem.

Treatment of joints

Modern methods of treating joints are diverse. Traditional medicine suggests using decoctions, tinctures and compresses from various plants. Physiotherapists prescribe magnetic therapy and ultrasound electrophoresis. Alternative healers use acupuncture and apitherapy.

Traditional medicine offers comprehensive treatment, including:

  • medicines;
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical treatment.

The main role is played by the use of drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, chondroprotectors.

Is this approach correct? Adherents of alternative treatment point to the lack of effectiveness, and in some cases the complete lack of results, with drug treatment.

Alternative Treatment

One of the adherents of alternative treatment is Sergei Bubnovsky. In contrast to traditional medicine, he shifts the emphasis in the use of joint treatment methods.

He puts physical therapy and physiotherapy in the first place, leaving only an auxiliary role for medications.

But Sergei Bubnovsky’s physical therapy and physiotherapy differs from what modern classical medicine offers us.

Dr. Bubnovsky pays special attention to diseases of the knee joints.

Diseases of the knee joints

Knees are a vulnerable part of the musculoskeletal system. Despite their complex structure, the loads are often excessive.

Weight, movement, injuries - everyone faces this. Older people and athletes are especially susceptible to injury. The first - due to poor vision, age-related clumsiness and fragility of bone tissue, the second - due to insufficient training and abuse of loads.

Diseases of the knee joints, according to Dr. Bubnovsky, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Arthritis is a disease based on joint inflammation. Arthritis can be caused by infections, autoimmune processes, reactions to another disease, or joint damage.
  2. Arthrosis is the destruction of joints due to insufficient nutrition and excessive stress.

Post-traumatic complications also occur in the form of one of these pathological processes. Acute injuries lead to joint inflammation, chronic injuries lead to gradual destruction or degeneration of the joint. In old age or in the case of predisposing factors, these processes occur in parallel, worsening the situation.


What should a person with knee pain do? He goes to a general practitioner, rheumatologist or orthopedist for treatment. If changes in the joints are not too pronounced, physical therapy may be the main treatment method. Traditional physical therapy uses heat on sore knees. Does this make sense?

Knees do not always hurt only because of inflammation of the joint or periarticular tissues. A frequent accompaniment of such diseases is muscle tension, which aggravates the pain. Exposure to heat relieves muscle spasms, and the intensity of pain is noticeably reduced. In addition, the thermal effect acts as a distracting factor and serves as an additional analgesic.

Thermal treatments for arthritis

Does heat cure joint inflammation? Any inflammatory process itself causes the production of heat in the affected organ. This happens due to increased blood flow and at the beginning of the disease it has a protective character. Increased blood flow means adequate nutrition, detoxification, and a busy immune system.

But then pathological mechanisms come into play, and hyperproduction of heat causes a local increase in temperature and redness of the joint. Increased blood flow leads to swelling, which increases pain and impairs joint mobility.

Heat physical therapy can relieve arthritis symptoms but prolong recovery.

Excessive heat during inflammation of the joints leads to a pronounced exacerbation of the process.

Thermal procedures for arthrosis

Since the main pathological process in arthrosis is dystrophy or malnutrition of the joint, it is impossible to cure it with heat. No amount of heating of the knees can increase blood flow in the muscles to such an extent as to restore its normal nutrition. This is especially true for situations where joint destruction has gone too far.

But thermal physiotherapy can alleviate the suffering of a person whose knees hurt. The mechanism of its action will be similar to that of arthritis.

Thanks to pain reduction, classical physiotherapy methods are popular among patients and doctors. But their effect is usually short-lived. And the person again faces the question: “What to do?”

Cold physiotherapy

Dr. Bubnovsky offers the opposite method of treating inflamed joints - cold therapy. Increased blood flow in the midst of inflammation carries not only nutrition and protective cells, but also damaging substances and stimulates pain receptors.

By treating a sore joint with cold, you can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and slow it down. Cold does not eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but breaks pathological chains, promoting rapid recovery.

