Research work: "The harm and benefits of sweets." Research work "healthy sweets" Research work candy their harm and benefit

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №7

village of Perepravnaya municipal formation Mostovsky district

research project

Completed by: student 2 "A" class Kozlov Vadim

Head: Kishunova Kristina Sergeevna


    Theoretical part……………………………………………….. 4

2.1 History of candy

2.2 History of chocolate

2.3 Useful properties of sweets

2.4 Harmful properties of sweets

3. Practical part………………………………………………6

3.1 Expert opinion

3.2. Study of the composition of sweets for the content of E-additives

3.3 Survey analysis

3.4 Conclusions………………………………………………………………..8

    Literature………………………………………………………….. 9


6.1. Attachment 1. This is interesting!

6.2. Application2. Expert opinion.

6.4. Application3. Questionnaires, interviews.

6.5. Application4. Booklet.

There was a buffet in our house,

It contained five sweets...

But one day, sometime,

In our house the lights went out

And when they turned on the light

There were no more candies.

Where are these candies now?

If there were children around?

E. Uspensky


On any holiday table, in addition to all the prepared foods and treats, there are always sweets. .

Sweets are a truly unique product: delicious, able to please just by their presence. Consuming different varieties of candy-chocolate products can bring a lot of pleasure. However, sweet tooth should remember that eating sweets can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Many traditionally consider sweets to be a harmful product. Someone considers the opposite - useful.

Where is the truth? Let's try to understand this issue.

Objective: Find out what benefits the human body can bring the use of sweets or what harm.


    To get acquainted with the history of the origin of chocolate, sweets;

    Find out what diseases that persecute a person when sweets are abused;

    With the help of a questionnaire, find out how many people consume sweets daily;

    Investigate the preferences and tastes for sweets among schoolchildren;

    To determine the impact on the human body of the use of sweets;

Hypothesis: If a person consumes sweets, then he will be able to avoid some diseases, and if abused, he will harm his body.

Object of study: candies

Research methods

    Theoretical (studying material on rational nutrition)

    Sociological (conducting a sociological survey)

    Creative (booklet creation)


Nutrition is at the center of medical attention today. In all countries, interest in them is constantly growing among the most diverse segments of the population, scientists and government agencies. The problem of nutrition is included in the list of the most important global problems put forward by the UN for mankind along with such problems as environmental protection and energy supply. And, as folk wisdom says, in order to be happy, one must be healthy. And the first step to health is to follow the rules of proper nutrition.

    Theoretical part

2.1 History of candy

The history of sweets covers the geography of the entire globe. The word "candy" itself is translated from Latin as "cooked potion".

The first confectioners appeared in ancient Egypt, where noble citizens have always been distinguished by their love for culinary delights: since sugar was not yet known at that time, they cooked sweets from honey and dates.

In some countries of the East, each tribe had its own confectioner and secret recipes. In these regions, almonds, honey and figs have long been used to make candy.

In ancient Rome, the recipe for sweets made from nuts, poppy seeds, honey and sesame seeds was kept in the strictest confidence.

In Russia, sweets were made from maple syrup, molasses and honey.

When a large amount of sugar from the colonies began to appear in Europe in the 17th century, confectionery became another art form. The French candied fruits and developed new recipes. The French chronicles tell of how sweets played a role of national importance at court. In 1715, the chancellor won the favor of the French king Louis XV, presenting him in gratitude for the throne speech delivered in parliament ... a huge dish of sweets! However, what else could win the heart of the monarch, who was then only five years old?!

Sweets have a rich history and many interesting facts (Appendix 1).

2.2 History of chocolate

Chocolate was invented before the discovery of America by Columbus. It was made from cocoa beans. The Aztec and Mayan tribes used chocolate as the basis for drinks and sauces. Cocoa beans were ground and mixed with water, producing sweet and bitter drinks reserved exclusively for the elite and priests. The chocolate itself was made from roasted and ground fermented beans from the Theobroma cacao leguminous tree. It grew in the lowlands of the tropics of Central and South America, in Mexico. Currently, this tree is cultivated in all tropical countries.

2.3 What is the use of sweet ...

Sweets are carbohydrates, and therefore a source of energy, so necessary for babies when they move a lot. Also, carbohydrates are involved in the construction of blood proteins, hormones, etc.

In addition, sweets are source of joy for a child!

Chocolate beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system stem, protecting it from atherosclerosis. It contains vitamin F, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

Contains chocolate and flavonoids that inactivate free radicals, the main cause of cell aging. A small piece of dark chocolate has the same amount of flavonoids as 6 apples, 4.5 cups of tea, 28 cups of white wine, or 2 cups of red wine.

One bar of chocolate contains more potassium, calcium, minerals and vitamins (mainly B1, B12 and PP) than one green apple. And dark chocolate is also quite high in iron.

2.4 What is its harm ...

All sweets contain sugars - glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc. Sucrose forms lactic acid, which increases the acidic environment in the mouth. The result - tooth enamel remains unprotected, and as a result - the threat of caries.

Sugars have the ability to be stored in the body as fats. From the sweet disrupt metabolism. Increased load on the liver.

An excessive amount of carbohydrates increases gastric secretion and can cause heartburn and stomach pain.

Chocolate enhances the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so its daily use can cause significant skin problems, provoke allergic reactions.

    Practical part

3.1 Expert opinion

In the course of research work, I learned the opinion of the dentist about sweets.

Whenever a child eats a candy, the sucrose present in it forms lactic acid, which increases the natural acidic environment in the mouth. If sweets are eaten immediately after dinner, then the plaque remaining on the enamel of the teeth after eating protects them from the destructive effects of sugars.

If the child grabbed the candy two hours after dinner or before eating, the enamel is uncovered. And even teeth with the best heredity in this case are threatened with caries.

3.2 Examination of the composition of sweets for the content of additives

Customers, especially children, most often choose products based on their appearance, beautiful packaging, and pleasant taste. To what extent is the attractiveness of the packaging justified by the quality of the product? Are the most popular foods among children really healthy? What is the mysterious letter E and the numbers next to it are so often found on candy packages? I wanted to understand all these issues.

To do this, I conducted a survey among my peers to find out which sweets the guys like the most. After finding out the preferences of my classmates, I examined the composition of these sweets for the content of E-additives. I wrote off the composition from the packages, for this I even had to purchase a magnifying glass, since on many packages it is written in such small print that it is difficult to see it with the naked eye. Information about the chemical significance and biological effects on the body is taken mainly from the Internet (many sites publish materials from printed publications, mainly newspapers).

Food supplement

Sweets in which I found an additive

When tested in animals, consumption of E-476 in large amounts resulted in enlargement of the kidneys and liver.

chocolate "Alpengold", "Bliss", "Russian", "Milka M-Joy"

It has a negative effect on the body. May cause an asthma attack.

marmalade, marshmallow "Sharmel" factory "Udarnitsa",

candy factory "Krasnaya Zarya"

Causes skin inflammation and increased activity in children.

M&M, Mishki Habiro

It can cause cancer, causes various types of allergies.

Chewing sweets "HUBBA - BUBBA",

M&M, Smeshariki

Causes allergic reactions, nasal congestion, runny nose, nausea, abdominal pain, hyperactivity.

Sweets "Taste of Summer" from the factory "Russia - a generous soul", marshmallows of the brand "Klim"

3.3 Survey analysis

A total of 36 questionnaires were collected (survey questions are presented in Appendix 3).

When answering the questions, it turned out that more than half of the children (60%) are very fond of sweets. The answers also revealed that 38% are indifferent to sweets.

36% of the participants in the questionnaire consume sweets several times a day. I also learned the most favorite sweets of classmates. I like toffee the most.

During the interview, I found out that 58% of schoolchildren are aware of the dangers of sweets. Note the negative impact of sweets on teeth. 85% of respondents believe that sweets are not harmful to the body, because they are delicious.


As a result of the work done, I learned the history of the emergence of sweets, chocolate, got acquainted with their classification.

From a conversation with a dentist, I learned what consequences for the human body can be caused by the abuse of sweets.

Based on the results of the survey and the experiment, I fully confirmed my hypothesis that if a person consumes sweets, then he will be able to avoid some diseases, and if abused, he will harm his body.

From literary sources and the Internet, I learned that doctors are still hotly debating about how much sweets can and should be eaten. The exact "dose" has not yet been established. However, everyone unanimously agrees that a few tiled squares or two candies will not bring any harm.

There is no consensus on whether chocolate, sweets are harmful or useful.

List of used literature

    Big medical encyclopedia. – M.: Eksmo, 2005

    The doctor advises. Therapeutic nutrition for various diseases. - Irkutsk, 1993

    Food hygiene. - M .: Medicine, 1971

    Children's encyclopedia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1972

    Pichugina G.V. We repeat chemistry on examples of everyday life. – M.: ARKTI, 1999

    Ponomarev S. A. Raise your kids healthy. - M .: New school, 1989

    Skurikhin I.M., Nechaev A.P. Everything about food from the point of view of a chemist. -

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Chemist. - M .: Pedagogy, 1990

    Encyclopedia for children. – M.: Avanta, 2000

slide 1

slide 2

The purpose of the work: Find out what benefits the human body can bring the use of sweets or what harm.

slide 3

Tasks: To get acquainted with the history of the emergence of chocolate, sweets; Find out what diseases that persecute a person when sweets are abused; With the help of a questionnaire, find out how many people consume sweets daily; Conduct a sociological survey "Which sweets do you like the most?" Determine the impact on the human body of the use of sweets.

slide 4

Hypothesis: If a person consumes sweets, he will be able to avoid some diseases, and if abused, he will harm his body.

slide 5

From the encyclopedia Sweets (Italian, confetto, from Latin confectus - made), confectionery products made on the basis of sugar syrup, to which various types of food raw materials are added. Candies are distinguished: glazed, unglazed; chocolate with fillings. Depending on the type of candy mass from which the filling is made, sweets are: fondant, fruit, milk, liqueur, whipped, cream, roasted, etc.

slide 6

The very first candy in the world The very first appeared in Egypt. Since sugar was not yet known at that time, dates and honey were used instead. In the East, sweets were made from almonds and figs, and in ancient Rome, nuts and poppy seeds were boiled with honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds. We also had something like sweets: in ancient Russia they were made from maple syrup, molasses and honey.