When exposed to cold, the blood vessels narrow, the release of inflammatory fluid into the intercellular space stops, and the swelling of the joint decreases. This leads to two positive effects:

  1. The range of motion in the knee is restored.
  2. The pain decreases, since the swollen tissues no longer compress the joint.

Cold exposure in medicine has been known for a long time, but many doctors are still afraid to treat sore joints with cold, so as not to worsen the situation. And this often happens when people begin to self-medicate. Cold physiotherapy should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


Physical therapy in traditional medicine receives less attention than it deserves. And the exact exercises that are indicated for diseases of the knee joints are not always prescribed. Sometimes, when performing therapeutic exercises, unpleasant sensations arise that force patients to abandon further exercise.

But it is important to understand that a set of exercises must be done constantly. Routine gymnastics, even with a small load, can sometimes bring more benefits than expensive medications.

The method of treating the musculoskeletal system with movement is called kinesitherapy. And it is this option of physical therapy that Dr. Bubnovsky offers for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joints.

Therapeutic gymnastics by Sergei Bubnovsky

According to the method of Sergei Bubnovsky, exercises for diseases of the knee joints are performed on a special MTB or MTB-1 simulator. But you can do therapeutic exercises at home.

To do this, you need to purchase a rubber shock absorber. One end of it is securely attached to a furniture leg or on the wall, and the second - in the form of a loop - is put on the shin, in its lower part. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is better to do gymnastics in thick socks.

Strength exercises

The purpose of strength exercises is to work the muscles hard. At the same time, blood circulation in them increases, nutrition of muscles and joints improves, and drainage function is restored.

Strength exercises according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method are represented by the following complex:

  1. Starting position – lying on your stomach. The rubber shock absorber is pulled by the foot until the knee is fully bent.
  2. Position – standing. If you need to use two joints, exercises should be done lying on your stomach. The task is to straighten the leg at the knee joint with a rubber shock absorber, which is held by the hand.
  3. Position – standing, shock absorber held by hand. The task is to bend the leg at the knee with the traction of the rubber shock absorber. It is important to do the exercise so that your heel touches your buttocks. Performed alternately for each leg.
  4. Position – sitting sideways to the support. The shock absorber is fixed to it. The straight leg is first adducted and then abducted to the side as much as possible. The second leg can be bent. When performing these exercises, you may experience pain on the inside of your knee. The legs alternate.
  5. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but in this situation the leg is moved to the side as much as possible, stretching the shock absorber. Pain may be felt on the outside of the knee.
  6. Position – on your back, lying down. It is necessary to perform the press with shock absorber traction with one or two legs.

Decompression exercises

In order to restore normal joint function, it is not enough to do strength exercises alone. It is important to strengthen the drainage function of the joint and improve blood circulation in its structures. Exercises that create conditions for unloading the joints are called decompression.

They are performed as follows:

  1. Position – standing on all fours with the rubber shock absorber stretched. The goal is to bring the hip forward as much as possible. The movement should be sharp.
  2. Position – lying on your back. The shock absorber is attached to the support as high as possible, and the other end to the shin. The task is to touch the heel to the floor. The exercise must be done without bending your legs.
  3. The position is the same as for the second exercise. However, the leg is held by the hands and bent at the knee. The task is to touch the heel to the buttocks.
  4. The exercise is similar to the second, only performed on the side.
  5. Position – on your back as far as possible from the support. The task is to bend your leg at the knee and bring your thigh to your stomach.
  6. Position – on the side. The shock absorber is fixed on the leg that is higher. The goal is to bring your knee forward so that it touches the floor in front of your stomach.

When performing strength and decompression exercises, pain in the muscles and crunching in the joints are possible. This is not a contraindication to physical therapy using the method of Sergei Bubnovsky.

Kinesitherapy, like any other treatment method, is not a panacea for joint diseases. Movement therapy can be very effective with the right approach, but in severe cases of arthrosis, endoprosthetics cannot be avoided.