Slide 7

Questionnaire: How do you feel about sweets? I like very much Indifferent I don't like How often do you eat sweets? Several times a day Daily Once a week What is your favorite candy? Do you know about the benefits and harms of sweets?

Slide 8

Slide 9

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slide 11

slide 12

Benefits Sweets are carbohydrates, that is, the most important source of energy. Children move a lot, their energy consumption is high, it must be replenished quickly, from this point of view, sweets are useful for children. Carbohydrates are also involved in the construction of cell membranes, blood proteins, hormones.

slide 13

Chocolate against a heart attack The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases reduces the moderate consumption of chocolate. This delicacy can protect against myocardial infarction. However, chocolate should not be abused. The ideal rate is 6-7 g of chocolate per day. That is enough to guarantee a protective effect against inflammation processes in the body and cardiovascular diseases.

slide 14

Useful chocolate Chocolate dilates blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots. British and Italian scientists have shown that dark chocolate also raises the level of antioxidants in the blood by 20%. Dark chocolate contains an increased number of antioxidants that prevent the development of cancerous tumors. Dark chocolate can improve arterial blood flow and lower blood pressure.

slide 15

The most harmful sweets Chewy sweets, sweets, toffee. Any sticky and viscous sweets. They are real killers for your teeth. For a figure, there is no more harm from them than from simple candies, but at times the chances of getting caries increase. Crawling between the teeth, sticking to them, these soft candies create all the conditions for bacteria to develop and feed, which successfully eat the enamel of your teeth. All this applies to chocolate with liquid filling and caramel.

slide 16

Dietary Supplements Lollipops, ice cream, jams can all be health hazards. Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers have been stuffing us with food additives for several years - flavors, dyes, preservatives. They are added anywhere. We are already accustomed, the only question that remains open is how much this all harms health. Recently, British scientists found out that many of the food additives allowed in Ukraine are still harmful, especially for children. For example, they can cause fatigue, restless sleep, and even mental decline.

slide 17

What E-dyat our peanuts? E-110, sunset yellow FCF, orange-yellow S Added to colored candy icing, jams, etc. Causes allergic reactions, nasal congestion, runny nose, nausea, abdominal pain, hyperactivity. Banned in many countries.

slide 18

What E-dyat our peanuts? E-104, quinoline yellow Used in colored dragees, cough drops, chewing gums. Causes skin inflammation and increased activity in children. Banned in Australia, Japan, Norway, USA.

slide 19

What E-dyat our peanuts? E-129, special red May be orange. "Crawled" into some sweets, waffles and other confectionery. It can cause cancer, causes various types of allergies. Banned in 9 European countries.

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What E-dyat our peanuts? E-102, tartrazine Has a negative effect on the body.

slide 21

Specialist's opinion The daily dose of sweets, wafers and cookies for younger schoolchildren is 20 g, for schoolchildren - 25 g. In fact, a child is allowed to eat only 2-3 sweets per day. However, on New Year's holidays, the rules of proper nutrition are forgotten. Zoya Larionova, pediatric nutritionist, State Research Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

slide 22

Expert opinion Ideal gift Marmalade - 100 g Marshmallow - 100 g Marshmallow - 70 g Halva in chocolate - 30 g Prunes or dried apricots in chocolate - 100 g Milk chocolate bar - 50 g Chocolate egg - 30 g Baby cookies - 70 g Nuts - 100 g Tangerines or kiwi in foil - 350 g Zoya Larionova, pediatric nutritionist, State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Relevance of the work: It seems that a sweet delicacy has always been present in human life. It is simply impossible to name the date of appearance of sweets. The ancient peoples of Egypt used dates and honey instead of sweets. In the East, sweets were made from dates and almonds, while the ancient Romans boiled poppy seeds and nuts with honey, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Modern children and many adults are very fond of sweets and have no idea how you can live without sweets. On any festive table there are sure to be all kinds of sweets. Not a single birthday, anniversary, wedding is complete without sweets, and we drink tea with sweets, and a colorful New Year's gift with sweets is one of the main attributes of the New Year.

We are interested in: Is it possible to make sweets at home.

Sweets can be made at home.

Target: make sweets at home.

Research objectives:
1. To study the history of the emergence of a sweet treat - sweets.
2. Study the classification of sweets.
3. Make candy at home.
4. Analyze the result.

Object of study: candy classification.

Subject of study: candy making.

Research methods: study of literature, experiment, analysis of results.