Treatment of joint diseases should be rational and comprehensive, using the most appropriate methods in each specific case.



No matter how old a person is, no matter what kind of work he does, what kind of sport he enjoys, there is absolutely no guarantee that he will remain healthy until old age.

At the same time, sometimes people’s carelessness regarding their health is amazing. A person will endure until the last moment and only when he can no longer get out of bed, only then consult a doctor. And this happens all the time.

If you ask an ordinary passerby whether he has ever felt knee pain in his life, he will most likely answer positively. But whether he took any measures to eliminate the disease, the answer is negative.

But because everyone's knees hurt. And this is one of the most common answers.

A person agrees to endure pain if others feel this pain and also suffer.

But this is a fundamentally wrong way to pose the question. Indeed, in most cases, a person leads an inactive lifestyle because of this, and pain appears. The knee joint does not perform its function. And as a result, the person cannot walk.

Yes, there are cases when problems with the knee joint arose after an injury, and in this case it is very important not to make mistakes in tactics and not rely on the fact that everything will recover on its own.

The knee joint is one of the most important and largest joints in the human body; it is thanks to it that a person can take a step and raise his leg. It is thanks to the knee joint, or rather the muscles and tendons, that a person can rotate his leg in three planes.

It is this joint that is constantly subject to great physical stress, and as a result, problems often arise in its functioning. Wear, overload, injuries - this is a small list of what patients complain about when they come to the doctor for an examination.

It is worth recalling that diseases in the knee joint arise due to a person’s lack of mobility in everyday life. With an inactive lifestyle, the blood supply to the knee joint is very small, which in turn also negatively affects the functioning of the joint.

If the capillary network does not provide oxygen and nutrients to the knee joint, then pain quickly occurs when the leg muscles become weak, blood flow weakens and poor nutrition of the joint. Next comes arthritis, arthrosis, which manifests itself through constant pain, which can develop into tissue changes and disability. However, do not forget that knee pain can be a symptom of hip disease. That is why, when treating a knee joint, it is imperative to diagnose the hip joints.

To prevent this from happening, the knee joint must be well nourished. Nutrition of avascular cartilage is carried out through the capillary network. When moving under the weight of the body, the articular cartilage of the lower extremities is compressed like a sponge, and unused tissue fluid is squeezed out of it. When unloading, the pressure in the cartilage drops, and the cartilage, like a sponge, freed from pressure, expands, and absorbs fresh, nutrient-rich tissue fluid. Thus, with every step, the cartilage is nourished. The intensity of metabolic processes in the joint cavity also depends on the blood supply to the periarticular (periarticular) tissues - muscles and ligaments, as well as on the state of capillary blood flow, which depends on the motor activity of the joint. From here the meaning of the phrase becomes clear: “ Movement for a joint is life" Of course, in the case of a healthy joint.

But if there is no full movement, then illness and pain develop.

  • Pain in the knee joint occurs: due to injury (damage to cartilage, tendons, periarticular bursae)
  • in case of joint mobility impairment
  • for inflammation
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • during overloads
  • osteoarthritis
  • Osgood-Spatter
  • Baker's cyst
  • muscle failure
  • infections, etc.

There are many more diseases and each of them deserves a separate article. But all diseases of the knee joint can be united under one slogan; they all arose due to human laziness or incorrect tactics.

Based on the fact that the human body is a complex mechanism in which most of the processes occur under the influence of stress and physical activity, then the human body needs to be treated with movement. Modern kinesitherapy does just that.

Each individual disease in most cases occurs due to insufficient nutrition of the joint, and nutrition is not found due to weak muscles. And in order to restore nutrition, you need to return strength to the muscles, then the health of the knee joint will return.

At the Dr. Bubnovsky Center, the knee joint is treated through exercises performed on an MTB simulator in decompression mode (that is, without friction in the joint and axial load).

There are 20 mandatory exercises that must be performed correctly to restore the functioning of the knee joint; they are described in the author’s book “Knees Hurt - What to Do?”, but each exercise, their order and the weight of the burden are selected individually for each patient. An analogue of MTB exercises are exercises with rubber shock absorbers. Most exercises for knee rehabilitation should be performed with 15-20 repetitions in one series. These exercises should be performed quite easily for the first two to three weeks, that is, without excessive force when stretching the rubber shock absorber. With each cycle of exercises (12), the number of shock absorbers can be increased, following an increase in leg strength. You should not stomp on one effort. It is necessary to feel some discomfort during tension, that is, to overcome it. But there is no need to rush to increase the number of shock absorbers.

Exercises can be divided into several groups:

The first group of exercises is strength;

The second group of exercises are decompression exercises, that is, when they are performed, the articular surfaces do not rub against each other.

It is important to remember that before any independent work, you need the help of qualified specialists. If your knees hurt or their function is limited, if you want to prevent the destruction of joints or restore them after an injury, consult a kinesiotherapist to select an individual exercise program according to the method of Prof. Doctor of Medical Sciences S.M. Bubnovsky. An instructor-methodologist will help you master the correct technique for performing them. The main thing is to choose the right path to restore health to your joints, and not just drown out the pain with a pill! Modern kinesitherapy methods will definitely help you! After all, it is much easier to do exercises regularly than to walk using crutches.


Gymnastics according to Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee and hip joints

Good day! Before reading recipes for treating diseases with medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) at home, I’ll tell you a little about myself. My name is Konstantin Fedorovich Makarov - I am a herbalist with 40 years of experience. When you read the article, I advise you to take care of your body and health and not immediately begin the treatment methods described below, and now I’ll tell you WHY. There are a lot of medicinal plants, drugs, herbal teas that have proven their effectiveness and have many good reviews about them.

But there is a second side to the coin - these are contraindications for use and concomitant diseases of the patient. For example, few people know that hemlock tincture cannot be used during chemotherapy or that when using other drugs, an exacerbation of the disease occurs and you may become confused. Because, so as not to harm yourself, it is better to consult a specialist or your doctor before using various treatment methods. Good health to you and get treated correctly.

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Pathology of the knee and hip joint is a fairly common disease among the elderly and people of working age. This disease often leads to limited functionality and activity of the patient, and sometimes can lead to disability. And since the joint plays a huge role in maintaining the spine and the entire body weight, physical therapy (PT) has today become an important part in the comprehensive restoration of joints.

Special gymnastics for arthrosis, supplemented by massage, can prevent disturbances in the structure of the joint tissue and maintain the patient’s motor activity, which maintains a satisfactory quality of life.

Doctor-specialist in rehabilitation therapy and rehabilitation, Professor Bubnovsky, has developed a special system of exercises for diseases of the osteoarticular system. This system is aimed at rejuvenating large connecting limbs and small intervertebral joints. One of the most popular areas of work is special physical exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint.

The main indications for performing gymnastics according to Bubnovsky for arthrosis

Treatment of the hip and knee joints according to the method of this professor is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. To restore joints after damage or injury.
  2. For rehabilitation after inflammatory factors.
  3. For joint diseases in the initial stages (it is important not to aggravate the disease with other treatment methods or medications).
  4. For joint stiffness.

How to treat arthrosis according to Bubnovsky

In order for therapeutic exercises to be of great benefit, it is necessary to strictly follow the following rules and advice from Dr. Bubnovsky for arthrosis:

  • It is recommended to conduct the first classes under the guidance of an instructor, who will always be able to help with the implementation and monitor the correctness of the movements;
  • training must begin with exercise, warm-up or massage to warm up and prepare joints and muscles for exercise;
  • The duration of training must be increased gradually over time. At first, 30-60 seconds are enough for one exercise, but over time it is worth increasing the duration to several minutes;
  • It is recommended to end your workout with stretching. This will relieve fatigue and slightly reduce pain.