The history of the sweet treat
Having studied the literature, we learned that the word "candy" comes from the Latin confectum - "made." The term was originally used by apothecaries in the 16th century. They called this word candied or processed into jam fruits used for medicinal purposes.
More than 3,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians accidentally mixed honey, figs and nuts - this is how the very first candies in the world appeared. During excavations in Egypt, they found pictures and records containing information about how sweets looked and how they were prepared. In those days, refined sugar was unknown to people, so honey was consumed as a sweet. And the main component of sweets in Egypt were dates.
There is an ancient Roman recipe in which nuts and poppy seeds were boiled with honey, then all this was peppered and sprinkled with honey-soaked sesame seeds. The result was something similar to nougat.
The French candied fruits and developed new recipes. One of them was a nut sugar syrup called prolings. He was probably the forerunner of the famous New Orleans praline.
The first chocolates were made in Brussels by the apothecary John Neuhaus in 1857. Inventing a cough suppressant, he accidentally came up with a product that we today call chocolates. In 1912, his son introduced chocolates to the market. And his wife came up with golden wrappers for these sweets, after which they began to be in great demand.
In Russia, the first confectionery factory appeared in 1861. It was the Moscow factory "Red October". But this does not mean that sweets were not made in Russia before. Each pastry chef for each dinner party prepared sweets according to his own secret recipe. So, in a cookbook published in 1791, 30 recipes for making sweets are given, but only for home production and use.
This sweet delicacy has been popular throughout the ages among all segments of the population. True, for a long time it was absolutely inaccessible to ordinary people and was the privilege of the rich and noble class.

Candy classification
After studying the literature, we learned that sweets are divided into the following groups:
fondant sweets;
milk sweets;
sweets with fruit filling;
jelly and jelly-fruit sweets;
roasted sweets;
whipped candies;
cream sweets;
marzipan sweets.
Milk candy mass is obtained in periodic and continuous ways by boiling sugar or sugar-syrup-milk syrups. With a fully crystalline structure, for example, “Start” sweets are produced, with a partially crystalline structure - “Korovka”, with an amorphous structure, like a cream fudge. Sweets "Creamy fudge" are made on condensed milk with the addition of butter, the body of the candy consists of pure cream fudge.
Praline and praline-type candy masses are a mass obtained from roasted nut kernels, pounded with fat and sugar.
Cream candy masses are obtained by churning and mixing sugar-based masses with the introduction of chocolate, nuts, milk and other flavoring components.
Fruit candy masses are obtained by boiling pureed fruit and berry raw materials and sugar with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances. This candy mass is gelatinous, slightly viscous.
Jelly-fruit candy masses are prepared by boiling pureed fruit and berry raw materials and sugar with the addition of a gelling agent. These products have an elastic-elastic consistency.
Roasted candy masses are obtained by mixing a liquid paste-like mass (sugar melt, honey syrup, fruit mass) with crushed kernels of nuts or seeds of oilseeds and cereals. Roasting masses can have a soft, viscous and hard consistency. Soft roasted masses are obtained by boiling the fruit mass and then mixing with crushed nut kernels or oil seeds. Solid roast masses are obtained by melting sugar and then mixing with crushed nut kernels or oil seeds.
Marzipan candy masses are plastic viscous masses made from unroasted nuts or oil, grain and legume seeds and sugar with the addition of milk, cognac, etc. Marzipan candy masses are divided into simple raw marzipan and custard marzipan.
Raw marzipan is made by mixing crushed, unroasted nut kernels with powdered sugar. Custard marzipan is obtained by brewing mashed, unroasted raw walnut kernels with sugar syrup.

The benefits and harms of sweets
Sweets are heterogeneous sugar or chocolate products, which include candied fruits, pralines. Sweets contain 60-75% sugar. The benefits of sweets are determined by its antiseptic action. Eating natural chocolates, consisting exclusively of dark chocolate, our body will be easier to cope with inflammatory processes and various infections.
Substances contained in dark chocolate reduce cholesterol in the blood, improve the functioning of our heart, protect the skin from premature aging, from the appearance of wrinkles, and prevent dementia in old age. Chocolate is a wonderful cough remedy. Sweets contain a high content of carbohydrates, which gives us strength and excellent health for the whole day.
But there is also a negative side of such a saturated carbohydrate content, this is a negative effect on weight. Namely, high calorie content favors the development of obesity or the acquisition of excess weight.
Adults often tell us that you can’t eat a lot of sweets, otherwise your teeth will deteriorate. There is truth in this, for the most part sweets can cause the development of caries, since the sucrose contained in them contributes to the formation of lactic acid. It is especially dangerous to eat sweets a few hours after eating, because in this case there is no plaque on the teeth that protects the teeth. Chewy sweets and hard candies are especially harmful to the teeth.
If the sweets have a bright multi-colored color, it means that the sweets contain artificial dyes that can cause both allergies and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Chocolate bars can be addictive, and the high calorie content in this product, with frequent use, can lead not only to excess weight, but also to gastritis.
According to experts, for the full development of a child, it is necessary to consume 30-40 g of "sweet carbohydrates" per day: two or three sweets, or one marshmallow, or two cookies. On some day, the norm can be doubled, and the next day you can live without sweets. It is more useful to eat dark chocolate sweets with fruit filling of cherries, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, which are rich in antioxidants, pectins, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Candies with whole nuts; walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and other nuts, they are rich in proteins, potassium, phosphorus and zinc and other useful substances.
Speaking about the benefits of sweets, it is necessary to understand that in addition to a positive effect, they can be harmful to health if they are abused or eaten in large quantities. The most important thing is to stick to a reasonable rate and not to consume sweets in large quantities.