Following these recommendations will help you avoid excessive fatigue and severe pain. Also, don’t expect a huge positive effect or reaction after just a few sessions. The expected effect can be obtained after a certain time and only if treated using the method of Dr. Bubnovsky.

A set of exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

In this set of exercises for arthrosis, developed by Dr. Bubnovsky, therapeutic exercises are performed in a lying and sitting position. This minimizes stress on your joints and reduces the chance of injury. The load when performing exercises must be increased gradually, focusing on the condition of the diseased joint. Also, with knee arthrosis, exercises at home must be performed carefully, avoiding severe pain.

Let's get straight to the gymnastics:

  1. We lie down on a hard surface with our backs. Bend both legs at the hip and knee joints at once. Next, we straighten and bend our legs alternately. Perform 20 times.
  2. We are in the same position - lying on our back. We stretch our legs, and then bend one knee and try to lift the foot. We stay in this position for several seconds and return to the starting position. We do the same with the other leg.
  3. We lie on our backs. Bend your right leg at the knee. And then, when extending the right leg, bend the left one. So, alternately with each leg.
  4. We are not changing our position. We lie on our back, bend our knee, pressing it to our body, and fix it in this position for a few seconds. Then we relax and return to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg.
  5. The starting position remains the same. In this exercise you need to raise your straight leg 30 cm from the floor. We try to hold it for 5-10 seconds. We change the leg and do the same.
  6. Lying on your back, perform the “bicycle” exercise - this is alternate rotation of your legs. In this exercise you need to maintain a rhythm. It is worth starting to move from slow to faster.
  7. For the next lesson, you need to roll over onto your stomach and bend the knee of one leg. In this case, you must try to reach the heel to the buttock. Perform the movement slowly, without sudden impulses. Perform with both legs alternately.
  8. We sit on a chair, raise one leg and try to keep the leg parallel to the floor with a straight foot for 5 seconds. It is important to achieve tension in the muscles of the lower leg and thigh. Perform with both legs alternately.
  9. We place a chair in front of us and grab its back with our hands. Raise your legs alternately in different directions.
  10. For the next lesson we need to find a fulcrum. The back of a chair, high table or other tall object is suitable for this. We stand near this object and lean our hand on it, giving the body a stable position. We perform swinging movements with the leg (back and forth). We turn in the opposite direction and perform this exercise with the other leg.

Exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint according to Bubnovsky

According to the professor’s method, such gymnastics can be performed simply to improve the condition of joints and ligaments. So, according to Professor Bubnovsky, treatment of hip arthrosis includes performing light, effective exercises every day. The classes look like this:

  1. We sit on the floor or other hard surface. We take our hands to the foot, which is tilted to the side and not bent. We repeat the exercise for the other leg. With sufficient physical training, you can reach for both legs at once.
  2. We repeat the above exercise, only in a standing position. Thus, we focus on the psoas muscles.
  3. We lie down on our stomach and alternately raise our straight legs up to a height of 20-30 cm. We fix the leg for a few seconds.
  4. We turn over onto our backs. Raise your shoulders and head up for a couple of seconds. We stay in this position for a few seconds. Perform until the muscles get tired.
  5. Lying on your back, arms along your waist. Raise both legs up at the same time.
  6. We lie down on our sides. Raise the upper leg slowly and smoothly, fix it, and lower it. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  7. We finish the gymnastics lying on our back with bent legs. Raise your head and try to reach your knees.

Predicted results

If all the advice is followed and the procedures are correctly systematic in the treatment of arthrosis according to Bubnovsky, the following changes are noticed:

  • motor functions of the joint improve;
  • nutrition of joint and cartilaginous tissues increases;
  • pain syndrome decreases;
  • the range of movements increases;
  • the chance of disease recurrence is reduced.

It is prohibited to perform Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics:

  • with inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • with ankylosis;
  • for acute arthritis;
  • with suppuration or other severe forms;
  • for arthrosis during the period of exacerbation or at the last stage.