Making sweets at home
Today, almost everyone prefers to buy ready-made sweets in supermarkets and rarely prepares them, but in vain - after all, homemade ones are much tastier. To create homemade sweets, we needed the following products: cookies, cocoa, butter, nuts, raisins, condensed milk, sugar.
Experience 1. Making sweets according to the technology of Belyaeva Darya
400 gr. delicious cookies
1 can of condensed milk
100 grams of butter
200 grams of any nuts
1 tablespoon cocoa, sugar
Working process:
1. Grind cookies
2. Pour condensed milk into a deep cup
3. Add butter to condensed milk
4. Mix condensed milk, butter, cocoa
5. Add the resulting mass to the cookies and mix everything
6. From the resulting mass we roll balls
7. Grind nuts
8. Sprinkle the finished balls with nuts!
Conclusion: As a result of the production of sweets according to the technology, we got tasty, sweet, dark chocolate candies, similar in classification to milk candies and pralimé. Candies were given the name - "Chocolate balls". [Appendix 1, photos 1-10]

Experience 2. Making sweets according to technology
Murmahambetova Tatiana
250 gr. butter
500 gr. Sahara
2 tbsp cocoa
300 gr. powdered milk
100 gr. raisins
0.5 st. boiled water
Working process:
1. Raisins were poured with water, washed well, dried
2. Butter was cut into pieces, put on fire, stirred until the butter melted.
3. Pour in sugar and cocoa. Everything was well mixed. Added half a glass of boiled water. Once again, mix well, cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
4. Removed from the fire. Pour half of the milk powder, mix well.
5. Pour raisins and the remaining milk powder. Everything was mixed well so that there were no lumps.
6. The finished mass was laid out in molds - paws.
7. Sweets laid out on a dish
Conclusion: As a result of the production of sweets according to the technology, we spent 200 rubles, we got 1 kg of sweets: sweet, light chocolate in color, similar in classification to fondant sweets.
The sweets were given the name - "Sweet paws". [Appendix 1, Photos 11--23]

As a result of work on the study, we learned that sweets are heterogeneous sugar or chocolate products, which include candied fruits, pralines. Sweets contain 60-75% sugar. They are divided into glazed (coated with a layer of glaze), unglazed and chocolate-filled sweets. Sweets have always been present in a person's life, and it is simply impossible to name the date of the appearance of sweets.
With the immoderate consumption of sweets, like all sweets, an excess amount of sucrose enters the human body. As a result, an excess of lactic acid is formed, which successfully destroys our teeth, spoiling tooth enamel and increasing the risk of caries.
At home, it is quite easy to make your own sweets. These sweets will be much simpler than store-bought sweets, but much more natural and tastier.
As a result, our hypothesis was confirmed.
The work is of practical importance and can be used by students to make sweets at home.
After the study and the results obtained, we thought about a new question: “Do we buy high-quality sweets in the store?”.
We believe that this research work can be continued by studying the chemical composition of sweets.

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

Primary school "Opening", Khabarovsk

Free Discovery Zone


Topic: The benefits and harms of sweets


Student 1 "B" class

MAOU NOSH "Discovery", Khabarovsk

Kudyba Gleb

Scientific adviser:

Orekhova Natalya Sergeevna

Teacher 1 "B" class

Khabarovsk, 2019



The history of the origin of sweets

2.1 What are the benefits of sweets?

2.2. What's wrong with sweets?

Candy Composition Research

  1. Survey analysis

  1. The study of the composition of sweets




Children and many adults love sweets very much. Not a single birthday, anniversary, wedding is complete without sweets, and we drink tea with sweets, and a colorful New Year's gift with sweets is one of the main attributes of the New Year.

There is a good tradition in our class: on the birthday, the birthday boy treats the whole class with candies or sweets. However, we often hear that sweets are unhealthy.

It became interesting for me to find out what sweets are, why you can’t eat them as much as you want, where and how they came from, can they really be both useful and harmful to our health?

That's whytopicFor my research work, I chose the topic "Harm and benefits of sweets."


Find out what benefits or harms to the human body can bring the use of sweets.


Get to know the history of the origin of sweets;

Learn about the beneficial and harmful properties of sweets;

Find out what diseases a person can get with the unlimited use of sweets and sweets;

Conduct a survey among the students of the first grades of our school;


I suppose that if sweets are consumed in moderation, they have a positive effect on the human body.

Object of study:


Subject and methods of research:

Information about sweets;

Analysis, generalization of information;



The history of the origin of candy.

The word "candy" comes from the Latinconfectum(konfectum) - "made". And the first sweets were sold in pharmacies. These were candied or jam-packed fruits and were used as medicine.

The history of sweets covers the geography of the entire globe.