Once upon a time I barely escaped the tenacious clutches of illness. Not with drugs. He created his own healing system - kinesitherapy, based not on pills, but on movement, and today he puts even hopeless patients on their feet.
And he advises everyone not to rely on miracle pills, but to use the internal reserves of their body. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this. It is enough to remember the simple exercises of morning exercises. And also about squats, which the professor recommends doing every hour.

- Sergei Mikhailovich, do you do exercises in the morning?

By itself. I take a cold bath, work out on exercise machines... Sooner or later everyone comes to do gymnastics. My patients with serious cardiac diseases, having started doing exercises according to a certain system, were surprised at the healing phenomena that happened to them.

Of course, the simplest thing is to swallow a blood pressure pill. The most difficult thing is not to swallow, but to use those resources of the body that will help get rid of the constant increase in pressure. Not a single cardiologist in the world can show me a patient who has recovered from hypertension by taking medications. That is, they first put you on one pill, then on a whole handful...

- Some kind of conspiracy!

Yes, as soon as a person gets sick, after 40 years, cardiologists say: it’s time to take cardioprotectors. That is, you have pain in the chest, and instead of figuring out why it appeared, you dutifully go to the pharmacy and get hooked on drugs that supposedly prevent coronary heart disease. In fact, no prevention occurs; the disease worsens. Because pain behind the sternum is a consequence of the body’s malaise, and not the cause. We need to figure out what is happening to the heart and blood vessels.

I didn't see healthy people leaving the hospital, I saw survivors. And he himself went from a disabled person to today’s completely healthy person.

- But when we all get sick, the first thing we do is, of course, go to the doctor...

And if you are already 40, he says: what can you do, dear, it’s time to get sick! And prescribes pills. And the person drinks them and notices: it doesn’t help! And there is not enough money for medicine! And then he begins to read books on alternative medicine and discovers other medicines - movement, breathing.
It’s a paradox: our doctor exempts children who have had an illness from physical education! For some reason, it is believed that while moving a person will certainly get sick, but lying in bed will recover. But, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.

I wouldn’t like to mention it, but my good friend Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko once came from a tour, where he injured his shoulder by falling. The Germans carefully stitched everything up, but it was impossible to raise a hand: the pain was hellish. I explained to him: “If you don’t do special exercises, your shoulder will shrink. Do you need it? And he courageously, through the pain, did the exercises.

“But pain is the hardest thing to deal with.”

For acute pain, we apply a cold compress to relieve swelling and improve microcirculation. Pain is always swelling, accumulation of fluid. And you need to do exercises that would pump fluid from the joints. Angina is also an inflammation of the inner lining of a blood vessel. And pain appears behind the sternum. And we, instead of doing exercises, pumping this part of the vessel, go to bed and start swallowing pills. But I have not seen a single person who would “pump out” while lying down, swallowing pills.

Patients ask me: “So what, now do gymnastics all your life?” And this is like brushing your teeth and washing your face. Doing gymnastics when you are out of pain, out of disability is a pleasure.
For me, the only truly happy hour of the day is when I do gymnastics in the morning. Because you are not getting old, but getting younger. In a person who exercises regularly, young cells appear instead of old cells.

- What do you recommend doing for this?

I have this triad: squats, push-ups, abdominal exercises. I met with the long-lived artist Boris Efimov, who lived 108 years. He was such a little old man, lively! I ask him: “What are you doing to live so long?” “Nothing,” he answers, “I squat 450 (!) times a day.” And this is a universal way to drive blood through the body!

If you squat daily with a straight back (10 times - a sip of water, 10 times - a sip of water) many problems will disappear. This is especially important for those who sit at the computer a lot - accountants, designers, programmers.

Make it a rule: if you work for an hour, you sit down 30 times. It would also be good to start the morning with a cold bath - 5 seconds. And be sure to plunge headlong into it. You can take a shower, but it's worse. The shower breaks up the energy, the bath collects it.