More than 3,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians accidentally mixed honey, figs, and nuts to create the world's first candy. The main component of sweets in Egypt were dates.

In the East, sweets were made from almonds and figs. To this day, the Arab countries are famous for their unprecedented variety of sweets. It was the Arabs who first began to boil sugar to obtain new types of confectionery.

In ancient Rome, the recipe for sweets made from nuts, poppy seeds, honey and sesame seeds was kept in the strictest confidence.

In Russia, sweets were made from maple syrup, molasses and honey. The role of sweets was performed by apples, pears and dried fruits boiled in honey. In the 18th century, serf cooks treated their owners to sugar-coated cranberries and raspberries.

In Europe, they drank sweet syrup, but it was used to wash down the unpleasant taste of medicines.

In 1671, the chef of the Marquis de Plessis Praline made for his master the first chocolates stuffed with grated nuts, called "pralines".

In the XVIII century, Paris became the world capital not only of fashion, but also of confectionery. Local craftsmen made dozens of types of sweets, giving them the shape of fruits, animals and birds. New types of fillings were added to the previous types of filling - grilled roasted nuts, as well as marmalade and marzipan (sweet almond dough) brought from Italy. Each confectioner had his own secret: one added lemon to sweets, another - orange, the third - some other exotic product.

Candy has a rich history and many interesting facts.

Confetti is called that for a reason. Previously, on holidays, people showered each other not with pieces of colored paper, but with real sweets - sweets!

According to GOST, confectionery products are divided intosugar and flour .

Sugar products include:caramel, sweets, chocolate, marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow, halva, toffee, dragee, oriental sweets.

Is eating candy good or bad?

  1. What are the benefits of sweets?

The composition of sweets includes carbohydrates, fats, some proteins, very few vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for our body, increase mental and physical performance, cheer up. From this it follows that sweets are good for children!

Also, the substances contained in dark chocolate have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Chocolate was the first cough remedy in Europe!

Chocolate is one of the stimulants for the production of the "pleasure hormone" - serotonin. People are given sweets and cakes, because they contain a "piece" of happiness and pleasure.

That's how many useful properties of sweets! But all the same, unlimited consumption of sweets is harmful to the body. More on that in the next section...

  1. What's wrong with sweets?

All sweets contain sugar. Sucrose forms lactic acid, which increases the acidic environment in the mouth. The result - tooth enamel remains unprotected, caries is formed.

Sweets can disrupt metabolism, which often leads to obesity. Increased load on the liver.

Daily consumption of chocolate can cause significant skin problems (for example, diathesis), provoke allergies.

Recently, food additives have been used in the production of sweets. They can cause fatigue, restless sleep, and even mental decline.

Candy Composition Research

  1. Survey analysis

I conducted a survey among the first classes of our school. A total of 50 students were included in the survey. The result of the survey showed that all children love and consume sweets to a greater or lesser extent.


"How often do you eat sweets?":

24 - answered several times a day,

14 - 1 time per day,

12 - rare.

"Do you know about the benefits of sweets?":

17 answered Yes,

6 No,

27 Would like to know

"Do you know about the dangers of sweets?":

36 answered Yes,

3 no,

11 would like to know

"What is your favorite candy?":

Chocolate - 15,

Caramel - 8,

Iris - 9,

Marmalade - 6,

Jelly - 4,

Soufflé - 8.

  1. The study of the composition of sweets

Having found out the preferences with the help of a questionnaire, I examined the composition of these sweets for the content of additives. Almost in the composition of all sweets I saw the letterE and next to hernumbers. In deciphering the letterE helped the "almighty" Internet.

Food supplement

Researchable candies

E476 - consumption in large quantities leads to enlargement of the liver and kidneys

Chocolate: "Alpengold", "Bliss", "Russian"

E102 - can trigger an asthma attack

Marmalade, marshmallow "Sharmel"

E160 paprika extract (derived from peppers), considered safe,

E162 - beet-derived dye, may contain nitrates, not recommended for children

Chupa-Chups lollipops

E182 - added for color saturation

Iris "Golden Key"


While working on the project, I learned the history of the emergence of sweets and chocolate. I studied the composition of some types of sweets, found out which of the components in the composition of sweets are harmful and which are useful.

I learned that sweets have both positive and negative effects on the human body.

Moderate the consumption of sweets for food has a beneficial effect on a person's mood, is a source of energy.

Unlimited eating sweets reduces the amount of vitamins in the body, sugar "eats" the supply of vitamin B, destroys teeth.

This once again confirms my hypothesis that a small bar of chocolate or two sweets will not bring any harm, but will have a positive effect on the body.

Eat sweets, be in a good mood, but know when to stop!


Zinets I.I. Health and Nutrition. Perm: Perm book publishing house, 1991

Likum A. Everything about everything. Encyclopedia for children. Moscow: Philological Society "SLOVO", 1994

Encyclopedia for children. Moscow: Avanta publishing house, 2000

Article "Delicious candy". Developing magazine for children "Luntik" No. 10, 2014

Municipal state educational institution

“Basic secondary school with. Voznesenka

Khorolsky municipal district of Primorsky Krai

Research work on the topic:

"Useful Sweets"

Completed by: Pleshanova Daria,

3rd grade student.

Head: Beloborodova A.V.


1. Introduction

2. From the history of sweets. Types of sweets.

3. Composition of sweets. Research.

3.1 Useful properties of sweets

3.2. Harmful properties of sweets

3.3. Diseases that provoke the use of sweets

5. The most useful sweets.


7. Literature



All children love sweets. Imagine our life without candy

very difficult. Finding a kid who doesn't like candy is almost impossible.

However, doctors are sounding the alarm - sweet is dangerous to health! Moms do not get tired of repeating that a lot of sweets are harmful. Scientists do not stop repeating that sweets are the cause of the development of many diseases. So what troubles lie in wait for the sweet tooth, and what exactly is the harm of sweets? Are there healthy sweatshirts that you can eat without fear for your health?

Topic:"Useful Sweets"

Target: find out if sweets can be healthy.

Object of study: sweets

Subject of study: sweets: harmful and beneficial properties.

Hypothesis: I assume that since people love sweets so much, it cannot be harmful, but beneficial for the body.


    To study the composition of sweets;

    Learn about the beneficial and harmful properties of the substances that make up sweets.

    Find out what diseases that persecute a person when abused


4. Find out if healthy sweets exist

5.. Conduct a survey in the class and find out how classmates relate to sweets, how often they use them, what they know about the benefits and harms of sweets.

Research methods: analysis, comparisons, generalizations, research, questioning, information search.

Theoretical part

2. History of candy

The word "candy" is translated from Latin as "cooked potion".

The first confectioners appeared in ancient Egypt, where noble citizens have always been distinguished by their love for culinary delights: since sugar was not yet known at that time, they cooked sweets from honey and dates.

In ancient Rome, a recipe for sweets made from nuts, poppy seeds, honey and sesame

kept in the strictest confidence.

In Russia, sweets were made from maple syrup, molasses and honey.

When a large amount of sugar from the colonies began to appear in Europe in the 17th century, confectionery became another art form. The French candied fruits and developed new recipes. French chronicles tell of how candy played an important role at court.In 1715 the Chancellorwon the favor of the French king Louis XV, presenting him in gratitude for the throne speech delivered in parliament ... a huge dish of sweets! However, what else could win the heart of the monarch, who was then only five years old?

History of chocolate

Chocolate was invented before the discovery of America by Columbus. It was made

from cocoa beans. The Aztec and Mayan tribes used chocolate as the basis for

drinks and sauces. Cocoa beans were ground and mixed with water to obtain

sweet and bitter drinks reserved exclusively for the elite and priests. The chocolate itself was made from roasted and ground fermented beans from the Theobroma cacao leguminous tree. It grew in the lowlands of the tropics of Central and South America, in Mexico. Currently, this tree is cultivated in all tropical countries.

The first chocolates were made in Brussels by the apothecary John Neuhaus in 1857. Inventing a cough remedy, he accidentally got a product that we today call chocolates. In 1912, his son introduced chocolates to the market. And his wife came up with golden wrappers for these sweets, after which they went like hot cakes.

What kind of candy can be?

The range of sweets includes more than a hundred items:

Lollipops, bars, fruit, marshmallow, caramel, truffles, toffee,

chocolate and others.

We found out that, depending on the methods of preparation and finishing, sweets are divided into:

Unglazed (without coating the body with glaze);

Glazed (fully or partially glazed);

Chocolate with fillings, various shapes and embossed patterns

on the surface (such as "Assorted");

In powdered sugar (cranberries in powdered sugar, etc.).

In appearance, sweets are produced wrapped, not wrapped,

molded in foil.

According to the method of making the mass, sweets are divided into fondant,

dairy, fruit, jelly, liquor, whipped, chocolate, on

caramel base.

3. Shopping trip. Research.

My next step was to visit candy stores to pick my favorites and research their ingredients. (Annex 2)

We found out that the composition of sweets can include the following food products: granulated sugar, starch syrup, honey, fats - vegetable and animal, dairy products, eggs, cocoa beans, nuts, fruits and berries, oil seeds - sesame, sunflower and others , gelling agents - pectin, agar, gelatin and others, aromatic and flavoring additives.

Analysis of the composition showed that most of the products are not alarming, however, the sweets contain dyes and preservatives, as well as modified starch, which are harmful to health.

I have tested some candies for E-additives. That's what I did.

E476-When tested in animals, the consumption of E-476 in large quantities led to an increase in the kidneys and liver (Alpengold chocolate, Nesquik, Chamomile sweets)

E-322 It has a negative effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Sweets "CHIO RIO" "Krokant"

E-162 is a dye that is obtained from beets. It is considered safe to eat, but contains nitrates, so it is not recommended to give to children.

Lollipops "Chupa-Chups"

3.1 Useful properties of sweets.

Sweets are carbohydrates, and therefore a source of energy, so necessary for

people when they move a lot. Carbohydrates are also involved in building

blood proteins, hormones, etc.

In addition, sweets are a source of joy for the child!. Sugar promotes the production of the "hormone of happiness" (serotonin)

Serotonin normalizes blood clotting; stimulates the smooth muscles of blood vessels, respiratory tract, intestines; at the same time, it enhances intestinal motility, reduces the daily amount of urine, narrows the bronchioles (branching of the bronchi). A lack of serotonin can cause intestinal obstruction.

Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, protecting it from atherosclerosis. It contains vitamin F, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

One bar of chocolate contains potassium, calcium, minerals and

There are more vitamins than in one green apple.

Antioxidants (namely, polyphenols), this product protects blood vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Flavonoids found in chocolate from cocoa improve blood circulation due to their ability to destroy blood clots, which cause heart attacks and other diseases associated with circulatory disorders.

Thus, it is clear that sweets have many useful properties that have a beneficial effect on human health.

3.2 Harmful properties of sweets.

Scientists, doctors, parents do not stop saying that sweets are harmful. What substances harm the human body.

    Sweets provoke an increase in glucose levels, as a result, the pancreas begins to produce more and more insulin, which leads to the development of diabetes.

    There is evidence that excess sugar intake causes increased cholesterol formation, which leads to early atherosclerosis.

    From a large amount of carbohydrates, the secretion of gastric juice increases and heartburn occurs. There is a metabolic disorder, and as a result, allergic rashes on the skin - diathesis.

    Some people may experience headaches from chocolate, as the tannin contained in cocoa constricts blood vessels.

    All sweets contain sugars - glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc. Sucrose forms lactic acid, which increases the acidic environment in the mouth. The result - tooth enamel remains unprotected, and as a result -

the threat of caries.

    Sugars have the ability to be stored in the body as fats. Sweets can disrupt metabolism. Increased load on the liver.

    Sweet, increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands, hence the problems with the skin.

So, harmful substances. which negatively affect human health, sweets have a lot.

3.3 Diseases that provoke sweets

Excessive consumption of sweets can lead to serious health problems.

With an irrepressible passion for sweets, caries develops.

It develops resistance to leptin, the satiety hormone that causes insatiable hunger and obesity.

Insulin resistance develops, resulting in diabetes.

A large amount of glucose leads to a weakening of the entire cardiovascular system, especially the walls of blood vessels.

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreatic cancer, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gout and Alzheimer's disease - all these are the consequences of a person's irrepressible love for sweets.

There is an opinion that sweets are good for the brain. However, Spanish experts argue that sugar adversely affects the human brain.

A rare hereditary disease - Lafort's syndrome, scientists studied in experiments with mice. With this disease, epileptic seizures develop as a result of the fact that glycogen accumulates in brain cells, dementia and movement disorders can also occur. In order for glycogen not to “settle” on brain cells, the human body produces 2 types of special proteins, each of which is responsible for its own specific gene. It is precisely in the case of damage to even one of these genes that Lafora syndrome develops.

Scientists from California State University in the process of scientific research made interesting conclusions. They conducted research in 9 colonies and 803 boarding schools for minors, where sugar and sweets were excluded from the diet of children, replacing it with fruits and vegetables.

The results of the experiment exceeded all expectations: after a year, the children's scores (on a five-point scale) increased by an average of 1 point, and 50% of all children with mental retardation were recognized as healthy.

Thus, it is clear that the harm from sweet is much more than good. However, all these terrible consequences can only arise as a result of the abuse of products containing sugar.

4. Results of the sociological survey

I found out that the composition of sweets can include both unhealthy and even harmful substances. These are thickeners, dyes, emulsifiers, flavors, harmful fats, etc. What now to refuse the sweet at all? No. I found out that there are sweets that practically do not harm human health, but only benefit. So:

Honey . 100g of this product contains the daily rate of iron, magnesium and manganese. Feel free to switch to honey, unless, of course, you are allergic to bee products. Honey not only has antimicrobial properties, it is also indispensable for colds, insomnia and even constipation.

Marmalade. It turns out that pectin, which marmalade is rich in, is extremely useful, as it is able to remove toxins from the body, as well as radionuclides and salts of heavy metals, marmalade helps cleanse the body of “bad cholesterol”.

Kozinaki Any nut is, first of all, a storehouse of vitamins, vegetable proteins and minerals. Walnut is considered the champion in the content of unsaturated fatty acids in it, as well as vitamins B, C, and vitamins A and E, which are especially beneficial for skin, nails and hair. It has been scientifically proven that thanks to just a few nuts a day, you can improve memory and strengthen immunity. , lower cholesterol levels, increase brain activity, and normalize blood pressure and the nervous system. What is the benefit of honey, which is present in the classic recipe for making this delicacy, has been known to everyone since childhood, so the traditional Georgian “gozinaki” are considered not only very tasty, but also a healthy product.


Zephyr. Marshmallow contains a large amount of protein, iron and phosphorus

Dried fruits . Very rich in fiber (especially dates and apricots: 1.5 g per 100 g of product), iron, magnesium. It is useful for blood vessels, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Appendix 2